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Basically India has predominantly been an agrarian economy with agriculture sector contributing a big share (18%) to Gross Domestic product (GDP) and employment about 52% of the population was dependent on the agriculture sector for their livelihood. So India's agriculture sector continues to be the life line of its people. In fact long term average growth in agriculture has been close to 2% and Indias' population has been growing at 1.4%. Consequently, India has just managed to maintain its per capita growth in food and non food crop production. In the post Independence era, stagnant production, low productivity, traditional technology, and poor rural infrastructure were the major challenges in Indian agriculture sector. To overcome these challenges agriculture development received the highest priority. The agriculture sector provides food security to 125 crore people in India.For inclusive growth and overall development of Indian economy agriculture growth is indespensible.
This article explores the support given to Education for Sustainable Agriculture (ESA) by the South African Agricultural Sciences school curricula. It compares two post-apartheid curricula: the current Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) and the phased-out National Curriculum Statement (NCS) for Agricultural Sciences in terms of content, knowledge requirements, cognitive processes and philosophies of education for sustainable agriculture, as well as the role of assessment and the stated purpose of the curricula. While the NCS had a vision of sustainable agriculture and of a progressive curriculum, these aims were not supported in the detail of the curriculum. The CAPS presents a shift back to more traditional, discipline-based agriculture, with a detailed curriculum, which provides more support for ESA in terms of fundamental ecological knowledge as well as sustainable agriculture strategies. However, the CAPS, has fewer requirements for practical agriculture, higher order learning and engagement with broad socioeconomic issues. The paper concludes with recommendations for supporting ESA, through teacher education and amendments to the assessment requirements.
International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, 2008
The paper offers an analysis of some of the prevailing practices in sustainable agriculture and points out some of the paradoxes that need to be addressed and resolved in order to enhance acceptability of sustainable agriculture by the general public. Education and research in sustainable agriculture are suggested as possible tools via which solutions to the paradoxes may be found. Preserving the homeostasis of agroecosystems constitutes the ultimate goal of a sustainable agriculture.
The role of agriculture in development remains much debated. This paper takes an empirical perspective and focuses on poverty, as opposed to growth alone. The contribution of a sector to poverty reduction is shown to depend on its own growth performance, its indirect impact on growth in other sectors, the extent to which poor people participate in the sector, and the size of the sector in the overall economy. Bringing together these different effects using cross-country econometric evidence indicates that agriculture is significantly more effective in reducing poverty among the poorest of the poor (as reflected in the $1-day squared poverty gap). It is also up to 3.2 times better at reducing $1-day headcount poverty in low-income and resource rich countries (including those in Sub-Saharan Africa), at least when societies are not fundamentally unequal. However, when it comes to the better off poor (reflected in the $2-day measure), non-agriculture has the edge. These results are driven by the much larger participation of poorer households in growth from agriculture and the lower poverty reducing effect of non-agriculture in the presence of extractive industries.
IFOAM 2000 Scientific Conference, Basel, Switzerland, 2000
Organic agriculture is frequently understood as a system of food production and consumption proper to environmentally-and health-conscious people of the developed world. The main drive of many developing countries to produce organic food and fibres is to tap market opportunities in developed nations., 2019
Nepal is the fourth most vulnerable country with Global Hunger Index (GHI) of 21.2 % scored indicating various risks and vulnerability. Impact of climate change seen on agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Nepal in a frontline of climate change as 42 districts classified as food insecure, 21 glacial lakes are potentially dangerous and Nearly 1.9 million people are highly climate vulnerable is dangerous statistical data for future Nepal. Change in rainfall pattern, temperature variation, unseasonal rain and long drought are some impacts on climate which ultimately impact on agriculture systems. Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) is an approach for transforming and reorients agricultural system to support food security under changing environmental condition. CSA promotes only by collaborate actions of small holder farmers, marginalized group, policy makers and others related sectors. In this paper bird's eye views on issues of climate change, Climate smart agriculture (CSA), local institution, policy makers, adaptation and practices, Program, policy, project ongoing in Nepal to tackle all of such concerns of impacts of climate change in agriculture, climate, food security particularly in the context of Nepal.
Post-communist Economies, 2006
This article analyses the impact of off-farm employment on the process of commercialisation of agriculture in Romania. The descriptive and correlation analysis reveals the existence of an important relationship between off-farm employment and agricultural sales. High off-farm employment is correlated with low number of households selling agricultural products and with high amount sold per household, suggesting specialisation and commercial farming in the regions with off-farm employment. Non-agricultural employment has an indirect impact on agricultural sales as well, through increased labour productivity in agriculture and through easing access to credit. Moreover, commercial farms undertake substantial investments in agriculture, thus furthering commercialisation.
