Universitas Bakrie, Indonesia
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Abstract - This paper was designed to explain about internal branding in corporation through millenial workers in relation to
the way employees work and also millenials’ expectations of the company. This paper using literature review of internal
branding and compare with the information about millenial generation characteristics by using 5 components that affect
internal branding. This paper is finding the process flow, the nature, and the association of two variables between millenial
characters and 5 components that affect internal branding to find the right way for the implementation of internal branding
activities into millenial workers. Research on this paper is limited to those employees who belong to the age of millenial
within the company and includes variables that affect internal branding and the connection with millenial workers. This
paper examine linkages internal branding activity against millenial workers and find the factors that influence the
effectiveness of internal branding activity against the character of millenial workers.
Keywords - Millenial Workers, Internal Branding, Millenial Expectations, Branding
millenials’ expectation within the company. Thats
why, it is very important to the company learn more
about millenial expectation and also the
characteristics of this generation.
The purpose of this journal is as appropriate referrals
and find the best way and flow of internal branding
activites into the millenias’ generation adapted to
their character and also their expectation within the
The situation of the company now is in a very
competitive environment which continues on the
many challenges and obstacles encountered to be able
to survive in the workplace (Grace, 2008), In
improving competitiveness, companies using the
brand to offer a product identity that distinguishes it
from competitors' products. Brand is generally set up
in a few words, symbols, designs, or a particular
symbol. A good image of a brand or organization has
an impact will be beneficial, and at the same time the
negative image would hurt the good name of
In improving the company brand known name of
internal branding and employer branding as a form of
corporate brand presented through behavior and
attitude of the employees working in the company.
For companies, the proper way to project the brand
company to the eyes of consumers is by providing
proper brand representation of employees on
customer service that company give to them.
Therefore, understand how the right internal branding
for the company is necessary in improving the
effectiveness of corporate branding.
On this era, millenial generation became the
generation who dominate the population of almost
every country in the world as the part of demographic
bonus. Therefore, the millenial generation can also be
certain to dominate the workplace at the company.
Understanding the right way in the internal branding
on millenial workers can be the best way for
companies to survive and also win the competitive
advantage in the era of the demographic bonus.
But, there are so many differences between millenial
generation and the previous generation like
Generation X and generation Y. Its because the
situation of millenials’ life that influenced of the
According to Allan (2007), the brand is not only a
good name (good name) of a product, organization, or
the name of the place but also a promise suppose
promise on quality, promises on the sales
performance, and so on. The effectiveness of a
corporate brand can be achieved by balancing
between the external orientation of the Company.
Therefore, it is important for internal party companies
to participate are employees understand the brand
company in presenting or giving brand promise to
external companies (Carley, Khanyapuss, & Ranis ,
2010), This is because the employee is the center of
corporate brand management, which according to
(Ind, 1998)employees have the potential to make or
ruin the corporate brand. To that end, the proper
guidance to employees with a brand value of the
company can determine the existence of a
competitive advantage for companies (Pringle &
Thompson, 2001),
According to (Heskett, 1987)Internal quality of
service is a key driver of customer satisfaction, and
performance improvements to the company
performance and increased profitability. To that end,
all the individual employees of the company should
be able to provide the best services in order to
convince the creation of a brand promise that in
accordance with the wishes of consumers and
Proceedings of Sciencefora International Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 19th October, 2019
Internal Branding on Millenial Workers
demographic dividend that the number of people of
productive age more and more increased while the
less of advanced age and the age of the children is not
too much.
These are in the productive age millenial generation
are known to dominate the population of today's
society. Indirectly, millenial generation will dominate
in the enterprise workspace and occupied many areas
of work in the company. Therefore, to understand the
character and behavior of millenial generation is
important to be done by the company, especially in
increasing the effectiveness of internal branding.
companies. This is related to the effectiveness of
internal branding, which leads to staff who deal
directly with consumers and employees in the back
office. In conclusion, all employees of each
department in the company needs to grasp and
understand the corporate brand values (Carley,
Khanyapuss, & Ranis , 2010), If this is achieved then
it is certain that the role and commitment of
employees in delivering the brand promise will
increase (Heskett, 1987),
Some literature explains that the presentation of
internal branding can fulfill the brand promise to
external companies (Drake, 2005), Internal branding
activity in enhancing the role of employees against
corporate brand communication and education are
associated brand values employees to improve their
knowledge of their intellectual and emotional
attachment to the brand employees (De Chernatony,
Christodoulides, Roper, Abimbola, & Davies, 2006),
With the understanding of the brand values,
employees can behave and act naturally for providing
services in the work and in the same time also be able
to effectively communicate the brand promise to the
consumer (Mosley, 2007), Moreover, with
appropriate recognition of the brand values then the
employee would be very easy to achieve emotional
attachment to the company (Cook & Wall, 1980).
