Papers by Afif Syarifudin Yahya
West Science Business and Management, Mar 28, 2024
This research studies the complex relationships between government policies, technological innova... more This research studies the complex relationships between government policies, technological innovation, availability of venture capital, and the growth of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia. Using Structural Equation Modeling with Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS), this research analyses data from a sample of 130 SMEs across different industries and regions. The measurement model assessment confirmed the reliability and validity of the constructs, while the structural model analysis revealed significant positive relationships between government policy effectiveness, technological innovation, venture capital availability, and SME growth. The robustness of the findings was confirmed through bootstrapping, and the model fit index validated the adequacy of the estimated model. The R-squared values indicate the ability of the model to explain most of the variance in SME growth. Hypothesis testing further corroborated the significant impact of Availability of Venture Capital, Government Policies, and Technological Innovation on SME growth. The implications of these findings extend to policymakers, business owners, and stakeholders, guiding the formulation of strategies that foster an enabling environment for SMEs in Indonesia.
Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan, Feb 27, 2022
Jurnal Media Birokrasi, Dec 31, 2023
Kebijakan desentralisasi telah memberikan kewenangan yang sangat luas kepada Daerah. Berbagai kew... more Kebijakan desentralisasi telah memberikan kewenangan yang sangat luas kepada Daerah. Berbagai kewenangan yang diserahkan dilaksanakan oleh perangkat daerah selaku pembantu Kepala daerah. Oleh karena itu, Perangkat daerah menjadi ujung tombak keberhasilan penyelenggaraan urusan pemerintahan di daerah. Perangkat daerah dengan tingkat kematangan tinggi menunjukkan hasil kinerja yang tinggi, begitu pun sebaliknya. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kematangan perangkat daerah penyelenggara urusan administrasi kependudukan dan pencatatan sipil. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode campuran dengan strategi eksplanatoris sekuensial. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan melalui pengisian tabel yang didasarkan atas 11 variabel yang diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 99 Tahun 2018. Tabel yang telah diisi kemudian diverifikasi melalui wawancara dan studi dokumentasi untuk memperoleh bukti pendukung pelaksanaan agar hasil analisis menjadi valid. Wawancara dilaksanakan kepada Kepala Dinas, Sekretaris Dinas, Kepala Bidang, Kepala Seksi, Kepala Subbagian, dan Pelaksana Teknis. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kematangan perangkat daerah penyelenggara urusan administrasi kependudukan dan pencatatan sipil masuk pada kategori "Sangat Rendah" dengan skor 18. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, hendaknya Pemerintah daerah berupaya memenuhi persyaratan pada variabel dengan tingkat kematangan yang sangat rendah yakni penjaminan mutu pelayanan, pendidikan dan pelatihan aparatur, analisis kebijakan dan pemecahan masalah tugas, sumber daya peralatan dan perlengkapan kerja yang terukur, manajemen resiko pelaksanaan tugas aparatur, dan budaya organisasi.
Jurnal Multidisiplin West Science, Jan 31, 2024
Penelitian ini menyelidiki hubungan yang rumit antara kebijakan pemerintah, kemitraan bisnis, pen... more Penelitian ini menyelidiki hubungan yang rumit antara kebijakan pemerintah, kemitraan bisnis, pengelolaan perikanan berkelanjutan, kesejahteraan nelayan, dan pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam konteks Sulawesi Selatan. Dengan menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) pada sampel 250 peserta yang mewakili berbagai pemangku kepentingan di sektor perikanan, penelitian ini menganalisis dampak berbagai faktor terhadap kesejahteraan nelayan dan pembangunan ekonomi daerah secara keseluruhan. Hasilnya menyoroti pentingnya kebijakan pemerintah yang efektif dan kemitraan bisnis yang kolaboratif dalam mendorong praktik-praktik berkelanjutan yang secara positif mempengaruhi dimensi sosial dan ekonomi dalam sektor perikanan. Studi ini memberikan kontribusi wawasan yang berharga bagi para pembuat kebijakan, pemangku kepentingan industri, dan peneliti, yang menawarkan pemahaman yang bernuansa tentang dinamika yang membentuk lanskap perikanan Sulawesi Selatan.
