This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
GreenDroid: Automated Diagnosis of Energy
Inefficiency for Smartphone Applications
Yepang Liu, Chang Xu, S.C. Cheung and Jian Lü
Abstract—Smartphone applications’ energy efficiency is vital, but many Android applications suffer from serious energy inefficiency problems. Locating these problems is labor-intensive and automated diagnosis is highly desirable. However, a key challenge is the lack of a decidable criterion that facilitates automated judgment of such energy problems. Our work aims to address
this challenge. We conducted an in-depth study of 173 open-source and 229 commercial Android applications, and observed
two common causes of energy problems: missing deactivation of sensors or wake locks, and cost-ineffective use of sensory data. With these findings, we propose an automated approach to diagnosing energy problems in Android applications. Our approach explores an application’s state space by systematically executing the application using Java PathFinder (JPF). It monitors sensor and wake lock operations to detect missing deactivation of sensors and wake locks. It also tracks the transformation
and usage of sensory data and judges whether they are effectively utilized by the application using our state-sensitive data utilization metric. In this way, our approach can generate detailed reports with actionable information to assist developers in validating detected energy problems. We built our approach as a tool, GreenDroid, on top of JPF. Technically, we addressed the challenges of generating user interaction events and scheduling event handlers in extending JPF for analyzing Android applications.
We evaluated GreenDroid using 13 real-world popular Android applications. GreenDroid completed energy efficiency diagnosis
for these applications in a few minutes. It successfully located real energy problems in these applications, and additionally found
new unreported energy problems that were later confirmed by developers.
Index Terms—Smartphone application, energy inefficiency, automated diagnosis, sensory data utilization, green computing.
—————————— ——————————
smartphone application market is growing rapidly.
Up until July 2013, the one million Android applications on Google Play store had received more than 50 billion downloads [29]. Many of these applications leverage
smartphones’ rich features to provide desirable user experiences. For example, Google Maps can navigate users
when they hike in the countryside by location sensing.
However, sensing operations are usually energy consumptive, and limited battery capacity always restricts such an
application’s usage. As such, energy efficiency becomes a
critical concern for smartphone users.
Existing studies show that many Android applications
are not energy efficient due to two major reasons [54].
First, the Android framework exposes hardware operation
APIs (e.g., APIs for controlling screen brightness) to developers. Although these APIs provide flexibility, developers have to be responsible for using them cautiously
because hardware misuse could easily lead to unexpectedly large energy waste [56]. Second, Android applications
are mostly developed by small teams without dedicated
quality assurance efforts. Their developers rarely exercise
due diligence in assuring energy savings.
Locating energy problems in Android applications is
difficult. After studying 66 real bug reports concerning
energy problems, we found that many of these problems
are intermittent and only manifest themselves at certain
application states (details are given later in Section 3). Reproducing these energy problems is labor-intensive. Developers have to extensively test their applications on different devices and perform detailed energy profiling. To
figure out the root causes of energy problems, they have to
instrument their programs with additional code to log
execution traces for diagnosis. Such a process is typically
time-consuming. This may explain why some notorious
energy problems have failed to be fixed in a timely fashion
[15], [40], [47].
In this work, we set out to mitigate this difficulty by automating the energy problem diagnosis process. A key
research challenge for automation is the lack of a decidable criterion, which allows mechanical judgment of energy
inefficiency problems. As such, we started by conducting a
large-scale empirical study to understand how energy
problems have occurred in real-world smartphone applications. We investigated 173 open-source and 229 commercial Android applications. By examining their bug
reports, commit logs, bug-fixing patches, patch reviews
and release logs, we made an interesting observation: Although the root causes of energy problems can vary with different
applications, many of them (over 60%) are closely related to two
types of problematic coding phenomena:
Missing sensor or wake lock deactivation. To use a
smartphone sensor, an application needs to register a listener with the Android OS. The listener should be unregistered when the concerned sensor is no longer being used.
Similarly, to make a phone stay awake for computation,
an application has to acquire a wake lock from the Android OS. The acquired wake lock should also be released
as soon as the computation completes. Forgetting to unregister sensor listeners or release wake locks could quickly deplete a fully charged phone battery [5], [8].
Sensory data underutilization. Smartphone sensors
probe their environments and collect sensory data. These
data are obtained at high energy cost and therefore should
be utilized effectively by applications. Poor sensory data
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
utilization can also result in energy waste. For example,
Osmdroid, a popular navigation application, may continually collect GPS data simply to render an invisible map
[51]. This problem occurs occasionally at certain application states. Battery energy is thus consumed, but collected
GPS data fail to produce any observable user benefits.
With these findings, we propose an approach to automatically diagnosing such energy problems in Android
applications. Our approach explores an Android application’s state space by systematically executing the application using Java PathFinder (JPF), a widely-used model
checker for Java programs [67]. It analyzes how sensory
data are utilized at each explored state, as well as monitoring whether sensors/wake locks are properly used and
unregistered/released. We have implemented this approach as an 18 KLOC extension to JPF. The resulting tool
is named GreenDroid. As we will show in our later evaluation, GreenDroid is able to analyze the utilization of location data for the aforementioned Osmdroid application
over its 120K states within three minutes, and successfully
locate our discussed energy problem. To realize such efficient and effective analysis, we need to address two research issues and two major technical issues as follows.
Research issues. While existing techniques can be
adapted to monitor sensor and wake lock operations to
detect their missing deactivation, how to effectively identify energy problems arising from ineffective uses of sensory data is an outstanding challenge, which requires addressing two research issues. First, sensory data, once received by an application, would be transformed into various forms and used by different application components.
Identifying program data that depend on these sensory
data typically requires instrumentation of additional code
to the original programs. Manual instrumentation is undesirable because it is labor-intensive and error-prone. Second, even if a program could be carefully instrumented,
there is still no well-defined metric for judging ineffective
utilization of sensory data automatically. To address these
research issues, we propose to monitor an application’s
execution and perform dynamic data flow analysis at a
bytecode instruction level. This allows sensory data usage
to be continuously tracked without any need for instrumenting the concerned programs. We also propose a statesensitive metric to enable automated analysis of sensory
data utilization and identify those application states
whose sensory data have been underutilized.
Technical issues. JPF was originally designed for analyzing conventional Java programs with explicit control
flows [67]. It executes the bytecode of a target Java program in its virtual machine. However, Android applications are event-driven and depend greatly on user interactions. Their program code comprises many loosely coupled event handlers, among which no explicit control flow
is specified. At runtime, these event handlers are called by
the Android framework, which builds on hundreds of
native library classes. As such, applying JPF to analyze
Android applications requires: (1) generating valid user
interaction events, and (2) correctly scheduling event handlers. To address the first technical issue, we propose to
analyze an “ndroid application’s GUI layout configuration files, and systematically enumerate all possible user
interaction event sequences with a bounded length at
runtime. We show that such a bounded length does not
impair the effectiveness of our analysis, but instead helps
quickly explore different application states and identify
energy problems. To address the second technical issue,
we present an application execution model derived from
Android specifications. This model captures applicationgeneric temporal rules that specify calling relationships
between event handlers. With this model, we are able to
ensure an Android application to be exercised with correct
control flows, rather than being randomly scheduled on its
event handlers. As we will show in our later evaluation,
the latter brings almost no benefit to the identification of
energy problems in Android applications.
In summary, we make the following contributions in
this article:
We empirically study real energy problems from 402
Android applications. This study identifies two major
types of coding phenomena that commonly cause energy problems. We make our empirical study data public
for research purposes [31].
We propose a state-based approach for diagnosing energy problems arising from sensory data underutilization in Android applications. The approach systematically explores an application’s state space for such diagnosis purpose.
We present our ideas for extending JPF to analyze general Android applications. The analysis is based on a
derived application execution model, which can also
support other Android application analysis tasks.
We implement our approach as a tool, GreenDroid, and
evaluate it using 13 real-world popular Android applications. GreenDroid effectively detected 12 real energy
problems that had been reported, and further found
two new energy problems that were later confirmed by
developers. We were also invited by developers to
make a patch for one of the two new problems and the
patch was accepted. These evaluation results confirm
GreenDroid’s effectiveness and practical usefulness.
In a preliminary version of this work [42], we demonstrated the usefulness of sensory data utilization analysis
in helping developers locate energy problems in Android
applications. In this article, we significantly extend its earlier version in five aspects: (1) adding a comprehensive
empirical study of real energy problems collected from 402
Android applications (Section 3); (2) formalizing the
methodology of systematically exploring an Android application’s state space for analyzing sensory data utilization (Section 4.2); (3) enhancing our sensory data utilization analysis with an outcome-based strategy, thus eliminating human effort previously required for setting algorithm parameters (Sections 4.4.3 and 6.1); (4) enhancing
our evaluation with more real-world application subjects,
research questions and result analyses (Section 5); (5) extending discussions of related research (Section 6).
The rest of this article is organized as follows. Section 2
introduces the basics of Android applications. Section 3
presents our empirical study of real energy problems
found in Android applications. Section 4 elaborates on our
energy efficiency diagnosis approach. Section 5 introduces
our tool implementation and evaluates it with real application subjects. Section 6 discusses related work, and finally Section 7 concludes this article.
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
Table 1. Project statistics of our studied Android applications
Application type
Application availability
Google Code
34 open-source applications with
reported energy problems
139 open-source applications
without reported energy problems
229 commercial applications with
energy problems
Application downloads
1K1 ~ 5K
5M1 ~ 10M
0.49M ~ 1.68M
1K ~ 5K
50M ~ 100M
0.50M ~ 1.22M
1K ~ 5K
50M ~ 100M
0.77M ~ 2.02M
SourceForge Google Play
All are available on Google Play Store
1K = 1,000 & 1M = 1,000,000; 2: “ccording to Google’s classification, there are a total of
Activity launched
User navigates to
the activity
User returns
to the activity User navigates
to the activity
Activity leaves foreground
App process
Activity in
Apps with higher
priority need memory
Activity in background (invisible)
Activity is finishing or being destroyed
Figure 1. An activity’s lifecycle diagram
We select the Android platform for our study because it is
currently one of the most widely adopted smartphone
platforms and it is open for research [3]. Applications running on Android are primarily written in Java programming language. An Android application is first compiled
to Java virtual machine compatible .class files that contain
Java bytecode instructions. These .class files are then converted to Dalvik virtual machine executable .dex files that
contain Dalvik bytecode instructions. Finally, the .dex files
are encapsulated into an Android application package file
(i.e., an .apk file) for distribution and installation. For ease
of presentation, we in the following may simply refer to
“ndroid application by application when there is no
ambiguity. An Android application typically comprises
four kinds of components as follows [3]:
Activities. Activities are the only components that allow graphical user interfaces (GUIs). An application may
use multiple activities to provide cohesive user experiences. The GUI layout of each activity component is specified
in the activity’s layout configuration file.