So, some definition of internal branding from the
expert like (Morhart, Herzog, & Tomczak, Brandspesific leadership : Turning employees into brand
champions, 2009) is a process through brand purpose
to facilitate the internalization of the brand for
employees and has the indicatior of brand values and
objectives brand. (Vallaster & De Chernatony, 2006)
said that internal branding is the process of
internalization the brand value into the employees to
they can behave in accordance with the company’s
value given through the brand promise. (Davies,
Chun, & Kamins, 2010) said internal branding is an
attempt to influence positively affected employee
attitudes, emotions, thus affecting the emotions of
employees through a brand so it has indicator of
emotion and attitude of employees. While (King &
Grace, 2006) said that internal branding is the process
of arranging the experience of employees in the
See explanation above, it can be concluded that in
order to provide effective results of internal branding
activities for the company it is necessary to
understand and align employees with the company's
in order to create a good organizational culture within
the company and get the best outcome. When internal
branding efforts properly implemented, then the
employees will be easier to understand the company's
brand, have a sense of ownership of the brand, as well
as provide evidence of the brand as a form of
corporate responsibility.
In that case, the company is currently in a state of
intense competition workplace where some countries,
especially Indonesia will enter the era of
Who is Millennial Generations?
Millennial generation is the generation that dominates
the center of the entire world population. A survey
conducted by the United States Census Bureau found
that the current generation of Millennials (ages 15-34
years) constitute the majority of the US population,
and even in 2013 the population of this millenial
generation reaches one-third of the total US
The same condition also occurs in Indonesia where,
according to the Central Bureau of Statistics (2015),
of approximately 250 million people in Indonesia at
this time, approximately 34.47% of the population or
about 82 million people aged 15-34 years. In essence,
the generation millenial has become the majority of
the inhabitants in the entire world today over the next
few years, especially in Indonesia who predicted that
2025 will be entering a demographic bonus that is a
state where the number of productive age more and
more, while the elderly becomes less and young age
have not been many.
There are a lot of perceptions about the range of birth
years of the millenial generation. One of them as I got
from the book with the title Smart Millenials work
KMPlus Consulting, 2016 said that the millenial
generation is Generation Y was born between the
years 1980-1994 and Z generation born between the
years of 1995-2010 with age range of 15-34 years.
Millenial generation is considered quite different
from previous generations often called baby boomers
and generation X. Goldman Sachs Global Investment
Research describes the millenial generation as "a
different world, different view. Millenials have grown
up in a time of rapid change, giving them a set of
priorities and expectations sharply different from
previous generations "- that is the millenial
generation has a different world, a different view.
They grew up in the midst of rapid change, and give
them priorities and very different expectations of
generations thereon.
According to (Ainsworth, 2009) in the company or
organization is currently quite difficult to attract
workers from the millennial with high ability.
Therefore, human resources development section
often conduct training and development aimed at
Proceedings of Sciencefora International Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 19th October, 2019
Internal Branding on Millenial Workers
improving or reinforcing the importance of employee
development within the company.
Employee development can in fact improve
organizational commitment and employee retention.
Generational differences in the company rise to the
differences in how training and development of
employees. As a generation that has dominated the
global workforce, it is important for companies to
focus on developing the millennial employees in the
company. Millennials are the characters of digital
natives (Farrell and Hurt, 2014). They are working
with High performance oriented, high maintenance,
Therefore, in order to implement the overall internal
branding to employees of the company it is important
to understand the patterns and how to work with the
millenial generation and the expectations of diverse
characters and apply the proper way to implement
internal branding activities to the millenial
generation. Some of the millenials attitudes and
expectation at work are :
wants to do
wants feedback
wants to
maximize his
Rapid change
Millenials Attitudes at Work
Its no good time anymore where
the manager of the company act as
a boss who just gives orders and
ask respected. Therefore, the
expected millennial workers from
the manager or his boss is the
figure of a mentor. In contrast to
the boss, mentor not only looked
at the employees based on his
position, but he is also able to
explore the potential of the
employees and give constructive
Stop thinking that the millennial
just want to have fun. In fact, the
millennial not arbitrary in work.
They want to make sure that what
they accomplished is able to
provide a significant impact to the
company, clients, or people in the
vicinity. While entertainment
facilities in their offices by simply
seen as a bonus, not a priority.
