Homo Astralis

2018, Elixir Social Studies

The paper deals with the fate of homo gravitas. As an archetype of the existing humans, homo gravitas is mirroring in Heraclitus‟ universe like into its whole. In spite of this privileged astral position, homo gravitas is experiencing trouble with its own life at home, on the earth and behaves cruelly to its environment. This paper brings proof that all trouble is due to some disconnections occurring with its gravitational and energetic ties. Some of the damage lasts for a long time, but most has been produced during the former cultures. Those disconnections disturb what Paracelsus called the inner harmony of humans and psychic disorders result. They disclose the existing conflicts between the body and the mind. It was evaluated that 25% of total population is seriously affected by the disease called here schizophrenia astralis. It is not an infecting disease, but its danger increases with population growth. By raising awareness and eliminating its causes with equanimity, schizophrenia astralis can be eradicated before it is too late. Then, with a well-balanced body-mind couple, homo gravitas automatically becomes homo astralis. Anyway, there is no longer need to emigrate on other planets or meet aliens.

50763 Ramiro Sofronie / Elixir Social Studies 118C (2018) 50763-50779 Available online at (Elixir International Journal) Social Studies Elixir Social Studies 118C (2018) 50763-50779 Homo Astralis Ramiro Sofronie Bucharest, Romania. ARTICLE INFO Arti cl e h i sto ry : Received: 13 April 2018; Received in revised form: 6 May 2018; Accepted: 17 May 2018; K ey w o rd s Awareness, Balance, Disconnection, Identity, Inner-harmony, Mutual-attraction, Schizophrenia-astralis. AB S T RA C T The paper deals with the fate of homo gravitas. As an archetype of the existing humans, homo gravitas is mirroring in Heraclitus‟ universe like into its whole. In spite of this privileged astral position, homo gravitas is experiencing trouble with its own life at home, on the earth and behaves cruelly to its environment. This paper brings proof that all trouble is due to some disconnections occurring with its gravitational and energetic ties. Some of the damage lasts for a long time, but most has been produced during the former cultures. Those disconnections disturb what Paracelsus called the inner harmony of humans and psychic disorders result. They disclose the existing conflicts between the body and the mind. It was evaluated that 25% of total population is seriously affected by the disease called here schizophrenia astralis. It is not an infecting disease, but its danger increases with population growth. By raising awareness and eliminating its causes with equanimity, schizophrenia astralis can be eradicated before it is too late. Then, with a well-balanced body-mind couple, homo gravitas automatically becomes homo astralis. Anyway, there is no longer need to emigrate on other planets or meet aliens. 1. Introduction Homo gravitas is a syntagmatic term adopted in the paper submitted to a Symposium held in New Delhi, India [Sofronie, 2017]. It is a model of human being regarded from the perspective of the gravitational field in which it lives. Since „form follows function‟ the human was modelled standing, in the direction of gravity and with a vertical plan of symmetry, which means its gravitational balance. With the aid of that physical model the historic affinity of humans for gravitation was disclosed. The above mentioned paper also assumed that the name of homo gravitas was on Oedipus‟ lips when he proudly answered the riddle about human consciousness that the Greek Sphinx asked him under death threat. Thus, before becoming the King of Thebes, Oedipus gained the distinction of the first gravitas, aware that his life was submitted to the control of gravity. The objective of this paper is to investigate the inner structure of homo gravitas in order to evaluate its future prospects. Life on earth is a miracle in motion, indeed. All material bodies, on and around the earth, are moving in the gravitational field of reciprocal attraction generated by our planet. Gravity is one of the two subtle physical properties of matter. The other one is inertia. For the purpose of this analysis, both forces, gravity and inertia, are applied in body center of mass and are directly involved in their two mechanical states, namely those of motion and of rest. However, only the force of gravity causes motion. Inertia is a force always opposing motion and rest. According to Stephen Hawking there are four forces that act in universe: 1) gravitational; 2) electro-magnetic; 3) atomic; and 4) nuclear. Of all four forces, the gravitational one is by far the most important for life. That is why it is also called a vital force as it is the only one of interest for this paper on homo gravitas. If force is the cause, usually not seen, motion is its visible or felt effect. Tele: +40 722 877 889 E-mail address: [email protected] © 2018 Elixir All rights reserved © 2018 Elixir All rights reserved. There are only two types of motions, 1) linear or translation and 2) circular or rotation. In the current space of living the first type of motion is limited by a beginning and an end, while the second has always a center of rotation, and sometimes it can be endless, without a beginning and an end. For instance, raindrops fall down vertically. The waters of rivers flow downstream, while the waters of lakes are kept horizontally by gravity and mirror the whole sky in still weather. On the agitated waters of seas and oceans gravity keeps the waves standing, preventing their detachment by the fury of winds. On the slopes of hills and mountains gravity often produces landslides in warm seasons and avalanches in the cold ones. The miracle of life comes from the energy of the gravitational field which is mainly generated by earth. For our planet there are also other sources of energy located in the cosmos. Among them the strongest is that of the sun. It is currently accepted now that the energy is a physical state of matter. All three aggregation forms of matter: solid, liquid and gas have energetic equivalents. The intensity of the gravitational field corresponds to the density of matter. This means that the universe has an essentially energetic structure apparently with a non-homogeneous distribution in space. According to anthropology, in the ancient times the quadruped animal received little cosmic energy due to its long horizontal body falling perpendicular on the vertical lines of gravitational field. It happened once that some birds or flowers in a tree have drawn its attention and the animal raised up its head a little. The induced gravitational energy in the animal body immediately increased under the new inclination. By repeating that motion again and again, along some thousands of thousands years, the animal became biped and finally homo erectus. Its soles gradually extended, for stability reason, while the volume of its brain increased, receiving less blood. 50764 Ramiro Sofronie / Elixir Social Studies 118C (2018) 50763-50779 Following its ascendant evolution, homo erectus successively became conscious and finally homo gravitas. Naturally, the first homo gravitas enjoyed life on earth from the very beginning. As they lived in communities, the simple clothes they produced were assorted with gravitational jewels like hanging earrings and chains made of heavy stones or metals. They also started to sing, play music and dance. Children started “to jump up with joy.” In this way, they unconsciously praised their short liberation from gravity. Most of the individual and collective sports developed along the history of mankind like skiing, skating, swimming, all types of jumps and those involving different kinds of balls as Figure 1.1. Dr. Michio Kaku. well, are based on gravity. It is interesting to notice that some sports are only for men, others only for women while there In these conditions there is no wonder why nowadays are also some only for young people and many for all ages. some humans behave like orphans, without mothers and For instance, walking on a stretched chord at a great height is without fathers. Why should mankind face such crazy only for boys while the pirouette on skates is mainly for girls. threats? Why the confusion between culture and technology? This is because subtle inertia should be also taken into Why so much hate and fear? Where is the fault? In what lies account beside gravity. the cause of the long lasting intra-specific intolerance? Why Unfortunately, the happiness of ancient people on earth such a barbarian attitude against the environment that in fact did not last long. Life was continuously shadowed by isolated feeds the humans [Al Gore, 1992, 2006]? Is there an intrusion and collective crimes committed in endless fights and wars. of a virus from the outer space? Or is there simply an internal No wonder, since even the legendary Oedipus was a killer. body trouble, and the human confrères are so busy with their Two centuries before the Christian Era started the Roman own business or other planet affairs, that have lost sight of it? playwright Titus Maccius Plautus indignantly wrote that No wonder that there are so many questions as long as the Homo, homini lupus est. That assertion stirred pro and con one of Julius Caesar “E tu, Brute?”, dated on the 15 th March comments that extended until the twentieth century. Sigmund 44 BC, remained without any answer 2062 years later (Fig. Freud, for instance, agreed with Plautus‟ assertion, but many 1.2). others did not. Four hundred years ago, more exactly in 1601, in a cruel case of murder, Shakespeare took a firm attitude by stating that Something is rotten in the state of Denmark! [Hamlet, Act I, Scene IV]. Often mentioned, that assertion was tacitly accepted by history, yet without reducing human aggressiveness. After the Industrial Revolution, identified by