A Thesis Submitted to the College of Graduate Studies and Research
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Masters of Science
In the Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences
University of Saskatchewan
Copyright Laura Johnson, August, 2013. All Rights Reserved.
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To fully understand the mechanisms of lower airway inflammation associated with many equine
diseases such as heaves or Rhodococcus equi infection, which are age specific, we must first
identify baseline “normal” structural characteristics of the horse lung. To develop a detailed
understanding of the morphology of the horse lung, stereological methods were adapted and
applied to the lungs from healthy adult horses (n=4) and one day (n=5) and 30 day (n=5) old
foals. The left lung from each animal was fixed in situ and was then removed from the body
cavity and remained in fixative overnight before beginning an unbiased sampling procedure. The
tissue samples were fixed in plastic and paraffin blocks for stereological evaluation and
immunohistochemistry, respectively. The lung was characterised into parenchyma and nonparenchyma, where median parenchymal density (alveolar airspace, ductal airspace and tissue)
was 81.0% in one day old foals, 84.4% in 30 day old foals and 93.7% in adult lungs. The median
volume density of alveolar airspace per lung was 45.9% in one day old, 55.5% in 30 day and
66.9% in adult horse lungs. Ductal airspace and alveolar tissue volume density was unchanged
between the age groups. The median alveolar surface area (m2) seemed to increase with age,
from about 205.3m2, 258.2m2 and 629.9m2 in one day old foals, 30 day old foals, and adults,
respectively. While the median alveolar surface density decreased with age, the mean linear
intercept increased with age. Alveolar surface area was consistently greater than endothelial
surface area (m2) within each lung, however the ratio between alveolar and endothelial surface
density remains unchanged with age. The median endothelium surface area was 106.2m2 in one
day, 147.5m2 in 30 day and 430m2 in adult lungs. The data show that the foal is born with a
functionally developed lung and its basic architecture changes with age. Foal lung development
and remodelling postnatally is a result of alveolar expansion paralleled with angiogenesis.
I am thankful for the opportunity to study under the supervision of Dr. Baljit Singh. As I reflect
on my experience here at the University of Saskatchewan I recognize how supportive,
encouraging and brilliant Dr. Singh has been. It has been a pleasure to learn from someone so
passionate about research, learning and teaching. He has been incredibly supportive to me over
these two years and for that, I cannot thank him enough. I have learned more than I thought
possible not only with respect to my research but also to life in general. And I am thankful to
have been given such an opportunity to grow.
I would also like to express thanks to my advisory committee members, Dr. Matthias Ochs, Dr.
Hugh Townsend and Dr. Jaswant Singh for their inspirational mentoring. I am thankful for the
opportunity from Dr. Baljit Singh to learn from Dr. Ochs in Hannover, Germany. The hospitality
and accommodation of everyone at the Hannover Medical School will not be forgotten. The
generous help and efforts of the students, faculty and support team there was exceptional. I
especially want to thank and acknowledge Jan Philipp Schneider for his time and efforts in
teaching me the stereology techniques and for continuing to be an advisor. He went above and
beyond in welcoming me to the school and Hannover.
The team here at the WCVM also deserves much gratitude and thanks. To begin, Dr. Julia
Montgomery deserves sincere thanks as she was more than generous with her time in mentoring
me and helping with every aspect of my project. I acknowledge Dr. Fernando Marques, for his
support, guidance and discussions in determining suitable adult horses for the study, Dr. Stacy
Anderson for her assistance with the clinical work, Tara Bocking for being an exceptional and
enthusiastic summer student and of course all my lab mates for lending a hand. The collaborative
nature of everyone involved with this project, from the WCVM’s Animal Care facility staff, and
Prairie Diagnostic Services, to the use of the Olympus microscope system in WCVM’s
Pathology Department, was wonderful. I would also like to acknowledge the kind support of the
Ryan Dubé Equine Research Fund and the WCVM’s graduate enhancement scholarship.
Finally, I want to thank my parents, family, boyfriend and friends for their never-ending support
and inspiration. I am lucky to have such a support group who is there for me through every
PERMISSION TO USE …………………………………………….……………………….......i
ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………………….…..…......ii
AKNOWLEDGMENTS …………………………………………………………………….....iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………………………........iv
LIST OF TABLES ………………………………………………………
LIST OF FIGURES …………………………………………………………………………....vii
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS………………………………………………...………………..ix
SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………….1
SECTION 2: REVIEW OF LITERATURE…………………………………………………....3
2.1 Lung Development
2.1.1 Prenatal Development
2.1.2 Postnatal Lung Maturation and Growth
2.2 Immunological Relevance
2.3 Morphometry Theory
SECTION 4: MATERIALS AND METHODS …………………………………………….…14
4.1 Pilot Studies
4.1.1 Mouse Trial
4.1.2 Cow Lung Trial
4.3 Fixation
4.4 Tissue Sampling
4.5Tissue Embedding
4.6 Stereological Evaluation
SECTION 5: STATISTICAL ANALYSIS ………………………………………………...….26
SECTION 6: RESULTS ……………………………………………………………………….27
6.1 Histology
6.2 Stereological Evaluation of Parenchymal Characteristics
6.3Stereological Evaluation of Surface Area Characteristics
6.4 Immunohistochemistry for von Willebrand Factor and Macrophages
SECTION 7: DISCUSSION …………………………………………………………………...41
7.1 Methods Development
7.2 Lung Stereology of Parenchyma
7.3 Stereological Evaluations of Surface Area
7.4 Molecular Mechanisms of Lung Development
7.5 Study Limitations
LIST OF REFERENCES ……………………………………………………….........................53
APPENDIX I ………………………………………………………...........................................62
APPENDIX II ………………………………………………………………………………….65
Table A. Lung developmental stages of horse, human and rat in relation to gestational stage and
morphology postnatally.
Table B. Species comparisons of basic lung morphology data.
Table C. Species comparison of lung alveolar surface area density and total area per kg of
Table D. Reference values for tracheal wash and bronchoalveolar lavage cytology inclusion
criteria for adult horses.
Table E. Bronchoalveolar lavage and tracheal wash cytology results from adult horses included
in the study.
Figure 4.1. Micrograph from a Foal Lung Indicating Regions of Non-Parenchyma.
Figure 4.2. Example of the Point Counting Grid.
Figure 4.3. Example of the Line Counting Grid.
Figure 6.1. Representative lung histology images from Adult Horse, 30 day old Foal and 1 day
old Foal
Figure 6.2. Volume density of parenchymal characteristics (%) between adults, 30 day and 1 day
old foals.
Figure 6.3. Relative total lung volume of parenchyma, alveolar airspace, ductal airspace and
tissue between adults, 30 day and 1 day old foals.
Figure 6.4. Alveolar and endothelial surface area and density counts from adults, 30 day and 1
day old foals.
Figure 6.5. Alveolar and endothelial surface density represented as a ratio
Figure 6.6. Surface area (m2) per 500mL standardized volume.
Figure 6.7. Surface area estimates per kilogram of bodyweight. (A) Alveolar surface area (m2)
per body weight (kg).
Figure 6.8. Alveolar measurements.
Figure 6.9. Immunohistochemistry with anti-macrophage antibody MAC-387.
Figure 6.10. Immunohistochemistry for von Willebrand Factor in foal and adult lungs.
Figure A. Adult horse hoisted into upright position with right lung clamped off and fixative
instilled into the left lung.
Figure B. The Right lung has been removed from the chest cavity after fixative has been
instilled. The left lung is in the process of extraction.
Figure C. Image Series of Slicing Adult Equine Left Lung. This images show the large size of
the equine lung (60cm in length) shown on a tray ( 65cmX45cm in dimension).
Figure D. Slicing Adult Equine Left Lung. Lungs were measured for total longest length
measurement and slab thickness was determined based on producing 10-12 equal thickness slabs.
Slabs were laid with the cut face upwards all in the same direction.
Figure E. Slicing Adult Equine Left Lung. Lung volume was estimated using a point counting
grid for the Cavalieri Method. The points on the grid were adjusted to produce 100-200 point
counts per lung.
Figure F. Slicing Adult Equine Left Lung.
Figure G. Slicing Adult Equine Left Lung.
Figure H. Cascade design of Lung Tissue Analysis.
Analysis of Variance
Bronchioalveolar Lavage
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Dendritic Cell
Electron Microscopy
Light Microscopy
Mean linear Intercept
Pulmonary Intravascular Macrophage
Recurrent Airway Obstruction
Systematic Uniform Random Sampling
Surface density of alveoli per parenchyma
Total Alveolar surface area per lung
Surface density of endothelium per
Total Endothelial surface area per lung
Arithmetic Mean Thickness
Tracheal Wash
Vv(al air/lung)
Volume density of alveolar airspace per lung
Vv(al air/par)
Volume density of alveolar airspace per
Vv(al duct/lung)
Volume density of alveolar ductal airspace
per lung
Vv(al duct/par)
Volume density of alveolar ductal airspace
per parenchyma
Volume density of alveolar tissue per lung
Volume density of alveolar tissue per
Volume density of parenchyma per lung
Volume density of non-parenchyma per lung
Volume density of parenchyma per
reference space
Vv(par/par+fine non-par)
Volume density of parenchyma per
reference space of parenchyma and fine non
parenchyma (microscopic images)
Vv(par+fine non-par/par+fine no-par+coarse non-par)
Volume density of parenchyma and fine
non-parenchyma per reference space of
parenchyma, fine non-parenchyma and
coarse non-parenchma (macroscopic slabs)
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
The ultimate limiting factor of racehorse success is the respiratory system, as respiratory disease
can reduce horse performance by impacting gas exchange and airway resistance (Hodgson and
Rose. 1994). According to a risk-screening questionnaire conducted on 110 horses in Calgary,
Alberta, 83% indicated mild to moderate lower airway inflammation based on abnormal
bronchiolar lavage (BAL) cytology (Wasko et al. 2011). This high incidence was seen in a
random population of horses and ponies of various ages that were involved in performance,
pleasure or racing in Alberta (Wasko et al. 2011). The cumulative estimate of the number of
horses across Alberta involved in these activities is 41% or a total of 124,774 horses (Evans.
2011). Therefore, the data indicate that a large number of horses are potentially affected by
respiratory disease and further assistance to the horse community is needed in identifying,
managing and preventing lower airway inflammation. The incidence of respiratory disease found
by Wasko and colleagues (Wasko et al. 2011) is comparable to a study of 303 randomly selected
Swiss horses in 1991(Bracher et al. 1991). In the Swiss study, a minimum of 88% of horses were
affected by subclinical, mild or moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
currently known as recurrent airway obstruction (RAO), a lower airway inflammatory disease
(Bracher et al. 1991). This high percentage of COPD affected horses showed no obvious signs of
respiratory disease to their owners (Bracher et al. 1991). Despite significant advances in
understanding of equine respiratory biology, there is an obvious need for understanding equine
inflammatory airway conditions to improve the treatments and preventative medicine techniques
for the horse industry globally.
To fully understand the mechanisms of lower airway inflammation associated with many equine
diseases such as heaves or Rhodococcus equi infection, which is age specific, we must first
identify cellular and structural characteristics of the normal horse lung. Defining the structure of
the normal and abnormal equine lung, inherently will improve our understanding of the disease
process. Due to the complexity of the cellular interactions comprising lung physiology, there are
innate differences between the neonate and adult lung. Since the mechanisms underlying this
susceptibility are unclear, there may be some inherent differences in the complement of various
cells in the lung of the horse compared to the foal.
To effectively study the structure and cellular components of the lung, stereology must be used.
Stereology is considered the gold standard in evaluating the lung as it encompasses systematic
random sampling and evaluation of the lung (Hsia et al. 2010). This technique allows for the
comparisons of structural and cellular differences between samples in order to speculate their
implications on physiology. This study develops the use of stereology in our lab to characterise
the lung of healthy adult horses and foals to define the basic cellular morphology and propose its
impact on immune function. I hypothesize that the normal foal lung will have less structurally
differentiated lung morphology in comparison to the adult horse. Therefore, I quantified basic
lung morphology by estimating the volume density of lung parenchyma and non-parenchyma
structures, alveolar ductal airspace, alveolar airspace, alveolar tissue, and alveoli epithelial and
endothelial surface area. Through improved understanding of the basic structures of the normal
horse lung using a standardized approach there will be a stronger basis of comparison for
respiratory diseases, such as RAO and Rhodococcus equi pneumonia in foals as there will be
robust baseline “normal” values.