Most companies have held
employee assessment every year,
but it was not enough. The
employees could not wait once a
year to know what needs to be
improved and upgraded from their
companies need to increase the
frequency of assessment so that
improvements on an ongoing
basis, as well as showing the
maximum performance.
Each has various advantages
More like a
rather than
and Internet
commendable, so it is very
unfortunate if they handle the job
far below his ability. Instead, they
are entitled to be given the
opportunity to channel and
maximize their potential. Not only
that, the millennial workers also
want to know if the company can
support them to tread a better
career in the future.
They tend to like a flexible work
time due to their flexibility of time
to do the job given to the company
that they can increase their
It did not take long to change jobs.
If two years of no change on the
children tend to leave his job alias
moved offices. Even performance
reviews that tend formalities are
also ignored by this generation.
millennial children prefer to work
in a team alias collaboration.
That's why they prefer to work
with a culture of collaboration. In
fact, they are also not too happy
with the culture of competition
among individuals.
In doing the work of the
millennial generation can not be
separated from the internet and
technology. Millennial generation
is the generation that fast and have
a high mobility in doing the job
for highly utilized technology
assistance right by them.
In order to make the best way to implementation of
internal branding into millenials worker we gonna see
from 5 components that affect internal branding that
is brand ideologies, brand-centered human resource
management, brand leadership, internal brand
communities, and the last one is internal corporate
There are several definitions related to brand
ideologies from the experts. (Fathima, 2016) said that
brand ideologies is an attempt to unite the mission,
vision, goals, norms, and values the company into a
brand. (King & Grace, 2006) said that brand
ideologies is not only about the destination and the
written norm, but also include an organizational
culture that employees demonstrate in everyday
activities. They also said brand ideologies clarifying
the role of employees and increase brand
commitment. (De Chernatony, Christodoulides,
Proceedings of Sciencefora International Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 19th October, 2019
Internal Branding on Millenial Workers
Roper, Abimbola, & Davies, 2006)said that brand
ideologies shows the position of the brand and the
role of values and knowledge of employees of the
said that internal communicationas a tool in the
intellectual and emotional directing employees to the
company's goals. She also said that internal brand
communication is an effort to disseminate knowledge
brand and to convince employees of the value and
relevance of the brand. (Miles & Mangold, 2005) said
that Internal brand communication can be divided
into formal internal communications like memos by
HR department, informal internal communication as
interactions between employees, external formal
communication such as advertising, external
communications such informal and customer
There are several types of the definition of brand
leadership from the experts. (Burmann & Zeplin,
2005 said that brand leadership is working to increase
brand value by identification of employee, which can
affect the strong of employee commitment to the
value of the brand (brand values). (Morhart, 2009)
said that Brand leadership is led efforts to change the
way the employee to disclose the brand ideology and
facilitate the positive value of the brand. (Vallaster &
De Chernatony, 2006) said that brand leadership is
led efforts to change the brands’ promise into the real
action. (Fathima, 2016) said brand leadership can
create and improve the vision of the brand. She also
said that brand leadership formed an organizational
culture based on the belief brand (brand belief).
The research framework of this paper is to find the
flow, the connection of 5 components that affect
internal branding according to millenials generation
so the outcome is the best way to implementation and
the success of internal branding on millenial workers
who are in the age of 18-30 years. Variables that we
will discuss are :
1. Brand ideologies on Millenials Workers
2. Brand communities on Millenials Workers
3. Brand-centered Human Resource Management on
Millenials workers
4. Brand leadership on Millenials Workers
5. Internal corporate communications at millenial
There are several definitions related to brand-centered
HRM. (Fathima, 2016) said that Brand-centered
HRM is the process of recruiting, selecting
individuals who have the same values with the brand,
as well as train employees to be in line with our brand
values and has a compensation structure that aims to
improve and promote the company's brand value. She
also explained human resource management
processes can directed or equalize the attitudes and
behaviors of employees with the company's brand
This research method is using literatur review method
of 5 components that affect internal branding and
millenial character and find the relation of these
components into the millenial workers within the
The fourth components that affect internal branding is
internal brand communities. (Fathima, 2016) said that
Internal brand communities is a virtual community as
well as direct help employees identify the brand. She
also said that internal brand communities is a
platform that helps in spreading the brand values and
ideas associated with the brand. In addition, she said
that internal brand communities is a valuable asset in
achieving internal branding. (Nambisan & Nambisan,
2008) said there are 4 types experienced of
consumers to the brand community to obtain
information that is experience, socialization
experience, the experience of human interaction and
quality of the system (computer), and entertainment
experiences (hedonistic).
