ed. Rafał włodarczyk, wrocław 2020
rafał Włodarczyk
university of wrocław
TRansGRessIon – TRansdIscIPlInaRITy –
Limited as we are in every way,
this state which holds the mean
between two extremes is present
in all our impotence
Blaise Pascal, The Thoughts, 355
The phenomenon of dynamic development and wide dissemination of
particular it determines the state of its selfawareness, of course solely
its own. By providing successive readings, especially intriguing ones, it
inspires researchers and philosophers of science to verify them, as well
tion of processes of developing specialist knowledge. Such intriguing
impulses, which attract researchers’ attention, include the issue raised
byWolfLepeniesinhisessayFear and Science.Lepenieslooksatthis
modern phenomenon not only from the point of view of the successes of
the industrial revolution and the processes characteristic of modernity,
Originallypublished:RafałWłodarczyk, “Transgresja–transdyscyplinarność–trans
lacja”, [in:] Interdyscyplinarność i transdycyplinarność pedagogiki – wymiary teoretyczny i praktyczny,ed.R.Włodarczyk,W.Żłobicki,Impuls,Kraków2011,p.53–68.
and to their ordering and institutionalization, or philosophical efforts
to examine their legitimacy, as well as the internal logic determining
the appropriate ways of producing knowledge, division of labour and
determining the tasks they should undertake in relation to this. The
German researcher focuses his attention on science and technology in
which western societies vest hopes to reduce or exclude fear of the
forces of nature.
The view of science as a radical means of reducing fear, if not eradicating
and promoted by seventeenthcentury academies […] 2.
researchers,whichaccordingtoLepeniesculminatedinthe19th cen
as well as for the assignment of social functions to science and tech
nology. In other words, the development of science and its social sup
port should be perceived in their interplay:
coming a cultural given in western industrial societies, since science and
technology are regarded here as the engines of the enlightenment and
thus as the critical mechanisms which have liberated man from the forces
of nature, which for centuries have been regarded as incomprehensible
and which instill fear3.
The progress of science and technology seen in this perspecti
ve, which gives hope and has a real impact on the remodelling of the
organization of western societies, numerous conveniences and an
increase in labour productivity, builds up widespread belief in their
effectiveness as a universal panacea. The development is mainly sup
posed to foster the growth of the social sense of security. Therefore,
W.Lepenies,“Lękanauka”,[in:]W.Lepenies,Niebezpieczne powinowactwa z wyboru,
3 Ibidem,p.35.
rAfAł włodArCzyk
it can be assumed that researchoriented institutions designated in
the social division of labour that enjoy trust and are strengthened by
it have taken on the role of a kind of defensive mechanism of society,
a buffer protecting its members against “direct” confrontation with
fear, enabling, the delegation of fear of the forces of nature outside
the framework of a typical social practice in the world of everyday life.
might be an era when large disputes about worldviews and politics
evolve around the subject of fear” 4.Thenitissobecause“Therevealed
inability of science and the politics it directs to deal with even a di
stant catastrophe has its root cause in the inability of science to react
appropriately to phenomena that cause anxiety”5.Currently,science
development not only fails to reduce social anxiety, but also introdu
Selfdeception is not a problem as long as science and technology conti
nue to make spectacular progress in understanding external nature and
in combating exogenous fears. However, this progress has been halted:
genetic technology and the splitting of the atom have consequences that
no longer eliminate fears, but awaken fears of irreversible pollution of the
environment and destruction of our world of life 6.
According to Urlich Beck, who studies the consequences of mo
dernism like Lepenies, this new definition of the situation leads to
ty, which is freeing itself from the contours of the classical industrial
societyandforginganewform–the(industrial)‘risksociety’”7. Beck
places the reevaluation of the relationship between science, tech
nology and society in a broader perspective: the logic of the crisis of
Ibidem, p. 49.
6 Ibidem,p.51.
7 U. Beck, The Risk Society. Towards a New Modernity, London, New Bury Park, New
Delhi 1992, p. 9.
