Etruscan Dictionary.doc

Etruscan Dictionary

A dictionary of Etruscan

Etruscan Dictionary Index A  B  C/X  D  E  F  G,K,Q  H  I  L  M  N  P  PH  R  s/S  T/0  U  V  Z ALPHABET     PHONOLOGY    WORD FORMATION FORWARD This Dictionary of Etruscan started with an "Etruscan Glossary" which was initially compiled and translated from French, Italian, and Latin by Rick McCallister and Silvia McCallister-Castillo in 1999 with the help of Adolfo Zavaroni and Gabriela Mc Callister+Castillo. G. Bruce Cobbold helped them as well. That compilation has been modified in the following ways: 1) Some of the faulty readings have been removed, or commented on. 2) Some of the more obscure cognates have been removed. 3) Some of the reconstructed forms have been removed. 4) Some of the entries have been regrouped to show cognates 5) Some of the entiries have been regrouped to show aspirates (And a tip of the hat here to the late Dr. Edward Brown of the University of North Carolina.) 6) The citations have been reorganized by date to show the field's progress through time. Given that the Etruscans were Ue3 mtDNA, which is to say PIE: 7) entries have been made for Urartean, Hurrian, Luwian, Lycian, Lydian, Carian, and Old Scotish cognates. All cognate identifications are my own, unless specified otherwise. All of the Urartean words and some of the Hurrian words came from Arnaud Fournet, "A Tentative Etymological Glossary of Etruscan",The Macro+Comparative Journal, Volume 3 Number 25, herinafter "af". Another very useful list of Hurrian words was assembled from Ilse Wegner, "Introduction to the Hurrian Language", hereinafter "iw". (See my commentary on Hans Gustav Guterbock's translation of "The Song of Ullikummi", availalle online. Would someone please show Ilse the "+" sign? Thank G*d for detminatives.) The Luwian words are from the 1993 "Cuneiform Luwian Lexicon" by H. Craig Melchart, hereinaftr "hcm93". I regret not having nor seen any of Fred Woudhuizen's works; on the other hand, perhaps this may serve as a check on his readings. Some Lycian words came from a "Lycian Syncope" by Dr. Frank van de Kasteelen, Leiden University. 2015, hereinafter "fk15". Other Lycian words came from an anonymous "Lycian (A and B) Glossary" obtained from the internet via the wayback machine, which was assembled from V. Ivanov, "The Hittite Language" Moscow, 1963; T. Gamkrelidze and V. Ivanov, "The Indo-European Language and Indo-Europeans", Moscow, 1984; L. Bajun, "The Experience of the Comparative Studies of Hitto+Luwian Languages", Moscow, 1990; L. Bajun "The Language of Hittite Hieroglyphs", Moscow, 1986; A. Korolev, "Hitto+Luwian Languages", Languages of Asia and Africa, vol. 1. Moscow, 1976; V. Shevoroshkin, "The Carian Language. [The] Modern Stage of Development and Studies", Matters of Indo-European Linguistics, Moscow, 1964; and L. Bajun , "Language relations between Phrygian and Anatolian", Moscow, 1989; hereinafter "LABG". [As I was preparing this, it became apparent that for English speakers the Lycian b would be better transribed as v, and their ñ as en. Both representations are given, with the revised one given first.] The Lydian words and some PIE came from an undated online list by Cyril Babaev, hereinafter "cb". Carian words came from an online Carian Glossary compiled from V. Shevoroshkin's "The Carian Language. [The] Modern Stage of Development and Studies, Matters of Indo-European Linguistics", Moscow, 1964, and L. Bajun's "The Experience of the Comparative Studies of Hitto+Luwian Languages", Moscow, 1990, hereinafter "s&b". More Etruscan words and readings came from an Etruscan Glossary (Draft 010 (15 Jul 2008)) by Glen Gordon, hereinfter gg2008. Gordon took a vigororus combinatorial approach, relying on a strict grammar. Many of the personal names, famly names, and deity names confirmed by Gordon were not cited in their entries, although some were. The methods for the construction of these names is likely to provide a valuable tool for future research as it is certain that they reflected locations, ethnicities, occupations, or positive attribues. Additional Etruscan words came from Paolo Agostini and Adolfo Zavaroni "The Bilingual Phoenician+Etruscan text of the Golden Plates of Pyrgi", hereinafter pa&az2000. They appear to have been seaching for Indo-European cognates for Etruscan words. ["sal cluvenis" appears to hold the sense of "high priest of the opening of the year (January)", or perhaps "high rite of the opening (of the foundation)".] Still more Etruscan words came from Alberto Palmucci's excellent "Aruspicina Etrusca ed Orientale a Confronto", Gruppo Archeologico Genovese dei Gruppi Arhceologici d’Italia, Roma, 2010 hereinafter "alberto palmucci". [Palmuucci's approach was excellent, although there appears to have beeen some error in the directions he came up with.] Some new Latin glosses for Etruscan words came from Mischa Hooker's excellent translation of John Lydus's "On the Months", hereinafter "John Lydus". Where glosses are given without attribution, refer to this work. [I am very much looking forward to Hooker's reworking of the late A.C. Bandy's translation of Lydus's "Peri Diosemaion".] As I was completing this dictionary, I came across Iurii Mosenkis's "Etymological dictionary of Etruscan: A key to the Etruscan origins", an excellent summary of B. Hrozný's , B. Nogara's, V. I. Georgiev's and other Eastern Block scholars' works. Unfortunely, Mosenkis did not identify who did what when, using what, or seperate out his own cognates, so many of their cognates are identified here simply as "im". Then I found Mosenkis's "Etruscan and Hittite-Luwian: Cognate or Affiliation ?" in which he (sort of sometimes) identified the scholars , but did not give English translations of their Russian names or works. Among them were B. Hrozny, "Etruskische und die hetiticshe Sprachen", Zeitschrift für Assiriologie, Berlin, 1929, Bd. 38 hereinafter "bh29"; B. Nogara, "Etruschi e la lora civiltà", Milano, 1933, hereinafter "bn33"; V. Georgiev, "Etruskische Sprachvissenschaft", Sofia, 1971, hereinafter "vg71"; V. Georgiev, "La lingua e l’origine degli etruschi", Roma, 1979, hereinafter "vg79"; A.Y. Achenvald, L.S. Baun, Vasily V. Ivvanov, "Material for the Reconstruction of the Cultural-Historical Process of Asia Minor", Moscow, 1985, hereinafter "a&b&i85", along with many others. Mosenkis also cited a source he calls "Braun", further unidentified. I myself wonder who "Braun" is. [Perhaps Eruscan may turn out to be another case of Mayan hieroglyphs. As Italy is certainly much warmer than north east Europe, I think it is hghly likely that in the future more work will be done on the Etruscan language by scholars from these areas.] This dictionary is undoubtedly full of errors, as I have had a stroke and have no specialization in the field. So why did I make it? Because I had to. I specialize in recent asteroid and comet impacts, and Pliny made mention of what might have been one near Volsinii, "quo nihil terribilissimus mortalium timori est". I believe this impact may have played a role in the siting of the Etruscan's Fanum Voltumna. In any case, it is certain that both bolides (meteorite explosions in the air) and meteors (the entry of meteorites through the atmosphere) played a large role in Etruscan divinaton. For one example, I think it is highy likely that John Lydus's Brontoscopic Calendar may be a record of bolides and the significant historical events which occured over a period of several hundred years. The Etruscan's world stretched from Spain to Palestine, and lightning occurs far too often to be of more than personal significance. Now planetary defense systems are a very serious business, involving tens of mlllions of Euros and tens of millions of peoples' lives, and the ESA's role is still being determined. Thus it is vital to accurately determine the impact rate. [And another tip of the hat here, this one to the late Dr. Milani, a key figure in the development of Italy's effort in this area.] Aside from that, I spent an afternoon in Tuscany 25 years ago, and I am greatly looking forward to another much longer visit there very soon. I found during the course of constructing this dictionary that Wegner's Hurrian and Melchart's Luwian provided the best cognates. It appears Etruscan had well differentiated from Lycian, Lydian, and Carian. This dictionary has not been checked against the longer inscriptions to get some idea of the Etruscans' utterance constuction. That is a processs which will likely take several years, as so few longer inscriptions have been recoverd that the Eruscaan's method for constructing these is very poorly understood. But as this dictionary is built on sound foundations, it is likely to be as useful for those trying to read Etruscan inscriptions as the dictionaries of Massimo Pallottino or the Bonfantes. And as it is in the form of html, it should be easily usable by any English speaker anywhere. It is my simple hope that enough of the cognates suggested here may hold up to allow further morpholgical and grammatical analysis. The process of reading Etruscan has been a process of decipherment going on for over a hundred years. If work continues, it is likely that someday in the future we will be able to read Etruscan quite easily. This compilation is copyrighted @2019. Feel free to make copies for personal use, but this dictionary may not be used any commercial purposes withou paying me. I encourage you to improve this dictonary for personal or academic use as you see fit. Be sure to check all entries against sources for accuracy, and cite the original sources in any publications. [If I had of had Rick McCalister's bibliography when constucting this dictionary, the contributions of many scholars to this field could have been much better acknowledged.] If you use any cognates which you first saw here, please remember me. As far as the Etruscans' origin goes, once again, they were an Italian Ue3 people, which is to say PIE, who traded metals from Italy from one end of the Mediterranean to the other, sometimes with other PIE peoples, sometimes not, from roughly 3,000 BCE on, regardless of any late Bronze Age migrations within the Mediterranean. I hope this clears things up for you. You can tell me about any mistakes, but I do not know if I will be able to correct them. I pretty much typed this up using my right hand. I will gladly accept any cash donations, should you feel charitable, or really really really enjoy using this dictionary. I also enjoy free drinks, free dinners, and free lunches. H.C. Melchart has produced several works since 1993, and Rex Wallace's new book has come out, and I just learned that Wallace had a blog. E.P. Grondine epgrondine at A +a place name suffix, also used to derive family names from praenomina [lrp57] +a feminine suffix [mp68:395] +a plural suffix [mp68:395] +ac, +aX nominative suffix for words ending in consonants [az96:27] +aX ablative/genitive of origin [es99Jun15] see IE/Uralic/Basque *+k, +ko [es99Jun15] see Luwian +a+ third person enclitic pronoun [hcm93] see Lydian +ak [es 15 Jun 99] see Lydian +ak as in Sfard+ak "the Sardian" [im, uncited] see Thracian +ak+ as in Spart+ak+ "the Spartan" [im, uncited] see Greek adjectives with +iakós, +akós [es99Jun15] see North Picene +ag [er99Feb9] +al, < *+a+la; +ai0 genitive & adjective suffix [mp68:351, mcv99Apr9] +al genitive, dative, adjective, possessive, diminutive or ablative suffix [gm97, pa] +al, +l dative suffix [sag] +ale dative suffix for +a stem [mp68:99, mcv99Apr9] < *+a+la+i [mp68:99, mcv99Apr9] +al+0i locative of genitive [pa] < *+a+la; +ai0 [mp68:351, mcv99Apr9] genitive of genitive [mp68:394, mcv99Apr9] < +a+la+si; al+iS+la [mp68:394, mcv99Apr9] see Lemnian +ai, +ai0, +ale, +ial [mp68:99] +alas, +als ablative suffix for +a stem [mp68:394, mcv99Apr9] +alc, +alX decile suffix [mp68:398] +anas, +anasa active perfect participle [mcv98Jan22] see IE passive perfect participle *+no+ [mcv98Jan22] +as, +aS past participle [mp68:399] +as, +aS < *+a+si genitive suffix for +a stem words [b&k32, mcv99Apr9] +as, +s consonant stem genitive singular [b&k32] +asi < *+as+i+ dative suffix for +a stem words [mcv99Apr9] ac "make, offer" [mp75, g&lb83, lb90] see Luwian a+/aya+ "do, make" [hcm93] aXapri "oinochoe" [gg2008] aXapri "friendly, lovable" [az96] see Greek agapêteos, agapêtos [az96] acarie Acarie [gentilicium] acas "to make, to present, to offer" [mp68, pa, dep] "to proclaim" > "to manifest" [az96] "to make out of stone or clay"[gg2008] acasa "[to have] proclaimed" [az96] acasce "did, made" [mp68, am91, pa, dep] acasX, acesX ("clay vessel" [gg2008] acasri "to be offered" [mp68:409, pa, dep] acazr "objects offered in the tomb, offered" [g&lb83,85:162, pa, dep] probably plural form of *cas "offer" [dep] from same root as acas [dep] see acnasver "venerable" [az96] acil "to do, make" [az96] "work" [mc91] acil0 ame "to be made, completed" [gg2008] "make, complete (confice)" (imp.) [az96] acilX product, creation [gg2008] acilu, acilunia title, cognomen [mc91:67, az96] < acil "work" [mc91:67] "doer, maker, worker" [az96] See Lydian ak "an introductory prefix + "So"[cb] see Luwian a+/aya+" do, make" + +ti "become" [hcm93] see Hittite aia "to make" [hcm93] see Breton kas "to send" very doubtful [dep] aXaXun "stabbing or cutting god" [az96] *acale, *acle "June" [mp68, g&lb83, mc91, gg2008,pa, dep] Latin gloss aclius, aclus [mp68, g&lb83, gm97, mc91] "excitement, stimulus" [az96] acalve "in June" (locative) [az96] see *acaletur [rmcc] < *ak+ "point" [az96] calque of Latin Junius < juniores? [rmcc] acalia "refinement" [az96] see Latin acumen "point, sting" [az96] *acaletur, *acale0ur "boy" [mp68, az96:25] glossed in Greek as agalétora [mp68] acalucva "youth?" [az96] aca0ur "boy" [pa] < *yegw+ "young" [az96:25] acenna place name [lrp 57] acerra "incense box" Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp 57] AXerum Acheron, the underworld [deity] [gg2008] acila "handmaiden" [g&lb83] see Latin ancilla "maidservant" [g&lb83] aXile, aXlae, aXle, aXale, aXele "Achilles" [g&lb83, mc91:41, pa] see Greek Akhilleos [g&lb83, mc91:41, pa] see Latin Achilleus [g&lb83, mc91:41, pa] acline, aclinei family name [az96] "pointed, sharp" [az96: 25] aclni "guide" [az96] aclXn "sharp" [az96] see Latin acutum "sharp" [az96] see Latin acumen "point, sting" [az96] aklXis "finesse, sharpness" [az96] aXmenrun "Agamemnon" [g&lb83] acna "to raise, to bring up" [gg2008] acnaice "to conduct, to make so" [az96] acnaine "[one] who guides" [az96] acnanas, acnanasa "having had, bore, delivered" [g&lb83 84, mc91:134] "having driven, guided" [az96] < *ak+ < *ag+ "to conduct, to drive" [az96] acnasvers "gave in possession" [lb90:299] see verse "fire" [mcv96Nov8] "cremation"? [epg] acnasver "venerating" [az96] < acrie [mc91:96] < *ak+ [az96] acnina "possession" [mp68:405] "hostility, threat" [az96] acns "terror, veneration?" [az96] aXratin+, aXrati+ name (written as genitive aXratinalisa) [mc91:128] corresponds to Latin tribe name Pomptina but may be name of maternal grandfather [mc91:128] "from Acerra" [Rix, Pellegrini, az96:28] acri, acriina "acrid, pungent, sharp" [az96] acrie "pointed" [az96] acriena family name [az96] acsi, ahsi "pungent, sharp" [az96] akarai, aXarum, aXrum "affliction" [az96] acunsi "to slay" [gg2008] acun+ "greetings, health" [az96] aXu, aXunie, acesia "healer, physician" [az96] aXunana "one who guards, keeps safe" [az96] aXvizr, aXuvesr, aXuvizr, aXuviztr, acaviSer, aXaviSur "Acaviser, deity associated with Turan, Achilles, Thetis, & Alpan (sometimes male, somtimes female)" [g&lb83, es99Jun15] "healer" [az96] aXrum "Akhérôn" [g&lb83 67] < *yegw+ [az96] acvilnas family name [mc91] afle name [mc91] "propitious" [az96] afr, apher, apha, afu, aphucu, apuchapre, hapuri, hafure "luck, fortune" [az96] afu "striker, collector, hitter" [az96] afuna family name [g&lb83:76] aiXe "agitated, waving" [az96] +aias, +ies genitive singular for +ai stem [b&k32] ain, ein "property" [az96] ais, aiS, eis "god" [djh14, mp68, g&lb83, mc91, az96, gg2008, cb, v, pa, dep] aisar, ais+er+as, ais+er+aS, aesar, eisar, eiser, eis+er+as, eis+er+aS "gods" [djh14, mp68, g&lb83, mc91, az96, gm97, cb, v, pa, dep, gzb] aisiu "godly, divine" [g&lb83:80] aislu "divine" [az96] aisna, aisuna, eisna "divine, of the gods, divine service" [g&lb83, mc91, pa, dep, az96] aineri "to be worshipped" gerund [az96] eisnev, eisnevc priestly title [mp68] eisnev, eisnevc priest [deGrmmond2006] esari sacral term [EB XXII 638, mcv97Jan8] "to worship" [EB XXII 638, mcv97Jan8] see Hurrian ašh "to sacrifice" [iw] see Luwian iš(ša)ra/i "hand" [hcm93] check Luwian ašša [epg] see Lydian as'aa "kindness" [cb] see PIE *wesu "good" [cb] see (Linear A) Cretan a+sa+sa+ra divine name [dep] see Greek/Latin aiôn "time/eternity" [epg] see Paelignian aisis "god" [EB XXII 638, mcv97Jan8] see North Picene aiten [er 9 Feb 98] see Umbrian esono+ "divine, sacred, sacrifice" [mp68:262. mcv97Jan8] see Oscan aisusis "sacrifices" [EB XXII 638, mcv97Jan8] see Marrucian aisos "god" [EB XXII 638, mcv97Jan8] see Volscian esaristrom "a sacrifice" [EB XXII 638, mcv97Jan8] see Old Norse aesir [pa] see Old Icelandic ass "gods" [dep] see Celtic and Germanic *isarn+ "iron", "holy or sky metal" from meteorites [Benvéniste 1969 cited by dep] see IE ais+ "to want, love, seek" [EB XXII 638, mcv97Jan8] aita, eita "Pluto, Hades (divinity)" [EM, g&lb83, az96, gg2008] see Greek Haides [g&lb83] "fear, veneration" [az96] < *aghi+, *aghita+ [az96] aiu, aiu+m, aius "oil" [gg2008] aius, aiuzie, plural aiuser "response" [az96] aivas, eivas, evas "Ajax" [g&lb83:67, mc91:45, az96] see Greek Aivás, *Aiwas [g&lb83:67, mc91:5] "terror" *aghi+vas [az96] fury? [epg] aivas tlamunus "Ajax Telamon" [g&lb85:162] aivas vilates "Ajax Oileus" [g&lb85:162] see Lycian awah(a)i "burial" [fk15] aiza "to worship" [az96] aka "voice, speaker" [az96] < *vekw+ [az96] al+, ala, ale, alice, alce, aliqu, alqu, alXu "to give, donate, offer" [mp68, g&lb83, vs/amr 189, pa, dep] al, al+c (inf.), ale (pret.), alike, alice, alce (perf.pret.), aliqu (perf.part.) "to set down" [gg2008] alil "offertorium, offering room" [gg2008] see Hurrian ar "give" [iw] see Ugaritic 'argmn "tribute" [hcm93] see Hittite arkamma+ "tribute" [hcm93] see Luwian arkammana "tribute" [hcm93] see Lycian alaha "arrange, lay out (in tomb)" [fk15] see Latin libens "to give" [f] see Nostratic *HalV "to give" [ag79] alpan "gift" [gg2008] Alpan, Alpaniu The god Alpan [gg2008] ala "[to be] vital, lively, moving, boldly" [az96] ala0na "one who drives, puts in motion, action" [az96] alXa, alXu+, alXuna, alXun, alqum, alqu epithet of the Dioscuri [az96] "dynamic, vigorous" [az96] see alki "dynamism, liveliness" [az96] < *al+, *el+ , *al, *el "motion, animation, activity" [az96] see Latin alacer "vigor" [az96] check Luwian wallant(i) "fit, capable" [hcm93] in contexts [epg] check Lycian ala "?" [fk15] in contexts [epg] alXumena, alcumena "Alcmene" [g&lb83, mc91] ale "to be vigorous" [az96] "vigorous" [az96] check Luwian wallant(i) "fit, capable" [hcm93] in contexts [epg] check Lycian ala "?" [fk15] in contexts [epg] ale, alice, alce, aliqu "to give thought, cured, something cured" [az96] aliXa "cure, thought" > "gift" [az96] alice "make" [mc91] aliqu "made, given" [mc91:66] see al [gg2008] check Luwian wa/i+li+ya+ "exalt" in contexts [epg] check Hittite walliya+ "praise" in contexts [epg] or see al [gg2008] see Lycian kumaza "priest" [fk15] see Lydian kave "a priest" [cb] + al "to set down" or +al "recipient" as above [epg] alfa, elfa "ox" [gg2008] aliXsantre, alcsentre, elaXsntre "Paris Alexander" [g&lb83] alki "dynamism, liveliness" [az96] < *al+, *el+ , *al, *el "motion, animation, activity" [az96] see Latin alacer "vigor" [az96] alapu "to slap" [az96] alcsti "Alcestis" [g&lb85:145] ale0nas family name [g&lb85:121, mc91:62] alfa "white, shining" [az96] see Latin alba "white, shining" [rmcc] "ox" see elfa [gg2008] alfniS name [mc91] alpan, alpanu, alpnu "gift, offering, willingly; Harmonia?, Concordia?" [mp68, g&lb83, pa, gg2008] "pleasant thing, happiness, Laetitia (Grace)" [az96] a lasa, goddess of love and the underworld, usually portrayed naked [EM] probably from same root as al [dep] alphaze "offering" [g&lb83, gzb, dep, pa] probably from same root as al [dep] alpnina "joy, happiness" [az96] alpnu "as a gift, given" [mp68:406] alfazei "happiness, propitiousness" [az96] alphazei of alpaza "little gift" [gg2008] alfn+ "happy, joyous" [az96] see Luwian pi(ya) "give" [hcm93] see Luwian Hieroglyphic pi+ya "give" [hcm93] see Lycian pije "give" [hcm93] see Lydian bid"give" [hcm93] with al "to set down" or +al "recipient" as above [epg] alS, alSa "July" [az96] alSase "in July" [az96:17] month of sailing? originally related to Alasiya (Cyprus)? [epg] see Luwian alaššamma/i "sea"(?) [hcm93] alSin+ "rouser, shaker" [az96] alSter "shaker, rouser" [az96] sailor? [epg] alsa "to bury, to inter" [gg2008] see al+ "to set down" [epg] alsase "dedicated?" [lb90:299] aor.pret. of alsa "bury, inter" [gg2008] alSinai family name [g&lb85:120] undertakers? [epg] alsium port of Caere [mp68:180] al0ra "moved, driven" [az96] altria "one who moves, waves" [az96] < *al0i "waving, wavering" [az96] al0aia "Aithra (Helen's serving maid)?" [g&lb83] alumna0, alumna0e, alumna0uras "a type of animate being" [gg2008] alumna0uras [mp68:265] +0uras collective suffix [mp68:265] "group of fosterchildren, followers?" [rmcc] see Latin alumnus "fosterchild" [az96] a person trained in "setting down" + "measures"? [epg] see Lycian miñti "assembly?" [fk15] am+, ama, ame, amu+, amce, amuce "to be" [mp68/75, g&lb83, lb90, mc91, jf, cb, v, pa, dep, gg2008] amuce "has been" [g&lb83 56] "may it be?" [mcv96Nov8] +ce aorist imperative? [mcv96Nov8] ama "now, meanwhile" [az96] see also ma [gg2008] see Hurrian man "to be" [af] see Luwian mana "to look at, to see, to experience" [hcm93] see Lycian amu, êmu, êmi, +mu "I, me, my" [LABG] see Lycian ahãma "occupation?" [fk15] see English be [dep] see Breton bezan "to be" [dep] see Latin fui [dep] see Sanskrit bhavati "he becomes" [dep] see Latin fuisse "to have been" [dep] see Russian byt' "to be" [dep] see Lithuanian buti "to be" [dep] see Indo-European *mbhew "to grow, to become, to be" [dep] see Nostratic *'ämV "to take, to bear" [ag79] see Nostratic *'EmV [ag 79] note the m > b shift [epg] amce "united, joined" [az96] ame "with" postposition [az96, dep] amake "married, spouse" < "joined" [az96] amin0 "Cupid, Eros" [g&lb83] "Amor?" [az96] am0+ni "loving, benevolent" [az96] amuce, amuXe "continual, perpetual, eternal" [az96] < *am+ "to love, to be joined to, to be with" [rmcc] < ? am+ "to be" i.e. "for the time being" [rmcc] see Luwian wana "woman" [hcm93] see Lycian A ahãma "beloved" [LABG] see Lydian ama "to love" [dep,cb] see PIE *am+ "to love" [cb] see Greek háma "with" [az96] see Achaean amphí [es] see Brythonic *ama "to love" [dep] see Celtic aman "to love" from Latin, Italo+Celtic or loanword? [es] or a PIE survival [epg] see Basque maite "love, beloved" < bani+te [es] see Basque emán < e+bani "to love" [es] < Celtic [L Trask?] see Latin amare "to love"[cw, rc] see Latin amita "aunt" [cw 2] see Latin amicus "friend" [cw 2, pb 24+25] see Latin ambi+, ambo [es] see Breton afan "to kiss" [dep] amaputunia "co+hibens, one who stops, contains, represses" [az96] ammarce "bitter, pungent?" [az96] amre "bitter" [az96] < *ampar+ [az96] see Latin amarus "bitter" [az96] ampile, hamphe "May" [g&lb83, az96, pa, dep] < *ampilie, *anpilie [g&lb83, az96] see probable Etruscan related substrate word *embhetl, *mbheti [dep] see Latinized form amphiles, ampiles [g&lb83, az96] see Greek ampellos "vine" [dep] see Hurrian am "burn" [iw] see Hurrian ambane "firewood" [iw] clearing the fields by burning? [epg] amplieri "to widen" [az96] amplus "wide" [rc 48] amurca "oil dregs" Latin via Etruscan [g&lb83:65] see Greek amórgê [g&lb83:65] an, ana, ananc, ane, anc, ancn, ancu "he, she" [g&lb83, cb, v, pa, gg2008] relative pronoun [mp68, mc91, az96, dep, gg2008] see Hurrian hani "child" [iw] see Hurrian han "to give birth to" [iw] see Hittite anna+"mother"[hcm93] see Luwian anni+ "mother" [hcm93] see Palaic anna+ "mother" [hcm93] see Hurrian andi "this"[af] see Hittite anni+, eni, ini "that" [im] see Lydian +an the pronoun pointing at a direct object [cb] see Russian on "he" [dep] see Breton an "the" [dep] see Lithuanian anas "this" [dep] see Nostratic *'a "that, yonder" remote demonstrative pronoun see Nostratic *NA, IS OS II 93++4 [ag 79] ana "compliment, execution, finished product, perfect" [az96] anace "carried out" [az96] anaini "worker, executor" [az96] anan+, anaie, anai, anei, ane "one who completes, carries out" > "earnings, gain" [az96] ananc "to gather, obtain" [az96] see Luwian anni, an(i)ya "carry out; treat" [hcm93] see Lycian ahñtãi "goods, possessions" [fk15] see Lycian ahãma "occupation?" [fk15] see Latin anno [az96] with sense of "completion" [epg] ane see ani "Janus" [g&lb83] "year" < "complete cycle" [az96] aneie, aneiece "to have accomplished" [az96] < *an+ [az96] anancve "consequently" [az96] anan, enan, anan+c (, anancve0 ( "vessel containing a votive offering" [gg2008] anc "to fold" [az96] ancn compound particle [mp68:397] anXarie "point, tooth" [az96] see Latin ancilia sacred weapons made of meteoritic iron [epg] anXas "anxious" [az96] anXe male name [mc91:48] see Latin Ancus [mc91:48] see Latin ancilia sacrd weapons made of meteoritic iron [epg] ancaru "goddess of Death" [lrp48, rah59] see Latin Angerôna [lrp48, rah59] see Latin ancilia sacrd weapons made of meteoritic iron [epg] ani "Janus" + sky god living in the highest heaven [EM] ania</b<> 0ne celestial deity [mp68:251] ani Ani [deity] [gg2008] = "Sun" 0ne of the winter solstice ani? [epg] see Luwian god Ayant(i) [hcm93] see Luwian annaššeš "predicated of gods" [hcm93] see Luwian annara/i "forceful, virile" [hcm93] see Hittite innara "forceful, violent" [hcm93] see Varro: "among the Etruscans Janus is called "heaven" and "overseer of all actions" [epg] aniaX, aniaXS "type of offering" [gg2008] aniaXei at January? [epg] aninie, ninie family name [g&lb83:112] aninai, aninas male name [g&lb83:71, mc91] anina name (masculine) [pa] anina+i name (feminine) [pa] see Luwian annara/i "forceful, virile" [hcm93] see Hittite innara "forceful, violent" [hcm93] similar constuction to the English family name Strong? [epg] antemna, antenna "sail yard" Latin from Etruscan [mp68:369, pa] an0a "to meet, come to blows" [az96] an0ai name "chance, one who meets, encounters" [az96] an0iaia name "fortune" [az96] antilXe "winnowing, crowd, worry, trepidation" [az96] see Luwian hanti(ya) "of the forehead; preeminent, first" [hcm93] first among people? or a+ni related? [epg] *an0a, *am0a "eagle, north wind (Boreas)" [mp68, az96, pa, dep] Greek gloss (Hesykhios) án0as, ántar, ándas, ándar [mp68, az96] see Sanskrit bhâsas "raptor" [dep] see Greek phênê "vulture" [dep] see Indo-European *mbhattos [Martinet, 1986 cit.dep] apa, aphe, aphes, apars, afrs "father, ancestor" [b&k32, mp75, g&lb83, lb90, mc91, cb, v, pa, dep, gg2008] "father, guardian" [az96] apa apatie "paternal grandfather" [az96] apa nacna "grandfather" [az96] apana "paternal" [mc91 g&lb2002] see Greek appa, possibly a Semitic loan+word) [pa] see Greek apa "father" [dep] see Latin pater "father" [dep] see Gothic fadar "father" [dep] see Old Irish athir "father" [dep] see Armenian hayr "father" [dep] see Sanskrit pitar "father" [dep] see Tocharian A pacar "father" [dep] see Indo-European *phater [dep] the root is probably universal [dep] apana "chance, achievement, attainment" [az96] apane "relating to luck" [az96] apena "chance, fortune" [az96] apcar "abacus" [az96, pa, dep] "calculator, tallier" [gg2008] see Latin abacus [mc91] see Greek abaks "board, tablet" [mc91, dep] see Hebrew abaq "powder" [mc91] aper, apir+e, apir+es, apir+ase, apir0e, apir+0e+s, aper+ucen "sacred, funeral or sacrificial act" [mp68] see Latin parentare "to honor or avenge a relative" [mp68] bury? cremate?[epg] apir+ act associated with religion [mp68:409] burial? [epg] apir "to sanctify" [gg2008] apaiatru, apiatru "one who grasps, links" [az96] aprensais, aprenSaiS "the gods intending" [mp, az96:396] aprin0u, aprin0vale "sacred title" [mp68]; undertaker? [epg] apirin0, aprin0u(, aprin0vale ( "sanctified offering" [gg2008] aprin0+vale "last good+bye" [az96] "burial good+bye"? [epg] see Luwian *appala(i)> "entrap" [hcm93] wrap? bury? [epg] see Luwian apit+ "sacrificial pit; burrow" [hcm93] entomb? [epg] aphe demon [mp68:407] see Luwian hapalli(ya) "injure, wound" or similar [hcm93] "chance, mishap, occurance, fortune (divinity)" [az96] apice "capture, attainment" [az96] apru, aprun, apira "April" month dedicated to Fortune [lrp48&57, az96] see Latin Aprilis, aprilis [lrp48&57, az96] apire "luck" [az96] apir0e, apur0e cognomen,"lucky" [az96:22] apiri0a "divine will" [gg2008] apirin0 aprin0u aprin0vale "sanctified offering" [gg2008] apre "occurence, fortune, chance, mishap" [az96] apu "receiver, obtainer" [az96] apunas, afunas, haphna family name [g&lb83:71] "fortunate" [az96] < *ap/ *aph / *hap / *haph [az96] see afur, apur, apur0e, afunas, apunas, haf+ hap+, haph+ [az96] see Lydian afari "a buying" [cb] see Latinized Aburi [az96] see Latin apiscor "to reach for, acquire" [az96] see Latin aptus "suitable" [az96] see Latin habeo "to have" [az96] see Spanish apenas "scarcely, hardly" [rmcc] see Umbrian hab+, [az96] see Greek aphro, Aphrodite [lrp 48/57, az96] see Greek haphê, háp+tô "to take, to have" [az96:22] apeli "enlarger" Latin of Etruscan origin?[az96] < amp+, ap+ [az96] aperu "to join, find" [az96] more likely related to aper, apir+e, apir+es, apir+ase, apir0e, apir+0e+s, aper+ucen [epg] apha "to strike, hit, impress, gather" [az96] aphe demon [mp68:407] apini name "suitable, (well) connected" [az96] aplu, apulu "Apóllôn" [g&lb83, mc91:53, djh95, cb] "Apollo"; god of thunder and lightning [EM] apnis "much, a lot" [az96] aprensais, aprenSaiS "the gods intending" [mp, az96:396] "in the last" [az96] aprin0u, aprin0vale "sacred title" [mp68] "next, last" [az96] aprin0+vale "last good+bye" [az96] apr0ni female name [mc91:135] apu "receiver, obtainer" [az96] apunei female surname [gm97] apuniie family name [mc91:112] aputuke "agreed, pledged [az96] apvcuia (family?) name [mc91:101] ar, ara, are, ar+aS, ar+aSa, arce, ar+0, er+ce, er+s, er+ce "to act through movement, including ritual acts?" [mp68] ar+, er+ "to make, to build, to do" [g&lb83, pa, dep] "to drive, exhort, rally" [az96] "to rise up" > "raised up" [gg2008] aras "making, preparing" [g&lb83 85] "sustaining, continuing" [az96] see Lemnian arai [mp68] see Hurrian ar "to give" [iw] see Luwian warrahit "to help" [hcm93] see Nostratic *HarV "to make" [ag79] *arac "falcon" [mp68, g&lb83, pa, dep] Greek gloss árakos [mp68, g&lb83] see Hurrian er "bird" [iw] see Luwian harrani "type of bird" [hcm93] see Luwian arut(i) "wing" [hcm93] see Gothic ara "eagle" [dep] see Greek ornis "bird" [dep] see Breton erer "eagle" [dep] see Lithuanian aras "eagle" [dep] see Hittite haras "eagle" [dep] see Indo-European *oros "eagle" [dep] arXas "strident" > "argumentative" [az96] < *ark < *werk [az96] arXaze "clear, witty, rattling" see Latin argutus "clear, witty, rattling" [az96] arce "gave, bore" [mc91] arcmsna, arcmsnas family name [g&lb85:161] "one who afflicted, angry" [az96] see Luwian arkamman "tribute" [hcm93] see Hittite ar+kam+ma+na+a "tribute" [hcm93] a contributor to the community? [epg] *arêt+ "Arezzo (town)" arntni "person from Arezzo" [az96] see Latin Arrêteium see German Erz "metals" (Arrezzo was famous for metal ware) [g&lb83 25] aria0a, ara0a "Ariadne" [az96] "nourisher, magnifier" [az96] aril Aril [deity] [gg2008] aril "supporter, Atlante" [az96] *arim "monkey" [mp68, g&lb83:59, az96, pa, dep] Greek gloss árimos (Hesykhios) [mp68, g&lb83:59, pa] < *arim, *arime [az96:418] arimna "Rimini (town)" see Latin Ariminum [djh14, g&lb83] aritimi, artume, artam, artms, artumes, ar0em "Artamis, Artemis" [mp68:245, g&lb83, mc91:41] "goddess of spells and prophecy?" [az96] "Artemis" goddess of night and death, personification of natural growth [EM] see Luwian ara/i "time" prophecy? [cb] see Luwian Arma "Moon+god(dess) [hcm93] see Luwian harrahhani(ya+)"curse"?'[hcm93] hunt? [epg] see Hittite arrahhanike+"curse"?'