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Artykuł przedstawia, w jaki sposób dyrektor szkoły może nawiązać partnerską współpracę z rodzicami, dzięki czemu będzie możliwe wspólne, a więc skuteczniejsze rozwiązywanie problemów szkolnych.
Rocznik Pedagogiczny, 2020
Studia Edukacyjne, 2021
Conflict is inseparable from human everyday life. Inscribed in the functioning of an individual who enters various social interactions, its occurrence at some stage of life is inevitable. It is based on the divergent interests of the parties striving to achieve a specific goal. Many conflict situations, destructive in their effects and causing a sense of instability and frustration, appear in the school environment among young people. Peer mediation offers a constructive approach to peer conflict, resolving it through conversation, exchange of thoughts and views by parties representing different positions, in the presence of an impartial and neutral mediator, who is their adequately prepared and trained peer. Peer mediation offers a chance for active participation in the search for a mutually satisfactory solution, teaches responsibility for the decisions taken and creates a sense of agency, which is so important in adulthood.
Horyzonty Wychowania, 2021
Opieka i wychowanie stanowią nieodłączne formy aktywności każdego człowieka, a szczególnie tego, który realizuje swoje życiowe powołanie w rodzinie. O opiece mówimy najczęściej w relacji rodzic – dziecko, dziecko – rodzic, opiekun – podopieczny, lekarz – pacjent. Opieka niejednokrotnie powiązana jest z wychowaniem.
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego eBooks, 2022
Ruch jako antidotum na negatywne skutki pandemicznego zdalnego nauczania w szkołach Streszczenie. Sytuacja, w jakiej znalazły się szkoły, uczelnie, rodzice i dzieci, prowokuje do podjęcia rozważań w poszukiwaniu odpowiedzi na pytanie: "Co dalej?". Organizacja życia uczących się i nauczających, która zmusiła obie strony do spędzania długiego czasu przed monitorami komputerów, skutkowała znacznym obniżeniem czasu poświęcanego na aktywność fizyczną. Zamknięcie wielu instytucji i ograniczenie dostępu do infrastruktury sportowo-rekreacyjnej uruchomiło mechanizmy twórcze wśród wielu nauczycieli wychowania fizycznego. W wielu też przypadkach zmianom uległo spojrzenie rodziców na pracę szkoły i nauczycieli. Prezentowany tekst jest studium poświęconym refleksjom badacza nad konsekwencjami ograniczeń epidemiologicznych w naszym społeczeństwie. Słowa kluczowe: nauczanie zdalne, wychowanie fizyczne, pandemia, aktywność fizyczna Can physical education be used as an antidote to the negative effects of remote learning?
Kultura i Społeczeństwo
This article considers the idea of crisis as one of the key tools for conceptualizing the ambivalent nature of childhood. Although crisis narratives have been an inseparable part of describing childhood, the concept of a crisis (an end, a death) of childhood itself may refer to such different phenomena as slave labor or lack of access to education on the one hand, and the consumerist lifestyle and media addiction on the other. The author focuses mainly on the idea of the disappearance of modern childhood derived from Postman’s concept. Childhood is viewed in connection with the concept of childhood’s toxicity, the dichotomy between over-controlling and ignoring childhood, and the idea of childhood being inappropriate. The article concludes that although some of the problems signaled as part of the crisis diagnosis have a negative impact on the development of young people and require solutions, the idea that childhood en bloc is in crisis is rather an expression of the collapse of th...
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana, 2021
Dynamika globalizacji, którą szczególnie obserwujemy w ostatnich dwóch dekadach, wymusza daleko idące zmiany w procesie edukacji, a przede wszystkim edukacji akademickiej. Cenną inspiracją do podjęcia tego typu kwestii są założenia społecznej teorii wypracowanej przez jednego z najbardziej wszechstronnych myślicieli XX wieku – José Ortegę y Gasseta. W artykule zastosowano metodę analityczno-syntetyczną literatury przedmiotu. Na wstępie przeanalizowano wartość kształcenia obywateli w aspekcie osobistym i społecznym, co – zdaniem Ortegi y Gasseta – przyczynia się w istotny sposób do budowy społeczeństwa demokratycznego. Następnie, w świetle politycznego liberalizmu autora, zostały poddane analizie między innymi idee dotyczące wolności jako kluczowe wyzwania dla edukacji obywateli.
