Closing the Gap: From Nescience to Knowledge Management
Alexander Schatten, Stefan Biffl, A Min Tjoa
Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems
Vienna University of Technology
Vienna, Austria
[email protected]
Knowledge management (KM) systems aim at supporting knowledge workers in general and software engineers
in particular. These tools help to elicit, structure, and retrieve knowledge. However, while KM systems are functional, they are not used in practice as effectively as possible as there is not much incentive for experts to share their
expertise: the concrete need for knowledge is unclear as is
the value/reward for knowledge entered into the system.
This paper proposes to enhance the KM process by accentuating the importance of nescience in information and
knowledge-centric processes. A concrete concept is suggested proposing a question related system in the KM environment, which establishes need for answers and allows to
establish a market for knowledge. Such a market guides the
experts to donate knowledge that is currently most valuable
in the user community. The effectiveness and efficiency of
the new processes can be empirically evaluated by monitoring the activities of information seekers and experts in the
KM system: the frequency of access and feedback of user
satisfaction with the system.
1. Introduction
Knowledge management (KM) strategies become more
and more important as researchers and managers detect the
importance of information and knowledge as driving factors
of the current economical system. Successful companies often show excellent skills in KM as well as customer relation
management which is also partly depending on knowledge
and information management.
Some argue, that KM is no new “invention” but rather a
buzzword for a set of recycled strategies and systems [10].
For example, from a KM point of view, a computer supported cooperative work (CSCW) system could already be
seen a specific part of a KM system, hence this aspect has
to be analysed in more details. The importance of KM usu-
ally is out of discussion though, despite the broad possible
definition of KM.
“A software organizations main asset is its intellectual capital, as it is in sectors such as consulting, law, investment banking, and advertising.
The major problem with intellectual capital is that
it has legs and walks home every day. At the same
rate experience walks out the door, inexperience
walks in the door.
[. . . ]
KM is unique because it focuses on the individual
as an expert and as the bearer of important knowledge that he or she can systematically share with
an organization.” Russ [8]
So we will not discuss about terminology in the first
place, as we believe, that KM is (if new or recycled) as a
holistic approach an essential and eventually system-critical
aspect in modern management and cooperative work. KM
should be integrative part of any CSCW system. However,
the target audience of system proposed in this paper goes
beyond the specific domain of software development (engineering) and includes all areas of knowledge working.
Besides this general relationship between CSCW and
KM systems, a new communication/question-based KM approach will suggested. This is particularly interesting as
it would integrate seamlessly into CSCW/communication
systems. This is an essential factor as Stewart analyze:
“Unfortunately, contemporary technology for
knowledge management is a hodgepodge of
executive IS, group-support systems, intranets,
decision-support systems, and knowledge-based
systems.” Stewart [13]
So all efforts that try to integrate systems (communication, collaboration, project management and knowledge
management) are a significant progress to the contemporary
situation. Finally further perspectives like ideas about artificial intelligence and intelligence amplifying systems will
be discussed, besides the possible risks of KM systems.
driven by new detections/findings/research, new information, that needs to be processed and finally new knowledge to be created. But at the same moment, when knowledge is generated and applied (!) society proceeds one step
higher in system complexity; the nescience, the insecurity
increases, new problems arise, and generally spoken the
system risk grows [6, 17].
Following those considerations, the new concept suggested here assumes an approach to the problem inspired
by Willke [17].
2. The Dissapointment of Knowledge
Knowledge Management is an important topic for universities as well as for companies and might create a huge
increase in productivity of institutions. So what is knowledge management? One common definition is the following:
“The crisis of knowledge ist cognitively driven
by the new relevance of nescience. Operationally it is driven by the necessity to make
the right mistakes faster than the competitors
to intensivate learning processes, what means
developing expertise in handling nescience 1 .”
Helmut Willke [17]
“The objectives of knowledge management (KM)
in an organisation are to promote knowledge
growth, knowledge communication and knowledge preservation in the organisation. (in [5])”
L. Steels [12]
According to the problems described above, a knowledge management system (KMS) as suggested here proceeds on an indirect path towards the acquisition of knowledge and should fulfill at least the following requirements:
Nevertheless traditional knowledge management concepts often show problems in acceptance of the end-users.