[hcm93] hunt? [epg] When hunting at night, or tracking wounded game, a bright Moon helps [epg] see Hurrian ur, ul "to battle" [iw] arna "to afflict, affliction" [az96] < *ghren [az96] arnt, arn0, aran0, ara0 male name [mc91:49&96, gm97] corresponds to Latin Lucius [g&lb83:57] "biting" < "fierce" [az96] < ghren+d+ [az96] aran0ur, arn0ur male name [g&lb83:83, mc91] araz male name [g&lb85: 46] arn0al name [mc91] arn0i female name [mc91] counterpart of male arn0 [mc91] arn0ia, ara0ia, aran0ia name [mc91] arn0na, ara0ena, araziia family name [mc91:49&96, gm97] arnti, arntle "which gnaws, bites, chews" [az96] arnzius, arntsus name [mc91] see Hurrian ur, ul "to battle" [iw] see Luwian warpalla/i "powerful" [hcm93] strong? [epg] related to agriculture? [epg] ars+ "push away?" [g&lb83] "to turn away, drive away, remove" [pa, dep] arse verse "take away fire?", "arce ignem " [mp68] glossed by Verrio Flacco [mp68] see Hurrian ur, ul "to battle" [iw] see Luwian ari(ya) "raise; check, restrain" [hcm93] arSva "(two?) smashers" [az96] arta "breaker, smasher" > "carpenter (Vulcan)" [az96] artesi "brooch and pin?" [az96] ar0 "to section or subdivide" [az96] ar0e velna "one who severs, cuts off" [az96] artile "one who articulates, artesan" [az96] see Lydian ãrte "to define" [cb] artna "limb, member, part" [az96] artna mempru/memru "one who subdivides in parts" [az96] < *ar0 [az96] artnal "son of Arrius" [g&lb83 57] arus ame "to encourage" [az96] aruseri "encourager" [az96] arusia "exhortation, push" [az96] arusni "one who encourages, spurs" [az96] arvasa "having pushed, driven, raised" [az96] arvusta "rallied" [az96] see Hurrian ur, ul "to battle" [iw] see Luwian harwanni(ya) "to send" [hcm93] "to order"? [epg] or see Assyrian har "liver" [im] aruSis "ceramic" [az96] aruzina, aruuzina "potter" [az96] asate "wind, windy?" [az96] ase "breath, wind, soul" [az96] asi "inspiration, spirit, wind" [az96] < *ans < *ant+s "breath, wind" [az96] see Luwian ašša+ "say, speak" [hcm93] asil "sacred establishment: base" [mp68] derivative aSlaX [mp68] see Hurrian ašh "to sacrifice" [iw] See Luwian aššu "pillar, column, or similar" [hcm93] an inscription? [epg] see Latin assis, asser "stake" [mp68] < *aZ+ "ardor" [az96] see Latin ara "alter" [az96] aska "arybalis for oil" [mp68, g&lb83 91, az96] "leather container" [pa, dep] see Greek askós "leather container" [mp68, g&lb83 91, az96,pa, dep] askaita "incinerated" [az96] aSler "ashes, bones?" [az96] asom fer "bring the roasts" [az96] asu "sphinx" [gg2008] ataine "eater, gnawer" [az96] ataiun "Aktaíôn" [mc91:45] "bitten, biter?" [az96] ate "mordant, biting" [az96] < atei [az96] ateri "one who is irritated" [az96] < *at+ [az96] see Luwian adari "to feed" [hcm93] see Hittite etri "to eat" [hcm93] see IE *ed "to eat" [hcm93] or see Lycian ahata "peace, rest" [fk15] sense of "full"? [epg] atale "family, of the same clan" [az96] see Hurrian attai "father" see Hurrian attardi "forbear" [af] see Luwian harduwatt(i) "descendant" [hcm93] see Luwian huhat(t)alla/i "of one's grandfather, ancestral" [hcm93] see Luwian huitwali(ya) "of a living person" [hcm93] atalena, atalina "relatives, of the same clan" [az96] atena "of the same father, family, clan" [az96] a0elis "familiar, of the family, beneficient" [az96] a0emeisca, a0emeica "of the family" [az96] *a0umi "nobility" [g&lb83 81] atlenta, atlnta, atalanta, a0al "Atalántê" [g&lb85:152, mc91] "of birth, nobility, lineage" [az96] ate "encouraging, pressing" [az96] a0eneica "one who encourages, urges" [az96] a0ine0i "to request, to urge" [az96] a0is "excitement" [az96] a0nu "one who urges" [az96] a0 "to clean, to cleanse" [gg2008] atelina family name [g&lb83:77, mc91:116, pa] atella place name [lrp57] atena Latin from Etruscan [mp68:369] ateri "parents, ancestors" [g&lb83:89] "paternal" [mp75, lb90] see Latin patrius "paternal, native" [htb] ati, atiu, ativu, atis "mother," [mp 68&75, g&lb83, lb90, mc91, az96, EB XXII:801, cb,v, pa, dep, gzb] ati nacnuva, ati nacna, ati nacnva "grandmother" [mp68, g&lb83 89, pa] "mater posteriatis, mater propinqua, grandmother" [az96] atiial "of mother" [mcv98Jan23] atina "nurse" [az96] atiuce "nourished, well fed" [az96] atiu0 "stepmother" [az96] ativu, atiu "Mommy" [g&lb83:89] "stepmother, nurse, wet nurse" [az96] see Hurrian attai "father" "parent" [af] see Hittite attas "father" [dep] see Oscan aeda "father" [dep] see Old Irish aite "educator" [dep] see Old Slavic otitshi "father" [dep] see Albanian at "father" [dep] see Gothic athei "mother" [dep] a0umic, a0mic, a0umit "noble" [mp75, g&lb83 81, lb90] a0umi a0umica a0umitn a0umic "sky" [gg2008] atie family name [mc91] atmite "Admetus" [g&lb85:145] atoï "shepherd cabin" (Alpine < pre+Celtic) Tyrrhenian origin? [g&lb83:126] atri, âtrium "atrium" [djh14:61, mp68/75, lb90] a0re "building" [mp68, g&lb83] "request, provocation?" [az96] atranes "relating to 'building'?" [mp68, g&lb83] "of the temple" [lb 299] atrane+ "concealment, hiding" [az96] atran, atranes "reign, authority, rule" [gg2008] a0re "atrium, hall" [pa, dep] see Latin atrium [mp68, g&lb83, dep] atrS, aturS "grave, sepulcher" [g&lb85:161] atrSce "hidden, plundered" [az96] atrsr "to steam, be dark" [az96] atrste "mournful" [az96] see Latin Adrastus [az96] see Latin âter "black, deadly" [az96] a0rpa "Atropos" see Greek [mc91] A0rupa Atropos [deity] [gg2008] atunes, atunis "Adonis" [g&lb83, mc91, EM] aturSa "to lay down, to place" [gg2008] aua "welfare" [az96] ausaz "eager, desirous" [az96] av "to desire" [az96] aut "wealth, fortune" [az96] autle "relative to destiny, weaver" [az96] avcva "welfare, health" [az96] ave "to be propitious, beneficient" aveini "propitious" [az96] avequ "favor, grant, greeting" [az96] avhircina "occurance, happenstance" [az96] avi "propitious" [az96] avulni "favorable" [az96] see Latin ave "farewell" [az96] see Latin aveo "to be well, long for" [az96] see Lydian avka "legal" [cb] see Lydian avka "a situation" [s&b] see Carian avka "a situation" [s&b] aucena (Goddess drawn on a cistern cover) see aukêlos [az96] auclina family name [g&lb83 84] aufle name [mc91] "rocky" [az96] aukêlos "aurora, dawn" [az96] glossed by Hesykhios [az96] see Greek augé "shining" [az96:418] aula female name [mc91] aule male name [gm97, pa] auliu personal name (diminutive) [pa] aulza personal name (diminutive) [pa] see Latin Aulus [pa] aum "poor, wretched" [az96] aur "ear, hearer?" [az96] aurina town [mp68:192] autu name [lrp 48, az96] see Latin Autumnus [lrp 48] "weaver" [az96] au0il "cella, room of a temple" [gg2008] avavence "bore, gave birth to" [g&lb83:70] see Hurrian han "to give birth to" [iw] see Luwian anni "mother" [hcm93] see Palaic anna "mother" [hcm93] see Hittite anna"mother"[hcm93] avil "year" [mp75, g&lb83, lb90, cb, v, pa, dep, gzb] "year(s)" [mp68, ag 79, rab 332] "years; aged xxx years" [pa] "per year" [mc91] "annoso, vecchio, canuto” avils, avilS "years" "years of age" [mc91] avilXva, avilXval "anniversary, yearly" [mp68, g&lb83:56] "to the year+count" [mcv96Nov8] avilXva "annual, yearly" [dep, pa] < avil + adjectival suffix +xva [dep] avil "year" [pa, dep, gzb] avils "year, season" [gm97] see Lemnian aviz [mp68:99] see Lemnian avis [mp68, [email protected]] see Urartean ali "year" [af] see Hurrian awala "year"[af] see Luwian ušša/i "year" [hcm93] see Latin aevus "time, eternity" [dep] see Latin vetus "old" [epg] see Greek ayôn "lifetime" [dep] see Albanese eshë "timespan" [dep] see Old Irish aes "life, age" [dep] see Gothic aiws "eternity" [dep] see Indo-European *aiwon "lifetime" [dep] see Nostratic *h.aju "to live" [ag 79] avile, avle, aule, avele, avale male name [mp68:371, g&lb83, mc91:57] see Latin Aulus [mp68:371, g&lb83, mc91:57] see Luwian Hieroglyphic á+zú+(wa/i)+ horse [hcm93] a knight? equite? squier? [epg] avthethaiu "correlation" [az96] avula [az96] see Latin avus "grandfather" [az96] az conjunction [az96] < *ast ? [az96] az "to burn, sear"? [az96] B Note: Etruscan did not have voiced stops, therefore B may be considered an alternate spelling of F, P, or PH or a Latinate pronunciation baca "berry" Latin of Tyrrhenian origin? [lrp57] balma "cave" Alpine Romance of Rhaetian origin? [bm 24+25] balteus "sword belt" [g&lb83:60] glossed as Etruscan by Romans [g&lb83:60] barga "hut" Alpine Romance of Rhaetian origin? [bm 24+25] baró, barónis "strong man, lout" Latin of Etruscan origin [rah 59] bassus "low" Latin of Etruscan origin? [rc 57] bat+ "yawning" [cw 4+5, rc 57] Latin Latin *batáre [cw 4+5, rc 57] > Old French bayer "to yawn, gape" [cw 4+5, rc 57] Vulgar Latin *abbaiare [cw 4+5, rc 57] > Old French abaiier, baiier "to bay" [cw 4+5, rc 57] of Etruscan origin? battuere "to beat" Latin of Etruscan origin? [cw 5, rc57] bonus "good" Latin of Etruscan origin? [bc 199] brenti "heather" Tuscan of Etruscan origin [bm 24+25] buttis "barrel" Tyrrhenian origin? [g&lb83:128] C/X +c, +k "and, as well" (enclitic) [az96, am91, mc91, mp68, mcv, dep, pa, gm97] +c nominative ending [az96:27] see Hittite +ki "and" [dep] see Luwian +ku "also; furthermore, or similar" [hcm93] see Lydian +k a postposition "and" [cb] see Lycian +ke "and" [LABG] see Linear B +ke "and" [epg] see Latin +que "and" [mp68, mc91, az96, pa, dep] +c suffixed on nouns to form adjectives of quality +X nominative suffix [az96: 27] +X, +aX suffix of origin [pa] see Armenian +kh "and" [dep] see Venetian +ke "and" [dep] see Gaulish +k "and" [dep] PIE surivor [epg] see Sanskrit +ca "and" [dep] see Gothic +uh "and" [dep] see Greek te "and" [dep] see IE *+kwe [mcv 9+2+99] +ce, +Xe past tense suffix [az99Jun17, mcv99Sep2] see Greek perfect in +ka [az99Jun17, mcv99Sep2] +Xva plural for things [vs/amr 189] +cla, +cleri enclitic article [mp68:397] +cs+treS enclitic article [mp68:397] +Xu "with" (postposition) [az96] from? [epg] +cva, +Xva, +cve, +Xve, +ia suffixed to nouns to form adjecttives of the collective ca pron.prox. "this, the" [gg2008] ica, ica+c, eca, ca, Xa, +ca (nominative) ikan, ecn, cen, cn, +cn (accusative) ces ce, eca, ec, +c (genitive) cal, +cla (dative) icai, cei, +cle, cl+0, ecl+0i (locative) ceia (addressive) cn+tra+m (acc.+loc.) canl, cnl (acc.+gen.) clel (loc.+gen.) ca, ka, cal, cla, cei, ceia "this" [mp68, g&lb83, am91, mc91, az96, pa, dep] can, cen, cn, +can, +cn "this" demonstrative, enclitic, accusative [g&lb83:76, lb&a:338, mc91, az96, pa] ces, cs, cS, +cas, +cS oblique demonstrative [az96] +cla, +cle, +cleri determinative article suffix [mp68] cl0, cl0i, calti "in this" [g&lb83:76, lb&a:338, mc91:50] see eca "this" [pa, dep] see cei "here, now, therefore" [az96] see +Xva plural for things [vs&amr 189] locative of ca [az96] see Hittite ka+ "this" [im] see Hittite kas "this" [dep, mcv] see Luwian za+ "this" [im] see Lycian se+si "him" [s&b] see Carian cehi "him" [s&b] see Carian kuo "which, that" [s&b] see Greek ekeinons "this" [dep] see Latin ecce "that is" [dep] see Nostratic *k.aE demonstrative pronoun [b&k32, ag 79] caca "earnings, merit" [az96] cacei "one who attains, earns" [az96] cacni "one who earns, artesan" [az96] < *kag, keg "to obtain, earn, find" [az96] see Lat. cerdo "artesan" [az96] *cace, *cacla "servant?" [lrp:48] cacula "soldier's servant" Latin [lrp:48] squire? [epg] caciu, caiu "one who hits, gets" [az96] cacu "Cacus?" singer/seer served by Artile, ambushed by Caile and Avle Vipinas [g&lb83] maybe connected to Cacus & Marsyas [g&lb83] "earnings, attainment, merit" [az96] Cadonia Latinized name [az96:25] cae, cai "Caius, Gaius" [mp68:233, g&lb83, mc91] "happy" [az96] < kavie [az96] see Latin gaius, Italian gaio "happy" [az96] same construction as English name Joyce? [epg] Caecina Latin name of Etruscan origin [lrp57] caerimônia "awe, religious ceremony" Latin [lrp48, rah59] < *caerimo [rah59] < Caere, Etruscan town? [lrp48] cafates, cahat+ family name (male) [g&lb83, mc91:102, az96, gm97] cafati, cahati family name (feminine) [mc91:102, gm97] see Latin Cafatia, Cafatius [g&lb83:57] caic+ "to be blind" < "unwary, careless" [az96] caile name [lrp48] see Latin mons Caelius a hill in Rome [lrp48] perhaps related to Latin caelus "sky" [epg] cainei family name [g&lb83:77] caisriva, ceizra "radiant" [az96] < keiz+, kez+ < *kaith+ "(one who) hits, beats" [az96] caiti "happiness, being happy" [az96] cal "inclined, uncertain" [az96] cala "suspension, doubt, uncertainty" [az96] see Carian glous "a robber, a pirate" [s&b] calaie, calaina "Galane?" [g&lb83, az96] nereid associated with Thetis" [g&lb83] "bent, favor" [az96] see Carian kaphe'nos "a personal name" sense of wealthy [s&b] Xairei family name (female) [g&lb83:86, mc91:134] calanice "bent, one who helps" < "inclined" [az96] see Greek Kallínîkos [az96] cale clante "of Gaulish heritage" [az96] caletra town [mp68:192] = cale "gaul" +tra "thoughout"? [egg] calia0e family name [g&lb85:121] calisna family name [mc91:125] "carpenter" [az96] XalXas "Calchas (winged haruspex)" [g&lb83, mc91:48] see Greek KálXas [g&lb83, mc91:48] see Hurrian kulihe "speech" [iw] calu, calus infernal demon [mp68:407] god of death [az96] "dark, darkness" [az96] calusin, calusna "pertaining to Calu" [mp68] "to darken, funereal" [az96] calusna "dark" [az96] calusur "funeral, funerary" [az96] see Carian glous "a robber, a pirate" [s&b] see Nostratic *kuEl'V 'to freeze; cold" [ag79] calXedn "on the Chalcidian" (Delphi Inscription) [dep] camoX "mountain goat" Latin of Rhaetian origin? [bm 24+25] campane "from Campania?" [az96] cam0i type of magistracy [mp68, g&lb83, pa, dep] "low ranking official" [am91] can0+, can0+e, can0+ce "action of camthi magistracy" [mp68] cam0i, kama "love, joy" [az/96] camitlna, kame0lece "friend, beloved, dear" [az96] see Latin camela a special type of framed hat [epg] cana "image" [g&lb85:159&186] glossed by Hesykhios Xanâ: "kósmêsis" [g&lb85:159&186, am91] "work of art" [Pfiffig cited by g&lb85:159] "something beautiful" [am91, az96] "beauty, happiness, gift, favor" [az96] see cen [gg2008] see Latin canephorus "basket+bearer" [Dionysius H.] "basket" [epg] can0a, canataie, canatai "pleasant, pleasing" [az96] can0ce "censor" [g&lb83:80] "support, sustain" [az96] can0u "support" [az96] canzate "(god) of clubs, sticks, forest, builder?" [az96] < *kanthwate [az96] canzna "green or grey eyed, shining" [az96] see Latin caesius "green or grey eyed, shining" [az96] see Latin caeruleus, caerulus "dark blue" [az96] cap, capl, capi, cape, kape "sarcophagus" [gg2008] cap+ "to take, to contain" [am91] cape, capi, kape, kapi, cape+r, cape+ri "drinking vessel, container" [mp68, g&lb83, am91, mc91:118, pa, dep] "to obtain, grasp" [az96] ei kape "don't take" [am91] caper, caprni, caperXva "receipt, success?" [az96] caper,caper+c, caperi, caperXva "bowl with handles" [gg2008] caperi (gerund of cape) "to get, grab" [az96] caperXva "containing (adj.)" [mp68] capi, qapi "to grasp, take" [mc91:118] "fortune, success" [az96] capl0u "to grasp, capture, receive" [az96] see Greek kámptra "box" [mp68, g&lb83] see Latin capiô, capis, capere "to contain" [mp68, g&lb83] see Latin captare"to get, grab, hunt" [az96] see Latin cipus "food" [epg] see Greek gápos "carriage" [mp68, g&lb83] capra "container, urn, funeral urn" [mp68, g&lb83, mc91, am91, dep] < *ghebh [az96] capeva, capua, capue "Capua (town)" [djh14, g&lb83, mc91:142] capevane, capuane, capuan "from Capua" [mc91:42,az96] see Latin Capua, Capuanus [djh14, g&lb83, mc91:142, az96] capne name [mc91:50] see Greek Kapaneús [mc91:50] cappa "cap, hat, chapel, cape, etc." [g&lb83:128] Tyrrhenian origin? *capr+, *capre "April" [mp68, g&lb83, pa, dep] see Latinized Cabreas [mp68, g&lb83] capt+ "expert" [az96] < *kat+, *ka0+ < **khwe0+ [az96] *capu, *capus "falcon, hawk" [mp68, g&lb83, pa, dep] Greek gloss kápus [mp68, g&lb83] see Old English hafoc "hawk" [sag, dep] see Germanic *capoc [dep] capue "Capua (town)" [pa] see Greek Kapaneús [pa] see Latin Capua [pa] see capeva capzna, capsna "one who undertakes, entrusts" [az96] car, kar+a, car+u, car+es+ri, cer, cer+en, cer+ine, car+iXu, "make, build" [mp 68&75, g&lb83, lb90, pa, dep] "to build, take care of" [am91] ceriXu "(had) built" [mp 68&75, g&lb83:69, lb90, am91, mc91] "to set, prepare" [az96] cer+iXun+ce, cer+Xun+ce "built, made" [mp 68&75, g&lb83, lb90, mc91, am91] see cara0sle, cerur [mp 68&75, g&lb83, lb90] see Hurrian keligel "put up" [iw] likely reduplicative of kel [epg] see Lycian kerTTi "a city" [LABG] see Lydian karda "he made, constructed" [cb] see Latin creare "create" [dep] see Sanskrit karoti (he does) [dep] Xarsteriun, Xarsteiun "offering of thanks" (Delphi Inscription) [dep] cara0as, cara0sle "loved one" [gg2008] cara "dear, beloved, "to be pleasant" [az96] cara0sle "dear (plural), family members" [az96] carati "affection, esteem" [az96] see Italian caro, cara "dear" [az96] see Celtic cara "dear" [rmcc] carcu, carcuna, carcna, carcusa, karke, karkana, karXvanie Carcu, Carcvana genttilicums [gg2008] carcu, carcuna, carcna, carcusa, karke, karkana, karXvanie "guard, observer" [az96] carcer "prison" Latin of Etruscan origin [rc 74] see Latinized Gargossa [az96] < *ghwRgw+/*gwRgw [az96] see Greek brabús [az96] see Latin arbiter [az96] < *khwargw+itr "awake, excited" [az96] Carians? [epg] see Latin carmen,carmentia "oracular verses, prophecy" + John Lydus? [epg] same construction as Englsh name "Singer"? [epg] cardo "north+south temple axis" [mp68:250] Pre+Latin from Etruscan? [mp68:250] caresri "to abstain" [mp68:404, az96] caru "to have/take part, invite" [az96] Xarontes demons of death [EM] see Greek Xaron [EM] Xaru, Xarun demon who guides the dead to the underworld along with Van0 (associated with a hammer) [g&lb83] demon who torments the souls of the dead; guardian of the underworld [EM] "Smasher, Cutter" [az96] see Latin Charon [g&lb83] see Greek Xaron [g&lb83] see Luwian Gulza "fate; Fate+goddess" [hcm93] As your fate may be good or bad, Charon carries an axe with two sides [epg] caSni, cazni "sharp, cutting" [az96] caSntra, caStra "Kassándra" [g&lb83, mc91:52, az96] "sharp" [az96] < *khwas+t+ < **khweth+ [az96] caspre "sharp" [az96] caspu "crack, puncture" [az96] < *chas+ [az96] castia "grayness" < "old age" [az96] castur, casturu "Castor" [g&lb83] "sharp" < "punisher?" [az96] "one who afflicts" [az96] see Latin Castor "beaver" [az96] ca0ar, ca0re, ca0ra "abundance" [gg2008] catena "chain" Latin of Etruscan origin [bm 24+25] ca0e "shrewd, intelligent, sly" [az96] "to cut, chop, strike" [epg] ca0a "prisoner, capture, hunt, war" [az96] ca0arnai "goddess of grasping, capture, hunting" [az96] "goddess of cutting, chopping, striking" [epg] ca0ra, ca0re "to capture" > "to touch, move" [az96] "to cut, chop, strike" [epg] see Luwian hatta "violent blow, harm" [hcm93] see Hittite hatt(a) "cut,chop" [hcm93] see Lycian Xtta "a cut,chop" [hcm93] ca0+, ca0a, cau0a, ca0a "sun, sun god, Helios" [mp68:251, g&lb83:71, cb, gzb, pa, dep, EM] generally depicted as rising from the ocean [EM] the Sun setting in the ocean [alberto palmucci] the cutting off of sunlight? [epg] perhaps a reference to Kitai, China, where the sun rose? [epg] ca0, ca0in "to grasp, perceive" [az96] see ca0nis , ca0ra , ca0re [gzb] ca0na "perception" [az96] cati, ca0ni, catni "examination, perception" [az96] see Gothic gud "god" [dep] see English god [dep] see Lydian kave "a priest" [cb] see Lydian kavs "priest" [im] see Carian kave "a priest" [s&b] catmite "Ganymede" [g&lb83, az96] Cato Latin name of Etruscan origin [lrp57] catrua "attainments, perceptions?" [az96] catu "war" [az96] see Luwian hatta "violent blow, harm" [hcm93] see Hittite hatt(a) "cut,chop" [hcm93] see Lycian Xtta "a cut,chop" [hcm93] caupô "merchant, tradesman" [cw10, lrp51, rc74] Latin of Etruscan origin? [cw10, rc74] see Greek kapelós < pre+IE [lrp51] cautam "millefolium (plant)" [az96] cava0a, cau0a, cavu0a, kav0a deity [mp68:407] "burning, heat, god of heat" [az96] cave0 "burn (imperative)" [az96] see Luwian Gulza "Fate+goddess" [hcm93] see Hittite Gulššeš [hcm93] see Paluwili Gulzannikeš [hcm93] Goddess of Fate; Fate? [epg] XaveX "(one who) shouts, invokes?" [az96] caz+ < *kast+ < *kwedh+t+ "sharp, acute" [az99Mar29] cazi family name corresponding to Latin Cassius [pa] "point, sharp" [az96] ceanu0 [az96] see Greek kli:ne:? [az96] ceX, ceXase "to give rites" [gg2008] ceXa, ceXe "sacred ceremony, rite, right, law: praetor" [mp 68&75, g&lb83, lb90] ceXane derivative of ceXa, ceXe [mp68] ceXaneri derivative of ceXa, ceXe [mp68] ceXa, ceXa+m, ceXe, ceXana, ceXane, ceXaneri "rite, ritual, service" [gg2008] ceXe "give as compensation" [pa&az2000] collect taxes? tax collector?[epg] see zilX ceXaneri priestly office [mp68] ceXase "magistracy, priesthood" [mp 68&75, g&lb83, lb90] ceXaneri "magistracies, the priesthood" [mp 68&75, g&lb83, lb90] ceXasie0ur "belonging to the priesthood" [mp68] see Lydian qatmtus "a king" [cb] = donator of temple [epg] ceXa "above, over" [mc91] ceXinia "getting" [az96] < *keg+, *kag+ "getting" [az96] see Lydian kave "a priest" [cb] see Lydian kavs "priest" [im] see Carian kave "a priest" [s&b] cecu, cencu, cenquna, cicunia, cicunia, cincu+ "one who binds, surrounds" > "group" [az96] wrap in burial shroud? or see Lycian kiki "to beat, to punish" [LABG] cehen, catica, cei+0i, cei+0im, cnticn0, icecin "this one here" [mp68, g&lb83] cehen "to withdraw, abandon (imperative)" [az96] cehen (the one) "here, here before" <cai+han pron. [gg2008] cei "here, now, therefore" [az96] locative of ca [az96] ceice cognomen [mc91: 99] ceicna, cecna, cencna family name [g&lb83 24, mc91:45] "precise, exact" < "round" [az96] < kaikna [g&lb83 24, mc91: 45] < *kenk/*kek/*kink/*kik [az96] see Latin Caecina [g&lb8324, mc91:45] see Latin caecus "blind" [mc91:99] ceisatru "one who cuts, butchers" [az96] ceisu "piece, cut (of meat)" [az96] < ceiz/cez+ < *kaith+ [az96] ceisini family name [g&lb83:80] ceisna "Cesena (town)" [djh14, g&lb83] see Latin Caesêna [djh14, g&lb83] ceizra, Xaire, Xeri, Xaisrie, cisra "Cerveteri (town)" [djh14, g&lb83, az96] < Caere Vetus "ancient Caere" (Latin) [djh14, g&lb83, az96] see ceizra, caisriva , and cezrtli Caere [pa&az2000] see Greek Agylla [djh14, g&lb83, az96] cel deity of fate, or underworld of pars postica/pars hostilis [mp68:251] "cerere" [az96] the Earth, with the sense of "mother Earth" [epg] see Luwian kalut(t)i(ya) "make the rounds of" see Lydian qelis "everything, anything" [cb] see Lydian qela "an area" [cb] see Lydian qela "estate" [a&b&i85] see Lydian qelad "field" [a&b&i85] see Greek ge [epg] celsclan "Son of Cel (sun goddess)" [g&lb83] son of the earth [epg] see celu [epg] see cilens [az96] cel, celi, celu, celu+cn "cardinal point?" [mp68] see celu [epg] cela "room" [g&lb83, mc91:99, az96] see Lydian qela "an area" [cb] see Lydian qela "estate" [a&b&i85] see Lydian qelad "field" [a&b&i85] see Latin cella "cell, room" [g&lb83, mc91:99, az96] cele "grown, large, tall" [az96] cel0i "augmentation, celebration" [az96] celutule "grown, developed" [az96] < *kel+, *kil+ "to grow" [az96] see celu [epg] Celeres equites century Latin, of Etruscan origin [lrp 48] land holders? [epg] Xelphun a silenus [g&lb83] see Greek Xalepós "harsh, mischievous, dangerous" [g&lb83] celi "September" [mp68, g&lb83] see Latin Caelius, Celius [mp68, g&lb83] celia "honored, exalted, glorified?" > "sacrificed" > "killed" [az96] celu priestly title [mp68, g&lb83] "sacrificing" [az96] see Luwian kalut(t)i(ya) "make the rounds of" [hcm93] surveyor? [epg] celu, celu+c+um, celu+cn, calus, cels, cel+0i, cel+0i+m, cel+ti, calusi+m "earth, ground" [gg2008] celusna adjective + "of the underworld" [gg2008] under the earth? [epg] see cel cel0i, cal0i "in this" [g&lb85:158] locative of demonstrative [g&lb85:158] see cel [epg] cemnaX "completer, one who perfects, carries to perfection" (deity) [az96] cemu+ "burden, heavy" > "rozzo?" [az96] cemul "heap, pile" [az96] cen, cania, canu, cenu, cencu "to bear, to hold, to carry, to bring" [gg2008] cen "gift, pleasing thing" [az96] cenna, cana, kane, canva "gift, offering" [gg2008] cena "to be pleasing" [az96] cenecu "pleasing thing" > "gift" [az96] <cencu cognomen [mc91:102] cenula,canlas "gift" [gg2008] cenu "to concede, favor?" [az96] cenza, canza+te "small gift" [gg2008] see Hurrian kunz "to set down" [iw] see Hurrian kunzimai "bowing" (to set yourself down) [iw] see Luwian kumma "pure, sacred" [hcm93] note the religious context [epg] centena "goose" [az96] cep+, cepen, cipen, cepen+e, cep+ta, cep+ar priestly title [mp68, g&lb83] rector, president, head" [az96] cepen cil0cva "rector of the haruspex (or fulminators) [az96] cepen 0aurx "funerary priest" [mp68:264] see Latin cupencus "priest of Hercules" lrp57] cepen (the person?) "here below" < cai+pen pron. [gg2008] cepen "priest" [de Grummond, Beard, North 2006] see Sabine cupencus [de Grummond, Beard, North 2006] see Hurrian keb "to seat, place, put" [iw] see Lydian kavs "priest" [im] "a person put in charge"? or "a person who seats, places, or puts"? [epg] glossed by Servius as cupencus "priest" [im, citing A.I. Nemirovsky, 1983] cepta "attainment, merit?" [az96] cer, kara,, caresri, ceren, cerine, cerene, caru "to make, to fashion" [gg2008] ceraXra, carucra "creation" [gg2008] ceraXun, ceriXunce "to make, to build" [gg2008] cerine "built" [mc91:137] ceren, cerence "to discern" [az96] cerene "discerning" [az96] "image, vision" [az96] see Hurrian kelgel "put up" [iw] likely reduplicated "gel" [epg] see Luwian karš "cut" [hcm93] see Luwian kuramman "a cutting" [hcm93] see Lydian karda "he made, constructed" [cb] cêra "wax writing tablet" Latin via Etruscan from Greek [g&lb85:83] "to cut letters in wax"? [epg] cerca name [mc91:40] see Greek Kíkra [mc91:40] ceS, ceS+um, ceSu, cesu, ceSasi, cesasin "to deposit, to lay down" [gg2008] ces+, ceS, ceS+u, ceS+e0+ce "to place, be placed, rest, lie" [g&lb83] cesasin "to cease, yield" [az96] cese "to place or lie?" [az96] cese0ce, cina "(has) placed, laid, lain" [am91, az96] cesu, ceSu "to lie, to be found, placed" [g&lb83:84, mc91, az96] ceSu "one who indulges, puts off, delays" [az96] ceSum "to be inert" [az96] see Hurrian kibišše "throne" [iw] see Luwian kišhit "chair, throne" [hcm93] to seat? [epg] cetse "rest, cease"; < *ketsu [az96] see Latin cesso "to stop, loiter" [az96:12] < *cedso < *ceds+ [az96:12] see Lycian qas "to destroy" [fk15] ceSa, cesal "burial" [gg2008] cesi < ceisi name [mc91:45] cestna, Xeste "sharp" [az96] < *khwest+ [az96] cesu "piece, trunk" [az96] < *khwest+ [az96] cesunia cognomen [mc91:102] Ce0egus Latin name of Etruscan origin [pb 24+25] ce0u "dipper" [gg2008] see Greek kyathos [gg2008] ceus "family, companion" [az96] ceusn "family, community" [az96] < *kiw+is [az96] see Latin civis "community, city" [rmcc] cezp "eight" [mp68,g&lb83, am91, mc91, cb] < ce, ci "three" + *zp "five? [er99Mar1] < hand?" < *kez ? "sharp" [mcv 19 May 98] cezpalX "eighty" [ mp68, g&lb83, mc91. jf 141] cezpz "eight times" [g&lb83 80, mc91] see *c'ap.a, variant of Nostratic *dz'ap.a "to take in hands, to grasp, to gather" [ag 1978] cezte "one who cuts, splits" [az96] ci, cis, ciS "three" [mp68,g&lb83, mc91,am91, cb] ciala+0, cianil, ceanu0 derivatives? of ci, cis, ciS "three" [mp68] see Urartean kig "three" [ag 1978] see Hurrian ki(g)"three" [af] ci+Sar "thirteen" [g&lb83 79] ci za0rum "twenty three" [g&lb83 79] ci+em ce+alX "twenty seven" literally "three from thirty" [g&lb83:79, mc91] ci+em za0rum "seventeen literally "three from twenty" [g&lb83:79] ciala+0, cianil, ceanu0 derivatives? of ci, cis, ciS "three" [mp68] cialX, cialXu, cealX, cealXls, celX, celX+s, celXuS, celXls "thirty" [mp68, g&lb83,am91, mc91, az96] ciz, cizi, citz "three times" [mp68, g&lb83, am91, az96] see kike "third" [af] developed with suffix *ki+ar+k, ki+shar+k ? [er99Mar1, rab 332] Xia, Xi+, Xia+s, Xi+S, Xim, Xiem, Xim0, Xim0m pronominal particle [mp68] see derivative XisvlicS [mp68] Xim, Xim0, Xim0m "with, when" [az96] see Latin cum [az96] Xi, Xi+em, Xi, Xi+m+0 adverb "today" [gg2008] "this day"? [epg] Xia "doorkeeper" [az96] with Xia as per mp?[epg] cia "folding, flexibility" [az96] ciana "folding, flexibility, to bend" [az96] Xiem "greed" [az96] ciari, ciartia "dark, gloomy" [az96] Cicero Latin name of Etruscan origin [lrp57] cilens deity of underworld or fate; pars hostili/pars postica [mp68:251] "(one who) grows, gets bigger" [az96] see cel [az96] cilnii family name (Latinized form?) [g&lb83:25] cil0 "sanctuary" [mp68] cil0cva "divine patron of a sanctuary (cil0)" [mp68] cil0 cil0, cil0l, cil0cval, cil0cve+ti "funerary niche" [gg2008] cil0, cil0va "haruspex, fulminator" [az96] see Hurrian kirarni "base, foundation" [af] mortuary? crematorium? funeral pyre? [epg] cilnii family name (Latinized form?) [g&lb83:25] undertakers? [epg] cilva "to swell, grow, blaze" [az96] < *glivi "swell, grow, blaze" [az96] see Latin glisco "swell, grow, blaze" [az96] Xim, Xim0, Xim0m "with, when" [az96] see Latin cum [az96] with, there, at that time? [epg] cina "family?" [az96] cisterna "cistern" [lrp 48] Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp 48] see Greek kiste [lrp 48] cisuita, cisvita "belonging to the clan, community" [az96] cisum "(part) of the family" [az96] citia "invite, summon, order?" [az96] citz, ciz "thrill, motion, to wake" [az96] < *kwihwit+s [az96] cire+ male name [mc91:102] cisterna "cistern" [lrp48] see Latin cisterna [lrp48] see Greek kiste [lrp48] see Latin cista "storage container" [epg] cisuita, cisvita "belonging to the clan, community" [az96] cisum "(part) of the family" [az96] Xis temporal+hypothetical conjunction [az96] with Xia? [epg] Xisvlic+ "pledge, security, bail" [az96] citia "invite, summon, order?" [az96] citz, ciz "thrill, motion, to wake" [az96] < *kwihwit+s [az96] civesana "family, community, race, lineage" [az96] see ceusn [az96] cla "to manifest, show, clarify" [az96] clan, clen, clens, clenS "son" [mp 68&75, g&lb83, lb90, am91, mc91, az96, mcv96Nov8, gg2008, EB XXII:801, cb, jpm, v] clal "lineage, clan" [az96] clante "of the race, lineage" [az96] clenar, clinii+ar+as, clen+ar+aSi "sons" [mp68, g&lb83, am91, mc91, mcv96Nov8] clente "adoptive son?" [g&lb83:89] clen+si, clin+si, clen+Si "to the son" [am91] glossed by John Lydus as "family" [epg] see Lydian qira "property" [cb] see Scotch clan "family" [epg] see Latin cliens "dependent" [htm] see Nostratic *K.ülä "community, kin" [ag79] Clandius Latinized name [az96:25] claniu "one who breaks, beats, kills" [az96] Clanis "Chiana" river known for stagnant water [bm 24] Italian from Tyrrhenian [bm 24] clapi0e "one who beats" > "chiacchiera?" [az96] claruXies name [az96] see Doric klâroukhía [az96] clauce "blue or greenish gray" [az96] see Latin glaucus "blue or greenish gray" [az96] clau0iethurasi "of the Claudii family" [g&lb85:162] clel "to call, shout" [az96] cletra "oracular song, shout" [az96] clen "luminous, happy" [az96] klenase, klen "to be happy?" [az96] clen ceXa "willingly, deservedly" [az96] cles "celebration" < "augmentation" [az96] clesne "extensive, large, great" [az96] clesva "grown, developed" [az96] cletra, cletram "basin, basket, cart for offerings" [mp68, g&lb83, am91] see Umbrian kletra [g&lb83, mp68] clivinia "favor" < "propensity" [az96] cluce, clauce "clear" [az96] cluc0ra, cluctra "clarity" [az96] clute "lame" [az96] see Latin claudus "lame" [g&lb85:104, mc91:99] cleva "gift, offering" [mp68:409, g&lb83, mcv96Nov8] cleva, clevana, cluvenias "idol" [gg2008] a statue? [epg] clevana "seer, prophet" [az96] clevan+0 "to/at the idol" [gg2008] "at the statue"? [epg] "precinct or enclosure (of Athena)" [htb] clevsin, clevsina "Chiusi (town)" [djh14, g&lb83] clevsins "of/from Chiusi" [az96] see Latin Clusium, Camars [djh14, g&lb83] clivinia "favor" < "propensity" [az96] cluce, clauce "clear" [az96] cluc0ra, cluctra "clarity" [az96] clute "lame" [az96] see Latin claudus "lame" [g&lb85:104, mc91:99] clu0i "drinking vessel, cup" [am91] see *kleu+, *klu+ [am91] clu0+ "to close" [az96] cluti+ "ark, chest, box" [az96] cluti, clutiva < Greek kylix [gg2008] see cluvenius "door" (lid?) [epg] clu0umus0a, clutmsta "Clytemnestra" [g&lb83, az96] see Greek Klutaimêstra [g&lb83] "Secret" [az96] cluvenias Cluvius, Cluventius, Cloventius, Clavatius, Umbrian Kluviier, Oscan Kluvatiis, the placename Cluviae in the Samnium [mp] see clevsins Clusium, Camars [mp] cluvenia "luminous (fem.)" [az96] "oracle" [az96]< *kel [az96] cluvenias "offer feast?" [mcv96Nov8] "oracle" [az96] "precinct or enclosure (of Athena)" [htb] cluvenia "luminous (feminine)" < *kel [az96] cluvenius "door" John Lydus also gives this as one of the names for the month of January, and so does Ovid [alberto palmucci] clz "development, growth, greatness, celebration" [az96] see cles [az96] cn, cen "this" [g&lb83:76, mc91:50] cnaive, cneve, cneveia, cneuna, neverna male name [g&lb83, az96] see Latin Cnaeus, Gnaeus [g&lb83] "nobilis" [az96] cnare, cnareia "born, knowing, expert" [az96] < *knatis [az96] see Latin gnarus "knowing" [az96] cnepni "one who thickens, condenses" [az96] cntian0 compound particle [mp68:397] cntnam "the same" [g&lb85:171] cofesi "cutter, carver" [az96:392] coisa >cûra "care, cure, curate" Latin [cw10, rc74, mp75, lb90] Corioli town named after family [lrp57] Xosfer "October" [mp68, g&lb83, az96:54] < *cezpre [pa] < cezp "eight" [mp68, g&lb83, az96:54] *cott "lamb" > Chút Romansh of Rhaetian origin? [jr81] cotte "cabin" French, English cottage of Tyrrhenian origin? [g&lb:128] crampa, crampe "paw, leg" [az96] crapi, crapis+ces, crapS+ti "vessel, container" [gg2008] crapsti deity [g&lb83:91, 85:126] see Umbrian deity grabouie [g&lb83:91, 85:126] crap+s+ti "engraving, incision, cleft (in divinatory liver" [az96] locative? [az96] crapilu "engraver, etcher" [az96] craufa, craupania "fold" [az96] craup+z+n+ "folded, bent mace, cudgel" [az96] < *craupsta [az96] creals "pain, torment" < * krakhial+? [az96] creice "Greek" [g&lb83:65, lb&a 337, de Simone cited by az96] see Latin Graecus [g&lb83:65, lb&a 337, de Simone cited by az96] "bitten, chewed" > "painful, unhappy" [de Simone cited by az96] < *krakhi+ce [az96] creial, creals "priest of Ceres" [gg2008] crenalia "animal remains" [az96] see Latin carnalia "carnal things" [az96:392] crepni "growing, increasing" [az96] crepu name [az96] "arraffatore" [az96] see Latinized Grebo [az96] see Latin creber "thick, crowded" [az96] crespe cognomen [mc91:99, az96, gg2008] see Latin Crispus "curly" [mc91:99] "one who wrinkles, shudders, tosses" [az96] cresve "membrane?" [az96] cretlu > cr0l+, crutlu, krutmu "one who walks, advances, heavy" [az96] cripe "handle, grip" [az96] crisi0a "shock, jerk, disturbance" [az96] crisu "disturbed, moved" > "busied" [az96] crucra "torment, pain" > "cross" [az96] see Latin crux "cross" [az96] cruisie "accumulator, increaser" [az96] see Greek Kroîosos [az96] crûmina "small purse" Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp48] see Greek grumeá [lrp48] crunsle, crusle "striker, slasher" [az96] cuciie "existing" [az96] cuclni family name [g&lb83:71] cuclnie "circular, cyclical" [az96] cuclu "(pertaining) to the circle, cycle" [az96] cucu "light (lume)" [az96] cuie "prudence" [az96] cuinte male name [g&lb83:57] see Latin Quintus [g&lb83:57] culiXna, XuXliXna, culcna "cup, drinking tumbler, little kyliX" [mp68, g&lb83, az96, gg2008, pa] see Greek kulíXna, kyliX [mp68, g&lb83, az96] see Luwian aku "to drink" [epg] see Common Anatolian *ekw "to drink" [epg] see IE *ekw "water", "to drink" [epg] culpiu "one who engraves, sculpts" [az96] cul "entrance" [gg2008] culS "small entrance" [gg2008] culs, culsu female underworld demon associated with Xarun & TuXulXa [g&lb83] see Lydian qên "to kill" [cb] see PIE *kwen "to kill" [cb] see Latin coluber "snake" [az96] see Nostratic *q.oHlV "to kill" [ag 79] death? [epg] culSanS, culsans deity [g&lb83:85] "Janus" [mc91:53] "one who circles, turns, cycle" [az96] see John Lydus on January [epg] see Luwian Gulzas "Fate+goddess" [im] culscva "tangle" > "guts" [az96] cumere "village dweller?" [az96] cumn+, cumln+ "burden, throng" [az96] see Luwian kummay(a) "pure, sacralized" [hcm93] see Lycian kumaza "priest" [fk15] cunza "enemy, host?" [az96] see Latin Quintilis the fifth month of the civic year [epg] cuparia "Cupid" [az96] see Latin Cupido "desire, lust, greed" [az96] cupe "cup" [mp68, g&lb83] see Greek kúpê [mp68, g&lb83] see Latin cuppa "cup" [mp68, g&lb83] see Luwian aku "to drink" [af] [epg] see Common Anatolian *ekw "to drink" [af] [epg] see IE *ekw "water", "to drink" [af] [epg] cupsln, cupsn "one who lies down, sleeps" [az96] cûra "care, cure, curate" Latin [cw10, rc74, mp 75, lb90] cûrâre, "to care for" Latin of Etruscan origin? [cw10] see Linear B ko+ro, ko+re "attendant" [epg] cure "decomposition due to heat, pus" [az96] cursi female name [mc91: 125] curtun "Cortona (town)" [mp68:93] see Latin Cortôna [djh14, g&lb83] city name found in Italy and the Aegean: [mp68:93] Crotone (S. Italy) [mp68:93] Gyrton (Thessaly) [mp68:93] Gortyna (Arcadia, Crete, Macedonia) [mp68:93] Kyrton (Boeotia) [mp68:93] = cur+tun = "crown+house"? [epg] curuna "crown" [az96] see Latin corona "crown" [az96] Xurvar "Churvar (month)" [mcv] see Phoenician KRR in Pyrgi inscription [mcv] given power? elected to power?in Pyrgi inscription [epg] Xurvar (plural) "fires, altars?" [az96] "weapon" see Sabine curis "spear" [pa&az2000] see Luwian karš+ "cut" [hcm93] see Luwian kuranna/i "cutter" or similar [hcm93] see Latin curiales "nobles" John Lydus "patricians"? [epg] see Sabine curis "spear" [epg] Related to the curia, meeting place of the Patricians? [epg] Serv. Aen. 1,17: "In the ceremonies at Tibur they pronounce the following prayer: 'Juno Curitis, protect with your (curru) chariot (spear? epg) and your shield my young curiales who were born in my house.'" Varro, LL. v,32: "Curiae duorum generum: nam et ubi curarent sacerdotes res divinas, ut curiae veteres, et ubi senatus humanas, ut Curia Hostilia, quod primus aedificavit Hostilius rex." [epg] Xurinas family name [g&lb85:145] of the curia? [epg] same construction as English name Mayor? [epg] cuS "to keep" [az96] cuSu "patron, protector" [az96] < *keudh "to hide" [az96] see Latin custodire "to keep, guard" [az96] see Archaic Latin coisa+ [rmcc] cuSna, cuSi0e "one who covers, guards" [az96] see Luwian k(u)warša"military division" [hcm93] see Lydian qên "to kill" [cb] see Lycian qas "to destroy" [fk15] cusa "Orbetello (town)" [djh14] cusperiena "cusp" [az96] cu0er male name [mc91:95] cu0na, cutunia cognomen, family name [g&lb85:162] see Latin Cotonia [az96:25] cutlis "beater, scout, striker" [az96] cutu personal name [g&lb83:77, mc91:72] "smith, artesan" < "puncher?" [az96] see Lydian qên "to kill" [cb] cutum, qutum pitcher [gg2008] cutumuza, qutumuza, qutumu0 "small kothon (type of vase)" [gg2008] see Greek kothon [gg2008] cuvie "clever, expert" [az96] cvalv, cvlalile (plural) "one who torments, tortures" [az96] cvelne "tormented, martyred" [az96] cvenle "afflicted, grieving" [az96] cver, cvera "things, objects, gift offered or dedicated" [mp68&75, lb90] "sacred" [mc91] "ex voto" [am91] "thanks" [az96] cve0n "to rest, repose" [az96] cve0nei, cue0nei, cueSna "one who reposes" [az96] "recipient of gift"? [epg] cvil, +cvil, cvl "gift" [mp68&75, g&lb83, lb90] cvil "eye" [gg2008] Xvestna > cestna "sharpness" [az96] cvl alp deity of fate or underworld, pars hostilis/pars postica [mp68: 251] D Note: Etruscan did not have voiced stops. Therefore D may be considered an alternate spelling of T or 0 or a Latinate pronunciation Dana Latinized name [az96:25] dorsum "the back" Latin of Etruscan origin? [cw15] duellum > bellum "war" Latin [rc90] see Bellona goddess of war who carries a bloody whip and rides in a chariot [cw15] of Etruscan origin? [cw15] E +e locative intrumentive suffix [mp68:396] +em "minus, from (used with numbers)" [mp68, g&lb83, am91] see Hittite inan "illness' or following?" [hcm93] see Luwian ina(n) "?" [hcm93] +enna suffix used with family names [lrp 57] +ennus suffix [lrp 48] see Luwian +annan "below; under" [hcm93] see Lycian ene "under" [hcm93] +eri, +ri gerundive suffix, postposition "for, for the sake of" [mp68:400, az96] locative, instrumentive suffix [mp68:396] see Luwian hirun "oath" [hcm93] is sworn? [epg] +erna suffix used with family names [lrp57] +es < +a+si+si ablative suffix for +a stem words [mcv99Apr9] easun, eiasun "Jason" [g&lb83] ec, ek, eX "to call, summon" [az96] < *vekw [az96] see Luwian i "go" [hcm93] eca "this (nominative)" [mp68, g&lb83, am91, mc91, cb] eca (genitive) [az96] ecl0i "demonstrative (locative)" [mc91:73] ecn "this (accusative)" [mc91] ecs "this (genitive)" [mc91] see ca [mp68, g&lb83, mc91, cb] see ica [mp68, g&lb83, mc91, cb] ecs "indigent, lacking" [az96] ecnia "indigence" [az96] ecia verb [az96] see Latin egêre "to carry out, carry off" [az96] see Luwian ikkunatt(i "anointing" [hcm93] ectur, eXtur "Hektôr" [g&lb83] "Cutting" [az96] ei, ein, ei0, e0, e0l pronominal particle [mp68] see ta [mp68] see Lydian e "to be" [cb] ei "no, not, don't" [am91, mc91:118] see Urartean ui, ue "not" [af] see Hurrian +w+ "not" [af] ei "here, now" [az96] ei "property" < eiki [az96] eicrece "sick" [az96] eine "Aeneas" [g&lb85:92] see Greek Aineías [g&lb85:92] eitiia "valuation" [az96] eitva, aiza, etva, heitva, eit, ei0, ei0i, ez, es "to venerate, respect, esteem, to watch out" [az96] eitna, eizan+, eizene, ezna, ezunei "timorous, respectful" [az96] eisnev, eisneve "exercized the priesthood" [az96] eitviscri "pudenda (shameful parts)" [az96] < *aidh, *ei0 [az96] see Lydian êtam "a proscription" [cb] see Latin aestimatio "valuation" [az96] see Greek aidoîa [az96] or see Luwian huitumar "life" [hcm93] "life" "living" "to live" ? [epg] see Luwian huiya "run" [hcm93] eleivana "of oil" [g&lb83] aska eleivana" "container of oil" [g&lb83] elaiun0 "olive farmer" [gg2008] see Greek elaiwa > élaion "oil" [g&lb83, rc95] see Latin oliua "olive" (Greek, Latin) [rc95] of Tyrrhenian origin? [g&lb83] of PIE origin [epg] elementum Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp51] see Gk elephanta "ivory letter" [lrp51] elfa "half, middle" [az96] elina, elinai, helene "Hé:le:ne:" [g&lb83, mc91:49] "Fervid, Passion" [az96] Elna "Elna gentilicium" [gg2008] Elnei "place" [gg2008] els "stele" [ag79] see Nostratic *HelV "to rise" [ag79] elusisnia "agitation, movement" [az96] of Eleusis or its mysteries? [epg] eluva "the (two) Animators" (i.e. the Dioscuri) [az96] em, eme "to remove" [gg2008] see Latin indictio "taxes" [epg] emel "(take by the) handle" [az96] en, ena+c, enaS, eniaca "to endure, to last, to remain" [gg2008] enac, enaX "then, afterwards" [g&lb83] en "to worry about, cure?" [az96] ena "to carry out?" [az96] eniXunce "carried out" [az96] eniaca "just+like" [az96, mcv96Nov8] see Luwian ina(n) "?" [hcm93] see Carian nt_a"in, inside" [s&b] see Lycian Nte "in" [s&b] enesc+ "private" [az96] enizpeta "Enispa (name; demonstrative form)" [mc91:74] "(one who) guards property?" [az96] enva "nine" [az96] ep, ep+cepil, epl+c "blood" [gg2008] epanna, epana "blood offering" [gg2008] epni "bloodletting cup" [gg2008] ep, epa, ipe, epu "to suppose, evaluate, meditate" [az96] see Latin opinari "to suppose, evaluate, believe" [az96] < *ep+/*ip+ "to vacillate, doubt" [az96] ep "to do" [az96] epiuna "Ops (goddess)" [az96] epiur, epeur "child/youth companion of Hercules, who presents him to Tinia or Minverva" [g&lb83] "Opes, god of resources, strength, power" [az96] epl "work, labor" [az96] eple, epule "worker" [az96] < *ep "strength, work, labor" [az96] see Latin operare "to work, labor" [az96] epana "to waver" [az96] epni "wavering" [az96] epnice "(one who has) wavered, uncertain" [az96] epetave, epetav preterite verb form [az99Jul19] epl, pi, pul "in, to, up to" [g&lb83] see Hurrian abi+da "in front of" [af] see Linear B o+pi "over" [epg] see Lycian epi "upon?" [fk15] epri "help, potentially" [az96] eprial "superior" [az96] epr0e+ "superior charge, supremacy" [az96] epr0ne "superior, leader" [az96] epr0nev "to be the leader" [az96] er, erce "to honor", "honor, respect" [az96] eruna, eraiSce "sworn"? [epg] "agitation, movement?" [az96] see Luwian hirun "oath" [hcm93] is sworn? [epg] see Luwian hirutalla/i "by which one swears" [hcm93] eris name "Honor, Respect" [az96] ermania "heat, hot" [az96] erus "sun" < "burning" [az96] ermie "August (month)" [az96] < *er+ < *ghwer "heat" [az96] see Greek Helios [epg] ersce "went" [am91] "saved, spared (risparmiò)" [az96] eS < ez "respects, is wary" [az96] see ez [epg] esXa0, esXa0, esXa0ce "to provide" [gg2008] esXa0, esXa0ce "to investigate, interrogate, to seek" [az96] see ez [epg] esi "prosperity, well (being)" [az96] eSi, eSi+c, eSis "type of offering" [gg2008] see zal [epg] esl+em ce+alX "twenty eight (two from thirty)" [g&lb83:79, mc91] esl+em za0rum "eighteen (two from twenty)" [g&lb83:79, mc91] eslz "twice" [mp68, g&lb83, mc91] espia < eitvaspia feminine adjective, prenonmen: venerable, esteemed [az96] esplace Greek Asklepios [mythos] [gg2008] esta "estimation, reward" [az96] estac, estak "estimator" [az96] < *aist+, *ei0+, *e0+, *eitv+ [az96] see Hittite hišda "mausoleum" [hcm93] eSta, eStac, eStla pronominal participle? [mp68] see ta [mp68] eStla "and this" [g&lb83:76] eSta, eSta+c, esta+k, eStla "family" [gg2008] see Hurrian ašti "woman, wife" [iw] see Luwian aštaya "to enchant" [hcm93] estrei "sign, point" < "notch" [az96] estara, estrei Ashtarte [deity] [gg2008] see Hurrian ašti "woman, wife" [iw] see Luwian aštaya "to enchant" [hcm93] esvi+, esv+tn, esvi+S "ceremony, sacrifice" [mp68] see ais, eis [mp68] e0 natural deity [mp68:251] e0, e0e, e0l "fruit" [gg2008] see Luwian dawana/i "stalk, stem"(?) [hcm93] e0, a0re, e0ri, etras, etraa, e0rse "to receive" [gg2008] see Luwian i "go" [hcm93] see Luwian tarawi(ya) "hand over, deliver" [hcm93] e0 < ei0 "being wary" [az96] e0ri gerund of e0 < ei0 "being wary" [az96] e0un "careful, respectful" [az96] eta "this (nominative)?" [am91, mc91] etan "this (accusative)" [mc91] see Hurrian edi “Person, self” [iw] see Luwian huitumar "life" [hcm93] eta "seat, post" [az96] etanei "seat" [az96] see Lydian êtos' "to surround" [cb] see Latin aedes "building, temple, house" [az96] etula (oblique) [az96] < *et(h)+/*it+ < *sed [az96] e0ava "seat, residence, temple, foundation" [az96] see Latin sedes "seat, residence, temple, foundation" [az96] etanal "on the ides ?" [mcv96Nov8] e0ausva, e0auSva female deity appearing at the birth of Minerva [g&lb83] "Vesta" [az96] eter, eterias, eteri, etri, eterti+c, eteriais, eterais "type of place or structure" [gg2008] household villa + farm? [epg] see Luwian talupp "clod (of earth)" [hcm93] see Lydian êtos' "to surround" [cb] etera, eteri, etri, etera+S, eter+S, eterais, eteraias "foreigner, slave,clientes" (middle class)" [mp68:232, g&lb83, djh 72] from Umbrian [mp68:232, djh 72, g&lb83] eterau, eterav "referring to etera 'foreigner, slave, servant" [mp68] zila0 eterav, cam0i eterau, zil eteraias officials connected with the etera [mp68] see Luwian hutarla "slave, servant" [hcm93] "associate, iugus, continual" [az96] etertic "viscera, intestines" [az96] etras "internal?" [az96] etri, ethrni "internal" [az96] etrinthi "entrails", plural of *etrine [az96] etrisna "(one who) weaves" [az96] etias, etiasas "the ides of a month" [gg2008] etiasas "having given something to eat?" [az96] e0l plural direct object pronoun for *e+ based words? [az96] etna, ituna, itna, etna+m, +tna+m adverb + "then, so" [gg2008] etnam, +tnam "and, also" [mp68, g&lb83, am91] "of equals, the same" [mc91:151] etnam "ita" [az96] etnam . . . etnam "and . . . and; so . . . so" [az96] etnam iX "so that" [az96] see Latin ita "so, thus" [az96]] etr+, e0r+, e0r+i, e0r+se, etra+sa "verb dealing with sacred actions" [mp68] related to tur? [mp68] see eter+ti, eter+tic, etrin+0i [mp68] see Luwian aštaya "cast a charm/spell"(?) [hcm93] pray? [epg] etrusci < Etrus + Latin adjectival suffix +cus < *+ko+ [mcv] See Latin Etrûria < *Etrûsia with intervocalic s > r [mcv] suffix +ia is Latin and Greek not necessarily Tyrrhenian [mcv] *turs+, tursen+ ~ *trus+ may correspond to rasna < *rasenna [mcv] *tu+rasenna might work, but Etruscan is suffixing [mcv] see Greek Troïa "Troy" [mcv] < *Trosia, with loss of intervocalic s [mcv] see Greek tursenoi, tyrrhe:n+ [iffr, mcv] < *turse:n+ [mcv] see Egyptian TWRS^3, trS.w, twrwS'.w, twryS'.w, twyrS.w, tursha (band of Aegean Sea Peoples) [mp68:95,mcv, iffr] see tarhuntassa, tauros, tarsus, tarquin [iffr] see Urartean taruani "human" [af] see Hurrian taruwani "mankind" [af] see Greek túrsis "tower" [g&lb85:59] see Latin turris "tower" [g&lb85:59] name related to Etruscan port of Pyrgi? [rmcc] < Greek púrgoi "the towers" [rmcc] see etr+ euntke "propitious" [az96] eurphia nymph/muse dancing in front of Phaun [g&lb83] eur0a "valor, dignity, parole?" [az96] euterpa, euterpe "Euterpê (acts as a Charity)" [g&lb83] "Destiny" < "Plot+weaver" [az96] Eutarpa [deity] [gg2008] evan male/female deity associated with Turan and Adonis [g&lb83] "Time" [az96] < evo [az96] see Latin +aevus "age, epoch, era, time" [az96] evantra "Evándra" [mc91:46] evi "duration, eternity" [az96] evr0ia "Virbia, of the weaving" [az96] evrtun "revolving, praying?" [az96] evtucle, evzicle "Eteoklês" [g&lb85:161] "Fate (Fas, Fatum)" [az96] < *av0 [az96] ez, esi+c "lifetime" [gg2008] ez "to esteem, venerate" [az96] see Luwian huitumar "life" [hcm93] see Lydian e "to be" [cb] see ei [epg] eznXval "venerable, for veneration" [az96] ezpa, eXpu masculine adjective, prenonmen: venerable, esteemed [az96] I can not see how ezpa could become eXpu [epg] ezpu family name [mc91:137] F fabulonia "Hyosciamus (plant)" [az96] fac, faca, face, faci "verb operating on votive offerings" [gg2008] see Hurrian pico “joy” [iw] "to please"? [epg] fahtei "type of gift" [gm97] fal, falas, fali, fals+ti, falza, falza+0i "mound, hill; mountain; hypogeal tomb" [gg2008] fal, falas, fali, fals+ti, falza, falza+0i "to be malformed, dangerous, in error, deviation" [az96] falar Etruscan toponym [mp68:372] see Luwian pa "protect" [hcm93] see pala for analysis [epg] *falatu, fala "sky" [mp68:368, g&lb83, pa, dep] Latin gloss falado, falando (Verrio Flacco) [mp68:368, g&lb83, pa] fala "scaffolding" Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp 48] faltu "pallium (cloak), paludamentum (military cloak)" [az96] falu0ras "protected" [az96] see falau, falaS, falS+ti, falza+0i, falica, falu0ras [mp68]; see Luwian pa "protect" [hcm93] < *pel "to cover" [az96] falerii Etruscan town named after family [lrp57] falica "(one who) drops" [az96] familia "household" Latin of Etruscan origin [bc 199] see Oscan famelo [bc 199] fan+, fani+, fan+u+Se, fan+u+Sei, fan+eri, fan+iri "to consecrate, holy act" [mp68:409, g&lb83, pa, dep] fanu "chapel, sacred place" [az96, pa, dep] see Latin fânum [mp68, g&lb83, pa, dep] see Hittite parn+, pir+ "a house" [cb] see Luwian parna "a house" [cb] see Lydian vanã "a tomb" [cb] see Lycian prenna "a house" (prñna)[cb] fanuse "to manifest, disclose" [az96] fapi male name [mp68, az96] see Latin Fabius [mp68:371] "talkative" [az96] far, farice, farce "to go" [gg2008] far+ "to prepare" [am91] farice "(to be) prepared" [az96] faru "(one who) prepares, provides?" [az96] see Latin pare+ "to set, prepare, provide" [az96] see Hieroglyphhic Luwian pa+ra/i+n(a)"before, in front" [hcm93] see Luwian parran "before, in front" [hcm93] see Hittite peran "before, in front" [hcm93] see Lydian fra "through, by, with the help of" [cb] see Lydian fratinid "does, effects" [cb] farsi "hostility" [az96] far0an, far0ène, farènar0e "to bear children" [gg2008] far0+ "to give birth, generate" [am91] far0an deity corresponding to Latin Genius [mc91:135] "generation, birth, creation, product" [az96] far0ana "offspring, fetus" [az96] far0anna, far0èana "born, newborn" [gg2008] far0naXe "was generated, begotten" [am91, az96, mc91] see Latin partus "giving birth" [az96] see Lydian fra "through, by, with the help of" [cb] see Lydian fratinid "does, effects" [cb] faS "fasces" [az96] faSe, faS+i, faS+is, faS+iS "type of sacrifice" [mp68, pa, dep, gzb] faSa, faSeiS, faSi, faSei+c, faSe, faSi, fasle "exta, intestines" [gg2008] liver? [epg] fase, fasei "revelation" [az96] faseic "to reveal" [az96] fasi "to reveal oneself" [az96] see Hurrian pašš "to send" [iw] see Luwian patalha(i) "to fetter" [hcm932] fasti, fastia name [mc91:50] fasle, faSena "type of vessel" [mp68, am91, pa] see Greek pássô [am91] fasta "acute" [az96] fastntru "acute, (one who) sharpens, whets" [az96] faSte "obliged, linked" [az96] fatel "league, association" [az96] fatuni "to weary, fatigue, vex, importune" [az96] see Latin fatigans "wearying" [az96] faun "Faunus" [az96] fau, favin "to receive" [gg2008] favi, favi+ti, favin "offertorium, offering room" [gg2008] fel(v.), favi, favi+ti, favin "ditch, grave, temple vault" [mp68:369, g&lb83, dep, pa] see Latin favissa, favisa "a place reserved for votive objects next to a sanctuary" [mp68:369, g&lb83, dep, pa] favin "to favor" [az96] faviti "favorable" [az96] see Latin favere "to favor, help, support" [az96] see Hieroglyphhic Luwian pa+ra/i+n(a)"before, in front" [hcm93] see Luwian parran "before, in front" [hcm93] see Hittite peran "before, in front" [hcm93] see Lydian fra "through, by, with the help of" [cb] see Lycian pri "forth, in front" [cb] februus god of the underworld and purification; February was named after him [EM] fel, vhelequ "to devote" [gg2008] see Hieroglyphhic Luwian pa+ra/i+n(a)"before, in front" [hcm93] see Luwian parran "before, in front" [hcm93] see Hittite peran "before, in front" [hcm93] see Lydian fra "through, by, with the help of" [cb] see Lycian pri "forth, in front" [cb] felce male name [g&lb85:162] felci family name [g&lb85:162] "Devoter"? [epg] felequ "turned (on the lathe)" [am91] feli, feli+c "devotion, dedication" [gg2008] feli "due, cost, payment" [az96] see fel [epg] felmu, vhelmu "(one who) touches" > "(one who) perceives" [az96] see fel [epg] felsina "Bologna (town)" [djh14] felsna, felsnas male name [g&lb85:166, mc91:142] "from Bologna/Felsina"? [rmcc] feluske family name [g&lb83] felzneal "marriageable, nubilis" < "covering, shawl" [az96] < falt+ [az96] see fel [epg] ferclite "tight, intricate, woven" [az96] feri porod "door behind an empty space" [az96] ferine "bristling, sharp" [az96] feronia Etruscan goddess of fire and fertility [smoe, EM] see Latin Feronia goddess of springs and woods [smoe, EM] see Luwian Pirwa "a divinity" [hcm93] ferrum "iron" Latin of Etruscan origin [rc 19] see fir [epg] fes "to make accounts, assure" [az96] fetiu, fe0iu "cave dweller" [az96] fir, fira, firin "to burn" [gg2008] fira "hostility" [az96] firin "hostile" [az96] see Luwian pawar "fire" [hcm93] fise "faith" [az96] see Latin fides "faith" [az96] I do not see how you can get fides from fise [epg] fivan "enemy, adversary" [az96] flanaX, flanac "type of offering" [gg2008] flanaX "haruspex" [az96] see pulum "stars"? [epg] flanzana "type of offering" [gg2008] flenzna "flattery?" [az96] see Latin blanditia "flattery" [az96] fler, fler+S "sacred statue, offering, sacrifice" [g&lb83, mc91:150, cb, v] "animal useful for offering" [gm97] fler, flere, flerXva "to inflate, bladder, proturbance" [az96] flere, flere+s, flere+S, flereri "divinity" [mp68] "divinity, god" [g&lb83, gzb] flereri "sacred statues" [g&lb83:81]; "to inflate, make grow" [az96] fleres, flereS "bronze (statue)" [az96] "statue" [g&lb83] fler0rce "verb based on fler, flere" [mp68] "satisfied" [am91] flerXva "ceremony, sacrifice [g&lb83, pa] group of sacred statues or offerings" [g&lb83] flerXvetra "sacrifices (locative)" [mc91:150] see Luwian Pirwa "a divinity" [hcm93] "animal sacrifices"? "reading the auguries"? [epg] FleXuntes (equites century) Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp48, mp68:369] reading of the auguries was restricted to the patricians [epg] flezr+ "abundance" [az96] see ple0ora "abundance" [az96] fnestra "window" [lrp 48] see Latin fenestra "window" [lrp 48] frast "intellect, sense" [az96] fraucni, frauni "benign, sweet, soft" [az96] fremiru "artisan" [az96] frentinate "thresher, thrasher" [az96] frontac, frn0ac "fulguriator (lightning augur)" [am91, az96, pa, dep] related to town of Ferento? [mp68] see Greek brontê [g&lb83] fufluna, pupluna "Populonia (town)" [djh14, g&lb83, am91, mc91:48] see Latin Populônia [djh14, g&lb83, mc91: 48] see Latin populus "people, town" [g&lb83] fufluns "Bacchus, Dionysus, Liber"; god of vegetation, vitality and merriment, son of earth+goddess Semia [mp68:251, mc91:53, djh95, az96, EM, cb] see Hurrian pâhi "head" [iw] see Hittite puri 'lip'?? [hcm93] see Luwian puppušša "crush" [hcm932] "crush grapes"? [epg] see Luwian purulliyašši(ya) "of the p. festival" [hcm93] "new wine festival"? [epg] see Linear A pa+ku [epg] fulinusn+ "base of support?" [az96] fulinuSna demon [mp68: 407] fulni "(one who) withers, putrefies" [az96] fulu male name "withering, rot, putrefaction" [az96] fuluna "(one who) withers, putrefies" [az96] fulum > Latin fullo [mp68:369] fulumXva "splendor" > "famous (man)" [az96] fuluve+, hvuluve, pulumXva, vhulve, vhuluena "splendid, shining" [az96] see Hurrian fur "see" [iw] see Latin fulguriator [epg] fur0an "genius" (spirit) [pa] fur0ce "has executed" [az96] fusle "to solicit, provoke"? [az96] fuSle (unknown) [mp68: 406] G,K,Q Check for c, X spellings +k+ "pronoun stem" [mcv] see IE +k+ "pronoun stem" [mcv] see Nostratic #241 *ka: [Bomhardt&Kerns cited by mcv] kacriqu "earnings" [az96] qaXu, ceXa "attainment, merit" [az96] see ceXa [epg] kae personal name see Latin Caius, Gaius [mc91:95] see cae, cai [epg] kaisie personal name [mc91:66] see cae, cai [epg] kalem "ready to fall, to lower oneself" [az96] kama "love, joy" [az96] kamu "kind, loving" [az96] ganda "scree (slide of gravel down a hillside)" (pre+Celtic) [g&l&b 126, rah 53+54, lrp 57] of Tyrrhenian origin? [g&lb 126, rah 53+54, lrp 57] common PIE root? [epg] kansinai family name [fem.] [mc91:58] kapra "goat" [gm97] glossed by Hesiod (error or loanword from Italic) [gm97] *kar, *kar+kr+o [cw 10] *kankro+ > [cw 10] see Latin cancer "lattice" [cw 10] see Latin carcer "prison" [cw 10] of Etruscan origin?[cw 10] karkana personal name [mc91:72] kar0asie "Carthaginian" [pa] kar0azie male name [mc91:49] see Latin *Carthadius [mc91:49] carra+ non+IE toponym of Central Italy et al. [mp68:372] *garra, *karra "stone, rocky ground, plant growing thereon," Tyrrhenian? [rah 53+54] kal+, kar+ "rock, rocky mountain" [es] ka0uniia+ deity [mc91:143] katiave preterite verb form [az99Jul19] gava, gave "watercourse" Latin, Romance [lrp 57, mp68:372] (pre+Celtic) (S. France, Iberia, Switzerland, Sardinia, N and C Italy) [g&lb 126] see Lydian kofu "water" [cb] gavia "water bird" (pre+Celtic) [g%lb 126] Tyrrhenian origin? [g&lb 126] common PIE root? [epg] kavie male name [mc91:66] kavisia "(one who) makes happy" [az96] genista "broom" Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp 48, bm 24+25] klumia "globe, croquette" [az96] kottabos type of game [djh 61] gerere, gest+ "to do, act, carry out" Latin of Etruscan origin? [rc 107] gigaro "arum italicum," Tuscan of Etruscan origin [bm 24+25] kisnee "if not?" [az96] Gracchus Latin name of Etruscan origin [pb 24+25] kraitile "credence?" [az96] see Latin crêdo "I believe", creditum "credit, belief" [az96] krap, klap "stone" Romansh and other Alpine Romance languages [jh 388, jr 87] of Rhaetian or Tyrrhenian origin? [jh 388, jr 87] see Basque arri, harri "stone, rock" [es] see Iberian toponym Calpe "under the rock" [es] < kal+pe (+be, +pe "under, below, at the foot of" [es] see Alpine German alb, alp, alpe, alm "alpine meadow (below the mountains) [es] kreina "sun" [az96] kreinie "solar" [az96] grava "gravel" Alpine Romance, Friuli [bm 24+25, mp68:370] *grava "stone" Friuli of Rhaetian origin? [jr 50] groma Latin from Etruscan [mp68:370] see grómon [mp68:370] see car? see cer? [epg] kros < *crodius "fruit pit," Romansh [jr 69] of Rhaetian origin? [jr 69] qume0en "from Cumae" (accusative adjective) (Delphi Inscription) [dep] kulenie family name [g&lb83 84, mc91:66] kurou "dwarf" < "trunck?" [az96] see Linear B ko+ro, ko+re "attendant" [epg] qu0efas "having taken revenge" (Delphi Inscription) [dep] see Luwian hatta "violent blow, harm" [hcm93] see Lycian Xtta "violent blow, harm" [hcm93] qutun, qutum "ewer, pitcher" [mp68, g&lb83, mc91, mcv, dep, pa] see Greek kó:thôn "type of vessel, vaso" [mp68, g&lb83, mc91, mcv, dep, pa] see Lydian kofu "water" [cb] H habere "to have" Latin [bc 199] habia "to have" Umbrian [bc 199] of Etruscan origin? haXiXu "enclosure"? [az96] hafure, afure, hapre, hapuri family name [mc91:128, az96] "lucky" > "propitious" [az96] hapre male name [mc91:128, az96:22] haprni, haprn+, hapirn+ family name corresponding to Latin Laberius[mc91:128, az96] "lucky" > "propitious" [az96] < *hap/*haph "lucky, propitious" [az96: 22] see Latin faber "smith, carpenter, artesan" [mc91:128] does Etruscan h > Latin f yield any other words? [epg] halna "something that leans, hangs" [az96] < *hal+/*hel+ [az96] halX "to vacillate, be uncertain" [az96] halXza "uncertainty" [az96] see hel [epg] haltu "lame" [az96] see English halt "lame" [rmcc] haltuva, haltva "(object of) favor" < "inclination" [az96] halu, hal "stone, marker?" [az96] hama, hamai+0i "place where offerings are placed" [gg2008] hama "part of the family, household" [az96] see Latin familia? [epg] hamphe "askew, sinister, left, left+handed, unlucky" [az96] hamphete "left, left+handed" [az96] hamphe0i "disgrace, unfortunately" [az96] ham0in "to grasp" > "to comprehend" [az96] ham0ina name "left, left+handed, askew" [az96] ham0isca "unlucky tendency" [az96] hamphe+ "May" [pa, dep] see ampile [dep] note dropping of h [epg] hamphiare, amphare "Amphiaraos" [g&lb85:152&161] hanipalus "Hannibal (male name)" [mc91:142] han "before, in front of" see hen [gg2008] han0, hante+c, ha0e, hate+c, ha0e+c, han0in, ha0r+èi "front" [gg2008] han0e, hante "before" [mcv, pa, dep] "(which) blocks, impedes" [az96] han0in "in front of" [gg99Mar4] hau0in "in front of" [g&lb83:87] < *Hant+ [mcv99Sep2] see Latin ante "before" [pa, dep] see Greek anti "against, in front of" [dep] see Armenian and "in front of" [dep] see Lithuanian ant "in front of" [dep] see Hittite hanti "in front of" [dep] hanu "occupant" [az96] har, hare to fill [gg2008] har, hare "weight" [az96] haru "to destroy" [im, citing Diaykian, 1963] see Urartian harhar "to destroy" [im, citing Diaykian, 1963] see Hittite harra'i "to destroy" [im, citing Diaykian, 1963] see Lycian qretu "let him destroy" [im, citing Diaykian, 1963] har0 "strong, hard" [az96] haruspic "priest" [cb] see Assyrian har "liver" [im] hasti, hastia, fasti, fastia female name [g&lb85:103, mc91:97] "acute, fine" [az96] hastntru, fastntru "pointed" [az96] hasutis "having overturned?" [az96] hausti "overturned" [az96] hate, ha0e "hateful, hostile" [az96] hatu, hatrunia (fem.) "hateful, hateful, angry, sullen" [az96] hatrencu "sad" [az96] see English hate [az96] Ha0lia, Ha0lials Hathlia [male praenomen] [gg2008] Ha0iasna, Ha0iasnas Hathiasna [gentilicium][gg2008] Ha0na Hathna [deity] [gg2008] Athena? [epg] hatrencu "unmarried" [gg2008] haun "to be dull, blunt" [az96] see Latin hebêre "to be dull, blunt" [az96] < *heun [az96] havasianna, havrenie, havrna "(one who) hears, perceives" [az96] < *hauZ+ [az96] havrnas, havrenias, harenies personal name? [mc91; az96:25] heasun, hiasunu "Jason" [az96] "intemperate" < "greedy" [az96] hec+, heX+, hec+i, hec+ia, hec+e, hec+ce, hec+z+ri, heX+z, heX+S0 "put, place, add" [mp68, g&lb83, pa, dep] "to place down" [gg2008] hecz+ri "placement" [mp68:405]; "to take care of, manage. settle" [az96] hecce, hece, heci, heki, hecece "to cure, cured (past)" [az96] "bottom" [am91] hecia "cured, helped" [az96] hecta "disposition?" [az96] heXz, heXs0, heXS0, heX0 "put, add" [mp68:399, gzb] "cure, cure yourself (imperative)" [az96] hefina "taken" > "perception" [az96] heimni > hemni "one who (si) wraps, covers" > "clothes" [az96] heiri Heiri gentilicium [gg2008] heirina, herina, heirinaie, herine, herini, herinial, herneœa Heirinaie gentilicium [gg2008] heiri, heirina, herina "rocky, rugged" [az96] stone carvers? [epg] heitva "stop, establishment, lodging?" [az96] hel, helu to sacrifice, to kill [gg2008] hel "until, to the greatest extent" [az96] heli, hels, hels+c "small sacrifice" [gg2008] hels "to fold, recline?" [az96] helX, halX "sacrificial animal" [gg2008] helXza, halXza, halXze "small sacrificial animal" [gg2008] helna "sacrifice" [gg2008] helusnei "(one who) gets sad" [az96] gentiliucum? [epg] helenaia "(which) bends, lowers" [az96] male name? [epg] helene "one who descends upon, lowers oneself" [az96] female name? [epg] hele "sad, angry, sullen" [az96] helu "to get sad, mad" [az96] helucu "sad, mournful" [az96] helSc "reclined" [az96] helzunia "(which) folds" [az96] see hel, see helS? [epg] helS "(one's) own" [g&lb85:161] hemsince "taken, prisoner" [az96] < *heph < *gheph [az96] hen "to leave, let, permit?" [az96] hepa "Magliano (town)" [g&lb83] see Greek Heba [g&lb83] hepeni, hepni "(one who) finds, gets, gathers" [az96] heph "to gather, grab, get" [az96] heplenta "Hippolyta" [az96] "slow, unperceiving" [az96] heracana, herecana personal name [g&lb85:27] heram, herma, heramve, hermuto "to collect" [gg2008] heramaSva, heramsva, heramue, heramve "statue" [lb90:199, mc91:73, mcv96Nov8] heramaSva "pillar, phallus, Hermes idol" [gg2008] herm+ "to lead, conduct" [am91] herama "oracle" [az96] herma, herme "Hermes; statue?" [g&lb83] herme sacred society dedicated to Hermes [dep] hermeri "Hermes; statue?" [g&lb83] "to be led" [am91] hermu "Hermes; statue?" [g&lb83] hermu "carver,carving" = Latin fictor [pa&az2000] perhaps see Luwian harmaha/i meaning unknown [hcm93] perhaps see Luwian hamrawann(i) "of the hamri" = "of the cult house" + Epithet of Išhara [hcm93] see Latin herm+ "statue of Hermes" [mp68, g&lb83] see Greek Hermes [dep] *hermi+ "August" [g&lb83] classical gloss Ermius [g&lb83] hercle, herXle, herecele "Hercules, Heraklês" [mp68:251, g&lb83, az96] was Hercules a diety who travelled the zodiac? [epg] herclite "one who saws (serra), chains?" [az96] hercna "dragger" [az96] hercnas family name [g&lb83:76, mc91:144] herma "place" [dep] herma family name (cognomen) [g&lb83:73] herma "painful" [az96] herme "sad, painful" [az96] hermu "unhappy, afflicted" [az96] see Luwian ahramman "state of pain/woe" [hcm93] *hermi "August" [pa] hersine+, hersu "bristling, horrid? [az96] hescna "complaining" [az96] hesni "imploration" [az96] < *hves+ [az96] see Latin querulus "complaining" [az96] he0ari, hetari "acute, sublte, spirited, sparkling" [az96] he0ie, hethu "fine" > "elegant" [az96] het, het+um "to pour" [gg2008] hetran, hetrnni "type of liquid religious offering" [gg2008] hetrn "to sharpen, provoke" [az96] hetum "to stir up, persecute, pursue" [az96] see hiziu [az96] heun, hevn "to be weak, obtuse, blunt" [az96] heva, hevn "every, each" [gg2008] heva "obtuse, blunt" [az96] hi, hia to call out [gg2008] hia "to reveal" < "to open" [az96] hic "this" of Etruscan origin? [bc 199] hil, hils+c, hilXve+tra enclosed land [gg2008] hilar, hilare, hilar0 "to enclose" [gg2008] hil, hilXva "colony (people)" [az96] note ar, are, ar0 added to root [epg] hilare "propitiation" [az96] hilar0une, hilar0una "making happy, (one who) propitiates, makes lucky" [az96] see Greek hílasma [az96] himiu "helmet" [az96] hin0, hin0a, hin0u, hin0ie, hin0in, hin0thin "below, beneath" [mp68, g&lb83:80, gg2008] "infernal, pertaining to the Infers" [pa] hin0ial "ghost, image, soul, shade, apparition" [mp68, g&lb83, az96, cb, v, pa, dep, gg2008] hin0in "from below" [g&lb83:87] hin0iu "underground, infernal" [g&lb83:80] see Latin inferus "below" [dep] see Sanskrit adhas "under" [dep] see Avestan ada "below, under" [dep] see Gothic undar "below" [dep] see Tocharian A anc "below" [dep] see Indo-European *ndheri "below" [dep] hin0a, han0in "acquired, seized by a vision" [az96] hin0ial "ghost, image, soul, shade, apparition" [mp68, g&lb83, az96, cb, v] hin0iu "one who appears, seizes" [az96] hin00in "to find, appear" [az96] hin0u "one who seizes, comes to grasp, perceives, grabs?" [az96] < *hin0+, *hen0+, *han0+ "to grab, to find" [az96] hirsunaie family name [g&lb83 84] hirumie, herumie, heram "vate" [az96] hirumina personal name [g&lb83:110] see Latin Herminius [g&lb83:110] hister, histriô "to act, actor" Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp48, rah59, mp68:369, pb 24+25, gm97, pa] from gloss [epg] hisu "acute, fine" [az96] hiuls "owl" [mp68, az96, pa] hivil, hiuls "owl" [gg2008] hivu, hivus "type of libation offering" [gg2008] hivu "(pars?) familiaris (divnination liver)" [az96] horta goddess of agriculture [EM] see Latin fortuna? [epg] huatna "heavy, ponderous" [az96] huX "to consider, worry" [az96] hure, hurtu "weight" [az96] huria "seriousness, weight" [az96] huriniia "gravity, oppression" [az96] < *hur+/*har+ < *ghwR "weight" [az96] hucu "reflexive, prudent" [az96] huevia "life" [mp, az96:410] huini "lady" [az96] huin0naia "effeminate (muliebris)" [az96] < *gwena [az96] hulu "inclined, propitious" [az96] hulXnie, hulcnie family name [g&lb83:88, mc91] hupe+ "sleep" [am91] "lying, to lie, lay" [az96], "sleep" > "to lay, lying down" [az96] hupni, hufni "sepulchral environment or place" [mp68, pa] hupni, hupnina, hupnine+0i "ossuary, ossuary chamber" [gg2008] hupni+S, hupnine+0i "sepulchral environment or place" [mp68] hupnina "sepulchral environment or place" [mp68, pa] "respository" [am91] "bed, cot, place of rest" [az96] see Lycian hupa "tomb" [im] see Greek hupnos "sleep" [az96, im] hursi, hursic "horrid, acrid" [az96] hursi, hursi+c "liquid or material poured in religious rite" [gg2008] hus+, huS+, huz+ "son, boy, young man, child" [mp68, g&lb83, am91, mc91, vs/amr 189, pa, dep, gzb, gg2008] husina, husl "young person" [pa, dep, gzb] husiur, hus+ur, huSur, huz+ur "youth, children" [am91, g&lb83, mc91, vs&amr 189] "orphans, wards, sons" [az96] husl, husili, huslne, husl+S+tS, husine connected to "young" [mp68, pa, dep, gzb] huzrnatre "youth, young people?" [mp68] huzmatre "youth" [am91] see Old English hys "young warrior"; very doubtful [dep] husi male name [G. Colonna cited by pa] corresponding to Latin Salvius [G. Colonna cited by pa] husilitule "hostile (plural)" [az96] see Latin hostiles "enemy, foreign" [az96] hus+ilitune "victim" [az96:16] husina, huslna "brocca: 'plant shoot', also 'jug, pitcher' " [az96] huslne "to scatter" [az96] huslnests "scattered" [az96] husl "instill, inspire, scatter" [az96] huSrna, huzrna, huSrnana "protector" [az96] huteri 'to give custody" [az96] hutie, huzlunia "custodian, protector (fem.)" [az96] hutila "custodian, protector (fem.)" [az96] hutni "secrecy, cover" [az96] huts "cover, ark, sanctuary" [az96] huzrna "ark, sanctuary, refuge, safe place" [az96] huzne0i "arks" [az96] see Latin custodes "guardian" [az96] hustile, hustle "(of) hazelnut, fruit stone" [az96] hu0 "four" [ag78, mcv] "four, six?" [pa] "four?, six?" [mp68, mc91] "six" [g&lb83, vs&amr 189] hu0i0 "four" [gm97] huths one of the 4 Charun daemons [Beekes & van de Meer cited by mcv] hu0z "four times" [mc91] hu0zars "fourteen" [mc91, az96] "sixteen" [mc91] see hu0te, hu0zars, huteri [mp68] see Kartvelian *otx+ "four" [ag78] see Indo-European *ok'tou+, ok'to+ "eight" [ag78] < *kut [mcv96Nov8] see Indo-European *kwetwor [mcv96Nov8] see Greek city Hyttenía (latter called Tetrápolis) [mcv99May19] < *khwet+ [az96] huvi0 "sense, perception" [az96] I +i suffix used with towns named after families [lrp 57] +i, +ia feminine suffix [mp68:395] +i, +e, +a+i, +e+i comitative or strumental suffixes [pa] +ie suffix of pertinence or propriety [pa] +inna suffix used with family names [lrp57] +is, +ias, +aias genitive singular for +i stem [b&k32] +iSa genitive enclitic [az96] +iSla demonstrative enclitic [az96] +issa (suffix) [lrp48] +it+ ending [pa] +iu diminutive suffix [pa] +iu suffixed on nouns to form adjectives of quality i+ , e+ deictic [gg98Jan23] dative/locative [mcv99Sep2] see i+ka, e+ca, i+pa, i+ta, e+ta [gg98Jan23] see Indo-European relative and adjective forming suffix *io+ [mcv98Jan23] see Indo-European *+ei, *+i [mcv99Sep2] *i relative pronoun [gg98Jan23, mcv] *in accusative [gg98Jan23] ic, iX "as, how, if, like" [mp68, g&lb83, az96, pa, dep] see enclitic +c [mp68, g&lb83, az96] see compound iXnac [mp68, g&lb83,az96] iX, iXnac "how" [mp68:400, g&lb83:87; pa, dep] iX adverb "thus, then, so, therefore" [gg2008] ica, ika, eca "this" nominative demonstrative pronoun (emphatic) [mp68, g&lb83, am91, mc91, az96, mcv, pa, dep] ica+c "and this" [mcv96Nov8] ican, ikan, ikam, ecun, ecn, cn, cen accusative demonstrative pronoun (emphatic) [mp68, g&lb83, mc91, az96, mcv] ecs, ecl0i "this" (emphatic) [mp68, g&lb83, mcv] see ca [mp68, g&lb83, am91, mc91, az96, mcv] see Hittite kas [b&k32 cited by mcv99Feb9] see Hittite kuišša "each, every"[hcm93] see Luwian kwišæa "someone/anyone" [hcm93] see Hittite apa+, api "that" [LABG] see Lycian ev "he/she/it", (eb) [fk15] see Lycian eve "this" (ebe) [fk15] see Lycian ehvi "his" (ehbi) [fk15] see Lycian ev/pttehi "their" (eb/ptteh) [fk15] see Hittite ka's "this" [LABG] see Lycian B ci, cezi, cedi "he, that" [LABG] see Lycian A cehi "he, that" [LABG] icana "weight" [az96] icap, acap "weight" [az96] icei "to be uncertain" [az96] icni "oscillation, wavering, indecisive" [az96] ika+m "by oscillation, waving" [az96] ikania "oscillation, oscillating, wavering" [az96] iiula0il, iiul "to lament, keen" [az96] see Latin ululare "to lament, keen" [az96] il, ilaXe, iluu "to declare" [gg2008] see ilu il "sun" [mp75, lb90] see Ilios, Helios Troy, city of the Sun and Apollo [epg] ilacve, ilucve "on the one hand" [lb90:299] "as well as ?" [mcv96Nov8] "calends?" [mp68, pa] "month" [pa&az2000] ilaXe "destined" < "scrolled, rolled, considered" [az96] see Latin volutus "scroll" [az96] ilacu, ilacve, ilucve "altar" [gg2008] ili0iia "Ilithya" (goddess) [g&lb83, pa] see Greek Eileithyia [pa] ilni "woven, linked" [az96] il0cva, il0cv "weave" > "link" [az96] il0cvav "linked, associated (past)" [az96] < *il+ < *vil+ "to turn, weave" [az96] ilu+, ilu+cu, ilucve, ila+cve, elu+, elu+ce, elu+ri "verb of offering or prayer" [mp68, g&lb83, pa] "to offer" [dep] ilucu act associated with religion [mp68:409] "destined" [az96] prayers? [epg] iluu "overturned" [az96] imaS, imSce "to doom" [gg2008] ima ame "commemorate, commemeration, conclave" [az96] mi ima ame "I commemorate" [az96, 99Jul19] imit+ve "commemorated (past)" [az96] imla, ims "at the same time" [az96] see Latin simul "at the same time" [az96] in, inc, ininc "it" [g&lb83, cb, v] relative? pronoun [mp68] demonstrative and relative pronoun [pa, dep] "it" [dep] "it, they" [gg2008] see an [dep] see compounds inpa, inpein [mp68] see Lycian enke "how, when" (ñke) [LABG] see Nostratic *'i proximate demonstrative pronoun "this" [ag79] in "facing, front, contrary, adverse, hostile" [az96] < *hNt+ [az96] înarimê "Ischia (place)" [g&lb83] "Monkey Island" [g&lb83] < *în+ "island?" *arim+ "monkey" [g&lb83] see Latin Pithecusa [g&lb83] see Greek Pithekoussai "Monkey Island?" [g&lb83] inpa "which" accusative relative and relative demonstrative pronoun [mp68, g&lb83, mcv98Jan23] < *inqua [az96] inpein "(s)he who, that which" [az96] see Lydian ebad "here, there" [s&b] see Carian ebad, epad "here" [s&b] inte "adverse, averse, hostile" [az96] see Lycian ente, entepi "in, inside" (ñte, ñtepi) [LABG] ipa nominative relative & interrogative pronoun [mp68, g&lb83, mcv98Jan23] ipa+s, ipa+l, ipe, ipe+i, ipe+ri [mp68, g&lb83, mcv98Jan23] ipa relative pronoun [pa, dep] ipe ipa "whoever, whatever" [g&lb83] ipa "the same" (masculine) ipei "the same" (feminine) [am91] see Hittite apa+, api "that" [LABG] see Hittite apas "this" [dep] see Lycian ev "he/she/it" (eb) [fk15] see Lycian ebe "this" [dep] see Lycian eve "this" (ebe) [fk15] see Lycian ehvi "his" (ehbi) [fk15] see Lycian ev/pttehi "their" (eb/pttehi) [fk15] see Carian p+, +p, +b "he" [s&b] ipa . . . ama (correlative of time) [az96] "this... then"? [epg] see Luwian pa+/+pa "contrastive/adversative conjunction" [hcm93] iqavusva, ethausva "Vesta" [az96] irce "agitated, moved, upset (past)" [az96] iria "agitator (fem.)" [az96] see Latin ira "wrath, anger" [az96] ismin0ians "that which diminishes, brings misery" [az96] ister "actor" [g&lb83] see Latin histriô "actor" [g&lb83] iSu, iSu+m, iSvei, esviS+c "tray" [gg2008] iSu+ "halt" [az96] see Hurrian išharinni "baker" [iw] iSvane "verifying, being, remaining" [az96] present participle of iSv+ [az96] iSveitule "events, chance" [az96] iSvia "events, fortune, luck" [az96] ita, eta, ta "this" nominative demonstrative pronoun [g&lb83, am91, mcv] "istud" [am91, mc91, pa, dep] itan, itun, etn, tn "this" accusative demonstrative pronoun [mcv, pa] itanim "this" [lb:299] see Hurrian idi “Person, self” [iw] see ta "this" [am91, mc91, pa, dep] see Latin istud "this" [dep] see Russian eto "this" [dep] see Greek to "the" [dep] see Gothic thata "this" [dep] see Sanskrit tah "this" [dep] see Indo-European *to+ [b&k32, mcv99Feb9] ital "established, legitimate, firm?" [az96] itani "statue" [az96] itesale "foundation, firmament" [az96] i0a "base, seat" [az96] itiia "foundedness" [az96] itir "bases" [az96] itli "base" [az96] itna < ituna "to found, base" [az96] < *sed+ "seat, base" [az96] itani+m "and so" [mcv 8 Nov 96] itrecs "internamento" > "burial" [az96] itrile "innards" [az96] itruta "buried" < "interned, enterred (feminine)" [az96] < *itr+ < *Nter "enter, internal" [az96] itus "middle" [mp 75, g&lb83, lb90] see ituna [mp68] *itu+ "ides" < "to divide" [g&lb83, az96:25; pa, dep] see Latin gloss idûs, itus, ituare [g&lb83, az96:25] see Latin idûs "ides" [mp 75, g&lb83, lb90] see Hurrian itt “to go”[iw] the Moon begins to dim, to go, after the Ides of a month [epg] itu "cippus (grave marker) base" [az96] if anything, a boundary marker dividing the land [epg] izei "to be, to verify, happen" [az96] L +l oblique genitive + dative suffix used with feminine nouns ending in +i, some nouns (especially personal) ending in +s, +th, +n [mp68:396] +l plural suffix [mp68:395] dative suffix [sag] < *+la, +al genitive ending [er99Jun21; mcv98Jan22, 99Feb9] see Hittite and Lydian pronominal +l [er99Jun21; mcv98Jan22, 99Feb9] +las/+ls (*+la+si) "double genitive" (used as ablative?) [mcv98Jan23] lacerna "cloak" Latin of Etruscan origin [g&lb83:60] lachrimae "tears" Latin of Etruscan origin [EB XXII:647] lac0 "to languish" [az96] see Latin languere "to be listless" [az96] laXu, laXu Lachu [male praenomen] [gg2008] lada "woman" Latin of Etruscan origin? [lrp57] ladile Latinized name [az96:25] lae "lease?" [az96] laena Latin of Etruscan origin [g&lb83:60] laeti "happiness" [az96] < laiveti [az96] see Latin laetitia "happiness" [az96] *la+i > +le personal dative ("pertinentive") [mcv] formed by genitive + locative [mcv98Jan23] laisca "happiness" [az96] laiva, lae+ti, lae+ti+m, laive+ts+m, laei+tre+cS "type of offering" [gg2008] laiviS, laeS, laivis+ca, lais+cla "type of offering" [gg2008] laivisca "lucky tendency" [az96] lalausa "ciarliero" [az96] laman "lame, to break" [az96] < *lam,*lem "to smash, break" [az96] lamphe, lanphe, laphe "stone, jewel" [az96] see Latin lapis "stone" [az96] lamtun name "shiny [az96] lanie, lanies, lenies Lanie [male praenomen] [gg2008] laniena "butcher's stall" Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp48] lanista "trainer of gladiators" Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp48] lanterna "lamp, torch" Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp48] see Gk. lampter [lrp48] lanti "piece, part" [az96] lanXumite "having to do with luck" [am91] "unit of weight" [az96] see Greek lákhos, lankhánô, lónkhê [am91] lapana, lapanas, lapinas Lapana [gentilicium] [gg2008] lapse Lapse [male praenomen] [gg2008] lapicane "vacillating" [az96] see Latin labidus "totter, waver" [az96] lar "political leader" see Hittite lar "political leader" [js] epithet of Baal [C. R. Conder, "The Hittites and Their Language" 1898:124, cited by js] laran, larun male deity [mp68:371] male deity, armed, pursues Celsclan in paintings [g&lb83] god of war, depicted naked with helmet and spear [EM] "Mars" [mc91:53] < "Cutter" [az96] larn+, larna "marcial, of Mars" [az96] laru "(one who/which) cuts, smashes" [az96] larun+ demon [mp68:407] see Tuscan Lassi "spirits which are heard or seen in a house when one of the family dies. They are the ghosts of the ancestors of the family, who come at such a time." see Latin Lares "house guardian" [mp68:371] see Urartian hari "road, military campaign" [epg from im] see Hurrian hari "road" [epg from im] see Luwian harwa "road" [epg from im] see Hittite haruwa [epg from im] see Latin laceratore "mangler" [az96] or see Hurrian ur, ul "to battle" [iw] larce, laris, lar0, larece, larice "Lars (masc. name)" [g&lb83, mc91:40&96, gm97] corresponds to Latin Lucius [g&lb83] "big" > "generous" [az96] lar0i female name [gm97] lar0i, lar0i, lartia, lar0ia "Larthi (female name)" [g&lb83, mc91:52, az96:25] lar0uza personal name [g&lb83:84, mc91:110] larna < larecena family name [az96] see Latin largus "abundant" [az96] larezu "pleasure" [az96] larile "pleasureable" [az96] laris name "pleasant" [az96] lariX Latin of Rhaetian origin? [bm 24+25] lasa "Lasa (nymph+like deity)" [mp68:371] female deities; grave guardians associated with Turan; sometimes depicted with wings [EM] < ? lar+ [mp68: 371] with epithets lasa sitmica, lasa racuneta [g&lb83] "luck, destiny" [az96] lasa female deities; < ? lar+ [mp68:371] see Tuscan Lassi "spirits which are heard or seen in a house when one of the family dies. They are the ghosts of the ancestors of the family, who come at such a time." see Hittite lala "tongue" [cb] see Lydian late"to speak" [cb] see Greek lalos "talkative"[cb] la0 "to watch, to guard" [gg2008] la0 "grant" [az96] lati0e, la0ite, latini "exhausted" [az96] la0iumiai "tired, languid" [az96] latini family name [mc91:102] latni family name "(one who/which) cuts, kills, torments" [az96:25] latva Leda" [az96] "(she who) grants, cedes, a wife?" [az96] laucane "shining" [az96] lauc+ie, lauXe, lavc+ie, laucis male name [mc91:96] corresponding to Latin Lucius [mp 68&75, g&lb83:74&85:159, lb90, cb, djh 61, v] laucina, lucina family name [mc91:96] same contruction as English family name Prince? [epg] lauc+, luc+, lauXum, lauXume, lavuXume, lauXme, luXum+, lucume, lucumo, "king" [mp68&75, g&lb83, lb90, am91, az91, cb, dep, djh 61, pa, v] the Etruscans did not have hereditary kings [epg] lauXum, luvXm, lauXumnial, lauXumne+ti "curia, municipal district, head of a curia" [gg2008] see Cuneiform LUMES "a people, families of"? [epg] see Luwian UZU lam [hcm93] = the people's 'lam'?"[epg] see Luwian labarna title of Hittite king [hcm93] see Hittite labarna title of Hittite king [hcm93] = "first among families"? "first among families of patricians"? [epg] lauXumna+, lauXumne+ti "of the lucumo, palace" [mp68:217, g&lb83] "royal palace" [pa] "augurium?" [az96] lucair+ "to reign, to rule (as Lucumô)" [mp68&75, g&lb83, lb90, pa, dep] lucairce "headed, governed" [am91] < lauc+ie, lauXe, lavc+ie < *lav+ [az96] see archaic Latin Loucios [g&lb83:74&85:159] see Latin lûcêre "to shine" [rmcc] Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp57] see Latin lucumô, lucumon "magistrate, governor, Etruscan king" [mp 68&75, g&lb83, cb, djh 61, lb90, pa, v] see Latin lectisternium, a festival where food and drink were set before statues of the gods [epg] see Lydian laqrisa "a wall" [mp68:216] see Greek loXómôn, loXoúmôn [mp68:216] related to locate + set boundaries? [epg] laut, lautn, lautun, lavutn, lavtn, lautni "family, gens" [mp68, g&lb83, mc91, EB XXII:801] lautun, lavtun, lavutn, lautn, lavtunuis "liberated, free" [gg2008] lautunni, lautni, lautni+c, lavtni, lau, lautunis, lautnes, lautne0 "freeman" [gg2008] lautunniSa, lautniSa, lautnita, lutniSa, lutnita "freewoman" [gg2008] "family; freedman" [cb, v] "family, people, nation" [pa, dep] laut = patricians? [epg] lautnes "of the family, gens" [mp68, mc91] lautnescle, lautneScle "having to do with the family" [mp68:397, mc91] lautneteri, lautneterie, lantneteri "freedman, client" [mp68, pa] lautni, lavtni, lautuni, lavtuni, lautuni+S (masc.), lautna, lautnita, lautni0a, lavnita, lautni0a (fem.) "of the family, freed servant, family servant" [mp68:395, am91, az96, mc91, dep, pa] < laut, *lav+t [g&lb83 81, az96] see IE *leudh+ [mp68:65, mcv] see Cuneiform LUMES "a people, families of"? [epg] see Hittite arawa "free" [s&b} see Hittite lala "tongue" [cb] see Lycian lada "wife" [fk15] see Lycian lajje/i "in+law" [fk15] see Lydian late"to speak" [cb] see Carian ravmi "liberated" [s&b} see Indo-European *leudho+ [pa] see Old English lêode [pa] see German Leute "people" [pa] see Old English leod "people" [dep] see Russian ljudi "people" [dep] see Lithuanian liaudis "people" [dep] lauXusie personal name [mc91:95] lavtun "(pars) familiaris divinatory liver" [sic] [az96] if so, perhpaps "part that speaks"? [epg] lazie, lazi, lazia, laziiu "Lazie, Laziiu [male praenomen]" [gg2008] lecetis, lecusta "tormenting" [az96] leXutumuza, leXtumuza small lekythos Grek + type of vase [gg2008] leusa, lecusta, lucesta (masc.), luscenia (fem.) "one who torments" [az96] < *sleg [az96] lecin "to leave, desist, abandon" [az96] leciva "game" [az96] leka "to play?" [az96] see Latin lûdere "to play" [az96] I do not see how you can get from d to c [epg] lecne "(one who) permits" [az96] see Latin Licinius [az96] leitar, leitr+um, leiSr "type of vessel" [gg2008] lei+, lein+, leine "to die" [Pallottino36:38, mp 68&75&78:229, Pfiffig 1969:293, g&lb83, lb90, , pa, dep] lei, leine, lein0 "to lie down" [gg2008] leine, leinie "dead" [am91] lei0rm+eri "guiding, conducting" [az96] to the afterlife [epg] leitrum "to guide, conduct" [az96] to the afterlife [epg] lein0 deity female/youth [g&lb83] see Hurrian ullul "to die" [af] see Luwian walanti(ya),ulanti(ya) "of the dead" [hcm93] see Lycian la "to die" [im, citing Braun] see Latin languere "to be weak, to languish" [dep] see Middle Irish lacc "weak" [dep] see Old English sleac "slack" [dep] see Old Baltic lenu "slow, indolent" [dep] see Indo-European sle+, le+ "to be weak" [dep] see Nostr. *l/ejh.V "weak, soft" [ag 79] leinies family name [g&lb83&87, mc91:75] lemausna, lemauSna personal name [g&lb83:109, mc91:67] "to cleave, cut, hew, Vulcan" [az96] < *lem/*lam "to break" [az 96] lemne Lemnos [island] [gg2008] lemni0a< Lemnian[gg2008] lemni name [mc91:56] lemnitru, lemnite "cleaver" [az96] lemonia (tribe) Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp48] len, leniace "to pour" [gg2008] lena "emolliant, lenitive" [az96] lensu "slow, lazy" [az96] lentis, letis "slow, one who slows" [az96] see heplenta, hepleta [az96] see Latin lentus, lentor "slow, calm" [az96] lepista "drinking vessel" Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp48] leprnal adjective, unknown meaning [am91] leprnei "Proserpina" [az96] les to sacrifice [dep] lescan "tomb" [am91] leSce "relaxing (noun)" [az96] leScu "something granted, grant" [az96] leSe "footprint" [az96] leSiia "trace, sign" [az96] < *lest+ia [az96] leta, letun terrestrial goddess of pars hostili [mp68:251] glossed by John Lydus as "night" [epg] see lethe [epg] see Latin Latona (mother of Apollo and Diana) [az96] night gives birth to the sunrise and the hunt [epg] le0e male name (used by the lower class) [mc91:142] le0e family name [g&lb85:166] le0enei family name [g&lb83:77] le0e "servant" (male) [am91] le0i, le0ia "servant" (female) [am91] le0ae, le0ai, le0aie personal name [mc91:95] le0n natural deity [mp68:251] < le0ams [mp68:251, mc91:143] "Night"? [epg] le0iu "scale, sheet (of something)" [az96] leu, lev "lion" [mp68, g&lb83, pa, dep] leuna, leuni "lioness" [az96] see Luwian walwa+ "lion" [hcm93] see Greek léon "lion" [az96, mcv] see Latin leo [pa, dep] leXtum type of vase [g&lb83, az96, mcv, dep, pa] leXtum+usa, leXtum+uza "little vase" [mp68, g&lb83, dep, pa] see Greek lékuthos, leXythos type of vase [mp68, g&lb83, az96, pa, dep] lezuqu "traced, written" [az96] licine+ male name [g&lb83:84] see Roman family Licinius [g&lb83:84] ligistrum Latin of Rhaetian origin? [bm 24+25] related to lictor? [epg] lin, line "to slay" [gg2008] line "to allay?" [az96] "to take care of" [am91] see Latin lenire "to soften, smooth" [az96] see Carian lile "atonement" [s&b] see lein + sense of animal sacrifice? [epg] lis, leSiai, liSai0i, leSe0+c "field" [gg2008] li0rá "a scale, measure" Mediterranean root [cw 37, rc 156] see Latin líbra "a pound, a balance" [cw 37, rc 156] Greek litra "unit of weight, pound" of Tyrrhenian origin? [cw 37, rc 156] litterae "writing" Latin via Etruscan [g&lb83:60] see Greek dipthera "skin" [g&lb83:60] lua "stumbling block, dissoluteness" [az96] luesna, lvesnas "one who makes dissolute, scourge?" [az96] lua "Lua (goddess)" Latin [az96] luca "pain" [az96] see Latin luctus "grief, mourning" [az96] Luceres "equites" "century" Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp 48, rah 59] see luXre < luXere [g&lb85: 54 cit. A. Modigliano] luci, lauci "bloom" [az96] ludia "female gladiator, actress" Latin from Etruscan [mp75, lb90] ludio "actor, gladiator" Latin from Etruscan [mp75, lb90] ludus "public games" Latin from Etruscan [mp75, lb90] luice < *lav+le "has rescued?" [az96] lunaSie "still, quiet" [az96] luncane, lunci "throwing, lance" [az96] lup+, lupu, lupu+enas, lupu+ce "dead, to die" [mp68&75, g&lb83, lb90, am91, mc91, az96, gg2008, rab 332, vs&amr 189, dep, pa] lupuce "s/he died" [mp68, g&lb83, am91, mc91, az96, rab 332, vs/amr 189. pa] lupvena "corpse" [az96] lup, lufe "crossing, crossroads" [gg2008] see Hurrian ullul "to die" [af] see Latin Libitina "goddess of corpses" [lrp48&57] see Finnish loppua "to end; to terminate; to come to an end" [pa] lur, lurta, lurt "Ianus, Patulcius" [az96] lur "opening, world" [az96] luram0i ""holes, opening" [az96] lurca to break open, smash, crush, loosen?" [az96] luri "fissure, opening" [az96] lurmica, lurmic "Ianualis, the one of the opening" [az96] lurs0 "in the world (locative)" [az96] lurs, lurs0 "to shine, to be bright" [gg2008] luru "janitor, doorkeeper" [az96] luri, lur+ca+c "beverage" [gg2008] lus, lusaS, lusl, lvsl, lustraS, luSver "ancestor, guardian spirit" [gg2008] lusce "lucid?, twilight?" [az96] luscni "shining" [az96] lustra "purification by sacrifice?" [az96] lusXnei "moon" [az96] losna "Luna" moon goddess [EM] see Luwian arma+"moon" [epg] see Hittite arma+"moon" [epg] see Latin luna "moon" [az96] see Latin lucidus "shining, clear" [az96] see Latin luscus "lucid, twilight" [az96] see Latin lûstratio "purification by sacrifice" [az96] luscesa (masculine) "straziante" [az96] luscenia, leusa (feminine) "straziante" [az96] lut "praise, glory" [az96] "games?" [am91] lu0, lu0ti "fecund" [az96] lu0, lu0, lut, lu0+ti, lu0cva, ru0cva, lu0cval "egg" [gg2008] Was the Amanita Muscaria mushroom the Etruscan egg?? [epg] The dissociative psychological states brought on by Amanita Muscaria mushrooms and atropa plants can be directed by suggestion to hallucinate the appearance of dead ancestors, friends, and messengers of the gods.[epg] lu0cva "praise" [az96] lu0s "to praise" [az96] < *lav+t+ "prosperity" [az96] see Hittite lala "tongue" [cb] see Lydian late"to speak" [cb] see Greek lalos "talkative"[cb] see Latin laus "praise" [az96] see Latin laudare "to praise, name" [az96] see Latin Ludi Tarentini saeculum feasts [epg] "religious feast, festival, parade"? [epg] see Latin ludiones "members of a procession" [Dionysius H.] named after Lydian games [Dionysius H.] lu0l deity [gzb] lu0uma, lu0umas Luthuma [male praenomen] [gg2008] similar construction to Engish name "Walker"? [epg] luvcatru "wood cutter" [az96] lvs "Destroyer, Puncher (god)" [az96] see lus? M +m, +um "and" [g&lb83, pa, dep] copulative enclitic [am91, mp68] "but" suffixed conjunction [mcv99Sep2] see Hittite +ma [mcv99Sep2] see Hittite +ma "but, emphatic particle" [dep, mcv] see Lydian +m "emphatic particle" [dep] *+m archaic accusative ending [gg99Mar4] maX, mac, maXs, mach, makh "five" [mp68, g&lb83, am91, mc91, az96, cb, mcv, rab 332, vs/amr 189, pa, dep] see derivatives macra, macnur [mp68] muvalX, muvalXl+, muvalX+ls "fifty" [mp68, az96, jf 141, mcv96Nov8, pa] < *maX+alX [mp68, az96, jf 141, mcv96Nov8, ] see Indo-European "full hand, all fingers" [ag78] see Nostratic *mVgE "much, many, big" [ag78] maXaira "curved saber" of Etruscan origin [see mp68:328] macst "magistrate" [az96] macstre "master" [g&lb83:91] macstrev, macstrev+c "magistracy" [mp68, g&lb83, dep, pa] "was (praetor) maximus, magistrate" [az96] macstrna "Mastarna' Servius Tullius, King of Rome" [mp68, g&lb83, az96] "(praetor) maximus" [az96] Mastarna Latin name of Etruscan origin [lrp57] < *mak,*makh,*mek,*mekh "greatness" [az96] see meX [rmcc] see Latin magister "master" [mp68, g&lb83, pa] see Old English magan "to be able" [dep] see German macht "power" [dep] see Latin magmentarium place set aside for making sacrifices [epg] sacrificer in chief?[epg] macre masculine family name [mc91:102] macri feminine family name [mc91:102] see Roman family Macer [mc91:102] macula "spot" [rc 157] Latin of Etruscan origin? made mi recie "cook it for me to the right point" [az96:392] *magura "height, mountain" [rah 53+54] Tyrrhenian? mal, male, mele, mulu "to bless, to sanctify" [gg2008] mal+ "to give, dedicate" [g&lb83, pa, dep] see Luwian mali+/malai+ "think, suppose" [hcm93] malena, malstria "mirror" [mp 68&75, g&lb83, lb90, pa&az96, dep] malana, malena, malstriasee mirror [gg2008] *mal+ "to look, to see" [ag78:23+24] Indo-European *mel+ 'to show oneself' [ag78:23+24] see Luwian malhašša "magic ritual" [hcm93] mala "mountain, wilderness" pre+Celtic of Tyrrhenian origin? [g&lb83:126] malave "to soften, exhaust" [az96] malavisX female dressed by servants, bride? [g&lb83] "softness, effeminacy" [az96] male "sign, ruins" [az96] malga "hut" Alpine Romance of Rhaetian origin? [bm 24+25] maluve "mollis, arrendole" [az96] malva "mallow" Latin [cw 38] see Greek malakhé, molokhé "mallow" [cw 38] of Tyrrhenian origin? mama "greatest" [az96] mamn0i "which celebrate, make great (plural)" [az96] see Luwian mammanna "look at" > "regard with favor" [hcm93] mamarce, mamerce "Mamercus, Mars" [g&lb83] see Oscan Mâmers "Mars" [g&lb83] mamarce, mamerce male name [mc91:112] man, mani, mani+m, man+0, manim+eri "the dead, spirits of the dead" [g&lb83, pa, dep] mani "funerary monument" [am91] mania guardian of the underworld, companion of Mantus [EM] manin+, minin+ce "to offer to the Manes?" [mp68, g&lb83] manim, maniim, manimeri "spirit of the deceased" [gg2008] mantus god of the underworld, patron of Mantua [EM] see Latin manes "the dead, ghosts" [g&lb83. pa, dep] see Luwian mannaau(wa)nn(i) /mannawann(i) part of the face [hcm93] eyes? [epg] see Luwian mantalli(ya) "ritual for someone mantalla/i" [hcm93] with closed eyes? [epg] see Lycian A mahañ "a god" [LABG] "a spirit, a ghost"? [epg] see Lycian B mãmre "to die?" [LABG] see Latin maiores "ancestors" + John Lydus [epg] maniXur "those that remain, resist (plural)" [az96] those who are dead? [epg] mantissa "make+weight" Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp 48, mp68:369] see Luwian man "if, when(ever); whether...or" [hcm93] see Luwian mannakuna/i "short" [hcm93] see Luwian mantalla/i "slanderous/slandered?" [hcm93] mantrns "Manturna (goddess)" [az96] manuva, man0va "Mantua (town)" [djh14, mp68:205] man0vate "Mantuan, mantovano" [az96] mantus god of the underworld, patron of Mantua [EM] see Latin Mantua [djh14, mp68:205] mar, maru "to harvest" [gg2008] maranuX, marnuX,marunuXva "bounty, harvest" [gg2008] mar0 "daughter+in+law?" [az96] mare "greatness, prosperity, omen" [az96] mar tlusc celestial deity [mp68:251] marale "one who shatters, smashes?" [az96] marca "stimulus, sense" [az96] marce male name [mp68:371, g&lb83, mc91:96, pa] "goad, sharp" [az96] marcena, marcna male family name (male) [mc91:53/96] based on Marce [mc91:53/96] "sign, perception" [az96] marcias "of the signs, chacters? (oblique), (which) distinguishes?" [az96] marcnei female family name [mc91:53] "sign, perception" [az96] marcni "one who marks, stresses, perceives" [az96] see Latin Marcios > Marcius [mc91:53/96] see Latin Marcus [mp68:371, g&lb83, mc91:96, pa] see Luwian mali+/malai "to think, to suppose" [hcm93] see Luwian mali "thought, idea" [hcm93] or see mar similar construction to English family name Farmer? [epg] marni "magesty?" [az96] marniu "maronate, magistracy" [az96] maru, mâr, mare, marunu, marunuX, marniu "aedile, quaestor, magistracy, official" [mp68, EB XXII:801, g&lb83, mc91:67, pa, dep, az96] maru+, marv+as "to exercise the maronate" [mp68] see derivative titles: marnu, marniu, marunu, marunuX, maruXva, marunuXva, zila0 maruXva, zilc marunuXva, marunuXva cepen [mp68, az96] maru ca0sc "priest of Catha" [mp68:227] marunuX paXanati, maru paXa0uras "priest of Bacchus" "priest" [mp68:265] < *makhar+ [az96] maru+, marv+as college of priests [deGrummond2006] similar to bishop, bishopric? [epg] see Umbrian maro, maron+ [mp68, rab 347] see Latin marô type of magistrate [mp68, rab 347, pa] see Lemnian maraz, marazm [mp68:99] see Luwian hamrawann(i) "of the hamri+ Epithet of Išhara. [hcm93] see Luwian hamrit "'cult+house, sanctuary" [hcm93] see Lydian mruvaa "a stele" [cb] see Lydian mavs "earth" [im,epg] see Lycian maraza "judge" [fk15] see Lycian mlatraza "priestly title" [fk15] see Lycian mluhidaza "priestly title" [fk15] see Phonecian mlk "king" [pa&az2000] Perhaps this official oversaw land disputes? [epg] maria "brilliant" < "vibrant" [az96] marmis "brilliant" [az96] *mar+ < *mbRgh [az96] see Greek Marpessa [az96] mariS, maris, marisi "Mars" [mp68:159] natural deity [mp68:251] male deity, appears as baby, youth, bearded man [g&lb83] "god of change and vicissicitudes" [az96] epithets mariS musta, mariS turan, mariS halna, mariS husrnana, mariS isminthians [g&lb83] see Luwian Immaršiya "a god" [hcm93] see Luwian maruam(m)a/i "dark blue" or similar color [hcm93] red? [epg] see Carian mava "goddess Ma" [s&b] see Lycian mawa "goddess Ma" [s&b] see Lydian mavs' "goddess Ma" [s&b] see Lydian mavs "earth" [im, citing Hesychius] marras "stone weapons" pre+Celtic of Tyrrhenian origin? [g&lb83:126] see Luwian maraz(z)a "treacherous or similar" [hcm93] see Luwian marš/zašt(ar)ra/i "sacrilege, desecration" [hcm93] mart+, marz+ "one who marks, stresses, perceives" [az96] < *mark+t+ [az96] marti0 "character" [az96] < *marct+ [az96] marza, marza+c "small harvest" [gg2008] see mar [gg2008] mas "male" Latin of Etruscan origin? [cw 38, rc 160] mas, mes, maSu "to entomb, to bury" [gg2008] see Luwian mazzalla "tolerant(?)" [hcm93] better read as "respectful"? [epg] see Luwian masahani "to favour" [epg] masan, masn "Masa" a month [mp68, g&lb83, mcv96Nov8, pa, dep] "Month of Burial" [gg2008] see Luwian Armašša/i+ "month" [hcm93] see Luwian maššan(i) "a god" [hcm93] see Luwian maššanalla/i "divine" [hcm93] see Carian mesna"a deity" [s&b] see Lycian mahaN "a god" [s&b] There was a god, a constellation of the zodiac, for each month - see John Lydus. [epg] masate, masu "greedy, seeker" [az96] see Luwian masahani "to favour" [epg] masculinena "mirror" [pa, dep] does not seem likely to be related to *mal+[epg] masuripos "anagallide rossa" plant [az96] masuve "desire" [az96] mata "favor, benevolence" [az96] matan "to favor" [az96] matani "benevolence" [az96] ma0cva "benevolence" [az96] ma0cva "full of inebriating drink: [g&lb83:81] matu "to favor" [az96] matuna "lucky, propicious" [az96] < *mât+ [az96] see ma0 mata type of vessel [pa, dep] matam, matan "above, before, earlier" [mp68, g&lb83] "over, in front of" [pa, dep] see Greek meta "beside, after" [dep] see Gothic mith "with" [dep] mat, matu, ma0u "to pick fruit" [gg2008] matam, matan,matani "pickings, gathered fruit" [gg2008] grape harvest? [epg] ma0 "money, mead" [b&k32, g&lb83] ma0cva "full of inebriating drink" [g&lb83:81] see Luwian maddu "honey" [epg] see Luwian maddu "wine" [hcm93] see IE *medhu+ "honey, fermented honey drink" (mead for example) [epg] ma0cva "full of inebriating drink" [g&lb83:81] *ma0i "metal?" [ag79] see Greek metallon [ag79] matulnai family name [g&lb83:86] matun female name [g&lb83:73] matunas family name [g&lb83:75] mavilitule "small, meager" [az96] Mawort "Mars" Latin of Etruscan origin? [rc 160] see Carian mava "goddess Ma" [s&b] see Lycian mawa "goddess Ma" [s&b] see Lydian mavs' "goddess Ma" [s&b] see Lydian mavs "earth" [im, citing Hesychius] meX "nation" [pa, dep] "strong, great" [am91, az96] "lord" [lb90:299] meX, meX+l "people, league, nation" [mp68, g&lb83] meXl "territory" [g&lb85:120] "the greatest" [az96] meX 0uta "res publica" [mcv96Nov8] see Hittite mya "adult male" [hcm93] see Luwian mayalla/i "adult" [hcm93] see Scottish mac "tribe" [epg] see Breton map "son" [dep] see Irish mac "son" [dep] see Gothic magus "boy" [dep] see macst, macstrev> see me0lum "district, territory" [mp68, g&lb83] see zila0 meXl rasnal, zila0 meXlum raSneas "praetor of Etruria" [mp68, g&lb83] mean, meian+ "manificence, greatness" [az96] < *meghi+an+, *megh+an+ [az96] "Nike, Victoria (crowns others with wreath)" [g&lb83] "Gloria (goddess)" [az96] < *mak+, makh+, mek, +mekh+ [az96] see Latin maXimus [az96] mel "to delay, slow down" [az96] mele "delay" [az96] melecrapisce "song writer" [az96] see Greek melógraphos [az96] meliar, meliacr, melacr, melakre "Meleager" [g&lb85: 152] "one who delays, goes in circles, remains harsh" [az96] meluta, melutu family name [mc91: 121, az96] "bound, fascinated" [az96] see Luwian mallit "honey" [hcm93] memrun deity "dismemberer" [az96] men, men+a, men+e, men+u, men+ece, men+aXe, men+aS "to give, to make an offering" [mp68] "to carry out" [am91] "to have to" [az96] men, mena, mene, menece, menaXe, menaqu "to place, to set down" [gg2008] "to set down boundary markers"? "to measure off"? "to delimit"? "to survey"?[epg] In an astronomical sense, John Lydus glosses as month, moon, a measure of time. [epg] men ame "to commute, reciprocate" [az96] the measure of life [epg] mena "to be obliged" [az96] menaXe "(was) given" [g&lb83:65] "had made" [mc91] "(was) obliged" [az96] menas "being obliged, should (gerund)" [az96] mena0a "due" [az96] mene "position, office, duty" [az96] menita "(that which) changes, compensates, remunerates?" menu, menece "did" [mc91] corresponds to Greek "èpoíesen" [mc91] "has compensated, exchanged" [az96] menuci "changeable, mutable, rapid" [az96] see menica, menitla [mp68] see Luwian mana "look at, see, experience" [hcm93] see Linear B + me+na " measured, or a measure of land" [epg] see Lycian miñti "a (legislative or religious) assembly?" [fk15] see Latin munus "position, office, duty" [az96] see Latin munere "to serve" [az96] see Latin mensae "offering tables" [epg] menarva, menerva, meneruva, menrva, menarea, mera "Athena, Minerva" [g&lb83, mc91:53, djh95, az96, cb, EM, pa] see Latin Minerva [EM, pa] menle "Menelaos" [g&lb83] Mind, Thinking" [az96] merk+ "commerce, trade" [rc 169] Italic root of Etruscan origin [rc 169] see Latin merx < merc+ "merchandise" [cw 42] see Latin mercárí, "to trade [cw 42] see Latin merces, "pay, price, reward" [cw 42] see Latin Mercurius "Mercury" [cw 42] merpasn+ "brilliant" [az96] meSna "one who withers, macerates" [az96] mestle "sepulcher?" [az96] me0lum, me0lum+es, me0lum+eS, me0lum+eri, me0lum+0, methlum+t, me0lumth "district, territory" [mp68, g&lb83 70] me0lum, me0lum+0, me0lum+t, me0lm+0, me0lume+ri+c, me0lume+c "people, populus, state" [gg2008] "nation, people" (institutional term) [pa, dep] "rural district, god of rural district" [gzb] "assembly, council" [am91] "city" [mc91] "delegation, mission, embassy, legate, messenger, Mercury" [az96] "geographic center" [albeto palmucci] see meX [dep] see Latin medium [epg] metia "tired, weak, soft, drunk" [az91] metli family name (fem.) [mc91:133] female name [g&lb85:164] metru unknown [mc91:68] see Greek mé:tro:n [de Simone cited by mc91:68] metus, metusnei "Medusa" [g&lb85:151] see Latin madida "wet", mador "moisture" [az96] see Latin metus "fear, awe" [az96] "terror, weak, soft?" [az96] metvia, metua "Medea" [az96] "wet, moisture" [az96] see Lycian mete "harm of some kind" [hcm93] see Lydian metrid/metlid "harm of some kind" [hcm93] see Latin mendum and mendax [hcm93] mevelce "grown thin, small" [az96] mevntie "scarcity" [az96] mi, me+ "I" 1st person pronoun [mp68, g&lb83, am91, mc91, b&c, b&k, cb, v, mcv, pa, dep] see Luwian +mi "for/to me"(?) [hcm93] mi+ni, me+ne, mi+na "me" accusative [mp68, g&lb83, am91, mc91, b&c, b&k, cb, v, mcv, pa] mini "we" [ag 79] see derivatives mipi, minpi < mini+pi [mp68, mc91] accusative + preposition? [rmcc] see Latin enclitic +mini; form of mihi "to me" [pa] see Latin me "me" [dep] see Breton me "I" [dep] see Gothic mik "me" [dep] see Russian minja "me" [dep] see Sanskrit mam "me" [dep] see Greek eme "me" [dep] see Indo-European *me [gg99Mar] see Indo-European *H1me+ [mcv99Sep2] see Uralic *men [gg99Mar] see Nostratic *mi "I" [ag79] see Nostratic oblique *mi+nV [ag79] see am miace "(has) emigrated, gone away" [az96] miel "passage?" [az96] miles, militis "soldier" Latin from Etruscan [lrp48, rah 59, mp75, lb90] militia "army" Latin from Etruscan [mp75, lb90] see Luwian malau+/malw+ "crush, break" [hcm93] mima, mime "misconstrues, deludes" [az96] see Luwian mimma "regard, recognize" [hcm93] minate "menacing?" [az96] see Latin minax "threatening, projecting" [az96] mines "one who diminishes, lowers" [az96] misala place name [mc91:143] misc sane "mix well" [az96:392] miser, "wretched, unfortunate" Latin of Etruscan origin? [cw 42, rc 171] mlac, mlak+a, mlaX "vow" [mp68:413, pa, dep] mlakas, mlaX, mlak+as, mulaX "votive gift, offering. anathema" possessive [mp68, pa, dep] "good to good", "genitive of good", "beautiful to beautiful" "genitive of beautiful"? [gm97] "funerary offerings" [am91] mlac+aS, mlak+asi "votive gift, anathema" indirect object [mp68] mlaX+as, mlaci+0a, mlaX+ta, mlaX+uta "votive gift, anathema" [mp68] mlakas "(he) has offered" [g&lb83:110] "beautiful, noble" [mc91] "to please, something pleasant, grace, favor" [az96] mlace "pleasant" [az96] "I offered" [am91] mlaci0a "pleasant" [az96] mlacuX young woman abducted by Hercules [g&lb83] "(one who) pleases, favors" [az96] "funarary" [am91] mlaX mlakas "beautiful (male) of a beautiful (female)" [mc91:114] "pleasing thing?" [az96] mlaXta "pleasant, pleasing" [az96] mlaXuta "pleasing thing" [az96] mlaXuX, mlacuX Mlachuch [mythos] [gg2008] see mulaX, mul+ [mp68] see Latin placo "to appease"[az96] see Latin placeo "to be pleasing" [az96] see Latin placitum "agreeable" [az96] see Latin pulcher "beautiful" [dep] see Latin fulgo "to shine" [dep] see Lithuanian blizgu "to shine" [dep] see Tocharian pälk "to shine" [dep] see Greek phalos "white" [dep] see Old Slavic belu "white" [dep] see Breton melen "yellow" [dep] < *mbhlg [dep] < *mblak+ [az96] see Luwian malhassa "offering" [im, citing Braun] mla0ce "weak, soft" [az96] see Luwian mald [im] see Hittite mald [im] mler "gift" [gg2008] see fler, fler, flere, flereri, fler0va, fler0ve [gg2008] mleriS "small gift" [gg2008] see flereS, fleres [gg2008] mler+e0ar "to receive gifts" [gg2008] see fler0rce[gg2008] m to f seems quite a stretch to me [epg] mler "bad, evil" [az96] mleru "wickedness" [az96] melerpanta "Bellerophon" [az96] < male+pandus? [az96] meler > mler "evil, bad"? [az96] mli0uns "sweet" [az96] see Italian mela "apple" [az96] mnehvra "remembered, thinker?" [az96] mnev "to have remembered" [az96] *morme, *morph+á "form, beauty, outward appearance" [cw 42, lrp52] see Latin forma "form, shape, contour, beauty, outward appearance" [cw 42, lrp52] see Greek morphe, merph+, morphé "form" [cw 42, lrp52] of Tyrrhenian origin? muca "to wind, creep" < "spread, widen" [az96] "cavity, satchel" [am91] mucum "to fold, conform, adjust" [az96] muka, muk "flectere?" [az96] muX "type of vessel for liquids" [gg2008] mul+, mul+a, mul+i, mul+u, mul+une, mul+veni, mul+eni+ke, mul vani+ce, mul+ve+ne+ke, mul+vunu+ke, mul+uvani+ce "to offer, dedicate as an ex+voto, anatíthêmi" [mp68, g&lb83, am91, cb, v, pa, dep] see mulsle [mp68, g&lb83, cb, v] mula "veneration, honor, importance?" [az96] mula "mola (sauce)" [az96] mulaX, malak, mlaX "votive offering, dedication" [g&lb83] "recipient for sacrifice" [az96] mulenike "(he) dedicated (me)" [lb90:299] mule0 "veneration, honor, importance? (locative)" mulirizile, mulu+rizile "offerings as sustenance or compensation" [az96] mulu "offering" [az96] "gift, present" [pa] muluane "grinder, miller" [az96] mulune "offering, haviong offered" [am91] "to venerate?" [az96] muluvan+, muluvene, muluvani, muluvana, muluvanike,mulvanice, etc. "to dedicate, offer" [mp68:399, az96] mulva, mula, mule, muluvace, mlace, mlaXe, muluvana, muluane, mulune, mulene, mulveni, muluvanice, muluvanece, muluvenice, muluvunike, muluvunece, mulvanice, mulenice, muleè "to be blessed" [gg2008] "she/he offered" [pa] mulveni "devotion" [az96] mulX, malak, mlaX "votive offering, dedicates" [g&lb85:190] see mlac+, mlaX [rmcc] mulX "beautiful, nice" [pa, dep] < *mbol+ [az96] see Rhaetian muluainike [mcv99Nov8] see Luwian malhassa "offering" [im] see Hittite mugawar "a prayer" [s&b] see Hittite mukessar "a prayer" [LABG] see Lycian mukssa "a prayer" [LABG] see Carian mukwar "a prayer" [s&b] see Latin mola "salted grain for sacrifice" [az96] see Latin môles "mass, bulk" [az96] mulier "woman" of Etruscan origin? [bc 199] mun+, muni, muni+s, muni+s+ta+s, muni+cle+0, muni+cle+t, muni ule+0, muni+vle+0, mun+sle, mun+0 "place, hypogeal place, tomb" [cw 43, mp68, g&lb83, pa, dep] muni, munis, munis+tas,/ muni+cle+0, muni+cle+t, muns+,i.0,/i.e+c, munal "plot, area" [gg2008] munisule, munisule0, munisvle0 "underground tomb" [gg2008] mun0 "adornment, order" [mp68:369, g&lb83] "honoring" < "lofty deed" [az96] mun0, mu0, mn0cva "pillar" [gg2008] mun0u "one who polishes" [az96] mun0uX, mun0X, mun0u "female attendant to deities" [g&lb83] "elegance, Munda (allegory)" [az96] see Latin mundus "women's cosmetics, world" [cw 43, mp68, g&lb83, pa] calque of Greek kosmos "order, female adornment, world order, universe" [cw 43, mp68, g&lb83] see Latin monumentum "tomb" [dep] mundus trench of a city founding? or a city's sacrificial pit? [epg] Latin mundus world, earth related? Latin municipio related? [epg] sense of "place"? [epg] munam "to think, remember?" [az96] muna+ta "this place" [g&lb85:171] munistas "this place" [lb90:299] see mun [epg] municle0, munisule0 "(under) orders (to)" locative plural [az96] munsle "orders" [az96] munis, munise "to commend" [az96] munista "commended, sworn to" [az96] munis+ "to endow, to take charge of" [dep] munistas "gift" [mcv] < *munes+ [dep] see Latin munus, muneris < munes+ "service, tax, gift" [mcv, dep] see mun [epg] mur, murce, murin "to die, to kill" [gg2008] mur+, murce "stay, reside, rest" [mp68, g&lb83] "to delay, remain, stay" [az96] murila personal name, family name [g&lb83:76, 85:122] murina "hesitant" [az96] murinasie "hesitant, uncertain" [az96] murinaSa, murinaSie "funerary offering" [gg2008] muriS, murs, murSl, murSS, murzva "container for the dead: ossuary, urn, sarcophagus" [gg2008] murs "slow" [az96] mur+ "to settle, stay, remain" [pa, dep] see murs, murS+S, murS+l [g&lb83] see Lemnian morinail [mp68:99] see Latin mora "delay, hindrance" [g&lb83] see Latin morari "to remain" [dep] see Irish maraim "I stay" [dep] murs, murS, murs+l (plural) "urn, sarcophagus, ossuary" [mp68, g&lb83] murS, murts "corpse, cadaver" [az96] murzua "small urns" [mp68:405] "corpses, cadavers (dual)" [az96] murs "urn, sarcophagus" [pa, dep] < mur+, mur+ce? "to stay, rest" [mp68, g&lb83] see Lydian mruvaa "a stele"[cb] see Nostratic *murV "to smash" [ag 79] musni "intellectual activity" [az96] mûsum, "snout, muzzle" Latin of Etruscan origin? [cw 43, rc 173] mut, mutin, mutince "to die" [gg2008] mutana, mutna, mutne, mutnia+0i "sarcophagus" [mp68, g&lb83:77, am91, az96, pa, dep, gg2008] mutnia0i "sarcophagus (locative)" [g&lb83:76] see ancient Egyptian mwt "to die" [pa] see Aramaic mut "to die", mot "death" [pa] see Ugaritic mt "to die" [pa] see Accadic mâtu "he died" [pa] see Arabic mâta "he died" [pa] see Greek mudáô [am91] see Luwian muttanawann(i) "topographic feature" [hcm93] a tomb? [epg] see Nostratic *muda "to finish, to end" [ag79] mu0 "to move" [az96] mutzi "motion, movement, activity" [az96] mutince "to raise, stir up" [az96] see Latin movere "to move, stir, excite, cause" [az96] mutina "Modena (town)" [djh14, g&lb83] see Latin Mutina [djh14, g&lb83] mutu [az96] "trunk, cut" [az96] *mutu "thyme" [pa, dep] mutuna family name (male) [mp68:395] mutunai family (female) [mp68:395] muX "to fold" [az96] myrtille see French myrtil "myrtle, blueberry" [g&lb83:126] pre+Celtic Alps & Apennines Tyrrhenian origin? [g&lb83:126] N +n accusative (pronomimal) suffix [mp68:397, mcv] see Indo-European *+m [mp68:397, mcvSep2] +n, +an, +un archaic genitive singular [b&k32] +na, +ina, +ena adjectival suffix [mp68:395] "the one, that of" [es 99Jul18] suffix of pertinence or propriety [pa] suffix used with family names [lrp 57] +na, +ne, +ni suffixed to nouns to form adjectives of possession or reference see Basque +en+a, genitive + definite (suffixed) article [es99Jul18] +nana person from whom? [unknown] derived from nene? [epg] +nd+ ending [pa] +ni accusative suffix of pronouns and demonstratives [source unknown] +nt+ ending [pa] +n0 suffix of agent [pa] *+n0 active present participle [mcv] see Indo-European *+nt [mcv] nac "as, how, so, because, then, when, why" [mp68, g&lb83, lb90:299, az96, mcv, pa, dep] nac, nac+um "when, during" [gg2008] nac+um "and so" [az96] see Lydian nâ+ "an introductory particle" [cb] see Lydian +nak+ conjunction "also" (made of na+ and +k) [cb] see Luwian nanun "now" [hcm93] naX, naXva, naXve "liquid+bearing vessel" [hh2008] naXva "attainment, success" [az96] nace, naX "one who gathers; future, next" [az96] nacna "next to, last" [az96] nacnuva, nacnvaiasi "big, great" [gg2008] nacnuva, nacnva "propinquity" [az96] nacnvaia "propinquity, posterity" [az96] see Luwian nawa/i "new" [hcm93] see Luwian nawila "youth, young animal" [hcm93] nae < cnaive "wise, sage, knowledgeable" [az96] nai "wise, sage (fem.)" [az96] see Latin conare "to know" [az96] naie0e "wavering" [az96] naitiS, neitisS "lake" [gg2008] namer "cup" [gg2008] namul0 ame "to understand" [az96] namul0na "(which) grasps, perceives" [az96] nana "none, no one" [az96] nane, nanu "one who turns, folds from here to there" [az96] see Greek plánês [az96] "person from whom"? "last"? [epg] see Luwian nani(ya) "of a brother" [hcm93] see Luwian nanašri(ya) "of a sister" [hcm93] nanste "waving, swimming" [az96] see Latin nans [az96] nap+, nap+ti, nap+er "measure, unit of measurement" [mp68] naper "measurement of area" [mp68:405, g&lb85:168] measure of length [pa] "rooms, lair" [mp68] see Latin napurae "straw ropes used in ceremonies" [mp68] < *hneghw+ [az96] nap, nap+ti "a place for offerings" [gg2008] napa "ulex europaeus" Tuscan of Etruscan origin [bm 24+25] naplan "wineskin" [gg2008] naplan "libation vase" [az96, pa, dep] see Greek nablas [mp68] see Latin nablum, nablium type of harp, lyre [mp68] napti "inclined, favorable" [az96] narie (masculine), naria (feminine) "slave' [az96] < *s+ner+ "to bind" [az96] nartale "nooses, snares (plural)" [az96] nar0a "oblige" [az96] na0na "Salacia" [az96] "movement" [az96] natisnusnei "Salacia, Venilia" [az96] na0um "Fury, eumenide" [g&lb83] natinusna, natinusnai "demon" [mp68:407] natis "wise, seer" [az96] natiS, natis, natisal "haruspex" [gg2008] natiSviS "haruspical priesthood" [gg2008] natiSraX, ne0Srac "haruspical, pertaining to haruspicy" [gg2008] see Hittite nija "to lead" [LABG] see Luwian na "to lead" [hcm93] see Lycian B nei, na+, nija+, neitala "to lead, a leader" [LABG] see Lycian B nênije "to lead" [LABG] see netsvis nefiS, nefts, neftis, neftS, napti, nefS "grandson" [mp68, g&lb83, mc91, az96, cb, gg 4 Mar 99, mcv, rab 347, v, pa, dep] see Luwian Hieroglyphic na+wa/i "great+great+grandson" [hcm93] see Lemnian nafoth, naphoth "nephew, grandson" [mp68, dep, [email protected]] see Latin nepos "grandson" [mp68, g&lb83, mc91, az96, cb, dep, gg99Mar4, mcv, rab 347, v] see Avestan napat "grandson" [dep] see Sanskrit napat "grandson" [dep] see Greek nepodes "descendents" [dep] see Albanese nip "nephew" [dep] see Old Irish nia "nephew" [dep] see Lithuanian nepuotis "grandson" [dep] see Indo-European *nepots [dep] nemsu "(sacred) grove" [az96] see Latin nemor+ [az96] nene "nurse, wet+nurse" [g&lb83] see Luwian niniyal" "cradle" [hcm93] see Spanish nana "babysitter, wet nurse, older female relative" [rmcc] neqaXu "owed, obligated" [az96] neri "water" [g&lb83] "validity, vigor" [az96] nes+, neS+, nes+l, neS+s "dead, defunct" [mp68, pa] "to die" [dep] nesna "belonging to the dead?" [g&lb83, pa, dep] < *nestl+ "to be situated, lowered" [az96] neS, neSs, neSl, nesl, neiSi0, nesi0vas "dead person" [gg2008] neSna, nesna "sepulcher" [gg2008] see Luwian Hieroglyphic ni "not" [hcm93] see Luwian nis "not" [hcm93] see Lycian ni "not"[hcm93] see Lydianni "not, non+" [cb] nestur "Nestor" [g&lb85: 161] netei "maid, spinner" [az96] < *net+ "thread, weave, viscera" [az96] ne0srac, ne0Srac "haruspicine" [mp75, g&lb83, lb90, dep, pa] "heartbreak" [az96, dep, pa] ne0 natural deity [mp68:251] ne0un, ne0uns "Neptune" [mp68:159, mc91:150, az96] ne0uns "Neptune" [gzb, EM] ne0unsl "for Neptune" [gm97] Neptune, ruler of the Atlantic Ocean, where the Sun set at night in the west. Sometimes described as "salty". [epg] netsvis, netSvis, ne0Svis, netsus "haruspex, haruspices" [djh14, mp68:265, mp75, g&lb83, lb90, mc91,, pa, dep, az96] see Greek nêdús, tà nêduia "viscera" [mc91:83] see Luwian nišhi "?" (divine attribute) [hcm93] nevtlane "Neoptólemos" [az96] "(one who) enjoys" [az96] neXse "one who matches, agrees upon, is connected" [az96] < *nek+ "to tighten, grip" [az96] see Latin neXus "tying together, connecting" [rmcc] nica "to lower, humiliate" [az96] nicu "one who lowers" [az96] < hnghw+ [az96] nina "to wave" [az96] ninie "spinner" [az96] ni0u, ni0us+c "type of libation offering" [gg2008] ni0u "pars hostilis of divinatory liver" [az96] Nortia "Fortuna of Volsinii" goddess of fate and fortune, of the New Year; patron of Volsini [mp75, lb90, EM] nuc, nucr "wrestler" [gg2008] nucrtele "(boxing) fight judge" [az96] nufre, nufrzna, nurfurznas family name, cognomen [g&lb83:83] "discoverer, wise" [az96] < *sneup [az96] see Latin Noborsinia [az96:25] if so, note f > b [epg] nula+0 "those from city/tribe of Nola" [pa] numa "sign, notch, coinage" > "number" [az96] numesie, numisiie, numna, numsi, numisie male name [mc91:81] "one who notches, makes signs, numbers" [az96] see Latin Numerius [mc91:81] see Latin numerus [az96] see Latin numen, numina divine sign of the gods [epg] numclanie family name [g&lb85:122] < *num+ + clan+ "son"? [rmcc] numni female name [mc91:99] numta "sign, mention" [az96] nun "inclination, propensity" > "favor" [az96] nune "to favor" [az96] nunia "(which) vacillates, inclines" [az96] < *(h)neu+n+ < *hnegw+ [az96] nuna, nuna+r (plural) "offerings" [mp68, g&lb83, pa, dep] adjective referring to sacred qualities/function [mc91:118] "to announce" [az96] nun0, nun0+en, nun0+ena, nun0+en+0, nun0+eri (gerundive) "make, do, making, doing" [mc68:399] "to sacrifice, make an offering" [mp68, g&lb83, pa, dep] nun0, nun0eri, nun0X, nun0en, nun0ene, nun0en0, nun0cu "to come, to bring" [gg2008] see Urartean nun+ "to come" [af] see Hurrian un+ "to come" [af] see Luwian nanuntarri(ya) "at the presentt time" [hcm93] nun0ek "has dedicated" (Delphi Inscription) [dep] nun0ena "announcement" [az96] nurfzi "legation, embassy" [az96] nurph, nutph "nine" [mp68, g&lb83, mc91, cb, pa. dep] nurphzi "nine times" [mp68, g&lb83:80, mc91, pa] < *nur "new?" [mcv] see Indo-European "new after eight" [ag78&79, er, mcv] see Indo-European *ok'to_(u) "eight" < "twice four" [ag78&79, er 99, mcv] see Indo-European *newn "nine" < *neu+ "new" [ag78&79, er, mcvr] see Indo-European *nu "new" [ag78&79, er, mcv] see Kartvelian *arwa+ "eight"; from Semitic [ag78&79, er, mcv] see Nostratic *NüqV "now" + *rph "eight" [ag78&79, er, mcv] see Arabic arba' "four" [rmcc] Hurrian nine is tamr(i) [iw] see Lycian enuentãta "nine" (ñuñtãta) [LABG] nurziu, nurtine "fortunate" [az96] p<<b*s+ner "to spin" [az96] See Lydian nãrs' " virtue, valor" [cb] see PIE *ner+, *nert+ + man's strength, [cb] see Irish neart man's strength[cb] see Hurrian nihari "gift" [iw] see Hurrian niri "good" [iw] see Sabine nerônas "courage" [epg] nuS+ "support" [az96:16] < nuz+ < nust+ [az96:16] nuste "one who attaches, props, rivets" [az96] nuzlXne "confirmation" < "riveting" [az96] < *hnugw+ "to strike" [az96] nu0in "to bend (to)" > "to admit, agree upon?" [az96] nuvasni, nuva0i "wave" [az96] nuvi "novelty, inclination?" [az96] nuvlaiu "(which) inclines, vacillating" [az96] nuza "feast" [gg2008] nuzana, nuzinaia "feasting, feast" [gg2008] nuzilaXun, nuzlXne, nuzlXne+c "to feast on, to eat"[gg2008] see Luwian nutu "desire, lust after?" [hcm93] see Luwian nut "assent, approval?" [hcm93] P +pi "by, with" [gg2008] +pi, pi, pul "at, in, for, by, through, with" [mp68, g&lb83, mcv99Feb9] see epl [mp68] < *+bhi [az96] IE q > PIE p? [epg] pa , ipa, epa, ipn, pul, ipei, psl "who, which, that" [gg2008] see Hittite apa "he, that" [s&b] see Carian p+, +p, +b "he" [s&b] IE q > PIE p? [epg] paci "collected, quiet" [az96] see Latin pacatus "peaceful" [az96] paXa "Bacchus, Dionysus" [g&lb83] paXana "Bacchic" [g&lb83:81, am91, pa] "paganal, rustic, (song)" [az96] paXana "bacchanal, pertaining to Pacha" [gg2008] "Bacchic temple" [az96] paXanati "rustic" [az96] paXasnaSie "bacchantes" [gg2008] paXa0ur, paXa0uras "Bacchante, maenad, of the rustics" [mp68, g&lb83, am91, az96, gg2008] paXie "Bacchic"; family name [g&lb83:81, mc91:143, pa] pacusnasie, pacusnaSie, pacuSnasie "Bacchic, Dionysiac" [g&lb83] "fixation, determination" [az96] see Latin paganorum, pagorum "rustic, of the pagans, from the countryside" [mp68, g&lb83, az96] see Latin paganalis "pagan" [az96] pai0unas family name [g&lb83:72, mc91:101] pakste, pecse "mane, Pêgasos" [az96] pala "roundness, rotundity" [mp68:55&371] toponym of Italy and the Alps [mp68:55&371] "mountain slope" (pre+Celtic of Tyrrhenian origin?) [g&lb83:126] see Latin palatum "palate" [mp68:55&371] see Ligurian and Sardinian bal+ [mp68:55&371] see Etruscan & eastern Alps fal+ [mp68:55&371] see fal see Luwian appuwan(i) "landscape feature" [hcm93] note w > l [epg] see Luwian hallapuwa(n "topographic feature" [hcm93] hill? > Val, Vel, Vol topoyms? [epg] Palla, Palanius, Palinius > mons palatinus (Roman hill) [lrp57] see Latin pala "meadow" of Rhaetian origin? [jr 58] palmi0e "Palamêdês" [az96] "nervous, fright" [az96] palpe cognomen [mc91:99, az96] "drumming, speckling" [az96] see Latin Balbus "stammerer" [mc91:99, az96] see Luwian palpata "blaze"? [hcm93] fiery? burner? [epg] same construction as English family name Burns? [epg] panalaS unknown [g&lb83:110] pania0e "(piece) of cloth" [az96] see Latin pannus "garment" [az96] panza "fold" [az96] see penta+sila [az96] papa "grandfather, ancestor, forefather" [g&lb83, az96, pa, dep] "uncle?" [am91] "uncle" [gg2008] papacs, papacS, papals, papals+er "grandson" [mp68, mc91] < "nourished" [az96] papals "of the grandfather, grandson" [g&lb83, pa] "nephew" [gg2008] see Latin pappus [g&lb83, az96] see Latin pater "father" [dep] see Greek pêter "father" [dep] see Sanskrit pitar "father" [dep] see Armenian hayr "father" [dep] see Old Irish athir "father" [dep] see English father [dep] papa "one who strikes, beats, shakes" [az96] papa0i, pap0iai (plural) "shaking, quaking" [az96] paphane "beating" [az96] papui "shaking, groping" [az96] < *phMph+, *phph+ [az96] see Luwian pappaš "sprinkle" [hcm93] act performed in connection with house [hcm93] papasa name "pacifier, nourisher" [az96] see Latin Pabasa, Pabassa, Papirius [az96:25] see Luwian pappaš "sprinkle" [hcm93] act performed in connection with house [hcm93] papna, papniu "dinner, food, pap" [az96] see Latin pappa [az96] papni family name [g&lb83:81] < papa "grandfather" [g&lb83:81] paprsina family name [mc91:146] pariX, parXis term dealing with social or administrative conditions [mp68] "attribute of a magistracy, with equal rights, peer" [dep, pa] oversees households? households? [epg] see zilc parXis, zila0 parXis magistracies [mp68] oversees housholds? oversees overseers of households? [epg] par "house, temple" [gg2008] parniX "adjective: temple+related, religious" [gg2008] see Hittite parn+, pir+ "a house" household [cb] see Luwian parna "a house" household [cb] see Lydian bira "a house" [cb] see Lycian prenna "a house", (prñna) [LABG] inanimate? plural with syncope? or better, adjective from noun? [epg] see Latin par, paris "equal, suitable" [mp68, pa] parci "federation" [az96] par "by, for" [az96] par "separately" [az96] see Hittite parh "drive, chase" [hcm93] see Luwian par(a) "drive, chase" [hcm93] see Luwian parran "before, in front of" [hcm93] see Lycian pri+ "over" [s&b] see Lydian br+? [epg] see Carian para [s&b] see Greek para+ [s&b] see Latin pro [s&b] see Latin per "by, for" [az96] see Slavic pro+ [s&b] parla "type of drinking vessel" [mp68, pa, dep] see Luwian partanna/i "type of or epithet of bread"[hcm93] see Hittite huppar "bowl" [hcm93] household cooking pot? [epg] see patna, parliu [mp68] see Latin patera "saucer, shallow dish" [mp68] see Latin patella "dish, plate" [mp68] parliu, Parilia, Palilia "ancient Latin festival" [az96:392] parniX "boy"? [az96] parti+nipe, par0a+napaes "inclinato a distruggere" [az96] are you trying to say "boy play", az? partunu, partunus male family name [g&lb83:16, 85:145, mc91:127, gm97] patacs "(which) pacifies, nourishes" [az96] patara, pateri "patera, shallow cup" [gg2008] see Latin patera "saucer, shallow dish" [mp68, g&lb83] see Latin patella "dish, plate" [mp68, g&lb83] see Luwian pata "foot" [hcm93] bowl with feet? [epg] patna "type of drinking vessel" [mp68, g&lb83, pa, dep] see Greek patáne [mp68, g&lb83] see Latin patera "saucer, shallow dish" [mp68, g&lb83] see Latin patella "dish, plate" [mp68, g&lb83] see Luwian pata "foot" [hcm93] bowl with feet? [epg] patna, patu "one who raggiunge, colpisce" [az96] patrucle "Patroclus" [g&lb83] pava, pava+c "sacrificial offering" [gg2008] pava "Tages" [az96] "boy, young man" [am91] pavina "blow, attainment" [az96] pazia0e family name [g&lb83 88] same construction as English family name Miller? [epg] pazu "kneader, dough, pasta?" [az96] > *pasta [az96] see Romance pasta "dough" [rmcc] see Hittite pešš+ "pulverize" [hcm93] see Luwian pasehi "pulverize"(?) [hcm93] check Lycian B pzzi+, pssa+ "to throw"? [LABG] to grind flour [epg] see pizza :p) [epg] pecse "Pegasus" [g&lb83] peisna "emollient" [az96] pei0ia, pei0nai "languid, peering in, glancing" [az96] see Latin paeta "with a slight cast in the eye" [az96] pelearas ""Disgrace+Bringer?" [az96] peleis, pelis "Pêleús" [az96] "bad (cattivo)"? [az96] pelias "Pelías, commando, destroyer?" [az96] peltrum Latin of Rhaetian origin? [bm 24+25] pemphetru "temptor" [az96] pen "adverb: below, beneath, underneath" [gg2008] pene0a, pen0a , penez "adverb: below, beneath, underneath" [gg2008] pene0ana, pen0na, penznas "adverb, adjective: below, beneath, underneath" [gg2008] pen "victim" < "stricken" [az96] likely read as above [epg] penezs "in possession?" [az96] pentasila, pantasila "Penthesíleia" [az96] "(who) falls unconcious" [az96] pen0e "incline, accondiscendente" [az96] pen0una, pen0na "cippus, stone" [mp68, g&lb83, pa, dep] "to compensate, pay, expiate" [az96] penzna "expanse, exposition" [az96] pepna "cooking" [az96] see Oscan popina "kitchen" [az96] per, peraSce "to pour" [gg2008] perp, perpri "action involving altar worship" [gg2008] perpri "examining" [az96] perpru "examiner" [az96] < *bhRb+ < *gwRgw+ [az96] see Latin probandus "examining" [az96] see Latin probator "examiner" [az96] see Latin farreate "marriage" [epg] percena, percna "closely bound, allied" [az96] see Latin pergamene "velum" + John Lydus [epg] peris "passage, footbridge" [az96] Perperna Latin name of Etruscan origin [lrp 57] perse, pherse "Perseús" [g&lb83, mc91:48] "horrid, bristling" [az96] < *khwer+ [az96] see Luwian god Pirwa [hcm93] see Luwian purulliyašši(ya) festival for purulli [hcm93] see Hurrian purulli [hcm93] see Hurrian purli, puruli "temple" [iw] persie "wand, cane, small stick" [az96] "poker" [am91] see Latin persillum [az96] persna "Perugia (town)" see Latin Perusia [djh14, g&lb83:16] pes, pes+c, pesS "sustenance" [gg2008] pesil, peSlial "sustenance" [gg2008] see pazu [epg] pesna male name [g&lb85:161] same construction as English family name Miller? [epg] pesna, pestu "batterer, striker" [az96] pesna, peisna "vessel containing food offerings" [gg2008] pesnaiu, pesnusee "small vessel containing food offerings" [gg2008] see pazu [epg] pe0as, pe0sin "to fill" [gg2008] peteci, petic+, petinate, petnace "sought, seeking" [az96] < *pet+ [az96] see Latin petax, petens "sought, seeking" [az96] pe0ereni adverb: "above" [gg2008] pe0na "one who falls, picks up" [az96] pe0un, pe0n "Chance (god)" [az96] not likely, as Charon rules fate [epg] see Luwian ipalat(i) "sinisterness" [hcm93] perhaps god of evil= devil? [epg] petna "chance, event" [az96] petr+ "stone, stony" [az96] see Greek, Latin petra "stone" [az96] of non Indo-European origin [cw] petruni family name [mp68:371, g&lb83:83] see Latin Petronia, Petronius [mp68:371, g&lb83:83] pevaX "impulsor, one who beats, stimulates" [az96] pi, +pi, pul "at, in, for, by, through, with" [mp68, g&lb83, mcv99Feb9] see epl [mp68] < *+bhi [az96] IE q > PIE p? [epg] piana "one who sacrifices" [az96] see Latin pius, "dutiful, devoted, pious" Italic of Etruscan origin? [cw 51, rc 197] see Latin piare "to sacrifice, expiate" [az96] see Latin piator "sacrificer, expiator" [az96] picas, picas+ri "to offer, sacrifice" [mp68, az96] pic, picas, picasri "to show" [gg2008] see acas [mp68] pila "pillar" Latin of Etruscan origin? [rc 196] pinies family name [gm97] piprtu "one who beats, strikes" [az96] pisisce "triturator, mince" [az96] see Latin fiscus basket [epg] Piso Latin name of Etruscan origin [lrp 57] see Latin/Greek fíísnú "temple, shrine, set inside"? [Colonna2006] pi0e, pe0e family name [mc91:95] pi0e, pitai, pitamn+ "rich, solid" [az96] pitiave preterite verb form [az99Jul19] plancure "beating" [az96] see Latin plangere "to beat" [az96] plaute, plute family name [g&lb83:26, az96:23] "implorer, prayer" [az96:23] pluti "prayer, request" [az96] plavi "crying, praying" [az96] < *plauti [az96] see Latin Plautus [g&lb83:58; de Simone cited by az96:23] see Latin fleo, flevi, plôro [az96] plikaSnas male name [g&lb83:28] plumbum "lead" Latin via Etruscan [cw 52, lrp57, rc 199] see Greek molubdos, mólibdos, mólibos "lead, heavy" [cw 52, lrp57, rc 199] of Tyrrhenian origin? [cw 52, lrp57, rc 199] more likely a shared word [epg] pluti, pluti+m "libation offering" [gg2008] pômum, "apple" Latin of Etruscan origin? [cw 52] [poples Latin from Etruscan [mp68:369] populus, "people" [bm 24, cw 52, rc 200] Latin noun of Etruscan origin [bm 24, cw 52, rc 200] Porsenna, Porsina family name [lrp57] prastna family name [g&lb85:159] preale male spectator at birth of Minerva [g&lb83] "brilliant" < *bregh, *breg, *brig [az96] precu "brilliant, vibrant" [az96] presente, presnte, preSnts male name, cognomen (male) [g&lb83:26&59, mc91:130] see Latin Praesentia, Praesens, praesentes, praesentis "ready, present, resolute" [g&lb83:26&59, mc91:130] prezu cognomen [g&lb85:122, mc91:101] pricesa "moved, aigitated" [az96] pri0a "blade, saw?" [az96] priumne "brilliant, sparkling, glittering, Príamos" [az96] "the month of March"? Primus? [epg] "the shorter days of the year" bruma? [epg] pruma0e "Promêtheús" [g&lb83:67] pruma0, prumts, pruma0+S, prumste "great+grandson" [mp68, g&lb83&89, am91, pa, dep] probably a compound, pru+mat+ [dep] see Latin prônepôs "great+grandson" [mp68, g&lb83&89] see Doric Promâtheús [mc91:44] pruX, pruXum, pruX+S, pruXs "jug" [g&lb83, mcv, gzb] pruXum "pitcher, ewer" [dep, pa] see variant prucuna [mp68] pruXuna, prucuna "adjective: of or relating to a proXous" [gg2008] see Greek próXous, prókhûs type of vessel [g&lb83, mcv, pa, dep] see Greek prókhûs, [pa, dep] see Latin broccus, brocca [pa] prunta, fronta+c "augur of lightning, fulguriator" [gg2008] note p > f prute cognomen [mc91, az96] see Latin Brutus "stocky" [mc91:99] "bush, stump, log" > "fool?" [az96] see Latin frutex "shrub, bush" [az96] not likely, as no one would want to be called a "fool" [epg] pru0seri "to sprout, grow" [az96] not likely: note +ri postfix [epg] pSi "to find, stumble upon?" [az96] see ipa [am91] pûbês "pubic hair" Latin [cw 53, rc 201] "adult, grown-up" [cw 53, rc 201] see Latin pûber, pûbûs "adult" - of Etruscan origin? [cw 53, rc 201] puce, pucna "pugnacious, fight, fighter, boxer" [az96] see Latin pugilus "boxer" [az96] pufa "to cook" > "to decompose, make rot" [az96] pui, puia, pulia, puiian, pui+l "woman, wife" [g&lb83, mc91, az96, gm97, v, pa, dep cb, EB XXII:801] see Hurrian fud "to procreate, to beget" [iw] see Greek òpuíô, opuien "to take as wife" [mc91:83, dep] see Nostr. *Poj/`/V "young" [ag79] puina, pvinei ¿? [g&lb85:89] pul, epl "until" [g&lb83:87] pul "at, through" [dep] see Luwian puwa "formerly" [hcm93] see Luwian puwatil(i) "past" [hcm93] see Latin per "through" [dep] see Greek peri [dep] see Sanskrit pari [dep] see Avestan pairi [dep] see Breton er [dep] see Lithuanian per [dep] see Gothic fair- [dep] pul "beautiful" [az96] base of pulum? [az96] pulpai, pulpa "shining, splendid" [az96] pultuce, pultuXe "Pollux, Poludeúkês" [g&lb83, mc91:45] "light+bearing, Lucifer (morning star)" [az96] pulum "shining, splendid" [az96] pulum, pulumXva, fulumXva, pulumza, pulunza "star, soul, nail" [gg2008] pulumXva "stars, star+count" [mp 68&75, g&lb83, lb90, mcv96Nov8, pa, dep] (that which) shines, firmament" [az96] see Hurrian furi "a sight" [iw] see Latin pulcher "beautiful" of Etruscan origin [EB XXII:647, az96] see Latin splendor [rmcc] pul, pulum "then, and then" [am91] pulenas family name [g&lb83:70] pulfna "support, (which) sustains, frame, scaffold" [az96] < *bhLghw+ [az96] pul0isph youth present at embrace of Turan and Adonis [g&lb83] pultu "struck, beaten" [az96] puluctre "(which) articulates" [az96] pulunza "little door" [am91] see Greek pulôn [am91] pumpli family name [mc91:139] pumpna < pumpuna family name [mc91:96] pumpu male name [mc91:96] pumpu family name [g&lb83:16] male name [mc91: 91] "guide, companion" [az96] punicum port of Caere [mp68:180] pupai+, pupara "child or eye"? [az96] pupie "occular" [az96] see Latin pupilla "orphan, ward" [az96] Pupinia tribe; Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp48] pupli, puplie male name [g&lb83:57, mc91:96, gm97] see Latin Publius [g&lb83 57, mc91:96] puplina < *pupliena, *pupliana family name [mc91, az96] "youth, seed, lineage" [az96] < puplie male name [mc91:96]; see Latin populus "people, town" [az96: 23] puratum, purapum unknown? [mc91:146] puratum "adjective: private" [gg2008] see par? [epg] pure "progeny, brood" [az96] see par? [epg] purni "shaggy garment, stuffing" [az96] see Latin burra "shaggy garment, stuffing" [az96] pur0, purt+, pru0, puru0n, purat, puratum, pur0+ne, eprthne "magistrate, magistracy, dictator?" [g&lb83, am91,pa, dep] "commander, general, everseer"? [epg] epur0+cvua, "relating to the pur0" [mp68, g&lb83:81, mc91:78] epr+0ieva, epr0+nev, epr0nevc "head magistracy" [mp68, g&lb83 81, mc91:78,] pur0vnce, phur0ce "to serve as pur0" [mp68, g&lb83 81, mc91:78] purtsvavcte "in the magistracy" [mc91:141] "pertaining to the army?" [az96] "mounted knights, equites"? [epg] purtSvana, pur0svana, pur0Svavcti "head of the army, dictator" [mp68, g&lb83 81, mc91:78, az96] see Urartean euri "lord, king" [af] see Hurrian fur "to see" [iw] see Hurrian furi "to look" iw] see Hurrian fir "nobleman" [iw] see Hurrian purulli a type of festival [hcm93] see Hurrian ebri "lord" [af] see Luwian parrai "high" [af] see Luwian pariyan "beyond; exceedingly, especially"? [hcm93] see Luwian pariyaššaima/i? "modifies wagon" [hcm93] "a chariot"? [epg] see Luwian purulliya a type of festival [hcm93] see Luwian purpurriyamman "obligation"? [hcm93] "a military obligation"? [epg] see Lycian prije, pruwa "high" [LABG] see Lycian pri "forth, in front" [fk15] see Lycian przze/i" front" [fk15] check Lycian pride "?" [fk15] see Greek prútaris, prótaris, brútaris "pritane (title of magistrate)" [mp68:227, mc91:83, mcv] see Greek protos "first" [dep] see Gothic frauja "lord" [dep] see Indo-European *per+hw "what is before" [dep] puru0n "of grain" [az96] "first fruits"? [epg] purze, purzena family name [am91] see Latinized Porsenna [am91] see Greek Pursós [am91] puSil, fuSle, fuSleri "type of offering" [gg2008] pustmina family name [g&lb83 75, 85: 106] see Latin Postumio [g&lb83 75, 85: 106] put+, pu0+, pu0+s, put+e, putiza "drinking vessel, well, fountain" [am91, dep, pa] putlum "goblet" [gm97] putlumza "vasetto" [am91] putina "small bottle, flask" [az96] putiza "small cup for libations" [gg2008] see Luwian hapa/i "river" [hcm93] see Latin poculum "cup, beaker" [gm97] see Latin potare "to drink" [dep] see Latin pôtus "a drink", puteus "a well", puteal "fence of a well" [mp68, g&lb83] see Latin puteum "well" [pa] see Greek potamos "river" [dep] see Greek potêr "type of drinking vessel, vaso" [mp68] see Hittite pasi "to drink" [dep] see Russian pit' "to drink" [dep] see Breton evan "to drink" [dep] see Indo-European *pehw+ "to drink" [dep] put, pute, pu0s, pu0ce "to leave behind" [gg2008] putace "spoiled, putrid, rotten" [az96] pute "to think, prune" [az96] putere, puteres+s [az96] see Latin putare "to think, prune" [az96] puterescia, puterSia "relating to a messenger?" [az96] putes "to compensate?" [az96] putiza "compenso, contracambio" [az96] puzne, puznu "to (re)pay, compensate? (preterite?)" [az96] pu0ce "ordered, announced, communicated, invited, offered" [az96] puts, pu0s "to announce, communicate, order, invite, offer" [az96] putna "efficacy" [az96] see Latin potentia "power, authority" [az96] Pyrgi "the Towers" [g&lb83:17] see Greek Púrgoi "towers" [g&lb83:17] port city of Cerveteri [g&lb83:17] calque of turs+ "tower, Etruscan"? [rmcc] PH phacsneal, facsneal unknown [g&lb85: 91] phamn, phamu "fame, glory" [az96] see Latin fama "fame, report, rumor" [az96] see Luwian pihaimma/i "imbued with splendor/might/light" [hcm93] phaun, faun "Phaon (plays lyre; given eternal youth by Aphrodite in Greek myth)" [g&lb83] phauXania "striking" [az96] phersipnai "Persephone" [g&lb83] phersu "mask, masked character, masked actor" [lrp51, rah59, mp68, nv73, g&lb83, mc91:67, gm97, cb, dep, pa, bm 24+25, pb 24+25] see Latin persona, personna "mask, person" [lrp51, rah59, mp68, nv73, g&lb83, mc91:67, gm97, cb, dep, pa, bm 24+25, pb 24+25] see Hurrian fur "see" [iw] see Hurrian furulzari "a show” [iw] see Gk. prósopon [lrp 49] pherusnaX, phersnaXs "Perugian" [gg2008] phesu "(which) bites, punches" [az96] pheX, pheXucu "unknown transitive verb" [gg2008] pheXucu "polished, refined" [az96] see Hurrian piconni “to be happy” [iw] phinuis "phoenix" [g&lb83:67] see Greek PhoîniX "phoenix" [g&lb83:67] see Luwian pihaimma/i "imbued with splendor, might, light" [hcm93] phipece "palpitation" [az96] phlaviena name [az96] corresponds to Latin Flavius [de Simone cited by az96:23] phokia+si+ale "Phocaean?" Lemnian [mcv98Mar12] phruriel "desk" [az96] phulphsna "Polyxéne" [es99Jun15] female spectator when Helen flees from Menelaos armed with sword [g&lb83] phulu "splendor" [az96] phulnice, phulnise, pulnice name? [no citation] see Hurrian fur "see" [iw] see Hurrian furulzari "a show” [iw] phur0ce "has had done, disposed" [az96] "brought, got" [am91] R +r plural suffix [mp68:395] see Hittite +ear [im] Germanic +ear [im] see Armenian +ear [im] +ri, +eri nominalizer [mp68:400] concept of obligation or necessity [mp68:400] +ri gerundive morpheme [az99Mar29] +ri "for" [gg2008] corresponds to Latin gerundive [mp68:400] see Luwian +r very unclear enclitic element [hcm93] +rna ending [pa] raX, raXS, raX+ti, raXu+0, raX+0 "unknown place" [gg2008] "loom or hearth"? [epg] racuneta "approved (feminine)" [az96] racuse "to approve" [az96] racvanie "approval" [az96] racvu, racu, raquvu, racu0u, racventu, racvitu, ravn0u, ravun0u female name [mc91:98] "excellent" [az96] see Luwian la+ "take" [hcm93] "captivating"? or derived from raX? [epg] rae "lines, stripes" [az96] see Luwian lahi(ya) "travel, campaign" [hcm93] rafi family name [az96:25] ramlisia "support, sustain" [az96] < *rem+ [az96] Ramnes Latin equitês name of Etruscan origin [lrp48, rah59] see Ramnenses "Romans" [A Modigliano cited by g&lb85:54] ramnuna name [mc91:95] ramu0a, rama0a, ram0a, ramta female name [g&lb83, mc91:41] ramva, ramue, ramue0 "action regarding sacrificial animals" [gg2008] ran, rane+m "unknown transitive verb" [gg2008] ranazu male name [mc91:67] "engraver, etcher" > "haruspex" [az96] rane"engraver, etcher" > "sounding, investigation" [az96] rapa "engraving, writing" [az96] rapale "engraving" [az96] rapalni, raplni "engraver, writer" [az96] < *ghraph [az96] rapli [lrp48] see Latin rabula "pettifogging advocate" [lrp48] rasce male name [g&lb85:161] "increaser (of the lineage/race)" [az96] < *ras+,*res+ [az96] rasnele "for the Etruscans" (Delphi Inscription) [dep] rasna, raSna, rasnea+, rasna+s, rasnea+s, raSne+S, rasna+l, raSnal, raSne "Etruscan, people, popular" [mp68, g&lb83, am91, az96, cb, djh 10, v, EB XXII:801, pa] rasnal, rasne "of Etruria" [pa] rasnea "people, populus" [az96] < *trusia, Lemnian *trosia [mcv] see Urartean taruani "human" [af] see Hurrian taruwani "mankind" [af] see Greek gloss rasénna [mp68, g&lb83, cb, djh 10, v, EB XXII:801] see Umbrian Turskus "Umbrian" [Pallottino cited by fr] see Latin tursci, tusci, Tuscania [Pallottino cited by fr, mcv] < turs, tus + Latin adjectival suffix +cus (*+ko+) [mcv] etrusci < Etrus+ + Latin adjectival suffix +cus < *+ko+ [mcv] See Latin Etrûria < *Etrûsia with intervocalic s > r[mcv] suffix +ia is Latin and Greek not necessarily Tyrrhenian [mcv] *turs+, tursen+ ~ *trus+ may correspond to rasna < *rasenna *tu+rasenna might work, but Etruscan is suffixing [mcv] see Greek Troïa "Troy" [mcv] < *Trosia, with loss of intervocalic s [mcv] see Greek tursenoi, tyrrhe:n+ [iffr, mcv] < *turse:n+ [mcv] see Egyptian TWRS^3, trS.w, twrwS'.w, twryS'.w, twyrS.w, tursha (band of Aegean Sea Peoples) [mp68:95,mcv, iffr] see tarhuntassa, tauros, tarsus, tarquin [iffr] see Urartean taruani "human" [af] see Hurrian taruwani "mankind" [af] see Greek túrsis "tower" [g&lb 85:59] see Latin turris "tower" [g&lb 85:59] name related to Etruscan port of Pyrgi? [rmcc] < Greek púrgoi "the towers" [rmcc] ra0iu "number" [az96] ra0l0 "engraver" > "haruspex, calculator?" [az96] ratu "to calculate, evaluate" [az96] ratum "accurately, according to law" [g&lb83&85:191] "ratio" [az96] see Latin rite "accurately, according to law" [g&lb83&85:191] see Latin ratio "reckoning, account" [az96] raufe, rauhe, ruvfe male name [mc91:50] "reddish" [az96] rau0e "excellent?" [az96] ravna, ravena "Ravenna (town)" see Latin Rauenna [djh14, g&lb83] ravn0u female name [g&lb83] raX+"prepare" [g&lb83] "smash (imperative)" [az96] raX0 "prepare" [gzb] see raXu0, rac0, raX0, raczle, racuse [az96] < *ghwrek "to smash" [az96] rea "straight" [az96] rechlu "erect" [az96] recte "erect (marker)" [az96] rekasia "(something) straight, in good shape" [az96] reketi "stable, adjusted, rule" [az96] reXuva "the (two) reestablishers, rulers, directors (Dioscuri)" [az96] < *rekh+a [az96] see Latin rectu+ "straight" [az96] rel "trascorso" > "esito"? [az96] < *rin, *ren+ [az96] remzi "structure, beam" [az96] remzna "Pontius (name)" [az96] "bridge", az? ren, rens, rene+0i "physical object" [gg2008] ren "course, period" [az96] rena "to punish" [az96] rena "punishment, vendetta" [az96] < *rehena [az96] renine "fleeting, passing, falling into ruin" [az96] repin, repine+c, repin+0i+c "adverb: behind; north" [gg2008] repine "inclination, propitious" [az96] repsin "to incline, propitiate" [az96] rescial, recial, resXualc, rescunia deity similar to a Lasa [g&lb83] < sval "to live"? [g&lb83] "(deity) who makes grow, develops" [az96] reusce"happens" [az96] reuscesc "happened" [az96] reuXzina "aroma, perfume" [az96] rici+ "good condition" [az96] ril "aged, at the age of" [mp68&75, g&lb83, lb90, am91, pa, dep] "to pass, elapse" [az96] < *rin+l+ < *srei "to run" [az96] rinus "event" [az96] rinu0 "which flows, procede, advances" [az96] rita "connection, weave" [az96] ri0naita "woven, concatenated" > "series, related things" [az96] ri0na "offering" [mp68:409] ri0na, ri0nai "table for sacrifice or libations" [gg2008] rivaX "(which) decays, weakens" [az96] riza "to prop, support" [az96] *ror+ Tyrrhenian root? [g&lb83:105] rosa "rose" Latin [bc 199] via Etruscan [cw 79] < *wrod+ya [cw 79] see Greek rhodon "rose" [cw 79] < *wrod+o [cw 79] see Persian gul "rose" [cw 79] < IE * wrod+ [cw 79] of Tyrrhenian origin? see Luwian aarušait "censer" [hcm93] rua "rumor, voice?" [az96] ruifre male name [g&lb85:157] ruma "Roma (town)" [djh14, mp68, g&lb83] "bridge, ford, passage?" [rmcc] see remzna "Pontius" [rmcc] < *remna [lrp48] rumaX, rumate "Roman" [mp68, g&lb83, az96, pa] rumi "rumor, fame" [az96] runXlvis "collected, ammassed?" [az96] rupsa "(which) smashes, piece?" [az96] see Latin +rupt+ [az96] see Luwian lumpašti+/luppašti "regret" [hcm93] rutania "turning" > "fortune" [az96] rutapis "Rhôdopis" [g&lb85:54] "turning, spinning" [az96] ru0cva "rites?" [am91] "turbines, ruins" [az96] see Latin rotare "to revolve' [az96] ru0iaX "one who has la mazza, il randello" [az96] rutia "stick, walking cane" [az96] see Latin rudis "stick" [az96] rutile "ornament, (something) splendid" [az96] rutz, ruz "course" [az96] ruze "engraving" > "trace" [az96] see Latin ruta "route" [az96] see French rue [az96] ruva "brother" [g&lb83, am91, az96, cb, jpm, v, pa, dep, gg2008] see Lydian brafra "brother" [er99Jun21 ] ruvfe family name see Latin Rufii [g&lb83:27] ruz, ruze "to be divided up, to be apportioned" [gg2008] s/S NOTE: s and S represent distinct phonemes. s represents the unvoiced dorsal /s/. S may represent the unvoiced affricate /sh/ or the apical /S/. The spelling conventions varied and are not always consistent. Therefore use of s and S may represent variant spellings of the same word, or may distinguish unrelated words. +s nominative for males and deities [mp68: 395] +s , +si, sa; +eis, +S, +Si, +Sa "genitive suffix, adjectival suffix" [mp68:351, mcv, pa] oblique genitive and dative suffixes for nouns ending in vowels except feminine +i [mp68:99] and majority of nouns ending in consonants [mp68:99] < *+si [mcv99Sep2] +si personal dative ("pertinentive") [mcv98Jan23] formed by genitive + locative [mcv98Jan23] < *si+i [mcv98Jan23] +sis/+is [mcv98Jan23] < *+si+si "double genitive" (ablative?) [mcv98Jan23] see Lemnian +z, +zi, +eiz [mp68:99] see Lydian +l [er99Jun21] see Luwian +assi [mcv99Sep2] see Luwian +ša+ "his, hers, its" [hcm93] see Lycian as+ "to do" [fk15] Indo-European *+os [mcv99Sep2] +sva "his, her(s), (ones) own"? [az96] see Lydian s'fa "self; reflexive pronoun" [s&b] ee Carin sfes "self; reflexive possessive pronoun" [s&b] see sve Sa, sa, sa+S, Sa+s "six" [am91, az96, cb, mcv] "four" [g&lb83, vs&amr 189] "four or six" [mp68, mc91, pa, dep] sazil derivative of sa+ [mp68] sam "and four" [mc91] SealX, sealXls, sialXls "sixty" [[email protected]] "forty" [g&lb83] "forty or sixty" [mc91, pa] see Lemnian sialXveis, sialXvis "sixty" [mp68:99, [email protected]] see Indo-European *sek's/wek's/uk's "six" [ag78] see Indo-European *Seks, *Sweks < Semitic [mcv99May19] see Kartvelian *eks^w+ "six" [ag78] sac+, Sac+, sac+a, sac+ri "carrying out a sacred act, to consecrate" [mp68, g&lb83, dep, pa] "read augury"? [epg] sacni "priest" [g&lb83:77] "consecration" [mp68:263] Sacni "to cover" [az96] sacni, sacniu, Sacni+cn, Sacni+tn, Sacni+cla, Sacni+tle, Sacni+cl+eri, Sacni+cS+treS "sacred place, sanctuary, consecrated" [mp68, pa, dep, gzb] sacni, Sacni+cn, Sacni+cle+ri, sacni+cle+ri, Sacni+cS+treS, sacniSa, sacnisaz "soul" [gg2008] Sacnic "cover" [az96] Sacnic cil0 "sanctuary" [mp68:263] Sacnic ci0 "tegimen apex, pointed hood for fulguriator and haruspex" [az96] sacnicleri "for the temple" [gm97] sacnisa, SacniSa, Sacnisa "consecrate, dedicate" [mp68:263, g&lb83& 85:161, am91, mc91:135] "covered" > "buried" [az96] sacnitalte, sacnisa, sacniSa "to consecrate" [mp68] Sacnitle "covers (plural)" [az96] sacniu, sacniv "(has) covered" [az96] see Luwian parzaki "label, seal" [hcm93] par/zaki [epg] see Lycian asaqlaza "governor" [fk15] a/saqlaza [epg] see Lycian haqlaza "governor" [fk15] haq/laza [epg] see Luwian god Šaušqa = Ishtar [hcm93] see Hittite saklai "custom" [dep] see Oscan sakoro "sacred" [dep] see Latin sacer "sacred, holy" [mp68:263, g&lb83&85:161, mc91:135, az96, gzb, dep, pa] see Latin/Greek sakaraklúm "place where sacred acts are made" [Franchi de Bellis] see Greek hagios "holy" [dep] see Indo-European *sak+ "to consecrate" [pa] < *steg+n+ [az96] suc+, Suc+, Suc+i, Suc+ivn, Suc+ri "ritual act" [mp68] see ZuX Saca "point" [az96] Sacri "to fix, fasten" [az96] Sacrni "sharp, pointed" [az96] Sacrtuna "incisor, chisel" [az96] Sacu, Saxu "acute, wise" [az96] see Latin sac+ [az96] see Latin sagax "shrewd, acute", sagio, staca [az96] < *stakh+ "point, sharpness" [az96] see Luwian šakaldamman "harm, destruction, or similar" [hcm93] Saena, sena "Siena (town)" see Latin Saena [djh14, g&lb83] sal, Sal+0, salal "adjective: noble, great" [gg2008] sal+ "make, carry out" [g&lb83] "Sol?" [mcv96Nov8] "king, pontifex" [az96] Sal mama "pontifex maximus" [az96] "greatest of the high priests" [epg] see title sal cluvenias applied to Thefariei Velianas in Pyrgi inscription [pa&az2000] John Lydus gives cluvenius "door", as a name of the month of January, and so does Ovid. [epg] sal "high priest" [epg] see Cuneiform SAL "priest, priestess" [epg] See Luwian god Šarruma[hcm93] see Luwian šalhi "great, grown"(?) [hcm93] see Carian sla, slars "to honour the memory" [s&b] see Lycian hla "to glorify" [s&b] see Latin Salii "high priests" [epg] see zil *sala "side of earth, channel" of Tyrrhenian origin? [rah 53+54] Sale, Salie, Salvi "star, spendor" [az96] Was a star was seen as the "liberated" life force of a person? [epg] salie0i "light, illumination" [az96] Saltuc "shining" [az96] Sal0n "to shine, illuminate" [az96] all likely sal related [epg] Salk "base" [az96] SalXei "firm, well founded" [az96] < *stalk(h)+ "base, structure" [az96:17] sameru "brilliant (clear, solar?)" [az96] san+, San+, sian+, sian+S, sanS+aS, san+Sl, sian+Sl, san+ulis, san+e "dead, deceased, ancestor" [pa, dep] santi, Santi, Santi+S+tS "funerary priest" [mp68] see Luwian god Šanta [hcm93] see Luwian šinapši "sanctuary" [hcm93] see Hurrian šinapši "sanctuary" [hcm93] see Hittite šinapši "sanctuary" [hcm93] sacerdotal title [pa, dep] funerary title? [pa] sense of properly buried? helper on way to afterlife? [epg] saniSa, saniSva "dead?" [mc91] sanisva "blessed?" plural [am91] < ? san+ [dep] see Latin senex "old man" [dep] see Sanskrit sanas "old" [dep] see Greek henos "old" [dep] see Avestan hano "old" [dep] see Amenian hyn "old" [dep] san "union?" [az96] sanXuna, sanXune+ta "pertaining to oaths" [gg2008] sanXuna, sanXuneta (demonstrative) personal name [mc91:73] see Luwian sahhani(ya) "impose feudal service on" [hcm93] see Sabine sancus "sky" [epg] swear to the heavens? [epg] saniSva sanisva "adjective:old" [gg2008] saniSa, saniSva "dead?" [mc91] "joined" [az96] sanSl "votive offering" [g&lb85:170] sanS "linker, joiner, binder" [az96] < *san/*sen "to join" [az96] saniu "servo" [az96] santerna Latin from Etruscan [mp68:369] santi, Santi, santi+c, SantiS+tS "priest" [gg2008] Santi "certainty, stability" [az96] Santic "(which) sustains, gives a base" [az96] < *stan+t+ "foundation, base" [az96: 17] see Greek sandyx priest's dress [epg] sapu name "stump, trunk" [az96] < *stap [az96] see Latinized Sabo [az96:25] Sar "ten" [g&lb83, mc91, pa, dep] genitive Saris [ag78, az96, cb, gg 24 Feb 99, er 1 Mar 99] sarvena "and ten" [mc91] SarSnau "group of ten, decuria" [g&lb83 80] *Sarsnax "tenth" [g&lb83 80] < *Sari "ten" [ag78, az96, cb, gg, er] see Akkadian eSeret, eSret, eSru [ag78, az96, cb, gg, er] see Arabic as'r "ten" [ag78, az96, cb, gg99Feb24, er99Mar1] see Proto+Semitic *3as'r+ "ten" [ag78, az96, cb, gg, er] not+Semitic e.g. Akkadian Sa'ru, Sar "3600" [mcv] Sar "assure, reinforce" [az96] < *star/*ster [az96] Sarle "sterilze, neutralize" [az96] Sarvana, Sarvenas "a tithe" [gg2008] a tax? [epg] see Luwian šarlai "exalt" raise up [hcm93] see Luwian šarlamiš "exaltation" [hcm93] praise? [epg] see Lydian sarb "to write" [cb]? Sarvena "cadaver, remains" [az96] see Luwian šarra "(up)on; thereon" [hcm93] perhaps referring to a body on its pyre? [epg] see zar [epg] sat+, Sat, Sa0, Sut, Su0 (ablaut) "to sit, set, put, establish, to be found, make" [mp68, g&lb83, pa, dep, gzb] see sut+, su0+, Sut+, Su0+ etc. [mp68, g&lb83] see Indo-European and Semitic *sed+ [Schott36, mcv] see Luwian ašaw[a ] "to sit" or "seat" [hcm93] see Latin sedere "to sit" [dep] see Sanskrit sadayati "he puts" [dep] see Gothic satjan "to put" [dep] see English set [dep] see Nostratic *SAtV "to sit" [ag79, mcv99Feb9] Sa0a "liquid used in libation offerings" [gg2008] satelles "bodyguard" Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp48, nv 73] see Hittite sarh "to attack" [LABG] see Luwian sarhija "to attack" [LABG] see Lycian B zrqqi "to fight, to attack"[LABG] see Lydian serli "a leader" [cb] "a commander"? [epg] see Latin satellites name for soldiers - John Lydus [epg] Satna "companion, follower" [az96] Satena "aedile" [az96] Satene "aedileship" [az96] see Latin satellites name for soldiers - John Lydus [epg] saties family name [g&lb83:22] satir "speak, talk" [lrp48&57] see Latin satura "sermon" [lrp48&57] see Latin satura baskets used in reigious cermonies - John Lydus [epg] satiria [az96] < *stat+ [az96: 17] see Latin satura baskets used in reigious cermonies - John Lydus [epg] satlnei female name [g&lb85:145] satr "affliction" [az96] < sât+ [az96] < *stah+at+ "to hit, wound" [az96] < *stakhat+ 'to prick, afflict' [az99Mar29] see Latin satura baskets used in reigious cermonies - John Lydus [epg] Satre, satres "Saturn" [mp68:159] deity of fate or underworld, pars hostilis/pars postica [mp68:251, g&lb83] "(one who) hits, Acute, Sâturnus" [az96] saturnia town [mp68:192] sauturine > suthrine, sutrine "wounder?, archer?, cobbler?" [az96] SauXnate "wounder" [az96, 99Mar29] < Saukh+ < *stakhuk+ 'wound' [az96&99Mar29] savcne "wounding" > "examiner, haruspex?" [az96] < *stahu+k+ [az96] see Latin *saucitor "wounder", sagittarius "archer", sûtor "cobbler" [az96] see Latin saurocter "weapon of bronze or iron" [mp68] see Latin saucio "wounded", sauciens "wounding" [az96] Save "sustain, signum, punctum?" [az96] Savlasie "sustain" [az96] < *tzaul+ < *staul+ [az96] see Carian sav, sava "something good" [s&b] food? [epg] see Lydian sav "good" [s&b] [epg] savicnes, savcnes "plate" [gg2008] sc+, scu+ Scu+, esX+, escu+, sce, Scu+n, Scu+na, Scu+ne, scu+na, scu+nu, scu+n+si, scu+v+se, scv+etu, esX+a0, esX+a0+ce, escu+na "to give, put, make an offering" [mp68] derivative sXuinia [mp68] scan, Scanin, Scanince "to sanctify" [gg2008] scanin "to rise, climb" [az96] see Latin scandere "to rise, climb" [az96] "to raise up"? [epg] scara "in, inwards" [az96] scarpe male name [mc91: 100] see Latin Scarpus [g&lb83 58] "pointed, harsh, one who incide" [az96] sceva, skaiva "left+handed, treacherous" [az96] see Latin scaeva "left+handed, awkward" [az96] scire, sciria "step?" [az96] scunna, scuna adjective: "holy sanctified, blessed" [gg2008] scuna, scunu "observer, inspector" [az96] scunsi cates "expert observer" [az96] scuvse "guard with care" [az96] scuvunu "inspecting" [az96] scvetu "attentive, well inspected" [az96] < *scuvetu [az96] looks like a verb? [epg] Scune, Scuni "yield, yielding, cession" [mp68:405, g&lb83:83] scuXie "oblique, sinister, unlucky" [az96] Sea+ "access, passage" [az96] < stêgha+ [az96] Sec, seX, SeX "daughter," [mp68:400, g&lb83, am91, mc91, az96, gm97, EB XXII:801, jf 139, jpm, pa, dep, gg2008] SeX+is, SeX+iS "daughter," genitive [mp68:400, g&lb83, mc91, az96, gm97, EB XXII:801, jf 139, jpm, pa, dep] see Tocharian B soy "son" [dep] see Greek huius "son" [dep] see Irish sutthe "birth" [dep] < *sukt, sukte "the born one" [dep] Secan "to sign, mark" [az96] secu, secune (masculine), secunia (feminine) "sign, (who) signs, marks?" [az96] Sekanei "to mark, sign" [az96] < *sikh [az96] see Latin signare "to mark, sign" [az96] see zec [az96] see zic [epg] sece "to follow?" [az96] see Latin sequens, secundus "following" [az96] seci "to cut, smash" [az96] segusius Latin of Rhaetian origin? [bm 24+25] seiate, seate, seiante, seante, sente, sentinate family name [mc91:123] "colonist" [az96] sentiunum "colony" [az96:28] seka "to fall, founder" [az96] sel, sela, Selace "to give, to hand over" [gg2008] sela, sele+itala "hand" [gg2008] sel+"to do, to make" [dep] Sela "order, disposition" [az96] Selace "he dedicated" [mcv96Nov8] Seleita "instituted, ordered" [az96] seleitala "of the goddess?" [mcv96Nov8] see Lydian sarb "to write" [cb] see Hittite šarhuli "pillar" [hcm93] "inscription"? [epg] Seleta "(cosmic) order" [az96] Seleta "'heavenly, bright, shining" [pa&az2000] < *stel [az96] see Indo-European *swe1+ see Sanskrit svarga"heaven, sky" see Eolian selannam" "moon" see Greek selene""moon"[pa&az2000] "a month"? [epg] selcia "vortex" [az96] selva, selvan, selvans, selvanz "Silvanus" [mp68:251, g&lb83, mc91:53&74, EM] Sem "to arrest" [az96] < *stembh+ [az96] Semla "(goddess) Simula, Stimula, Semelé" [az96] < *stegh+em+ [az96] Semna "trace, track (way, passage) [az96] Sem0ne, Semtni "semitarius, path" [az96] semni female name [g&lb83 84] *semph, semph+S "seven" [mp68, g&lb83, am91, jf 141, pa, dep] semphalX, semphalX+ls "seventy" [mp68, g&lb83, jf 141, pa] semphz "seven times" [mc91] see Indo-European *septm [mp68, ag78, g&lb83, az96, gg99Feb24, mc91, mcv] re+formed by analogy with cezp (8) and nurph (9) [ag78, mcv] probably < Semitic [b&k32, cb, er, mcv] < *Swid+ from Semitic [Klimov cited by ag78, mcv] see Hurrian Sitta, Sinda "seven" [ag78, mcv] see Luwian šap(pa)tammimma/i "sevenfold"(??) [hcm93] see Hittite šiptamiya [hcm93] Semu "signer" [az96] Semu0in "to cleft" [az96] sene "servant, slave" [az96] < *sen+/*san+ "to bind, unite" [az96] sentie "Sentinus (god)"? [az96] "sense" [az96] Sepana, Sepiasa, Sepie, Seple, Septe, Septle, Sepune, Sep(u)lna, Sepre, Sepu "stump, trunk, support, pole" > "fool" [az96] < *Sep+ < *step+ [az96] see Latin stîpes "log, post" [az96&99Mar29] see Luwian šapiya "? somekind of cleansing agent" [hcm93] Sepu family name [g&lb85:166, mc91:125] ser "to remain" [gg2008] Ser "to fix, grasp" [az96] < *ster [az96] Serice "stiff, stop" [az96] Seril "to ruin, make sterile" [az96] Serin "to stiffen" [az96] Seru "to stiffen, stand, stop" [az96] < *ster+ "rigid" [az96] see Lydian sarb "to write" [cb] see Hittite šaruli "pillar" [hcm93] "inscription"? [epg] Serphua "stump, foundation" [az96] Sert+, Sertur "star, bright" [az96] < *stered+ [az96&99Mar29] serui, serue > servus "servant," [lrp57] servus "servant, slave" Latin of Etruscan origin [rah 59, rc 214] ses "seat" [az96] see Latin sedes "seat, residence, foundation" [az96] ses "to present, put" [az96] sescatna "(who) places, plants, holds, down" [az96] sese "to be absent, lack" [az96] se0, se0asri "to hammer, to strike" [gg2008] Se0a+ "position" [az96] Se0al "to set up" [az96] looks like a noun turned into a verb? [epg] Se0lans "Hephaestus, Vulcan" [g&lb83, mc91:53, EM, cb] se0ra, Se0ra female name [mp68:395, mc91:52, pa] se0re, se0rni, Se0re, Se0rni male name [mp68:395, g&lb83, mc91:52, pa] "(which) hits, afflicts" [az96] se0um "hammer" [gg2008] se0um+ "demon" [mp68:409] Se0um+ati "well founded" [az96] Se0ums "Messenger (god)" [az96] see Latin Stator [az96] not likely, as Hermes is the messenger of the gods [epg] see Greek Se0an "priest of Egyptian Hephaestus" [im] see Hittite tethai "to thunder" [im, uncited] see Hittite tethima "thunder"[im, uncited] Setil, Setilune+c "to approve, to accept" [gg2008] Setirune "support, reinforcement" [az96] < *ste+t+/*sta+t+ [az96] Setu "(which) afflicts?" [az96] Seu, Seu+c, Seuœ "morning" [gg2008] Seu "track, tracker, trace, tracer" [az96] < *Sekh+, *Sikh < *steigh [az96] shkrak "spittle" Romansh of Rhaetian origin? [jr 69] Si, Sin "to set down to, to lower to" [gg2008] Si "trace, track, point, sign" [az96] Si, Si+c "evening" [gg2008] sianasa "(which) guards, sees" [az96] sians "seer, observer" [az96] sianS "father" [mcv 8 Nov 96] Siiane "investigator, wounder?" [az96] < *stigh+i+ane [az96] Sikh "to sign; to investigate" [az99Mar29] see zic siianS, sanSl, siiane, sianS "ancestor, deceased" [gg2008] silgatana family name [g&lb85:46] Silu "stilus" [az96] sime satyr see Greek Sîmos "snub+nosed" [g&lb83] Sime "Stimulus?" [az96] SimXla "trace, track, stimulation" [az96] sin "to permit" [az96] sina "depose, grant" [az96] see Latin sinere "to permit, leave alone" [az96] sinu "colonist" [az96] Sinu family name [g&lb83:57, mc91:123] see Latin Sentius [g&lb83:57] Sipir "stipulate" [az96] < *stip+ "rigid" [az96] see Latin stipulari "stipulate" [az96] Siprisni "one who tramples, rivets" [az96] siricima unknown [mp68:391] Sirona, Dirona "Diana, Shining" [az96] < *stirona [az96:15] sisphe "Sisyphus" [g&lb85:161] si0 "deposed, conceded (preterite)" [az96] Si0, Si0um "torpor, deposition, rotting" [az96] see Latin situs "situated" [az96] Sitmica "fixer, affixer" [az96] root of Se0um [az96] SiXaciiule "signs, (things) investigated" [az96] SiXaie "investigation" [az96] < *stîg+ "trace" [az96] see Latin Sextilis the sixth month [epg] slai0e "(which) beats, hits" [az96] slapina "fallen, disgraced" [az96] slapiXu "passing away, fallen" [az96] slela, slele+0 "quarry" [gg2008] slela "cistern, basin" [az96] sleparis "one who slips, slides, stumbles" [az96] sli "to taste, pour a libation" [az96] < *sleigh [az96] see Latin libare "to taste, pour a libation" [az96] slicaXe "dead" [az96] "funereal" [am91] smeltha "tight, narrow" [az96] smin0e "wretched, diminuitive" [az96] see Smintheus [rmcc] smucin0iu "censer, incense burner" [am91] snaus "turn, course" [az96] snua "to turn (over)" [az96] snuiaf "run, turn" [az96] snute "one who turns (to), runs" [az96] snutuph "occurance, luck" < "something that comes one's way" [az96] snanaziulas "connections, plots" [az96] snena adverb: "on top, over" [gg2008] snena0, Snena0 "maid, companion" (feminine) [mp68, pa, dep] "Parca" [az96] "spun" > "destiny" [az96] snean0 turans "Turan's maid" [g&lb83] snuia, snuiap, snuiaph, snuiuph adjective: "many, numerous, more numerous, greater" [gg2008] snuiaph "ritual driving of the nails, rites?" [g&lb83:56] "great+er" (+aph = comparative)? [mcv96Nov8] snu0, snutri "to count, to tally" [gg2008] snuza "a few, some" [gg2008] snuza "result" [az96] < *snutia "result" [az96] Sora place name [lrp 57] span, span+0i+m "plains, flatlands" [gg2008] spanti, spati "platter, plate, dish" [gg2008] spanti, spati, Spanti "plate" [mc91] "type of dish, vessel" [dep, pa, mcv?] spanza diminutive of spanti "plate"[gzb] see Umbrian spanti "type of dish" [mcv?] see Latin patella "dish, plate" [gzb] spantu "male family name" [mc91:127, gm97] spantui female family name [mc91:127, gm97] "spansus" [az96] spedo, spitu family name [g&lb83:58] spel, Spel, Spel+0i, Spelane "tomb, hole, opening" [gg2008] see spet spelana "infringement?" [az96] see Latin scelus "crime, scoundrel" [az96] spel0i "to kill" [az96] spel0uta "truncated, chopped" > "dead" [az96] speras "hope, prospects" [az96] see Latin spex, sperare "hope, to hope" [az96] spet, spetri "to open" [gg2008] spet, Spet "to drink" [pa, dep] spet+ spetri "sacred act", "to pour, taste a libation?" [az91] "to observe" [az96] see Latin bibere "to drink" [dep] see Sanskrit pibati "to drink" [dep] see Albanese pi "to drink" [dep] see Old Irish ibim (I drink) [dep] see Prussian poieiti "to drink" [dep] spiu "observer, spy" [az96] < *speh+t+ [az96] see Greek spéndô [mp68] see Latin "specio" spirare "to breathe" Latin of Etruscan origin? [rc 229] spitu, spitus male name [g&lb83:84] family name [mc91:133] spulare epithet used with Artemis [g&lb85:157] spula, spulare "make splendid, honor?" [az96] spur+, Spur+, "city, citizenry" [mp 68&75, g&lb83, lb90, am91, az96, cb, EB XXII:801, gzb, dep, pa, v] spur+e0i "city, citizenry" locative [mp 68&75, g&lb83, lb90, az96, cb, EB XXII:801, v] spur+eri, Spur+eri "city, citizenry" indirect object [mp 68&75, g&lb83, lb90, az96, cb, EB XXII:801, v] "for towns" [gm97] <b<Spur+es+treS "city, citizenry" [mp 68&75, g&lb83, lb90, az96, cb, EB XXII:801, v] spura "community" [mc91] spural, Spural "of the city, citizenry" [mp68, mc91:63, az96] Spurana, spurana, spureni, Spureni "pertaining to the city" [g&lb83:81] "civic, citizen" [mc91:63, az96, pa, dep] "citizenry" [am91] see Subura "Etruscan quarter of Rome" [mp75, lb90] Perhaps an indication of a heavily aspirated s, and a p close to our b [epg] spuriaze, spuriazes, Spuriaze "public" [mp68, pa, dep] "trampled" > "beaten" > "pavement" > "vestibule" [az96] spurie, Spurie male name [mc91:96] spurina family name; famous Etruscan haruspex [az96] see Sanskrit pur "wall" [dep] see Greek Spartê "city" [dep] see Lydian Sparda "city" [dep] see Lydian brafr "a member of the commune" [cb] spuriza "bastard" < "dispreciated" [lrp48&57, nv73, az96] spurius "son of an unknown father" [lrp48&57, nv73, az96] see Latin Spurius [g&lb83] see Latin Spurinna [lrp48, g&lb85:47&106, mc91:96] see Latin spurcus "impure" [rmcc] unknow father, so "of the city" [epg] spurta "investigated" [az96] Squlina "Sculina (personal name)" [mc91:108] squria "Scuria (female name)" [mc91:114] squrie male name [mc91:114] sren, Sran+c, srenXve, Srencve "an image" [gg2008] sren, Sran "design, ornament, figure" [mp68, g&lb83, az96, cb, v, pa, dep] srencva, Srencve, SrenXve "decorated, figured, adorned" [mp68, pa, dep] "incision" > "haruspex" [az96] Srentve "decorated, adorned" [gzb] staile "stable, in good condition" [az96] stasinu, Stasinu "type of bowl" [gg2008] with feet or spun? [epg] staslar "whorl" [gg2008] stas "assistent, supporter" [az96] steprni "one who tramples" [az96] stilus "pen" Latin via Etruscan, originally Greek [g&lb85:83] streta "placed, readied" [az96] streta "exercised, instructed, armed"? [az96] stultnei "Sedilia" [az96] "(she) of the seat, bench" [az96] stvi "tiller" > "guide" [az96] suazu "sodality, brotherhood, way of life"? [az96] subarra Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp57] subura "Etruscan quarter of Rome" [mp75, lb90] see Sybaris (Greek city) [htb] see spur [epg] subulo "flute" Latin of Etruscan origin [gm97] suc+, Suc+, Suc+i, Suc+ivn, Suc+ri "ritual act" [mp68] see ZuX Suci, Suci+c, zuci, zuc, Suciva "incense" [gg2008] Suci, Sucic, suciX "piece, part" [az96] Sucn+ "piece, part?" [az96] Sucri "dividing, cutting" [az96] SuXu "part" [az96] < *stuk [az96] see ZuX SuciX firin "pars hostilis of divinatory liver" [az96] see ZuX sucri "one must declare" [mp68:413] sucri 0ezaric "must be made and immolated" [g&lb85:171] sul, sulal, sului, sulXva "type of offering" [gg2008] suli, suls, sulsle "type of offering" [gg2008] sul, sulXva (singular), sulsle (plural) "watch, observation" [az96] sulunia "observer (feminine)" [az96] sun, sun+tnam "to perform, to do" [gg2008] sun+ "dangerous, hurt" [az96] sun0eruza "pyxis, cosmetic box" [gg2008] suplu "flautist" [lrp48, rah59, mp68, g&lb83, mc91:67, az96:418] "whistler, piper, flautist" [pa, dep] see Latin sûbulô, sûbina "flautist" - Varro [lrp48, rah59, mp68, g&lb83, mc91:67, az96:418, gm97] see Latin sufflare "to blow" [pa] Supri, supri "amazing" [az96] see Lat. stupendus "amazing" [az96] not likely that t would be inserted [epg] Sure, Suri demon [mp68:407] Sure "branch, stake" [az96] Suri, Suri, sure, Suuris, Suris adjective: "of bronze" [gg2008] Suri "god of luck, affixer, reinforcer" [az96] Surisice "assured, affixed" [az96] < *stôr+ < *staur+ "reinforce" see Lat. sûrus "branch, stake", restauro "restore" [az96:17, 99Mar29] not likely that t would be inserted [epg] Surina "Orvieto (town)" [djh14] see Latin Surrîna [djh14] Surna "(of the) peg, support, rod" [az96] surnu "peg, stalk, rod" [az96] see Latin sûrus "branch, stake" [az96] Surte "luck" [az96] see Italian sorte "luck" [az96] Surve "firm" [az96] Sutana "consolidation, support" [az96] Suti, su0i, Su0i, Su0iS possessive "construction, place, seat, tomb,site, burial" [mp68, g&lb83, mc91:64, am91, az96, cb, v, pa, dep] Su0il, Su0ina, sutna, Sutna "funerary, of the tomb" [mp68, mc91] "burial object, burial gift" [g&lb83, az96] "sepulchral, pertaining to the tomb" [pa, dep] "funerary" [am91] su0i+0, Su0i+0, su0i0i, Su0i+ti locative "construction, place, seat, tomb, burial" [mp68, g&lb83, mc91:64, az96, cb, v] Su0u, su0il, su0uv+r plural "construction, place, seat, tomb, burial" [mp68, g&lb83, mc91:64, az96, cb, v] Su0ina, Su0ina, zu0ina, sutana "grave object" [gg2008] su0+, Su0+, sut+, St+, Su0+ce, sut+anaS "to stay, place, put" "support" [az96] Su0u "sepulchral" [az96] Su0iiu, su0iu, Su0u "small grave" [gg2008] note diminuative in +u, +iu Su0, su0+, sut+ "to stay, to place" [dep, pa] see Carian sdi, sidi "tomb" [im] see Old Scottish side [epg] see Lithuanian sedeti "to sit" [dep] see Breton azezan "to sit" [dep] see English sit [dep] see Gothic sitan "to sit" [dep] see Sanskrit sidati "to sit" [dep] see Greek hizo "I sit" [dep] su0 "sheep" [az96] su0ce "fermented" [az96] Su0ri "Sutri (town)" [djh14, g&lb83] Su0rina family name based on place name [mp68:229] see Latin Sutrium [djh14, g&lb83] sutu "bothersome" [az96] suvlu "scion, boy" > "child?" [az96] Suza "of support, construction" adjective [az96] < *Su0ia "of support, construction" [az96] see Sat+, sa0+, Sa0+ [mp68, g&lb83] < *Sut, *Suth < *studh+ [az96] sval, sval+as, sval+asi, sval+0+as, saval+, saval+0as, sval+en "to live, be alive" [mp75, g&lb83, lb90, mc91, pa, dep] "alive, sibi"? [az96] svalas, svalasi "for life" [mp68:228] svalce "s/he lived" [mp75, g&lb83, lb90, mc91, pa] sval0a "alive" [mc91] svel+, Svel+, Svel+eri, Svel+S+treS "to be alive" [mp68] see Arabic zval "to die" [im] see Armenian sualim "to die" [im] see Tocharian B s´wal "corpse" [im] see Lydian silavad "to take care" [cb] see Latin valeo "I am well, I am strong" [dep] see Latin salvus "health" [im] see Old Baltic veliji "great"[dep] see Old English sweltan "to die" [im] see English swell [dep] see Indo-European swal+, wal+ "to be strong, to be big" [dep] svasi "urged, persuaded" [az96] see Lydian savtarid "he approves" [cb] see Latin suasit "urged, persuaded" [az96] sve "likewise" [g&lb83 87] "(ones) own, his, her(s), their(s)" [az96] svea, svenia "his, hers, theirs, one's own?" [az96] see Italian suo, suoi "his, hers, theirs, one's own?" [az96] Sveama, Suana "Sovana (town)" [djh14, g&lb83] see Latin Suana [djh14, g&lb83] sveamaX "from Sovana" [g&lb85:161] svec "voice, proclamation" [az96] svekuntina "resounding" [az96] sveXnaX "invocation?" [az96] see Lydian savtarid "he approves" [cb] svel "to defer, slow down, delay" [az96] sveleri "defering, slowing down, delaying (gerund)" [az96] Svel < *swel "to extinguish, calm" [az96:17] sXuinia "observation" [az96] T/0 +t nominative suffix [az96:27] +0 imperative ending [mp68:399] +0 locative ending [am91] +0 tribal, ethnic suffix [pa] +0 nominative ending [az96:27] see Luwian +ti reflexive particle [hcm93] +ta, +tn, +tS, +tla, +tle, +tra, +tre, +treS enclitic determinative article forms [mp68] see emphatic forms ita, itan, itun, itas, ital, eta, e0, ei0, e0l [mp68, am91] see derived or compound forms etva, etve, eSta, eSt+la, itanim, etanal [mp68] see Lydian +t a pronoun pointing at an object in dative case (do not mix with the case ending) [cb] see Lydian +ta with verb, meaning "to come to some condition" [cb] see Russian eto "this" [dep] see Latin istud "this" [dep] see Greek to "the" [dep] see Sanskrit tah "he" [dep] see Gothic thata "this" [dep] see Indo-European *to+ [b&k32, g&lb83, az96, mcv99Sep2] see Nostratic *t.aE "this" [ag79] +0a feminine suffix [mp68:395] *+0a "woman" [Stoltenberg67 cited by ag79] +0a feminine suffix [mp68:395] *+0a "woman" [Stoltenberg67 cited by ag79] +0as, +0aS, +0asa active past participle [mp68:399] see Indo-European *+to [mcv99Feb9] +t, +ti, +0, +0i "in" locative suffix [mp68:396] locative stem [az96, b&k32] see Luwian +tta locatival particle [hcm93] see Luwian +tar locatival" particle [hcm93] see Linear B place names suffixed with +de and +te [epg] see Lydian te+, teli "here" [cb] "at" [epg] +ti, +0, +0i "pronoun" [mp68, g&lb83, b&k32 cited by mcv99Mar13] second person imperative suffixes [gg99Mar] see Luwian ti "you" [hcm93] see Hieroglyhic Luwian ti "you" [hcm93] see Paluili ti "you" [hcm93] Pelasgasian, Philistine, Palestinian [epg] see Carian -t-, -T- "this" [s&b] see Hittite zi(g) "you" [hcm93] see Indo-European *twe [gg99Mar] see Uralic *ten [gg99Mar] +0i, +ti ending [mcv99Apr, sag] see Indo-European *+dhi (locative) [mcv99Apr, sag] see e.g. Greek thi+kothi "at home" [mcv99Apr, sag] see Luwian +tta locatival particle [hcm93] see Luwian +tar locatival" particle [hcm93] see Linear B place names suffixed with +de and +te [epg] see Lydian te+, teli "here" [cb] see Carian -t-, -T- "this" [s&b] +tnam "and, also (suffix)" [mp68:400, pa, dep] "tendency (suffix)" [az96] see etnam [g&lb83, pa, dep] emphatic conjunction [mp68:400] see Umbrian inumek [mp68:400] see Latin item, etiam "also" [mp68:400] +tra "throughout, across" [gg2008] +tra "toward" [az96] see Latin trans "across, beyond" [rmcc] +tre "beyond" [az96] see Italian oltre "beyond" [az96] +tres "against" < "across" [az96] +0ur, +0ura suffix indicating membership in a group [mp68:395] +0uras "family" [g&lb85:162] collective suffix [pa] genitive of group? [rmcc] ta, ita, +ta, itane, itani+m, itan, itun, etan, etun, +tn, teiS, tei pronoun of distinction: "that, the" [g2008] ta, +ta, teis, teiS, tei "this" demonstrative adjective/ pronoun [g&lb83, mc91, am91, az96, b&k32, mcv, pa, dep] tn, 0n "this" accusative demonstrative adjective/ pronoun [g&lb83, am91, mc91, az96, b&k32, mcv, pa, dep] see ita, b>eta 0aca, 0aca+c, 0acl0i, 0acl0 "a place of offering" [gg2008] 0aXS, 0XSin, 0aXSeri "to worship" [gg2008] 0a, 0ac "silence" [az96:21] 0acl0i "in silence" [az96:21] see Latin tacere "to be silent" [az96:21] Tages related? [epg] 0aXseri "to be esteemed" [az96] 0aXsin "to esteem" [az96] 0afa "accursed"? [az96:20] "banquet"? [epg] < *0ap+, *thaf+ < *daph+ "to squander, lavish, consume" [az96:20] see Greek, Latin dap+ "banquet" [az96:20] "to banquet"? [epg] tafina "patera" "patera saucer, shallow dish" [az96] "banqueting dish"? [epg] 0afna, tafina, 0ahvna, 0apn, 0apna, 0apn+i, 0apne+S+tS "vessel (for offerings)" [mp68, g&lb83] "chalice, drinking cup" [mc91:48, pa] "pitcher" [gzb] "saucer, shallow dish" [az96] "profusion" [az96] "banqueting dish"? [epg] tages founder of Etruscan divination, born as a prophetic child who sprang from freshly plowed furrow at Tarquinia (Greco+Roman form) [g&lb83] deity who taught the Etruscans divination and augury; depicted as young man with two snakes as legs [EM] The Amanita Muscaria mushroom? The Etruscan egg? [epg] The dissociative psychological states brought on by Amanita Muscaria mushrooms and atropa plants can be directed by suggestion to hallucinate the appearance of dead ancestors, friends, and messengers of the gods.[epg] In any case, tages may possibly = te+ge "god"+"earth"? [epg] see Hurrian taye ‘man’ [im, uncited] see Hittite tekan-, tagn- "earth" [im, uncited] < *dheghom ‘earth, man’ [im, uncited] 0alana, 0alna female associated with sex and childbirth [g&lb83] associated with Tinia [EM] "Flowering, Flowery" [az96] see Greek thal+ [az96] see talassio, talassionis "Etruscan wedding+demon. The yell 'Talassio' was raised by the revellers at the moment the bride entered the house of the bride." [rl] talape "cane (for good luck?)" > "luck" [az96] talce "foorprint" [az96] see Italian tallone "heel" [az96] *tal'e "young, pubescens" [ag79] see Nostratic *t.aEHl'V "young animal" [ag79] tali0a "girl" [b2002] see Aramaic talitha [b2002] "cash, counting" [az96] talmi0e "(which) articulates, computes, deciphers" [az96] 0am+, 0amce, 0amuce "to build, found, put" [mp68, g&lb83, gg99Mar4, pa] tam "to build" [dep] see Cuneiform DUMU "of the household" [epg] see Hurrian tan "make" [iw] see Hittite tami+ha "I have built" [im] see Luwian tami+ha "I have built" [im, citing V.I. Georgiev, Researches, 1958] see Luwian Hieroglyphic tam "to build" [im, citing Braun and Paleolexicon] see Lydian tamv "I built" [im, citing Braun and Paleolexicon] see Lydian duve "to construct"[cb] see Latin domus "house" [dep] see Russian dom "house" [dep] see Gothic timrjan "to build" [dep] see Greek demo "I build" [dep] see Indo-European *dom+ [mcv96Nov8] 0amce, 0amuce, 0emiasa < 0am+, 0em+ "(has) commanded, disposed" [az96] "has ordered built"? [epg] 0amuce cleva made a gift [mcv96Nov8] sense of "opened" a building's foundation? [epg] tamera "magistracy title" [mp68, g&lb83, pa, dep] = tame + ri "for, for the sake of" the households? [epg] elected by the housholds? [epg] tamia0ur+, tamia0ur+as "body of magistrates" [mp68] see tamia0uras, tesin0 "caretaker of those belonging to the body of tamia+" [mp68] "steward?" [az96] see Greek demos [epg] see Greek tamiai "treasurer" - Dio H. [epg] see Greek themeres "holy" [dep] see Hittite dammara "priest" [dep] tamera "urn" [gg2008] tameraiS, tameres+ca "little urn" [g2008] "house for ashes"? [epg] tamera, tameru, tamere+s+ca "chamber, tomb, chapel, arc, home" [az96] = tam + +eri "for, for the sake of" the household or households? [epg] tam+eresca "temple building, sanctuary, arc" [az96] = tame + eri "for, for the sake of" the households? + sca [epg] meeting place of the representatives of the households?[epg] see tam [rmcc] see tm+ia [mcv96Nov8] see Latin taberna "shop" of Etruscan origin [nv73, g&lb85:82, bm 24+25] = "for the sake of the households"?