Services. Services are components that run at background for conducting long-running tasks like sensor data
reading. Activities can start and interact with services.
Broadcast receivers. Broadcast receivers define how an
application responds to system-wide broadcasted messages. It can be statically registered in an application’s configuration file (i.e., the AndroidManifest.xml file associated
with each application), or dynamically registered at
runtime by calling certain Android library APIs.
Content providers. Content providers manage shared
application data, and provide an interface for other com-
different categories of “ndroid applications [28].
ponents or applications to query or modify these data.
Each application component is required to follow a
prescribed lifecycle that defines how this component is
created, used, and destroyed. Figure 1 shows an activity’s
lifecycle [2]. It starts with a call to onCreate() handler, and
ends with a call to onDestroy() handler. An activity’s foreground lifetime starts after a call to onResume() handler,
and lasts until onPause() handler is called, when another
activity comes to foreground. An activity can interact with
its users only when it is at foreground. When it goes to
background and becomes invisible, its onStop() handler
would be called. When the users navigate back to a
paused or stopped activity, that activity’s onResume or
onRestart() handler would be called, and the activity
would come to foreground again. In exceptional cases, a
paused or stopped activity may be killed for releasing
memory to other applications with higher priorities.
In this section, we report our findings from an archival
study of real energy problems in Android applications.
For ease of presentation, we may use energy problems
and energy bugs interchangeably in subsequent discussions. Our study aims to answer the following three research questions:
RQ1 (Problem magnitude): Are energy problems in Android applications serious? Do the problems have a severe
impact on smartphone users?
RQ2 (Diagnosis and fixing efforts): Are energy problems
relatively more difficult to diagnose and fix than non-energy
problems? What information do developers need in the energy problem diagnosis and fixing process?
RQ3 (Common causes and patterns): What are common
causes of energy problems? What patterns can we distill from
them to enable automated diagnosis of these problems?
Subject selection. To study these research questions,
we first selected a set of commercial Android applications
that suffered from energy problems. We randomly collected 608 candidates from Google Play store [28] using a web
crawling tool [14]. These applications have release logs
containing at least one of the following keywords: battery,
energy, efficiency, consumption, power, and drain. We then
performed a manual examination to ensure that these applications indeed had energy problems in the past and
developers have fixed these problems in these applications’ latest versions (note that we did not have access to
the earlier versions containing energy problems). This left
us with 229 commercial applications. By studying available information such as category, downloads and user
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
Table 3. Diagnosis and fixing efforts for energy bugs in open-source Android applications
Issue information
Application name
Recycle Locator
Diagnosis and fixing efforts
Fixed revision Inefficient revision
# of revisions # of changed # of changed
Issue open
size (LOC)
duration (Days)
to fix
Issue no.
5K3 ~ 10K
1K ~ 5K
Sofia Public Transport Nav.
10K ~ 50K
Sofia Public Transport Nav.
10K ~ 50K
Google Voice Location 6
10K ~ 50K
BitCoin Wallet
10K ~ 50K
10K ~ 50K
10K ~ 50K
10K ~ 50K
10K ~ 50K
Version 0.8.0
Geohash Droid
10K ~ 50K
10K ~ 50K
1M3 ~ 5M
1M ~ 5M
1M ~ 5M
1M ~ 5M
1M ~ 5M
Open-GPSTracker 6
100K ~ 500K
Open-GPSTracker 6
100K ~ 500K
500K ~ 1M
500K ~ 1M
1M ~ 5M
1K ~ 5K
1K ~ 5K
10K ~ 50K
Applications from DroidAR to CSipSimple are hosted on Google Code. 2: Applications from c:geo to CommonsWare are hosted on GitHub.
1K = 1,000 & 1M = 1,000,000; 4: The symbol N/“ means unknown, and the corresponding bugs are found by studying commit logs.
5: The size of K9Mail is based on revision fdfaf03b7a because we failed to access its original SVN repository after it switched to use Git.
: All application except Google Voice Location, AndTweet, Open-GPSTracker, BabbleSink and Ushahidi are still actively maintained (continuous code revisions).
Table 2. Top five categories of inefficient commercial subjects
Number of inefficient commercial applications
59 (25.8%)
34 (14.8%)
Brain & Puzzle
15 (6.6%)
Arcade & Action
13 (5.7%)
Travel & Local
11 (4.8%)
comments, we can answer our research question RQ1.
However, these commercial applications alone are not
adequate enough for us to study the remaining two research questions. This is because to answer RQ2–3, we
need to know all details about how developers fix energy
problems (e.g., code revisions, the linkage between these
revisions and their corresponding bug reports). As such,
we also need to study real energy problems with source
code available, i.e., from open-source subjects. To find interesting open-source subjects, we first randomly selected
250 candidates from three primary open-source software
hosting platforms: Google Code [26], GitHub [27] and
SourceForge [63]. Since we are interested in applications
with a certain level of development maturity, we refined
our selection by retaining those applications that: (1) have
at least 1,000 downloads (popularity), (2) have a public
bug tracking system (traceability), and (3) have multiple
versions (maintainability). These three constraints left us
with 173 open-source subjects. We then manually inspected their code revisions, bug reports, and debugging logs.
We found 34 of these 173 subjects have reported or fixed
energy problems (details are given in Section 3.1).
Table 1 lists project statistics for all 402 (173 + 229) subjects studied. We observe that these subjects are all popularly downloaded, and cover different application categories. We then performed an in-depth examination of these
subjects to answer our research questions. The whole
study involved one undergraduate student and four postgraduate students with a manual effort of about 35 person-weeks. We report our findings below.
3.1 Problem Magnitude
Our selected 173 open-source Android applications contain hundreds of bug reports and code revisions. From
them, we identified a total of 66 bug reports on energy
problems, which cover 34 applications. Among these 66
bug reports, 41 have been confirmed by developers. Most
(32/41) confirmed bugs are considered to be serious bugs
with a severity level ranging from medium to critical. Be-
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
50 100 200
Bug open duration (days)
Non-energy bugs
(mean = 43.7)
Energy bugs
(mean = 54.3)
Figure 2. Open duration of energy and non-energy bugs
sides that, we found 30 of these confirmed bugs have been
fixed by corresponding code revisions, and developers
have verified that these code revisions have indeed solved
corresponding energy problems.
On the other hand, regarding the 229 commercial Android applications that suffered from energy problems, we
studied their user reviews and obtained three findings.
First, we found from the reviews that hundreds of users
complained that these applications drained their
smartphone batteries too quickly and caused great inconvenience for them. Second, as shown in Table 1, these energy problems cover 27 different application categories,
which are quite broad as compared to the total number of
32 categories. This shows that energy problems are common to different types of applications. Table 2 lists the top
five categories for illustration. Third, these 229 commercial
applications have received more than 176 million downloads in total. This number is significant, and shows that
their energy problems have potentially affected a vast
number of users.
Based on these findings, we derive our answer to research question RQ1: Energy problems are serious. They exist
in many types of Android applications and affect many users.
3.2 Diagnosis and Fixing Efforts
To understand how difficult the diagnosis and fixing of
energy problems can be, we studied 25 out of the 30 fixed
energy bugs in open-source applications. Five fixed bugs
were ignored in our study because we failed to recover the
links between their bug reports and corresponding code
revisions. 1 We report our findings in Table 3. For each
fixed energy bug, Table 3 reports: (1) bug ID, (2) severity
level, (3) revision in which the bug was fixed, (4) program
size of the inefficient revision, (5) duration in which the
bug report is open, (6) number of revisions for fixing the
bug, and (7) number of classes and methods that were
modified for fixing the bug. We also studied the 11 (= 41 −
30) confirmed but not fixed energy problems in opensource applications since four of the eight concerned applications are still actively maintained. We studied how
Our manual examination of commit logs around bug fixing dates also
failed to find bug-fixing code revisions.
long their bug reports stayed open as well as the duration
of their related discussions. From these studies, we made
the following three observations.
First, 24 out of the 25 energy problems listed in Table 3
are serious problems whose severity ranges from medium
to critical. Developers take, on average, 54 workdays to
diagnose and fix them. For comparison, we checked the
remaining 1,967 non-energy bugs of similar severity (i.e.,
medium to critical) reported on these applications before
March 2013. We found that these non-energy bugs were
fixed, on average, within 43 workdays. Figure 2 gives a
detailed box plot of open duration for the energy and nonenergy bugs we studied. For example, the median open
duration for non-energy bugs is five days while the median open duration for energy bugs is 11 days. Such comparison results suggest that energy problems are likely to take
a longer time to fix. We further conducted a MannWhitney U-test [44] of the following two hypotheses:
Null hypothesis H0. Fixing energy problems does not
take a significantly longer time than fixing non-energy
Alternative hypothesis H1. Fixing energy problems
takes a significantly longer time than fixing non-energy
Our test results show that the p-value is 0.0327 (< 0.05),
indicating that the null hypothesis H0 can be rejected with
a confidence level of over 0.95. Therefore, we can conclude
that energy problems take a relatively longer time to fix.