There are several reasons for this:
A re-active process is assumed to be more useful than a
proactive process. The reason is, that people are easier
to motivate to act, when they have a problem, not when
having a (possible) solution. Especially when it is not
clear that there is a reward for the knowledge added
Knowledge aquisition is usually a “proactive” process.
This means, that each expert user has to give input into
the system whithout having an immediate use from the
Even if knowledge topics are entered and managed
properly, knowledge management systems often only
help to provide a contact between the person who has
the problem and the person who might find a solution.
The solution itself often is not included in the system.
A KMS should not work simply as a medium to enable contacts between people who know and such who
don’t. Moreover it is desired to build a knowledge
repository that keeps relevant information for more
than a single usage case.
A person who might solve a problem might feel not
highly motivated in offering help as it (1) disturbs his
normal activities and (2) he realizes no advantage for
him- or herself.
Persons who have relevant knowledge must be motivated to provide this knowledge and share it with others.
A KMS has to be a living system with frequent interaction. Hence it is useful to integrate the KMS into
existing CSCW or communication systems.
Information in knowledge management systems
should be updated regularly to be useful. Considering
the problems above, it seems clear that even this is
usually not done regularly.
Following these prepositions, the core idea of the suggested concept is to put the management of the nescience
into the center of interest, or in other words: nescience can
be expressed in the form of a question. This question shall
be the starting point of the knowledge acquisition and management. Moreover, as described in [1] knowledge management should be a highly integrated task. So an implementation in CSCW applications can lead to synergic effects:
3. Crossing the Gap: Back to Nescience
The term knowledge management obviously suggests the
necessity to deal with information and knowledge, but as
often detected (and also discussed here), direct access to
knowledge is difficult by many reasons. On the other hand,
living in a knowledge society means, that development is
1 The
original citation is in German and is translated by the authors.
“Coordination and collaboration support must be
a first order citicen of KM [. . . ] information retrieval and management systems must deeply be
interwoven with the collaboration-oriented everyday work.” Abecker [1]
user has advanced functionalities compared to “normal” project users.
System: This role is implemented as software component. Automatic administrative tasks are performed by
the system.
Furthermore, I will show, that this approach fulfills also
the idea of Corporate Knowledge Management described in
[5]. Dieng. et. al describe the building of a corporate memory as relying on six steps: (1) Detection of needs in corporate memory, (2) Construction of the corporate memory,
(3) Diffusion of the corprate memory, (4) Use of the corporate memory, (5) Evaluation of the corporate memory (6)
Maintenance and evolution of the corporate memory. All
steps can be found in the proposed concept in a very natural
and user-friendly implementation, as will be shown in the
following sections.
Intelligent Agent: The system should have an open design using open W3C standards like a webservice interface [15]. So software agents may be implemented
to support specific KM and integrative tasks.
The next sections descibe the details of the use-cases.
5.2. Documenting Problems
If a user has a problem, he/she can pose a question to the
system. This question is checked by the system whether this
or a similar question is already in the knowledge repository.
If the system detects possible identical or similar questions
(no matter whether they have been answered already), the
user is asked if those questions are similar to the one he or
she asked. If not, the new question is added to the repository
of open questions.
If no answer is given to the question by some other users,
the system asks after a specific time if the question is still
relevant or if the user eventually has solved the problem
already. If so, the user is asked to write an answer to his own
question. The reason is simple: this system should build up
a knowledge repository, not only a question repository.
4. The Question
The first goal to be achieved is to motivate users to use
the KMS. This can be done as the system allows the users
to pose questions. This is a good concept by many reasons:
First of all, the users are motivated as they can use the system to solve there own problems. Secondly only topics are
included into the system, that are really relevant to the persons involved in a project, a user community etc. Moreover
the (project) manager can receive an idea about the open
problems in his or her division or project(s) by watching
the problems posted to the system. Steering activities like
getting knowledge from outside may be a consequence.
More generally spoken, the question can be seen as a
cristallisation point for knowledge. Questions show interest as well as problems; questions can also start communication, bring up new ideas and initiate projects.
5.3. KM Portal and Evaluation/Ranking System
Every time the user visits the KM “portal” the recently
posted questions are shown and the user is encouraged to
answer questions if possible. Moreover a user can register
him/herself to open questions to demonstrate that he/she is
interested in the answer to this question, too. This increases
the importance rating of the pending problem.