2.1 Lung Development
There are three stages/models of prenatal lung development: glandular, cannalicular and saccular
stages. Postnatal lung development involves the alveolar stage, microvascular maturation and the
stage of late alveolarization (Burri. 2006). Species differences in lung morphology at birth may
be due to the precocial or altricial nature of new born animals (Burri. 2006). For example, new
born rats are considered relatively altricial as they are very immature at birth (Burri. 2006)while
foals would be considered less altricial and more precocial.
2.1.1 Prenatal Lung Development
Generally, neonatal lung morphogenesis begins after primary lung budding initiates the
development of the bronchial tree (McMurtry. 2002), which is termed the glandular stage (Burri.
2006; McGorum et al. 2006). After the initial branching and conductive airway formation, the
lung enters the canalicular phase for gas-exchange tissue development, followed by the saccular
stage for parenchymal growth, connective tissue thinning and surfactant production (Burri. 2006;
McMurtry. 2002; Copland and Post. 2004). There are inter-species differences in the time frames
of lung development and these are summarized in Appendix I, Table A.
During the 330 day equine gestation, the canalicular stage of the fetus begins around 190-210
days of gestation with the formation of acinar structure (McGorum et al. 2006). During the
saccular stage, thick septal walls of parenchymal airspaces create thinner channels and saccules
observed in newborn lung (Burri. 2006) and surfactant protein expression begins during this
phase (McMurtry. 2002). The saccular stage begins around 260 days during the beginning of
alveolar type II epithelial cell differentiation (Barnard et al. 1982; Paradis. 2006).
Surfactant is important in reducing surface tension within the lung during alveolar development
to prevent alveolar collapse (McGorum et al. 2006) and a critical component of maintaining
healthy, clean and dry lungs of new born foals (Paradis. 2006; Ochs. 2006). In foals, there is
some controversy around the time of production of significant quantities of surfactant. By 260
days or 80% of the gestation period, alveolar type II pneumocytes are differentiated and begin
synthesizing and storing surfactant (Barnard et al. 1982; Paradis. 2006). Pattle and colleagues
suggest surfactant is not fully developed in the foal until after 300 days of gestation or even until
after foaling, however traces of surfactant were found at 150 days of gestation (Pattle et al.
1975). Similarly, Arvidson et al. showed phospholipids in lung tissue and dipalmitoyl lecithin in
amniotic fluid between 100-150 days of gestation (Arvidson et al. 1975).
Through histological evaluations, the fetal horse lung appears to mature in utero showing a
single layer of capillaries and mature connective tissue trabeculae (Barnard et al. 1982).
Bronchiolar epithelium was incomplete at 300 days of gestation, but by 320 days bronchiolar
epithelium, alveoli and vasculature resembled the mature adult tissue (Barnard et al. 1982).
However there are no quantitative data to validate these observations. By 320 days of equine
gestation, the lung has numerous alveoli, greater in number than respiratory bronchioles, and
relatively mature surfactant system (Barnard et al. 1982; Paradis. 2006; Jobe and Ikegami. 2001).
Alveolar type II epithelial cells, total volume of lamellar bodies and total alveolar surface area
was quantified in normal horse lung tissue samples, and appear to be inversely correlated to
respiratory rate (Wirkes et al. 2010). This would suggest that foals have fewer alveolar type II
epithelial cells, lamellar bodies and alveolar surface area than the adult horse. However, this
issue requires further investigation on the rate of post-natal cellular development.
Bulk of bronchial tree formations in humans seem to occur during a relatively short period
between the 10th and 14th weeks of gestation followed by some branching of the bronchial tree
until week 16 (Bucher and Reid. 1961). At this point, epithelial cells begin to line the bronchial
tree and development of alveoli begins at the blunt end of the bronchial tree (Bucher and Reid.
1961). As well, the last generations of the bronchial tree begin to form the respiratory
bronchioles through loss of cuboidal epithelium along with capillary ingrowth (Bucher and Reid.
1961). Bronchial cartilage development continues after bronchial branching is complete and until
25 weeks of gestation (Bucher and Reid. 1961).
Sacculation in human fetal lung begins during the last stage of pregnancy and continues during
postnatal development (Massaro and Massaro. 2002). During this time, a central primary
connective tissue layer houses a capillary network which forms projections into airspaces,
creating secondary septa and providing the framework for mature alveoli (Burri. 2006).
Understanding prenatal lung development is important for clinicians to develop appropriate
management strategies for preterm infants (Copland and Post. 2004). Premature births present
large problems for neonatologists as one of the major complications are lung immaturity because
75% of premature infant mortality and disability is attributed to immature lung phenotypes
(Copland and Post. 2004). Recently, it has been shown that stimulation of NF-kβ signaling in
murine fetal lung macrophages disrupts airway branching between the cannalicular and saccular
stages (Blackwell et al. 2011). Thus suggesting, the lung is particularly susceptible to injury and
infection prior to the saccular stage of lung development (Blackwell et al. 2011).
2.1.2 Postnatal Lung Maturation and Growth
Postnatal lung development and maturation has been described previously (Burri. 2006) and is
well characterized in the rat, human and mouse lung. The lung at birth is morphologically
different between species. Alveolarization and microvascular maturation are largely postnatal
events and species dependant in terms of postnatal age and length of time taken for development.
The alveolar stage is characterized by a double capillary network with primary and secondary
septa, that mature in the “microvascular maturation stage” to form a single more efficient
capillary network, which is present in adults (Burri. 2006). Maturation of the double capillary
network is due to preferential growth of fusions between the capillary layers extensively
transforming the alveolar walls in a relatively short time frame (Burri. 2006). The altricial nature
of some species, which have an immature microvascular network in the lung at birth, is an
indicator for the maturity of the lung at birth (Burri. 2006). The gas exchange surface area, in
humans and rats, increases by about 20-fold during the alveolarization process between birth and
adulthood (Burri. 2006). It is thought that alveolarization in foals continues after birth (Paradis.
2006) but it is unclear at what age it ceases.
In humans, alveolarization begins prior to birth and can last up to 1-2 years postnatally while the
microvasculature maturation begins prior to alveolarization and continues along-side until about
3 years of age (Burri. 2006). In infants with severe chronic lung disease, secondary septation and
microvascular maturation can become stunted (Thibeault et al. 2004). In rats, the lung is less
mature than in humans at birth, yet alveoli formation occurs within 10 days of birth (Burri.
2006). The major step for improving gas exchange capacity is bulk alveolarization and the
expansion of air spaces with microvascular maturation (Bolle et al. 2008). Bulk alveolarization
refers to the massive appearance of alveoli within the lung parenchyma (Burri. 2006). The
mechanisms of development of gas exchange surface area in rat lung has been characterized into
three postnatal events; expansion, replication and subdivision (Blanco. 1995). Development of
the gas-exchange surface area of the rat lung likely follows a model where replication (saccule
formation) occurs postnatally up to adulthood and alveoli are formed through saccule septation
(expansion) to a prescribed volume (Blanco. 1995). Microvascular maturation also occurs
postnatally, and is characterized by the formation of a single layered network allowing for
improved gas exchange in an adult rat (Bolle et al. 2008).
In mice, microvascular maturation and bulk alveolarization occur postnatally (Mund et al. 2008).
Similar to human lung development, it is unclear when alveolarization ceases (Burri. 2006;
Mund et al. 2008). Lung remodelling occurs and is obvious in mice between 24 hours, 5 and 7
days. The primary saccules which are large and simple at 24 hours are subdivided to form new
alveoli, ducts and sacs by day 5 and 7 (Thurlbeck. 1975). Recently, Mund and colleagues (2008)
observed new septa formation until postnatal day 36 and alveolar surface area continued to
increase to adult levels after alveolarization was complete due to the growth process (Mund et al.
The stage of late alveolarization represents the theory of compensatory alveolar growth late in
postnatal human lung development (Burri. 2006). Due to the plasticity of lung tissue, septation
could be occurring in adults due to the presence of the prerequisites for alveolar formation
(Burri. 2006). The occurrence of late alveolarization in humans is controversial due to the
unanswered question: when does alveolar formation cease? Various external environmental and
genetic influences on lung development and growth have clouded the understanding of alveolar
formation (Burri. 2006). The onset, rate and cessation of alveolar formation are suggested to be
controlled by a poorly understood mechanism of postnatal oxygen uptake (Massaro and Massaro.
2002). In rats, it was shown that alveoli formation and surface area can be impacted by
underfeeding or by dexamethasone treatment (Massaro et al. 1985).
Normal lung growth in humans appears to be in two phases. During the first phase, the lung has
more airspace due to lung volume growth being greater than parenchymal septa, while reducing
interstitial tissue (Burri. 2006). Here, the lung becomes more functional. In the 2nd phase, lung
compartments grow proportionately with body weight and lung volume (Burri. 2006; Zeltner et
al. 1987).
There are various studies on the morphology of the lung in different species (Wirkes et al. 2010;
Thurlbeck. 1975; Gehr and Erni. 1980; Gehr et al. 1978; Lakritz et al. 1995; Constantinopol et al.
1989; Thurlbeck and Angus. 1975). The use of different methodologies in these studies makes it
challenging to compare the data from various species. In the horse, only a handful of studies
have used stereology to characterize the lung and all have used slightly differing methods of
fixation, embedding and analysis protocols. In Appendix I, Table B shows a summarized table of
morphological features of the lung among multiple species. In the horse, parenchyma has been
reported to comprise between 73% (Constantinopol et al. 1989) and 86% (Gehr and Erni. 1980)
of the total lung. Within the parenchyma, alveolar airspace represents as low as 60 % (Lakritz et
al. 1995) up to 82.9% (Gehr and Erni. 1980), while parenchyma tissue from 17.1% (Gehr and
Erni. 1980) up to 39.8% (Lakritz et al. 1995) of the total lung. In humans, 25% of the lung at
birth is tissue, while at about 8-10 years of age 10% of the lung is tissue and the remainder, 90%,
parenchyma (Thurlbeck. 1975; Thurlbeck and Angus. 1975).
Efficient gas-exchange requires adequate surface area of the total alveolar structure (McGorum
et al. 2006). Estimated surface area density provides difficult comparisons due to the type of
analysis, light microscopy or electron microscopy and relative magnifications used during
analysis. Electron microscopic studies on human lung estimated total lung surface area to be
75% more than that determined with light microscopy (Gehr et al. 1978). This estimation could
be applied to various reports of equine alveolar surface area shown in Appendix I, Table C. With
the use of an electron microscope, the estimated alveolar surface area was found to be 2,457m2 in
a 510kg horse (Gehr and Erni. 1980) and compared to 1577 ± 677m2 in an average horse of 447
± 62 kg (Wirkes et al. 2010; Constantinopol et al. 1989). Differences in quantity of total alveolar
structure could be due to differences in horse breeds, fitness level and methodology used in the
studies. For example, standardbred professionally-trained horses (Wirkes et al. 2010;
Constantinopol et al. 1989) may have a different level of physiological fitness compared to halfbred geldings with spinal injuries (Wirkes et al. 2010; Gehr and Erni. 1980). The methodologies
are fairly similar, except some differences in the fixation of the lungs, which may cause
differences in lung volume (Gehr and Erni. 1980).
There is a lack of morphometric data focussed on lung development in the horse; however, there
is a comprehensive morphometric set of data on terminal bronchiole duct ending (TBDE)
density in prenatal, postnatal and mature normal horse lung (Beech et al. 2001). Horses, unlike
some other mammals, lack respiratory bronchioles and the terminal bronchiole opens directly to
the alveolar duct (McGorum et al. 2006; Tyler et al. 1971). The study by Beech et al., (2001)
suggests postnatal development of TBDE as well as increase in gas exchange surface area per
TBDE in Thoroughbred horses, may increase pulmonary capacity and athletic performance of
race horses (Beech et al. 2001). One drawback to this study was the use of formalin fixation and
paraffin-embedding of samples, which could lead to differential tissue shrinkage resulting in
misinterpretation of actual lung morphology (Beech et al. 2001). They do argue however that the
paraffin sections were floated in warm water which could have reduced some of the shrinkage
effects. Another drawback of this study is the small number of foals at certain age groups used
for both ponies and Thoroughbred breeds. This study provided the first morphometric data on
foal lungs, which provides for good comparisons to the current study however low numbers
result in low statistical comparisons. In contrast to the Thoroughbred horse, human TBDE
number is complete before birth and did not increase significantly between 0 and 66 weeks of
age (Beech et al. 2000).
2.2 Immunological Relevance
The structure of the lung and its basic morphology are important in understanding the
developmental biology of the lung and diseases specific to this organ. It is believed that more
precise definition of the basic structures of the lung is needed to understand its relevance to
innate and adaptive immunity.