Stephen Hawking in England around the year 1750, the world population started to increase dramatically while inter-human conflicts deepened. The controversial nature of human being and its cruel aggressiveness gradually came out to surface and intensified. At the same time, great technological achievements were accomplished during the subsequent three centuries. They radically raised the living conditions of some Figure 1.2. Death of Caesar by Vincenzo Camuccini. places and their people while other regions remained in poverty. The twentieth century answered the vital question as Any attempt to answer the above questions seems like a famous as Quo Vadis? with two World Wars that have totally hat too big for one‟s head. Nevertheless, this paper assumes changed the planet‟s pattern of living [Sienkiewicz, 1895]. the task to carry out its own investigations so far as to the For instance, the nineteenth century produced electric lighting evil‟s roots. Only by knowing the true cause of that evil one while the twentieth century produced artificial intelligence. In can speak about the future of homo gravitas. spite of such technological achievements, nowadays, still at 2. Physics of gravity the beginning of the twenty-first century, people live with Stephen Hawking used his authority and published a confused ideals and hopes. Apparently supported by different book about the life and work of five giants of physics and advanced technologies, they look like are running hurriedly astronomy [Hawking, 2002]. It seems that at that date he still towards indefinite directions, as they have lost their believed in the imminent unification of the four forces of compasses. Unhappily, this agony has extended over some universe, namely in the so called Grand Unification Theory, a school-children communities during the last two decades. theory that unifies the electromagnetic and strong and weak In this sad and tense climate, media announced several forces with the force of gravity. In order to enlarge the span times during the last year 2017 that Artificial Intelligence is of time covered by the paper, three of their precursors were threatening to destroy human society and only emigration on included below, in Hawking‟s list. another planet might become a saving solution. Now, at the Thales of Miletus (624-546 BC): Pre-Socrates Greek beginning of the new year 2018, Japanese theoretical philosopher, and as astronomer Thales predicted the solar physicist and futurist Michio Kaku believes that humans will eclipse of May 28, 585 BC. Thales also described the position make contact with alien civilization even this century (Fig of Ursa Minor, and thought that the constellation might be 1.1). He expects they will be largely peaceful unlike robots, useful as a guide for navigation at sea. He calculated the which pose a greater threat to humanity. duration of the year and the timings of the equinoxes and solstices. He is additionally attributed with 50765 Ramiro Sofronie / Elixir Social Studies 118C (2018) 50763-50779 the first observation of the Hyades and with calculating the observation that the universe is expanding, and these are facts position of the Pleiades. Heraclitus of Ephesus (535-475 BC): not imagination. In the same book he mentioned the old Pre-Socrates Greek philosopher famous for his saying “No paradox: Can God make a stone so heavy that He can’t lift it? human ever steps in the same river twice”. This ever-present Since St. Augustine pointed out the fallacy of that paradox change of universe, in a continuous, circular and eternal Hawking concluded that time is a property only of the motion, is the fundamental essence of the universe. Plato universe that God created. Finally, Hawking expressed his (428-348 BC) and Aristotle (384-322) supported Heraclitus sadness when he found out that the four forces of universe philosophy while Publius Ovidius Naso (43BC-17AD), exiled could not be unified [Hawking, 2005]. by the Emperor Augustus at Tomis, adopted it under the form The works of the above scientists were related to one “Omnia mutantur, nihil interit” by adding the influence of more or less simplified model of the universe. According to a evolution. Ovidius also believed in the continuity of the soul holistic concept, the whole universe is an organic unity, like a after death. Simplicius of Cilicia (490-560), a follower of living body. In it nothing is isolated, all is connected. Heraclitus, expressed his saying into Greek under the Whatever from far away is connected to that which is near, compressed form “Panta Rhei” meaning “everything flows.” nothing is separate. Each one is connected to the whole, and Finally, in the eighteenth century, Antoine Laurent de each one affects the other all the time, being also affected by Lavoisier (1743-1794), was among a score of scientists who the other. Life is interconnected too. In that universe nothing proved by experiments, independently of each other, the law is big or small, everything is one organic unity [Osho, 1971]. of mass conservation “Nothing is lost, nothing is created, 3. Philosophy of gravity everything is transformed." In contrast with physics, where the experimental proofs Archimedes of Syracuse, Sicily (287 – 212 BC): A are compulsory, philosophy is based only on logic, offering a genius in mathematics and physics, educated at Euclid‟s much larger field of motion. However, logic is deceptive: it School in Alexandria, Egypt, he reduced the force of gravity is very easy to be caught in a pitfall, but it worth to try despite with the aid of the inclined plan, invented the lever and the the great risk. Philosophy detains a vast thesaurus of data pulley for raising weights then discovered the law of obtained rather by feelings than by thinking in ancient times, buoyancy by exclaiming “Evrika”, meaning “I have found it!" when all the human senses worked at their full capacity in in Greek. virtue of their natural instincts of conservation. What today is Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543): In On the Revolution called genius is nothing else but an atavism occurring out of of Heavenly Spheres he formulated the heliocentric model of the blue by temporarily activating some of the ancestral the universe that placed the sun at its center and thus replaced senses. Like any accident, any genius is not predictable and the former belief in geocentrism. has its own limits. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642): In Dialogues Concerning Egyptian philosophy. Human being is composed of two Two Sciences he studied gravity and free fall, the principle of parts, body and soul, but the soul has two distinct relativity, inertia, and also worked in applied science and components. In addition, the name of the body and the technology. He used the lunette for the scientific observations shadow projected by the sun are considered. Therefore, in the of celestial objects like the phases of Venus and Saturn‟s end there are five so called essential elements: rings, and the discovery of the four largest sate 1) The physical body called Akh which is unique to each llites of Jupiter.The Two New Sciences were kinematics individual. By ageing the body changes, and death is the last and strength of materials. change. Johannes Kepler (1571-1630): Harmony of the World. 2) The soul, that living soul that returns to live with the Book Five. Harmony means a periodical motion with a family, is called Ba and defines human feelings, personal constant period of time. Kepler described his new astronomy identity or personality, and personal divine energy. Only gods as "celestial physics" by treating astronomy as part of a and humans have a Ba. In the afterlife the Ba is imagistically universal mathematical physics. represented by a bird with a human head. Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727): Mathematical Principles 3) The mind or the soul that flew off to live after life, called of Natural Philosophy. With an inspiration of genius Newton Ka also the subtle body, defines the human character (kahas discretized the matter up to the point mass. It is a physical racter) and charisma (ka-risma), as well as the self, body without dimensions, but with a finite mass. In 1686 consciousness, the behaviour reflecting who you are, your Newton has established the three basic laws of motion for his action, power and quality of life. In the afterlife the Ka is material point: 1) inertia, 2) action and 3) balance. Then, for supposed to be a protecting genius and imagistically it is the same point mass, he formulated the law of universal represented by the two up right-arms, in right angle, on the gravity or mutual attraction. In 1783 Charles-Augustin de vertical direction of gravity. The ability of the soul Ba to Coulomb extended the law over electricity. hover outside the physical body Akh, via the subtle body Ka, Albert Einstein (1879-1955): The Principle of Relativity. in astral travels or projections, was used by the ancient It is used when there is a need for extreme precision, or when Egyptians as a proof of their concepts. dealing with very strong gravitational fields, such as those 4) The body‟s name Ren used for preserving the soul Ba and found near extremely massive and dense objects, or at very mind Ka for not getting lost. large distances as those in the outer space. In 1905 Albert 5) The shadow Shent, as the body‟s guard, was considered Einstein stated that matter is nothing else but a form of very powerful. energy. Ra, the god of the sun, was represented as a human body Stephen W. Hawking (1942-2018): His books about with the head of a falcon and the sun-disk inside a cobra universe and himself enchanted the whole world [Hawking, resting on his head. All forms of live were created by Ra, 1988, 1996, 2001, 2013]. In his book The Theory of from his tears and sweat, human included as “his cattle.” Everything, the origin and fate of the universe, he confessed Thus the Egyptians replaced their lack of identity by adopting that his theories are based on Edwin Hubble‟s 1929 physical different beings that lived close to the human environment. 