If the user answers a question, this answer is added to the
repository and the persons registered to the question receive
a notification, that the question has be answered. Then all
users should read the answer and evaluate the quality of the
answer. This information is very important as it helps ranking the answer in the KM system as well as it helps to give
credits to the person that wrote the answer. (A credit is a
(semi-)quantitative measure, that allows to rank the intensity and quality of users helping in the problem solving process. It can be used in an analogous manner as real money.)
It is important to remark at this point, that first of all the
questions should help to get direct answers, but secondly
can be seen as cristallisation point for ideas and concepts.
As Sunassee et. al. remark:
5. Closing the Gap: The System
5.1. Introduction
Figure 1 shows the basic ideas of the nescience management — question driven concept as use-case diagram. In the
diagram the following roles are introduced:
Project User: This is a person in a project, company
who has access to the system. This is a “normal” user.
Administrator: This is a person who administrates the
system. To keep the diagram simple, this role is not included in the diagram, as the administrative functions
are not central to the functional ideas.
Project Manager: This person manages a project or is
a “normal” manager in a company or institute. This
Pose Question
Delegate Question to
other Information Systems
Question Similarities
with open/archived Qs?
Check Knowledge Repository
Add Queytion to
"open" Questions
Project User
Read Open Questions
Store and Manage
Answer Question
Evaluate Answers
Calculate "Credits"
for User Answers
Evaluate Question
(also non-answered)
Archive Answered
User Credit
Integrate different
OSWP Domains
Show Credits
of all Users
"Knowledge Directory"
Project Manager
Remove Questions
from System
Find obsolete
Find Users to
Answer specific Questions
Figure 1. Use Cases for Knowledge Management Concept for the four main roles: The normal user,
the project manager, the system and the agent support.
above, but also start a “broadcasting” of this problem to
other registered information subsystems like the database
pool, the document repository and the like. An “intelligent” analysis tool should then present the user a selection
of hopefully useful ressources already available in the system. Additionally also agents could be written, that search
outside the system, e.g. by using web-search enginges or
newsgroup search engines. As soon as those results are
collected, the user should decide whether these ressources
already solve the posed problem, and if not, the question
should be put to the “open question” repository.
If the problem is already solved by the ressources provided, it could be a good idea to let the user select and mark
the ressources that helped him solving the problem and put
this question as solved into the knowledge repository including the marked ressources.
Ques tion Repos itory
The Question
Other regis trated
Information Pools
Problem solved?
Add to
ˆOpen Questions˜
Regis tration/Plugin
Mechanis m
Internet Repos itories
Figure 2. Integration of Knowledge Management Concepts
“The chief knowledge officer needs to establish
both pull and push factors to force employees to
share knowledge. An example of a push factor
would be to force employees to search through
the knowledge repository before starting a project
or a business venture.” Sunassee et. al. [14]
5.5. Credit System: KM as Marketplace
This kind of KMS can be seen also as a knowledge marketplace. As users rank answers to questions, this ranking
will be calculated to credit points for users who answer
questions. Those credits can be seen as a money equivalent, where multiple strategies can result, depending on the
company structure or the intention of the system. Just to
mention a few:
This is guaranteed from the technical viewpoint of the
system, but the users must be encouraged to see the opportunities of the system used this way. Hence it is important
that the users search the repository, post question but also
rank unanswered questions and eventually discuss about answered as well as unanswered questions. This gives managers the chance to detect problems and support the coworkers.
Users with high credits can be published at the KM
The credits can be exchanged to real money or other
beneficiaries to encourage users to share their knowledge [8].
5.4. The Question as Bridge to other KM Systems
KM literature often emphasises the importance of strategies we call data mining [5, 11]. This means, that certain
KM systems focus on search, retrieval and integration of
different information ressources like documents, databases,
. . . to build an “organisational memory” using (among others) ontologies.
However, one essential point is how to integrate the “prepared information” into a knowledge repository. I believe,
that this question-based system could be a well suited integrative tool. This is illustrated in Fig. 2 where the questionbased approach can also be seen as smart approach in integration of KM tools/concepts: (1) Question is posed and the
question repository as well as “pluggable” other information pools are queried. (2) The user is asked if the problem
is solved by the results delivered and (3) Either the open
question or the solved question eventually is added to the
KM repository.