It is essential to understanding innate immune responses in the equine airway because many
pathogenic triggers result in acute inflammatory diseases of the lung (Tizard. 2000).
Complement, mononuclear phagocytic cells, and cytokines are key components of innate
immunity (McGorum et al. 2006), whereas monocytes will later become inflammatory
macrophages (Tizard. 2000). Cattle, sheep, pigs, goat and horses have resident mononuclear
phagocytes, which are called pulmonary intravascular macrophages (PIMs) (Winkler and
Cheville. 1985; Winkler and Cheville. 1987; Rybicka et al. 1974; Longworth et al. 1992; Atwal
and Saldanha. 1985; Atwal et al. 1992; Warner. 1996); however, these are conditionally absent in
human and rat lung (Aharonson-Raz and Singh. 2010). Some differentiated mononuclear cells
were present in new born and 3 day old porcine lungs closely apposed to the endothelium;
although, by 7 days these monocytes were differentiated into PIMs similar to porcine lung at 30
and 60 days of age (Winkler and Cheville. 1985). Similarly, within 2 weeks of postnatal
development, lambs show a dramatic increase in PIMs (Longworth et al. 1992). Currently, there
is a lack of understanding on whether PIMs are present in the foal (Aharonson-Raz and Singh.
2010). The example of recruitment of PIMs during early post-natal life of pigs further
underscores a need to use well established methods of stereology to better define the cellular
architecture of the lung.
Foals are particularly susceptible to infection of Rhodococcus equi a gram-positive, opportunistic
pathogen, primarily affecting foals between 1 –3 weeks of age (Knottenbelt et al. 2004). It is
thought that infection is dependent on individual hosts rather than environment or farm-specific
factors (McGorum et al. 2006; Beech et al. 2001). Therefore, it is important to study differences
in the morphology of the lung in various age groups of foals to fully understand the underlying
molecular and cellular mechanisms of pulmonary diseases. Typically it is thought that infection
occurs within the first several days of life (Horowitz et al. 2001) as lesions have been seen in
foals between 10-17 days of age (Horowitz et al. 2001; Cohen et al. 2013), and clinical signs are
commonly seen between 1-3 months of age ((McGorum et al. 2006; Horowitz et al. 2001).
Adult horses are not affected by the pathogen as they may harbour R. equi in the colon and
subsequently found in their excretions (Knottenbelt et al. 2004). Dust inhalation from feces of
infected adult horses may be the cause of infection; therefore, removal of feces in paddocks is
important in limiting R. equi spread (Knottenbelt et al. 2004). Recently, air concentration of
virulent strains of R. equi was significantly associated with the development of pneumonia in
foals within 2 weeks of birth (Cohen et al. 2013). In foals, R. equi can cause enteric infection or
bronchopneumonia through abscessation of colonic lymphatic tissue or by destroying alveolar
macrophages, respectively (Knottenbelt et al. 2004; Johnson et al. 1980).
Cellular and humoral immunity, specifically T-helper 1 lymphocytes (Giguere et al. 1999), are
required to protect against this pathogen, which are immature in young foals (Knottenbelt et al.
2004). R. equi is similar in its pathogenicity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis in humans where the
pathogen invades and survives in alveolar macrophages resulting in granulomatous lesions
(McGorum et al. 2006). Therefore, characterising normal foal lung morphology is an attempt to
have a better understanding of the normal lung and its ability to ward off infection.
Another important immune cell is the dendritic cell. Maturational differences in dendritic cell’s
(Merant et al. 2009) may contribute to the increased susceptibility of foals infected with R. equi
compared to adult horses (Heller et al. 2010). The survival rate of foals infected with R. equi is
72% and is influenced by the severity of the infection (Ainsworth et al. 1997). It is controversial
whether foals that survive will have successful racing careers based on the data that 62% of the
infected horses had less than average national earnings (Ainsworth et al. 1997) indicating
rhodococcal pneumonia can cause a negative impact on athletic performance of the horse
(Barnard et al. 1982; Ainsworth et al. 1997; Bernard et al. 1991).
Overall, the current knowledge of lung development and morphometry in the foals and adult
horses has several gaps. The aim of this study is to identify and quantify various lung structures
to understand the neonate lung and potential immune response in the foal lung compared to adult
horse through characterizing lung morphology. In order to effectively study and quantify lung
structures, stereology must be employed.
2.3 Morphometry Theory
Stereology uses quantification of 2-D structures to statistically define irregular 3-D structural
properties through image techniques, while morphometry is the measurement and practical
application of stereology (Hsia et al. 2010). Lung stereology provides a method of describing and
quantifying the natural lung composition to evaluate architecture, development and disease
(Ochs. 2006). Stereology can be used to quantify volume, surface area, length and particle
number through various methods of counting using different test systems (Hsia et al. 2010). It
provides efficient methods for representing biological systems through appropriate fixation,
sampling and processing techniques depending on the desired form of analysis (Ochs. 2006).
Stereological methods have been critically evaluated for most efficacious designs recently in the
Official Statement from the American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society (Hsia et al.
The three essential components of stereology are proper fixation, unbiased organ sampling and
processing. Proper, even fixation is critical in maintaining tissue integrity. The goal in fixing the
lung is to maintain its shape similar to when it is in the body cavity. Unbiased sampling provides
a systematic procedure to obtain tissue samples representative of the organ as a whole in an
objective manner. Finally, the processing component evaluates the fixed tissues using specific
point or line grids to estimate desired characteristics and produce real numbers representative of
the entire organ.
Fixation can be performed through instillation of chemicals into the airways (Ochs. 2006)
through a cannulated trachea and provides a dependable method of fixing the lung for stereology
purposes (Knust et al. 2009). The chemical composition of the fixatives is important and depends
on whether the tissues will be analysed with light or transmission electron microscope (Ochs.
2006). The preferred fixative for studies requiring EM is glutaraldehyde as the cell structure is
rapidly stabilized to provide a better structural integrity and visualization. However,
glutaraldehyde fixation renders the tissue un-suitable for immunohistochemistry (IHC) (Hsia et
al. 2010). Therefore, the fixative of choice for studies using IHC is 0.1% glutaraldehyde and 4%
paraformaldehyde inorder to best fix the tissue while allowing antibody binding for IHC.
Stereology limits assumptions and bias through objective selection of tissue blocks and image
fields in order to equally represent the entire sample (Hsia et al. 2010). Accurate sampling
provides each tissue section the equal chance of selection for analysis and is ensured through low
variability of repetitive independent sampling (Hsia et al. 2010). Estimating the total lung
volume is an essential component of the sampling procedure which can be determined using the
‘Cavalieri Method’. This method estimates the total lung volume through quantifying 2D
sections (Hsia et al. 2010) . An alternative method of estimating the volume of the lung is
through fluid displacement. However, the ‘Cavalieri Method’ provides a more accurate
representation of total lung volume as it represents tissue that will be analyzed in subsequent
stereological methods as it is determined after tissue fixation, prior to sampling (Ochs. 2006).
Sampling is composed of two procedures in which initial tissue sampling is followed by use of a
test system to represent the organ from which the tissue was taken (Ochs. 2006). Systematic
Uniform Random Sampling (SURS) is an unbiased simple sampling method, to ensure each unit
of lung had equal probability of selection (Hsia et al. 2010; Schneider and Ochs. 2013). There
are four different test systems; test points, lines, planes and volumes (Ochs. 2006). One
fundamental relationship in stereology is the relationship between the dimension of the test
system and the dimension of the structure parameter, which must total at least three (Ochs.
2006). For example, “test lines (1-D) ‘feel’ surface area (2-D)” (Ochs. 2006). Therefore, we use
points and lines to estimate volume and surface area, respectively.
Finally, processing transforms the ratio-generated estimates of various organ characteristics into
absolute values through a multilevel sampling process (Ochs. 2006). Typically in light
microscopy, tissues are embedded in paraffin, causing some tissue shrinkage (Ochs. 2006).
However, processing accounts for various types of shrinkage of the entire tissue or random
sections within the tissue (Ochs. 2006). Therefore, plastic (glycol methacrylate) embedding and
performing osmication and tissue staining in uranyl acetate is recommended to reduce shrinkage
(Ochs. 2006). The use of plastics has limitations, since tissue embedding in plastic prevents the
use of antibodies during analysis. As a result, when embedding with paraffin, shrinkage must be
accounted for during calculations (Knust et al. 2009).
I hypothesize the foal lung will have a less structurally differentiated lung morphology in
comparison to the adult horse. In order to effectively study the lung architecture, such as
parenchymal components and surface area, stereology must be employed. Therefore, the first
objective was to establish a stereology protocol, new to our laboratory, to evaluate the horse
lung. The second objective was to use this method to analyze the normal horse and foal lung to
produce a robust set of quantitative data on the architecture of the “normal” foal and adult horse
lung. These data allow us to speculate on lung development in the healthy animal and create a
better basis of comparison for diseased lungs.
4.1 Pilot Studies
I conducted two pilot studies to test the method previously established in mice (Knust et al.
2009). The procedure was practiced in two lungs obtained from mice euthanized at the Western
College of Veterinary Medicine and one cow lung obtained fresh from an abattoir. The objective
of conducting pilot studies was to go through mechanics of handling, slicing, fixing and
embedding tissues from lungs from small and large animal species. All protocols and
experimental procedures were approved by the University Committee on Animal Care and
Supply (UCACS) and the Animal Research Ethics Board (AREB).
Mouse trial
The mice (N=2) were anaesthetized with xylazine and ketamine and the trachea was exteriorized.
Following thoracotomy, the pulmonary vein was clamped in one mouse while in the other it was
left unclamped to more closely resemble the scenario in the horse lung. About 5ml of fixative
(0.1% GA and 4% PFA) poured into the lungs intratracheally. Because of a leak in the
connection between the trachea and the intratracheal tube, one of the lungs did not inflate
completely. After in situ fixation for 15minutes, the lung was removed and immersed in fixative
in a beaker overnight (12 hours) at 4oC. Both lungs were removed in the morning and one was
submerged in agar after volume estimation by volume displacement. The agar was used to
determine if it would ease the cutting of the lungs. We placed the lung on a grid which was used
to slice the lung into pieces of equal thickness. Because the lung wiggled during cutting, it was
difficult to make slices of equal thickness. We did not use a fractionator design for the sampling
rather the lungs were sliced into equal distances and laid out to be counted with the Cavalieri
principle. Because of an oversight the lungs were not laid cut face up and therefore the point
counting method was not accurate as lung surfaces were miscounted. The slices were divided
into two parts and the bottom part was embedded in plastic and the top in paraffin. The mouse
pilot study was useful to practice plastic embedding and identify any major flaws in the
procedure, which could be adapted and modified as needed for application to the horse lung.
Cow Lung trial
To relate the mouse pilot study experience to a large animal species, we obtained one cow lung
fresh from a slaughter house. Since the lung had already deflated, we wanted to add some air to
the lung so the fixative could flow in more easily. I inserted and secured a tube in the trachea for
pouring the fixative into the lungs without any pressure. I did not find any leakage of the
fixative. The lung appeared to re-inflate slightly as we let fixative flow via gravity into the lung.
After overnight fixation, we poured agar (4%) over the entire lung to make the surface firm to
assist with the sampling. I found that lungs were not evenly fixed most likely because the lung
was deflated prior to instillation of the fixative. The uneven fixation and extensive connective
tissue found in the bovine lung made slicing difficult.
4.2 Animals
Lungs were collected from 4 adult horses and 11 foals (five foals were one day old and six were
30 days old) following euthanasia. The adult horses, mixed quarter horse type breed between 315 years of age, were examined for respiratory disease and classified as “respiratory healthy”
prior to their inclusion in the study. I realized very quickly that it is difficult to find a horse with
healthy lungs from the general equine population and that there is a lack of precise criteria for
classifying a horse as healthy based on pulmonary evaluation. This created challenges and we
tested ten horses over a period of eight months for their respiratory health to finally find 4 adult
horses for inclusion in our study. Adult horses underwent a complete physical examination
including a re-breathing exam, complete blood count, broncho-alveolar lavage (BAL), and
tracheal wash (TW) to confirm the healthy state of their airways. Cut off values for the BAL and
tracheal wash were set according to established parameters (Koblinger et al. 2011) and the values
are included in Appendix I1, Table D. Initially, thoracic radiographs were performed on each
horse prior to the TW/BAL and pending the radiographic results, the TW/BAL was performed.