TRansGRessIon – TRansdIscIPlInaRITy – TRanslaTIon
nity; the crisis of this modernity, for which one of the main determi
nants was considered the planned and organized transformation of
the conditions regarding functioning of western societies. Therefore,
despite its revolutionary effects, such as the establishment of a new
When modernization reaches a certain stage it radicalizes itself. It begins
to transform, for a second time, not only the key institutions but also the
very principles of society. But this time the principles and institutions
being transformed are those of modern society 8.
In other words, the threats posed by the modernisation process, hith
erto of a local nature, as a result of the research progress and techno
logical development, their intensity and systematic increase, have both
ture and, in Beck’s opinion, resulted in the establishment of a separate
‘sphere’, not controlled by modern institutions, which generates risks
thataredifficulttodefineandassessonaglobalscale 9, the sphere re
quiring radical changes in the way in which fundamental sources and
methods of threat functioning are perceived and counteracted, and
thus continue the process of modernisation on new principles:
Modernity has not vanished, but it is becoming increasingly problematic.
While crises, transformation and radical social change have always been
changes social structures but revolutionizes the very coordinates, cat
egories and conceptions of change itself. This ‘meta-change’ of modern
society results from a critical mass of unintended sideeffects 10.
potheses and Research Programme”, Theory, Culture & Society2003,Vol.20,p.1.See
also:U.Beck,“TheReinventionofPolitics”,[in:] U.Beck,A.Giddens,L.Scott, Reflexive
Modernization. Politics, Tradition and Aesthetics in the Modern Social Order, Stanford
9 SeeU.Beck,“OnTheLogicOfWealthDistributionAndRiskDistribution”,[in:]U.Beck,
The Risk Society,op.cit,p.19–50.
10 U.Beck,W.Bonss,Ch.Lau,“TheTheoryofReflexiveModernization”,op.cit.,p.2.“This
rAfAł włodArCzyk
Modernization of modernism, therefore, presupposes a social di
vision of labour in which the role of science and technology is no lon
ger clear. On the one hand, science and technology are still modern
tools for reducing fear of the forces of nature, but on the other hand,
fear of the forces released in the process of modernization requires
the development of new means and methods of social prevention of
threatswhich“theyalsocannotbedeterminedbyscience” 11. Thus, the
production of knowledge socially necessary to deal with new forms of
threat exceeds the institutional order established as a result of mo
dernisation and, as a social practice, ceases to be the domain of qu
alified researchers. As Beck writes, “In risk issues, no one is expert,
or everyone is an expert, because the experts presume what they are
supposed to make possible and produce: cultural acceptance” 12.
In the risk socjety, the recognition of the unpredictability of the threars
on the foundations of social cohesion and the examination of prevailing
conversations and foundations of ‘rationality’. In the selfconcept of risk
society, society becomes reflexive (in the narrower sense of the word),
which is to say it becomes a theme and a problem for itself13.
practices and the production of knowledge beyond the institutional fra
ideals of modernity was implemented in the times of the hegemony of
new stage, in which progress can turn into selfdestruction, in which one kind of
modernization undercuts and changes another, is what I call the stage of reflexive
11 U.Beck,“TheReinventionofPolitics”,op.cit.,p.6.
12 Ibidem, p. 9.
13 Ibidem, p. 8.
TRansGRessIon – TRansdIscIPlInaRITy – TRanslaTIon
modernism, to what extent Western academies, research centres and
institutions monitoring research and scientific careers absorbed it,
thus incarnating a way of thinking about the production of knowledge
taking into consideration such questions as: in which areas, at what
modifications, social and moral costs, with what means, with what
conviction or commitment, and with what resistance 14. Nevertheless,
from the point of view of the history of research institutions, it is pos
sible to trace the processes of disciplinarization and institutionaliza
terns of rationality. They break down, or fragment the world into parts
and layers, prepare their objects, adapt different methods to these pre
parations, define in their own way specific and non-specific terms that
are to describe and explain them. The positive effect of this development
is a rapid increase in knowledge and in the efficiency of science, while
the negative effect is the problems of structuring, systematizing and inte
grating this knowledge and the resulting communication problems in the
relations between science and science and science and society15.
