ISSN: 2278 0211 (Online)
Trimaran Hull Form Optimization Using
Sunny Verma
Scientist, Naval Science and Technological Laboratory, Vishakhapatnam, India
MD Kareem Khan
Scientist, Naval Science and Technological Laboratory, Vishakhapatnam, India
P.C Praveen
Scientist, Naval Science and Technological Laboratory, Vishakhapatnam, India
Manu Korulla
Scientist, Naval Science and Technological Laboratory, Vishakhapatnam, India
P.K. Panigrahi
Scientist, Naval Science and Technological Laboratory, Vishakhapatnam, India
Trimaran is the most promising hull form for naval vessels because of its excellent
performance characteristics notably reduced wave making resistance, larger deck
area, good sea keeping and ability to perform optimally in a range of speeds. In its
most generic form it consists of a slender centre hull and two side hulls. High
slenderness ratio, differential breadth to draft ratios, stagger/separation of the hull
forms gives an edge over equivalent monohulls/catamarans in minimising wave
making resistance. However
by means of advancements to the existing design which can include bulb & wave
piercing forms, stern wedge/flap/interceptors, asymmetry in side hull configuration ,
lifting bodies etc. The present paper investigates the qualitative performance of
trimaran hull form modified to various configurations using Shipflow® .
Trimaran is gaining popularity in the recent times as it provides a series of advantages
over the conventional monohulls and catamarans. These benefits range from lesser wave
making resistance, larger deck area to better stealth properties.
The advantages of trimaran over other hull forms in terms of hydrodynamics is
contributed by its slender centre hulls (L m/Bm>12), slender side hulls (Ls/Bs>15) and as
well as their relative positing in longitudinal and transverse plane. The three hulls in a
trimaran results in higher wetted surface compared to mono-hulls and catamarans. This
increases frictional resistance resulting in higher resistances at low speeds. At high
speeds, the combination of slender hulls and optimum positioning of side hulls can result
in low wave-making resistance. Thus beyond Fn ~ 0.30, where residuary resistance
dominates, its reduction can far outweigh the penalty for increased wetted surface. The
position of side hull is a major determinant in the wave making resistance. So the first
step in optimization of Trimaran hull is to determine the optimal location of side hulls.
An significant studies have been conducted on the optimization of the position of side
hull both experimentally and computationally [1][2] and results have suggested that
benefits of a particular position are not uniform in the entire range of Froude nos.
However, it can be concluded that more aft wards is the side hull, lesser is the wave
making resistance and in general more widely the side hulls, lesser is the wave making
resistance. But wider transverse separation always does not behave alike in reducing the
wave making resistance. The interaction of wave system generated by the centre hull
with that of side hull have an important impact on the total wave making resistance From
the independent studies carried out at Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California
[2] and Stevens Institute of technology [1] to optimize the location of side hulls, it can be
clearly observed that wave making resistance coefficient (Cw) is minimum for aft most
location but not for maximum separation.
Also, Hongxuang Peng[5] discusses studies done on trimaran with different hull forms
form which concluded
that trimaran with side-hulls aligned with the stern (zero stagger) normally would
produce smaller wave resistance coefficient(Cw) than that with the side-hulls aligned
with the middle of the hull for Fn = 0.35 to 0.55. Studies at Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Navale (DIN) [6] evaluated a trimaran hull configuration for a displacement of 28000
m3, that reaches a service speed of 36 to 40 knots (Fn = 0.285 and 0.397). It was
observed that the trimaran configurations achieve a reduction of about 20 % of Cw with
respect to no-interference condition. At 32 knots, forward positioning of the side hulls
seem to give favourable powering conditions; at 40 knots the zero stagger positioning
give the best performance.
Further it is also possible to optimize the trimaran for lesser wave drag by carrying out
modification in hulls like wave piercing forms, reducing length of side hulls
(displacement constant), etc. Experimental studies done by Daniel J. Lyons et al. at
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division [3] on trimaran hull form fitted with
wave piercing forms. The results showed a considerable reduction in the overall
Trimaran wave making resistance is sensitive to relative positioning of its hulls,
modifications to individual hulls It can be understood from the fact that the +ve/-ve
interference of the wave system generated by a trimaran decides its optimal
hydrodynamic behaviour. So a minor change in positioning of individual hulls and
modifications can alter the resultant wave system and thus the interference resistance.