We performed the TW/BAL only if the radiographs were “normal”. The radiographs were
analyzed by a veterinarian, who is a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary
Radiologists. Dusty climactic conditions and poor quality hay were thought to be major
contributors in the difficulty to find the required five “healthy” adult horses. To overcome this
challenge we transported the four most “normal” horses to Goodale Farm, the University
research farm located outside of the city, and kept on good pasture isolated from other livestock
for 5 weeks and re-examined with a BAL and TW (no radiographs taken). Cytology results
found three of the horses to be healthy and eligible to participate in the study, Appendix II Table
E. The BAL cytologies were evaluated by the same board certified veterinary pathologist. To
ensure that my MSc program was finished in a reasonable time the committee decided to have a
sample size of four instead of five adult horses. The final group of horses (n=4) ranged in age
from 3-16 years of age with a bodyweight between 356-598kg.
There were five foals of one day of age and five foals of 30 days of age used in the study. We
obtained eleven pregnant mares, draft cross types, from a local breeder and kept them in the
Animal Care Unit of the Western College of Veterinary Medicine for a period of two months.
Foal checks were performed daily by our research team for three weeks after mare arrival and
twice daily a week before expected due dates until all foals were born. All foals were born
overnight and were observed for signs of maturity/immaturity (McGorum et al. 2006) (domed
forehead, joint laxity, entropian and suckle reflex) within nine hours of foaling by a veterinarian.
All foals except for one appeared normal and healthy. All of the foals and dams were housed
together, and all foaling occurred within a one month period. One day old foals (n=5) weighed
between 58-68kg and 30 day old foals (n=5) weighed between 115-140kg. Foals were assigned
to one day or 30 day old groups based on foaling dates, where the first five foals born were
assigned to the 30 day old group and the remainder to the one day old group. Prior to euthanasia,
mares and foals were sorted using a chute system for safety, which required three students and at
least one veterinarian. The mares were given a 0.03mg/kg intramuscular injection of
acepromazine to minimize stress of removing the foal. A physical examination including a
complete blood count (CBC) was performed and evaluated by a large animal internist. One foal
was excluded from the study upon maturity and CBC evaluation due to markers of systemic
inflammation. Serum was collected (whole blood spun at 2000 rpm, 20 minutes, 4oC) and stored
at -80oC. After euthanasia via pentobarbital overdose, the left lung was fixed in situ within 45
minutes of death and the right lung was sampled and stored at -80oC. The right lung of one foal
was fixed and sampled while the left lung was kept for frozen tissue analysis because of
barbiturate injection into the heart after euthanasia which could have potentially nicked the left
lung altering stereology calculations.
4.3 Fixation
All stereological methods were based on those recently recommended (Hsia et al. 2010). The
foals and adults were positioned in a supine position with their rump on the ground and neck
extended upwards, allowing the inflated lung to hang in the body cavity (Appendix II, Figure A,
B). The trachea was exteriorized and the right front leg was removed to gain access to the rib
cage. The first three ribs were cut and removed allowing access to the chest cavity without
damaging the pleural membrane. Fascia was removed to allow access to the tracheal bifurcation.
The right lung was tied off with a string and clamped with hemostats to ensure no fixative could
leak into the right lung. About 5 inches up from the tracheal bifurcation, a small slit, just large
enough to fit the tube, was made in the trachea. The tube (30cm length) was advanced gently into
the tracheal bifurcation into the left lung until it would not advance any farther and fixative
flowed under gravity. Fixative (0.1% gluataldehyde, 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.2M HEPES
buffer) was poured very slowly into the tubing, about 100mL at a time to minimize the bubbles.
After 500mL of fixative, for the one day old foals, was poured into the lung, the left lung was felt
by hand to ensure it had inflated. At this time the pleural membrane in the chest cavity was
broken. Another 300mL was added to ensure the cranial lobe was filled and fixed. I found that
occasionally the cranial lobe was not as evenly fixed as the rest of the lung. While the right lung
was removed from the body cavity over a period of 10 minutes, the left lung was allowed to fix
in situ. The right lung was weighed and samples were collected in a random fashion to be snap
frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen until transferring to -80oC freezer.
After removing the right lung, the trachea and left lung was removed carefully to prevent any
leakage of the fixative. The left lung was stored in a bag full of fixative which was floating in a
bucket of water overnight at 4oC to help reduce any lung collapse, distortion or compression
(Hsia et al. 2010; Fehrenbach and Ochs. 1998). Next, the tissues were sampled using systematic
uniform random sampling (SURS), processed and embedded for light microscopy (LM). One
third of the tissues collected will be processed for analysis of LM using glycol methacrylate
(plastic), as well as paraffin embedding for immunohistochemistry (IHC). The remainder of the
fixed tissues will be later processed for EM.
4.4 Tissue Sampling
The foal and adult lungs left in the fixative over night at 4oC were measured with a ruler for
length determination and approximate height (at the highest point). Due to the large size of the
adult lungs, they were cut in approximate half (cranial and caudal regions) to then employ the
sampling protocol on each region reducing sampling error. After measuring lung length, lungs
were cut into serial sections of equal distance apart to make 10-12 slabs. Each slab was laid
down in the same direction with the cut face upwards. The cavalieri method was used for volume
estimation with a 2cm, 3cm or 4cm grid overlaid on each slab for point counting to obtain 100200 point counts on the cut surface. Volume estimation of the adult lungs was comprised of the
Cavalieri estimate of both caudal and cranial regions of the lung. A series of images in Appendix
II, Figures C-G, illustrate the sampling procedure. Pictures of each lung slab were supposed to
be taken in order to estimate non-parenchyma airspace, however, this was not performed
consistently for each slab of the lung due to some oversight during the rush of the procedures. A
fractionator design was employed based on the size of each lung to result in 30 tissue blocks, 10
for each of paraffin, plastic and electron microscopy protocols. The fractionator design was
chosen to best count various cell types in the lung. Once the rigorous sampling protocol was
complete, tissues were processed immediately for paraffin and plastic embedding. The EM
blocks were stored in sodium cacodylate buffer at 4oC for later processing.
4.5 Tissue Embedding
Glycolmethacrylate (plastic) was used to embed tissues and a series of uranyl acetate was used to
en block stain prior to osmication, dehydration and embedding in plastic (Appendix II, Protocol
I). This helped to prevent differential shrinkage, as previously reported (Ochs. 2006). Shrinkage
is an important aspect of morphometric studies as paraffin tissues are widely used for
immunohistochemistry while unpredictable tissue shrinkage is common (Ochs. 2006). Tissue
shrinkage can be classified as global or differential depending on the uniformity of shrinkage
(Ochs. 2006). Differential shrinkage, which can occur even with the use of plastic embedding,
can be prevented through the use of osmication and staining with uranyl acetate (Ochs. 2006).
The tissue blocks were also embedded in paraffin for other tissue analysis. The paraffin
embedding was performed with a series of dehydrations and xylene followed by paraffin
infiltration and is described in Appendix II, Protocol II. Paraffin blocks were sliced using a
microtome at 5µm thickness and mounted on slides coated with poly-L-lysine. These sections
were then used for immunohistochemistry antibody standardization with von Willebrand factor
(vWf) and an anti-macrophage antibody (Mac-387).
4.6 Stereological Evaluation
Tissue blocks embedded in plastic (Technovit7100) were sectioned with a microtome at 1.5µm,
mounted and stained with Toluidine blue. Slides were scanned with the Aperio Image (Aperio,
ScanScope CS2) scanner at 40X magnification into the computer and at 60X with oil immersion
using Olympus VS110 (ASW 2.4 Software). Sections were then evaluated using systematic
uniform random sampling (SURS) techniques with ImageScope and evaluated with the
Stepanizer (Tschanz et al. 2011). A cascade type system was used to estimate volume density of
lung characteristics (Appendix II, Figure H) similar to the cascade sampling procedure according
to Cruz-Orive and Weibel (1981) (Hsia et al. 2010; Cruz-Orive and Weibel. 1981; Zeltner and
Burri. 1987).
To determine the volume density of parenchyma and non-parenchyma, I evaluated macroscopic
and microscopic (4X magnification) images. Unfortunately, as indicated earlier limited photos
were taken during the Cavalieri volume estimation, leaving 7 evaluable photos of one adult lung
and 11 photos of two foal lungs. During the Cavalieri estimation, very large primary bronchioles
were omitted from the estimate when a point fell in the middle of the airway. This means that the
volume estimation of the lung is slightly inaccurate as it does not include every component of the
lung. Upon evaluation of the limited Cavalieri photos, this omission of very large primary
bronchiolar airways accounts for about 1-2% of the lung. Based on this small fraction omitted
and through careful consideration, all calculations on the density of characteristics of the lung do
not include the very large primary bronchioles. The volume density estimations and estimations
of absolute volume are therefore slightly skewed as they do not account for these very large
airways. Due to this limitation, values reported as “per lung” do not account for the very large
primary bronchioles, rather the reference space is the parenchyma, fine non-parenchyma and
coarse non –parenchyma.
When estimating parenchyma on macroscopic photos of the lung slabs, points fell either on
parenchyma and fine non-parenchyma or on coarse non-parenchyma. The fine non-parenchyma
was defined as vessels or airways, which are not directly involved in gas exchange and would fit
into the 1mm3 tissue block. The coarse non-parenchyma was defined as vessels or airways,
which are not directly involved in gas exchange and would not completely fit into the 1mm3
tissue block. During microscopic evaluations of the parenchyma and non-parenchyma tissues,
the fine non-parenchyma included the outer edge of the coarse non-parenchyma structures as this
was hard to determine on macroscopic photos. Parenchyma was defined by the areas of the lung
directly involved in gas exchange; alveoli, alveolar ducts, alveolar tissue and small capillaries
within the alveolar septum were included in this count. All the counts were performed by the
same observer to minimize the inter-observers variation. Examples of microscopic evaluations
are shown below and they include large vessels, airways and capillary beds with distinguishable
surrounding tissue not involved in gas exchange, Figure 4.1.
Point counting grids on microscopic sections at 4X magnification were used to estimate volume
density of parenchyma (Vv(par/lung) and non-parenchyma (Vv(nonpar/lung) (Schneider and
Ochs. 2013), and seen in Figure 4.2. Equation (4.1) was with the raw data obtained from the
Stepanizer and then applied to equation (4.2) to estimate volume density of parenchyma.
Vv(nonpar/ref) = ΣP nonpar/ Σ P ref
Vv(par/ref)= 1 - Vv(nonpar/ref)
In order to combine the microscopic and macroscopic evaluations of the lung, to create a “total”
estimate of parenchyma and non-parenchyma densities, the following calculations were made.
Parenchyma was calculated by multiplying the volume densities from both microscopic and
macroscopic evaluations, equation (4.3).
Vv(par/lung)= Vv(par/par+fine non-par) * Vv(par+fine non-par/par+fine nonpar+coarse non-par) (4.3)
Vv(nonpar/lung)= 1 – Vv(par/lung)
Parenchyma, subdivided into alveolar airspace, alveolar ductal airspace and alveolar tissue,
required 10X magnification for analysis. Equation (4.5), (4.6) and (4.7) are applied to obtain
volume density estimates.
Vv(al air/lung) = Vv(al air/ par) • Vv(par/lung)
Vv(al duct/lung) = Vv(al duct/par) • Vv(par/lung)
Vv(al tissue/lung) = Vv(al tissue/par) • Vv(par/lung)
Surface density of alveolar surface area (Sv(alv/par) was estimated at 60X objective
magnification with oil immersion using line intersection counting techniques (Figure 4.3) and
practical recommendations by Schneider and Ochs, 2013 (Schneider and Ochs. 2013). Equation
(4.8) was used to calculate surface density of alveolar surface area and equation (4.9) was
applied to calculate total surface area per left lung.
Sv(alv/par)= 2 • (Σ I alv)/(l(p) • Σ P par)
S alv,lung = Sv(alv/par) * Vv(par/lung) * V lung
Endothelial surface area density was estimated using equation (4.10) and total endothelial
surface area per lung was estimated using (4.11). Slides were scanned at 60X with oil immersion
inorder to identify endothelium.
Sv(endo/par) = 2 • (Σ I endo)/(l(p) • Σ P par)
Sendo, lung = Sv(endo/par) * Vv(par/lung) * V lung
Mean linear intercept (Lm), shown in equation (4.12), estimates the volume to surface ratio of
the lung airspace (Hsia et al. 2010). This was calculated using the volume of alveolar airspace
and ductal airspace, and the surface area estimate per lung. The Lm measures the “mean free
distance” of the acinar complex and the gas exchangeable surfaces (Hsia et al. 2010).