ABSRTACT: The very important environmental problems before the World as a whole and India in particular is climate change, which is very closely associated with the global warming. They are very important on the ground that they have number of evil consequences on more or less all the spheres of the environment. It is not only India, but all the countries have been facing from the evil impacts of the climate change. It is adversely affecting the segments of the environments such as atmosphere, land, water and living things. Besides this the climate change is also adversely affecting the productive activities and sectors in the economies of the number of countries in the world as whole. It is therefore climate change has become at this moment a very importantly environmental problem of the globe as whole. And in the era of globalization and liberalization all countries of world are very closely interlinked and inter connected with the each other and India cannot be an exception to it. Hence India also has been severely affecting from the evil consequences of the climate change. It is a well known fact that at this moment also India is an agricultural country with over dependence of the people on agriculture as a means of lively hood, a major source of employment and a major population living in rural areas, whose prime economic activity is agriculture. This demands to discuss the interconnections and linkages between climate change and agriculture in the context of India. The prime objective of the present paper is identifying the things of serious concerns of climate change for the Indian agriculture. The study is exclusively relied on the secondary data concerning agriculture as well as climate change for the latest period prominently. The study concludes that the climate change has created severe adverse impacts on agriculture and thereby things of serious concerns , which are necessary to be tackled with the joint efforts of the government policy and active participation of the people and the society as a whole.
Așa începe unicitatea fiecăruia, printr-un gest unic. Prima amintire Din nou, ajungem la un lucru comun. Oricât ne-am strădui "să o avem", nu vom ajunge la această performanță. Neuronii, bătu-i-ar…! Așa că aceasta vine din povestirile părinților, de obicei a mămicii. "Deschizând ochii" în Banat, la Buziaș, am aflat de la mămica mea că mă născusem în Beiuș. Mulți ani nu am putut localiza orașul. Când am făcut geografia României, mult mai târziu, am văzut pe hartă localitatea și am fost entuziasmat că este undeva pe lângă munte. Atât a putut face un locuitor al Buziașului, în câmpia Banatului, având spre Vest un deal care mi se părea măreț, dealul Silagiului. Poveste din Beiuș Tot mama mi-a povestit că la Beiuș, tata lucra la o unitate militară și de aceea era foarte rar pe acasă. Ca să facă cumpărăturile, nu avea cu cine să mă lase acolo unde stăteam. Astfel că, în primii ani ai vieții, dădaca mea a fost un rrom (după cum se spune astăzi în România), care își pierduse în război posibilitatea de a umbla liber. Însă nu își pierduse și posibilitatea de a păzi. Deci nu plângeam prea des. Amintire personală Mergeam, la vârsta de cincizeci de ani, cu mașina personală, spre Oradea. Am ales, ca să mă delectez, având în vedere că treceam și prin zona natală a tatălui meu, varianta Deva-Brad-Oradea. Mi-a plăcut ideea, pentru faptul că mă puteam gândi în "tihnă" la cei cincizeci de ani prin care trecusem până atunci. Drumul este uimitor, cu peisaje de o amploare incredibilă, chiar dacă înălțimile, râurile sau căpițele de fân nu au o amploare neașteptată. Echilibrul interior, însă, te duce, fără să vrei, la imaginea lui Avram Iancu tânăr. Aveam și motive să urlu-nu doar o dată, dar ca la naștere-deoarece am aflat, pe pielea mea, că șoseaua în sine este într-o refacere mai lungă de-Sabin Adrian LUCA Parcul stațiunii Buziaş Mergând pe câmpul anterior amintit, la încă 100 m, după poligonul de tragere cu pistoletul, intrai într-o pădure… cel puțin eu așa o consideram pe atunci. Era lată doar de aproximativ 80-100 m, avea, pentru mine, atunci, o lungime infinită, o alee pe mijloc, care mergea pe lungimea sa, și alte alei, din loc în loc, care o străbăteau perpendicular pe lungime. Ceea ce mă atrăgea erau arborii, care aveau o frumusețe nefirească și nu prea mai văzusem alții identici, în alte locuri. Sigur că eu spun acum denumirile pe care le-am învățat mai târziu. Pe atunci aveau pentru mine culori, tipuri de frunze, tipuri de fructe, înălțimi și frumusețe particulară, personalizată. Acum pot să spun că erau pini roșii, pini negri, brazi de diverse tipuri, dar erau și foioase, precum și foioase exotice, cu fructe străine nouă. Din loc în loc, în câte un arbore, se aflau podiumuri pe care ajungeai prin cățărare. Am observat că aleile erau pietruite. Trebuie să duc povestea până la sfârșit, deoarece eu eram într-un capăt al parcului stațiunii Buziaș, amenajat, în momentul construirii, pentru călărie și vânătoare organizată. De aici se mergea direct la Baia nr. 1, de unde se ajungea mai apoi la marea incintă înconjurată cu tuneluri din lemn traforat și pictat, se ajungea la esența parcului, în al cărui centru exista cazinoul, și la capătul căruia se afla marele ștrand în aer liber, parcul terminându-se după ștrand, la câteva sute de metri. Pe o parte, tot parcul era străjuit de Baia nr. 2 și de orașul Buziaș, iar pe cealaltă parte, toate construcțiile făceau parte din stațiune, cu spitalul, cu vile pentru cazare, cu hoteluri, cu dispensare, cu băi și pavilioane. Mai mult, înainte de anii '90 ai secolului al XX-lea, s-au construit și hoteluri moderne, de jurîmprejurul parcului, cu toate facilitățile epocii. Tot parcul era împânzit cu izvoare active de apă minerală, pentru turiști și locuitori. Erau cinci izvoare amenajate pentru public, ștrandul în aer liber era alimentat cu apă minerală și în anii '90 s-a construit și o mare fabrică de îmbuteliere a apei minerale. * Vă mulţumesc pentru că aţi fost alături de mine, citind aceste rânduri, şi vă invit, cât de curând pot, să parcurgeţi şi următorul volum.
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