As soon as a question is posed by a user, the system should evaluate the question ressources as mentioned
Questions from users with high credits could be handled with priority (e.g. on the portal page) to encourage cooperation.
A combination from user credits, question ranking and
evaluation can be used to enhance the quality of the
KMS repository.
5.6. Project Manager
The (project) manager(s) can browse the credits of the
colleagues and eventually react to the credits like giving
beneficiaries to high credited users. Additionally the manager can remove irrelevant or “bad” or obsolete questions
from the system. Eventually he/she can help categorizing
Espcially the aspect of removing (or at least marking)
obsolete messages (as also written in the next section) is a
critical aspect of any KM system as Stewart [13] analyze in details. Knowledge can be obsolete by many reasons: Especially in the IT domain, certain knowledge is useful only for a small period of time. Moreover new knowledge might replace older knowledge, e.g. because specific
products are replaced by new ones. Hence the KM System
has to support the project manager (and eventually also the
user) to remove such outdated informtion.
Additionally on posing new questions the user should
optionally have the opportunity to add constraints to the
question. Such constraints could be: How long is the question relevant? Is the question related to a specific system or
important aspect of knowledge preservation [2]. So from
this perspective many concepts in this paper can be seen
under the light of knowledge management, also the very
critical problems of preserving digital information [7, 16].
Another term used is knowledge capitalization and should
be cited here, as it describes an important topic. It starts
“[. . . ] to reuse, in a relevant way, the knowledge of a given domain previously stored
and modeled, in order to perform new tasks.”
Abecker [2]
and continues with
5.7. System Role
“[. . . ] an Organisational Memory 2 should also
support knowledge creation and organizational
learning.” Abecker [2]
The system has to perform several functions like evaluating new questions as mentioned above, managing the
repository, calculate credits; eventually do archival tasks
for old questions. Moreover an open interface should be
implemented (Webservice) that allows to develop software
agents for specific purposes like integrating different KMS
domains (servers), e.g. from different locations. A “knowledge directory” to ease the access to the knowledge repository should be built with suggestions of connections between topics (this means makeing references between simila topics). A further important system role is to support the
finding of obsolete topics. Other advanced functions could
be building newsletters or trying to find users that could
possibly answer open questions (on the basis of the usage
However, the interface should be generalized and open,
so that it is easily possible to “plug in” new agents that cooperate in analyzing the knowledge repository. Off course
each agent has to have an responsible user to report the results to. Also some problems can not be solved by the agent
and final decisions have to be met be this person.
So to conclude: The system role is to support the project
manager and the user as described in the previous sections
and additionally support an open interface to the KM system, that allows flexible addition of functionality.
Espically the second one is a clear example of what our
idea of KM is, and what the concept described in this paper should fulfill. (In fact the system suggested here goes
beyond this function, but knowledge creation and organisational learning are key functions). Moreover there is the
aspect of information reuse e.g.:
“Case based reasoning allows to reason from experiences and cases already encountered, in order
to solve new problems.” Dieng [5]
Information reuse and more important: keeping the access to older information ressources available is a daunting
but very important task. I believe, that there is much to
learn from previous projects, especially also in the university context, where the “corporate memory” is not so highly
expressed as the personal fluctuation is very high by principle.
However, as nearly all CSCW efforts can be seen as KM,
thus I see two uses of the word KM: first of all concrete actions taken to acquire and manage knowledge of persons in
organisations, this is mentioned here, and secondly like an
idea flowing parallel to all CSCW ideas. I like to keep them
separate as the second use can be seen so generally that it
might be set on top of every system, so suddenly every IT
system might become a KM system. It might be doubtful,
if this is a desired goal.