Lm = 4 * (Vair+duct)/Sa
The arithmetic mean thickness (t) of the alveolar septum was measured using equation (4.13). It
is the ratio between alveolar tissue density and alveolar surface density (Hsia et al. 2010).
t = 2 * Vv(tissue,lung)/Sv(alv, lung)
In order to determine the optimal point counting grid densities and to obtain sufficient fields of
view on scanned tissue samples for each step of sampling, multiple densities and step lengths
were tested. Ultimately, 100 fields of view per animal (from 5 different blocks of tissue) were
used to evaluate the parenchyma and non-parenchyma volume densities. There were 100 fields
of view sampled per tissue section for volume density of each of the parenchyma parameters,
alveolar surface area and endothelial surface density estimates. At least 100-200 point counting
events were obtained for each characteristic of interest following recommended sampling
guidelines (Schneider and Ochs. 2013). Maintaining the same level of precision and accuracy
among all samples was important and taken into account.
The artificial edge effect was avoided by omitting photos sampled when the edge was through
the middle of the counting field of view. Any damaged tissue or section was also omitted, as well
as tissue where we were not certain of the counting characteristics.
Figure 4.1. Micrograph from a Foal Lung Indicating Regions of Non-Parenchyma. The red
arrows indicate vessels or bronchioles which were counted as non-parenchyma during the
volume density estimations. The remaining alveolar airspace, ducts and tissue were considered
parenchyma. Original magnification, 4x. Magnification bar 600µm.
Figure 4.2. Example of the point counting grid. This grid was used to determine the volume
density of parenchymal characteristics. Original magnification, 4x. Magnification bar 600µm.
Figure 4.3. Example of a Line Counting Grid. This type of grid was used for alveolar and
endothelial surface area using a line counting grid. Original magnification, 10x and
magnification bar is 300µm.
Statistical analysis was performed using statistical software (Prism 6 for Windows, Version 6.02,
GraphPad Software Inc.) to compare lung values for adult horses, 30 day and 1 day old foals.
Because the majority of the data were not normally distributed and was with unequal variances
(Bartlett and Brown-Forsythe tests), the data were rank transformed prior to analysis. One-way
ANOVA was performed on the ranked data and Tukey’s multiple comparison post-hoc test was
used to detect differences among the means of the ranks for each age group. Results are reported
using medians and inter-quartile ranges. P-values less than 0.05 were considered significant.
I used a customized cascade design to systematically analyse the lung tissues with Aperio Image
software and the STEPanizer (Tschanz et al. 2011). The lungs were evaluated for the volume
density of gas exchangeable region (parenchyma, Vv(par,lung)) compared to non-gas
exchangeable regions (non-parenchyma, Vv(nonpar,lung)). Next, the parenchyma region was
estimated as volume density of alveolar airspace (Vv(air,lung)), ductal airspace (Vv(duct,lung))
and alveolar tissue (Vv(tissue,lung)) using point counting grids. Surface density of alveolar
surface area (Sv(alv,par) and endothelial surface area (Sv(endo,par) was estimated using
intersection counting. Estimated total surface area of alveoli and endothelium were also
calculated on a per lung basis. All graphs indicate the median value for each set of data with a
horizontal line.
6.1 Histology
Representative histology images at 4X magnification with the LM show the difference in the
lung between the three age groups. On simple observation, relative size of alveoli is smaller in
foals compared to adults (Figure 6.1A-F). As well, lamellar bodies are present in one day old,
30 day old and adult horses (Figure 6.1G-I).
6.2 Stereological Evaluation of Parenchymal Characteristics
Total lung volume was estimated on the left lung using the Cavalieri Principle and by
multiplying this reference left lung volume by 2. The median adult lung volume (13.9L; 9.3 to
15.5 L) was significantly greater than both the lung volume of the 30 day old foals (4.0 L; 3.7 to
4.4L; P≤0.001) and the one day old foals (2.6L; 1.70 to 3.2L; P≤0.001). The 30 day old foals had
a greater reference lung volume than one day old foals (P≤0.001).
All parenchymal volume density characteristics are shown in Figure 6.2. Volume density of
alveolar airspace per lung was found to be statistically significant between the three age groups.
The median alveolar airspace density in adult horses (66.9%; 63.5 to 77.6%) was significantly
greater than the 30 day old foals (55.5%; 47.8 to 56.2%; P≤0.05) and one day old foals (45.9%;
40.7 to 48.8%; P≤0.01). The 30 day old foals had a greater volume density of alveolar airspace
than one day old foals (P≤0.05).
There was no difference (P=0.2161) in the median ductal airspace density of adult horses
(11.8%; 6.9 to 18.7%), 30 day old foals (19.6%; 13.2 to 21.4%) and one day old foals (21.7%;
13.4 to 25.3%). There was also no difference (P=0.3071) in the median alveolar tissue volume
density (%) of adult horses (11.9%; 8.1 to 15.9%) 30 day old foals (13.6%; 13.1 to 17.0%) and
one day old foals (19.9%; 9.72 to 22.6%).
Volume density of parenchyma per lung (%) was significantly different between the three age
groups. The median parenchyma per lung of adult horses was greater (93.7%; 93.3 to 94.2%)
than 30 day foals (84.4%; 83.4 to 87.4%; P≤0.01) and one day old foals (81.0%; 80.1 to 82.7%;
P≤0.001). There was a greater volume density of parenchyma in the 30 day old foals compared
to the one day old foals (P≤0.01).
Absolute volume of parenchymal characteristics was also calculated based on the reference lung
volume (Figure 6.3). The estimated median volume of alveolar airspace per lung for adult horses
(4.8L; 3.1 to 5.5L) is greater than 30 day old foals (1.1L; 0.68 to 1.3L; P≤0.01) and one day old
foals (0.55L; 0.41 to 0.68L; P≤0.001). The 30 day old foals had a greater volume of airspace
compared to one day old foals (P≤0.001).
The median volume of alveolar ductal airspace in adult horses (0.87L; 0.34 to 1.3L) was greater
than one day old foals (0.26L; 0.15 to 0.39L; P≤0.05). There was no difference between adult
horses and 30 day old foals (0.26L; 0.12 to 0.39L; P≥0.05), nor between 30 day old foals and one
day old foals.
The median volume of alveolar tissue per lung in adult horses (0.71L; 0.53 to 0.95L) was greater
than 30 day old foals (0.28L; 0.25 to 0.36L; P≤0.05) and one day old foals (0.20L; 0.11 to 0.29L;
P≤0.001). There was no difference between the foal age groups.
Total volume of parenchyma per lung in adult horses (6.53L; 4.35 to 7.27L) was greater than 30
day old foals (1.69L; 1.56 to 1.90L; P≤0.01) and one day old foals (1.10L; 0.68 to 1.28L;
P≤0.001). The 30 day old foals had more parenchyma per lung than one day old foals (P≤0.001).
6.3 Stereological Evaluations of Surface Area Characteristics
Total alveolar surface area (m2) per lung was significantly different between the three age
groups. The median alveolar surface area (m2) for the adult horses (629.9m2; 452.6 to 936.7m2)
was greater than 30 day old foals (258.2m2; 220.4 to 280.2m2; P≤0.01) and one day old foals
(205.3m2; 97.2 to 215.3m2; P≤0.001). The 30 day old foals had a greater alveolar surface area
compared to the one day old foals (P ≤0.05).
All surface area and density graphs are found in Figure 6.4. Total median endothelial surface
area (m2) per lung was significantly greater in adult horses (430m2; 288.3 to 675.6m2) than 30
day old foals (147.5m2; 112.3 to 182.8m2; P≤0.01) and one day old foals (106.2m2; 68.1 to
169.3m2; P≤0.01). There was no statistical difference detected between the endothelial surface
area in both the groups of foals.
The median alveolar surface density per lung for the adult horses (0.053/µm; 0.047 to 0.066/µm)
was less than was less than the one day old foals (0.081/µm; 0.069 to 0.091/µm; P≤0.01) but no
difference was detected between 30 day old foals (0.075/µm; 0.067 to 0.078/µm). There was no
difference between the two groups of foals.
The median endothelial surface density per lung was not different (P=0.3183) between the adult
horse (0.038/µm; 0.029 to 0.046/µm), one day old foals (0.066/µm; 0.045 to 0.078/µm) or 30
day old foals (0.044/µm; 0.036 to 0.048/µm). Similarly, no difference was seen between the two
age groups of foals.
A ratio was calculated between the alveolar and endothelial surface density per lung and
compared between the three age groups (Figure 6.5). The median alveolar to endothelial surface
density ratio was not different (P=0.4047) between the adult horses (1.46; 1.2 to 1.8), 30 day old
foals (1.5; 1.5 to 2.1) and one day old foals (1.39; 1.2 to 1.9).
Total alveolar surface area per lung was standardized to a set volume size of 500mL (Figure
6.6). The median alveolar surface area per 500mL in adult horses (1.26m2/500mL; 0.91 to 1.9
m2/500mL) was greater than 30 day old foals (0.52 m2/500mL; 0.44 to 0.56 m2/500mL; P≤0.01)
and one day old foals (0.41 m2/500mL; 0.20 to 0.43 m2/500mL; P≤ 0.001). The 30 day old foal
alveolar surface area per 500mL was also greater than the one day old foals (P≤0.05).
Total endothelial surface area per lung was standardized to a set volume size of 500mL. The
median endothelial surface area per 500mL in adult horses (0.86 m2 /500mL; 0.58 to 1.35 m2
/500mL) was greater than 30 day old foals (0.30 m2 /500mL; 0.22 to 0.37 m2 /500mL; P≤0.05)
and one day old foals (0.21 m2 /500mL; 0.14 to 0.34 m2 /500mL; P≤0.01). There was no
difference detected between the foals.
The median alveolar surface area per kg of bodyweight in adults (Figure 6.7) in adults (1.32
m2/kg; 1.16 to 1.64 m2/kg) was less than 30 day old foals (1.91 m2/kg; 1.80 to 2.14 m2/kg;
P≤0.05) and one day old foals (3.51 m2/kg; 1.64 to 3.78 m2/kg; P≤0.05). There was no difference
between the 30 day and one day old foals.
Median endothelial surface area (m2) per kg of bodyweight was not different (P=0.072) between
adult horses (0.96 m2/kg; 0.69 to 1.21 m2/kg), one day old foals (1.80 m2/kg; 1.14 to 3.00 m2/kg)
or 30 day old foals (1.16 m2/kg; 0.94 to 1.32). There was also no difference between the 30 day
old foals and one day old foals.
The median alveolar air-blood thickness (t) in adult horses (4.51µm; 3.22 to 6.56µm) was not
different (P=0.9093) than 30 day old foals (4.96µm; 3.92 to 5.50µm) or one day old foals
(5.04µm; 3.61 to 6.65µm) (Figure 6.8).
The median value of the mean linear intercept (Lm) for the adult horses (33.1µm; 26.3 to
37.9µm) was greater than one day old foals (18.2µm; 16.4 to 24.8µm; P≤0.05) but not greater
than the 30 day old foals (22.5µm; 20.89 to 24.6µm). There was no difference between the 30
day old foals and one day old foals (Figure 6.8).
6.4 Immunohistochemistry for von Willebrand Factor and Macrophages
I standardized two antibodies, von Willebrand factor (vwf) and Macrophage marker (Mac-387)
in adult horse, 30 day old foal and 1 day old foal lung tissue embedded in paraffin. vWf was
stained at 1:500 and Mac-387 at 1:50 for optimal staining (Figures 6.10, 6.9, respectively) .
Figure 6.1. Representative lung histology images from Adult Horse, 30 day old Foal and 1 day old Foal. A, D, G, 1 day old Foal,
B, E, H, 30 day old foal, C, F, I, Adult Horse lung. A,B, C are at original magnification of 4x. D, E, F are at 40x original
magnification with oil and G, H, I are at 60x original magnification with oil. Letters indicate lung structures, “a” represents
alveoli, “b” represents bronchiole, “d” represents ductal space, and “v” represent vessels. Arrows indicate alveolar epithelium and
lightning bolt indicates lamellar bodies. Magnification bar for image A,B,C is 200µm, and for D,E,F,G,H,I is 20 µm.
Figure 6.2. Volume density of parenchymal characteristics (%) between adults, 30 day and 1 day
old foals. (A) Volume density of alveolar airspace per lung. (B) Volume density of ductal
airspace per lung. (C) Volume density of alveolar tissue per lung. (D) Volume density of total
parenchyma per lung. Letters “a” and “b” indicate statistical significance between groups
(P≤0.05). Median values represented by horizontal line in graphs.