What cannot be underestimated is the fact that we are dealing
with overlapping of two levels of functioning of the academia, i.e.
the scientific and administrative ones, whose progressive rationali
sations, in connection with different practices, tasks, objectives and
procedures for the production of specialist knowledge and bureau
cracy, are not easy to reconcile. Bureaucratisation, according to the
Seee.g.:W.Lepenies,Between Literature and Science. The Rise of Sociology,Cambridge1988;H.Schnädelbach,“Science”,[in:]H.Schnädelbach,Philosophy in Germany
1831–1933, Cambridge 1984; J. Habermas, “Modernity. An Unfinished Project”, [in:]
Habermas and the Unfinished Project of Modernity. Critical Essays on The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity,ed.M.Passerind’Entrèves,S.Benhabib,Cambridge1997;
J.-F.Lyotard,The Postmodern Condition. A Report on Knowledge, Minneapolis 1984.
paradygmat w nauce i badaniach”, Ekonomia i Nauki Humanistyczne. Zeszyty Naukowe
Politechniki Rzeszowskiej2007,Issue16,p.85.
rAfAł włodArCzyk
concept proposed by Max Weber 16, introduces work division in which
posts and tasks are interconnected whereas the criteria of verifica
tion of the conducted activities are included in rules and regulations.
plex and changing research contexts, on the one hand, the growth of
knowledge, which requires constant reinterpretation of assumptions
and meanings of its components, and on the other hand, the current
ces, among other things, the reevaluation of tasks pursued by science,
distinguishing among them the tasks oriented towards solving current
social problems. The question arises, therefore, about the principle
gen Mittelstrass,
certain problems cannot be captured by a single discipline. This is true, in
of environment, energy and health, which arise from issues not exclusi
the developments of problems and scientific disciplines, and this is ag
gravated as the developments of disciplines and science in general are
characterised by an increasing specialisation17.
It seems that at the level of functioning of an individual employ
ed in a research institute, the asymmetry between the management
of problems and disciplines overlaps with the tension with which the
researcher is confronted, between the professional interest and the
cognitive interest. Due to the clearly designated pulse to which the
researcher is subject, and a strict division into bars containing compo
nents of a measurable value, the rhythm of professional duties (annual
See M. Weber, Economy and Society. An Outline of Interpretative Sociology, ed. G. Roth,
17 J. Mittelstrass, “On Transdisciplinarity”, Trames 2011, 15(65/60), p. 331. See J. Mittelstrass,“Transdisciplinarity–NewStructuresinScience”(thepaperpresentedatthe
conference Innovative Structures in Basic Research in October 2000), http://xserve02.
TRansGRessIon – TRansdIscIPlInaRITy – TRanslaTIon
ria for evaluation of individual actions) may take the initiative, direct
and give concrete dynamics to the practice of the researcher, who
occupies the position, regulated by a score of rules, and located in the
order of the amphitheatre of an institution.
intain and sustain than communication and cooperation between di
sciplines and researchers, which, without individual initiative, effort
and commitment to integration on the part of individuals, can ulti
mately cease, thereby fostering the separation of disciplines and the
isolation of researchers. Therefore, interdisciplinarity, as Mittelstrass
points out, which is the proper result of cooperation between disci
academic division of labour, is not a common practice accepted within
traditional research institutions, but as such it constitutes a philoso
ge disintegration;
both in a systematic as well as in an institutional sense 18.
