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The aim of this paper is to derive and replicate the quantitative analysis done in the original work. After solving the model and defining the system of equations, the effects of an exogenous shock on technology on the main variables of the system – namely output, consumption, investment, hours of work, trade balance, interest rate and debt level – during the deviation of the original steady state until the convergence to the equilibrium are analyzed.
Drawing upon Heidegger's Being and Time, I show how the method of phenomenology is itself responding to something like the Kierkegaardian recognition of subjectivity. Reflecting further on the notion of "meaning" within human life, and, with Heidegger and Derrida, upon the place of death and writing within the experience of meaning, I show first the distinctive way in which phenomenology completes itself in recognizing its own constitutive limits and second that this recognition should be understood as a faith that answers to the terms of the Kierkegaardian call.
La métaphysique du Dasein, 2010
Journal of Computational Literary Studies, 2024
The unequal distribution of cultural goods from the Southern to the Northern hemisphere is supported by a range of mechanisms that often prevent their participation in global exchanges. The globalization of Latin American literature faces significant challenges, which has led to the development of social networks among cultural agents as a distribution and visibility strategy. This paper examines the relationships between the structure of the Argentinian "Shanghai" group (1982-2010), its sociability patterns, and the internationalization of its members using social network analysis. Additionally, it employs basic features of a geographic information system to depict the dual transfers of social and symbolic capital involved in surpassing local frontiers in the publishing market. The article demonstrates the importance of participating in a social group, the positions held, and the types of relationships maintained. It has also shown the crucial role of networks' "brokers" as "gatekeepers" in the globalization of Latin American literature.
The anthropology of science and technology is an expanding arena of inquiry and intervention that critically examines the cultural boundary that sets science and technology off from the lives and experiences of people. Most research in this arena draws on ethnographic fieldwork to make visible the significance and force of this boundary, as well as meanings and experiences that cut across it or otherwise get hidden. Key categories of projects include juxtaposing shared systems of cultural meaning, following flows of metaphors back and forth across the boundary, and retheorizing or relocating the boundary itself in ways that reconnect science and technology to people. While advancing understanding of how people position science and technology in both specialized and everyday worlds, the anthropology of science and technology also calls attention to cultural possibilities whose realization might help expand participation in decision making about science and technology.
Uluslararası Hukuk Kuralları Işığında Rusya-Ukrayna Krizi Konferans Tebliğ Kitapçığı, 2023
“Uluslararası İlişkilerde Kuvvet Kullanma Yasağı Açısından Rusya’nın Askeri Operasyonlarının Değerlendirilmesi” başlıklı tebliğ ile katıldığım, 19 Mayıs 2022 tarihinde Koç Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi ve Koç Üniversitesi Küresel Kamu Hukuku Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (KÜREMER) tarafından Doç. Dr. R. Murat Önok'un moderatörlüğünde düzenlenen Uluslararası Hukuk Kuralları Işığında Rusya-Ukrayna Krizi Konferansı’nın tebliğleri, Sempozyum Bilimsel Ön İnceleme Komitesi tarafından bilimsel ön incelemeden geçirilerek kabul edilmiş ve tam metin şeklinde Uluslararası Hukuk Kuralları Işığında Rusya-Ukrayna Krizi Konferans Tebliğ Kitapçığı’nda Doç. Dr. R. Murat Önok’un editörlüğünde yayımlanmıştır. Yayına erişim için bağlantı adresi: (18.03.2023). Okuyucusuna faydalı olmasını dileriz.
Many attempts to understand the cultural impact of the forces of modernism, capitalism, and globalization have come to highlight contemporary cultural diversity at the expense of reifying a homogenized past of traditional, static societies. The "savage slot" still provides a convenient myth for characterizing small-scale communities before the advent of modernism-communities that experienced dramatic change only as they were pulled into the world system. Archaeological evidence from the southeastern United
In this article, I analyzed the implementation of the Romany language for the period 1990-2011-from the perspective of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages-in other words, I checked the extent to which various institutions and human resources in Romania contributed to the preservation and cultivation of the Romani language, how close or how far the cultural, educational, linguistic, legal, etc., products are, or how far apart the efforts for preservation and cultivation of this language efforts are to the aims instilled by the aforementioned European document. However, it has to be noted that a unique experience dedicated to preserving and cultivating the Romani language in the education system is recorded in Romania, starting with the year 1990, immediately after the collapse of the communist regime. But, compared to the rich and valuable arsenal of results from the linguistic and educational field, the contribution of the other sectors with attributions in preserving and cultivating the Romani language has been little and unevenly supported, still represented by little evidence, as well as timid and fragile, visible as far as artisan goes, incoherent and confusing. However, the analysis leads us to recommend that the linguistic-educational Roma experiment from Romania be taken as fast as possible as a model, to be developed and ennobled with new approaches in the realm of preservation and cultivation of the Romani language in all spheres of social life, both in Romania and in all the other countries where Roma live. După primele demersuri coerente înregistrate în Rusia, în perioada anilor 1925-1938, în direcţia promovării limbii rromani în sistemul şcolar şi în cultură, după un alt experiment excelent demonstrat în ex-Iugoslavia, încă din vremea comunistă (cu începere din anul 1969) – la nivel şcolar, jurnalistic şi editorial (prin publicaţii, radio, emisiuni TV, cărţi în limba rromani), cultural (teatru în limba rromani, la Skopje) şi lingvistic (Romska gramatika, apărută în 1983, la Skopje, avându-i autori pe Šaip Jusuf şi Krume Kepeski)-, iată, o a treia experienţă dedicată prezervării şi cultivării limbii rromani se înregistrează în România, cu începere din anul 1990. Imediat după destrămarea regimului comunist, mai cu seamă din perspectiva cultivării limbii rromani în plan educaţional, fenomenul cunoaşte o dimensiune fără seamăn în lume, atât calitativ-sub aspectul normării limbii rromani-, dar şi cantitativ (prin existenţa unui număr foarte mare de iniţiative şi factori umani multiplicatori ai limbii rromani în varianta normată a acesteia). Cu cât au contribuit diferitele instituţii şi resurse umane la păstrarea şi cultivarea limbii rromani, cât de aproape sau de departe se află produşii culturali, educaţionali, lingvistici, juridici etc., ori cât de distanţate se află
Haggadah in Early Judaism and the New Testament, 2021
This article comapers the story of Jesus' encounter with the Syro-Phoenician woman with two tradidtions from the Talmud Yerushalmi.
4ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο για την Προώθηση της Εκπαιδευτικής Καινοτομίας, 2018
Indialogs, 2014
Encontro Ciência 2021, 2021
Praxis Educativa 2802, 2024
Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007), 2014
Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal, 2018
Journal of Environmental Science and Economics
The Medicus, 2016
Blucher Design Proceedings, 2019
Nucleic Acids Research, 2006
Nature Communications, 2020
International Conference on Space Optics — ICSO 2016, 2017