50766 Ramiro Sofronie / Elixir Social Studies 118C (2018) 50763-50779 Oriental philosophy. It is already obvious that all Also, life is worth to be enjoyed by dance as well. Like philosophies of the world were created by humans in order to in the painting by Henri Matisse dated 1909 (Fig. 3.1). By help them find their own identities. For centuries, those large dancing again beyond oneself one again is freed from the communities of people living in countries like Persia, India, power and control of gravity. In this way the human identity, China and Japan, for instance, searched everywhere, in following some invisible astral ties, rises to the level of the themselves, in their environment and even in the whole universe, in order to fully integrate into it. Nietzsche universe to find a proof of or a link to their identities. understood very well for his time that only humans are able Prominent philosophers like Zarathustra (628-551 BC), Lao of such performances, as none of the other animal or vegetal Tzu or Tao (unknown-531 BC), Gautama Buddha (563/480beings [Nietzsche, 1961]. 483/400 BC), Mahavira (599/497-527/425 BC), Chuang Tzu or Zhuangzi (about 350 BC), Seng Zhao (384-414), Sekito Kisen (700-790) and Ma Tzu (709-788) were only the few who devoted their lives to find at least a way towards that mysterious identity. Bodhidharma was an Indian Buddhist monk who lived in the 5th century AD and is supposed to be the founder of Chan Buddhism in China, that later became Zen in Japan. Osho pointed out that Zen has nothing to do with the mind and is neither a philosophy, nor a religion. “The greatest thing that Zen has brought into the world is freedom from oneself” [Osho, 2010]. Freedom is great indeed, but freedom does not replace one‟s own identity. Pythagoras of Samos (570-495 BC). Ionian Greek Figure 3.1. ‘La Danse’ by Matisse. philosopher identified with metamorphosis, the transmigration after death of the immortal souls into new Vasile Voiculescu (1884-1963) Romanian poet and bodies. He also created the doctrine of musica universalis, philosopher who, between 1954 and 1958, continued the 154 which holds that the planets move in space according to Sonnets written by William Shakespeare with other 30 new harmonic laws and thus resonate to produce ones, collected in a book entitled “A Love‟s Sonnets”. He inaudible symphonies of music. also wrote an essay against human autocracy, “The revolt of Plato (428-348 BC). Greek philosopher who discovered beasts”. The spell of his fairy tales reveals the ancestral and “the mirror effect.” According to Plato the truth does exist cosmic mysteries of the human condition. Voiculescu‟s only in the reflected images of bodies [Plato, 1994]. By philosophical vision is captivating in its spiritual integrity mirroring all bodies, without any exception, lose their weights [Voiculescu, 1981]. and thus their gravitational proprieties of mutual attraction Mircea Eliade (1907-1986) Romanian philosopher who disappear. In the case of humans, by mirroring their images often used Heraclitus‟ dictum “coincidentia oppositorum”, also lose their own minds and become free of mind control. wrote that human motion during dancing coincides with the Paracelsus, Theophrastus von Hohenheim (1494-1541). harmonic motions of cosmic objects. Therefore, by dancing Swiss physician who believed that sickness and health in the humans disclose their belonging to cosmos through body and body relied upon the harmony of humans with their universe. soul [Eliade, 1932]. Ancient images and symbols from extraAs a result of this hermetical idea of harmony, the universe as European cultures are of great cognitive values [Eliade, macrocosms is represented in every human as a microcosm. 1952]. Many old truths are still cryptically hidden behind The applications of this concept were at that time amazing. some myths, dreams or mysteries, and not yet rightly B.P.Hasdeu (1834-1907). Romanian philosopher who understood [Eliade, 1957]. All initiation rites and symbols was physically disconnected from his young daughter by her have astral connections in the mysteries of birth and rebirth death and tried an astral reconnection spiritually [Hasdeu, [Eliade, 1958]. His fantastic-occult short story Gypsies 1892]. He was overwhelmed by a magical intuition of the contains some of the fundamental data of modern human‟s world and history. Hasdeu believed he could „see‟ the origins, existence. Alone, helpless, estranged from his fellow-men and the beginnings, those abyssal moments in which peoples were from his own self, he is dragged against his will into the born, myths were created, and the historical consciousness tragic Sisyphus chase for definitely recapturing his lost was first illuminated. Distances disappear in this romantic mythical ego [Eliade, 1959]. The chronological succession vision, a vision which concentrates space, and creates a and the circumstantial evolution of Eliade‟s philosophical universe of invisible harmonies and symbols [Eliade, 1988]. concepts are also useful for the understanding of his scientific Mihai Eminescu (1850-1889). Romanian poet and works [Eliade, 1978, 1988]. philosopher of genius who wrote the longest poem of love in The humans‟ interest for their identity was obsessive the world entitled “The Evening Star.” All his poetry was along history because identity means the recognition as arduously devoted to the search the human identity. In his belonging to the universe. Lack of identity creates confusion, fantastic tales like Archaeus he advanced the thesis of the depression, fear, loneliness or other mind disturbances. That human species‟ eternal existence. His thesis was supported by is why gravity was successfully used as a reference or support the metaphysics of the migration of the soul according to the in the whole search for solutions. laws of metempsychosis [Eminescu, 1981]. 4. Lessons from Ancient Legends Frederic Nietzsche (1844-1900). German philosopher, 4.1 The Legend of Adam and Eve contemporary with Mihai Eminescu, was selected on this It is a well-known biblical legend regarding the act of short list for his special concepts on laughing and dance. creation. Its action is developed along of five distinct steps: 1) Laughing, not ordinarily and noisily, but magically, beyond The creation of the two humans and their connection to God‟s oneself is the right way to enjoy life. Garden.2) The sin committed by the two through disobe 50767 Ramiro Sofronie / Elixir Social Studies 118C (2018) 50763-50779 dience.3) God‟s anger.4) Punishment by their disconnection The Greek Sphinx asked Oedipus a riddle: „What walks in from God‟s Garden.5)Their expulsion and curse. four legs, then two legs, then three legs?‟The Sphinx would have killed him if he had not been able to answer it, but he correctly interpreted it as a riddle concerning the ages of man. A baby walks in four legs, grows up to walk in two legs, until so old that a third leg, or walking stick, is needed. By that answer Oedipus communicated to mankind that in human life gravity plays the role of the stick providing the vertical stability. At that very moment homo erectus became homo gravitas and it has still preserved this Latin appellative until now (Fig. 4.3) 4.4 The Legend of Narcissus In Greek Mythology Narcissus was a young hunter known for his beauty. After seeing his own image reflected in Figure 4.1. Michelangelo’s painting on the ceiling of the water of a pool he apparently fell in love with it. Unable the Sistine Chapel in Rome, 1508–1512. to leave that image of his reflection Narcissus lost his will to live and committed suicide. Plato claimed that reality and The painting is known under the name of The Creation, truth could only be seen by mirroring. In these conditions the but the connection has not occurred yet. With his well-known image seen by Narcissus was that of a body free of gravity skillfulness Michelangelo allowed an equal chance for the and also free of the mind [Sofronie, 2005b]. He committed expulsion-related interpretation (Fig. 4.1). suicide not for the love of himself or of someone else, but for 4.2 The Legend of the Babel Tower. fear because he lost his mind (Fig. 4.4). This, too, is a well-known biblical legend regarding the people spread out over the earth and wandering after Noah‟s Flood. Its action is developed along five distinct steps: 1) The creation of a place where people can live together and connected to God by their faith. 2) The sin committed by the crowd through disobedience, i.e. raised the Tower too high. 3) God‟s anger. 4) Punishment by disconnecting the people from God‟s grace and by forbidding them to occupy that place. 5) The expulsion of the people away and curse to confound their speech (Fig. 4.2). Figure 4.4. Narcissus. Figure 4.2. Tower of Babel, by Bruegel, c.1563. 4.3 The Legend of Oedipus 4.5 The Legend of Diogenes Diogenes was a Greek philosopher (412-323 BC), contemporary with Aristotle (384-322 BC) and Alexander the Great (356-323 BC). Diogenes was a good looking man in his youth. He loved his body and praised it for its internal and external virtues. When Diogenes got old he used to carry a lit lamp during the daytime paradoxically claiming he was searching for light (Figs. 4.5 and 4.6). Figure 4.5. The beauty of human body. Figure 4.3. Oedipus with the Greek Sphinx. 