Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) has emerged as a cost-effective mass transit system for urban mobility. The low infrastructure cost, perceived simplicity and network connectivity favor the adoption of bus rapid transit system as a viable mass transit option in many cities around the world. Dhaka, the 9th largest populous city in the world and the capital city of Bangladesh is experiencing severe traffic congestion and pollution problems resulting from the massive increase in personalized motorized vehicles. The four preferred modes of transport in Dhaka city are rickshaw (38%), bus (30%), walking (19%) and other motorized vehicles (8%).The high dependence on walking and rickshaw and a low dependence on buses are a symptom of inefficient and ineffective public transport operations. Clearly public transportation in Dhaka needs to be revitalized by promoting effective and affordable mass transit system with priority considerations of the introduction of BRT system. Bus rapid transit systems provide a means of fast and effective solution to increase transit demand that would surplus the limits of ordinary bus services in mixed traffic. However, bus rapid transit has inherent limitations and an ineffective BRT system has detrimental effects in terms of capacity, safety and serviceability. Most recently three BRT lines are being planned to be implemented in three different high demand passenger corridors in Dhaka city. It is important that experience and lessons learned from other BRT systems need to be evaluated and should be duly addressed towards promoting efficient BRT in Dhaka. This study aims at to review the performance of BRT systems around the world and evaluates them in the local context focusing on the aspects of safety, accessibility, environmental quality and reliability. This paper in particular concentrates to identify the operational aspects and pragmatic measures that should be considered towards promoting an efficient and sustainable BRT system in Dhaka.

3rd Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility, 3rd CSUM 2016, 26 – 27 May 2016, Volos, Greece TOWARDS PROMOTING EFFICIENT BRT in DHAKA M. M. Hoquea* ; S. Sultanab ; S. Nasrinc ; a DEAN, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka & 1000,Bangladesh b B.Sc. Engineering (Civil), BUET, Dhaka & 1000, Bangladesh c Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Presidency University Bangladesh, Dhaka & 1000,Bangladesh Abstract Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) has emerged as a cost-effective mass transit system for urban mobility. The low infrastructure cost, perceived simplicity and network connectivity favor the adoption of bus rapid transit system as a viable mass transit option in many cities around the world. Dhaka, the 9th largest populous city in the world and the capital city of Bangladesh is experiencing severe traffic congestion and pollution problems resulting from the massive increase in personalized motorized vehicles. The four preferred modes of transport in Dhaka city are rickshaw (38%), bus (30%), walking (19%) and other motorized vehicles (8%).The high dependence on walking and rickshaw and a low dependence on buses are a symptom of inefficient and ineffective public transport operations. Clearly public transportation in Dhaka needs to be revitalized by promoting effective and affordable mass transit system with priority considerations of the introduction of BRT system. Bus rapid transit systems provide a means of fast and effective solution to increase transit demand that would surplus the limits of ordinary bus services in mixed traffic. However, bus rapid transit has inherent limitations and an ineffective BRT system has detrimental effects in terms of capacity, safety and serviceability. Most recently three BRT lines are being planned to be implemented in three different high demand passenger corridors in Dhaka city. It is important that experience and lessons learned from other BRT systems need to be evaluated and should be duly addressed towards promoting efficient BRT in Dhaka. This study aims at to review the performance of BRT systems around the world and evaluates them in the local context focusing on the aspects of safety, accessibility, environmental quality and reliability. This paper in particular concentrates to identify the operational aspects and pragmatic measures that should be considered towards promoting an efficient and sustainable BRT system in Dhaka. © 2016 The Authors. Published byElsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of the 3rd CSUM 2016. Keywords: modal share;revitlisation;safety; acessibility;reliability;BRT; * Corresponding author. Tel.:9665650-80 Ext-7219; Fax: 880-2-861 3046, 880-2-9665622; E-mail address: [email protected]