Second, for the 11 confirmed but not fixed energy problems, we found that developers closed five of them because they failed to reproduce corresponding problems
and they did not receive user complaints after some seemingly irrelevant code revisions. For three of the remaining
six problems, we found that developers are still working
on fixing them without success [15], [40], [47]. Their three
associated bug reports have been remained open for more
than two years. For example, CSipSimple is a popular application for video calls over the Internet. Developers have
discussed its energy problem (issue 81) tens of times, trying to find the root cause, but failed to make any satisfactory progress so far. Due to this, some disappointed users
uninstalled CSipSimple, as indicated from their comments
on the bug report [15].
Third, as shown in Table 3, in 21 out of 25 cases, developers fixed the reported energy problems in one or two
revisions. These fixes require non-trivial effort. For example, 16 out of these 25 fixes require modifying more than 5
methods. On average, developers fixed these 25 problems
by modifying 2.6 classes and 7.8 methods.
We also looked into discussions on fixed energy bugs.
We found that many of these bugs are intermittent. Developers generally consider these intermittent bugs as complex issues. In order to reproduce them, developers have
to know details about how users interact with their applications before these problems occur. Developers often
have to analyze debugging information logged at runtime
in order to identify the root causes of these problems. For
example, to facilitate energy waste diagnosis, K9Mail developers gave special instructions on how users could
provide useful debugging logs [39]. This may become additional overhead for smartphone users when they report
energy problems.
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
AndTweet Issue 29: “Issue 29 is due to the design of
AndTweetService: It starts right after boot and acquires a partial wake
lock. According to Android documentation, the acquired wake lock
ensures that the CPU is always running. The screen might not be on.
This is why few users had noticed the issue before.”
Geohash Droid Issue 24: “GeohashService should slow down its
GPS updates to one every thirty seconds if nothing besides the
notification bar is waiting for updates.”
Figure 3. Developer comments on energy problems
Based on these findings, we derive our answer to research question RQ2: It is relatively more difficult to diagnose
and fix energy problems, as compared to non-energy problems;
user interaction contexts and debugging logs can help problem
diagnosis, but they require additional user-reporting efforts,
which may not be desirable.
3.3 Common Patterns of Energy Problems
Energy inefficiency is a non-functional issue whose causes
can be complex and application-specific. For example,
CSipSimple issue 1674 [17] happened because the application monitored too many broadcasted messages, and its
issue 744 [16] was caused by unnecessary talking with a
verbose server. Nevertheless, by studying the bug-fixing
code and bug report comments of the earlier mentioned 25
fixed energy problems, we observe that 16 of them (64.0%)
are due to misuse of sensors or wake locks. These problems are marked with * in Table 3.
To confirm that misuse of sensors or wake locks can indeed lead to energy problems in Android applications, we
analyzed the API usage of all 402 applications. On the Android platform, applications need to call certain APIs to
invoke system functionalities. For example, an application
needs to call the PowerManager.WakeLock.acquire() API
to acquire a wake lock from Android OS so as to keep a
device awake for computation. As such, API usage analysis can disclose which Android features are being used by
an application. To analyze API usage of our 173 opensource applications, we compiled their source code to obtain Java bytecode. For commercial applications, we handled them differently. We first downloaded their .apk files
from Google Play store using an open-source tool Real
APKLeecher [60]. 2 We then transformed their Dalvik
bytecode (contained in the .apk files) to Java bytecode using dex2jar [19], a popular Dalvik bytecode retargeting
tool [49]. Finally, we scanned the Java bytecode of each
application to analyze their API usage. From the analysis,
we obtained two major findings. First, 46.7% (14/30) opensource applications that use sensors and 68.0% (17/25)
open-source applications that acquire wake locks were
confirmed to have energy problems. Second, 51.1%
(117/229) energy inefficient commercial applications use
sensors or wake lock. These findings suggest that misuse
of sensors or wake locks could be closely associated with
energy problems in Android applications.
Based on these findings, we further studied the discussions on fixed energy problems and their bug-fixing
patches. We then observed two types of coding phenome-
The original Real APKLeecher is GUI-based. We modified it to support
command line usage for study automation. The modified version can be
obtained at:
na concerning sensor or wake lock misuse that can lead to
serious energy waste in Android applications:
Pattern 1: Missing sensor or wake lock deactivation.
To use a sensor, an application needs to register a listener
with Android OS, and specify a sensing rate [5]. A listener
defines how an application reacts to sensor value or status
changes. When a sensor is no longer needed, its listener
should be unregistered in time. As stated in Android documentation, forgetting to unregister sensor listeners can
lead to unnecessary and wasted sensing operations [5].
Similarly, to keep a smartphone awake for computation,
an application needs to acquire a wake lock from Android
OS and specify a wake level. For example, a full wake lock
can keep a phone’s CPU awake and its screen on at full
brightness. The acquired wake lock should be released as
soon as the computation completes. Forgetting to release
wake locks in time can quickly drain a phone’s battery [8].
For example, Figure 3 gives a developer’s comment on an
energy problem in AndTweet, a Twitter client [9].
AndTweet starts a background service AndTweetService
right upon receiving a broadcast message indicating that
Android OS has finished booting. When AndTweetService
starts, it acquires a partial wake lock, which is not released
until AndTweetService is destroyed. However, due to a
design defect, AndTweetService keeps running at background, unless it encounters an external storage exception
(e.g., SD card being un-mounted) or is killed explicitly by
users, while such cases are rare. As a result, AndTweet can
waste a surprisingly large amount of battery energy due to
this missing wake lock deactivation problem.3
Pattern 2: Sensory data underutilization. Sensory data
are acquired at the cost of battery energy. These data
should be effectively used by applications to produce perceptible benefits to smartphone users. However, when an
application’s program logic becomes complex, sensory
data may be underutilized in certain executions. In such
executions, the energy cost for acquiring sensory data may
outweigh the actual usages of these data. We call this phenomenon sensory data underutilization. We observed
that sensory data underutilization often suggests design or
implementation defects that can cause energy waste. For
example, Figure 4(a) gives the concerned code snippet of a
location data underutilization problem in an entertainment application Geohash Droid. This application is designed for users who like adventures. It randomly selects a
location for users and navigates them there using GPS
sensors. As the code in Figure 4(a) shows, Geohash Droid
maintains a long running GeohashService at background
for location sensing. GeohashService registers a location
listener with Android OS when it starts (Lines 7–16), and
unregisters the listener when it finishes (Lines 22–25).
Once it receives location updates, it refreshes the
smartphone’s notification bar Line
, which provides
users with quick access to their current locations. After
that, it notifies remote listeners (e.g., the navigation map)
to use updated location data (Lines 12, 27–36). Thus, location data are used to produce perceptible benefits to users
when remote listeners are actively listening to such location updates. However, there are chances when no remote
For more details, readers can refer to the following classes in package
com.xorcode.andtweet of application AndTweet-0.2.4: AndTweetService,
AndTweetServiceManager, TimelineActivity and TweetListActivity [9].
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
1. public class GeohashService extends Service {
private ArrayList<RemoteListener> mListeners;
private LocationManager lm;
private LocationListener gpsListener;
public void onStart(Intent intent, int StartId){
mListeners = new ArrayList<RemoteListener>();
//get a reference to system location manager
lm = getSystemService(LOCATION_SERVICE);
gpsListener = new LocationListener() {
public void onLocationChanged(Location loc) {
//GPS listener registration
lm.requestLocationUpdates(GPS, 0, 0, gpsListener);
//more code from GeohashService
public void onDestroy() {
//GPS listener unregistration
//notify each alive remote listener for loc change
public void notifyRemoteListeners(Location loc){
final int N = mListeners.size();
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
RemoteListener listener = mListeners.get(i);
//remote listeners consume location data
(a) Example from the Geohash Droid application (Issue 24)
1. public class MapActivity extends Activity {
private Intent gpsIntent;
private BroadcastReceiver myReceiver;
public void onCreate(){
gpsIntent = new Intent(GPSService.class);
startService(gpsIntent); //start GPSService
myReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Intent intent) {
LocData loc = intent.getExtra();
if(trackingModeOn) persistToDatabase(loc);
//register receiver for handling location change messages
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter( loc_change );
registerReceiver(myReceiver, filter);
public void onDestroy() {
//stop GPSService and unregister broadcast receiver
23. }
public class GPSService extends Service {
private LocationManager lm;
private LocationListener gpsListener;
public void onCreate(){
//get a reference to system location manager
lm = getSystemService(LOCATION_SERVICE);
gpsListener = new LocationListener() {
public void onLocationChanged(Location loc) {
LocData formattedLoc = processLocation(loc);
//create and send a location change message
Intent intent = new Intent( loc_change );
intent.putExtra( data , formattedLoc);
//GPS listener registration
lm.requestLocationUpdates(GPS, 0, 0, gpsListener);
public void onDestroy() {
//GPS listener unregistration
(b) Example from the Osmdroid application (Issue 53)
Figure 4. Motivating examples for sensory data underutilization energy problems
listeners are alive (e.g., the navigation map will not be
alive when it loses user focus). When this happens, Geohash Droid would keep receiving the phone’s GPS coordinates, simply for updating its notification bar [25]. Such
updates do not reflect effective use of newly captured GPS
coordinates, while the battery’s energy is continuously
consumed. Geohash Droid developers received a lot of
user complaints for such battery drain. After intensive
discussions, developers identified the cause of this problem and chose to reduce the GPS sensing rate when there
is no active remote listener for such location updates. Figure 3 shows their comment after fixing this energy problem.
Another interesting example is the Osmdroid problem
mentioned in Section 1. Figure 4 (b) gives a simplified version of the concerned code. The application has three
components: (1) MapActivity for displaying a map to its
users, (2) GPSService for location sensing and data processing in background, and (3) a broadcast receiver for
handling location change messages (Lines 7–13). When
MapActivity is launched, it starts GPSService (Lines 5–6),
and registers its broadcast receiver (Lines 15–16). GPSService then registers a location listener with the Android OS
when it starts (Lines 36–47). When the application’s users
change their locations (e.g., during a walk), GPSService
would receive and process new location data (Line 39),
and broadcast a message with the processed data (Lines
41–43). The broadcast receiver would then use the new
location data to refresh a map (Line 10). If the users have
enabled location tracking, these location data would also
be stored to a database (Line 11). If the Android OS plans
to destroy MapActivity (Lines 18–22), GPSService would
be stopped (Line 20), and both the location listener and
broadcast receiver would be unregistered (Lines 21, 51).