50768 Ramiro Sofronie / Elixir Social Studies 118C (2018) 50763-50779 The first two legends, the Creation and the Tower of There are many versions of the Nativity presented as Babel, are identical in meaning. Only the setting is different. icons and paintings. Some of the painters, like the Byzantine It is very likely that they were written by the same story ones, felt that the basic idea of their creations about normality teller. in maternity should be transmitted to their onlookers (Fig. 4.8) Paradoxically, if a believer or a monk or a priest, anywhere in the Christian world, is kindly asked to nominate a single miracle really performed by the Holy Virgin with the Child their answer is invariably the same: “Oh, many.” In spite of this confused reply the Legend bears one of the most important lessons about maternity ever addressed to mankind throughout history, a lesson that has unfortunately been disregarded or misunderstood for a long time. Immediately after birth, mother and child should keep in touch or as close as possible. The Legend also makes distinction between culture and technology. The two words are by far not Figure 4.6. The light cannot be discovered by itself. synonymously. The Bible is a cryptic book, that is why it is called holy. Their first message is that there are some astral It was not written to be read, but to be decrypted by the connections between the humans and the cosmic bodies, and initiated ones only. The ordinary believers are not able to they are of real physical not nature. Their second message understand the holy texts. The lessons of biblical legends are says that the consequences are very bad for people when, for also strongly cryptic, but fascinating through their high level certain reasons, some disconnections occur. of knowledge. However, once decrypted all lessons are logic The two messages were transmitted by the Holy Bible in and realistic, very easy to be understood. due time; however, they were either not understood or, more It is amazing how ancient people reached such high likely, were carefully hidden and kept distant from human levels of knowledge. It looks like the legends confirm the understanding. The Legend of Oedipus states that the gravity assumptions that sometimes, before 1,500 BC, an advanced flows genetically along with blood in the human veins, the culture of the highest degree was reached by those humans Legend of Narcissus brings the miracle of mirroring effects, who lived on the earth. Buckminster Fuller has evaluated that while the Legend of Diogenes is overwhelming with its glorious time around to the years 7,000 BC, when also some obvious truths. genetic mutations were performed. 4.6. The Legend of the Holy Virgin with the Child 5. Building with gravity In the ecclesiastic culture the Holy Mary or Virgin with 5.1 Megalithic Cultures the Child has the fame of miracle performer. The aura around Boulders of natural stones accidentally spread on lands their heads confirms the existence of the field of energy. The as, for instance, after the last glaciation, landslides or Nativity Church in Bethlehem, Palestine, is daily visited by earthquakes. thousands of believers (Fig. 4.7). The Mount Athos in Greece, inhabited in exclusivity by monasteries, was sanctified and extra-named the Garden of the Holy Mary. Figure 5.1. Menhirs in Carnac, Bretagne. Figure 4.7. Milk Grotto Church, Bethlehem. Figure 4.8. Byzantine Painting. Figure 5.2. Dolmen in Bretagne, France. 50769 Ramiro Sofronie / Elixir Social Studies 118C (2018) 50763-50779 Great (1792-1750 BC). After sever damage, the Tower was rebuilt by Nabucodonosor (1125-1103 BC). Nabucodonosor the Second (605-562 BC) raised the Tower to its highest fame beside the Hanging Gardens. About the year 460 BC Herodotus (485-425 BC) visited the Tower that was a citadel of astrology and he mentioned that its height was equal with the side of its basic square. Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) was also impressed by the former beauty of the Tower and in the year 324 BC he decided to demolish it in order to fully reconstruct it. Unfortunately, next year the mosquitocarrying malaria disease opposed and suddenly both glories disappeared forever. Figure 5.3. Cromlech in Stonehenge, Great Britain. They were collected by local people and used for three types of constructions without any processing: 1) Standing stones, isolated or arranged in alignments, called Menhirs (Fig. 5.1), 2) Combinations of three stones, two vertical supporting the third one laid horizontally on their tops, called Dolmen (Fig. 5.2), and 3) Circular arrangements of stones in a so called Cromlech (Fig. 5.3). Vestiges of megalithic constructions do still exist on all continents. In Europe the most known megaliths were built in the Neolithic period and have lasted in France since 45003300 BC and in Great Britain since 3000-2000 BC. The preCeltic people who erected them used ingenious tools like those discovered by Archimedes much later. All these buildings are vertically oriented, in the direction of gravity, and the content of gravity is high owing to their mass concentration. 5.2 The Great Pyramid of Giza This pyramidal megalith was erected in 20 years and completed in 2560 BC by the pharaoh Khufu or Cheops as his funeral monument. The pentahedral construction, with four vertical plans of symmetry and a squared base of 227 m, had initially a height of 146 m. Its four triangular facets were inclined with 52°52‟ in order to achieve the same compression stresses, under its own weight, in all horizontal cross-sections (Fig. 5.4). Figure 5.4. The Sphinx and Great Pyramid of Giza. The nearby Sphinx might have been carved into the natural rock existing on the site before the year 10,000 BC. It is a memorial devoted to the year 14,451 BC when it is supposed that the human being became conscious [Black, 2007]. 5.3 The Babylon Tower Built as a ziggurat with seven levels, in its first version the Tower was erected during the reign of Hammurabi the Figure 5.5. Model of Babel Tower. In 1898, 2221 years after the fall of Babylon, the German architect Robert Koldewey (1855-1925) discovered the imprint of the former Tower of Babylon on the left bank of the Euphrates River. The two sides of the Tower base were reconstituted to about 90x90 m. The great surprise came from the foundation of the Tower. Paradoxically, the masonry of the foundation was made into a weak and oozy soil with adobe which are clay units simply dried by the sun. Clay bricks, backed in ovens and sealed with Nabuconodosor name, were used only for the masonry of the superstructure [Schneider, 1966]. That fault in the foundation explains the severe damage that occurred during its fifteen centuries‟ service [Sofronie, 2012b]. 5.4 The Eiffel Tower The tower was designed by the team consisting of Êmile Nouguier, Maurice Koechlin and Stephen Sauvestre, as employed by the Eiffel Company in Paris. Gustave Eiffel liked the project and bought it. The construction was erected in two years only. Officially, the Tower was devoted to the centenary of French Revolution in 1789, and its basic arches were aimed to be used as the main entrance to the Universal Exhibition in Paris 1889. In fact, the Tower is a memorial devoted to gravity. At the date of its construction the highest construction in the world was the Great Pyramid in Giza with its about 150 m. Eiffel‟s ambition was to double that height so the Tower reached 300 m in 1889. Nevertheless, the beauty of the Tower lies in its shape representing a solid-rigid bar under equal stresses to centric compression in the gravitational field. The Great Pyramid was built according to the same principle but the difference of the shapes is made by the physical proprieties of stone and steel [Sofronie, 1981]. 50770 Ramiro Sofronie / Elixir Social Studies 118C (2018) 50763-50779 5.6 Projects A key stone event in the history of skyscrapers took place in 1972. On 21-26 August that year, ASCE and IABSE organized the First International Conference on Planning and Design of Tall Buildings at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Over 800 participants from all over the world attended the Conference where Leslie E. Robertson, renowned as an outstanding personality in the field, was Chairman of the Technical Committee 3, Structural Systems. The project of coupling the skyscrapers with geodetic suspension foot bridges was presented among the new ideas in the plenary session (Fig. 5.9). Figure 5.6. Eiffel Tower in Paris. 5.5 The Era of Tall Buildings The history of tall buildings started with a fire that occurred on the evening of Sunday, the 8 th October 1871, in a cottage on Dekoven Street, Chicago. The fire extended and in three days 650 hectares of land became available for reconstruction. The first representative tall building, with 102 stories and 380 m in height, was built in New York City in 1931. In 2017 it was the 5th tallest ever completed in the USA and the 28th tallest in the world (Fig. 5.7) Figure 5.9. Tall Buildings Elastically Coupled. Figure 5.7. Empire State Building, New Yok. Figure 5.10. NK Sky Tower, Tokyo. Figure 5.8. Burj Khalifa, Dubai. At present, in the world there are eight skyscrapers that exceed 500 m, the highest one being Burj Khalifa, 828 m tall, completed in Dubai in 2010 (Fig. 5.8). This combination of vertical and horizontal spaces eliminates the solitude of the towers, and also increases the structural safety of the ensemble to the lateral actions of EQs and winds [Sofronie, 1972, 1975, 1977, 1984]. From his position of Chief Engineer of the World Trade Center in New York, Leslie E. Robertson took the opportunity to present the construction site of the Twin Towers to the Conference attendants. By fate, after 45 years later, he is involved in a new adventure again, this time in the project of the Tokyo Sky Tower which is targeting a one-mile height (Fig. 5.10) 5.7 Leslie E. Robertson In 2017, on the eve of his ninety anniversary, Leslie Earl Robertson published a book-album which mirrors a selection of his main creative designs. He received solid support, not only professional but also equally philosophical and emotional, from his distinguished wife, Saw-Teen See. Leslie E. Robertson is fascinating not only in his innocence, but also 50771 Ramiro Sofronie / Elixir Social Studies 118C (2018) 50763-50779 astral body which hosts the five senses that confer its qualities thanks to his open heart. He