Brand ideologies is the brand association on the
vision, mission, goals, and the shared values of the
organization to employees, including millenial
workers. In this case, the vision, mission, goals and
values of the organization or company should be
explained clearly in the annual report or the norms
and rules of the company is written and binding order
to be understood by every department of the
Relation to the millenial generation is those who love
the the training program that clearly and accurately
before they start working so they can understand
about everything inside the company. To that end,
brand ideologies as a form of internal branding
activities on millenial workers must begin to be given
since the process of training new employees and in
writing at the company's annual book.
The last one component that affect internal branding
is internal brand communications. (Fathima, 2016)
Proceedings of Sciencefora International Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 19th October, 2019
Internal Branding on Millenial Workers
HRM's focus on the process of recruitment and talent
attraction seeking to differentiate the company from
competitors (Edwards, 2009).
Some brand-centered activities of human resource
management in conjunction with millenial character
is a recruitment process that uses sophisticated
technology and easy to use, the process of promotion,
training, evaluation, and compensation that facilitates
the process of identifying the company's brand and
establish brand relationships. Given the millenial
characters who are easily bored at work or routine
that's it, then it is important for the management of
human resources in order to implement a flexible HR
practices in the workspace (Saleem, 2016).
Factors that supporting of the human resource
management practices in companies is organizational
culture or the culture of the company. The corporate
culture desired by the millenial generation company
with a unique work space and attractive interior
design that provides the convenience of working with
a flexible working environment and corporate
leadership style open-minded but remain focused in
achieving corporate goals. Millenial generation like
the challenge, therefore, they want to enhance the
value of work and give them challenging targets in
the work. To that end, human resource management
practices in improving internal branding on millenial
employees is by paying attention to working
condition, leaderships, communication media, and
labor flexibility.
In this regard, an important aspect of the activity of
the brand ideologies on millenials workers with
regard to communication, the media used, and the
training that is appropriate to the generation of
millenial can understand well the vision, mission,
goals and shared values of the brand company in
generating understanding of brand identification that
For more details, the journal is provided a framework
for understanding the linkages brand ideologies on
millenial workers:
Linkages Brand ideologies against Millennial
Figure 1. Brand Ideologies on Millenial Workers
Factors that supporting the Brand-centered HRM
on Millennial Workers
Activities internal branding through brand-centered
arrangement HRM included on the application of
policies and practices that work, including the
recruitment, training, rewarding employees, and
directing spesification good job in the process of
traning and developing employees.
Millenials relation to workers is the nature of this
generation who loves working on the process is
directed, using media technology in the process of
recruiting and selecting as well as a great reward
from the company to them. Millenial generation
consider as part of its work to earn the best as well as
part of self-actualization in the development of their
carrier. To that end, human resource management
necessary for internal branding success on millenial
generation. Select individuals with the same values as
the company is key in reducing employee turnover
and assure their continuity of experience between
employees and the company's brand (Burman, Zeplin,
& Riley, 2005).
However, in the process of HR in corporate branding
activity is focused on branding than internal
employee branding. This is because the employee
branding seeks to present the company's brand to the
internal branding potential employees while covering
all employees in the company. (Carley, Khanyapuss,
& Ranis , 2010), Therefore, employee branding
Figure 2. Brand Centered HRM on Millenial Workers
The message to be conveyed by the brand company
will lose its credibility if it is not supported by a
corresponding attitude by employees of the company
(Schiggenbauer, 2001), The process gives the brand
promise needs to be in line with the performance of
actualization within the company and employees as
an important part of an internal presentation promise
(Schultz & Schultz, 2000), Community has been a
part in limiting the complexity of psychological and
Proceedings of Sciencefora International Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 19th October, 2019
Internal Branding on Millenial Workers
sociological notion of moral responsibility which
leads to a set of actions by member therein (P. Raj &
Cheryl, 2010).