The author attempts to present the role of words in everyday life and in the process of communication between God and man. The creative aspects of a word, as well as the religious education teacher’s spiritual responsibility for the quality of his/her speech are discussed with reference to the Bible. The characteristics of the language of religion, that is the symbolism and personal spiritual experiences of both the student and the teacher, as well as their influence on the quality of religious education, are also described. The final part of the paper refers to the problems commonly encountered by students but also the teacher’s strategies of working with students with disorders
Edukacja Międzykulturowa
Our project was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic. 1955 students from Polish schools participated in the study. The aim was to detect school experiences of children, adolescents and young adults. The results show the lack of digital hygiene, but also the respondents’ general satisfaction with the distance learning and their including its elements in the vision of the school of the future. The differences in the experiences of boys and girls and of the learners in rural and urban areas are a premise for the interpretation of the obtained results in the direction of deepening the previously existing inequalities associated with distance learning.
Journal of Bacteriology & Mycology: Open access, 2024
The purpose of this research work is to determine the molecular identity of bacteria isolated from infected Zea maize using the 16s rRNA molecular sequencing protocol. The samples were obtained from Okeagbe, Akoko north-west local government in Ondo state with latitude and longitude of Okeagbe at 7.6450° N, and 5.7603° E respectively. Preparation of infected maize samples was cultured using the serial dilution method.. Confirmatory characterization of bacteria isolates using 16s rRNA (ribosomal RNA) sequencing procedures (purification, amplication, Sequencing, and DNA extraction) inclusive.The result shows the isolation of the bacteria isolates involved the culturing, inoculation, and plating of the isolate on a plated agar, the identification of the bacteria isolate includes the use of Gram staining, biochemical tests, and characterization using Bergey’s manual and antibiotics Susceptibility Test. In Gram staining all bacteria isolates were positive except one, in the biochemical test most bacteria isolate was positive for sugar Fermentation and citrate test and all were negative for the Voges Proskauer test. In antibiotics Susceptibility test few were sensitive, most were susceptible to antibiotics used. With the use of the 16S rRNA and procedures (purification and application of product, Sequencing, and Extraction of DNA) the bacteria isolate were identified and characterized. The phylogenetic analysis and molecular identification of 16S rDNA sequencing revealed that Escherichia coli, Samonella enterica and Staphylococcus aureus were found to infect maize. Molecular characterization based on 16S rRNA Gene sequencing confirms the identity of bacteria. The conventional procedure shows the presence of different arrays of microorganisms in the infected maize, microbes identified are Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus anthracis, Micrococcus luteus, Clostridium sporogenes, Microbacterium lacticum, Clostridium sporogenes, Lactobacillus casei and Micrococcus luteus. The phylogenetic analysis and molecular identification of 16s rRNA sequencing revealed that Escherichia coli, Samonella enterica and Staphylococcus aureus were found to infect maize in Band fragment Base pair 1500bp. In conclusion, the hearsay that maize can only be infected by fungi, it was observed that the possibility of being infected with pathogenic bacteria is imminent. The bottom line is, there should be proper surveillance and food safety in our farm, market and food store, to prevent and totally eradicate emergence of pathogenic organism in our food item.
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Portal de Livros Abertos da Editora da UFGD, 2011
Revista de Sociologia e Política, 1996
Revista de Historia Iberoamericana, 2009
Pedagógusképzés, 2023
Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2015
Ear, nose, & throat journal, 1994
Biomédica, 2015