has always shared his bright of feeler to the physical body. However, the astral body has ideas with colleagues and friends. Even today, I. M. Pei nothing to do with time since time does not exist for it. remains one of his good friends. He understands that the act Physical and astral bodies are perfectly integrated into each of creation is, however, strictly individual, and he knows how other. They simultaneously appear in this world by birth. to feel the basic ideas of his design projects beyond himself, They remain synchronized along the whole lifespan by as Nietzsche once quoted. Les‟ book is a treasure of always living the instant, thus disregarding both the past and educational value and inspiration too for the coming the future. Finally, they depart forever only by the death of generations of designers, architects and engineers (Fig. 5.11) the physical body. That is why “The Wisdom of the Body” [Robertson, 2017]. appears as synonymous with “The Wisdom of the Earth”. This extension of meaning allows us to imagine Brancusi‟s statue as the earth, a globe carried by a female body and representing a sphinx (Fig. 6.1) [Sofronie, 2015]. Figure 5.11. The book. There is nothing wrong in praising gravity by building high. In this way humans confirm their gravitational nature. Gravity is the force of life and it brings joy. The advanced technology specially created to reach such heights, without disturbing the environment, is worth of all admiration. The Legend of the Babel Tower has nothing to do with the Tower itself. The lesson of the Legend focuses only on the consequences created by human disconnection from their astral links. 6. Lessons from gravitational sculpture Sculpture is a three dimensional art that brings real, touchable, proofs of some subtle realities. That is why sculpture is more concentrated and therefore more convincing than words. Brancusi is well known for his gravitational sculpture. He was a feeler and his genius came to him through the tips of his fingers as atavistic senses [Sofronie, 2001, 2003a, b, c] 6.1 The Wisdom of the Earth Brancusi gave the name of “The Wisdom of the Earth” to his little statue carved in 1907, aware that the body is made of earthen soil according to the Bible, of which probably Brancusi was aware in his childhood. The question is where does the quality of wisdom come from? It is widely known now that the body is the most sophisticated biological system that has ever existed. It is able to move in space with six degrees of freedom and it is devoted to the production and consumption of both kinds of energy, internal and cosmic. It is due to work 24 out 24 hours without fault at its highest capacity. To govern such a highly reliable device like the human body in its total wholeness, from the soles to head, a true native wisdom is necessary. Therefore, the body should consist of two parts, the physical body which is selfgenerating but mortal, and the soul or astral body which is immortal. The adjective astral, adopted in this paper, expresses the gravitational connection of the physical body with the universe as of the part with its whole. The astral body is also responsible for the emotional and creative life of the body, and therefore it has close ties with the heart. It is the Figure 6.1. ‘The wisdom of the earth and of the body’. The mind is also a gravitational component of the physical body; it is subtle and immortal, but essentially different from the astral body. It counts time, but does not have any of those five senses. The mind installs in the brain of the head only after the birth of the body, like a “cosmic seed”, and gradually develops along a conventional period of 15 years when it reaches the lower threshold of its maturity. Usually, the full maturity occurs at the age of 40-50 years. The upward trend of the mind can continue or not, depending on the biological structure of the body. The mind leaves the brain, as its host, when the body dies, or even earlier. The mind is not able to live the instant, it is able to acquire only the past and the future, acting as a complementary component of the physical body, but not always in full agreement with it. Its function is to think without feeling, in an intelligent manner, by processing the information from the available data base stored in the brain. According to Osho (1931-1990) the mind has created an identity of its own, called ego. It is different from the existing one, that of the body and which is the true identity. The confusion created by the two identities still persists with serious consequences and even irreconcilable conflicts. Osho has compared the mind with a computing program by using the human brain as a computer device [Osho, 2003]. The problem lies in the individual brains which are necessarily very different from each other. They are not connected to an earthen network, so much the less to a cosmic one. Lots of incoherencies result from the lack of such connections. Perhaps this inconvenience will be overpassed owing to the evolution of the human species. In the existing literature human consciousness is associated with the mind. Even the historical date of acquiring conscious is suggested to be in the year 11,451 BC [Black, 2007]. Since that very year on, considered the year zero, time started to be counted. In these conditions, at an age of less than 14,000 years, human society does not seem old at all. 50772 Ramiro Sofronie / Elixir Social Studies 118C (2018) 50763-50779 6.2 The Endless Column Romanian Code of seismic protection the model recorded a It was already written that three principle were used in stable behaviour. Other two models of the Column, one achieving the Column: 1) Anthropomorphism, by elastic with 6DOF and another rigid with 3DOF, were tested circumscribing it to the shape of the soldier‟s/peasant‟s in the wind tunnel of the Yokohama National University in coffin; 2) Idiomorphism, by shaping the Column according to Japan. The behaviour of the models was not only stable, but the Tower of Babel at a reduced scale; (Fig. 6.2); 3) also displayed the rare phenomenon of aero-elastic Automorphism, the topological endlessness of the Column is indifference. This means that Column is not only endless, but obtained by repeated congruencies or mirroring of also everlasting [Yamada, 2005; Sofronie, 2013]. decahedron module (Fig. 6.3). This absolute performance of 6.3 The Sanctuary of Brancusi at Targu Jiu the mind demonstrates that the astral disconnections As an homage to the ephemeral, linear body, with a displayed by the Biblical Legend of Babel Tower can be beginning and with an end, Brancusi created the Alignments intelligently avoided. That is why the Column was called by of the Stools, consisting in 2x5x3=30 pieces shaped like author the Wisdom of the Mind [2004, 2005b, 2006, 2008, squared clepsydrae, which he located in his Sanctuary at 2012a]. Targu Jiu, in 1937-38 (Fig. 6.4). Figure 6.2.Module of the Column: design, coffin and photo. Figure 6.4. The Alignment of Stools with the Gate of the Kiss in the back. As an homage to the eternal, circular mind, without a beginning and without an end, Brancusi created the Table of Silence, consisting in a round table and twelve stools shaped like circular clepsydrae, which he located in his Sanctuary at Targu Jiu, in 1937-38 (Fig. 6.5) Figure 6.3. Successive congruencies. The Column received a strong foundation with a depth of 5.00 m directly from Brancusi himself. This means that ratio between the foundation depth and the Column height assumed the perfect value of 1:6. In addition, an elastic model at a reduced scale of the Column was tested on the shaking table in the Laboratory of Seismic Engineering, INCERC Iasi, Romania. In the field of seismic actions recommended by the Figure 6.5. The Table of Silence. The late architect Silvia Paun ascribed a megalithic stylization to that Memorial of modern art. Figure 6.6. Megalithic stylization of Brancusi Sanctuary at Targu Jiu. 50773 Ramiro Sofronie / Elixir Social Studies 118C (2018) 50763-50779 such a comparative analysis. In these conditions the following She identified the Table of Silence and its twelve Stools correspondence was identified between the two components with a Cromlech or a Circular Temple of Menhirs, the of the body-mind model, two by two: the body and the earth Alignment of Stools with a horizontally extended Linear are material, visible, touchable, self-generating, but Temple of Menhirs, The Gate of the Kiss with a Dolmen, and ephemeral, while the mind and the sky are immaterial, The Endless Column with a vertically extended Linear invisible, untouchable, and eternal. Since the earth and the Temple of Menhirs (Fig.6.6). sky are two forms of the same cosmic energy, and not Once these functions were recognized as such, the separated one of the other as they appear to human eyes, Sanctuary at Targu Jiu was integrated with other vestiges of similarly the body and the mind are intimately integrated. For World Megalithic Cultures like Carnac in France, Stonehenge that reason, Osho has considered an advanced form of the in Great Britain and Sarmizegetusa in Romania. body-mind model which he called the psycho-somatic model. It was for the first time in History when modern In the former paper about homo gravitas Osho‟s sculpture at such large scale reflected so faithfully the ancient approach was used to assume the gravitational nature of the art expressed by stone not only in shape but also, and mainly, mind, in spite of the fact that the nature of gravity is still in the meaning of their messages [Paun, 2001] unknown. Even so, the above defined bipartite model does Brancusi‟s sculpture confirms the tripartite structure of not support an analysis able to lead towards the expected the Egyptian model adopted for the human body, namely the answers from this paper. That is why the cardinal points of physical body, the astral body or soul and the mind. The little human life should be