In communities established brand activities as
customers or employees strengthen ties with the
brand by facilitating shared experiences between
members of the community (McAlexander, Schouten,
& Koenig, 2002),
activities within the company brand communities can
work well like on this figure below :
Characters millenial needed to the success of
brand communities :
there are four stages or process for community
members (employees) in disseminating the brand
meaning is: to recognize the community aspect of the
brand, sharing personal experiences about the brand,
emphasizing the aspects of brand meaning, and reject
aspects of brand meaning (Muniz, 2001),
Communites brand activity can be done either
physical or virtual meetings within the company that
aims to improve employees' understanding of brand
meaning (P. Raj & Cheryl, 2010), According to
research studies conducted by (P. Raj & Cheryl,
2010)there are several methods in building brand
community that involves two parties namely internal
marketing and external marketing. Methods with
these two parties described as internal marketing
service marketing which is party to build and shape
the brand promise in accordance with experience and
knowledge of the brand (Bitner, 1995), (Kotler &
Keller, 2006), While external marketing construct
(setting) the brand promise that is delivered from the
interaction with the internal marketing. Here is a
picture of the flow of service marketing:
Figure 4. Character Millenial on Brand Communities
To that end, the activity of brand communities should
be carried out in accordance with the millenial
character. This generation is synonymous with
technology, and like the branded goods, and happy to
share reviews and experiences related to the use of a
particular product brand. Social media can be used as
a virtual brand communities are built to millenial
workers to provide experience or are looking for
information related to the company's brand to
increase brand identification. Here is the process flow
millenial brand communities for workers:
Chronology Brand Communities on Millennial
Workers :
Service Marketing Triangle
Figure 5. The Process Flow of Brand Communities on Millenial
Supervisor's leadership style within the company in
fact greatly affect the way work millenial generation.
This is because the millenial generation considers the
leader as someone who can influence him to be able
to act as expected, not only as someone who rules and
instructing alone. For that, the style of leadership is
instrumental in internal branding activity on millenial
generation to be able to understand well the company
brand and apply it to the way of acting, attitudes, and
Millenial generation has delighted generations of
characters collaborate, share experiences, and provide
information related to the brand or the products they
use with other parties. To that end, the activity of
brand communities millenial harmony with the
character and can be used to support the internal
activities of branding on millenials workers in the
understanding of the brand will increase and provide
The activation of thought naturally in the minds of
the employees related millenial brand experience they
gain from this community.
Mentioned earlier, that brand leadership has some
indicators such as communication, brand belief, brand
promise and commitment of employees. Relation to
the millenial generation is how to order these
Based on the explanation above, in this article at least
some of the characters millenial be recruited so that
Proceedings of Sciencefora International Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 19th October, 2019
Internal Branding on Millenial Workers
indicators can be received and in accordance with the
style of leadership that is expected by this generation.
Millenial generation like a leader who can drive,
which can be motivating, supporting and directing not
only ruled and ordered the task but guiding them to
the work being done to understand well and in line
with the wishes of corporate leaders.
Therefore, in driving brand leadership activity takes
his leaders with the attitude and expectations of
millenial which according to this journal are at least
four styles of leadership needed by the millenial
generation is as follows:
Figure 7. Internal Corporate Communication Model
See explanation of all above, we can draw the big
framework of the research on this paper on this
Figure 6. Millenial’s Leadership Version
As in the previous explanation, communication has
an important role to the success of any organization
or company. In fact, according to (Chong, 2007)The
main key for internal branding process is to ensure
that employees can change the brand messages or
brand messages into the real shape of the brand to the
stakeholders of the company (external stakeholders).
However, this will not succeed if only rely on the
company's brand alone. The company's internal
communication is considered to be instrumental in
the successful implementation of internal branding
strategy to the employees of the company.
Based on the research results (Sharma &
Kamalanabhan, 2012)at least there are some factors
that are needed to implement the corporate internal
communication is good especially for the millenial
generation which is identical with the collaboration
and open-minded to new ideas. The factor is the
existence of an effective internal communication
messages are trying to convey to all employees,
channels of communication and means of
communication used, the feedback from employees to
employers, as well as the training of the company's
brand. It is intended to create the satisfaction of
conducting activities within the enterprise
communication which results from the presence of
such satisfaction is brand identification and brand
commitment is good. Here is a model of the ICC by
(Sharma & Kamalanabhan, 2012) :
Millenial generation has unique perspective that
influenced from the global information of the internet
and technology than previous generations. Internal
branding activities need to be harmonized with the
millenial character and their expectation within the
company. Therefore, we can used the 5 components
that affect on internal branding activity into the
millenial workers. In this paper we provides new
insights of the process flow, and other supporting
factors of internal branding on millenial and provide
the proper way so that internal branding activities can
be well targeted to this generation.
We provides the best analysis of internal branding
into millenial generation using literatur review from
the previous research. For the next researcher we
advice to make the research of internal branding into
millenial generation using quantitative method based
on the reality experience of the company so this
research can completed for being the good literature.
Proceedings of Sciencefora International Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 19th October, 2019
Internal Branding on Millenial Workers
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Proceedings of Sciencefora International Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 19th October, 2019