Figure 6.3. Relative total lung volume of parenchyma, alveolar airspace, ductal airspace and
tissue between adults, 30 day and 1 day old foals. (A) Total volume of parenchyma per lung
(mL). (B) Total alveolar airspace volume per lung (mL). (C) Total ductal airspace volume per
lung (mL). (D) Total tissue volume per lung (mL). Letters “a”, “b”, and “c” indicate significance
between the groups (P≤0.05). Median values represented by horizontal line in graphs.
Figure 6.4. Alveolar and endothelial surface area and density counts from adults, 30 day and 1
day old foals. (A) Surface area of alveoli (m2). (B) Surface area of endothelium (m2). (C) Surface
density of alveoli (per µm). (D) Surface density of endothelium (per µm). Letters “a”, “b”, “c”
indicate statistical significance between the groups (P≤0.05). Median values represented by
horizontal line in graphs.
Figure 6.5. Alveolar and endothelial surface density represented as a ratio. No statistical
significance found between the age groups (P≥0.05). Median values represented by horizontal
line in graphs.
Figure 6.6. Surface area (m2) per 500mL standardized volume. (A) Alveolar surface area
standardized to 500mL volume. (B) Endothelial surface area standardized to 500mL volume.
Letters “a”, “b”, “c” indicate statistical significance between groups (P≤0.05). Median values
represented by horizontal line in graphs.
Figure 6.7. Surface area estimates per kilogram of bodyweight. (A) Alveolar surface area (m2)
per body weight (kg). (B) Endothelial surface area (m2) per body weight (kg). Letters “a”, “b”,
“c” indicate statistical significance between groups (P≤0.05). Median values represented by
horizontal line in graphs.
Figure 6.8. Alveolar measurements. (A)Thickness of alveolar septum (t). (B) Mean linear
intercept (Lm). Letters “a”, “b”, “c” indicate statistical significance (P≤0.05). Median values
represented by horizontal line in graphs.
Figure 6.9. Immunohistochemistry with anti-macrophage antibody MAC-387. While only a few
septal macrophages (single arrows) are labeled in one day old foal lung (A-B), many more
positive cells are observed in lung sections from 30 day old foal (C-D) and adult horse lungs (EF). Higher magnification views show septal location of MAC-387-positive cells. Larger boxed
area in E is magnified in G to show location of MAC387 positive cells within the endothelium.
Magnification bar is 50 µm.
Figure 6.10. Immunohistochemistry for von Willebrand Factor in foal and adult lungs. Omission
of primary antibody resulted in absence of staining a lung section from one day old foal (A),
while inclusion of vWF antibody caused staining (arrows) in vascular endothelium but not in
bronchiolar epithelium (double arrows) and alveolar septa (arrowheads) in a lung section from
one day old foal (B-C). Lung sections from 30 day old foal (D and magnified view of boxed area
in E) show staining vascular endothelium (single arrows) but not in airway epithelium (double
arrows). Alveolar septa (arrowheads) continue to be either negative or weakly positive. Adult
horse lung (F-G) showed staining in vascular endothelium (single arrows) and alveolar septa
(arrowheads) but not in airway epithelium (double arrows). Magnification bar is 50 µm.
I report fundamental data on the basic morphometric characteristics of the equine lung. Within
the study are quantitative descriptions of the lung comparing one day and 30 day old foals as
well as the adult horse. These data are important because the basic features such as lung capacity,
endothelial and alveolar epithelial surface area have implications for pulmonary physiology.
7.1 Methods Development
It was difficult to find “normal” healthy adult horses based on BAL, TW and radiographic
assessments. Cut-off values for BAL and TW cytology was based on published reference values
(see Appendix I). Endoscopic exams were repeated on 4 horses after changing their environment
from outdoor paddocks to pasture, which found cytology values within our inclusion criteria
range. Repeating the BAL and TW procedures were performed after a 7 day break from the
previous endoscopic exam to allow for appropriate recovery time. Although it has been argued
that the BAL can be repeated with only one day in between (Tee et al. 2012). The main interest
in this study was to evaluate normal equine lung, which meant we must eliminate concern of
lower airway inflammation to characterize the “normal” or “healthy” lung morphology.
Therefore, both the TW and BAL were performed. It has been suggested that upper (tracheal)
and lower (lung) airway endoscopy cytology results are independent, in terms of inflammation
(Koblinger et al. 2011) however, we chose to perform both the BAL and TW to rule out the risk
of a compromised airway integrity.
7.2 Lung Stereology of Parenchyma
I determined the reference lung volume using the Cavalieri principle instead of volume
displacement because of the large size of the horse lungs (Hsia et al. 2010; Yan et al. 2003). The
Cavalieri method is performed by slicing the lung into equally thick slabs, placing the slabs with
the cut face upwards and overlaying a point counting grid. This grid has points of known
distance apart, and through accounting for the area per point and the slab thickness an estimate of
the organ volume can be determined. The use of the immersion method (volume displacement)
compared to the Cavalieri method can cause inflation of the volume of the lung especially in
large lungs (Yan et al. 2003). It has also been recommended to use the Cavalieri principle to
estimate the volume of fixed lungs as it represents tissue that will be analyzed in subsequent
stereological methods (Ochs. 2006). In previous studies, the estimated volume of the horse lung
using volume displacement was estimated to be 46.5±3.5L in three Standardbred harness trained
horses, 447±36kg (Constantinopol et al. 1989) and 37.65L in two half-bred geldings, about 5
years old weighing 510kg (Gehr and Erni. 1980). My experiments yielded a total reference lung
volume with a median of 13.9L (9.3 to 15.5L) in the adult horses, which is lower than those
reported in previous studies. The reasons for the differences in lung volume in my study and the
others are not clear, but could be attributed to the differences in methods, as I used the Cavalieri
Method as opposed to volume displacement for lung volume estimation. As well, the volume
estimation used in my study was slightly skewed due to the omission of very large nonparenchymal airways resulting in the total lung volume being at least 1-2% less than an accurate
Lung volume was reported previously in Thoroughbred and pony foals and adult horses (Beech
et al. 2001). Left lung volume was estimated with the Cavalieri Principle and reported only on a
graph and appears to be between 400mL and 1L for newborn foals, while adult left lung volume
appears between 2 and 5L (Beech et al. 2001). It is also noted that the lung volume does not
change after 50 weeks of age (Beech et al. 2001). However, the adult lung volume Beech et al.,
(2001) reports is dramatically lower than reported previously (Constantinopol et al. 1989); (Gehr
and Erni. 1980) and also by me. While the foal lung volumes are similar to those I report
assuming a total lung volume based on similar volumes for left and right lungs.
The lung was characterised by volume density of parenchyma, which was subdivided into
alveolar airspace, ductal airspace and alveolar tissue volume densities. These characteristics
describe the morphology of the lung and therefore differences detected between the age groups
represent change within the lung. The volume density of parenchyma in the adult lung is thought
to be between 85-90% while the remaining 10-15% of the lung is the tissue (Weibel et al. 2007).
This was generally the case between the three age groups of horses where all three groups were
different and adult horses had a greater density of lung parenchyma (median 93.7%) than 30 day
foals (median 84.4%) and one day old foals (median 81.0%) (Figure 6.2D). Previously, Gehr
(1980) (Gehr and Erni. 1980) reported the parenchymal volume density of the adult equine lung
(n=2) to be 87.2% and 85.2%. These values are smaller compared to the values I report, which
could be due to the difference in methods as the volume density of parenchyma was estimated
prior to tissue sampling in the study by Gehr (1980). In our study, the availability of only a few
macroscopic photos of the lung slabs probably led to an overestimation of parenchymal density
fraction by 1-2%. In another morphometric study of standard-bred horse and steer lung, the mean
parenchymal volume density was 73% and 61%, respectively (Constantinopol et al. 1989). While
the lung fixation was done in situ similar to our methods, the lungs however were allowed to
collapse prior to fixative instillation (Constantinopol et al. 1989), which may not have fully
inflated the lung leading to a perceived lower parenchymal volume density. To my knowledge,
the volume density of lung parenchyma has not been examined or compared between foals of
different ages. However, there are data to show that volume density of lung parenchyma in
children increases with age (Thibeault et al. 2004; Zeltner and Burri. 1987). In mice, it can be
assumed that the parenchymal density of the lung grows isometrically with age (Mund et al.
2008). Overall, my data show an increase in the parenchymal volume density in the lung with
age similar to other species.
The alveolar airspace volume density increased with age, from one day old foals to adult horses
(Figure 6.2). In previous studies, alveolar airspace in the adult equine lung was about 71%,
which I estimate from their report of airspace density of the parenchymal fraction (Gehr and
Erni. 1980) and approximately 68% in normal Thoroughbred race horses in training (Lakritz et
al. 1995). In my study, the median value of alveolar airspace in the lung of the adult horses was
66.9%, 55.5% in 30 day old foals and 45.9% in 1 day old foals (Figure 6.2 A). In adult human
lung, 86.5% of the lung was airspace, including both ductal and alveolar airspace (Gehr et al.
1978). The volume density of airspaces in children at 1 month of age (72-77%) increased by 6
months of age (85-89%) (Zeltner and Burri. 1987). Finally, in newborn piglets 82% of
parenchyma was alveolar airspace, which remained unchanged at 30 days of age (Winkler and
Cheville. 1987). It is difficult to compare airspace volume densities between the studies due to a
difference in the definitions of the reported values, lack of separation between ductal and
alveolar airspace, and even the methods used to arrive at the densities. I separated the alveolar
airspace and ductal airspace since we were interested in characterizing the developing lung. The
adult equine airspace density estimate reported by both Gehr and Erni (1980) and Lakrtiz et al.,
(1995) combines alveolar and ductal airspace and are quite close to my estimates. Perhaps their
definition of alveolar airspace represents the alveoli, yet the definition of “airspace” is not
specified exactly in either report. The human airspace density (Gehr et al. 1978) estimate is
slightly larger which could be attributed to the inclusion of both the alveolar airspace and ductal
airspace volume density in this value.
In Fisher 344 male rats, the volume density of alveolar airspace rapidly increased from 1 month
to 3 months of age, while ductal airspace volume density decreased (Mizuuchi et al. 1994).
However, in the current study, there was no difference detected in the ductal airspace volume
density (P=0.2162) between the adult horses, 30 day old foals and one day old foals. As well,
there was no difference detected in the alveolar tissue volume density (P=0.3071) between the
adult horses, 30 day old foals and one day old foals. However there appears to be a trend for both
duct and tissue where the density is lowest in adult horses, then 30 day old foals and 1 day old
foals. These results are less than parenchymal tissue volume densities reported by Lakrtiz (1995)
(Lakritz et al. 1995) of adult Thoroughbred race horses, where the volume density of
parenchymal tissue was approximately 32%. The lungs were fixed via perfusion and tissue
blocks were embedded in paraffin (Lakritz et al. 1995). Perhaps the difference in athletic ability
of the horses, type of fixation and embedding could be attributed to the differences seen in
parenchymal tissue volume density in the lung. The lack of difference in my results is interesting
and could be due to an error, although not very likely, in uneven fixation of the lungs causing
variability in the data. However, my results could also be indicative of the foal lung as having a
full functional imprint at birth as the ductal and tissue densities do not appear to change.
In a study of eight adult human lungs, it was found that 7.8% of lung parenchyma is tissue (Gehr
et al. 1978). In adult horses reported previously (n=2), 8.1% and 8.8% of the lung parenchyma is
tissue (Gehr and Erni. 1980). In piglets, the volume density of parenchymal tissue at birth was
11%, which remained unchanged at 30 day old pigs (11.7%) (Winkler and Cheville. 1987). In
the current study, 11.9% was the median value (n=4) of total parenchymal tissue density in the
adult horse lung. There was no difference in volume density detected between the adult horse
and foals, however the trend showed alveolar tissue volume density decreasing with age.
Similarly, in children parenchymal tissue volume density decreased with age (Thurlbeck. 1975;
Thurlbeck and Angus. 1975; Zeltner and Burri. 1987).
The absolute volume estimates of the parenchymal characteristics take into account the reference
lung volume, which expectedly discovers differences between the foals and adult horses simply
due to the size of the lung. The density counts are independent of the lung volume and therefore
may be more representative of the differences in the lung between the age groups.
7.3 Stereological Evaluations of Surface Area
All of the morphometric analysis was done with the light microscope (LM), and the values are
estimated to be about 75 % lower than those obtained with an electron microscope (EM) (Gehr et
al. 1978). While it is known that the lower resolution of LM leads to underestimation of surface
area compared to EM (Hsia et al. 2010), I am unable to find indication as to which estimate is
more accurate. Therefore the values reported previously of alveolar surface area in the horse
lung, 2,457m2 (Gehr and Erni. 1980) are likely inflated compared to the data reported in my
study due to the differences in microscope magnification. In the human lung, the LM showed
alveolar surface area to be 82m2 while the EM study yielded an area of 143m2(Gehr et al. 1978).