[nv73, g&lb85:82, bm 24+25] if so, note the m > b shift [epg] tameresca "promoter" [lb90:299] better read as tameresca above [epg] 0ana, 0ania female name [mc91:98] "Fine, Gracious" [az96] Goddess of Beauty? or Beauty? or Beautiful? [epg] 0anaXvil, 0an+cvil, 0anXvil < 0ana + cvil "gift" [mp68, g&lb83] female name [mc91:60, gm97] "Tanaquil (gift of Thana)" [mc91:60] "Fine, Gracious" [az96] "gifted with Beauty" or "gifted by Beauty"? [epg] 0anal "finely" > "acutely" [az96] 0anasa, tanasa, tanasa+r "actor, character or person in a ritual or rite" [mp68, cited by az96:394] see 0ans, 0ans+ur [mp68, cited by az96:394] 0anr female associated with divine births, e.g. Minerva [g&lb83] "(goddess) subtlety, scarcity" (alter ego of Ops)" [az96] 0anra "scarcity" [az96] more likely "bounty"? [epg] 0ans, 0ansur "protracted, course" [az96] < *0an+ "to pull" > "to make subtle, to lengthen" [az96] see Latin ten+uo "to hold, maintain" [az96:21] see Latin ten+or "course, position" [az96:21] *tamna, *thamna "horse" [mp68, pa, dep] Greek gloss dámnos [mp68] see Breton danvad "sheep" [dep] see Irish damh "ox" [dep] see Greek dammalis "calf" [dep] see Gothic gatamjan "to tame" [dep] 0an, 0anasa, 0anu "to be mindful of, to remember, to mourn" [gg2008] 0anas, 0ans, tanasar, 0ansur, 0ana0u, 0anatur "mourner" [gg2008] tanasa+, 0anasa, tanasa+r, 0andsa "actor, character, person in a ritual" [az96, pa, dep] tanam, 0ana, 0ania, 0anna, 0annia, 0anusa, tanusa, 0ansius name [az96:25] 0ania, 0ana "Thania female praenomen" [gg2008] 0anicu "Thanicu female praenomen" [gg2008] 0anirie, 0aniriie "Thanirsie male praenomen" [gg2008] 0anse, 0anses+ca "Thanse male praenomen" [gg2008] 0ansina, 0ansinas Thansina [gg2008] 0anura, 0anra, 0anr, 0anru, 0anr, 0anurari "Thanura deity" [gg2008] "memory, muse"? "to remember"? "to remember story"? [epg] see Hurrian tîhan "to show" [iw] see Luwian dan type of ritual? [hcm93] see Luwian danit cult object [hcm93] see Lydian tên, dên "to sanctify" [cb] see Latin tenuo "to hold, maintain" see Latin tenor "course, position" see 0ans, 0ans+ur [mp68] see Irish deanaim "I do" [dep] see Armenian dnem "I do" [dep] see Lycian tas "to place" [fk15] perhaps the sense of te+ani, god of completion, lifetime [epg] 0ansesca "office" [az96] 0ansi, 0ansina, 0ansinei "worker" [az96] see Hurrian tan "to make" [iw] 0ansina family name [g&lb85:122] 0anu "to make fluid" [az96] 0anurari "to prolong, protract" [az96] see Latin ten+uo "to hold, maintain" [az96:21] see Latin ten+or "course, position" [az96:21] tanna "to sentence" [az96] 0amrie, 0amri "oscurato, scavato?" [az96] see Hurrian tan "to make" [iw] tanXuil female name [g&lb83:22] taphu "beaten, vexed" [az96] taphuSa "touched, beaten" [az96] taplaS+ "to beat" [az96] 0apic, 0apicun "to curse, to doom" [gg2008] 0ap+, 0ap+icun, 0ap+intaS, 0ap+intaiS "to dedicate, devote" [mp68, pa, dep] 0apicun "to curse, I cursed" [az96, mcv99Jan22] 0apinta+ "accursed?" [az96] see Luwian 'tapar "rule, govern" [hcm93] see Luwian tap(a)ramman "ruling, governing" [hcm93] see Luwian tap(a)rammahit+ "position of ruling, governing" [hcm93] see Luwian taparu "something evil"? [hcm93] 0apnests "(having) versato" [az96] 0apuna, 0apna, 0afna, tafina, 0apne+t "shallow bowl" [gg2008] 0apunaza, 0apnza+c "small shallow bowl" [gg2008] 0apnza "dish, plate" [az96] tar, tar+c "small animal offering" [gg2008] 0ar "there, thither" [g&lb83:87] "inside" [az96] tarXi name [g&lb83] tarXi "announcer, commander"? [epg] tarXi salvi see sal "announcer of the high priests"? "announcer for the high priests"? "announcer of the augauries"? [epg] "spokesman for the high priests"? [epg] tarXie "commanding"? [epg] tarXna, tarXuna "Tarquinia (town named for family)" [djh14, lrp 57, mc91] tarXnal0, tarXn+al+0i "in Tarquinia (named for demiurge Tarxun)" [mc91:139, az96] "to Tarquinia" [mc91] tarXun, tarXunie, tarXunus "Tarchon, Tarquinius (founder of Tarquinii, recorded Tages's prophetic song)" [g&lb83, js] brother of Tyrsenos [mc91:82] "announcer for Tages"? [epg] taura0, tevera0 "seer, augur" [gg2008] "announcer of auguries"? [epg] tarXun+ "(one who) perceives, grasps" [az96] tarXvetena, tarXvetenas commander of soldiers? [epg] < *tarX+na [djh14, lrp 57, mc91] see Urartian taragi "powerful" [im citing Dyazkian, 1963] see Hittite-Luwian Tarkhunt- "powerful" [im citing Dyazkian, 1963] see Luwian tarkummija "to announce" [hcm93] "to command"? [epg] see Hittite tarkummai "to announce" [hcm93] "to command"? [epg] see Hittite Tarkhun a god of conquest [js] see Hittite tarh "to conquer" [O. R. Gurney, "The Hittites" 1990:114 cited by js] see Luwian & Hittite deity Tarhunda, Tarhunta [mc91:82] see Lycian Trqqñt "Stormgod" [fk15] speaks with thunder? = Etruscan tarXi? [epg] see Latin Tarquiniî (city), Tarquinius (family) [djh14, lrp 57, mc91, js] taril, tarils "abstract inanimate noun" [gg2008] tarils "stimulator, exciter" [az96] "speech"? [epg] tarna family name (male) [g&lb83:73, mc91:134] tarnai family name (female) [mc91:134] 0arnie family name [g&lb83:25] see Luwian tarši "object of iron"? [hcm93] same construction as English name Smith? [epg] Did the names "Etruscan" or "Tyrrhannei" refer to their "iron"? [epg] tarsu, tarsura "terror, terrible" [az96] t'art'anium, dardanium "Dardani, Trojans" [g&lb85:171] see Luwian tarkummija "to announce" [hcm93] "command"? [epg] commanded by the households or people? = tar+tan? [epg] or a sense of "iron men"? or "iron" Danaans? [epg] tartiria "offering" [mp68:409] "investigation, exhamination of the haruspex"? [az96] see Luwian daruš "statue" [hcm93] 0ase "late, tedious" [az96] 0asini "late, fastious, tedious" [az96] see Lycian B tas+, tesêni "a priest" [im] tata, tatan "(deity) splitter" [az96] tatr "(organ of) land division" [az96] tau, tev, tva, etva, etve "to see, to behold, to watch; to show, to demonstrate" [gg2008] see Hurrian tive "word" [iw] see Hurrian tipšari “word, speech, story” [iw] "to speak"? [epg] 0aur+, 0aura, 0aure, 0aur+uS, 0aure "sepulcher, tomb" [mp68, g&lb83, pa, dep] "oppressive action, painful, violation" [az96] 0aurX "sepulchral, funerary" [g&lb83, pa, dep] see cepen 0aurX "funerary priest" [mp68] could 0aurX be an animal, and the cepen 0aurX be its sacrificer? [epg] "(pars hostilis of divinitory liver" [az96] 0aura, 0aura, 0auru, 0aure "bull" [gg2008] 0aura+Mine, 0evrumine "Minotaur mythic being" [gg2008] 0auracilna, 0evruclnas "priest performing a bull sacrifice, see Latin flamen" [gg2008] Latin flamen is likely related to Etruscan pulum "stars" [epg] 0aurX "bull sacrifice" [gg2008] tavarSio "tomb" Lemnian [g&lb85:69] tebenna, tèbennos "cloak, forerunner of Roman toga" [djh 60, mp68:337] tec 0ec, tec+um, tece "to erect" [gg2008] "to place"? [epg] tec, tece sans "Straight Linker" [az96] see éthêke [am91] < *deik [az96] tece "placed" [g&lb83:76, am91] see Lycian tas "to place" [fk15] *0e+ "to put, to place" [Pfiffig cited by ag79] see 0ezince [Pfiffig cited by ag79] see Indo-European *dha:+ [Pfiffig cited by ag79] see Nostratic *de`V, *dV`V "to put, to place" [Pfiffig cited by ag79] tecum, tecvm natual deity [mp68:251] "Judge (god)" [az96] see Latin dekanoi "staff bearers, messengers, showers"? or sense of te+cum "god of all this"? [epg] Tages related [im] tecsa "signal, sign" [az96] 0ec "to knead" > "to model, adjust" [az96] < *dheig [az96] tef, teb "stamp, character" [az96] < *s+tMbh "to trample" [az96] 0efarie, 0ihvarie, 0ybris "Tiberius" [g&lb83] see Latin Tiberis, Tifernum "from the Tibur" [az96:22] 0efri, 0efarie, 0epri"one who presses, tramples, violent" [az96] < *0eph+, *0uph+ [az96] more likely 0efarie [epg] teis "Justice (god)" [az96] teisnica "figurative" [az96] teisniclte "representation" [az96] < *dheigh or *deik [az96] tei0urna family name [g&lb83&84, mc91:110] teitu "tenacious, resistent" [az96] see Italian tenace "tenacious" [az96] tel, tele "to fight, to battle" [gg2008] 0el, 0eluSa, 0elu "to bring about, to produce, to give birth" [gg2008] Note the preceeding: sometimes the 0/t contrast can be significant, although both words are related to "struggle" [epg] 0elu, 0ul "lasted, stayed" [az96] < *dwel+ [az96] see Greek teleios logos [epg] temam, temamer priest [gg2008] temamer "to rebuke, assail" [az96] see 0ep+, 0ef+, 0uf+ [az96] m > b shift unlikely [epg] 0emiasa "he placed" [lb90:299] "officiated" [am91] "caring for, caretaker?" [mcv96Nov8] see Greek Thémis [am91] ten+, ten+u, ten+ve, ten+ine, ten+0+as, ten+0+aS "to perform, exercise (a magistracy)" [mp68, am91, pa, dep] "to act as" [g&lb83] ten, tena, tence, tenine, tenu "to present" [gg2008] "to sanctify", "to bless"? [cb] tena0, 0ne0 "to hold" [az96] ten0as "holding" [az96] "having had the function" [am91] ten0ce "held, applied oneself?" [az96] tenu, tenve"has served as?" [mp68:400] "held (preterite)" [az96] < *ten+ [az96] see Hurrian tan "to make" [iw] see Hurrian tîhan "to show" [iw] see Luwian dan "type of ritual?" [hcm93] see Lydian tên, dên "to sanctify" [cb] to bless? [epg] see Lycian tewinaza "a title" [fk15] see Latin tenere "to hold" [az96] see Irish deanaim "I do" [dep] see Armenian dnem "I do" [dep] teni "to offer" [am91] tenine "offer" [am91] "image, representation" [az96] teniXunce "I offered" [am91] 0en "sepulcher" [az96] 0enal, 0enus "sepulchral" [az96] 0enaX+ice "to have trampled" [az96] 0ene "to press, depress, compress" [az96] ten0, ten0 "to be presented" [gg2008] 0en0 "press, depress, compress (imperative)" [az96] < *0en+ [az96] 0en0e "brake, impediment" [az96] all related to ten? [epg] 0epza "beaten, pressed" > "buried?" [az96] < *0epis+0a, *0eps+0a [az96] 0ese "Theseus" [g&lb83] teraS "at the threshold, limits (locative)?" [az96] tereSia, teriaSal "Teiresías" [g&lb83:16] "(that) from beyond, " [az96] tes+, teS+, tez, tes+am+, teSam+, tes+amsa "to care for, cure" [mp68, g&lb83] "to cure, to love" [pa, dep] see 0ez+ [mp68, g&lb83] tesamit+, tezan "attested, documented" [az96] 0eSa "bound, fastined" [az96] teSamsa "cured" [mc68:399, am91] "having indicated" [az96] see tez tesiam, tesim, teSami+tn, teSns, teSne, tesiame+itale, teSamsa "sacrificial animal, sacrifice" [gg2008] teSiameitale "(were) bestowed" [pa&az2000] teSiameitale "(were) dedicated, indicated" [az96] teSiameitale "she favors him?" [mcv96Nov8] teSim "documented, attested" [az96] tesian0, tesin0 "sacrificer, butcher" [gg2008] teSin0 "curator" [mp68, pa, dep] "(which) indicates, authorizes" [az96] tesin0 "caretaker" [g&lb83] see tezan , tesn+, tesn+e, tese+S, tesim, teSami+tn [mp68] see Hurrian tîhan "to show" [iw] see Lycian tas "to place" [fk15] see Lycian B tas+, tesêni "a priest" [im] see Latin test+ [az96] 0esan, 0esn+s, 0esnin, 0esan+e "Aurora (goddess), aurora, morning, dawn" [mp68, g&lb83, pa] 0esan, 0esns, 0esnin, 0esane+c "dawn, ascension" [gg2008] "Aurora"; goddess of the dawn, patroness of childbirth [EM] "dawn god" [cb] "divination" [az96] oversees birth (arrival) of the sun [epg] see Luwian ta+ "to step, to arrive" [hcm93] 0esan0ei "divining, brilliant" [az96] 0esi "illumination" [az96] 0esnin adjectival form [mp68, g&lb83,] "to manifest, divine" [az96] teSne "judge" [az96] caretaker? oversee? [epg] 0esnX "divination" [az96] 0esviti "clear, famous (fem.)" [az96] 0esa0ei male name [g&lb85:30] < *twes < *dyes+/*diwes "light" [az96:21] sense of te+san = "goddess of light"? [epg] teta "grandmother" [g&lb83] teta "aunt" [gg2008] tetana, tatanuS "maternal, pertaining to the aunt" [gg2008] teta "to cover, protect" [az96] tetals "grandson (maternal)" [g&lb83:74, az96] < "protected" [az96] tetals "matrilineal nephew, niece" [gg2008] tetatru "protector" [az96] tetina, tetnie "(which) covers, protects" [az96] < *teht+ [az96] see Latin +tect+ "cover" [g&lb83:74] 0e0,"(one who has la) scure?" [az96] 0e0is "Thétis" [az96] "Sweetness, Bounty, Kindness, Goodness" [az96] tetumina "beaten, hit" [az96] tevara0 "watcher, arbiter?" [pa, dep] 0eu "bother, oppression?" [az96] teura0, tevara0 "judge, arbiter, observer" [mp 68&75, g&lb83, lb90, am91, az96, pa, dep] teurs "judge" [az96] tev, tv+, tva "to show, see" [mp 68&75, g&lb83, lb90, pa, dep] "to observe, arbitrate" [az96] tevcrun "one who watches, judge" [az96] tevi "observation, judgement" [az96] see Hurrian tive "“word" [iw] something like "to speak fo the people"? [epg] see Hurrian tehan "to show" [af] see Anatolian tawarna, tawana, tabarna [[email protected]] see Lemnian tavarsio see Latin tuor "see" [mp 68&75, g&lb83, lb90] see Greek 0êweia, 0éas [am91] *0evru, *0euru "bull" [mp68, g&lb83, pa, dep] 0evru, 0auru "hard, violent" [az96] 0evrumineS, 0errumines "Minotaur" [mp68, g&lb83] see de Simone II:95 see Luwian parit+tarwalli(ya) "of the supine animals"(?) [hcm93] see Hittite para tarru+ [hcm93 citing Laroche, DLL 79, "animals" "those who walk on all fours"] see Latin taurus "bull" [pa] see Greek taûros [pa] see Aramaic thowrâ "ox" [pa] see Arabic tawra "bull" [pa] probably from Semitic [dep] 0ez+, tez, 0ez+i, 0ez+in, 0ez+ine, 0ez, in+ce, 0ez+eri "to make an offering, sacrifice" [mp68, g&lb83, a, dep] 0ez, tez, 0ezi, 0ezeri, 0ezeri+c, 0ezin, 0ezince, tezan "to dedicate" [gg2008] tez "to stand" [gg2008] tezan "cippus" [gg2008] "a marker"? [epg] 0ezeri "sacrificing, offering" [g&lb83&85] "to be fulfilled" [mp68:413] see Hurrian tîhan "to show" [iw] see Luwian Hieroglyphic tasi "a stele" [cb] see Lycian tas "to place" [fk15] see tes tezan unknown [mp68:406] 0i, ti, 0i+i, 0i+l "thou?" 2nd person singular pronoun? [gg99Mar] see Luwian ti "you" [hcm93] see Hieroglyhic Luwian ti "you" [hcm93] see Paluwili ti "you" [hcm93] see Hittite zi(g) "you" [hcm93] 0ia "companion, accompany" [az96] tia0asa "having indicated, adapted?" [az96] ticusna male name [mc91:123] ticusnei female name [mc91:123] 0iX "thick"? [az96] not likely, as postive attribute is needed for name: "sturdy" [epg] 0e0lum0 deity of fate or underworld; pars hostilis/pars postica [mp68:251] see tes+ should be a construction of te (god)+0lum + locative or operative [epg] 0i, 0il, 0ii "water" [gg2008] 0ina "water cup" [gg2008] tiiu, tiu adjective: "small, little" [gg2008] tiiu, tius, tiuSa "little one, child" [gg2008] 0ii "baths" [az96] 0i, 0il oblique [az96] 0il "solum, suolo, tavolato?" [az96] 0lupcva "globe" > "lobe" [az96] 0imrae "(which) punishes?" [az96] tin 0vf celestial deity [mp68:251] the Sun [epg] tin, tins, tin+S, tin+Si "day" [b&k33, g&lb83, cb, v, pa, dep, gzb] tinSin "in/on the day" [g&lb83] tin, tina, tinia, tiniia, tinis, tins "Jupiter, Zeus, god of daylight" [b&k33, mp68, g&lb83, mc91:53, az96, cb, pa, dep, gzb, EM] tin cilen celestial deity [mp68:251] eclipse? [epg] tinas clenar "Dioscouri" (sons of Tin/Jupiter) [mp68:247] tinas cliniiaras "to the sons of Tin/Jupiter (Dioscouri)" [pa] see John Lydus for clenar [epg] I suspect these phrases may refer to the Sun in January [epg] tiniatule "divinations" [az96] tineri "divining" [az96] tins+cvil, tinScvil "gift of Tin (Jupiter)" [mp68] "divine" [am91, az96] tinS+cvil, tinscvil "sundisc" [gg2008] "face of the sun"? [epg] The Sun's light? [epg] see Urartian šiwini "sun, sun god" [im] note the š, "tz"[epg] see Hurrian Šimige "the Sun God" [iw] see Hurrian šimigi "sun, sun god" [im] note the š, "tz" [epg] see Hittite si+wa+ta "Sun+god" [hcm93] see Luwian tiwat "Sun+god" [hcm93] see Lydian divi "a god" [cb] see Lydian divnali "divine" [cb] see Lydian tiuvali "god" [im] see Latin dies "day" [dep] see Latin nundinum "nine day span" [dep] see Old Irish tredenus "three days" [dep] see Lithuanian diena "day" [dep] see Old Slavic dini "day" [dep] see Sanskrit dinam "day" [dep] see Germanic Tiw [rmcc] see Lithuanian dievas "a god" [cb] see Sanskrit dyaus "bright sky, day" [dep] see Sanskrit deva "a god" [cb] see English tin, metal of Jupiter [internet, source unknown, rmmc] see Common Anatolian *diu "god of daylight" [hcm93] see IE *deiwo "sky god" [hcm93] see PIE *deiwo "a god"[cb] see Indo-European *di, *din "light" [pa] see Indo-European *deiw+, *diw+n+ , *di+n+ [mcv99Sep2] tin "to pay, to have make" [am91] tinake "paid, had make" [am91] tin0u, ti0un "(which) catches fire" [az96] tin0ur "hornet, vespa" [az96] 0ina, tina "vase, ôlla" [g&lb83&85:126, mc91:114] "earthen pot, jar, urn" [pa, dep] 0ina "to bathe" [az96] < *dev+, *dv+ "to bathe" [az96] see Latin tina "wine jug" [g&lb83/85:126, mc91:114] see Spanish tina "bathtub" [az96] see Greek deînos, dînos [g&lb83/85:126, mc91:114] tipanati associate of Adonis [g&lb83] 0is "weave" > "contract, viscera" [az96] < *dev, *dv "to bind" [az96] tiphile "Díphilos" (Greek) [mc91:52] "one who strikes" [az96] tiria, tirias "metal, metallic" [gg2008] likely iron, hence "Tyrhenian" Sea, from the iron trade of Populonia [epg] tita female name [mc91:68, az96, pa] "good (feminine)" [az96] tite male name, family name (male) [az96, pa] "good, happy (masculine)" [az96] tite, titi, titias, titial+c "male praenomen" [gg2008] tite, titena, titenas "Titena gentilicium" [gg2008] titula, tetulana "Titula gentilicium" [gg2008] titi "goodness, bounty" [az96] titia family name (female) [mc91: 102] Tities Latin equitês name of Etruscan origin [lrp48, rah59] see Latin Titus [mp68:233, g&lb83, mc91:68] titulni, titlni "one who touches lightly, tickles, touch, tickle" [az96] tiu, tiur, tiv, tivr, tiiur+S, tivr+s "moon, month, Luna (moon goddess)" [g&lb83, am91, az96, mcv99Sep2&96Nov8, cb, jf 139, pa, gzb, dep] "the bright one" [dep] tiurunia "Diana, Lucina, Shining" [az96] tiurunias month name [mp68:407] month in general? [epg] tiusta "brilliant, shining" [az96] tiv "moon god" [cb] wife of the Sun [epg] see tin tlamu "Talamone (city)" see Latin Telamôn [mp68:192, g&lb83] tlapu, tlapuS, tlapusa "Tlapu gentilicium" [gg2008] tlapu, tlapuna, tlapnal, tlapuni "Tlapuna gentilicium" [g2208] tlapu "wary" [az96] see Luwian taluppi "clay" [hcm93] same construction as English family name Potter? [epg] tlenace, tlenaXe "undertaking, task, endurance" [Pfiffig, az96] tlesna family name (male) [mc91:102] "allever" [az96] tleXa, tleXe "to war" [gg2008] tleXe past tense verb, passive voice [mc91:142] "sustainer" [az96] tluS, tluscv, tlusc "depth" [gg2008] tlns0 natural deity [mp68:251] tluscv, 0luthu terrestrial deity [mp68:251] "Tellumo+Dîs" [az96] see tellûs "earth, soil" [rmcc] tmase "building" [az96] tmia, timia "temple, sacred place" [mp68:407, az96, lb299, mcv 8 Nov 96, g&lb83, pa, dep, hr] "offer, offering" [am91] "enclosure" [mc91:73] tmiia, tmia, tmial "temple" [gg2008] tmiia0u, tamia0uras "temple attendant" [gg2008] tmial "of the temple" [mcv96Nov8] see tam [dep] see Linear B te+me+no [epg] see Greek temenos "holy place, fenced place, sanctuary" [mp68] see Greek tmédên, tmétikós [am91] see Latin templum "temple" [mp68] tnuc "detain, make an obstacle" [az96] tolonio Etruscan family name [g&lb83:20] see Latin Tolumnius [g&lb83:20] 0ormena name [az96:25] tra, trin, trau, trin0 "to pour, to sprinkle" [gg2008] traula, traula+c "libation" [gg2008] 0rama"attendent, orderly" < "one who hastens" [az96] 0rasce "I fed" [am91] see Greek tréphô, tráphô [am91] "is transformed"? [az96] trav, trau "ratify with an act of faith" [az96] travzi "worthy of faith, to accreditation" [az96] see Latin trabea king's dress [epg] trepi "Trepi gentilicium" [gg2008] trepu "Trepu gentilicium" [gg2008] same construction as English family name Carpenter? [epg] treplat+, trepu "architect, builder of houses and wooden structures, carpenter" [az96:25] trepuni cognomen "architect, builder" [az96:25] < *treb, *trep [az96:25] see Latinized Treboni, Trepu, Treponias, Treponias [az96:25] 0resu "worker, servant" [az96] trin, trin+0, trin+0+aSa "to invoke, plead, pray, supplicate" [mp68, g&lb83, pa, dep, gzb] "to shout" [az96] trin0, trin0aa "to pour" [gg2008] see tra [gg2008] trine0i "shouted" [az96] trin0asa "shouting (past)" [az96] tritun "Triton" < "Mugghiante" [az96] triumphus "triumph" Latin via Etruscan [rah59, EB XXII:647] see Lydian as'trho, as'tarho "defender" [cb] see Greek 0ríambos [pa] Trossuli Roman equitês century, of Etruscan origin [lrp48] truia "Troy" [g&lb83] truials "Trojan" [g&lb83] Laurentum, also called "Troy", was located near the Numicius River [epg] *truna, *thruna "power, command, sovereignty, rule, government" [mp68, pa, dep] see turan "lady" [mp68] Greek gloss droúna (Hesykhios) [mp68] see Greek túrannos "tyrant" [mp68] trut, tru0, trut+ana+Sa "sacred act" [mp68, pa, dep] "libation" [g&lb83] "to investigate" [az96] trut, tru0, trut+um, trutanaa, trui>0t "to be given drink; to be poured" [gg2008] trutnvt frontac, trutvecie "fulguriator" [mp68] trutnvt frontac "fulgurantes (lightning readers)" [djh 88] trutnu0, trutnut, trutnvt "priest, oracle, fulguriator" [mp68, g&lb83, pa, dep] see Luwian tatar "to curse" [cb] see Common Anatolian tr+ "to speak" [cb] see Lydian tro, tor, "to speak" [cb] announce the omens? "hear and speak the voice of the gods"? [epg] trutvecia "push out, drive out" [az96] see Latin trûdere, trûsere "push out, drive out" [az96] 0uc, 0ucu "to empty" [gg2008] 0uX, 0uX+ti, 0uX+t "chamber" [gg2008] If so, then the contrast between aspirated X and non+aspirated c may have been significant On the other hand, it may evaporate with new readings. [epg] 0ucerna family name [g&lb85:58/106] 0ucri "to carry" [gm97] 0ucte "gathered, found" [az96] 0ucte month name [g&lb83] 0ucu"chance, mishap" [az96] 0uX "to gather, arrive" [az96] see Latin Thoceronia [g&lb85:58/106] 0ucer, 0uker, 0ocero, tocro "male name" [g&lb85:58&106, mc91:96] "lucky" [az96] tuXlac "continued, protracted" [az96] tuXulXa demon with vulture's beak, donkey's ears, and writhing snakes [g&lb83] demoness of the underworld [EM] of construction te+Xul = god of the cul = the entrance (to the afterlife) [epg] tuder "Todi (town)" [g&lb83:26] 0ueS "their own" [mcv96Nov8] 0uf "oppressed" [az96] 0ufi, tupi "(function of) repression" [az96] 0ufl0ic "push, blow, beating" [az96] < 0uph+, 0eph+ [az96] < *0emp, *temp, *tep, *tebh, *tembh, *stebh, *stembh [az96] 0ufl0a, 0ufl0as, 0ufl0aS, 0upl0a "Thufltha (female underworld demon)" [Pfiffig69 cited by ag79, mc91:48&144] "consentes, complices" [mp68:246] "Pilumnus (god)" [az96] likely a construction of te goddess +"?"(decay?) [epg] 0ui "here, now" [mp68, g&lb83:76, am91, az96, pa] tul, tul+trais, tuleSa "boundary stone, milestone, terminus" [gg2008] tul "boundary stone" [g&lb2002] act associated with religion [mp68:409] "to divide, assign" [az96] < *dvel [az96] tular, tularias "boundary stone, terminus" [gg2008] tul, tular, tularu "limit(s), border, lot, boundaries" [mp68, g&lb83, ag 79, am91, mc91:146/150, az96, mcv, v, pa] "established" [lb 299] tular, tulerase, tularu "to bound, to demarcate" [gg2008] tul "to divide, share, assign" [az96] act associated with religion [mp68:409] "stone, border" [dep] "stone" [g&lb83, ag 79] see Luwian GIŠ tura/i ? [hcm93] see Luwian tuliya "assembly" [hcm93] see Hittite tuliya "assembly" [hcm93] see Luwian tuwa "to put" [cb] see Lydian duve "to construct" [cb] tulalu "divider" [az96] tulerase "enclosure?" [az91?] see Umbrian Tuter "Todi (town)" [mc91:148] see Greek thoúle, Latin Thule northernmost land in ancient times [pa] see Nostratic *tulGa "peak" [Dolgopol'skij 1972 cited by ag79] tula "Tula male praenomen" [gg2008] tularia family name [mc91:148] same construction as English family name Marker? [epg] tuler, tulera month name [az96] 0uluter "divine pair at Bolsena" [mp68:247] 0um, 0umi+tle, 0umi+zle, 0umsa "tomb" [gg2008] 0uma "to dispose, judge" [az96] 0umitle "judgements, responses" [az96] 0umsa "judgement" [az96] tumu cognomen [g&lb85:104] "beater" [az96] see Luwian tuwa "to put" [cb] tunur "ramparts?" [az96] 0u, 0un, tun, 0ue+S, 0un+S, 0us+i, 0u+t, tun+t "one, single, alone, only" [mp68, djh72, g&lb83, am91, mc91, mcv96Nov8, cb, pa, dep, gzb] "one, whole, entire, all" [gg2008] 0unSna, 0unXer+, 0unXer+S, 0unXul+, 0unXul+e, 0unXul+0e, 0unXul+l, tunur, 0ufi, 0ueS, 0uvas [mp68, djh72, g&lb83, mc91, cb, mcv] 0un, 0uns, 0unt "to protract, prolong" [az96] 0uni "prolongment, protraction" [az96] 0unsna "course, protracted" [az96] 0unX "to sentence, decide" [az96] 0unXer "undestandings, advice, judgements" [az96] 0unXule "sentence" [az96] 0unXul0e "was sentenced, decided" [az96] see Old Latin tongeo [az96: 21] 0unXul, 0unXule+m, 0unXul+0e, 0unXul0l "cave" [gg2008] arena? place of judgement? [epg] tunt "to hit, run into" [az96] tuntle "Tundáreus" "one who lights" [az96] tunur "one at a time" [g&lb83] 0un+em ce+alX "twenty nine" [g&lb83:79, mc91, gzb] 0un+em za0rum "nineteen" [g&lb83:79] 0unSna "first" [g&lb83 81] 0unur "one at a time" [g&lb83 80] 0unz "once" [mp68, g&lb83, mc91, pa] 0unzi, 0unz adverb: "once, one time" [gg2008] < *hwoin+ [az96] see 0uta "people" < "entire, whole, one?" [rmcc] see Nostratic 'UXdE, 'UQdE "one, only" [Dolgopol'skij Etimologija 1967) cited by ag 1978] 0up, 0uf, 0ufl, 0ufi "oath, promise, vow" [g2008] note the p/f spelling variation [epg] 0up < tup "to punish" [ag79] see Nostratic *t.ubV "deep" [ag79] see Hattian tupi "fear" [im, citing A.I. Nemirosky, 1983] tupi "stone" [gg2008] tupi "stone" [pa] tupi "fatigue" [am91] see Greek túpos, tupê [am91] see Old Indian tupati [am91] If so, then the aspirated/non+asperated contrast was significant in Etruscan. Unless 0up refers to the punishment of stoning. [epg] tur "the robust one" > "bull, ox" [az96] < *taur+ [az96] tura "robust, solid (fem.)" > "cow, heifer" [az96] tura, ture "to reinforce, swell, make firm" [az96] ture "cows" [az96] < *turai [az96] see Latin taurus "bull" [az96] see tur immeidately below tur+, tur+a, tur+e, tur+i, tur+u, tur+une, "to give, dedicate" [g&lb83, am91, mc91, cb, v, pa, dep] tur, tura, ture, turuce, turuke, turice, turce, turke, turi, turune, turunke, turu "to give, to offer" [gg2008] turan "given" [am91] turu "donator, giver" [az96] "dedicated" [mc91] tur+u+ce, tur+un+ke, tur+i+ce, tur+ce, tiurke "s/he gave (it), given, s/he dedicated" [g&lb83, lb90:299, am91, mc91, az96, cb, v, mcv, pa] turuce "s/he dedicated" [pa] tur+une "cession, yielding" [mp68:405] "gave" [az96] turza, turzais, turzai "little gift" [gg2008] turza "offer" [pa, dep] see Hurrian turi "below, low" [iw] perhaps sense of "to place below" or "under"? [epg] see Luwian tuwa "to put" [cb] see Lydian tarb, trfno "to possess" [cb] see Latin dare, donum "to give, gift" [mp68&75, lb90, pa, dep] see Greek dôron "gift" [pa, dep] see Russian dat' "to give" [dep] see Sanskrit danam "gift" [dep] see Armenian tur "gift" [dep,im] see Old Slavic daru "gift" [dep] tur, tura "incense" [g&lb83:90] see Latin tûr, tûris "incense" [g&lb83:90] see Greek thúos [g&lb83:90] turan "Aphrodite, Venus" [g&lb83, mc91:53, djh95, cb, EM] patroness of Vulci [EM] "lady, mistress" [mp75, lb90] "(godess of) love, worship" [az96] turanuve, turannuve "lovable, venerable" [az96] see tur "to give" [Morandi cited by am91] see Greek túrannos "tyrant" [mc91:83] likely construction te+uran = goddess of the planet Uranus [epg] turane "July" [pa, dep] *traneus "July" Latinized form [pa] turi "to turn, spin" [az96] turia "Turô" "goddess of spining" [az96] 0urma "crowd, swarm" [az96] 0urmerna "of a squadron" [az96] see Lydian as'trho, as'tarho "defender" [cb] see Latin turmalis "of a squadron" [az96] turms, turmS "Hermes, Mercury" [g&lb83, mc91:53, cb, djh 95, az 96, EM] guides the dead to the underworld [EM] Messenger of the gods [epg] likely construction te+ermes = the gods' messenger [epg] turpsi "turbulent" [az96] see Latin turba "mob, confusion" [az96] tursikina (cognomen) "Etruscan" [g&lb85:104] see tiria 0uruni "bath, basin" [az96] turve "upheaval, disturbance" [az96] turza, turza+i, turza+is "offering" [mp68, g&lb83] turza "viscera" < "plait, weave" [az96] see tur tus, tuS, tuS+0i, tuS+ur+0i (plural) "funerary niche, repository" [mp75, g&lb83, lb90, pa, dep, gg2008] tuSuvas, tuS0uveS, tusur0ir "in the double urn, i.e. married couple" [mp75, g&lb83, lb90] 0usatna "spouses" [az96] tusti, tus0i, tusur0i "joined, yoked" [az96] tuSuva, tuSuvaS "Tusuva male praenomen" [gg2008] tuSnu, tusnus, tuSnui "Tusnu gentilicium" [gg2008] tuSnutinaie, tusnutnie "Tusnutinaie gentilicium" [gg2008] same construction as English family name Love? [epg] tuscana, tuscna "Tuscania (town)" [g&lb83] see Latin Tuscâna [g&lb83] see Latin Etrûria < *Etrûs+ia [g&lb85:59] see Latin tuscus < *turs+cos [g&lb85:59] see Umbrian tuscom < turkum [g&lb85:59] see Greek Tyrs+ênoi; [g&lb85:59] see Greek tûrsis, [g&lb85:59] Latin turris "tower" [g&lb85:59] tusiu, tusnu "swollen, jammed, rich, smug, excited" [az96] < *tew+s [az96] tusna Turan's swan [g&lb83] "fullness, lushness" [az96] likely a compound te+usna= the goddess's "?" [epg] tusnitina, tusnutie "Crassianus"? [az96] entymolgy? [epg] tuSnutn, tuSnutnie "glory" [g&lb83:110] 0uta "people" [lb90:299] see Latin tot+ [lb90:299] see Germanic teuto+ [rmcc] 0uta adjective: "every, each" [gg2008] 0uta "guardian (female)" [az96] "priestess" [am91] "of the priesthood" [am91] "protector" [pa&az2000] see Latin word family tueor, tuerl "to protect, defend" [pa&az2000] see Latin tutor "watcher, protector" [pa&az2000] see Latin tutrix, tut(t)us "sure, defended, protected, watched" [pa&az2000] see Latin tuttus"the office, function or action of a tutor or a guardian" [pa&az2000] see old Irish cum+tuth "defence" [pa&az2000] see Indo-European teu+(IEW 1079)"defend" [pa&az2000] perhaps see Luwian duddu(wa) "have mercy on(?)" [hcm93] 0utna "guardian" [az96] 0utui0i "guardian" [az96] tute male name, family name [mc91:78&139] "Picciatore, Tudeús" [az96] see Latin word family tueor, tuerl "to protect, defend" [epg] see Latin tutor "watcher, protector" [epg] see Latin tutrix, tut(t)us "sure, defended, protected, watched" [epg] see Latin tuttus"the office, function or action of a tutor or a guardian" [epg] tu0ace "(has) obliged" [az96] tu0ina "legate, bound, obliged" [az96] tu0ines tlenaXeis"vow, undertaking" [az96] tu0iu "(one who) undertakes, devotee" [az96] tutin "to vow, promise, be obligated" [az96] tutu, tut "endeavor, promise" [az96] tu0i, tuti+ "community, state" [mp68, pa, dep] "district, area" [gg2008] tutin, tutim, tu0un, tu0iu, tu0in, tu0ina+, tu0ineS, tudhina+ "of the state, public" [mp68, g&lb83, pa, dep] aee Hittite tuzzi "an army" [cb,im] see Lycian B tuta "an army" [cb,im] See Umbrian tota [mp68, g&lb83:91] see Oscan tota [dep] see Latin tot+ [lb90:299] see Latin word family tueor, tuerl "to protect, defend" [pa&az2000] see Latin tutor "watcher, protector" [pa&az2000] see Latin tutrix, tut(t)us "sure, defended, protected, watched" [pa&az2000] see Latin tuttus"the office, function or action of a tutor or a guardian" [pa&az2000] see Indo-European *teutâ "people, nation, land" [pa] see Germanic teuto+ [rmcc] sense of protected or protector? [epg] tutna family name [g&lb85:104] personal name [mc91:102] "striker, beater" [az96] "protectors"? [epg] tutulus article of feminine attire [js] 0uv+ "to erect" [dep] see Lycian tuve+ "to erect, to place" [dep] 0uva "brother" [pa, dep] 0uva, 0uve "guarded place, cell" [az96] 0ue, 0uve "protected place" [az96] 0uvas "of this sacred place" [lb90:299] "of his own/private" [mcv96Nov8] 0val "pertaining to the priesthood" [am91] see Italian tutrice [az96] tuur0i, tuur0ii, tusur0ir "consort" [gg2008] tva "shows" [g&lb83:77] 0val "base, lintel, doorstep" [az96] 0varie "door, entrance" [az96] 0variena "doorkeeper" [az96] see Latin foris [az96] tvami "Darkness (god)" [az96] 0veS "from, to each, everyone" [mp68:404] tvn0, tvn0le, tuntle "one who lights"? [az96] 0vt 0as celestial deity [mp68:251] U +u suffix used with family names [lrp57] > +o in Latin names of Etruscan origin [lrp57] +u suffixed to nouns to form ajectives of quality +um enclitic conjunction [am91] +un, +n 1st person singular ending? [mcv98Jan22] see Hittite 1st person singular preterite +un [mcv98Jan22] +uph "facing, against, on account of" [az96] see Latin ob "facing, against, on account of" [az96] +us stem genitive singular for +u [b&k32] ucan0 ucnt+m "inanimate object" [gg2008] ucerna, ucernei "Ucerna gentilicium" [gg2008] ucerne "ponderazione?" [az96] ucnt+ "union" [az96] uXsie personal name [g&lb83:111] uXulni personal name [g&lb83:112] uXulnaie, uXulni "Uchulnaie male praenomen" [gg2008] uXumsna "one who yokes, binds" [az96] see Latin iugum "yoke" [az96] ufli, uple, upli "bad, evil, hosility" [az96] uftavi family name [g&lb85:161] see Latin Octavia [g&lb85:108] uhte "increase" [az96] see Latin auctus [az96] ul0es family name [g&lb85:161] see Latin Voltius [g&lb85:161] ul0e velna name "Wound+healer?" [az96] ultimni family name (female) [mc91:102] ultimna, ultnas, ultimne "Ultimna gentilicium" [gg2008] ultna "powerful, strong" [az96] < *wolt+ [az96] wolf? [epg] perhaps ul+ names from semetic halal "pure, holy"? [epg] or see Luwian halali "pure, clean" [hcm93] um, umene, umu "to devote, to dedicate" [gg2008] umaile Homer" [az96] "plot weaver" [az96] umene "one who weaves, pledges" [az96] umu "pledge" [az96] umuce "pledged, secured" [az96] umrane "Umbrian" [az96] un "complied?" [mp68:413] un "for you" [gm97] un, un+um, uni, une, una, unXva "a libation" [gg2008] un, une, unum, unu0 "to grant" [az96] una "benevolence, grant" [az96] une "reward, recompense, thanks" [am91] unXva "favor, grant" [az96] unata "favorite" [az96] unei0a "satisfaction, pleasure" [az96] uni mae celestial deity [mp68:251] uni, unei "Juno" [g&lb83, mc91:53, djh 95, az96, gg2008, cb, EM] see Latin Juno [g&lb83, mc91:53, djh 95, az96, cb, EM] mother of Hercle ,and patroness of Perugia [EM] The Moon, the wife of the Sun? [epg] unialastres "to Uni+Astre" [mcv96Nov8] < *uni+al astre+s "of Uni, of Ishtar?" [rmcc] unias "to Uni" [mcv96Nov8] uniia0i, unial0i "in Juno's temple" [az96, gg2008] see un "to grant" [az96] upaliie, uple, uphle, uphalias, ufle, uphaliasi, upaliie "Male Praenomen and also a Gentilicium" [gg2008] upilsiie, upelsi, upelsi0 "Upilsiie gentilicium" [gg2008] upsie, upsiie "Upsie gentilicium" [gg2008] upelsi "weapon point, a spit" [az96] uphale "javelin, a spit" [az96] upil, ufli, uples "dirt, mire, soil" [gg2008] note the p/f spelling variations [epg] uprium "Hyperiôn" [az96,gg2008] see Latin supernus "upper, high ground" [az96] ur, uru "to fill" [gg2008] uru, ur "to turn over, drink a libation?" [az96] see Luwian aru(wa)ruwa "lift" [hcm93] see Cuneiform URU "a geographic location"? [epg] "a well"? [epg] Orvierto < Urbs Vetus "old town" [djh14] see urinate "make water" [epg] urX, urXei "vessel" [gg2008] urX "to be repentent" [az96] < *werk "to tighten" [az96] urXn "to be anguished" [az96] see Cuneiform URU "a geographic location"? [epg] a well? [epg] see Greek oikos "house"? [epg] see Greek oikist "city+founder"? [epg] urfa "weave" [az96] Urgulania wife of Claudius, Latinized name [g&lb85:48] < Hercules, who travelled the zodiac? [epg] urXusna, urXosnas "Urchusna gentilicium" [gg2008] < Hercules, who travelled the zodiac? [epg] urphe "Orpheus" [g&lb83] see Latin verbum "word" [az96] Perhaps Orpheism was a Greek adoption of Etruscan religion. [epg] ura, uras "male praenomen" [gg2008] uria "upsetter, confuser (feminine)" [az96] urinate, urinates, vrinati "Urinate gentilicium"" [gg2008] urinate "Urinate ethnic group" [az96] "burning" [az96] see Hurrian ur; ul "to battle" [iw] related to ur? same construction as English name Waters? [epg] ursmini "speech, (one who) speaks, order" [az96] ursminei "Locutia, Juno" [az96] ursumna "spoken" [az96] urste "(who) narrates, discusses" [az96] see Latin orsa, orsus "undertaking, speech" [az96] ur0, ur0ri, ur0anike "to fill" [gg2008] ur0anike "(to have) ordered, disposed?" [az96] uru0se "Orestes" [g&lb83] us, use+ti "setting of sun, moon, stars; dusk" [gg2008] usil, usils, usli "setting of sun, moon, stars; dusk" [gg2008] usilan, usilane "setting of sun, moon, stars; dusk" [gg2008] useti "draw (water)" [g&lb83:85] uSeti "seer, soothsayer" [az96] < *audh+ [az96] uSi, uSie "to hear" > "to understand, obey" [az96] uSiSa "understood, obeyed, heard" [az96] see Latin audere "to hear" [az96] see Latin ausum "understood, obeyed, heard" [az96] see Luwian