Maritime Archaeology
No. 25 • Summer 2010
from Denrrtark
Vaaler Moor and
·-" Archaeology and the Sea
in Scandinavia and Britain
A pecsonal account
More and more students in mari time
archaeology, that mea ns more and more
opportunity for maritime archaeo logica l
projects, now and in the future. Such
projects can take very different forms
as th e Newsletter, including this 25th
ed ition, shows . Submerged landscapes
and fasc inating f li nt are more than ever at
the centre of attention, as An ders Fi scher
reports. Others, such as the gra nd o ld man of
D anish maritime archaeo logy, O le Crum lin
Pedersen do not think fl ints are fasci nating at
all. At least, that was one of the things he sa id
whi le presenting his new book Archaeology
and the Sea, in Roskilde - w here else?
- in the beginn ing of May this year. lt is a
fasc inating book, conso lidating more than
fifty years of research in many fasc in ating
aspects of mari time archaeo logy in northern
Europe, center ing on D enmark and the place
of its people in space and ti me. Flint is not
incl uded, or hardl y. But there is much to read
on ships and ships graves, nava l prowess
and defence, trade and exp loration as well
as detailed work on finding sources and
starting (re-)constructing protoh istori c ships,
pub li shed in many books and articl es . lt is all
conven ientl y brought together as num ber 3
in the Viking Ship Museum 's series Maritime
Cu lture of the North . it is, as usual, given
pride of place.
Th e book is also a personal account. On
th e very first page, it relates how CrumlinPedersen consul ted prehistory professor C.J.
Becker in Copenhagen on the prospects of
studying archaeo logy and do 'someth ing'
with boats. Not an option, accordin g to
th e then authority, no way to earn a liv ing.
So Crumlin-Pedersen decided to study
nava l arch itecture and tackle hi story and
archaeo logy from that angle, indirectly
or direct ly providing a living for a w hol e
generation of maritime archaeo logists.
More than a decade later, I experi enced a
different attitude in Becker's contemporary,
friend and counterpart in Leiden, P.j.R.
Modderman. His early career had made him
excavate 'M 107', a high medieval ship site
in recently reclaim ed land. That was in many
ways by chance. He saw its importance,
however, and felt that spec iali sed technical
understanding needed to be developed, just
as this is the case with flint or pottery. lt was
an understanding he did not see himself
developing. But he certain ly encouraged the
combine archaeo logy and
idea to try ~ nd
maritime technology. Boats are, after all,
at least as fascinating as flints or pottery in
Every second year Modderman organised
an excu rsion to different parts of Europe.
1978 brought us to Denmark and back in
two minibuses, and archaeo logica l shipfinds
were high on the agenda. Ladby, Lejre,
Roskilde, and Amose were some of the stops
with boat connotations. Moesgard, Vorbasse,
and Vedbaok were not forgotten, and neither
was Vandkunsten in Copenh agen, to pay
respects to, C.J. Becker. But first we visited
Schleswig and th e Landesmuseu m in Gottorp
Slot. it was the last time in many years that
I saw the Vaaler Moor 'boat' that adorns the
cover of this issue.
After many yea rs of storage, it was recently
put back on display; a good occasion to
visit it with students, in two minibuses
actua lly (yes, the Maritime Archaeology
Programme acquired a second second-hand
car!). Moreover, it could be taken as starting
point for the students to dive into a wealth
of archaeological questions: how does the
boat compare to logboats in their respective
countries, from Portugal to Sweden? What are
the different research traditions? How is the
boat supposed to fit into th e ' development
of ships'? But equa ll y: how ca n this boat or
group of boats be interpreted in the wider
archaeological context? What are the
different archaeo logi cal contexts along the
North Sea in th e relevant time period? How,
do these relate to geology and waterlevel
change? A maritime archaeologist, like every
archaeologica l specialist, should after all be
ab le to work with a wider archaeologica l
understand ing.