further analyzed. statue called the Wisdom of the Earth assigns real value to the qualities and resources of the body. It was definitely 8. Cardinal points Human life is marked by three important dates established that in the body-mind couple, the body is the host conventionally called cardinal points because they are while the mind is the guest only. The intelligence of the mind directly connected with the universe. They are so strongly cannot substitute the wisdom of the body, expressed by controlled by universe that some turning events of life occur feelings and senses. The body-mind relations are only of in a very short length of time, and nothing remains like reciprocal acceptance and tolerance due to of that double before. identity. It is of genetic origin and has no therapy. The 8.1 Conception endlessness of the Column is an attempt of the mind to It is the beginning of human life on earth. Conception is demonstrate its superiority to the body. In fact, it is only a extremely important because it means the perpetuation of the topological endlessness that means a virtual one. human species. Nature provides not only a major appealing 7. Bipartite model measure for that purpose, but also high conditions for the act So far, homo gravitas, as the main inhabitant of the earth, of conception to be safely completed. It cannot be externally has been presented from five different perspectives: scientific, influenced by anyone with any means in any way. Every soul cultural, esoteric, structural and sculptural. In its relation chooses the time of its conception. Conception is like the with the universe, regarded in its simplest form as composed morning of the day: it is an annunciation. The selection of the by the globe and the sky, homo gravitas as an individual two winner seeds is made according to the precise laws of appears as a unit of its whole through which both evolution mathematical probability. The French mathematician and revolution can take place. Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (1707-1788), was In defining happiness, Thales of Miletus considered three the one who formulated the first laws of probability. Proof is conditions: a healthy body, a resourceful mind and a docile the amazing parity with which the two sexes, male and nature. That means a bipartite or binary model based on the female, occur by conception. The date of conception is body-mind couple. Much later the Roman satiric poet uncertain, but not casual. The ovule is fecundated by the Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis (55-140), anglicized as Juvenal, spermatozoid only when the cosmic auspices are opportune. wrote his Satire X, and the dictum Mens sana in corpore sano When, however, the date of conception is assumed, then the was adopted from its first verse. This dictum has been the foetus‟ sex seems predictable by a biorhythmic analysis of basic principle of all western educational systems for mother‟s emotional graph. Then, after the connection to the centuries. hereditary chains of parents, a complex biological processes Obviously, throughout history some criticism has been starts into mother‟s uterus and womb. Once immersed in the raised regarding the priority of the body or the mind like in amniotic fluid the foetus also feels the influence of the moon. the well-known paradox of the chicken and the egg (Fig. 7.1). In the very moment of fecundation, the energy field of the foetus is also initiated. Its extensions and intensity also depends on the emotional state of the partners. Therefore, the conception is not a simple act of seeding. It contains an energetic component of highest value. In the foetal state are creating all the invisible energetic links of the embryo in such a way that the new-born to be able to immediately start an autonomous life. Additionally, parent state of love is extremely important. That is why in some communities it is traditional to ask for a public kiss as a confirmation of reciprocal love. This love, under its energy field, is further vitally necessary and works like a protective shield. The female body is perfectly endowed to successfully carry out Figure 7.1. The paradox of chicken and egg. that task without any external intervention or support. However, playing or listening to music and practising sport Fortunately, the reply from philosophy came promptly. are highly recommended. The foetal state lasts until when Logically, both alternatives are equally valid for purposes of 50774 Ramiro Sofronie / Elixir Social Studies 118C (2018) 50763-50779 according to certain periods of time like months. In this way, foetus reaches its maturity, usually between seven and nine Astrology was founded as a mathematical science and later months. According to Hindu Philosophy every child chooses much developed according to the data base of birth. to be born under certain constellation. Therefore, the fate of Unfortunately, that higly advanced civilization disappeared. humans is decided by the cardinal point no. 1, that of About 6,000 BC the Sumeriens started to write the history of conception, not later. mankind with the astrological knowlege imported from India. 8.2 Birth More or less consciously, humans gradually became It is a revolutionary event decided and fully controlled by dependent by Astrology and implicitly by some cosmic the universe, like according to a cosmic clock. Therefore, objects. For instance, when he arrived in Babylon in 331 BC, birth is neither spontaneous nor casual. Naturally, two worlds Alexander the Great was accompanied by his personal are changing in a rather short of time. Birth means to astrologist. suddenly come out from dark to light. Pythagoras discovered that all cosmic objects move In the ancient time the delivery took place by standing, periodically according to their own natural periods of time, with hands up, in the gravitational direction, without any and the oscillations they follow during their cosmic motion assistance, as responsibility was exclusively assumed by the assume the same natural lengths of wave. In this way he mother. Later, when assistance was gradually introduced, the discovered the principle of cosmic harmony. By gathering delivery direction was also radically changed with 90 together and superposing the oscillations of all cosmic objects degrees, in the horizontal one. However, in the middle of the a kind of inaudible symphony resulted, which he called the twentieth century, gravitational delivery was still currently harmony of the universe. Each new-born feels that cosmic practiced in the Far East. At about the same time, watermusic at birth, for some instants. Later, at maturity, those immersed delivery was successfully experienced in the West. impulses will define the state of health of all people born at The practice was not extended, probably due to the that very same instant. Therefore, the astrologic information inconveniences created to the assistant personnel. With or is not personalized but only a type or basic model of health. without gravitational help, the motion of expulsion is Much later Paracelsus discovered the same approach to governed by a conservation law of classical mechanics. The human health, but he regarded it from the inner perspective of expulsion speed is amplified usually 20-25 times by the ratio the body. The inner universe or microcosmos of Paracelsus between the mother‟s and the child‟s masses. So, generally was identically built with Heraclitus‟ macrocosmic universe. speaking, life in the new world starts at high speed. In a short time, many biological processes should be rigorously Both universes were organic unities in which their parts are completed. It is a great fight for survival from the new-born mutually interconnected, two by two. It looks like the astral part, with many risks. The instinct of survival is much universe and human‟s inner universe were proportionally stronger than the instinct of self-defence. Any mistake from mirrored in each other. Paracelsus called his universe the inner harmony. Both inventions are of great value, mainly for the part of the assisting personnel, even a very small one, may the comparative computerized studies. create irreparable consequences for the subsequent life of the Like conception, birth is also a very important event. new-born. Birth is indeed a cardinal point in human life. By birth the Nowadays, in most cases, birth takes place in humans receive not only an earthen identity, but also a accordingly fitted maternities. Naturally, the delivery of the cosmic one. new born is based on mother‟s labours under qualified supervision, and can last seconds or hours. If necessary, some external methods of support or intervention do exist. Once out, the umbilical cord is immediately cut off, and the new born, endowed with its own energy envelope, acquires the status of an independent body ready for the two tests, voice and weighing. The normal mass of the new born ranges between 2.5 and 4.0 kg, while women gain 12 to 16 kg during pregnancy in addition to their own, normal mass. Finally, the new born is put into a bed specially prepared for a welldeserved sleep. Similar rest is reserved for mother. The date of birth is the primary criterion of idetification Figure 8.1. Chinese lucky stars. for the new born, and it is much more important than the given name. It is a kind of „Independence Day.” The time of birth, sex, place, names and ages of parents are also fixed in the local memory of each human community. In ancient times, human life was often associated with cosmic objects because they moved harmonicaly, i.e. periodically at constant intervals of time. Stars rise and set like the sun, every 24 hours a day. Each child is born precisely under a certain sun on the sky and into a specific arrangement of stars in space. Life as a whole on the earth is affected primarly by the sun, but also by the movement of the stars. Figure 8.2. Recent Japanese lucky stars. Therefore, there came a time in history when to the date of birth the presence of one local cosmic object was also That is why the date of birth is carefully prepared in each considered. In time, it was noticed that people born within the community and especially celebrated with great joy according same periods of time display similar features or types of to local traditions. The ceremonies always include not only character. Since then, the recorded dates of birth were sorted music and dance, but also alegories that invoke the human 50775 Ramiro Sofronie / Elixir Social Studies 118C (2018) 50763-50779 links with the universe. In this way it is assumed that the new The physical body, as the only material component of the born will be fully integrated in real life [Eliade. 