6. Other Aspects and Definitions of Knowledge
6.1. Different Viewpoints towards Systems
6.2. The Next Step: AI, Expert Systems. . . ?
This paper is deals with “knowledge management”. In
fact the term KM can be seen from very different perspectives. The concept mentioned here is a rather close perspective of KM. In other publications, the KM term is used in
a much broader sense, including cooperation, communication, document management, ontology aspects and also the
One might argue that the next step (or following my description above — also seen as the next viewpoint) of information and KM systems might be expert systems or more
2 This is a term introduced by Abecker and describes a specific
KM scenario
7. Risks of Introducing KM Systems into
Practical Use
generally the implementation of AI “artificial intelligence”
to such an information system, whatever exact meaning the
AI term might have. I think the perspective is correct,
that structured knowledge and data bases like the described
might offer an interesting playground for “intelligent tools”
that try to extract new knowledge or new relations not realized before. If those tools are named AI tools or data mining
tools or whatever else is of no great importance. However
these fields of expertise are already too far away from the
core topic, so I will not add specific ideas about those possibilities in this work except two remarks:
The first remark is a technical one concluded by an important insight: As I described the KM system above, open
standards in general are important, and more specific an
open interface (e.g. using webservices) is suggested including the idea, that “intelligent agents” could plug in there
and perform whatever desired. This mechanism can be exploited by any tool. The insight might be, that the suggested
project information and KM system can be seen on the next
level of abstraction as a ressource system for high level tools
like databases are today. Eventually we will use such systems in 5 to 10 years comparable to the ubiquitous use of
databases today, which are seen more and more as cheap
basic infrastructure available everywhere.
The second remark considering AI is to ask a question
about the goal of such a system:
As Stewart[13] note, there are assumptions underlying the management of knowledge, that are not often discussed, but may be critical in deciding whether KM strategies are useful and might support project work. He describes and analyzes four basic assumptions: “(1) knowledge is worth managing (2) organizations benefit from managing knowledge (3) knowledge can be managed (4) and
little risk is associated with managing knowledge.”
To go into details: Following the arguments in the introduction, it seems to be clear, that it is assumed here, that the
questions whether knowledge is worth managing and if organisations benefit from managin knowledge is true in many
cases. Off course there is to remark, that there are situations
where the installation of a KM system seems no to be appropriate. Just to mention a few: KM approaches like the
one suggested here need a “critical mass”, a minimum number of users in the KM “community”. Moreover there are
surely enterprises where knowledge is not a system critical
The issue if knowledge can be managed is difficult to
answer. As mentioned and analized in [13, 3] “the management of knowledge is substantially more difficult than managing physical assets.” To answer this question, many authors suggest to differentiate between two kinds of knowledge:
“It is time to recognize that the original goals of
AI were not merely extremely difficult, they were
goals that, although glamorous and motivating,
sent the discipline off in the wrong direction. If
indeed our objective is to build computer systems
that solve very challenging problems, my thesis is
“There are two types of knowledge: tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge [. . . ] Tacit knowledge is the form of knowledge that is subconsciously understood and applied, difficult to articulate, developed from direct experience and action and usually shared through highly interactive conversation, storytelling and shared experience. Explicit knowledge, on the other hand, is
easy to articulate, capture and distribute in different formats, since it is formal and systematic.”
Sunassee [14]
that is, that intelligence amplifying systems can,
at any given level of available systems technology, beat AI systems. That is, a machine and a
mind can beat a mind-imitating machine working
by itself.” Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. [4]
So the question is splitted into two questions: the management of explicit knowledge seems to be mainly a question of successful implementation of an information and
ressource management strategy. More difficult is the management of tacit knowledge. So the KM as suggested in this
paper is mainly designed to deal with the practical problems
of managing the latter kind of knowledge.
Besides technical issues many “psychological pitfalls”
exist. The most critical is the question of user acceptance:
This is already a problem described related to the CSCW
implemenation, as there is always a momentum away from
new systems. So a new system has to be propagated in two
ways: First of all there should be a clear advantage to each
I believe, that this is a pragmatic but a very sympatic
theory. It summarizes the intention of this paper, namely to
build complex IT infrastructure that supports groups of collaborators to manage and organize project knowledge and
ressources by providing universal access. Universal access
in terms of a highly integrated workspace, access from anywhere and access for non-expert users. Hence this system
can be seen as described by F.P. Brooks as an intelligence
amplifying system for project collaboration.
user compared to the old system and secondly there must
be a clear position of the management to use this systems 3 .
Already problematic for CSCW systems, these arguments
are even more critical in KM system implementations, as
the user might be afraid, that his or her knowledge should
be included into the KM system, and then his or her value
in the firm becomes less important. Then some might tend
toward using a strategy to try everything to work against the
new system and as this will be the employees with the best
knowledge (as their risk of loosing weight is the highest),
the implementation of the system will clearly fail.