West Science Law and Human Rights, Jan 29, 2024
This research investigates the intricate relationships among Bureaucratic Accountability, Impact ... more This research investigates the intricate relationships among Bureaucratic Accountability, Impact of Regulatory Change, Law Enforcement Effectiveness, and Public Service Quality through a quantitative analysis employing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Utilizing a sample size of 150 participants, the study explores the nuanced interplay of these constructs, providing valuable insights for policymakers and administrators. The measurement model demonstrates robust reliability and validity, while the structural model reveals significant positive associations between Bureaucratic Accountability, Impact of Regulatory Change, Law Enforcement Effectiveness, and Public Service Quality. Demographic variations further enrich the understanding of these relationships. The findings contribute to the discourse on effective governance, emphasizing the pivotal role of transparency, regulatory adaptability, and law enforcement efficiency in shaping public service perceptions. Implications for policy and avenues for future research are discussed
Jurnal Hukum dan HAM Wara Sains, Dec 29, 2023
Penelitian ini menyelidiki dampak kebijakan gratifikasi terhadap pencegahan korupsi di lingkungan... more Penelitian ini menyelidiki dampak kebijakan gratifikasi terhadap pencegahan korupsi di lingkungan pemerintah desa di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Melalui analisis kualitatif, kami memeriksa kebijakan yang ada, menilai kesadaran dan pemahaman di antara para pejabat, mengeksplorasi dampak yang dirasakan terhadap pencegahan korupsi, dan mengidentifikasi tantangan dalam implementasi. Program pelatihan dan strategi komunikasi secara signifikan mempengaruhi kesadaran, dengan menekankan pentingnya inisiatif yang komprehensif. Efek jera yang dirasakan dan dampak positif terhadap perilaku etis menggarisbawahi pentingnya kebijakan gratifikasi. Tantangan yang dihadapi, termasuk penegakan hukum yang tidak konsisten dan keterbatasan sumber daya, menunjukkan adanya bidang-bidang yang perlu ditingkatkan. Rekomendasi yang diberikan mencakup standarisasi penegakan hukum, alokasi sumber daya, pengembangan kapasitas yang berkelanjutan, dan peningkatan keterlibatan masyarakat. Studi ini memberikan wawasan yang berharga dalam wacana pencegahan korupsi, dengan menekankan pentingnya kebijakan yang sesuai dengan konteks dan pendekatan kolaboratif dalam tata kelola pemerintahan daerah.
West Science Journal Economic and Entrepreneurship, Nov 29, 2023
Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Aug 30, 2022
Kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat tentang Covid-19 mengakibatkan banyak masyarakat Kelurahan Aek Mua... more Kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat tentang Covid-19 mengakibatkan banyak masyarakat Kelurahan Aek Muara Pinang yang terinfeksi virus corona sehingga diperlukan upaya untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat dalam rangka pencegahan penularan COVID-19 untuk membantu masyarakat tetap melaksanakan protokol kesehatan di Kelurahan Aek Muara Pinang. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat adalah untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat dalam melaksanakan protokol kesehatan melalui pemanfaatan media sosial. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pembuatan video edukasi, sosialisasi keliling dan pembagian masker. Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa kesadaran masyarakat Kelurahan Aek Muara Pinang dalam menerapkan protokol kesehatan mengalami peningkatan yang ditandai dengan berkurangnya tempat-tempat kerumunan dan masyarakat sudah mulai menggunakan masker. Selain itu, program kegiatan pembuatan video yang disebar di akun media sosial seperti youtube dengan total jumlah penayang/penonton sebanyak 88 kali, jumlah penayang pada akun facebook sebanyak 249 kali, dan jumlah penonton pada akun tiktok sebanyak 52.
Jurnal Media Birokrasi
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis efektivitas pelayanan publik melalui sistem pengelolaan pen... more Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis efektivitas pelayanan publik melalui sistem pengelolaan pengaduan aplikasi SP4N-LAPOR dengan menggunakan teori efektivitas menurut (Martini, 1987) yang diukur melalui tiga pendekatan yaitu: pendekatan sumber, pendekatan proses, pendekatan sasaran. Desain penelitian menggunakan desain kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi dokumentasi, observasi, dan wawancara. Penentuan informan dilakukan melalui teknik purposive sampling kepada 11 orang, meliputi: Kepala Dinas, Kepala Bidang Layanan Informasi, Kepala Bidang Komunikasi Publik, Kepala Subbagian Perencanaan dan Evaluasi, Kepala Seksi Layanan Informasi Publik, Dinas yang terintegrasi dengan Aplikasi SP4N-LAPOR, 2 orang Staf Layanan Informasi Publik, dan 3 orang Pengguna Aplikasi. Teknik penentuan validitas keabsahan data dilaksanakan melalui strategi triangulasi sumber sedangkan Teknik analisis data dilakukan melalui reduksi, penyajian, dan verifikasi penarikan kesimpulan. Hasi...
