
The 4th International Symposium on Pottery and Glass OSTRAKON „ Ceramics and glass as a source for research on the past” Wrocław, 26th-28th September 2019

Centre for Late Antique and Early Medieval Studies, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences and Ceramics & Glass Reconstruction and Restoration Department, Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław are pleased to invite you to The 4th International Symposium on Pottery and Glass OSTRAKON „ Ceramics and glass as a source for research on the past” Wrocław, 26th-28th September 2019 Proceeding with a cycle of Wrocław meetings that concentrate on various issues related to pottery and glass throughout history, we kindly invite you to attend this year’s conference. This time the discussion will be focused on „ Ceramics and glass as a source for research on the past”. The aim of the symposium is to integrate representatives of different disciplines whose research interests are tightly connected with historic ceramics and glass. Finds of ceramics and glass, which are common at archaeological sites, provide a valuable source for a research on production, use and significance of pottery and glassware in all historic periods. In an interdisciplinary research the lack of common ground is particularly visible, which is caused by the low number of events that would enable scholars to discuss problems and exchange their experiences. Our Symposium attempts to fill this gap. During The 4th International Symposium on Pottery and Glass OSTRAKON. „Ceramics and glass as a source for research on the past”, the following issues will be discussed: 1. Technology of pottery and glass. Physical and chemical analysis. Archeometry. Research methodology. 2. Conservation, restoration, reconstruction. Cultural heritage documentation and protection. 3. Past technologies – new opportunities, modern techniques – past skills. 4. Sociotopography, spatial and functional arrangement of sites or objects basing on the finds of ceramics and glass. 5. Ceramics and glass in times of change and (re) evolution. 6. Archaeological and written sources. What say the old books and inventories, and as evidenced by artifacts. 7. Reconstruction of trade routes based on findings of glass or ceramics. The wide range of subjects that will be discussed during the forthcoming symposium will undoubtedly allow for an interdisciplinary debate and will let scholars representing various disciplines exchange their experiences. We invite archaeologists, anthropologists, artists, technologists, historians, art historians, museologists and collectors, musicologists, chemists, physicians, enthusiasts, specialists in restoration and reconstruction of ceramics and glass, specialists in 3D scanning and visualisation as well as representatives of any other related disciplines. The discussion will be open to the public. In the past years material-related sessions and thematic workshops took place. On the last day of the third edition of the conference we are planning to organise an excursion. We will visit pottery factories in Bolesławiec. Our post-conference publications:  Ceramika i szkło w archeologii i konserwacji, S. Siemianowska, P. Rzeźnik, K. Chrzan (eds.), Wrocław, 2017.  The 3rd International Symposium on Pottery and Glass OSTRAKON Ceramics and Glass in Interdisciplinary Research, S. Siemianowska, P. Rzeźnik, K. Chrzan (eds.), Wrocław, 2017.  Archeologia Polona Vol. 55:2017, Special theme: Pottery and glass in contemporary studies, S. Siemianowska, P. Rzeźnik, K. Chrzan, A. Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz (eds.). Currently, in preparation for printing, there is another bilingual (Polish-English) volume of publications containing articles dedicated to the issues of ceramics and glass in art as well as interdisciplinary research. In the majority (but not only), they constitute a measurable effect of the second and third editions of OSTRAKON. The intention of the organizers of the conference - after the fourth International Ceramics and Glass Symposium - is to prepare another publication. Place of the conference: Wrocław: Centrum Sztuk Użytkowych. Centrum Innowacyjności, Academy of Art and Design, ul. Traugutta 19/21; Academy of Art and Design, plac Polski 3/4. Languages: English, Czech, German, Polish Presentation (especially captions, thesis and conclusions) should be prepared in English. Types of presentations: full paper (20 minutes), short paper (10 minutes), poster. Please submit your registration form to: [email protected]. We are waiting for your proposals until 31st July 2019. They must include an English abstract no longer than 1 page A4. The organisers reserve the right to choose papers, as we can accept about 40 presentations. Nevertheless, the number of posters is unlimited. The authors of accepted papers will be informed and their presentations will be included in the conference program. If you have any doubts or questions, do not hesitate to contact any of the conference’s secretaries. The conference fee is PLN 150. The reduced fee for students and Ph.D. students is PLN 100. Please make a bank transfer payment or pay directly upon registration during the first day of the conference. Bank transfer details: Account number: 25 1130 1017 0020 1465 9720 0013 Account holder: Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN Ośrodek Badań nad Kulturą Późnego Antyku i Wczesnego Średniowiecza 50-118 Wrocław, ul. Więzienna 6 We do not provide accommodation, however, Wrocław offers a wide range of accommodation possibilities. Further details available at the website Secretary: Ceramics: mgr Krystian Chrzan [email protected] tel. +48713441608, extension number: 51 Glass: mgr Sylwia Siemianowska [email protected] tel. +48713441608, extension number: 35 Organisers’ office: Centre for Late Antique and Early Medieval Studies, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Więzienna 6, Wrocław, Poland INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES CENTRE FOR LATE ANTIQUE AND EARLY MEDIEVAL STUDIES 50-118 WROCŁAW, UL. WIĘZIENNA 6 TEL: 071-3441608; FAX. 0713443352 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM The 4th International Symposium on Pottery and Glass OSTRAKON. „Ceramics and glass as a source for research on the past” . Wrocław, 26-28 September 2019 FIRST NAME ........................................................................................................................................ SURNAME ............................................................................................................................................ TITLE/DEGREE ................................................................................................................................... ORGANIZATION NAME .................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................ E-MAIL ................................................................................................................................................. INVOICE DETAILS ............................................................................................................................. TYPE OF PRESENTATION (full paper, short paper, poster) ............................................................... PRESENTATION TITLE ...................................................................................................................... …............................................................................................................................................................ EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................... REMARKS ............................................................................................................................................ ABSTRACT …............................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................ ..............................................................................................................................................................