In relation to hydrodynamic design of the optimal hull form for a trimaran at Naval
Science and Technological Laboratory, Vishakhapatnam, intensive computational and
experimental studies were carried out, first the optimal stagger and separation was
arrived for the base trimaran and then a series of modifications were carried out for
centre hull as well as for side hulls. This paper summarizes the comprehensive study that
has been carried out to optimize the trimaran hull form using Shipflow®
2.Trimaran Hull Details
The centre hull has an L/B ~12 & side hull has L/B ~20. The side hulls are
approximately 52 % of the length of the centre hull. Table 1 & Fig 3 give the details and
view of hull forms.
Centre Hull
Side hull
Table 1: Measurements of centre hull & side hull
Figure 1: Profile view of Centre hull and Side hull
3.Trimaran Hull Optimization
3.1.Optimization Philosophy
The optimization was carried out with the goal of achieving lesser wave making
resistance and other characteristics like seakeeping, manoeuvring etc were not taken into
consideration in this phase. Wave making resistance coefficient (Cw) was computed
using potential flow analysis in Shipflow® for various configurations and were
First the analysis was carried out to determine the optimal stagger and separation of the
side hulls. A series of modifications for centre hull, for side hull and combinations were
performed which will be discussed in detail in subsequent sections.
3.2.Shipflow® Inputs
software was used to perform
the studies. It contains two modes of mesh - auto and manual. In auto mode user just
need to enter offset file and a set of commands and software by default will generate
body and free surface mesh required for computation. However, in case of trimaran auto
mode has limitation and the user is directed to use manual mesh mode. The meshing
parameters have to be manually feed by user. The offset file was prepared in such a
manner that its offsets, draft conditions are non-dimensionalised by LBP parameter.
Since Cw is independent of scale, it made no difference in the obtained results. Also the
scaling was done in such a manner the displacement was constant for every
configuration. The major challenge was to decide the meshing parameters for which
Shipflow® gives the accurate results because when computation was performed by
feeding different values the results were quite different from each other. To solve the
problem model test results of trimaran done at High Speed Towing tank, NS TL were
considered. Numerous
computations were performed by varying meshing parameters
and then the meshing for which results were more close to the model tests results were
adopted as the standard one. Table 2 shows the standard meshing parameters used. This
meshing was used as a benchmark and was proportionately adjusted for any
modifications in configurations. For example while analysing side hull with reduced
length (35 % of centre hulls), grids on side hulls were also reduced accordingly.
title( title = "Trimaran" )
program( xmesh, xpan )
vship( fn = [0.5], rn = [0] )
hull( trim )
offset( file = "as_Trimaran " )
body( grno = 1, offsetg = "sidehull", ytra = 0.0822, station = 31,
point = 7, str2 = 5, df2 = 0.01, dl2 = 0.02)
body( grno = 2, offsetg = "sidehull", ytra = 0.0822, ymir, station = 31,
point = 7, str2 = 5, df2 = 0.01,dl2 = 0.02)
body( grno = 3, offsetg = "CH", xtra = -0.49,
station = 61, point = 14,
str2 = 5, df2 = 0.01, dl2 = 0.02 )
free( grno = 4, point = 5, str1 = 5, df1 = 0.005,
dl1 = 0.005, nbd2 = 1,
ibd2 = [3], nbd4 = 1, ibd4 = [2], y4side = 0.0822, xups = -1, xbow = 0,
xste = 1, xdow = 3, stau = 35, stam = 35, stad =
105 )
free( grno = 5, point = 20, str1 = 1, df1 = 0.02,
nbd2 = 1, ibd2 = [1],
y4side = -1, xups = -1, xdow = 3, stau = 35,
stam = 35, stad = 105 )
transom( grno = 6, point = 3, nbd1 = 1, ibd1 =
[3], stad = 11 )
transom( grno = 7, point = 3, nbd1 = 2, ibd1 =
[1,2], stad = 21 )
control( free, linear, eqavfa = 0.001 )
iterati( maxit = 20 )
parall( nthread = 2 )
Table 2: Sample Shipflow® command file
3.3.Optimal Stagger and Separation
The Stagger and separation are defined as shown in
Fig 5. Both are defined in terms of
% of overall length of centre hull (LOA)
Figure 3: Stagger and separation definition
A total of nine cases were considered for computation
for various combinations of
stagger and separation as provided in Table 3. First the effect of Stagger was studied by
fixing the separation to 8.3 %. The results (Fig.6) showed that Cw is minimum for the 75
% stagger in the interested range of Froude no.