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis efektivitas pelayanan publik melalui sistem pengelolaan pen... more Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis efektivitas pelayanan publik melalui sistem pengelolaan pengaduan aplikasi SP4N-LAPOR dengan menggunakan teori efektivitas menurut (Martini, 1987) yang diukur melalui tiga pendekatan yaitu: pendekatan sumber, pendekatan proses, pendekatan sasaran. Desain penelitian menggunakan desain kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi dokumentasi, observasi, dan wawancara. Penentuan informan dilakukan melalui teknik purposive sampling
Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR)
This research aimed to determine the financial accounting system's effect and human resources... more This research aimed to determine the financial accounting system's effect and human resources' value regarding the quality of government financial reports. The method used is descriptive and verification of several methods. The unit of analysis is the local government apparatus, and then the observation unit of the regional government agencies. The data processing method uses SEM, and the data used is the primary data. The results indicate an effect of the applicable financial accounting system and the quality of human resources on the value of government financial reports. The result shows that an optimal financial accounting system and competent human resources can influence quality financial reports. This research is expected to be valid for local governments in making decisions to realize effective and efficient financial reporting management.
Jurnal Riset Manajemen dan Akuntansi
The local autonomy policy has given very broad authority to regulate local government. To impleme... more The local autonomy policy has given very broad authority to regulate local government. To implement local government, adequate finance is required. This research aims to analyze the financial independence ratio of the Mamuju Regency Government for the 2015-2019 Fiscal Year. To find out the level of local independence ratio is to compare the local revenue with financial assistance provided by the central government, provincial governments, and loans. The research method used is qualitative research with an inductive approach. Data collection techniques are carried out through interviews and documentation. Interviews were conducted to 5 (five) informants using snowball sampling technique. The data that has been collected is then analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the ratio analysis of local financial independence was 7.18% in the Very Low category. As for the inhibiting factors for the low ratio of financial independenc...
Batara Wisnu : Indonesian Journal of Community Services
Banyuning Village is a center of pottery craft suppliers in Buleleng Regency. The pottery craft i... more Banyuning Village is a center of pottery craft suppliers in Buleleng Regency. The pottery craft is usually used for traditional ceremonies and souvenirs. The pandemic Covid-19 has reduced the sales of craft. The purpose of community service activities is to help pottery artisans to increase sales during pandemic Covid-19 through used social media. The methods used are surveying pottery artisans not yet on social media, giving education utilization and profits using social media, product marketing the social media, and the monitor. The result shows that social media platforms important role in increasing sales during the pandemic Covid-19. Optimizing social media as product marketing can increase sales of pottery products up to 60% and reach the consumer on a broader scale
International Journal of Economics and Management Research
The government develops for citizens to get a job and decent living. Nevertheless, the number of ... more The government develops for citizens to get a job and decent living. Nevertheless, the number of people who are unemployed and poor is still high. To solve those problems, the government establish the Skills Development Center as a basis for sustainable entrepreneur empowerment. This research aims to analyze entrepreneurial empowerment activities at the Skills Development Center, their positive impact, the dominant factor influencing success, and the effort to optimize the success of the Skills Development Center in facing changes in the world of work. This research used a qualitative descriptive method with an inductive approach. Data collection was documentation, interviews, and observation. The informants were 11 people who were determined based on the purposive sampling technique. Data analysis techniques through reduction, display, and conclusion drawing verification. The results showed the stages of awareness, enabling, and empowerment in implementing entrepreneurial empowerme...
AbstractDevelopment is an important factor in the administration of government, especially inthe ... more AbstractDevelopment is an important factor in the administration of government, especially inthe regions. Good development must consider the balance between economic, socialand environmental, which is referred to as sustainable development. Development inthe Pulogadung Industrial Area has not fulfilled the element of sustainable development.There are strategies by SWOT analysis to realize sustainable development in thepulogadung industrial area are Intensifying supervision of industrial activities; Encourageand facilitate community-based environmental education; Providing training to employees;Socializing environmentally friendly waste management to the public; Holdingregular coordination with other areas to minimize urbanization; Tightening enforcementagainst companies that violate the rules; Encourage stakeholders to care for the environment;and Doing the physical and inner guidance to the public.The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive with quantitative data us...
Circulation 88(4 Part, Mar 3, 1993
Journal of Social Sciences, Nov 29, 2021
The paper presents the results of solving the problem of identifying the equivalent depth of the ... more The paper presents the results of solving the problem of identifying the equivalent depth of the linkage of the frame -pile structural system. The computational model of the problem is a frame -pile structural system in the form of three-dimensional frame, linear elastic deformation, pile -soil link is replaced by a hard restraint (fixed) with equivalent restraint depth. The problem is solved by the method of penalty function to combine with the finite element method. Examples of numerical calculations show that models, algorithms and calculation programs can be trusted and acceptable.
Papers by Afif Syarifudin Yahya