Papers by Midhat Omerović

Thermal Science, 2011
This pa per re fers to an ex per i ment of SO 2 ab sorp tion to the par ti cles of sorbent CaCO 3... more This pa per re fers to an ex per i ment of SO 2 ab sorp tion to the par ti cles of sorbent CaCO 3. Sam ple mass was 100 g with frac tional com po si tion of 500-700 µm and 1100-1300 mm. Dur ing the ex per i ment the tem per a ture var ied from 200 to 400 °C. The aim of this ex per i ment is to ex am ine the in flu ence of lower re ac tion tem per ature, the size of sorbent par ti cles, and the re ac tion time to the de gree of SO 2 ab sorption and de ter min ing the de gree of CaCO 3 sorbent uti li za tion. The re sults show that at the re ac tion tem per a ture of ap prox i mately 200 °C and av er age di am e ter of sorbent par ti cles »600 mm, the ab sorp tion de gree of SO 2 ab sorp tion to the par ti cles of sorbent is be tween 42-66%. Reach ing tem per a ture of 400 °C and with the same frac tional com po si tion of the sorbent, »600 mm, the ab sorp tion de gree of SO 2 is slightly higher and it is some where around 45-78%. With greater di am e ters sorbent par ti cle of »1200 mm, ab sorp tion de gree of SO 2 is a bit lower. The de ter mined degree of uti lized sorbent CaCO 3 is con sid er ably lower and it reaches up to 6.87%. The ac quired re sults in di cate that be sides CaO, Ca(OH) 2 , and CaMg(CO 3) 2 it is rea son able to in ject the CaCO 3 sorbent, in the ar eas of lower tem per a tures i. e. in the flue chan nel of the ther mal power plant. Key words: absorption de gree of SO 2 , sorbent CaCO 3 , re ac tion tem per a ture, frac tional com po si tion, re ac tion time

Thermal Science, 2011
This paper refers to an experiment of SO2 absorption to the particles of sorbent CaCO3, the mass ... more This paper refers to an experiment of SO2 absorption to the particles of sorbent CaCO3, the mass of sample was 100 g with fractional composition of 500-700?m and 1100-1300?m. During the experiment the temperature varied from 200 and 400?C. The aim of this experiment described in this paper, is to examine the influence of lower reaction temperature, the size of sorbent particles and reaction time to the degree of SO2 absorption and determining the degree of CaCO3 sorbent utilization. The results show that at the reaction temperature of approximately 200?C and average diameter of sorbent particles ?600?m, the absorption degree of SO2 absorption to the particles of sorbent is between 42-66%. Reaching temperature of 400?C and with the same fractional composition of the sorbent, ?600?m, the absorption degree of SO2 is slightly higher and it is somewhere around 45-78%. With greater diameters sorbent particle of ?1200?m, absorption degree of SO2 is a bit lower. The determined degree of uti...
Papers by Midhat Omerović