These all work seemingly smoothly. However, if Osmdroid’s users switch from MapActivity to any other activity, MapActivity would be put to background (not destroyed), but GPSService would still keep running for location sensing. If the location tracking functionality is not
enabled, all collected location data would be used to refresh an invisible map. Then, a huge amount of energy
would be wasted [51]. To fix this problem, developers
chose to disable the GPS sensing conditionally (e.g., according to whether the location tracking mode is enabled
or not), when MapActivity goes to background.
From the preceding two examples of sensory data underutilization, we make three observations. First, locating
sensory data underutilization problems can provide desirable opportunities for optimizing an application’s energy
consumption. When such problems occur, the concerned
application can deactivate related sensors or tune down
their sensing rates to avoid unnecessary energy cost. Second, to detect such sensory data underutilization problems, one should track how sensory data are transformed
into different forms of program data and consumed in
different ways. Third, sensory data underutilization prob-
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
Under Analysis
Sensory Data
Utilization Analyzer
Java PathFinder
• Application state
• Energy inefficiency
Figure 5. Approach overview
lems may occur only at certain application states. For example, Geohash Droid wastes energy only when there is
no active remote listener waiting for location updates. In
Osmdroid, if its user has enabled the location tracking
functionality before MapActivity goes to background,
even if it is consuming non-trivial energy due to continuous GPS sensing, we cannot simply consider this as energy
waste. This is because the collected location data could be
stored for future uses, producing perceptible user benefits
afterwards. These three observations motivate us to consider a state-based approach to analyzing sensory data
utilization for Android applications. Such analysis can
help developers judge whether their applications are using sensory data in a cost-effective way and provide optimization opportunities for energy efficiency if necessary.
3.4 Threats to Validity
The validity of our empirical study may be subject to some
threats. One is the representativeness of our selected Android applications. To minimize this threat and avoid subject selection bias, we selected 173 open-source and 229
commercial Android applications spanning 27 different
categories. These applications have been popularly downloaded and can be good representatives of real-world Android applications. Another potential threat is the manual
inspection of our selected subjects. We understand that
this manual process may be error-prone. To reduce this
threat, we have all our data and findings independently
inspected by at least two researchers. We cross-validated
their inspection results for consistency.
In this section, we elaborate on our energy efficiency diagnosis approach.
Our diagnosis is based on dynamic information flow analysis [35]. Figure 5 shows its high-level abstraction. It takes
as inputs the Java bytecode and configuration files of an
Android application. The Java bytecode defines the application’s program logic, and can be obtained by compiling
the application’s source code or transforming its Dalvik
bytecode [49]. The configuration files specify the application’s components, GUI layouts, and so on. The general
idea of our diagnosis approach is to execute an Android
application in JPF’s Java virtual machine, and systematically explore its application states. During the execution,
our approach monitors all sensor registration/unregistration and wake lock acquisition/releasing operations. It feeds mock sensory data to the application when
related sensor listeners are properly registered. It then
tracks the propagation of these sensory data as the application executes, and analyzes how they are utilized at different application states. At the end of the execution, our
approach compares sensory data utilization across ex-
plored states, and reports those states where sensory data
are underutilized. It also checks which sensor listeners are
forgotten to be unregistered, and which wake locks are
forgotten to be released, and reports these anomalies.
The above high-level abstraction looks straightforward,
but contains some challenging questions: How can one execute an Android application and systematically explore its
states? How can one identify those executions that involve sensory data? How can one measure and compare sensory data
utilization at application states explored by these executions?
We answer these questions in the following.
4.2 Application Execution and State Exploration
Android applications are mostly designed to interact with
smartphone users. Their executions are often triggered by
user interaction events. Typically, an Android application
starts with its main activity, and ends after all its components are destroyed. During its execution, the application
keeps handling received user interaction events and system events (e.g., broadcasted events) by calling their handlers according to Android specifications. Each call to an
event handler may change the application’s state by modifying its components’ local or global program data. As
such, in order to execute an application and explore its
state space in JPF, we need to: (1) generate user interaction
events, and (2) guide JPF to schedule corresponding event
Before going into the technical details, we first formally
define our problem domain and clarify our concept of
bounded state space exploration. We use to denote the Android application under diagnosis, and to denote the set
of possible user interaction events for this application.
Definition 1 (User interaction event sequence): A user
interaction event sequence ̅̅̅̅ = [ , , … , ], where each
is a user interaction event. Operation
̅̅̅̅̅ re� ∈
turns the length of the sequence ̅̅̅̅ , and operation
̅̅̅̅̅, returns a subsequence with the first user
interaction events in ̅̅̅̅. We denote the set of all possible
user interaction event sequences as
set is unbounded as users can interact with an
application in infinite ways.
Definition 2 (Application execution): An execution of
application is triggered by a sequence of user interaction
events ̅̅̅̅̅. We denote such an execution as
, ̅̅̅̅ . Then the set of all possible executions for
the application is:
={ �
, ̅̅̅̅̅ | ̅̅̅̅̅ ∈
Definition 3 (State and state space): 4 During its execution, application ’s state changes from , which is ’s
initial state, to ′ after it handles a sequence of user interac̅̅̅̅̅
. We represent the new
tion events ̅̅̅̅̅, where
state ′ as , ̅̅̅̅̅ . Then we can define the state space explored for application
during its execution =
, ̅̅̅̅̅ as:
̅̅̅̅̅ }.
is unbounded, there exist an infinite number of
We discuss state changes at an event handling level as users have control on that. We do not consider finer-grained state changes or state
equivalence in this work.
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
Initial state
after starting app
Button A
Edit account
Button B
Exit app
Button C
Button D
The nodes represent different application states.
Edge labels represent button click events.
Figure 6. Illustration of event sequence generation
different executions for an application, that is, set is also
unbounded. Therefore, we have to restrict total execution
times and state space exploration in our diagnosis. We
then define our bounded state space exploration, in which
we control the length of user interaction event sequences.
Definition 4 (Bounded state space exploration): Given
a bound value
on the length of user interaction
event sequences, our diagnosis examines the following
executions for an Android application :
={ �
, ̅̅̅̅̅ | ̅̅̅̅̅ ∈
For these executions, our diagnosis explores the following space of states:
After defining the bounded state space exploration
concept, we proceed to introduce our diagnosis approach.
To effectively explore an “ndroid application’s state
space, we need to generate event sequences of user interactions and schedule corresponding event handlers. These
two technical issues are addressed below.
Event sequence generation. Our runtime controller, as
illustrated in Figure 5, simulates user interactions by generating corresponding event sequences. Conceptually, the
generation process contains two parts: static and dynamic.
In the static part, i.e., before executing an application, we
first analyze the application’s configuration files to learn
the GUI layouts of its activity components (recall that only
activities have GUIs). Specifically, we map each GUI
widget (e.g., a button) of an activity component to a set of
possible user actions (e.g., button clicks). This constructs a
user event set for each activity. In the dynamic part, i.e.,
when executing an application, our runtime controller
monitors the application’s execution history and current
state. When the application waits for user interactions
(e.g., after an activity’s onResume handler is called , our
controller would generate required events and feed them
to the foreground activity for handling. This is done in an
exhaustive way by enumerating all possible events associated with each activity component. Our controller continues doing so until the length of a generated event sequence reaches the required upper bound or the application exits. In this way, we generate all possible event sequences bounded by a length limit , and explore its corresponding bounded state space . For ease of understanding, we provide an example to illustrate the event
sequence generation process.
The example application in Figure 6 contains two activities: MainActivity and AccountEditActivity. When this
application starts, MainActivity would appear first. Its
users can click the Edit account button to edit their account information in another “ccountEdit“ctivity’s window (MainActivity would then be put to background).
After editing, users can save the changes by clicking the
Save button or discard the changes by clicking the
Cancel button. This also brings users back to the previous Main“ctivity’s window (AccountEditActivity would
then be destroyed). To exit the application, the users can
click the Exit app button in the MainActivity’s window.
For ease of presentation, suppose that: (1) we consider
only button click events (our tool implementation can
handle other types of events, e.g., filling textboxes and
selecting from dropdown lists), (2) the event sequence
length bound is set to four, and (3) each generated event is
correctly handled (e.g., after clicking Exit app, the application indeed exits).
Based on these assumptions, we consider generating
event sequences for this example application. Our controller first constructs user event sets for the two activities. For
instance, the user event set for Main“ctivity is {click Edit
account button, click Exit app button}. At runtime,
when MainActivity waits for user interactions, our controller can enumerate and generate all events in MainActivity’s user event set in turn. If it generates an Edit account button click event, “ccountEdit“ctivity would
come to foreground. When AccountEditActivity is ready
for user interactions, our controller similarly enumerates
and generates all events in AccountEditActivity’s user
event set in turn. This event generation process continues
until the length of a generated event sequence reaches four
or the application exits (e.g., when the Exit app button is
clicked). The tree on the right of Figure 6 illustrates this
event sequence generation process. The nodes on the tree
represent different application states and the labels on
edges that connect the nodes represent button click events.
Each path from the root node to a leaf node corresponds to
one user interaction event sequence. For example, the path
with dashed edges represents an event sequence of length
three (the first application starting event is not counted):
starting the application, clicking Edit account button,
clicking Cancel button, and finally clicking Exit app
button. Other sequences can be explained similarly.
Event handler scheduling. With event sequences generated to represent user interactions, we now consider
how to schedule event handlers properly. As mentioned
earlier, Android applications consist of a set of looselycoupled event handlers among which no explicit control
flow is specified. Existing analysis techniques for Android
applications commonly assume that developers should
specify calling relationships between these event handlers
[56]. However, this is not practical. Real-world Android
applications typically contain hundreds of event handlers
(e.g., the application DroidAR used in our evaluation has
149 event handlers). Manually specifying calling relationships between these event handlers is labor-intensive and
error-prone. Therefore, in this work we do not make such
an assumption. Instead, we propose to derive an application execution model (or AEM) from Android specifications, and leverage it to guide the runtime scheduling of
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
Table 4. Example temporal rules
Rule 1: When should an activity’s lifecycle handler act.onStart() be called?
hen sh ld
id et s clic event handler vie
n lic
e called
Rule 3: When should a dynamic message handler rcv.onReceive() be called?