Th e mu seum's director, Cl aus von CarnapBornheim, vice-director Ralf Bleil e and their
staff are thanked for the warm welcome that
we received, com ing back for the students
to experiment with different techniques in
documenting the construction. The work
will be conso lidated in a booklet, as we did
earli er with the Gredstedbro ship as starting
But there is more than Vaaler Moor. Work
on the find materi al of the St Ceorge, the
British maritime pearl on the Danish west
coast has seriously started. Paul Montgomery
reports in this issue. Two other theses follow,
and a detailed study of the rudder is nearly
ready for publication. Two reports were
published as a resu lt of last year's fi eldwork,
on w hich a short note by )ens Auer. just like a
report on the excavation of th e logboat-find
'Kadoe lerveld' the full reports are avai lab le
on the internet (www. mariti mearchaeo logy.
dk). Vibeke Bischoff has a fine contributi on
on th ~ Oseberg ship. lt is yet one furth er step
in a tradition of detailed technical analys is
that Crumlin-Pedersen started . j an H ammer
Larsen reports on an area survey in the
Kattegat. And then, in April, the pipelaying
barge Castoro Se i started its work on the
Nordstream pipeline, the first transnationa l
maritime construction project that included
archaeologica l co nsideration over its fu 11
trajectory through the maritim e zones of five
individual co untri es . Will construction work
be as consciousl y considerate with cu ltural
heritage as promised? lt would be a novum,
but why not.
Thijs }. Maarleveld
Hull form of the Oseberg ship
The Oseberg ship, built in AD 820 and
buried in a grave mound 13 years later, was
excavated in 1904. Shortly after, the ship
was re-assembl ed for exhibi t at th e Viking
Ship Museum, in Bygd0y, Os lo (Br0gger
1917). For almost 100 yea rs, the ship, of
which almost 95% of the original wood is
present in an amazing state of preservation,
was rega rded as a truthful reconstruction.
lt is 21.5 m long with a breadth of 5.0 m.
However, when the ship was assembled in
1906-07, a series of decisions were made,
that deserve ca reful scrutiny.
In 1987, a full-scal e reconstru ction,
baptised Dronningen, was built in Norway.
lt was based on drawings of the ex hibited
ship. Dronningen caps ized during its very
first sea tri al, sa il ing on a close reach in a
Beaufort 5 wind. Her speed was about 8-10
knots. An alyses of the sailing tri al, as we ll as
a subsequent test of a 1 :10 sca le mode l in a
hyd rodynam ics laboratory, showed that th e
bow water shipped over the sheer, when the
vessel reached a speed of approx imately 9
knots and a heel angle of approx imately 10
degrees (Goda l 1988).
There have been many hypotheses about
what went wrong. Was it tbe keel rocker, the
shape of the bow, too small a crew, too li ttl e
ballast, or too large a sail (Bischoff 2007)?
Would the orig in al ship have done better?
The onl y way to find out was a thorough
The well preserved Oseberg Ship in the
Viking Ship Museum in Oslo, Norway. Photo:
Th e Viking Ship Museum, Oslo.
examination of the exhibited remains. With
the firm belief that new methods and new
expertise would bring new answers, the
Oseberg Project 2006 aimed to evaluate and
reconstruct the hull form of the Oseberg ship
anew, through new documentation methods
and a reconsidered interpretation of the
preserved parts (Bischoff et al. 2007).
Recording and modelling
In 2006, the interior was systematica lly
photographed, and two different scann ing
methods were used to document both
the interior and exterior of the vessel. The
outs ide was documented with a photo
scanner, 10 points/mm2 and with minimum
0.5 mm accuracy. The inside was scanned by
laser, 0.3 points/mm2 with 6.0 mm accuracy.
Photo scanning is a very time-consuming
process and creates large digital files, but
it is much more detailed and accu rate than
laser scanning, which is rougher and more
blurred. Both scanning processes were
comp limentary to each other and a great
help in the reconstruction process. On the
basis of the scans, 2D drawings of all parts
The elements were cut in cardboard and
assembled in a 3-0 reconstruction model at
1: 10 scale in which all preserved parts were
taken into account. Photo: W Karrasch, The
Viking Ship Museum, Roskilde.
were made. Cracks and deformations in
the individual elements were scrutinised in
order to reconstruct the hull form reliably.
The drawings and photographs that had
been made during excavation and assembly
formed additional information .
