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This document outlines a structured educational curriculum for Year 4 students, focusing on various aspects of language skills including listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and creative expression. It delineates a series of weekly topics, learning objectives, and standards that guide students' development in comprehending and using the English language effectively.
Formación en el pensamiento crítico Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra, por cualquier medio, sin la autorización escrita del editor. DERECHOS RESERVADOS © 2012 respecto a la primera edición en español por McGRAW-HILL/INTERAMERICANA EDITORES, S.A. DE C.V.
“Storia e luoghi di una battaglia. Luzzara e Riva di Suzzara 15 Agosto 1702” Atti del Convegno di studio Suzzara 3 maggio 2002 Bibloteca Comunale di Suzzara , 2004
LA BATTAGLIA DI LUZZARA : GLI ESERCITI CONTRAPPOSTI LA GUERRA DELLA SUCCESSIONE SPAGNOLA SUL TEATRO ITALIANO (1701-1702) Per quasi due secoli si era combattuta in Europa una guerra continua tra i Borboni re di Francia da un lato ed i due rami della casa d’Asburgo, quello di Spagna e quello d’Austria, dall’altro. I possedimenti degli Asburgo avvolgevano la Francia da est ad ovest. Tra i territori contesi, oltre alle Fiandre (odierno Belgio) vi era quello del ducato (o stato) di Milano, feudo imperiale, ma proprietà personale dei re di Spagna, che ne esercitavano il possesso per tramite di un Governatore. Quando alla fine del 1700 alla morte di Carlo II, ultimo re di Spagna della casa d’Asburgo, assunse al trono di Madrid Filippo di Borbone duca d’Anjou, nipote di Luigi XIV nonchè del defunto Carlo II, col nome di Filippo V, anche il ducato di Milano passò sotto il suo controllo. L’Imperatore non era disposto ad accettare che il Milanese passasse sotto il controllo, sia pure indiretto, dei Francesi e designava come candidato l’arciduca Carlo, suo figlio. Un corpo di truppe imperiali, al comando di Eugenio di Savoia, dai confini del Tirolo scesero in Italia. Luigi XIV preoccupato dalla scarsa consistenza ed efficienza dell’esercito milanese, inviò consistenti contingenti di truppe “ausiliarie”, per rafforzare il debole presidio del ducato, soprattutto sui confini orientali. Al rinforzo francese in breve doveva aggiungersi anche un corpo di spedizione di truppe sabaude. Il 15 agosto 1702 nei dintorni di Luzzara (e Suzzara) venne combattuta una sanguinosa battaglia tra i due eserciti avversari. La presentazione descrive gli eventi principali e la composizione dei due eserciti, con particolare attenzione a quello dello stato di Milano. THE BATTLE OF LUZZARA : THE OPPOSING ARMIES THE SPANISH SUCCESSION WAR ON THE ITALIAN THEATRE (1701-1702) For over two centuries continuous war had raged in Europe among France and the two branches of the Absburg house, the Spanish and the Austrian. Absburg’s possession envolved France from East to the West. Among the contended territories, besides Flanders there was also the duchy (or State) of Milan, Imperial fief, but owned as a personal property by the King of Spain, who ruled the State through an appointed Governor. When at the end of 1700 with the death of Carlos II, last king of Spain of the Absburg dinasty, Philip of Bourbon duke of Anjou obtained the throne of Madrid with the title of Philip V, also the duchy of Milan came in his power. The Emperor would not accept that Milan could be controlled, even indirectly, by the French and candidated to the Spanish throne the archduke Karl, his son. A consistent corps of Imperial troops, at the orders of the prince Eugene of Savoy, from Tyrol entered Italy. Louis XIV, worried by the poor efficiency and quality of the Milanese army, sent consistent contingents of “auxiliary” troops, in order to strengthen the feeble Spanish garrison of the duchy, especially considering the Eastern borders. Shortly an expeditionary corps from the duke of Savoy joined the French reinforcements. On the 15th of August 1702 in the surroundings of Luzzara (and Suzzara), near the Po river, a bloody battle was fought between the two opposing armies. This presentation describes the major actions and the composition of the two armies, with a particular attention given to that of the State of Milan.