Rule 4: When should a static message handler Receiver.onReceive() be called?
event handlers. The extracted AEM model plays the role
of enforcing calling relationships between event handlers.
Specifically, the AEM model is a collection of temporal
rules that are prescribed by the Android framework and
followed by all Android applications (i.e., such rules are
application-generic). We define the model as follows:
[�], [�] ⟹ �}.
In each rule � , symbols � and � represent two temporal formulae expressed in linear-time temporal logic.
They make assertions about the past and future, respectively. Symbol � represents a propositional logic formula
making assertions about the present. Specifically, � describes what has happened in history during an application execution, � evaluates the current situation (e.g., what
system or user event is received), and � claims what is
expected. Therefore, the whole rule expresses the meaning:
If both � and � hold, � is expected.
We give some examples of temporal rules in Table 4.
For the entire collection of 29 rules,5 readers may refer to
our technical report [41]. In these example rules, propositional connectives like ∧, ⟹, and ¬ follow their traditional
interpretations, i.e., conjunction, implication, and negation. For temporal connectives, we follow Etessami et al.’s
notation [23], which is explained in the following. Unary
temporal connective � means next, and its past time
analogue � − means previously. Binary temporal connective means since. Specifically, a temporal formula
means that held at some time in the past, and
since then always holds.
We give explanations for the rules in Table 4. The first
rule states that an activity’s onStart() handler is to be
called after its onCreate() handler completes as long as this
activity is not forced to finish. The second rule states that a
GUI widget’s click event handler is to be called if: (1) the
widget (e.g., a button) is clicked, (2) its enclosing activity is
at foreground (i.e., the activity’s onPause() handler has not
been called since the last call to its onResume() handler),
and (3) its click event listener is properly registered. The
third rule disables the call to a message event handler before its registration and after its unregistration. The last
rule states that a static message event handler is to be
called upon any broadcasted message.
Our AEM model, i.e., the collection of 29 temporal rules,
is converted to a decision procedure which determines the
event handlers to be called in the next step according to an
application’s execution history and its newly received
events (events are handled in turn). This event handler
scheduling is always deterministic, except when there are
multiple receivers registered (either dynamically or stati-
We do not claim the completeness of the AEM model. We will show in
our later evaluation that the current version of our AEM model already
suffices for verifying many real-world Android applications.
, [�
, ¬
, �
∧ ¬
cally) for broadcast messages from the same source.6 If this
is the case, the onReceive() handlers of those registered
receivers are to be called according to the receiver registration orders. By this means, we can exercise an Android
application in JPF’s Java virtual machine, and systematically explore its state space.
4.3 Missing Sensor or Wake Lock Deactivation
We next discuss how to detect energy problems when exploring an application’s state space. As mentioned earlier,
missing sensor or wake lock deactivation is one common
cause of energy problems. This shares some similarity
with traditional resource leak problems, where a program
fails to release its acquired system resources (e.g., memory
blocks, file handles, etc.) [66]. Resource leak problems can
cause system performance degradation (e.g., slower response), and similarly missing deactivation of sensors or
wake locks can also waste valuable battery energy. Besides,
according to Android process management policy [7], sensors and wake locks are not automatically deactivated
even when the application components that activated
them are destroyed (e.g., onDestroy() handler is called).
We will give an example and details in Section 5.2.1. Based
on the preceding state exploration efforts, we can now
adapt existing resource leak detection techniques [10], [68]
to detect missing sensor or wake lock deactivation. In particular, our diagnosis monitors the execution of an Android application and keeps checking the violation of the
following two policies:
Sensor management policy: A sensor listener l, once
registered, should be unregistered eventually before
the application component that registered l is destroyed.
Wake lock management policy: A wake lock wl, once
acquired, should be released eventually before the application component that acquired wl is destroyed.
Note that such checking is feasible only after we have
addressed the event sequence generation and event handler scheduling problems for Android applications.
4.4 Sensory Data Utilization Analysis
During an Android application’s execution, its collected sensory data are transformed into different forms and
consumed by different application components. We need
to track these data usages for energy efficiency analysis.
We do it at the bytecode instruction level by dynamic
tainting. Our technique contains three phases: (1) tainting
each collected sensory datum with a unique mark; (2)
propagating taint marks as the application executes; (3)
analyzing sensory data utilization at different application
states. We elaborate on the three phases in the following.
Although we did not observe such cases in our experiments, registering
multiple receivers for broadcast messages from the same source is
grammatically acceptable in Android applications.
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
Table 5. Taint propagation policy
Index Bytecode instruction type
# instructions
Const-op C
Load-op index
LoadArray-op arrayRef, index
Store-op index
StoreArray-op arrayRef, index
GetField-op index
GetStatic-op index
PutField-op index
PutStatic-op index
Instruction semantics
Taint propagation rule
stack[0] C
T(stack[0]) = Ø
stack[0] localVarindex
stack[0] arrayRef [index]
localVarindex stack’[0]
arrayRef [index] stack’[0]
stack[0] stack’[1]
stack[0] stack’[0].instanceField
stack[0] ClassName.staticField
stack’[1].instanceField stack’[0]
ClassName.staticField stack’[0]
callerStack[0] calleeStack’[0]
T(stack[0]) = T(localVarindex)
T(stack[0]) = T(arrayRef) ⋃ T(arrayRef [index])
T(localVarindex) = T(stack’[0])
T(arrayRef [index]) = T(stack’[0])
T(stack[0]) = T(stack’[0]) ⋃ T(stack’[1])
T(stack[0]) = T(stack’[0])
T(stack[0]) = T(stack’[0].instanceField) ⋃ T(stack’[0])
T(stack[0]) = T(ClassName.staticField)
T(stack’[1].instanceField) = T(stack’[0])
T(ClassName.staticField) = T(stack’[0])
T(callerStack[0]) = T(calleeStack’[0])
Detailed instruction semantics (The semantics of the instructions whose index are underlined serve as examples)
Push a constant value C onto the operand stack (stack[0] represents the value at the stack top after an operation).
2, 3
Load the value of the #index local variable onto the operand stack.
4, 5
Pop and store the value at stack top to the #index local variable (stack’[0] represents the value at the stack top before an operation).
6, 7
Perform the binary operation
8, 9
Get a field value of an object on the heap and push the value onto the operand stack. The object reference is popped from the stack (i.e., stack’[0]).The
ject field’s name and type can e f nd y referrin t the #index slot of the constant pool.
Pop and store the value at the stack top (i.e., stack’[0]) to an object field on the heap. The object reference is popped from the stack (i.e., stack’[1]). The
ject field’s name and type can e f nd y referrin t the #index slot of the constant pool.
Pop the value at the callee’s operand stack top (i.e., calleeStack’[0] , and p sh the val e nt the caller’s perand stac
on the two values popped from the operand stack (i.e., stack’[0] and stack’[1]), and push the result back onto stack.
Notes: 1 F r R le 8, e f ll ed TaintDr id’s ch ice t pr pa ate ject reference’s taint t retrieved ject field val es t av id undertainting in
certain cases [22]. For example, we only taint the reference of sensory data objects (instead of tainting all object fields since the object can have complex
structures) when taint propagation starts. Rule 8 can correctly help propagate taint marks when the sensory data object fields are read (see Figure 7 for
illustration). (2) Rule 12 does not conflict with the rule for handling control dependencies (see Section 4.4.2). They can be applied together.
Preparing and tainting sensory data
In the first phase, we generate mock sensory data from an
existing sensory data pool, which is controlled with different precision levels. They are then fed to the application
under analysis after each event handler call. The object
reference to each sensory datum is initialized with a
unique taint mark before the datum is fed to the application. The taint mark will be propagated with the datum
together for later analysis.
Propagating taint marks
At runtime, an Android application’s collected sensory
data are transformed into different forms by assignment,
arithmetic, relational, and logical operations. For example,
the Osmdroid application in Figure 4(b) has its loc object
(Line 38) transformed to another formattedLoc object (Line
39), which further affects the intent object (Line 42). Later,
by message communication, this intent object is propagated to a broadcast receiver and converted back to the loc
object (Line 9), which may or may not affect database content, depending on the variable trackingModeOn’s value
(Line 11). Such data flows need to be tracked to propagate
taint marks so as to identify which program data depend
on the collected sensory data. Based on this information,
one is then able to analyze sensory data utilization.
Our technique intercepts the execution of a subset of
Java bytecode instructions at runtime and propagates taint
marks in JPF’s Java virtual machine according to our tainting policy.7 A key advantage of such an instruction-level
taint propagation is that it does not require applicationspecific program instrumentation, which is often timeconsuming and error-prone. Table 5 gives our tainting
policy, which comprises 12 taint propagation rules. These
rules handle taint propagations along data dependencies.
They are expressed in the following form:
This means that data B’s and C’s taint marks are
merged to become data A’s taint mark. Note that B and C
can be optional. Each taint propagation rule in Table 5 is
designed for a set of bytecode instructions with similar
semantics (explained in the lower part of Table 5). For example, Rule 6 is for all binary calculation bytecode instructions (totally 37 instructions) such as fadd and iand. The
instruction fadd adds two floating numbers popped from
the operand stack in the current method call’s frame, and
pushes the addition result back into this operand stack.
Similarly, the instruction iand performs a bitwise and
7 On real devices, an Android application runs in a register-based Dalvik
virtual machine, while JPF’s Java virtual machine is stack-based. This
difference does not affect our analysis.