Therefor each employee must have the feeling, that the
KM system is useful for him or herself (directly) and a ”bottom up strategy” is suggested. The implementation must be
done carefully — also because the KM system will not be
able to replace good employees — the opposite is true: A
KM system is a vivid system and needs continuos input as
well as evaluation of the content. The system will stay as
good as the users are that work with the content, This fact
must be explained clearly to all employees.
A second psychological factor is the problem of possible information overload. This is a concern of many managers as it is analyzed in [3]. The design of a CSCW and/or
KM system might not be simply to install yet another desktop/web application. As already discussed at various locations in this paper, CSCW and KM are somewhat “holistic”
approaches and have to be seen as such. The user should be
included and well trained, as well as the particular situation
of the company and the role of the user must be taken into
consideration. But most important is to build a unified access “portal” to all groupware applications. The user must
be able to get a clear and clean (not overloaded) overview
over the currently available new and important information
by starting one application or open one intranet portal. Otherwise the user will either be confused, overloaded or will
not use one of the systems.
A last risk factor should not be forgotten: Information or
knowledge, that is stored in computer systems can be stolen,
abused or might get lost by technical problems. Especially
the first issue is complex one and may seriously damage
a knowledge-based company. No simple strategy can be
suggested here, except that this factor is very important and
the implementation and installation of any KM system has
to take those security problems seriously into consideration.
a proactive one, the evaluation is far easier: First of all the
frequency of use can be detected (also by user groups down
to individual users): As users pose problems and questions,
the frequency of answers as well as the quality of answers
can easily by documented and evaluated as this is already
part of the system and needs no additional steps.
This transparency of the system is one of the main advantages: for daily use of the individual, for the management
as well as for the evaluation purpose. Knowledge is added
when necessary and evaluated automatically.
9. Summary and Further Work
Knowledge management is more and more a critical factor in success or failure of knowledge based companies and
institutions. However, many different concepts and pitfalls
are existing in this area of research, as well as somtimes a
confusing terminology is used. We suggested a new concept that accepts the fact that growing knowledge always
produces nescience and the management of the nescience is
the factor of future success. The proposed system closes the
gap from nescience to knowledge management and managment decision support and integrates well into (existing)
CSCW and communication applications/infrastructure.
To prove the integrative power of the suggested concept,
a prototype is currently under implementation into the new
release of the open source project management and cooperation system Open Science Workplace, which is a cooperative effort between the Institute for Software Technology
and Interactive Systems (Vienna University of Technology)
and the University of Kerman [9].
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[2] Andreas Abecker, Ansgar Bernardi, Knut Hinkelmann, Otto Kuhn, and Michael Sintek. Toward a technology for organizational memories. IEEE Intelligent
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8. Evaluation of the System
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The evaluation of such a new system is an essential point
to detect whether the implementation (in a specific domain)
is successful or not. As this system is a reactive rather than
[4] Frederick P. Brooks. The computer scientist as toolsmith. Communications of the ACM, 39(3):61–68,
March 1996.
3 This
includes, that the management itself uses the system. It is not
acceptable, that e.g. the management implements a new CSCW system
and does not use it by themselves!
[5] Rose Dieng, Olivier Corby, Alain Giboin, and Myriam Ribiere. Methods and tools for corporate knowledge management. Technical Report RR-3485, INRIA
Sophia-Antipolis, 1998.
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[7] Jeff Rothenberg. Ensuring the longevity of digital documents. Scientific American, 272(1):42–47, 1995.
[8] Ioana Rus and Mikael Lindvall. Knowledge management in software engineering. IEEE Software, pages
26–38, May/June 2002.
[9] Alexander Schatten, A Min Tjoa, Amin Andjomshoa,
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source tool to enhance project management, monitoring and collaboration in scientific projects. In IIWAS
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[10] Israel Spiegler. Knowledge management: a new idea
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[12] L. Steels. Corporate knowledge management. In Proceedings of ISMICK 1993, pages 9–30. Compiegne
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[13] Kathy A. Stewart, Richard Baskerville, Veda C.
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Confronting the assumptions underlying the management of knowledge: an agenda for understanding and
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[14] Nakkiran N Sunassee and David A Sewry. A theoretical framework for knowledge management implementation. In Proceedings of the 2002 annual research
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[15] World wide web consortium.
[16] Andrew Waugh, Ross Wilkinson, Brendan Hills, and
Jon Dell’oro. Preserving digital information forever.
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