Making Sense of Myth. Conversations with Luc Brisson, 2024
To most, myths are merely fantastic stories. But for Luc Brisson, one of the great living Plato scholars, myth is a key factor in what it means to be human - a condition of life for all. Essential and inescapable, myth offers a guide for living, forming the core of belonging and group identity. In 1999 Quebec classicist Louis-André Dorion published a series of French conversations with Brisson on the idea of myth. In Making Sense of Myth Gerard Naddaf offers an extended and updated English translation of these conversations, as well as a new set of discussions between himself and Brisson. Beginning with Brisson's childhood in the village of Saint-Esprit, Quebec, through his education as a gifted child in minor seminaries starting at age eleven, and continuing with his years in Paris, first as a graduate student and later at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), Brisson tells the story of his escape from an all-encompassing myth - the one promulgated by the Roman Catholic Church. The philosopher situates Quebec society as inseparable from the history of the Catholic Church in Quebec, and argues that this correlation offers a perfect paradigm of myth and mythmaking. Naddaf’s introduction and afterword contextualize the conversations by discussing Brisson’s and Plato’s understanding of the origin and meaning of myth, elaborating on the role of myth in anthropogeny, in the creation of selfhood, and in multiculturalism. Making Sense of Myth promises both a philosophy of myth and a philosophy of life, one inspired by Brisson’s lifelong engagement with the great Western philosopher Plato.
Esta conferencia se dedica a la descripción fonética de las distintas funciones que la entonación en el ámbito conversacional, tanto a nivel monológico (en el ámbito de intervenciones aisladas) como a nivel dialógico (en el ámbito de dos o más intervenciones sucesivas de diferentes interlocutores). Se trata de una propuesta que vengo aplicando en mis últimas investigaciones y que he presentado en algunas publicaciones previas, particularmente en Hidalgo (2011) “La investigación de la entonación “coloquial”: hacia un estado de la cuestión en el ámbito hispánico”, Oralia 14:15-45
Revue de l’histoire des religions, 2016
Le bien et le mal dans les psychostasies égyptienne et chrétienne L'objet de cette étude est de classer les acteurs divins dans les psychostasies égyptienne et chrétienne, d'y examiner l'interaction des protagonistes et d'établir les liens des « dieux / génies / anges » avec le bien, ceux des « démons » avec le mal. Cette comparaison permet, par exemple, de déterminer le rôle des quarante-deux assesseurs et de la dévoreuse, souvent considérés comme figures démoniaques. Les quarante-deux dieux et le monstre dévoreur agissent en fait comme des bourreaux ou des génies exécuteurs, dont la fonction est analogue à celle des anges qui, au terme du Jugement dernier, punissent le diable et ses alliés. Quant à ces derniers, ils correspondent à Seth et à ses acolytes qui sont les vrais démons de la psychostasie égyptienne. Good and Evil in the Egyptian and Christian Psychostasias This study aims to classify the divine participants in the Egyptian and Christian psychostasias, to examine the interaction of its protagonists, to establish the connection between "gods / genies / angels" and good, and the connection of "demons" with evil. This comparison enables us to determine, for example, the function of the forty-two assessors and the devourer, which are often regarded as demonic figures. The forty-two gods and the monster in fact act as executioner genies, whose function is similar to the angels at the Last Judgement, when they punish the Devil and his associates. The latter are equivalent to Seth and his acolytes, who are the real demons in the Egyptian psychostasia.
Business History Review, 2015
The veteran authors of this somewhat puzzling volume proceed in a friendly and casual spirit. Conceived during an academic retreat on the beautiful Umbrian hills of Italy, they disclose, the book has no argument, "no arc of development or critique." With the goal of stimulating reflection and conversation about the future of business history as a subfield, they invite their readers-colleagues and graduate students in history and other disciplines-to "browse this book" in nonlinear fashion, freely picking topics of interest and ignoring others. The book is accordingly made up of four sections-"Traps," "Opportunities," "Prospects," and "Resources"-each containing ten to twelve loosely thematic entries just short enough to be read "on a commuter train, in a waiting room, or during TV commercials" (p. ix). Yet the authors do protest too much. Their noncommittal tone aside, the intellectual coherence of the entries betrays the book's much more purposeful agenda. Crudely put, the book seeks to bring the insights of cultural history to the historical study of business. Readers would have benefited from a more explicit articulation of this agenda, which runs consistently and perceptively through the essays. To fully evaluate it, they also would have needed more conscious reflection on its merits, not merely in relation to the straw man of "traditional business history," but vis-à-vis more recent research programs and paradigms. The authors are indeed at their best when they challenge the functionalism of Chandlerian business history. They take aim at the tendency to reify abstractions, processes, and relationships. They call for a much more critical understanding of numbers and statistics. They encourage scholars to "unpack the assumptions" behind economic categories like growth, value, markets, and risk (p. 13). They warn against the pitfalls of replicating conventional periodizations, overstating the role of science and technology as sources of historical change, and projecting assumptions about human progress onto history. They instead
Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting / Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad, 2005
Atti dell'Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati, 2023
Oecologia, 2019
Проблемы истории, филологии, культуры. № 3. 2018 JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL, PHILOLOGICAL AND CULTURAL STUDIES. 3. 2018, 2018
Journal of Integrated Pest Management, 2017
Advances in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, 2006
Health Technology Assessment, 2014
Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods, 2012
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2010
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2017
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire, 2010
Genetics and Molecular Biology
International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 2017
Modern Physics Letters A, 2000