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event){
if(event.sensor.getType() == Sensor.ACCELEROMETER){
boolean switchColor = isShuffled(event);
showMessage( Device shuffled );
if(getBackgroundColor() == RED){
} else{
public boolean isShuffled(SensorEvent event){
float[] values = event.values;
float x = values[0];
float y = values[1];
float z = values[2];
float g = SensorManager.GRAVITY_EARTH;
float accelerationSquareRoot = (x * x + y * y + z * z) / (g * g);
if(accelerationSquareRoot >= 2){
return true;
return false;
Figure 7. Example code to demonstrate taint propagation
operation on two integers popped from the operand stack
in the current method call’s frame, and pushes the operation result back into the stack. For all such binary calculation bytecode instructions, our taint propagation works as
follows (Rule 6): the result (at the top of the operand stack
after the calculation, represented by stack[0] in Table 5)
would be tainted with the same marks if any operand (at
the top of the operand stack before the calculation, represented by stack’[0] and stack’[1] in Table 5) is tainted before
calculation. Other taint propagation rules can be explained
We illustrate the taint propagation process by a concrete example. Figure 7 lists the code snippet from an application that uses accelerometer data to compute and display a phone’s current acceleration status (Lines 21–27).
The application also monitors whether the phone is being
shuffled (Line 3), and if yes, it would change its background to a different color and notify its user (Lines 4–11).
In this example, the initial taint mark is associated with an
object reference event. The event object contains the sensory
data from a smartphone’s accelerometer. By object field
access, the local array values of the isShuffled method get its
assignment from the event object (Line 21). Since values is
data dependent on the tainted object event, the taint mark
is propagated to values according to Rule 8 (for handling
object field reading instructions) and Rule 5 (for handling
array element writing instructions). Then, by array element readings and local variable assignments, this taint
mark is propagated to local variables x, y, and z (Lines 22–
24) according to Rule 3 (for handling array element reading instructions) and Rule 4 (for handling local variable
assignment instructions). Next, a local variable accelerationSquareRoot is calculated (Line 26). It is tainted according to Rule 6 (for handling binary calculation instructions)
and Rule 4 since it is data dependent on the tainted local
variables x, y and z. Finally, method isShuffled’s return
value is tainted according to a special rule that handles
control dependencies. The rule taints a method’s return
value if any of its arguments is tainted (to be further explained shortly). Later this return value is further assigned
to local variable switchColor in method onSensorChanged
(Line 3), and switchColor is also tainted with the same
mark (Rule 4). This completes the whole taint propagation
In our tainting process, we mainly consider data dependencies. Regarding control dependencies, we adopt a
strategy similar to those studied in related work [12], [62].
That is, we taint a method’s return value if any of its arguments is tainted (including the method’s implicit this
argument if applicable). This strategy/rule is based on the
assumption that a method’s output (i.e., return value)
should depend on its input in well-written programs. This
is the only rule concerning control dependencies in our
taint propagation process. We do it this way because
tracking finer-grained control dependencies may incur
significant performance overhead and even imprecision to
analysis results [22], [37]. Our taint propagation terminates
when the application under analysis finishes its handling
of sensor event.8 This occurs in two situations. If the sensor
event handler (e.g., onSensorChanged() in our example)
does not start any worker thread to further handle the
received sensor event, the propagation stops at the exit of
this handler. Otherwise, the propagation has to continue
until the sensor event handler returns and all worker
threads terminate. Our taint propagation can thus identify
the program data that depend on collected sensory data
and trace their usages when an application executes. One
thing that deserves explanation is that there might be cases where an application starts worker threads in a special
way, e.g., these threads are delayed in their running, periodically started by a timer or kept long-running for handling sensor events. Although we did not observe similar
cases in our study, there is no restriction of using such
multi-threading features in Android applications. When
such cases occur, our taint propagation would theoretically have to continue until all worker threads end. However,
in practice, this may compromise the tool’s usability since
it can perform taint propagation for very long time and
fail to report analysis results in a timely fashion. Therefore,
for practicality, one may wish to set a timeout value for
restricting such long taint propagation. This is an implementation issue and we do not elaborate further.
Analyzing sensory data utilization
With program data tainted with marks associated with
sensory data, we can analyze how sensory data are used in
an Android application and whether the uses are effective
with respect to energy cost.
Consider an “ndroid application’s execution � , in
which the application visits a set of states � by handling
received events (user events, system events, 9 or sensory
events), and finally terminates with all its components
destroyed. As mentioned earlier, when we fix an upper
bound for the length of user interaction event sequences,
the space of explored states for this application would
be bounded (i.e., the total number of states in this space is
One can also track the usage of sensory data until an application exits or
new sensory data arrive, but we did not observe any noticeable difference in our analysis results in experiments.
9 In GreenDroid, system events are generated by monitoring API invocations. For example, a broadcast message event will be generated when
GreenDroid observes the invocation of a message broadcast API.
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
Table 6. GPS data utilization coefficients at three states
Application state
,[ ,
,[ ,
Method calls that consume GPS data
GPS data usage
GPS data utilization coefficient
processLocation, putExtra, sendBroadcast*, getExtra, updateMap*, persistToDatabase*
3n / 3n = 1.00
processLocation, putExtra, sendBroadcast*, getExtra, updateMap†
n / 3n = 0.33
processLocation, putExtra, sendBroadcast*, getExtra, updateMap†, persistToDatabase*
2n / 3n = 0.66
: users start Osmdroid and the map activity launches; : users switch on the location tracking mode; : users switch from map activity to another activity.
Method calls that can pass the effectiveness test are mar ed ith the sym l “*”; meth d calls sed t pdate invisi le
elements are mar ed ith the sym
Please note that only method calls marked with the symbol “*” se PS data and pr d ce perceptible benefits to Osmdroid users.
finite). As such, we are able to analyze these states to understand how sensory data are used, and compare their
usages across different states. For comparison purposes,
we propose an analysis metric called Data Utilization Coefficient (DUC for short). It is defined by Equation (1):
� �
�,� ∈
�� ,�
�, ,
Sensory Data Underutilization
[Sensory data usage]: sendBroadcast, updateMap†
[Sensory data utilization coefficient:] 0.33
[Event handler calling trace]:
MapActivity.onCreate (Line 4), MapActivity.onStart, MapActivity.onResume,
GPSService.onCreate (Line 34), MapActivity.onPause, MapActivity.onStop,
gpsListener.onLocationChanged (Line 38), myReceiver.onReceive (Line 8)
The utilization coefficient of sensory data at state is
defined as the ratio between ’s usage at state and the
maximal usage of any sensory data from our data pool
at any state in . A lower DUC value indicates a lower
utilization of sensory data. The usage of sensory data at
state is further defined by the following equation:
l “†”
In this equation,
, is the set of API call instructions executed since sensory data are fed to the application at state and until the data handling is finished.
�, , is an effectiveness test to see whether the following two conditions both hold: (1) the API
called by � uses program data dependent on sensory data
, and (2) the API’s execution at state produces perceptible benefits to users. When both conditions hold, the effectiveness test function returns 1. Otherwise, it returns 0.
� returns the number of bytecode instructions executed by this API call. The rationale behind
our usage metric is that it reflects how many times and to
what extent sensory data are used by an application at
certain states to benefit its users. This metric is designed
based on our earlier study of 30 open-source Android applications that use sensors. These applications have called
various Android or third-party APIs (e.g., Google Maps
APIs) to use sensory data to support phone users with
various functionalities.
Now we explain how the effectiveness test function
�, , is implemented. For its first condition, we
check whether the concerned API is called with arguments
(including its implicit this argument if applicable) having the same taint mark as sensory data . For its second
condition, we take an outcome-based strategy. The basic
idea is that the API called by instruction � at state passes
the effectiveness test if and only if its execution produces
observable outcomes/benefits to users (e.g., updating visible GUIs or writing to file systems). Specifically, our strategy works as follows:
If the API updates GUI elements, it passes the test as
long as these GUI elements are visible at application
state , and fails otherwise.
If the API: (1) stores any data to file systems, databases
or network, (2) updates a phone’s status (e.g., adjusting
Notes: (1) “†” highlights APIs that ineffectively utilize sensory data. (2) For
ease of understanding, we use class, variable and handler names to represent
event handlers, while in real reports the event handlers are represented using
object IDs and fully qualified Java method signatures. (3) Our tool will also
output source file names and source line numbers if they are available.
Figure 8. Example energy problem report
its screen brightness), or (3) passes any message for inter- or intra-application communication (e.g., broadcasting system-wide events), the API passes the test
regardless of the application state. Here, we conservatively assume that the stored data or passed messages
will eventually produce perceptible benefits to users.
For all other cases, the API fails the test.
As such, our analysis can identify those application
states where sensory data are underutilized based on calculated sensory data usage and cross-state comparison.
We give one example for illustration. Consider the three
states in the Osmdroid example in Figure 4(b). They are
also listed in Table 6. Take the third state , [ , , ] for
example. It means that: Osmdroid’s user starts the application by launching MapActivity ( ), enables its location
tracking functionality ( ), and switches the application to
another activity ( ). We analyze sensory data utilization
for these three states. For ease of presentation, we explain
at a source code level (actual analysis is conducted at a
bytecode instruction level), and assume that: (1) each
method is a pre-defined API, and (2) there are n bytecode
instructions executed for each called API. Consider the
second state, which is reached when the user switches to
another activity from MapActivity directly. For this state,
the location tracking functionality is not yet enabled. We
observe that all external GPS data and internal program
data depending on these GPS data are processed and used
in turn by a set of APIs, namely, processLocation, putExtra,
sendBroadcast, getExtra and updateMap. According to our
usage metric, only the sendBroadcast API passes the effectiveness test. The other four APIs fail the test because none
of them can produce perceptible benefits to users (note
that the map is still invisible now). According to Equation
(2), the GPS data usage at this state is n. We can also calculate that GPS data would have a maximal usage of 3n at
the first state, where updateMap is used to render a visible
map, sendBroadcast spreads the GPS data to the entire system, and persistToDatabase method stores the GPS data to
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
database. Therefore, the GPS data utilization coefficient for
the second state is 0.33 (= n / 3n). The coefficients for the
other two states can be calculated similarly, as shown in
Table 6. These results suggest that GPS data are clearly
underutilized at the second state, as compared to the other
two states.
Our GreenDroid implementation ranks sensory data
utilization coefficients for different application states such
that energy problem reports can be prioritized and developers can then focus on the most serious energy problems.