Based on my data, the alveolar surface area estimate for an adult horse is about 8 times greater
than the human lung (Gehr et al. 1978). The alveolar surface area estimates we report for the
adult horses and foals show an age related difference, even when the surface area estimate was
standardized to a 500mL volume. Not only is the total surface area (m2) increased with age from
a median of 205.3m2 at one day of age to 258.2m2 at 30 days of age to 629.9m2 as adult horses
(Figure 6.4A). But the alveolar surface density decreases from one day old foals (0.081/µm) to
adult horses (0.053/µm) (Figure 6.4C). These data show that in the foal lung alveolar epithelium
is more dense than the adult horse, possibly due to alveoli expanding or from entire lung growth.
Our results of alveolar surface area are much greater than those previously reported in ponies and
thoroughbred horses which range from 20-60m2 in the left lung of one day old foals and 130180m2 per left lung of adult horses (Beech et al. 2001). Yet, both studies show an increase in
alveolar surface area (m2) with post natal age (Beech et al. 2001). Their data consisted of left
lung measurements from 20 thoroughbred foals, 0-8months of age, 4 yearlings and 4 adult horses
(Beech et al. 2001). Perhaps the difference in alveolar surface area in my data compared to
Beech et al., (2001) is due to the difference in total lung volume which total surface area is
dependent upon. Overall, the increase in alveolar surface area with age in the horse is similar to
those reported in the rat (Bolle et al. 2008) and child (Thibeault et al. 2004).
The alveolar surface area per kg bodyweight is greatest in the one-day old foals, likely because
of basic body size. Where, adult horses (356-530kg) weigh more than foals (580140kg).
Similarly, gas-exchangeable surface area per kg bodyweight decreased with age in Thoroughbred
foals (Beech et al. 2001). In an earlier study, there were neither multiple animals per age group
nor statistics performed on their data (Beech et al. 2001). However, the trend in their data on gasexchangeable surface area per bodyweight is slightly less (between approximately 0.25-2.5m2/kg
BW) than results from my experiments which yielded a median of 1.32m2/kg in adults,
1.91m2/kg in 30 day old foals and 3.51m2/kg in one day old foals. Perhaps this indicates that the
body and lung subsequently grow at unequal amounts, or isometrically after a certain point of
postnatal age which was also noted in the parenchymal characteristics of the mouse lung (Mund
et al. 2008).
The total endothelial surface area per lung, similar to the alveolar surface area, also increased
from the foals to the adult horses. Similar data on the increase in endothelial surface have been
reported in lungs of infant children (Zeltner et al. 1987). However, the endothelial surface
density was unchanged between the various treatment groups in my study as was observed in
newborn and 30 day old pigs (Winkler and Cheville. 1987). Perhaps higher magnification or use
of the EM would be a more effective and precise method to determine endothelial surface area as
occasionally fields of view were omitted due to low quality resolution and being unable to
differentiate endothelium.
Endothelial surface area is less than total alveolar surface area (m2) in both horses, as reported
here, and humans as reported earlier (Gehr et al. 1978) and in the dog lung, where alveolar
surface area was found to be 90m2 with a capillary surface of 72m2 (Siegwart et al. 1971) .
Interestingly, analysis of mice lungs show that alveolar surface area is 82.2cm2 while capillary
surface area is 124cm2(Knust et al. 2009), and reasons for this finding are unknown. To further
understand the relationship between the alveolar and endothelial surface areas, I examined their
ratios and found no difference between the various groups of animals in my study. The lack of
differences in the ratios may be because of simultaneous expansion of the alveolar and
endothelial surfaces for optimization of gas exchange across the septal barrier (Burri. 2006;
Warburton et al. 2005)
I did not find a change in the thickness of the alveolar septum between the foals and adult horses.
This is in contrast to the rat lung where alveolar septal thickness decreases with age, from day 7
(13.4µm), 14 (8.1µm), 21 (5.4µm) and 90 (6.4µm) (Bolle et al. 2008). One of the reasons for the
differences between the horse and the rat lungs could be relative immaturity of the rat lung at
birth. Alveoli formation in the rat lung begins postnatally (Bolle et al. 2008) rather than being
born with somewhat developed alveoli as I found in the foal lung.
The estimation of mean linear intercept is an estimate of the volume to surface ratio of acinar
airspaces or the distance between gas exchangeable surfaces (Hsia et al. 2010). Thurlbeck (1975)
suggested that lung development occurs in two phases where in the first phase alveolar
dimensions remain constant during alveolar multiplication and interalveolar distance (Lm)
remains the same, but in the second phase the alveoli increase in dimension and should be
reflected by an increase in Lm (Thurlbeck. 1975; Thurlbeck and Angus. 1975). My data show an
increase in the Lm between one-day old foals and adult horses to suggest an expansion of
alveoli. There was no difference between the 30 day old foals and any other age group. Perhaps
more animals per group would show significance. Interestingly, the alveolar surface density
decreases with age while Lm increases, suggesting larger alveoli with age. Taken with the
decrease of alveolar surface area per kg body weight data with age, might suggest lung growth in
terms of alveolar expansion at a different rate than body growth. Further studies should be
performed to determine when lung development has reached the adult capacity and complete
Overall, the volume density of lung parenchyma and alveolar airspace increases from foals to
adult horses, while alveolar surface density decreases and total alveolar and endothelial surface
areas increase. The mean linear intercept increases with age and the ratio between alveolar and
endothelial surface density remains constant. The evidence from this quantitative descriptive
study indicate that foals appear to be born with a functionally developed lung seen by the
presence of alveoli and microvasculature, supported by their more precocial nature (Burri. 2006)
and physical ability to run within hours of birth (Paradis. 2006). Perhaps the alveoli continue to
develop postnatally, through expansion and possibly secondary septation, resembling the second
phase of lung development, alveolar expansion, seen in humans (Thurlbeck. 1975). It has been
thought that alveolarization likely continues in foals after birth (Paradis. 2006), however a study
of basic histology (Barnard et al. 1982) describes the fetal foal lung to resemble the adult in their
vascular and trabecular pattern. Nevertheless, few studies on lung development in the foal have
been performed making it unclear whether postnatally there is an increase in number or capacity
of functional units (Beech et al. 2001). The current results suggest the alveolar surface area is
changing possibly due to an expansion in size, as Lm increases, (Thurlbeck. 1975) while
simultaneously angiogenesis is occurring through this phase of alveolarization to maintain
normal lung development (Warburton et al. 2005; Jakkula et al. 2000). The histology images
(Figure 6.1) showing alveolar size support this through simple observation but further analysis
on the number and size of alveoli are required for a more thorough stereological evaluation.
These differences detected in parenchymal characteristics and gas exchangeable epithelium and
endothelium in the lung could have functional implications. The changing proportions of the
lung parenchyma indicate there is a greater gas exchangeable capacity with age. As well, there is
an increase in alveolar epithelial and endothelial surface areas with age. Presumably, lung
function would then increase as the ability for gas exchange is improved. The relative amount of
gas exchange and lung capacity is increasing to adulthood. It is understandable that the lung is
changing in its relative proportions with growth, which leads to the question if there is an
optimal time for exercise in horses and what implications of disease could result from exercise
before lung development is complete. Perhaps microvasculature remodelling could have an
impact on exercise induced pulmonary hemorrhage in race horses. It has been suggested that
remodeling of pulmonary veins could be a precursor or related to the development of exerciseinduced pulmonary hemorrhage in horses (Williams et al. 2013).
7.4 Mechanisms of Lung Development
It is difficult to speculate on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of lung development in the
foal as it appears they are born with a more functionally developed lung than other reported
species and we don't have any data yet. However, with the descriptive data in hand and tissues
processed for cellular and molecular analyses, I believe this is the stage to undertake some
discussion of the potential mechanisms regulating the post-natal lung development in the horse.
The mouse (Mund et al. 2008), rat (Blanco. 1995; Mizuuchi et al. 1994) and Quakko Wallaby
(Makanya et al. 2001) appear to have the least developed lungs at birth. The human newborn
lung lacks defined alveoli, presenting thick saccules containing a double capillary network
(Burri. 1984), which later transform into a single capillary layer (Zeltner et al. 1987). However,
in the newborn foal lung, functional alveoli appear to be present which is more similar to the
neonatal porcine lung (Winkler and Cheville. 1987).
While developing an idea of foal postnatal lung development, it is helpful to refer to established
mechanisms in the human. Human lung development appears to be biphasic, where the first
phase is characterized by shifts in the proportion of parenchymal characteristics, while the
second phase is a growth of these components (Zeltner and Burri. 1987). The increase in surface
area is likely due to an increase in the complexity of the air-blood interface and maybe due to
septal growth resulting in lengthening of the septa and deepening of alveoli (Zeltner et al. 1987).
The aeration process in human infant lung is accompanied by a proportional decrease of
interstitial tissue, while airspace volume increases at the same time as capillary volume increases
(Burri. 2006). The human infant is born with a specified mass of interstitial cells which are
dispersed in the septa during the growth process (Zeltner and Burri. 1987). Perhaps this occurs in
foals, where the functional structures are present at birth and they become distributed for alveolar
expansion postnatally seen through an increase in alveolar surface area, decrease in alveolar
surface density and increase in Lm.
The alveolar epithelium is lined by alveolar type I and II pneumocytes (Tyler and Julian. 1991),
which have been developed during the canalicular stage of prenatal lung development (Burri.
1984). The alveolar epithelial type II cells play a role in lung repair where they can spread,
migrate, proliferate and differentiate into type I cells after lung injury to repair the surface
(Ghosh et al. 2013; Crosby and Waters. 2010; Desai et al. 2008). Some of the mechanisms of
epithelial cell repair after lung injury are described in a review recently (Crosby and Waters.
2010), however the mechanism of cell differentiation during alveolar expansion and postnatal
lung development and injury are somewhat unclear (Morrisey et al. 2013). During the prenatal
canalicular stage of lung development, the cuboidal epithelium and capillaries come in close
contact to form the first thin alveolar septum regions (Burri. 1984). The epithelium
simultaneously flattens with the close apposition with the capillaries and the alveolar epithelium
differentiates into the cuboidal epithelial stem cell (type II cell) and subsequently squamous type
I cells (Makanya et al. 2001; Burri. 1984). Type II pneumocytes and lamellar body size was
evaluated by Schmeidl (2007) during postnatal rat lung development (Schmiedl et al. 2007).
Interestingly, the size of the type II cells was smaller during alveolarization than before or as a
mature adult (Schmiedl et al. 2007). The size of the lamellar bodies, however, increased during
alveolarization (Schmiedl et al. 2007). Alveolar type II cell hyperplasia and hypertrophy are two
methods to increase the lamellar body volume per unit of alveolar surface area (Miller and Hook.
In rat lungs, gas exchange surface area improves through a transition from bulk alveolarization to
an airspace expansion phase, which includes microvascular maturation and reconstruction of the
septa (Bolle et al. 2008). During this phase of maturation, apoptosis is necessary to reduce the
number of fibroblasts and alveolar type II cells (Schittny et al. 1998) to assist in the reduction of
interstitial tissue for septal thinning during microvascular maturation (Makanya et al. 2001).
Through TUNEL assay, for type I and II epithelial cells, programmed cell death could be
analyzed (Schittny et al. 1998) in the foal lung similar to the procedure in rat lungs to determine
if there is a change in the proportion of pneumocytes postnatally. Likely there is some cellular
differentiation and proliferation occurring in the foal lung postnatally with the impact of
mechanical forces and other growth factors. It has been suggested that one factor could be
insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) activating the Wnt-Frizzled pathway to regulate alveolar
type II cell differentiation into type I cells after lung injury (Ghosh et al. 2013). It is also known
that mechanical forces on the lung tissue play a role in cellular proliferation in the developing
lung and after lung injury, as reviewed by Liu et al., (1999) (Liu et al. 1995). Cell culture
experiments of isolated epithelial cells showed an increased DNA synthesis after strain (Liu et al.
1995). Further, it also important to distinguish if the number of alveoli are increasing postnatally
through additional stereology based studies or whether a variety of factors are leading to the
expansion of the alveoli.
Again, while airspace volume increases, capillary volume must also resemble the same pattern
(Burri. 2006) as normal lung development relies also on microvascular maturation (Thibeault et
al. 2004). The volume density of parenchymal vessels and epithelial airspace with an air-blood
barrier, and capillary loading (number of air-blood barriers per surface area) have been used to
describe microvascular maturation in human infants (Thibeault et al. 2004).