ašša "say, speak"(?) [hcm93] usil, usele, usil+s male name [mc91: 109, dep, pa] "sun, sun god" [az96] "sun, Aurora" [am91] usil "to illuminate, inspire" [az96] uslane "at noon" [g&lb83] "illuminating" [az96] usli "illumination, divination" [az96] see Latin Aurêlius [g&lb83] see Sabine ausel+ [mp68] see Luwian god Aššiya [hcm93] see Latin sol "sun" [dep] see Greek helios "sun" [dep] see Sanskrit suryah "sun" [dep] see Gothic sawil "sun" [dep] see Indo-European *sewel "sun" [dep] see Indo-European *saHwel+ "sun" [mcv 9+2+99] same construction as English family name Light? [epg] ut "to determine, cleft" [az96] ut, u0+, ut+a, ut+us, ut+uSe, ut+in+ce, u0+ari "to give" [mp68, pa, dep] "carry out, perform" [g&lb83] ut, u0, u0ari,/ utue, utuse, utince "to serve" [gg2008] utu+ act associated with religion [mp68:409] see Luwian aštaya "cast a charm/spell"(?) [hcm93] pray? [epg] see Latin uti "to use" [bc 199] see Oscan uittiuf "to use" [bc 199] utanie, utane, utani+ces, utanisa "Utanie gentilicium" [gg2008] utacle "prosperous, lucky" [az96] utauni "(who) grants, favors" [az96] u0u "lucky, rich?" [az96] u0ste, u0us0e, u0uze, utus0e "Ulysses, Odysseus" [g&lb83, az96] "separated, separator, distancer" [az96] u0ur "celibate" [az96] u0u0u "separate, far" [az96] u0u0unatale "separate, distanced (plural)" [az96] utuse "to separate" [az96] utince "fixed destiny" [az96] uvie, uvilane "nailed, ungulate" [az96] uzr "robbed, widowed" > "celibate" [az96] uzarale "bereaved" > "heirs?" [az96] see Latin viduus "robbed, widowed" [az96] V +v+, +ve perfective suffix [az99Jun17, pa] from Italic? [az99Jun17, pa] vacal, vacil, vacl "libation" [g&lb83:56, pa, dep] "offering?" [mp68:409, mcv96Nov8] "votive offering" [gg2008] vaXr "sacred acts, offerings, libations?" (plural) [mp68] vaXar, vaXr "servant" [gg2008] see Sanskrit ohati "to announce" [dep] see Avestan aog "to say" [dep] see Latin voveo "to dedicate" [dep] see Greek eukhomai "to vow" [dep] see English augur [az96] see Indo-European *wegwh, *egwh [dep] see vatieXe vaXa "grown, augmented" [az96] vaXstls "augmentor (god)" [az96] vacerra "post, log" Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp57] vaci "to weight, evaluate" [az96] vacilia "prophecy" [az96] vaXr "mutually" [az96] vahruni, vahru > varuni, vari "(which) agitates, moves, changes" [az96] vainias "to waver" [az96] vainie "wavering" [az96] vaisera, veizna, veiza "wavering, lame" [az96] < *wakw+, *wekw+ "to move, oscillate" [az96] vale "to be strong, worthy" [az96] see Latin valere "to be strong, worthy" [az96] van, vane+c "to reach, to extend, to stretch out" [gg2008] van0 "demoness or fury associated with Xarun" [g&lb83, am91, EM, gg2008] "Parca" [az96] "one who turns" > "spin" [az96] see Mycenaean Greek wa+na+ke [epg] see Greek wánaX [am91] Perhaps the wánaX oversaw burials? Or perhaps the wánaX killed people? But the Etruscan van0 is feminine. "And let me tell you about my ex+wife" :P) [epg] see Lydian wana "a tomb" [im, citing a&b&i85] vanva "empty, groundless, vane" [az96] see Latin vanus "empty, groundless, vane" [az96] vapeisnisa "wavering" [az96] var, varna "crooked, different, blemish, spotted skin, fur" [az96] vari "changing, marked, spotted, stained" [az96] see Latin varius "changing, marked, spotted, stained" [az96] see Latin varus "crooked, different" [az96] varati family name [g&lb83:22] varXti "penitent, anguishing" [az96] Varro Latin name of Etruscan origin [lrp57] vas "drinking vessel?" [az96] see Latin vâs "utensil" [az96] vat, vatieXe "to dedicate" [gg2008] vatieXe "pledged" [az96] "dedicated" [lb90:299] "have been dedicated" [mcv96Nov8] "was promised by a solemn oath or formal engagement" [pa&az2000] see Indo-European *wat+or *wot IE W1113 "geistig angeregt sein" [pa&az2000] see Latin vätes "soothsayer, prophet, poet" [pa&az2000] see Latin vaticinare "to vaticinate, prophesy" [pa&az2000] see Greek Oustais "soothsayer, prophet" [pa&az2000] see Gaulish *vätis "soothsayer, prophet" [pa&az2000] see Old Irish faidh "soothsayer, prophet" [pa&az2000] see Gothic wöds "to be possessed" see Old High German wuot insane see Anglo+Saxon wedan, Old High German wuoten,, old Swedish wodian verrückt sein [pa&az20002000] vatimi "pledge" [az96] see Latin vadimônium "security, pledge" [az96] vatlu, vatluna, vetalu, vetluna "Vetulo, Vetulonia (town)" [g&lb83, az96, gg2008] < "ford, ferry crossing, ferryman" [az96] see Latin Vetulônia [g&lb83] see Latin vadum "shallow ford" [az96] vecsa, vecsa+0, vecsa+t 'type of vessel" [gg2008] vecu, vecui, vecunia nymph [g&lb83] goddess of lightning [az96] see Latin Vegoia nymph who taught Tarchun how to interpret lightning [az96:418] vecu "alternate manner" [az96] < *wekw+/*wakw+ [az96] vecuvia "(which) moves, shakes, shiones, changes" [az96] Vedi Latinized name [az96: 25] vei, vea domestic god [az96] veiane "villager" [az96] < *weikia [az96] see Latin vîcus "village, street" [az96] veic "Vulci (town)" [djh14] see velX Veii, Veia, Veio "Veia (town named after family)" [djh14, lrp57] see Latin Veiî [djh14, lrp57] veiove, veive god of revenge [EM, gzb] veis "vicissitudine, result?" [az96] vei0a "careful, fair" < "vacillating" [az96] vei0a, veive "wavering, alternate manner" [az96] vel male name [mp68:229, g&lb83, mc91:52, gm97, pa] velus, veluis, veluSa, velusla male name, genitive form [mc91:60] velusi male name, dative form [mc91:59/134] vel, velni, velie derivative forms [lrp57] see Latin Velenius, Vellenius, Velianus [lrp57] vel, velus , veluis, velusi, veluSa, veluSla "Vel male praenomen" [gg2008] corresponds to Latin Quintus [gm97] corresponding to Latin Caius [gzb, pa] vela female name [mc91:52] velaria, velaral "Velaria female praenomen" [gg2008] velelia female name [g&lb85 30] velna family name [mp68:229] velianas, veliiunas family name [g&lb83:53] see Luwian halali "pure, clean" [hcm93] see Luwian haiani "temple" [epg] see Luwian halmaššuitti "throne" [hcm93] mons velius Roman hill [lrp57] likely from pala "tall, hill", or vel "pure, holy" [epg] vela0ri "round, turning" [az96] vele0ia, vele0a, veli0ana, velisina "express, rotation, roundness" [az96] see Latin volvendus "turning" [az96] see Luwian hawi "a sheep" [hcm93] wool spinner? [epg] see Common Anatolian hawa "a sheep" [hcm93] see IE *owi "a sheep" [epg] see Hittite hulana "wool" (spinner?) [epg] see IE *wl+n "wool"[epg] velX, velXl, velXi, velX, velcl+0 "Vulci city" [gg2008] velXa, velXas "Velcha gentilicium"[gg2008] velXaie, velXie "Velchaie gentilicium"[gg2008] see pala "tall, hill" [epg] vela0ri, velauri "Volterra (town)" [djh14, g&lb83, az96, pa] see Latin Volaterrae [djh14, g&lb83, az96] vela0era, vela0ri "Volterra city" [gg2008] vel0ur, veli0ur, vel<0urus, vel<0urs, vel<0urusi>, vel0urusla "Velthur praenomen" [gg2008] vel<0uria, vel<0ura "Velthuria gentilicium" [gg2008] vel0<0urnas "Velthurna gentilicium" [gg2008] vel0ie male name [mc91] vel0ur male name [g&lb83:16, mc91] "valid, robust" [az96] vel0urna, vel0uriae family name [g&lb83:81, mc91] (plural) "valid, robust" [az96:25] see pala "tall, hill" [epg] veles, velitis Latin of Etruscan origin [lrp48, mp68:369] velimna family name, masculine [mc91:121, gm97] "caner, thrasher, fuller, presser" [az96] velimnei family name, feminine [mc91:52] see pala "tall, hill", or vel "pure, holy" [epg] velu "cudgel, cylindrical rod" [az96] velvae "caner, thrasher, one who has a cudgel" [az96] velscu, velsi "roll, cudgel, round cane" > "dumb, stupid" [az96] see Latin name Velina [lrp57] see Latin Volumnius [g&lb83:57] velna, veln0e "wounder" [az96] velsina "Bolsena (town)" [djh14] velsna "Volsinii (town)" [g&lb83:27] velsna0i "to Volsinii" [mc91] velzinaX "Volsinian" [gg2008] perhaps modern Orvieto < Latin urbs vetus [g&lb83:27] velzna, velsna "from Velzna+" [az96] velznaX "of Bolsena" [az96] see Latin Volsinii [az96] see pala "tall, hill" [epg] vel0a, veltune chthonian changing god, later supreme god of the Etruscans; patron of Volsini and the Etruscan federation [mp68:243, EM] see Latin Vertumnus? [epg] see Olta in Pliny [epg] vel0a, vel0e, vel0ur ( , vel0re "deity of the underworld, deus inferior" [gg2008] vel0ane "Velthana" family (Delphi Inscription) [dep] vel0ina, vel0iena family name [mp68:265, mc91:119] vel0inas0uraS "member of Velthina family" [mp68:265] vel0a "bravery, power, validity" [az96] vel0ine cil0 "chief at the top" [az96] vel0inei "chief" < "dominant" [az96] vel0ite "valid, powerful" [az96] vel0re "efficient, valid" veltune "Valens, Princeps" (deity) [az96] see Olta in Pliny [epg] veltruta see Latin Voltumna [mp68:243, EM] see Latin Vertumnus [mp68:243, EM] veltruta "firm, healed, cured" [az96] see Latin valens [az96] see pala "tall, hill" [epg] velusina "movement?" [az96] velX "Mars" [az96] velX, velcal, velcl "Vulci (town)" [g&lb83] velcl0i "of Vulci" [mc91:143] velXa family name [lrp57, mc91] velXan "Vulcan" [mp68:159] velXana family name [mc91:72] velXe male name [lrp57, mc91] "warrior" [az96] velXite "from Vulci" [mc91:143] see Hitite walh+ "to strike, hit, smite" This presents a problem, as these people may have been from the city of Vulci, or their names were constructed in the same manner as the English famiy name Smith [epg] see pala "tall, hill" [epg] *velXitne, *velcitna, *velitna, velicitna "March" [az96, pa, dep] < *velX+, *velc+ < *wLkw "to lacerate, tear from, wolf, war" [az96] see Rhaetic VelXanu[rab42, 95] see Latin velcitanus, velistanus [mp68, g&lb83, az96] see Latin Vulcî [g&lb83] see Latin Volcânus [rab 42, 95] see pre+Greek Cretan Gelxános Welxános, Wélxanos "Zeus" [rab 42, 95] see pala "tall, hill", or vel "pure, holy" [epg] venai female name, deity? [mc91:112] venalia, venai "Consuetudo (goddess of customs, society)" [az96] venala family name [g&lb83:83] venel male name [mc91:116, pa] venel, vener, venelus, venerus, venelisi, venelasi, venlis, venala "Venel male praenomen" [gg2008] venete "of the race, lineage" [az96] see Greek venisai sexual intercourse [epg] vente, venzni, venzi "green, blue" [az96] see Latin venetus "green, blue" [az96] venzile "servile, client" [az96] root of van0 [az96] see Greek venisai sexual intercourse [epg] vercna "keeping busy?" [az96] see Latin exercens "keeping busy" [az96] verpe, verpru "braid, crown" [az96] vers+, verse "fire" [g&lb83:59, mcv96Nov8, pa, dep] derivative versie [mp68] glossed in Latin as versum [g&lb83:59, mcv96Nov8] see Hittite uar "to burn" [im] see Luwian pahur "fire" [hcm93] see Luwian pawari(ya) "light a fire" [hcm93] verSena, vertun "Vertumnus (god of changing seasons)" [az96] see Lydian ora "a month" [cb] see Greek hóra "a season" [cb] vertun, vertn "type of drinking vessel" [mp68, pa, dep] "mixing vessel" [am91] veru "a spit" [az96] veru "cover" [az96] < *wer+ "to guard" [az96] vescu "biting" [az96] vesi "bite, sample, taste" [az96] < *ghwes+ [az96] see Latin vescens "to feed on" [az96] vespu "punching, hitting, pungent" [az96] < *hwes+p+ [az96] see Latin vespa "wasp" [rmcc] vestirkina, veStirikina family name (fem.) [g&lb83:110, mc91:112] vestrace, vestiricima, vestrcma "stimulus, puncture" [az96] vesuna "Verona (deity)" [mp68:159] "Bona dea" [az96] vete family name [g&lb83:83] vetu, vetus male name [mc91:95] vetie, veteS, vetes, vetis,vetieSi "Vetie male praenomen and gentilicium" [gg2008] vetiena, vetinal, vetanal, vetnal, vetnalisa "Vetiena gentilicium" [gg2008] vetienaie, vetenei, vetinei, vetanei, vetnei "Vetienaie gentilicium" [gg2008] see Latin Vettius, Vetius [mp68:371, G. Colonna cited by pa] "(who) sees, knows, recognizes" [az96] < vez+ < *vest+ < *khwedh+t+ [az99Mar29] ve0ie, ve0i, veze, ve0sara, ve0u, ve0ur, ve0ura, vezra, vez0rnei "acute, svelte, exact" [az96] vetis deity of fate or underworld; pars hostilis/pars postica [mp68:251] "acute" [az96] < *hwerth [az96] vhelqu "fortune, chance?" [az96] vikare "Icarus" [az96, gg2008] Mythical man, "floating?"[az96] vil, vile, vilu "to cleanse" [gg2008] vilae, vile "(which) braids, weaves, links, binds" [az96] vile "weave, viscera" [az96] < *vil+, *il+ [az96] vilata "prisoner" [az96] vilia, vilinei "villager" [az96] see Latin villa "country house" [az96] vinai, vineia "(which) moves" [az96] vina, vina+c, vena, vinai+0 "wine" [gg2008] vinum, vinm "wine" [mp68, g&lb83, az96, gm97, mcv, pa, dep, gzb, gg2008] see Luwian winijant "wine" [epg] see Linear B o+no, o+na, o+na/to, o+na/te+re [epg] see IE *woino "wine" [epg] see Latin vinum "wine" [mp68, g&lb83, az96, gm97, mcv, pa, dep, gzb] vipa "to shake, hurl" [az96] vipi, vipie male name [mp68:233, mc91:45] "(which) moves" [az96] vepia feminine name [az96] "vibrant" [az96] vepu masculine name [az96] vipina, vipine, vipinas, vipiena, vipienna family name [mc91:45] "(which) moves" [az96] see avle vipinas, caile vipinas "Aulus Vibenna, Caelius Vibenna" Etruscan heroes connected to Mastarna (Servius Tullius) [lrp57, g&lb83] < *vekw+ [az96] see Roman name Vibenna [lrp 57, g&lb83] see Latin Vibius [mp68:233, mc91:45] see Latin vibrare "to shake" [az96] vipli "weaver" [az96] vipsul, vipSl "Fiesole (town)" [djh14, mc91:146] see visal vipie, vipe, vipi, vipes, vipial "Vipie gentilicium" [gg2008] vipie0u, vipi0urna "member of the Vipie family" [gg2008] vipiena, vipina, vpinas(for *Vipinas),vipinal+tra, vipinei "Vipiena gentilicium" [gg2008] vipienana, vipinanas, vipiiennas "Vipienana gentilicium" [gg2008] vipiia, vipia "Vipia female praenomen [gg2008] virêre, "to be green" Latin verb [cw 73] visal, viSl, ViS "Faesulae city" [gg2008] visce "Visce gentilicium and cognomen" [gg2008] viscena, viscnal"Viscena female praenomen"[gg2008] viscenaia, viscenei "Viscenaia cognomen" [gg2008] visce "linked, bound, braided, linker" [az96] < vitsl [az96] viSna viSnai "Visna gentilicium" [gg2008] viSnaia, visnaials "Visnaia gentilicium" [gg2008] viSl "residence" [az96] vlesi, vlesia, vuisinei name [mc91:46] Voltinia tribal name of Etruscan origin [lrp48] vrane "angle" [az96] < *wrengh [az96] vuisi+ "sharp" [az96] vulca Etruscan sculptor [g&lb83] vuvcnic "(who) proclaims the vow, desire, invocation?" [az96] vuvze "vow, augured" [az96] vuvzie "invoking" [az96] see Latin vôtus "promise, vow" [az96] see Latin voveo "to promise, vow" [az96] Z +za diminutive suffix [ag79, pa] see Nostratic *+Ca adjective and diminutive marker [ag79] zaX "to be sharp, investigate" [az96] see SaXu [az96] zal0irie "to shine" [az96] < *stelkw+ [az96: 17] see Nostratic *c'.aEjh.a "to shimmer" [ag79] *za "to shimmer" [ag79] zal, zel, za+, zl, esal, esal+s, esl, eSl "two" [g&lb83, mc91, am91, cb, pa, dep, gzb] see zelv+0, zelur, zelarvenas [mp68] za0rum, za0rm+, za0rm+s, za0rm+is, za0rm+iS, za0rumi0 "twenty" [g&lb83, mc91, az96, pa, dep, gzb] zelur "two at a time" [g&lb83:80] zalur, zelur "adverb:two each" [gg2008] zalva, zelv0 "to be half" [gg2008] zalzi, eslz, elsi for *esli) adverb: "twice, two times" [gg2008] Note the use of es for za [epg] za0rum < Semitic, or compound involving zal "two"? [er99Mar1] za0rumsne "twentieth" [az96] < *dwal "two" [az96] see German Zahl "number" [pa] see Indo-European *del, *dele "to split" [pa] see Nostratic *C'oLGa "to be a pair, to mate" [Dolgopol'skij72 cited by ag78&79] see English dual [epg] Lycian "twenty" is currently read as kbisñtãta What is currenty read as b may be better read as v by English speakers, and what is read as ñ, better read as en. [epg] So kbisñtãta becomes kvisentãta. zalle cognomen corresponding to Latin Iunior [G. Colonna cited by pa] zal0u family name [g&lb83:77, gg2008] see Luwian zalla "speed, quickness" [hcm93] zama0i "gold" [g&lb83:81, gg2008] zam0ic "golden" [g&lb83:81, gg2008] < *zama0+ < *za:m a th+, *za:m a t+ [K. Ostir cited by ag79] zama0i "clap, buckle" > "fibula" [az96] < zam+ "to stop, arrest" [az96] < *stMbh+ "to arrest, stop, cleave" [az96&99Mar29] zam0ic "(something) fixed, sure" [az96] zana, zani, zanl "statue" [az96] zane "base" [az96] zanuli "foundedness" [az96] zanulis "to make firm, stabilize" [az96] zan+ < *stan+ "stand, statue" etc. [az96] zanl family name [g&lb85:159] zanua "destination, engagement" [az96] zar "to be high, to be large" [gg2008] zar "to make rigid, hard" [az96] zarfan, zarfne0 "action regarding sacrificial animals" [gg2008] zarfna "cadaver, corpse, rigid body" [az96] zarva, zarua, zarve, Sarvenas "type of offering" [gg2008] zarve "rigid" > "sterile" [ag 79] see Sarvana, Sarvena + a funeral offering? [epg] zar+, Sar, Ser+ "rigid, stiff, solid" [az96] zarf+ < *sterbh+ [az99Mar29] see Latin sterilis "barren" [az99Mar29]] see Hurrian šarri "king" [iw] see Luwian šarra "on, upon, thereon" [hcm93] see Luwian šarri "above, up", also 'for'? [hcm93] see Lycian aruwãt(i) "high" [fk15] see Lycian hri "up" [s&b] see Carian sar "up, above" [s&b] a corpse on its bier? [epg] za0 natural deity [mp68:251] zatla0 "companion" [dep, pa] zati "entrance, gate" [gg2008] zati, za0i "base" [az96] zatila0,zatla0 "gatekeeper" [gg2008] zatila0un, zatltne "to guard the gates" [gg2008] zatlXne "stabilizing" [az96] < zat+ < *stat+ [az96] see Latin statuo "to establish" [az99Mar29] see Latin satelles "escort, attendant" [az99Mar29] attendant=guard? [epg] zavena "cup, drinking vessel" [az96, pa, dep] zea "wounding, slaying" [az96] zec, Sec "mark, sign" [az96] < *steg+ "mark, sign" [az96] see Latin signo "to mark, seal, indicate" [az 29 Mar 99] zelarvena "(funerary) prepation, placement, covering" [az96] < *zel+, *Sel+ < *stel [az96] see Secan [az96] zeri, zeri+S "legal, sacred act, rite, object" [mp 68&75, g&lb83, lb90, pa, dep] zeri, zeri+S a dedication [gg2008] see Lemnian zeronai, zeronaith [mp68:99] < *zer+ "holy" [rab 332] < *zeheri < *steh+e+ri, *steigh+, *steig+ "incision, cleft in divinatory liver" > "writing" [az96, 99Mar29] zertnai family name [mc91:74] zezeve preterite verb form [az99Jul] zi, zia, zea "to burn" [gg2008] zia "to wound, stab, kill" [az96] < *stîgh+a+ [az96] see Latin sîca, [az99Mar29] see Lemnian ziazi [mp68:99] see Luwian zi "lie" [hcm93] zia "fixio" > "pactio?" [az96] < *stîgh+ia [az96] see Luwian šiæilli(ya "of/pertaining to purification" [hcm93] "a fire"? [epg] zic, ziX, ziX+u, zic+al, ziX+ina, ziX+ne, ziX+uXe, ziX+un+ce "write, to write" [mp68, g&lb83, am91, cb, EB XXII:801, v] "to write, to paint" [pa, dep] "to engrave, write" [az96] zicu "writing." [EB XXII:801] zicu "engraver" < *stîx [az96] ziX "book" [mp68, vs/amr 189] ziXina "something written" [az96] ziXne "sign" [az96] ziXu "sculptor, writer, engraver" [mc91:67, pa] ziXu+, zicu+ "engrave, write" [az99Mar29] ziXunce, ziXuXe "was written, engraved" [mp68:405, mc91] "engrave" [az96: 17] < *stikh+un+ke [az96:17] < *steigh+, < *steig+ "engrave, write" [az99Mar29] see Hurrian zikk “to break” [iw] sense of "to carve, to engrave" here? [epg] see Luwian parzaki "label, seal" [hcm93] sense of "by writing"? [epg] ziiace "guided" [az96] zil+, Sel+ "order, govern, rule" [g&lb83, az99Mar29] "to exercize the zil magistracy" [pa, dep] zil, zili, zilac, zilaX, zilat, zilc, zilci, zilX, zila0 "magistrate, official, praetor" [mp68, g&lb83, mc91, am91, cb, EB XXII:801, mcv96Nov8, v, vs&amr 189, pa, dep] zilacal "of the zilac (praetor)" [mcv96Nov8] zilacei, zilac "Ruler, Queen" [az96] the Etruscans did not have Kings or Queens [epg] zila0 "(one who) governs, praetor" [az96] zila0+amce "co+governor, associate praetor" [az96] zila0 meXl rasnal "praetor of the Etruscan territory (title)" [mp68:211] = praetor of the nation of the people? [epg] zila0 rasnas title used in Tarquinia [mp68:211] = praetor of the people? [epg] zilaX "to be zilc, zilath" [mp68:226] zilaXn0as "holding the position of zila0 (praetor) (verbal noun)" [mc91:136] zilaX+nu, zilX+nu, zilaX+nu+ce, zilaX+n+ce, zilX+n+ce "being zilaX (praetor) (verbal noun)" [mc91:69/136] "order, govern, rule" [g&lb83, az99Mar29] zilaX+n+0+ce, zilaX+n+0aS "to rule, govern as praetor" [mp68, az96] zilaX+nuciX "petty kings, regulus" [az96] zilaX+nve "(he) ruled, was zila0" [mc91, az99Jun17] "to rule" [mp68: 211] zilc, zilX "charge, position" [az96] zilc marunuXva "praetor of the marunu (religious office)" [mp68:226] overseer of the bishops? + see marunu [epg] zilc parXis a supreme magistrate [mp68:400] overseer of the households?+ see parn [epg] see Luwian god Zilipura/i [hcm93] zilc+0i, zilcti, zilcte "magistrate in charge" [mp68]; "one who is put in charge, praefectus" [az96] zileteraia "rules of servitude" [az96] zili "order" [az96] zilu "duty, ordinances?" [az96] zilX ceXaneri "title" [g&lb83] see ceXa "ceremony, right, law" [g&lb83] "caretaker of the sacred" [mp68:265] overseer of the tax collectors? see ceXa [epg] < *stel+ "order, govern, rule" [g&lb83, az99Mar29] < *Sikh+ < *stêg+ [az96] see Hurrian zil "to see, witness" [iw] see Hurrian zilikkuhli "a witness" [iw] see Hattian zilat "throne" [im] see Lycian slamati "to keep memory" [LABG] see Lycian B sla "to propitiate"[LABG] see Lycian hla "to glorify" [s&b] see Carian sla, slars "to honour the memory" [s&b] see Lydian serli "a leader" [cb] zimaite, zimite "(which) sustains" [az96] < *stMbh [az96] zimu0e "(one who) lowers, strikes, trusat" [az96] zin+ "make on the lathe" [am91] zina, zinasa, zinace "to make, (has) made" [mc91] zin, zinia, zinace, zinece, zinu "to mould, to fashion with clay or metal" [gg2008] "shapes, adorns, devises" [mc91, az96] zinace "made on the lathe" [am91] potter's wheel? [epg] zinaie "potter" [am91] zinaku "made" [mc91] zinia "form, project, intent, design" [az96] zin0repus "creative impulse" [az96] see Luwian haššanitt(i) "hearth" [hcm93] see Luwian šinapši "sanctuary or similar" [hcm93] "workshop"? [epg] see Rhaetian thinake [mcv98Mar4] see Latin tina "wine jug" (pottery) [rmcc] see Lydian ceñ+ [er99Jun21] zipanu, zipna, zipa, sipna female associated with Turan [g&lb83] see Latin sybil "prophetess" [epg] zipaXnl "trampled, buried" [az96] zip+ < *stip+ [az96] see Latin stîpo "to compress, surround, accompany" [az99Mar29] zirule "brilliant" (plural) [az96] see Sertur [az96] ziumi0e, ziumite "Diomédês" [g&lb83, mc91:49] "one who thinks of killing" [az96] ziu, zivas "to die" [gg2008] ziva, ziva+s, ziva+S "(the) dead" [mp 68&75, g&lb83, lb90, pa, rab 332] "having lived" [dep] zivas "alive" [am91, gm97] < *stew [az96, 99Mar29] see Lemnian zivai [mp68:99] see Si, Sin or see Latin vivo "I live" [dep] see Greek ebion "I have lived" [dep] see Breton beva "to live" [dep] see Old Slavic zhivo "I live" [dep] see Sanskrit jivati "s/he lives" [dep] see Avestan jvaiti "s/he lives" [dep] ziz+ri "putting, placing, standing still" [az96:17&99Mar29] < *stist+ri [az 29 Mar 99, 96: 17] see Latin sistere "to place, stand still" [az96:17&99Mar29] zuX, zuXne, zuqu "to bleed, to let blood from" [gg2008] see Luwian šuwa "to fill" [hcm93] see Sucu zuXu "cane" < "scepter" [az96] zuXiana, zuXuna, zucienes, zuciene "bloodletting cup" [gg2008] zuXu, zuXus "male praenomen" [gg2008] zuXunaie, ZuXni "Zuchunaie gentilicium" [gg2008] zuci "part" [az96] zuXne "smashing, dividing, sharing" [az96] zuXuna "piece, part" [az96] < *zuk+, *Suk+ < *stuk+ "stock, piece, part" [az96] < *stuk "piece" [az96:17] see Latin socius "ally, companion" [az96&99Mar29] zuci am "corruption, ruin" [az96] zuci enesci "buon diritto (formula)" [g&lb85:168] zucre "branch, cane" [az96] Zupre, Supri > Subura (valley) [lrp48] see spur zusa "to strive, aspire to" [az96] zusle "seek, aim" [az96] < *zus+ *stus+ < *stund+s+, *stud+s+ "to hit" [az96:17] see Latin studeo "to strive, aspire to" [az99Mar29] zusle, zuSle, zusle+i, zusleva, zuSleva, zusleva+i, zusleve, zuSleve, zuSleve+S "offering, sacrificial victim (animal)" [mp68, gzb, pa] zuSle, zuSle, zuSleveS "pig" [gg2008] originally "blow by enemy" [az96] zusuzai, zusatu "Strike, Find, Gather" [az96] see Greek Túkhe [az96] zuta "residence, place to stay" [az96] < *studh+ [az96] zutaS "insediamento" [g&lb85:171] zu0eva "type of offering" [gg2008] zu0eva "doubts, uncertainties (dual form)" [az96] zu0, zut, Su0+ [az96] < *studh+ [az99Mar29] see Old Norse, Old English stódh [az99Mar29] Alphabet "The Phoenicians, who were the first to be usurers and weighers of obols, invented the letters of the alphabet, weights, and simply the art of making profit; hence the poets called them "shopkeepers". "There were not as many letters then as there are now, for antiquity did not pass them down in that way. There were only six in addition to ten in Greece: invented later were theta and phi and chi for aspirates; xi and zeta and psi, for double consonants; and eta and omega for long vowels. "Myth relates that Erylus was a ruler in Italy, whom Evander, the son of the prophetess Carmenta seized, and Evander then occupied his territory. It was Evander who first brought letters (the so+called Cadmeian letters) from Greece to Italy. "It is said that Spurius Carvilius Ruga, a grammar+teacher, introduced the letter G, while Salvius introduced the letter K, and Gnaeus Flavius introduced the other letters." + John Lydus Phonology In the tables below, conventional letters used for transliterating Etruscan are accompanied by likely pronunciation in IPA symbols within the square brackets, followed by examples of the early Etruscan alphabet which would have corresponded to these sounds: Vowels THE ETRUSCAN VOWEL SYSTEM CONSISTED OF FOUR DISTINCT VOWELS. THE VOWELS "O" AND "U" APPEAR TO HAVE NOT BEEN PHONETICALLY DISTINGUISHED based on the nature of the writing system, as only one symbol is used to cover both in loans from Greek. ie: kothon >; Etruscan qutun "pitcher"). Front Back Close i [i] u [u] Mid e [e] Open a [a] Consonants Voiced stops missing THE ETRUSCAN CONSONANT SYSTEM PRIMARILY DISTINGUISHED BETWEEN ASPIRATED AND NON+ASPIRATED STOPS. THERE WERE NO VOICED STOPS. Loanwords with voiced stops were typically devoiced, e.g. Greek thriambos was borrowed by the Etruscans, becoming triumpus and then triumphus in Latin. Table of consonants Bilabial Dental Palatal Velar Glottal Nasal m [m]<br n [n] Plosive p [p] fuh/i [phi] t, d [t,d] thuh [0] k [c,k,q] kuh [X] Affricate tz [z] Fricative ef [f] s [s] sh [S>] h [h] Approximant l [l] [ ] w [v] Rhotic r [r] Syllabic theory Based on standard spellings by Etruscan scribes of words without vowels or with unlikely consonant clusters (e.g. cl 'of this (gen.)' and lautn 'freeman'), it is likely that /m n l r/ were sometimes syllabic sonorants (cf. English "little", "button"). Thus cl /kl/ and lautn /lOwtn/. Rix postulates several syllabic consonants, namely /l, r, m, n/ and palatal /lj, rj, nj/ as well as a labiovelar spirant /xw/ and some scholars such as Mauro Cristofani also view the aspirates as palatal rather than aspirated, but these views are not shared by most Etruscologists. Rix supports his theories by means of variant spellings such as amfare/amfiare, lar0al/lar0ial, aran0/aran0iia. Evolution Etruscan continued to evolve from these canonical forms between the 8th and 1st centuries BCE. Among notable developments in its later stages are: 1) the raising of a to e before resonants, 2) the change of unstressed +ai to +e, and 3) the general syncope of unstressed word+medial vowels (eg. Aran0aial 'of Aranth' > Arn0l). WORD FORMATION SENTENCE STRUCTURE ETRUSCAN WAS AN AGGLUTINATIVE LANGUAGE WITH A DEFAULT SENTENCE WORD ORDER OF SOV (SUBJECT+OBJECT+VERB). AGGLUTINATIVE IN THIS CASE MEANS THAT A WORD'S FUNCTION WAS INDICATED BY ADDING SUFFIXES, AND SEVERAL OF THESE SUFFIXES COULD BE ADDED ON TO THE ENDS OF ROOT WORDS. BUT SENTENCE WORD ORDER COULD SHIFT TO VERB+SUBJECT+OBJECT WHEN THE ACTION FOLLOWED FROM A PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED ACTION OR WHEN USING MEDIOPASSIVE VERBS. UNLIKE Indo-European, PAST TENSES OF VERBS WERE NOT MARKED FOR PERSON. [PERSONALLY, ETRUSCAN REMINDS ME OF GERMAN, WHERE ONE WORD CAN BE A SENTENCE.- EPG] NOUNS THE AGGLUTINATION OF NOUNS   ANIMATE (human) type+I: apa "father" type+II: ati "mother" INANIMATE (non+human) type+I: hiiul "owl" type+II: a0ami "cloud"   Singular Plural Singular Plural NOMINATIVE+ACCUSATIVE subject & direct object apa ati apar atiiar hiiul a0ami hiiulXva a0amiva GENITIVE +as /+al of, from, belonging to apas atiial apar+as atiiar+as hiiulas a0amiial hiiulXva+l a0amiva+l DATIVE +asi /+ale for, to apasi atiiale apar+asi atiiar+asi hiiulasi a0amiiale hiiulXva+le a0amiva+le PARTITIVE +asa /+ala part of, among apasa atiiala apar+asa atiiar+asa hiiulasa a0amiiala hiiulXva+la a0amiva+la LOCATIVE +ai at, by, before apai atiiai apar+ai atiiar+ai hiiulai a0amiiai hiiulXva+i a0amiva+i COMMITATIVE +a with apaia atiia apar+a atiiar+a hiiula a0amiia hiiulXva+ia a0amiva+ia DIRECTIVE +is to, towards apais atiiis apar+is atiiar+is hiiulis a0amiis hiiulXva+is a0amiva+is FOR FURTHER NUANCES, THE ABOVE CASES COULD BE COMBINED WITH POSTPOSITIONS SUCH AS: tra "throughout, across", 0i "in, at", pi "by, with", and ri "for" . ETRUSCAN SUBSTANTIVES HAD SIX CASES, AND A SINGULAR AND A PLURAL. Not all six cases are attested for every word. Nouns merge the nominative and accusative, while pronouns do not generally merge these. Gender appears in personal names (masculine and feminine) and in pronouns (animate and inanimate); otherwise, it is not marked. UNLIKE THE Indo-European LANGUAGES, ETRUSCAN NOUN ENDINGS WERE AGGLUTINATIVE, WITH SOME NOUNS BEARING TWO OR THREE AGGLUTINATED SUFFIXES. For example, where Latin would have distinct nominative plural and dative plural endings, Etruscan would suffix the dative case ending to a plural suffix: Latin nominative singular fili+us, "son", plural fili+i, dative plural fili+is, but Etruscan clan, clen+ar and clen+ar+asi. Moreover, like Turkish, Etruscan nouns could bear multiple suffixes from the case paradigm alone: that is, Etruscan exhibited Suffixaufnahme. Pallottino called this phenomenon "morphological redetermination", which he defines as "the typical tendency ... to redetermine the syntactical function of the form [a word] by the superposition of suffices." His example is Uni+al+0, "in the sanctuary of Juno", where +al is a genitive ending and 0 is a locative. Steinbauer says of Etruscan, "there can be more than one marker ... to designate a case, and ... the same marker can occur for more than one case." NOMINATIVE/ACCUSATIVE CASE Common nouns use the unmarked root, and no distinction is made between the nominative and accusative of nouns. Names of males may end in e: Hercle ("Hercules"), Achle ("Achilles"), Tite ("Titus") Names of females may end in +i, +a, or +u: Uni ("Juno"), Menrva ("Minerva"), or Zipu. Names of gods may end in +s: Fufluns, Tins; or they may be the unmarked stem ending in a vowel or consonant: Aplu,("Apollo"),PaXa ("Bacchus, or Turan"). GENITIVE CASE Pallottino defined two declensions based on whether the genitive ends in +s/+S or +l. In the +s group are most noun stems ending in a vowel or a consonant: fler/fler+s, ramtha/ramtha+s. In the +l group are the names of females ending in i, and the names of males that end in s, th, or n: ati/ati+al, Laris/Laris+al, Arn0/Arn0+al. After l or r, +us instead of +s appears: Vel/Vel+us. Otherwise, a vowel might be placed before the ending: Arn0+al instead of Arn0+l. There is a patronymic ending: +sa or +isa, "son of", but the ordinary genitive may also serve that purpose. In the genitive case, morphological redetermination becomes elaborate. Given two male names, Vel and Avle, Vel Avles means "Vel son of Avle." This expression in the genitive become Vel+us Avles+la. Pallottino's example of a three+suffix form is Arn0+al+isa+la. DATIVE CASE The dative ending is +si: Tita/Tita+si. LOCATIVE CASE The locative ending is +0i: Tar0na/Tar0na+l+0i. PLURAL NUMBER The plural given for clan, "son", is clenar, "sons". This shows both umlaut (vowel change) and the suffix +ar. Plurals for cases other than the nominative case are made by agglutinating the case ending on the plural. ADJECTIVES Though uninflected, adjectives fall into a number of types formed from nouns with a suffix + + QUALITY: +u, +iu or +c: ais/ais+iu, "godly/divine"; zama0i/zam0i+c, "gold/golden" + POSSESSION OR REFERENCE: +na, +ne, +ni: paXa/paXa+na, "Bacchus, Bacchic"; laut/laut+ni, "family/familiar" (in the sense of servant) + COLLECTIVE: +cva, +Xva, +cve, +Xve, +ia: sren/sren+cva: "figure/figured"; etera/etera+ia: "slave/servile" Adjectives may also be formed from both noun or verb stems by the suffix +aX, eg: mlaX "blessed" RumaX "Roman" and *araX "lofty" (hence the noun *araX 'falcon', literally "the lofty one"). PRONOUNS Personal pronouns refer to persons; demonstrative pronouns point out, i.e. English "this, that". PERSONAL PRONOUNS The first+person personal pronoun has a nominative mi ("I") and an accusative mini ("me"). The second person is uncertain, but some like the Bonfantes have claimed a dative singular une ("to thee") and an accusative singular un ("thee"). The third person has a personal form an ("he" or "she") and an inanimate in ("it"). DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS   PROXIMAL "this" DISTAL "that" RELATIVE "who" NOMINATIVE ca ta pa ACCUSATIVE can tan pan GENITIVE type+I: cas type+II: cal type+I: tas type+II: tal type+I: pas type+II: pal DATIVE type+I: casi type+II: cale type+I: tasi type+II: tale type+I: pasi type+II: pale PARTITIVE type+I: casa type+II: cala type+I: tasa type+II: tala type+I: pasa type+II: pala LOCATIVE cai, cain tai, tain pai, pain COMMITATIVE caia taia paia DIRECTIVE cais tais pais The nominative–accusative singular forms are: ica, eca, ca, ita, ta; the nominative–accusative plural forms are: cei, tei. The genitive singular forms are: cla, tla, cal; the genitive plural form is:clal. The accusative singular forms are: can, cen, cn, ecn, etan, tn; the accusative plural form is: cnl. The locative singular: calti, cei0i, cl0(i), ecl0i; snd locative plural forms are: caiti, cei0i. VERBS THE AGGLUTINATION OF VERBS   ACTIVE PASSIVE(+in+) INFINITIVE luph "to cross, crossing" tau "to see, seeing" am "to be, being" lupin "to be crossed" tvin "to appear" arin "to rise" PRESENT+FUTURE (NON+PAST) +a (an) lupa "(s)he crosses" (an) tva "(s)he sees" (an) ama "(s)he is" (in) lupin "it is crossed" (in) tvin "it appears" (in) arin 'it rises' PAST +ai (an) lupai "(s)he crossed" (an) tvai "(s)he saw" (an) amai "(s)he was" (in) lupinai 'it was crossed' (in) tvinai 'it appeared' (in) arinai 'it rose' PARTICIPLE +u /+a0 lupu "crossed" tvau "seen" ama0 "been" lupinu "crossed" tvinu "apparent" arin0 "raised" The two tenses were present+future and past. Verbs also had an indicative mood and an imperative mood. PRESENT ACTIVE Etruscan used a verbal root with a zero suffix or +a without distinction to number or person: ar, ar+a, "he, she, we, you, they make". PAST OR PRETERITE ACTIVE Adding the suffix +(a)ce to the verb root produces a third+person singular active, which has been called variously a "past", a "preterite", a "perfect" or an "aorist". In contrast to Indo-European, this form is not marked for person. For example: tur/tur+ce, "gives/gave"; sval/sval+ce, "lives/lived." PAST PASSIVE The third+person past passive is formed with +Xe: mena/mena+ce/mena+Xe, "offers/offered/was offered". ADVERBS Adverbs are unmarked: etnam, "again"; <i)0ui, "now"; 0uni, "at first." Most Indo-European adverbs are formed from the oblique cases, which become unproductive and descend to fixed forms. Cases such as the ablative are therefore called "adverbial". If there is any such system in Etruscan, it is not obvious from the relatively few surviving adverbs.