These reports contain two major pieces of information to
ease energy problem diagnosis and fixing. First,
GreenDroid reports how sensory data are consumed by
different APIs at different application states, and highlights those APIs that ineffectively use sensory data. Second, GreenDroid provides concrete event handler calling
traces (corresponding to user interaction event sequences).
For ease of understanding, we give an example report in
Figure 8. It shows that GPS data are not well-utilized by
Osmdroid at the second application state described in Table 6. In this example, GreenDroid reports that: (1) GPS
data are used to render an invisible map (i.e., updateMap
API invocation), and (2) an event handler calling trace to
reach the problematic application state. Such reported information are actionable to developers. By examining reported event handler calling traces, developers will be able
to construct concrete test cases (e.g., user interaction
events) to reproduce the corresponding sensory data underutilization scenario. For instance, the event handler
calling trace in our example report corresponds to the following two user interaction events: (1) launching the
MapActivity, and (2) switching away from MapActivty
(see Section 2 for the calling order of activity lifecycle
event handlers). Besides, by examining reported sensory
data usages, especially ineffective data usages (e.g., updateMap in this example), developers can understand why
an application consumes more energy than necessary.
Such energy problem reports provide much richer information than pure complaints that can be commonly found
in smartphone application forums [54]. Developers can
thus pinpoint those problematic application states where
energy is consumed unnecessarily due to ineffective use of
sensory data. They can then take various actions for problem fixing, e.g., tuning down sensing rates or temporally
disabling sensing as discussed in our earlier examples.
Finally, for detected missing sensor or wake lock deactivations, GreenDroid will also report similar information
for energy problem diagnosis. Specifically, it will report: (1)
those sensor listeners or wake locks that are forgotten to
be properly unregistered or released before an application
exits, and (2) event handler calling traces for reaching
those problematic application states.
We implemented our energy diagnosis approach as a prototype tool named GreenDroid on top of JPF [31].
GreenDroid consists of 18,367 lines of Java code, including
7,251 lines of code for energy diagnosis, and other 11,116
lines of code for modeling Android APIs. We explain
some details about GreenDroid’s implementation. First,
modeling Android APIs is necessary for our diagnosis
because Android applications depend on a proprietary set
of library classes that are not available outside real devices
or emulators [45]. These library classes are mostly built on
native code. Due to JPF’s closed-world assumption [67],
we have to model these library classes and their exposed
APIs. Ignoring this modeling requirement would result in
imprecision in the diagnosis results. For example, if
GreenDroid does not properly model the Activity class’s
startActivity API, it will not be able to analyze activity
switches, which are very common in Android applications. However, Android exposes more than 8,000 public
APIs to developers [24]. Fully modeling them is extremely
labor-intensive and almost impossible for individual researchers like us. As such, in our current implementation,
we took a pragmatic approach by manually modeling a
subset of APIs that are commonly called in Android applications. Modeling these APIs is already sufficient for carrying out our evaluation with real application subjects. To
be specific, we have carefully modeled 76 APIs using JPF’s
native peer and listener mechanisms [31], [41]. These APIs
either frequently get invoked in our experimental application subjects or have to be modeled as otherwise JPF will
crash on their invocation (e.g., when they involve native
calls). Modeling these APIs took us nearly three months.
For remaining APIs, we provided stubs with simple logics.
In these stubs, we basically ignored their corresponding
APIs’ side effect if any, and made them return a value selected from a reasonably bounded domain when necessary. Second, besides tracking standard JPF program state
information (e.g., call stack of each thread, heap and
scheduling information) [53], GreenDroid also tracks the
following four types of information for analysis: (1) a stack
of active activities, their lifecycle status, and visibility of
their containing GUI elements, (2) a list of running services and their lifecycle status, (3) a list of registered
broadcast receivers, and (4) a list of registered sensor listeners and wake locks. More tool implementation details
can be found in our technical report [41].
In this section, we evaluate GreenDroid by controlled
experiments. We aim to answer the following four research questions:
RQ4 (Effectiveness and efficiency): Can GreenDroid
effectively diagnose and detect energy problems in real-world
Android applications? What is its diagnosis overhead?
RQ5 (Necessity and usefulness of AEM model): Can
GreenDroid correctly schedule event handlers for Android
applications with our AEM model? Can GreenDroid still
conduct an effective diagnosis if it randomly schedules event
handlers (i.e., with our AEM model disabled)?
RQ6 (Impact of event sequence length limit): How does
the length limit for generated user interaction event sequences affect the thoroughness of our energy diagnosis in terms of
code coverage?
RQ7 (Comparison with existing resource leak detection work): How does GreenDroid compare to existing resource leak detection work in terms of finding real missing
sensor or wake lock deactivation problems?
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
Table 7. Experimental subject information and detected energy problem
Application Name
Lines of code
Source code
Detected energy problem
(severity level)
Google Code
5K ~ 10K
Missing sensor deactivation (Medium3)
Missing sensor deactivation (Medium)
Recycle Locator
Google Code
Travel & Local
1K ~ 5K
10K ~ 50K
Missing sensor deactivation (N/A)
Google Code
10K ~ 50K
Missing wake lock deactivation (Medium)
Google Code
1M ~ 5M
Missing wake lock deactivation (Medium)
Library & Demo
1K ~ 5K
Missing wake lock deactivation (N/A)
1K ~ 5K
Missing wake lock deactivation (N/A)
Google Code
10K ~ 50K
Sensory data underutilization (Critical)
Sofia Public Transport Nav.
Google Code
10K ~ 50K
Missing sensor deactivation (Critical)
Google Code
Travel & Local
10K ~ 50K
Sensory data underutilization (Medium)
Google Code
Books & References
10K ~ 50K
Sensory data underutilization (Critical)
Google Code
10K ~ 50K
Sensory data underutilization (Medium)
Google Code
1K ~ 5K
Sensory data underutilization (Critical)
Google Code
Travel & Local
1K ~ 5K
Sensory data underutilization (Medium)
Geohash Droid
Sym l “R” stands f r “revisi n” and sym l “V” stands f r “versi n”;
e tained the pr lem severities fr m c rresp ndin applicati ns’
trac in systems “N/A” means that devel pers did not explicitly label problem severities.
We selected 13 open-source Android applications as our
experimental subjects. Table 7 lists their basic information,
which includes: (1) version number, (2) size of the selected
version, (3) repository from which source code was obtained, (4) application category, and (5) number of downloads. The first 11 applications were confirmed to have
energy problems of our two identified patterns (Section
3.3). We then use them to validate the effectiveness of our
approach. We also selected two other subjects (Omnidroid
and GPSLogger) from the open-source applications collected in our empirical study. Neither of these two applications have confirmed energy problem reports. However,
from their project development descriptions, we judged
that they heavily use GPS sensors in a very energyconsuming way and are susceptible to energy inefficiency
problems. Thus we also selected them for our study to see
whether our approach can identify energy optimization
opportunities for them. We observe from Table 7 that our
selected applications have been popularly downloaded
(over 1 million downloads in total), and covered a variety
of application categories (10 different categories). We obtained these applications’ source code and compiled them
on Android 2.3.3 for our experiments. We chose Android
2.3.3 because it is one of the most widely adopted Android
platforms and is compatible with most applications on the
market [6]. We conducted our experiments on a dual-core
machine with Intel Core i5 CPU @2.60GHz and 8GB RAM,
running Windows 7 Professional SP1. In the following we
elaborate on our experiments with respect to the four research questions in turn.
user interaction events for each application execution (not
including the first events for launching entry activity
when our analysis starts and the last events for finishing
active activities and services when our analysis ends).
This is for cost-effectiveness and it already enabled
GreenDroid to explore quite a large number of application
states to expose energy problems as we will show later.
We examined top ranked diagnosis reports, especially
those with highlighted ineffective API calls, to see whether
they can locate real energy problems in these applications.
We observed that GreenDroid successfully located 14
real energy problems in these applications, as listed in
Table 7. Four of them are caused by missing sensor deactivation, four by missing wake lock deactivation, and the
remaining six by sensory data underutilization. As mentioned earlier, the first 12 energy problems listed in Table 7
have been confirmed by developers prior to our experiments. In addition, GreenDroid successfully found two
potential energy problems in Omnidroid and GPSLogger.
These two problems were previously unknown. We submitted our bug reports to corresponding developers, and
they were both confirmed. GPSLogger developers even
invited us to join their team to help improve GPSLogger’s
energy efficiency. Besides, as shown in Table 7, the severity levels of our detected 14 problems range from medium to critical. This indicates that such problems can
cause serious energy waste. Indeed, we found many negative comments complaining about battery drain issues
from the bug tracking systems and Google Play store user
review pages of the concerned applications (e.g., Geohash
Droid, AndTweet and Zmanim). We discuss some of these
energy problems in detail below.
5.2 RQ4: Effectiveness and Efficiency
To answer research question RQ4 about GreenDroid’s
effectiveness and efficiency, we ran GreenDroid to diagnose each application listed in Table 7 and recorded its
diagnosis overhead. In this set of experiments, we controlled GreenDroid to generate sequences of at most six
Android API documentation recommends developers to
unregister sensor listeners and release wake locks when
they are no longer needed [5], [8]. However, we found that
missing sensor or wake lock deactivation is common in
Android applications. GreenDroid detected eight applica-
5.1 Experimental Setup
Missing sensor or wake lock deactivation
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
/**buggy version of the CheckInMap class**/
1. public class CheckinMap extends MapActivity {
public void onCreate(){
MyGPSListener gpsListener = new MyGPSListener();
LocationManager lm = getSystemService(LOCATION_SERVICE);
//GPS listener registration
lm.requestLocationUpdates(GPS, 0, 0, gpsListener);
public void onDestroy() {
//unregister GPS listener
.removeUpdates(new MyGPSListener());
//location listener class
public class MyGPSListener implements LocationListener {
public void onLocationChanged(Location loc) {
//utilize location data
19. }
/**correct version of the CheckInMap class**/
20. public class CheckinMap extends MapActivity {
private MyGPSListener gpsListener;
private LocationManager lm;
public void onCreate(){
gpsListener = new MyGPSListener();
lm = getSystemService(LOCATION_SERVICE);
//GPS listener registration
lm.requestLocationUpdates(GPS, 0, 0, gpsListener);
public void onDestroy() {
//unregister GPS listener
32. }
Figure 9. The energy problem in Ushahidi application
tions suffering such energy problems from our 13 subjects.