Angiogenesis and vasculogenesis are precisely regulated and required mechanisms in normal
lung development (Brown et al. 1995; Zeng et al. 1998). One of the critical regulating factors of
these processes is the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) (Warburton et al. 2005). VEGF
has been studied in fetal and preterm infants without lung disease and with bronchopulmonary
dysplasia (BPD), where VEGF is important for normal microvascular development (Lassus et al.
2001). Immunohistochemical staining of VEGF was found in the bronchial epithelium and
alveolar macrophages (Lassus et al. 2001). VEGF also maintains alveolar structure (Zeng et al.
1998). The integrin, αvβ3, also plays a role in endothelial cell spreading and motility (Leavesley
et al. 1993; Tang et al. 1996). The endothelial cell responds to the extracellular matrix through
these cell adhesion receptor integrins for mediated cell migration during development, healing or
angiogenesis (Leavesley et al. 1993). As well pericytes, located in the basement membrane of
capillaries, also contribute to angiogenesis and regulation of endothelial cell proliferation (Ribatti
et al. 2011). Alveolar macrophages interact with epithelial and endothelial cells and can produce
growth factors (Liu et al. 1995). Intravascular macrophages were detected in new born pigs and
morphometric characterization showed an increase in absolute volume and to cover more
capillary surface in 30 day old pigs (Winkler and Cheville. 1987). Polarized M2 macrophages
appear to play a role in lung development as they are found in sites of branching morphogenesis
and are increasing in number during alveolarization compared to M1 macrophages, as assessed
through qPCR (Jones et al. 2013). I have performed preliminary staining for von Willebrand
factor (vwf, 1:500) and macrophage antibody (Mac-387, 1:50) on lung tissues collected in my
experiments (Figures 6.10 and 6.9). The role of macrophages as a source of growth factors could
be critical in influencing the development of blood vessels and alveoli as they were found in all
three age groups. Furthermore, quantification of the macrophages especially those in the vascular
compartment could help us in better understanding the innate immune system in the developing
lung. In addition to the vascular and alveolar quantification in the lung, the expression of
angiogenic molecules such as integrin αvβ3 should also be explored.
7.5 Study Limitations
As previously mentioned, the omission of the very large primary bronchioles during the
Cavalieri volume estimation and lack of photos taken of the lung slabs during the volume
estimation are not ideal. Our best estimations show these missing counts are about 1-2% of the
lung. In future studies, these steps will be included. Another limitation of the study is the
evaluation of only left lungs (except for one right foal lung). This is assuming homogeneity
between right and left lungs. And finally, a larger study size, especially of the adult horse group,
would help to improve our statistical significance, however this is always a limitation with large
animal studies.
Through this descriptive and quantitative study of the adult and foal lung morphology there are
apparent differences in the newborn lung compared to the adult horse. The hypothesis that foals
have a less structurally differentiated lung composition in comparison to the adult horse was
confirmed based on lung stereology data describing the parenchymal components and surface
areas of alveolar epithelium and endothelium changing from foal to adult horses. The newborn
foal lung appears functional at birth, yet development must occur postnatally as revealed through
the changes in lung morphology. The differences seen in basic lung structure contribute to
understanding lung function between various age groups and for later understanding disease
pathophysiology. The objectives of this study were to establish a technique to use stereology to
evaluate the equine lung and to then use the technique in healthy horses and foals to describe
normal lung parameters. I now have baseline morphometric data of the healthy “normal” foal
and adult horse lung and further studies are required to depict the molecular mechanisms of this
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Table A. Lung developmental stages of horse, human and rat in relation to gestational stage and
morphology postnatally.
Developmental Stages
Gestational Stage
Continues until about 200 days
postnatally (Pattle et al. 1975).
Transition at 190-201days
(McGorum et al. 2006; Pattle et
al. 1975)
Unclear but potentially after
260 days, when alveolar type II
cells are differentiating
(Barnard et al. 1982; Paradis.
16-26 wks(Burri. 2006) (add
Copland 2004)
24-38 wks(Burri. 2006)
(Copland 2004)
Cannalicular Stage
Saccular Stage
Cannalicular Stage
Saccular Stage
Cannalicular Stage
Saccular Stage
16-18 days prenatal
17.5 days prenatal -day 5
postnatal (Backstrom et al.
Cannalicular Stage
Saccular Stage
18.5 days- birth (Yamada et al.
Lung morphology at
Alveolarization continues
(Paradis. 2006; Beech et
al. 2001)
until a specific age is
Alveolar stages from 36
weeks to 1-2 years.
(copland 2004)
Microvascular maturation
from birth to 2-3
years(Burri. 2006)
Maturation postnatally
(Mund et al. 2008)
Alveolar stage continues
from day 5-28 postnatal
(Backstrom et al. 2011)
Sacculation commences
(day 4-13), not yet
alveolar stage (Blanco.
Table B. Species comparisons of basic lung morphology data. Various authors and study designs.
Species and
Lung Volume
and Fixation
BW (kg)
SA (alveoli m2)
and SA density
SA (endo m2)
and SA
Adult horse
46.5±3.5L with
2.62m2/kg BW,
2.55m2/kg BW,
245± 10.8/cm
kg BW
(Constantinopol et
al. 1989)
In situ fixation
Steer (n=3)
25.5±1.01L with
(Constantinopol et
al. 1989)
In situ fixation
Equine adult
37.65L via fluid
(Gehr and Erni.
In situ fixation
Foals and Adults
(total n=29)
Lung volume
estimate via
Cavalieri’s Principle
Fixed by immersion
(Gehr et al. 1978;
Beech et al. 2001)
5 years
26.9L or
2,457m2 or 756/cm
1663 m2 or
TB and
20-60m2 at <1
week old
1-2 years
60m2 at 3-4 weeks
100-200m2 after 51
3-18 years
74kg BW
126±12m2 ,
(Gehr et al. 1978)
In situ fixation
Wirkes 2010
46±6.3L Volume
estimated by
V(lung) x0.85
1577+/- 677m2
total, SA decreased
with body mass
(no total SA
because no
reference lung
213 ±31 mL
(n=3)(Wirkes et
al. 2010;
Constantinopol et
al. 1989)
Adult TB Race
Horses (n=7)
(Lakritz et al.
Assume 90%
143±12m2 with EM
Human (n=8)
Table C. Species comparison of lung alveolar surface area density and total area per kg of
bodyweight. Magnification is based on light microscope (LM) or electron microscope (EM) as
magnification is relative for estimating surface area.
Surface Density
of Alveoli
Total Surface Area of
Alveoli per kg BW
(LM or EM)
et al. 1989)
Steer, n=3
0.029 +/- 0.0099/µm
2.62 +/- 0.104m2/kg BW
et al. 1989)
Horse, n=3
0.0253 +/0.00162/µm
1.55+/- 0.075m2/kg BW
(Gehr and Erni.
Horse, n=2
0.0756/µm (EM)
4.817m2/kg BW
10,000x EM
(Beech et al.
Not available
0.25-2.5 m2/kg BW
(Lakritz et al.
Horse, n=7
Not available
LM (? x)
(Gehr et al.
Human, n=8
0.037 +/- 0.003/µm
1.93m2/kg BW
LM and EM
(Wirkes et al.
Various, horse
(n=3) from
Not available
1577+/-677m2 (per how many
40x magnification
(Knust et al.
Adult mouse
Not available
82.2cm2, capillary SA 124cm2
BW was 20.6g
(Leuenberger et
al. 2012)
Adult male rat
Not available
2.09 x103 cm2 for 240-280g BW
Table D. Reference values for tracheal wash and bronchoalveolar lavage cytology inclusion
criteria for adult horses.
Tracheal Wash
(Hodgson et al. 2002)
BAL (Koblinger et al. 2011)
Neutrophils (%)
≤ 20
Eosinophils (%)
Mast Cells (%)
Table E. Bronchoalveolar lavage and tracheal wash cytology results from adult horses included
in the study.
Adult Horse 1
Adult Horse 1
Adult Horse 2
Adult Horse 2
Adult Horse 3
Adult Horse 3
Adult Horse 4
Adult Horse 4
Figure A. Adult horse hoisted into upright position with right lung clamped off and fixative
instilled into the left lung.
Figure B. The Right lung has been removed from the chest cavity after fixative has been
instilled. The left lung is in the process of extraction.
Protocol 1. Plastic Embedding.
Prepare HEPES, prepare cacodylate buffer, 1% OsO4 in 0.1M sodium cacodylate
Preparation of solutions :
o 100mL of technovit
o 1g hardener I (1bag) = infiltration 1-12 hours or longer depending on type of
tissue and thickness
o Takes about 2 hours to mix well
- Embedding
o 15ml preparation solution
o 1ml hardener II = curing will take approx. 2 hours (consider pot life)
o Only prepare right before you need it.. it will solidify in the beaker otherwise
1) Rinse samples with 0.2M HEPES, 2X6min
2) Rinse with 0.1M sodium cacodylate buffer 4 X 6 min
a. Sodium cacodylate is in our lab in the chemicals cabinet
3) Post fix in 1% OsO4 in 0.1M sodium cacodylate for 2 hours
4) Rinse with 0.1M sodium cacodylate 4 x 5 min
5) Bloc-stain win half-saturated aqueous uranyl acetate overnight at 4C
6) Rinse with bidistilled water 2 x 5 min
7) Dehydrate specimens with 70% (2hr, RT), 96% (2hr, RT) and 100% (1h, RT) ethanol (this
step can be done in the processor machine, program 10 “unlabelled”)
8) Transfer specimens into 1:1 mix of 100% ethanol and technovit 7100 for 2 hours (RT)
a. Enough solution that the lungs are submerged
9) Infiltrate specimens with infiltration medium (GMA/technovit 7100 + hardener I) overnight
a. 1g hardener (=1bag) dissolved into 100ml base liquid (Technovit 7100) make this
before hand because it takes about 1-2 hours to mix well
b. Vacuum and agitation helpful – but not necessary
c. At 4C solution is stable for 4 weeks
10) Prepare embedding medium (next day)
a. 1ml hardener is added (via pipette) to 15ml of prep solution (infiltration medium)
11) Prepare embedding moulds by polymerizing a thin layer of embedding medium (infiltration
medium plus hardener II) about 1-3ml, for 1 hr at 400C
a. This will form a solid layer at the bottom of the moulds so the tissues are not
exposed to air
12) Prepare more embedding medium to fill moulds and block holders.
13) Transfer specimens onto polymerized layer and fill mold with fresh embedding medium
14) Polymerization is performed for 1-2 hours at 400C and subsequently overnight at RT before
microtome holder is fixed
15) After polymerization, blocks are to be put into sealable glass containers for storage.
16) Analysis at LM level after sectioning via glass knives and mounting on slides.
Protocol 2. Paraffin Embedding Protocol
70% EtOH 45 minutes
70% EtOH 45 minutes
70% EtOH 45 minutes
80% EtOH, 45 minutes
95% EtOH, 45 minutes
100% EtOH, 45 minutes
100% EtOH, 45 minutes
100% EtOH, 45 minutes
Clearant (zylene) 45 minutes
Clearant (zylene) 45 minutes
Paraffin 30 minutes
Paraffin 30 minutes
Paraffin 30 minutes
Figure C. Image Series of Slicing Adult Equine Left Lung. This images show the large size of
the equine lung (60cm in length) shown on a tray (65cmX45cm in dimension).
Figure D. Slicing Adult Equine Left Lung. Lungs were measured for total longest length
measurement and slab thickness was determined based on producing 10-12 equal thickness slabs.
Slabs were laid with the cut face upwards all in the same direction.
Figure E. Slicing Adult Equine Left Lung. Lung volume was estimated using a point counting
grid for the Cavalieri Method. The points on the grid were adjusted to produce 100-200 point
counts per lung.
Figure F. Slicing Adult Equine Left Lung. Lung slabs were laid out and the fractionator design
was employed to result in a systematically random sample of slabs, to then be cut into slices of
equal thickness. These slices were then laid out in order of size selecting every nth piece to result
in 5 slices for further processing.
Figure G. Slicing Adult Equine Left Lung. The five remaining slices were then cut into thirds
and assigned to electron microscopy, plastic embedding and paraffin embedding. Subsampling of
these blocks was required to fit into the embedding moulds, following a fractionator design.
Figure H. Cascade design of Lung Tissue Analysis. This flow chart indicates the stereological
approach to evaluating the lung using the cascade design. Starting with 100% of the lung under
macroscopic evaluations, determining parenchyma and non-parenchymal tissues. The next step
under microscopic analysis evaluates the fine parenchyma tissues and estimates alveolar surface