While administration is related to institutional space and develops
theoretical generalizations. Its abstract character eludes administra
of the present development of science and research,
J.Mittelstrass,“OnTransdisciplinarity”,op.cit.,p.330.Seealso:S.Fuller,Interdisciplinarity. The Loss of the Heroic Vision in the Marketplace of Ideas, www.interdisci
Interdisciplinarity?”, www.dan.sperber.fr/?p=101(available:1.05.2010).
rAfAł włodArCzyk
Knowledge seeps through institutions and structures like water thro
science to society as well as from society to science. It seeps through
institutions and from academia to and from the outside world 19.
The union of bureaucracy and science is not mandatory. Both Nowot
ny and Mittelstrass point out that the way in which dynamically de
veloping research is practiced outside academic centres 20, also their
dissemination does not lie within the boundaries of the structure of
scientific disciplines, nor does it stick to methodological standards
developed and adopted in traditionally practiced science. Therefore,
as Nowotny claims,
We need another language to describe what is happening in research. We
identified some attributes of the new mode of knowledge production,
which we think are empirically evident, and argued that, all together, they
are integral or coherent enough to constitute something of a new form of
production of knowledge 21.
From the positions adopted by both researchers, it can be deduced
that the transdisciplinarity characteristic of the new type of knowl
edge development, which breaks the monopoly of the academia, is the
result of the absence of organisational forms typical for traditional
scientific institutions in the numerous spaces where such research
develops. Therefore, it can be assumed that both types of knowledge
development, i.e. disciplinary and transdisciplinary, will develop in
parallel, but not independently of each other.
H. Nowotny, “The Potential of Transdisciplinarity”, p. 1, http://www.helganowotny.
20 Mittelstrass gives examples of such research centres and organizations, see J. Mittel
Science in the Private Interest. Has there Lure of Profits Corrupted Biomedical Research?,
21 H. Nowotny, “The Potential of Transdisciplinarity”, op. cit, p. 1. Such new language
seems to be proposed by John Urry in his work Sociology beyond Societies (see J. Urry,
“Metaphors”, [in:] J. Urry, Sociology beyond Societies. Mobilities for the Twenty-first
TRansGRessIon – TRansdIscIPlInaRITy – TRanslaTIon
undaries. There is a kind of convergence or coevolution between what is
happening in the sphere of knowledge production and how societal insti
tutions are developing. […] What we see today is a resurgence, for instan
ce, of NGOs and other ways in which various kinds of stakeholders organise
in shaping social reality. This is why the transgressiveness of knowledge is
better captured by the term transdisciplinarity 22.
Writing about the modern form of rational mass administration as
the domination of knowledge, Weber pointed out that the develop
tensive and calculable administration’, is inevitable, although to a large
extent dependent on technical means of communication for its preci
in the context of the topic we are dealing with:
small scale organization would it be possible to any considerable extent to
the knowledge of techniques and facts is only the capitalist entrepreneur,
maintain at least relative immunity from subjection to the control of ra
tional bureaucratic knowledge. In large scale organizations, all others are
inevitably subject to bureaucratic control, just as they have fallen under
the dominance of precision machinery in the mass production of goods 24.