1952, 1957, human body, is represented by its center of mass. It is a 1958]. The date of birth remains as a referince event for the virtual point. By standing this center is located on the vertical whole lifespan. The date is celebrated every year and is also axis of symmetry. In other postures the position of mass considered in all public or private activities. center changes. Since around the mass center all the energies of the physical body concentrate it is also called the core of In countries like China and Japan, there is an old belief in the body. By virtue of the universal law of gravitation the lucky star. It is a tradition to be grateful to one‟s lucky through this center the physical body is mutually connected star for good health or success in all kinds of affairs (Fig. 8.1with all the other bodies and astral objects. As long as 2). In many other countries like Canada, Chile and New Heraclitus‟ universe is equally endless in all the three Zealand some traditions regarding the lucky star do exist. In directions of the space, the center of the physical body Romanian culture the Lucky Star was called “the Nameless coincides with the center of the universe. It is a real privilege Star” and is unique for each person. Obviously, it is imagined for human beings. that the selection is rigorously done like in the case of a bioThe physical body also has a spectrum of natural resonance phenomenon. oscillations, which allows contacts with other oscillatory 8.3 Death objects by the well-known phenomenon of resonance. In In life, nothing is certain except death. Death is not going addition, the physical body is endowed with an energy to happen in the end; it is already happening. It is a process. envelope that is invisible to the eye, but is frequently Just as life is a process, death is a process too. Life and death represented in pictures like an aura. The physical body and its are both one process. We are dying every moment. It is a vital energy envelope are immersed into the cosmic energetic field event as necessary as conception and birth. The eternal [Rich, 2017]. perpetuation of the cyclical life on the earth is ensured only The soul or astral body is immaterial and has a by death. That is why where there is a beginning there should gravitational nature. Together with the physical body, but be also an end, since death is regarded as a natural without the mind, the soul defines the identity of human phenomenon. It automatically occurs when the body ceases to being. It is an earthen and also an astral identity. produce the necessary energy for normal life, and its energy The mind, as stated before, is in fact the conscious mind. envelope also dies out simultaneously. Then, the mind leaves In a separate work by Osho, the mind has nine components: the body first and the soul does the same thing later. Death is three types of mind, namely individual, collective and an irreversible event, and the same life never comes back. cosmic, with each of these types having three subdivisions: Life flows downward like the waters of a river or it burns conscious, under-conscious and over-conscious one. This upwards like the flame of a candle. mind, with its nine components, is part of the universe and In some countries there it is traditional to weigh the brain has a gravitational nature. It is the same for all humans and of some outstanding people after their death. For instance, the comes on the earth as a cosmic seed. The human brain is like brain of the German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss was found to be 1,492 g. Present statistics mention 350-400 g for the earthen soil, that is more or less fertile. It seems that the the mass of new-born brains, the maximum mass of 1,315 g is brain contains one of the most perishable matters of the body. reached at 15 years old, and the adult human brain is about That is why, in a conventional classification, the human brain between 1,300 – 1,400 g, which means 2% of total human can be of normal or standard maturity, overdeveloped and mass. This means that the capacity of the brain to absorb underdeveloped or immature. Poor maturity is practically of gravitational force is about 50 times lower than the capacity great inconvenience. In all three cases, once inserted in the of the body. brain, the mind becomes personalized, as a part of the human The three cardinal points as described above cover the identity. Therefore, one cannot speak of mind by whole span of human life very well. The two extreme points, disregarding the quality of each individual brain. The nonthe beginning and the end, are beyond any interpretation; they homogeneous couple body-mind becomes a coherent entity occur according to the rigorous laws of biological life. only together. Instead, some physical, biological and energetic events occur With the aid of the above presented tripartite model and in the second cardinal point, that of birth, rather than natural on the basis of the knowlege selected in the previous eight phenomena. That is why they are kept under special attention chapters, this paper tries to evaluate what really happens in and specialist assistance.Otherwise, unpredictable conse the cardinal point of birthday. Why that Day of Independece quences might occur. has become so important and what are its consequences? The evaluation will be carried out from the perspective of general 9. Tripartite model Each individual human is a unit and part of the universe physics at an elemenary level only, like mechanics, as a as its whole. Between them there are invisible and immaterial science of motion, and electro-magnetism, without any ties that provide their permanent connection. That is why a involvement of metaphysics, any kind of philosophies and human being cannot be dismantled piece by piece, like a medicine. In short, facts only. This paper does not blame robot for instance, then each piece searched separately and artificial intelligence as long as the astral connections are not mantled back at the end. It is impossible because its disturbed. On the contrary, its advanced level of knowledge immaterial components, like mind, disappear irreversibly. reached so far is mostly appreciated. Finally, emigrating on Dismantling a human being means its wireless disconnection. other planets or receiving alien guests is out of any That is why any model has a limited value to some analytical discussion. This paper only aims to answer the question why studies. The tripartite model adopted in this case was inspired some people behave like “motherless and fatherless” children, by the Egyptian one and its three components: 1) the physical as in the old Transylvanian saying, and also to disclose the body, 2) the soul or astral body and 3) the mind, as they were identity of homo astralis as announced in its title. already presented in chapter 6 for the Wisdom of the Body The first physical phenomenon that occurs during and the Wisdom of the Mind. delivery and immediately after consists in the gradual 50776 Ramiro Sofronie / Elixir Social Studies 118C (2018) 50763-50779 decrease in the force of mutual attraction between the mother memory. Much later, behavioral disturbances in the state of and her new-born. According to Newton‟s governing law, its health of some individuals unexpectedly occur. In Paracelsus‟ intensity is proportional with the product of the two masses terminology, inner harmony does not longer subsist. What is and inversely proportional with the squared distance between worse, the alternative identity, created by the mind in the the centers of masses. For instance, the force of mutual brain later through the ego, emphasizes the above mentioned attraction reduces four times at a distance of two meters and symptoms. Things happen like in the two legends, of Adam twenty-five times at five meters‟ distance. Even if and Eve and of the Babel Tower. When disconnections occur, disconnection does not occur yet, it looks like a sudden they are irreversible and their consequences are absolutely discontinuity of the mutual connection. In the old, classical dramatic. At least in the second legend, people lost their mathematics, such a discontinuity was symbolically called a heads and became so confused that they could not catastrophy. communicate with each other any longer. In events of highest importance for the perpetuation of For instance, at present, in the year 2018, there are some the species like natality, nature carefully avoids their anonymous people who use the channels offered by mass occurrence. That is why, by delivering her message, the Holy media to complain that artificial intelligence, either separately Virgin appears with the child clinging around her neck (Fig. or together with some robots, threatens the whole life and 4.8). Absolutely convincing. Otherwise, it is also well known human civilization on the earth. This statement cannot be that when an animal pet gives birth the mother keeps her true. Intelligence and robots depend on humans. They cannot offspring very close to its body. decide anything alone because they depend on humans. Only The second physical phenomenon that simultaneously the humans or volcanos, for instance, as