Each part was then cut out of cardboard
and assembled in a 1:10 scale model. For
this purpose, the 1 :10 scale drawings were
printed on paper and then glued onto
cardboard with the same scaled thickness
as the ship parts, ensuring that the planks
can be assemb led correctly, and that all
preserved parts are taken into accou nt. By
creating a physical 3-D model in this way, a
reliable hull form ca n be estab lished. As the
hull form is a coherent structure, o ne ca nnot
make alterations in one dimension without
influencing changes in other dimensions. If
a large percentage of the ship is preserved,
the model thereby will present a reasonably
precise image of the original sh ip (Ravn et
al. forthcoming).
Adjustments to hull form
The outs ide of the ship as exhibited appears
smooth and coherent and shows no visible
signs of irregularities. The inside of the ship,
however, is more irregular, with several
cracks and fragmentary pieces. The interna l
structure and planking show the results of
manipulation. When found, the ship was
deformed and broken in 2000 fragments.
In the grave mound, the sides had been
pressed down, so that the bottom of the hull
was at the same height as the sheer. During
the excavation in 1904, all ship parts were
measured and documented in situ, before
they were removed and stored for about 2
years. During assembly, the reconstructors
During the assembly of the ship the
reconstructors did not have sufficient control
of the angle of the stem. Photo: The Viking
Ship Museum, Oslo.
understandably faced problems on which
they took radical decisions.
Photographs from the storage show
very fragmentary, deformed and driedout hull parts, and it is obv ious that the
reconstructors had a tremendous task. In
the 1917 publication, it is noted that some
parts had to be steamed up to three times
in order to press them into their original
shape (Bmgger 191 7: 86-87). A photo taken
during the assembly of the ship shows, that
the reconstructors did not have sufficient
contro l of the angle of the stem. The top
strakes were not attached to the stem, and
there were major problems in connecting
the planking in that area. These problems
most likely resulted from the very start of the
reconstruction process. The keel had been
laid slightly too straight. lt was broken in
many fragments when found, so its rocker
is unknown. Equally, the stem was made to
heel a b it too much forward. Difficulties then
occurred when the upper strakes- where the
ship is broadest- did not reach the rabbet.
In conseq uence, the reconstructors had to
press the ship's sides inward. For this to be
possible, the beams were shortened.
Also, the floor timbers are very
fragmentary. Th e lower edges of th e floor
timbers and the protruding cleats upon wh ich
they sit had collapsed. Thi s problem caused
the planks to appear up to 7 cm closer to the
floor timbers than they originally were. The
lines drawing used for building the full-scale
reconstruction Oronningen did not take this
collapse into consideration . Furthermore,
the top ends of severa l floor timbers in the
forward part of the ship were broken at the
eighth strake. While putting the ship together
for display in. Bygd0y, the reconstructors
pressed the top ends of the floor timbers
further into the ship than they would have
been initially, ca using th e bow to be more
narrow and more flat in cross-section than it
would have been originally.
By superimposing a simplified sketch of
an excavated floor timber on a cross-section
of the recent laser scan of the timber as
displayed, it was clear that during discovery,
the floor timbers in the bow were wider than
they appear today. This is supported by the
in the bow seem to have
fact, that the ~earns
been shortened, although it wasn't possible to
determine by how much. During reassembly,
some were cut or were put together from
parts that did not fit. The fact that several of
the supports between the floor timbers and
the beams in the bow were skewed, instead
of vertical, as are other supports in the aft of
the ship, supports this observation.
On the basis of these observations, it was
possible to stipulate some changes in the
hull form that might be cruci al to the sailing
performance of the ship. Adjusting the shape
of the floor timbers and reconstructing the
co llapsed cleats and frame edges gives
the hull more fullness and lifts the stem.
Correctin g the shape of the floor timbers
by making them wider gives the bow area
a concave cross-section and more hollow
water lines below the bilge.
Sailing performance
After completion of the cardboard model,
its dimensions were recorded. This was
done with a digitising tool (Faro Arm), and
the measurements were directly entered
into the drafting programme Rhinoceros
(Hocker 2000, 2002). On the basis of this,
a 3-D lin es drawing and a 3-D solid model
were produced. Physical waterproof models
were then made of the lines that had been
used in 1987 and of the new lines in order to
see, if th e sa iling performance had changed
after readjustment of the hull form. The
models were tested in the laboratory of the
Norwegian Marine Technology Research
Below left: The lower edge of the floortimbers
and the protruding cleats were collapsed.