H.Nowotny,The Potential of Transdisciplinarity, op cit., p. 2. It should be emphasized
that such terms as inter, trans or multidisciplinarity are not consistently used in the
them, see K. Michalski, “Interdyscyplinarność, transdyscyplinarność, multidyscypli
See M. Weber, Economy and Society, op. cit., p. 224. George Ritzer in the book The
McDonaldization of Society (LosAngeles–Melbourne2019)adoptsWeber’sthesison
the development of a rational bureaucracy as a starting point and then points to his
new model of macdonaldisation, which, in his opinion, constitutes a contemporary
radicalisation of the rationality of administration (see p. 19–66). See also the observations on macdonaldization of tertiary education and the whole education system:
M. Weber, Economy and Society, op. cit., p.224–225.Thedevelopmentofbureaucracy
rAfAł włodArCzyk
Weber’s analyses of the nature of bureaucracy shed some light both
on the nature of the development of disciplinarity within traditional
for which associations, private initiatives and businesses, and thus civil
society actors, are the cornerstone25.However,ifwealsoconsiderthat
the interdisciplinary projects, studies and publications, both collective
and individual, arising within scientific institutions, have all the cha
to civil society 26, where personal involvement, going beyond the rules
and principles adopted is essential, we should perhaps recognise that
both inter and transdisciplinarity, although stemming from different
experiences and contexts, are an important component of modern
by modernity of a critical mass of unintended sideeffects. This would
mean that not only can transdisciplinary research reinforce the inter
terdisciplinary research, conceived as an antidote to the disintegration
of knowledge, should extend its scope to include knowledge produced
outside the disciplinary order in the integration agenda and lay the
foundations for a twoway transfer of knowledge and research practi
ces. Weber’s analyses point to the fundamental limitations that can be
placed on transdisciplinary research, which seems to be evidenced by
the characteristics of trnasdisciplinarity given by Mittelstrass:
Democracy in America (seeA.deTocqueville,Democracy in America,Chicago,London
power in the institutions of democratic societies.
SeeE.A.Shils,“Wasisteinecivilsociety?”,[in:]Europa und die Civil Society, Castelgandolfo-Gespräche 1989,ed.K.Michalski,Stuttgart1991;M.Walzer,“TheConceptofCivil
Society”, [in:] Toward a Global Civil Society,ed.M.Walzer,Providence,Oxford1995.
to revise methodologically. This is evidenced, among others, by the fact that the ongoing
change in the European model of science towards the synthesis and integration of
scientificcriticism,butaresultofexternalsocialprocesses”(K.Michalski,“Interdyscyplinarność, transdyscyplinarność, multidyscyplinarność”, op. cit., p. 86). “Contrary to
popular definitions, the place of alternative, inter- and transdisciplinary research is
not ‘between’ or ‘over’ disciplines, but ‘beyond’ the traditional disciplinary paradigm”
(Ibidem, p. 94).
TRansGRessIon – TRansdIscIPlInaRITy – TRanslaTIon
transdisciplinarity is first of all an integrating, although not a holistic,
concept. It resolves isolation on a higer methodological plane, but it does
not attempt to construct “unified” interpretative or explanatory matrix.
Second, transdisciplinarity removes impasses within the historical con
forgotten their historical memory, or lost their problemsolving power
principle. [...] Last of all, transdisciplinarity is above all a research principle, when considered properly against the background I have outlined
concerning the forms of research and representation in the sciences, and
only secondarily, if at all, a theoretical principle, in the case that theories
also follow transdisciplinary research forms27.
AccordingtoMittelstrass,transdisciplinaritybeing“ascientific research principlethatisactivewhereveradefinitionofproblemsand
simultaneously “a theoretical principle that might change our text
books” 28. Practiceoriented transdisciplinary research, representing
its projects in a broader theoretical plan and in the perspective of the
ideal of unity of knowledge and thus does not go beyond the level of
generalizations necessary for direct application and use of knowled
ge. Although they undermine the order of the structure of scienti
are neither an alternative nor an adequate level of general knowledge
necessary to carry out the theoretical and practical integration that
is autonomous of the existing scientific knowledge system and not
J.Mittelstrass,“OnTransdisciplinarity”,[in:]Science and the Future of Mankind,Vatican
2006, p. 498.
28 J.Mittelstrass,“Transdisciplinarity–NewStructuresinScience”,op.cit.Mittelstrass
tem”(J.Mittelstrass,“OnTransdisciplinarity”,[in:]Science and the Future of Mankind
forms of disciplinarity” (Ibidem, p. 498).
rAfAł włodArCzyk
mediated therein. Orientation towards such objectives would require
the development of an organisational apparatus for research, which
and independence characteristic of the activities carried out in small
teams, which are not motivated by the development of bureaucratic
rationality. However, the development of transdisciplinary research
inforcing the interdisciplinary trends potentially and practically pre
If research takes on increasingly transdisciplinary forms, then temporary
research cooperatives are the appropriate organizational form, and not
isolated component systems. […] Transdisciplinarity would in this sense
bethegadflyofthescientificorder 29.