75 %
59.8 %
45 %
8.3 %
9.4 %
10.2 %
Table 3: Various cases for computation
Figure 4: Cw vs Fn (Separation = 8.3 %)
Since it was known through the literature survey that effect of stagger is more prominent
general, 75 % stagger was adopted as the optimal stagger and then computation was done
for different separations. Other cases were not run. So a total of 6 cases were run in place
of estimated 9 runs.
Figure 5: Cw vs Fn (Stagger = 75 %)
It was observed that in the interested range of Froude no 75 % stagger and 8.3 %
separation gives the minimum Cw and thus the same was adopted as the optimal
configuration for further cases studies. Fig 6 shows the wave contour for this
configuration at Fn= 0.5
Figure 6: wave contours at Fn=0.5
The Colour scheme used for depicting wave contours in terms of wave heights is shown
in adjacent figure. The brightest red corresponds to crest with maximum wave height and
darkest blue corresponds to trough with maximum wave height. The values given here
are unit less as they are non-dimensionalized by length of the vessel.
4.Trimaran Hull Optimization Through Modifications
4.1.Case 1: Trimaran With Centre Hull And Side Hull ( 52 % Of Centre Hull Length)
Fitted With Wave Piercing Forms
In this particular configuration centre hull and side hulls were fitted with wave piercing
bows. The draft was according reduced to match the displacement. Computation was
then done for stagger (75%) and separation (8.3%). Results are presented in Fig 7 & Fig
4.2.Case 2: Trimaran With Centre Hull Fitted
With Wave Piercing Forms And Side
Hull Without Wave Piercing Forms
In this configuration centre hull was fitted with wave piercing bulb. The side hull was
same as that of base trimaran. The draft of centre hull was according adjusted to match
the original displacement. Computation was then done for a stagger (75%) and
separation (8.3%). Results are presented in Fig 7 & Fig 8
4.3.Case 3: Trimaran With Side Hull Truncated By Aft (I.E. 35 % Of Centre Hull
The centre hull of the trimaran is same as that of base trimaran but the side hull is
reduced by 35 % by truncating it by aft. The draft was increased in order to match the
displacement. The Cw computation was then carried out for a stagger and separation of
75 % and
8.3 %. Results obtained are given in Fig 7 & Fig 8
4.4.Case 4: Trimaran with Centre hull and Side hull(35 % of centre hull length) fitted
with Wave piercing forms
The case is similar to trimaran with all hulls fitted with bulb except the length of side
hull which is reduced by 35 % by truncating it by aft. The Cw computation was then
carried out for a stagger and separation of 75 % and 8.3 %. Results obtained are given in
Fig 7 & Fig 8
Figure 7: Cw vs Fn for various cases of optimization
Figure 8: Wave contours for various cases of optimization
Figure 7: CW vs Fn for various cases (graphical comparison
centre hull and side hulls that ultimately decides the wave resistance. So the efficient
design of the trimaran depends on the positive exploitation of this phenomenon.
We extend our sincere thanks to Dr. Lief Broberg and Mr Magnus Ostberg form
FLOWTECH International AB, Sweden for their technical support in handling the
Shipflow® software. Their prompt replies to your problems helped a great deal in
carrying out the analysis in a smooth manner.
Experimental Study For The Optimization Of Side-Hull Location For Resistance
Jianjun Qi, Doctoral Thesis, Stevens Institute Of Technology
Doctoral Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California
Concept Of A Heavy Air Lift Seabasing Ship (Halss) Represented By Model
Hongxuang Peng, Doctoral Thesis, Dalhousie University