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2006, Powhatan's Mantle: Indians in the Colonial Southeast
69 pages
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Africania, 2024
This study offers an in-depth look at the complex social history of Africa using the perspective of "history from below". This approach foregrounds the stories and experiences of marginalized groups that are often overlooked in traditional elitecentered narratives. African socialism, as a distinctive form of socialism based on pre-colonial social values and Pan-African ideals, provides a compelling case study to illustrate the value of this perspective. The study uses the methodology of comparative historical analysis based on a range of primary and secondary sources, and the term "Africa" refers to the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. The work questions the Eurocentric narratives that have long dominated African historiography. By centering the voices of marginalized groups, it reveals the complexity and diversity of Sub-Saharan African societies that are often obscured by colonial and post-colonial perspectives. The study reveals the social dynamics that have shaped Africa's history by examining the interplay between power relations, cultural practices, and economic structures. It also highlights the diversity of African socialism and the influence of local contexts. It shows the role of women and marginalized groups in shaping African socialism. The study questions interpretations that view African socialism as simply an imitation of European models and shows how this ideology was shaped by local traditions, cultural values and political contexts. As a result, the study offers a multidimensional and rich understanding of African socialism and the social history of Africa using "history from below" and comparative historical analysis. These findings provide valuable insights into current debates about development, social justice, and the role of government in Africa.
El físico alemán-americano Albert Einstein, nacido en Ulm, Alemania, Marzo 14, 1879, muerto en Princeton, N.J., Abril 18, 1955, contribuyó más que cualquier otro científico a la visión de la realidad física del siglo 20. Al comienzo de la Primera Guerra Mundial, las teorías de Einstein --sobre todo su teoría de la Relatividad--le pareció a muchas personas, apuntaban a una calidad pura de pensamiento para el ser humano. Raramente un científico recibe tal atención del público pero Einstein la recibió por haber cultivado la fruta de aprendizaje puro.
Britain in the Age of Arthur. A Military History, 2019
Publisher's description: "King Arthur is one of the most controversial topics of early British history. Are the legends based on a real historical figure or pure mythological invention? Ilkka Syvannes study breaks new ground, adopting a novel approach to the sources by starting with the assumption that Arthur existed and that Geoffrey of Monmouths account has preserved details of his career that are based on real events. He then interprets these by using common sense and the perspective of a specialist in late Roman military history to form a probable picture of what really happened during the period (roughly AD 400-550). This approach allows the author to test the entire literary evidence for the existence of Arthur to see if the supposed events of his career match what is known of the events of the period, the conclusion being that in general they do. Arthurs military career is set in the context of the wider military history of Britain and Europe in this period and along the way describes the nature of armies and warfare of the period." In addition to this the book includes appendices dealing with Scandinavia, Baltic Sea, Huns, Odin, Russia, St. Patrick and Ireland.
American Anthropologist, 2003
Flyer for roundtable, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, UC Berkeley
During his long career as a strong defender of the notion of "Christian philosophy", Etienne Gilson (1884-1978) maintained a firm stance in his belief in the intrinsic, essential and constitutive influence of Christian revelation on medieval philosophy. As both an historian of medieval philosophy and as a student of St. Thomas Aquinas, Gilson believed strongly in both the formal distinction and the profound continuity, harmony and collaboration between faith and reason, philosophy and theology, and nature and grace in the doctrine of St. Thomas. In his effort to discover beyond the traditions of Thomistic commentators the personal thought of St. Thomas himself, Gilson often had to swim against a prevailing rationalistic current which sought to separate the philosophy of St. Thomas from the theology in which alone it could retain its viability and fruitfulness. But he refused to separate in the name of St. Thomas what St. Thomas himself not only did not separate but offered positive evidence against separating. There is an historical reason therefore for not separating the personal philosophy of St. Thomas from his theology. Thomas himself never did it. This erroneous tendency of separating the two sciences inevitably then leads to other, even greater and more harmful errors in both philosophy and theology, as the principle states, "Parvus error in principio magnus est in fine" (a small error in the beginning becomes a large error in the end, that is to say, when it is carried to its logical conclusion). And in Gilson's opinion, this unnatural separation is not a small error, but already a large and dangerous one. The Thomistic doctrine on the role of sacred doctrine, understood in its full transcendent sense, along with the celebrated Thomistic principle: "grace does not destroy nature but perfects it" (Summa Theologiae., I, 1, 8, ad 2), were for Gilson the central guiding principles which shed light on the relationship between faith and reason in St. Thomas. To Gilson these principles are often misunderstood and distorted by even professed followers of St. Thomas, and he believed that only by returning to their full original significance as understood and taught by St. Thomas can the unhealthy rupture between philosophy and theology be healed. And only by restoring to theology its pristine and rightful position as guiding light can philosophy attain its noble and exalted status as handmaiden within the royal kingdom of divine science. This book is an expanded version of the author's Licentiate thesis in philosophy.
En grønnere hede : Landskabsanalyser af bronzedeponeringer i Vestjylland, 2024
For a century and a half, hoards have occupied an interesting space in the minds of bronze age archaeologists. However, the quite literal space – the physical landscape – within which hoards figure appears often reduced to a simple background fact, sufficiently characterized in binary terms: A hoard is either deposited in ‘dry land’ or ‘bog’. This project concerns itself with a central investigation of the role(s) played by the Bronze Age waterscapes of Western Jutland in terms of qualifying a given location as fit – or unfit - for the deposition of a hoard. This is combined with an interrogation of the descriptors and terminology employed by archaeologists interpreting hoard finds. Through systematic analysis of physical archives, and employing QGIS for digital registration, this project has uncovered and mapped a number of previously unregistered relevant finds. Empirically grounded in three distinct hoards, each presenting with high degrees of archaeological and topographic complexity, the project demonstrates a prevalence of these finds in Western Jutland higher than currently recognized and argues that the specifics of hoard deposition practices can be correlated to specific permutations of the waterscapes in which the depositions took place.
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Cyberspace: Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Desa (JPMD), 2020
Llibre Actes Herències Legacies II Congrés SHCMA, 2023
Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, 2009
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research, 2021
Pediatrics International, 2012
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2012
Anggun Ratna Disty, 2025
Radiotherapy and Oncology, 2015
Journal of Education & Social Policy, 2019
Montes de Toledo. Revista local gratuita. Los Yébenes-Orgaz, nº 2, diciembre 2018, pg. 16
Routledge Handbook of Feminist Anthropology, 2025
Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2015 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, 2015