The phenomenon of knowledge disciplinarisation as a result of com
plex and uneven processes of specialisation, institutionalisation and
division of labour is also worth looking at from a historical perspective.
The book by Wolf Lepenies Three Cultures can serve as an example
groups of intellectuals: on one hand the men of letters, i.e. the writers
and critics, on the other the social scientists, above all the sociologists”.
literature and sociology contested with one another the claim to offer
the key orientation for modern civilization and to constitute the guide to
living appropriate to industrial society. […] This competing discloses a di
lemma which determined not only how sociology originated but also how
which has led it to ape the natural sciences and a hermeneutic attitude
J.Mittelstrass,“Transdisciplinarity–NewStructuresinScience”,op.cit.Seealso:L.Witkowski,“Problem‘radykalnejzmiany’wnauce”,[in:]L.Witkowski,Tożsamość i zmiana.
Epistemologia i rozwojowe profile w edukacji,Wrocław2010.
TRansGRessIon – TRansdIscIPlInaRITy – TRanslaTIon
which has shifted the discipline towards the realm literature. The con
nection between a literary inteligentsia and a inteligentsia devoted to the
social sciences was thus an aspect of a complex process in the course of
modes [...]30.
Balzac’s Human Comedy, which was originally intended to be called
Social Studies, seeing it as an unprecedented document of human na
acounterpartofwhatAugustComte’ssociologyaspiresto31. Gustave
things, dissociating itself from literature.
the system of knowledge and had to acquire it, sought to do so by dis
tancing themeselves from the early literary forms of their own discipline,
whose purpose was rather to describe and classify than to analyse and
reduce to a system. […] The problem of sociology is that, although it may
imitate the natural sciences, it can never become a true natural science
close to literature32.
analysis allows us to make some additional comments on the relation
ship between disciplinary, inter and transdisciplinary research. We can
assume that the consolidation of the academic system of sciences has
W.Lepenies,“Introduction”,[in:]W.Lepenies,Between Literature and Science, op. cit.,
p. 1. In the book, the author follows the fate of sociology and its being ‘inbetween’
31 SeeIbidem,p.4–5.
32 Ibidem,p.7.
rAfAł włodArCzyk
been accompanied by transdisciplinary research since its inception,
but as sociology shows, the growing distance between academia and
nonacademic forms of knowledge production and the institutionali
zationrelated identity policies within individual disciplines have led
to a gap between the two forms of research. The problem of relations,
interdependencies and the flow of knowledge between disciplinary
and inter and transdisciplinary research is not so much something
necessity to counteract the isolation of disciplines in the structure of
ple of tensions between science and literature, allows us to see and
separate structures, but also languages characteristic of each other,
between which the transfer of knowledge and practices requires
of the hermeneutical theories, we can assume that all understanding
equals translation, and the increase in hermeneutical competence is
related to translation practice33.
in every act of communication, in the emission and reception of each and
every mode of meaning, be it in the widest semiotic sense or in more speci
to translate. Thus the essential structural and executive means and problems
of the act of translation are fully present in acts of speech, of writing, of pic
torial encoding inside any given language. Translation between different lan
to human speech even where it is monoglot34.
SeeH.-G.Gadamer,“LesenistwieÜbersetzen”,[in:]Gessamelte Werke,Vol.8,Tübinge
1993;G.Steiner,“UnderstandingasTranslation”,[in:]G.Steiner,After Babel. Aspects of
Language and Translation, Oxford 1992.