independent entities, occurs with the first one, although it remains invisible, refers can threaten someone or something. The alternative solution to the mutual attraction between the energy envelopes of the offered by such people is also absurd. They suggest two bodies, the mother‟s and the child‟s. It is controlled by emigration on other planets. The latest information offered is the Coulomb‟s law of mutual attraction which is analoguous that some alien will visit the earth during this century and it with the Newton‟s law, although real disconnections occur in seems to be friendly. this case. The dramatic consequesces of such disconnections Since the above mentioned disconnections or breaks occur at the mental level, they are automatically associated were already suggestively illustrated by the first two legends with schizophrenia symptoms. In a completely different presented in the chapter 4. context, Osho used that term for human behavioral disorders The third physical phenomenon, subsequent to the without, however, mentioning their causes. In this particular former ones, consists in reconnecting the two forces of case, the affection refers only to those disorders caused by mutual attraction, namely gravitational and the electrosome misconduct during the act of birth which is regarded as magnetic ones, that occur between the mother and the newa cardinal point of life. Nevertheless, the birth of an born in the act of feeding. The duration of brest sucking, the individual is not an isolated event. As long as every quality and quantity of mother‟s milk, her devotion by individual is a part of its whole, and in this case the whole is emotional state and the power of her love for the child even the universe, the birth of an individual is also an astral enhance the performances of reconnection. On the contrary, event. In order to identify the specific origin of this affection any deviation from these vital rules, as well as some artificial that is apparently different from the other causes, the disease breedings, may involve dramatic consequences [Huxley, was conventionally called, for the purposes of this paper only, 1959]. Two years ago a new icon of the Holy Virgin feeding schizophrenia astralis. The paper does not involve any her Child was exposed, to whom it may concern, in the medical matters. Two questions, however, might be worth of Nativity Church in Bethlehem, Palestine (Fig. 9.1). interest to be discussed now and here: 1) How old is that According to Osho‟s quote “Life is teaching in many ways”. “astralis” affection? and 2) What is its probable extension nowadays? All the dramatic consequences of the above mentioned disconnections, as already mentioned above, are due to the existing disaccord between the body and the mind. The two components are far from synchronicity, for instance. This means that the process of acquiring consciousness is not completed yet. That is why some personalities called people for awakening throughout history. Somerset Maugham, for instance, was right complaining how difficult it was to keep the body and the soul together. In the meantime, nothing has changed on the earth. Thus, one may assume that “astralis” affection started in the very day when the long process of consciousness began. By killing his father Legendary Figure 9.1. Reconnecting the ties between the Mother and Oedipus was the first human being who proved his own her Child by sucking. contamination with schizophrenia astralis. To evaluate the actual degree of the world population‟s The new-born is extremely sensitive to what happens contamination with the disease, Newton‟s third principle of during the above presented three physical phenomena of reciprocal actions published in London in 1686, should be disconnection. All these human imperfections and events that considered. It is also known as the law of equilibrium, and it occur during the process of birth, separately or together, are is a universal law. accurately recoded deeply in the new-born unconscious 50777 Ramiro Sofronie / Elixir Social Studies 118C (2018) 50763-50779 Technology belongs to the mind while culture belongs to the body, and unfortunately, the body and the mind are not yet fully miscible. There is nothing to worry about artificial intelligence.All threats come from the affected humans. Intelligence is pride for humanity. There is no longer any need to emigrate on other planets or meet aliens. 10. Conclusion Mother Nature does not make mistakes. All objects of Heraclitus‟ universe are physically interconnected, two by two, with myriads of invisible and immaterial ties. Their spatial movements are thus permanently self-controlled. The astral universe as a whole appears like a coherent and stable spatial entity. The human beings, as parts of their whole, are also connected with their universe by such invisible and immaterial ties. Both humans and the universe are mirrored into each other. However, only humans, as the most advanced beings living on the earth, are experiencing difficulties with their lives and are in conflict with their environment. Figure 9.2. Demographic equilibrium. It is known for long that both happiness and evil of humans are not located mysteriously somewhere far away, During the 1960s Aldous Huxley, who lived then in but always exist close to human places. On the other hand, in California, evaluated the demographic equilibrium on the old times the idea was induced that humans are sinners and basis of the relation between good and evil. Some decades were cursed to bear the heavy consequences of their sin. That later, Carlo M. Cipolla presented a suggestive geometrical sin, consisting in disobedience, was related in two Biblical tool based on the two Cartesian axes [Cipolla, 1988]. Indeed, Legends, first in that of the Adam and the Eve and the second if the total amount of the world population is divided with in that of the Babel Tower. four, i.e. the number of quadrants, one obtains the equal The concept of this paper has been built up on gravity. percentages of 25% due to each quadrant. It is important to Physically, gravity is the force of mutual attraction between note that mathematically it is only a global, probabilistic material bodies, but philosophically it involves the unity of evaluation, not a deterministic one (Fig. 9.2). contraries expressed by the dictum coincidentia oppositorum. Further, the four quadrants are balanced two by two In that context, the two legends, as parables, were first according to their opposite directions: for instance, 25% no decrypted. It was found out that the invisible and immaterial affection - quadrant no. 1, 25% partial affection with an ties between humans and their universe were irreversibly increasing trend - quadrant no. 2, 25% full affection broken. Humans as parts were disconnected from the universe quadrant no. 3, 25% partial affection with a decreasing trend as their whole. The confusion created by those astral quadrant no. 4. disconnections brought some humans to madness. On the In other words, if now, in the year 2018, 8 billion people other hand, comparable disconnections were discovered by live on the earth, only 2 billion are not affected by the regarding to the second cardinal point of the life, birth, from “astralis”, while the rest of 6 billion is partially affected. the same gravitational perspective. They disturb what Therefore, the global index of affection the world population Paracelsus called the inner harmony of humans, and cause with schizophrenia astralis is 3:4. It is an index worth of madness in some individuals. serious concern. Sad but true. In spite of this evidence, an Not at all accidentally, those psychic, often convulsive, official document was published several years ago. With the affections were predicted by the Bible. The holy book was good intention of quieting some believers, the document written by wise people who very likely descended from stated that hell does not exist. Thus, by the virtue of the highly advanced civilizations. It is an old disease that may universal law of equilibrium, the existence of paradise was last since the mind assumed human individual consciousness. automatically cancelled. Consequently, it has increased the It can be, however, prevented by following the advice of the confusion created by such a statement which nobody asked Legendary Holy Virgo with the Child. Conventionally, the for, and confusion is one of the main symptoms of disease was called here by its Latin name of schizophrenia schizophrenia astralis. astralis. It faithfully mirrors, the existing, deeply hidden Mathematically, this disease can be healed by following conflicts, between the body and the mind in a large and two steps. The first one is rather hard and means awareness unexpected number of forms. [Osho, 2014]. Osho quoted that awareness is eternal, it knows It was evaluated that, along human history, probably no death. Since the ancient senses of the body have lost their 75% of world population was affected by schizophrenia capacity of feeling, the consciousness of the mind should be astralis, but only 25% in an advanced form. In the ancient used instead, in order to convince people about the real cause world, populated by some millions of people only, the above of schizophrenia astralis. To be efficient, facts are needed, mentioned percentages might pass unobserved for a while. not words. Truth is knowing by being. After so many On the contrary, in the existing world, crowded by billions centuries of confusion, the old habits and traditions are and, in addition, very unequally distributed on the surface of difficult to be suddenly demolished and replaced with a new globe, there is no wonder that cohabitation on the earth has vision, even if it is much easier. The second step consists in become rather uncomfortable. That is why these distinct eliminating all the causes of this disease by discipline. 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