Below right: Th e top parts of the floortimbers
in the bow area were pressed in during the
installation. Photos: V. Bischoff, Th e Viking
Ship Museum, Roskilde.
Several bities in the bow area were
shortened or assembled in correctly during
reconstruction for exhibition in 7906-07.
Photo: V Bischoff, The Viking Ship Museum,
In stitute (MARTINEK) in Trondh eim, w ith
different displacements, different heel angles,
and different leeway angles. Th e engin eers
then measured th e sa iling performance of
the ship under conditions up to 20 knots
and up to 15 degrees of heel angle and 10
degrees of drift angle.
The flow of water around the hull was
remarkabl y different in the two sca le models.
The old model pressed the water to the sides
rather than guiding the fl ow under the hull.
This meant that the bow dived instead of
ga ining lift, w hen speed in creased. The new
model created bow water that guided th e
flow under th e hull, w hi ch made th e bow
lift remarkably when ga ining speed. The tank
tests showed two comp letely different ships
w ith very different performance leve ls.
This research has led to a better insight
into the ori ginal hull form of the Oseberg
ship and has provided more know ledge of
th e sa iling capab iliti es of a Nordic ship of
around AD 800. The project showed that
the ship origin al ly had more fu lln ess in the
submerged part of the hull, and th at it has
been broader above the waterline in its
forward part than it appears on displ ay today.
The new reconstruction of th e Oseberg ship
has a more concave cross-section in the bow
area w ith its stem lifted a littl e more out of
the water. The reco nstruction revea ls that this
Iift gives the vessel a more rockered kee l than
was assumed and realized in the exhib ited
ship. Al l these factors are of vita l importance
for the water flow around the hull, affecting
the ship's overa ll sai ling performance.
The corrected reconstruction of the bow
shape all ows the conclusion that the Oseberg
reconstruction Dronningen actual ly had less
buoyancy below the bilge and a different run
of the strakes in the bow than the original
ship, wh ich may have been the ca use for
the bow water to ship over the sheer so
unfortunately resu lting in th e sinking of the
vesse l in 1987. Although the new hu ll form
was tried in a tank test, it remains to be
seen if a new ful l-scale reconstruction wi ll
all ow for a more seaworthy, more stab le, and
better-sa i Iin g vesse I.
Vibeke Bischoff
Bischoff, V., 2007, Gaden Osebergskibet.
Kysten 2007, Nr. 3, 36-40.
Bischoff, V. Paasche, K. & R0vik, G., 2007,
Rekonstruksjon av Osebergskipets form .
Unpubli shed report.
Bonde, N . & Christensen, A.E., 1993,
Dendrochrono logical dating of the Viking
Age ship burials at Oseberg, Gokstad and
Tune, Norway. Antiquity 67: 575-583 .
Br0gger, A.W., Fa lk, Hj. and Shetelig, H .,
191 7, Osebergfundet. Bind I. Kristia nia.
Goda l, )., 1988, Rapport am Pnwesegling.
Unpubl ished report.
Hocker, F., 2000, New too ls - for maritime
No.14, 27-30. Rosk il de.
Hocker, F., 2002, New too ls - for maritime
archaeo logy.
Newsletter from Roskilde, Denmark, No.
18, 50. Roski lde.
Ravn, M ., Bischoff, V., Englert, A. & Nielsen,
S., forth coming, Recent Advances in
Post-Excavation Documentation, Reconstruction and Experimental Maritime
Archaeology. In: Catsamb is, A., Ford,
B. ; nd Hamilton, D. (eds.), Oxford
of Maritime
New York.
Bonde, N. & Stylegar, F.A. Fra Avaldsnes ti l
Oseberg. Dendrokronologiske unders0kelser av skipsgravene fra Storhaug
og Gr0nhaug pa Karm0y. Viking, Norsk
arkeologisk arbok Bind LXXII - 2009,
Oslo 2009.
Rhinoceros, a 3-D design software package,
is suitable for making a surface modeling of
the hull, which is required to produce a solid
test model for a hydrodynamics laboratory.
Drawing: Vibeke Bischoff