G. Steiner, After Babel, op. cit., p. xii. “Any model of communication is at the same
TRansGRessIon – TRansdIscIPlInaRITy – TRanslaTIon
Both the differences between numerous idiomatic languages in
which we operate and which we use on a daily basis, as well as the dif
ferences between the order of thinking and the order of action require
us to master and constantly develop our translation skills. The more
often we use a language and its individual components, the easier,
selves, the process of translation takes place. Practicing the research
the same time, however, this specialist orientation does not increase
or even decrease our chances of communicating with experts prac
ticing in another field and of transferring knowledge on both sides.
Translation problems can also arise between practitioners in the same
field, but in different environments that are not isolated from local
influences and shape the language of the researcher or their group.
In other words, knowledge of the dialect developed in a given centre
a foreign language of one’s own may help to master another, especially
a similar one, and also broaden the understanding of the language we
speak every day. We are multilingual and need to understand, so we
need to be able to translate.
In this context, the situation and the status of disciplines such as
pedagogy, cultural studies and environmental protection should be
highlighted. In pedagogy the auxiliary sciences such as psychology,
sociology, anthropology, etc. should be taken into account. As they
play the role of an essential component of the perspective adopted in
the research on education, the conduct of which requires prior inte
gration of knowledge from these disciplines and only with its partici
SeeK.Rubacha,“Związekpedagogikizinnyminaukami”,[in:]Pedagogika. Podręcznik
akademicki, ed. Z. Kwieciński, B. Śliwerski, Warszawa 2003; T. Hejnicka-Bezwińska,
Pedagogika ogólna,Warszawa2008,p.215–221,241–246.Itdoesnotmeanthatwecan
talkaboutsomethingasself-sufficiencyofotherdisciplines,seeL.Witkowski,Problem ‘radykalnej zmiany’ w nauce,op.cit.;L.Witkowski,“Uwagiointerdyscyplinarności
rAfAł włodArCzyk
disciplines, however, it does not overlap with any of them, nor does
it function outside them. The same can be said of social psychology,
cultural studies or environmental protection, taking into account their
respective auxiliary sciences. The status of pedagogy can be described
as interdisciplinary due to the fact that its selfdetermination requires
plines. Moreover, pedagogy, more closely than other disciplines, which
are mainly cognitively oriented, is connected with social practice, and
to prepare for educational research and practice presuppose the deve
lopment of competence in translation from the languages of auxiliary
plines and in mutual directions between educational theories and edu
transdisciplinary, such as socially created knowledge and educational
strategies36, develops its integrative potential embracing with it the
phenomena which are characteristic for nonacademic social practice,
i.e. development of knowledge in the area of functioning of civil society.
the model of an institution of translation37, a discipline located on the
borderline of humanities and social sciences, integrating and studying
the conditions for the transfer of disciplinary, inter and transdiscipli
nary knowledge, and capable of producing the knowledge necessary to
w pedagogice (z perspektywy epistemologii krytycznej)”, [in:] L. Witkowski, Ku integralności edukacji i humanistyki II,Toruń2009.
36 Z.Kwieciński,“Pedagogikaprzejściaipogranicza”,[in:]Z.Kwieciński,Tropy – ślady –
próby. Studia i szkice z pedagogii pogranicza,Poznań–Olsztyn2000.
37 Inthecontextoftheconceptofpedagogyofasylum(seeR.Włodarczyk,Lévinas. W stronę pedagogiki azylu, Warszawa 2009) we can talk about a particular area of research into
TRansGRessIon – TRansdIscIPlInaRITy – TRanslaTIon
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fesjonalne, Warszawa 2008.
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TRansGRessIon – TRansdIscIPlInaRITy – TRanslaTIon
Successive parts of the article deal with the development of disci
plinary, inter and transdicyplinary research and its mutual relations
ne that can be a model of an institution of translation, a discipline lo
cated on the borderline of humanities and social sciences, integrating
and studying the conditions for the transfer of disciplinary, inter and
transdisciplinary knowledge, and which can develop the knowled
ge necessary to educate in the field of inter- and transdisciplinary
disciplinary research, translation, knowledge transfers, integration of