These problems happened because developers either forgot to unregister sensor listeners or release wake locks, or
performed these operations incorrectly. For example, the
code snippets in Figure 9 demonstrate how Ushahidi developers wrongly unregistered a GPS listener. We observe
in the buggy version that, developers registered a GPS
listener gpsListener in the onCreate() handler of the
CheckInMap activity (Lines 3–6), and then tried to unregister the listener in the onDestroy() handler of
CheckInMap (Lines 10–11). However, instead of passing
previous registered gpsListener to the sensor listener unregistration API removeUpdate(), developers wrongly
created a new GPS listener instance and passed its reference to removeUpdate(). The consequence is that the previously registered sensor listener gpsListener was not
properly unregistered.
For performance considerations, the Android OS keeps
an application process alive as long as possible, until the
system runs low on resources (e.g., memory). According
to this policy, even a dummy process that hosts no application component is not guaranteed to be terminated in a
timely fashion [7]. Therefore, in the buggy version, the
gpsListener instance would remain in memory for a long
time even if the activity it belongs to has been destroyed.
The activity instance could also remain in memory after its
onDestroy() handler is called. As a result, valuable battery
energy can be wasted by unnecessary GPS sensing. Ushahidi’s developers later realized this problem from bug
reports and fixed it. Figure 9 also gives the correct version
for comparison.
Sensory data underutilization
GreenDroid also detected six applications suffering sensory data underutilization problems out of our 13 subjects.
Among these detected problems, three (Table 7) are critical
ones that can cause massive energy waste. We discuss
these six problems in detail below.
Osmdroid. Osmdroid is a navigation application similar to Google Maps. After diagnosis, GreenDroid reported
that Osmdroid’s location data utilization coefficient is no
more than 0.2239 for 30.51% explored states, but close to 1
for other states, as shown in Figure 10(a). This strongly
suggests that Osmdroid poorly utilizes location data at
certain states. We examined the reports generated by
GreenDroid and quickly found that if users switch from
MapActivity to other activities without enabling location
tracking, location data would be used to render an invisible map (recall that GreenDroid can highlight ineffective
API calls). This greatly wastes valuable battery energy as
reported by users [51]. To fix this problem, developers
later disabled GPS sensing if users leave MapActivity
without the location tracking functionality enabled. Figure
10(b) gives the new version’s location data utilization
analysis result. We can observe that location data are now
much better utilized with a utilization coefficient above
Zmanim. Zmanim is a location-aware application for
reminding Jewish people about prayer time during the
day (zmanim). The application generates zmanim according to users’ locations and corresponding time zones. Interestingly, developers already realized that location sensing could be energy-consuming, and they made the application stop location sensing once its required locations are
obtained. However, as Figure 10(c) shows, GreenDroid
still reported that for 37.37 % explored states, Zmanim’s
location data utilization coefficient is no more than 0.4502,
but close to 1 for other states. This energy problem is similar to what we found in Osmdroid. If users switch from
the location sensing activity to other activities before the
required locations are successfully obtained, battery energy would keep being wasted to update invisible GUI elements. In scenarios where GPS signals are rather weak,
users frequently complained that Zmanim caused huge
battery drain [72]. We give an example of such complaints
below. Similar to Osmdroid, Zmanim developers also later
disabled location sensing in such problematic cases, and
we give the new version’s location data utilization analysis result in Figure 10(d) for comparison (much improved
Zmanim Issue 56: “I should see GPS icon only until a location is
obtained. After that, GPS should be turned off. However, even if
turning off GPS once a fix is obtained, this issue remains as a bug,
since a user could hit home button before the fix is obtained,
therefore leaving GPS on. These bugs quickly kill my battery.”
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
(b) Osmdroid (R-751) Analysis Result
2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000
(f) GPSLogger (R-15) Analysis Result
(e) Omnidroid (R-863) Analysis Result
Number of App. States
Location Data Utilization Coefficient (DUC)
Location Data Utilization Coefficient (DUC)
Location Data Utilization Coefficient (DUC)
(g) Geohash Droid (V-0.8.1-pre2) Analysis Result
(h) Geohash Droid (R-80e5441d3e) Analysis Result
Number of App. States
Location Data Utilization Coefficient (DUC)
Location Data Utilization Coefficient (DUC)
(i) Sofia Public Transport Nav. (R-114) Analysis Result
(j) Sofia Public Transport Nav. (R-156) Analysis Result
(2.16%) (2.19%)
0.1839 0.2759 0.4138 0.5747 0.7011 0.8621 0.9540 1.0000
Location Data Utilization Coefficient (DUC)
Location Data Utilization Coefficient (DUC)
Number of App. States
(d) Zmanim (R-323) Analysis Result
(29.34%) (30.48%)
Number of App. States
(c) Zmanim (R-322) Analysis Result
Location Data Utilization Coefficient (DUC)
Number of App. States
Number of App. States
2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000
Location Data Utilization Coefficient (DUC)
Number of App. States
Number of App. States
10,000 20,000 30,000
Number of App. States
Number of App. States
(a) Osmdroid (R-750) Analysis Result
Location Data Utilization Coefficient (DUC)
Notes: (1) In the above figures, the location utilization coefficient is accurate to four decimal places. (2) Two states with indistinguishable utilization
coefficients (i.e., cannot be distinguished by four decimal places) are shown in the same bar. (3) Utilization coefficients with very few occurrences (i.e.,
less than 5‰) are not shown in the figures for ease of presentation, so the percentages in each figure may not add up to 100%. (4) The total number of
states for each application does not equal the number of explored states reported later because the location sensing is not enabled in some explored states.
Figure 10. Sensory data utilization analysis results for six applications
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
Omnidroid. Omnidroid helps automate system functionalities based on user contexts. For example, Omnidroid can help users automatically send a reply message
such as busy in a meeting when they receive a phone
call during an important meeting. When Omnidroid runs,
it maintains a background service to periodically check
location updates. If any location update satisfies a prespecified condition, its corresponding action would be
executed as a response. Our diagnosis results in Figure
10(e) show that 18.2% explored states have a location data
utilization coefficient of no more than 0.0904. We found
that at these states, users have not specified any condition
or chosen any action. In other words, location data are
collected for no use except being stored to a database for
logging purposes (this explains why the location data utilization coefficient is not 0). Then why does this background service keep collecting location data? It could
cause huge energy waste. We reported this problem (previously unknown) to Omnidroid developers, and suggested enabling location sensing only when there are conditions/rules concerning user locations. We then received a
prompt confirmation and developers marked our reported
problem as critical [50]:
Omnidroid Issue 179: “Completely true, and your suggestion is a
great idea and you're correct Omnidroid does suck up way more
energy than necessary as a result. I'd be happy to accept a patch in
this regard”.
GPSLogger. GPSLogger collects users’ GPS coordinates
to help them tag photos or visualize their traces. Figure
10(f) presents our diagnosis results for its GPS data utilization. We found that for 42.80% explored states, GPS data
have not even been utilized. The utilization coefficient is 0.
For the next 28.94% states, the coefficient is also low at
0.1333, while for other states, it is close to 1. We examined
the diagnosis reports and found another new energy problem that has not yet been reported. Similar to Omnidroid,
GPSLogger also maintains a background service to collect
GPS data. It continually evaluates whether collected GPS
data satisfy certain precision requirements. If yes, the data
are processed and stored to a database, and GPSLogger
would then update its GUI to notify users. Otherwise, the
data are discarded. However, when GPS signals are weak,
GPS sensors may keep collecting noisy data. These data
mostly do not satisfy precision requirements and are actually discarded. This produces no benefits to users, and
explains why GPS data have a very low utilization coefficient at some states. This problem can be common when
users enter an area where the GPS reception is bad. We
submitted a bug report to suggest temporarily slowing
down or disabling location sensing when the application
continuously finds its collected GPS data of low quality.
Our bug report was confirmed by GPSLogger developers.
They also invited us to help improve GPSLogger’s energy
efficiency [30]. We will further discuss our patch later in
Section 5.6.
Geohash Droid. Geohash Droid is an entertainment
application for adventure enthusiasts. It randomly picks
up a location for adventure, and navigates its users to that
location using GPS data. We diagnosed Geohash Droid
and found that its utilization coefficient is no more than
0.4673 for 27.80% explored states, as shown in Figure 10(g).
We studied diagnosis reports and found that at these
states, GPS data were used only to show the users’ current
locations in an icon on the phone’s notification bar a
phone’s notification bar is a GUI element container that is
outside an application’s normal GUI and is always visible .
However, in other states, GPS data were also used to update the navigation map as well as computing detailed
travel information (e.g., distance to destination). This
comparison shows that GPS data were not well utilized in
those 27.80% explored states, and this could cause energy
waste. After realizing this, Geohash Droid’s developers
made a patch to slow down the application’s GPS sensing
rate to every 30 seconds to save energy when GPS data are
only used for updating the notification bar [25]. Figure 3
shows their comment after patching, and both their own
testing and user feedbacks confirmed that there is indeed a
significant improvement in Geohash Droid’s energy efficiency [25]. Besides, in later revisions to Geohash Droid,
developers redesigned the application by completely removing this notification icon. They chose to automatically
switch off GPS updates when the navigation map and detailed information screen become invisible (see revision
80e5441d3e for details). We analyzed this new version and
present the result in Figure 10(h) for comparison. The result shows that in 94.29% explored states, the GPS data are
now effectively utilized.
Sofia Public Transport Nav. Sofia Public Transport
Nav uses its collected GPS data to locate the nearest bus
stops for its users, and provides arrival time estimation for
concerned buses by querying a remote server. GreenDroid
diagnosed its GPS data utilization, and reported that GPS
data were poorly utilized for 24.81% explored states, and
for the next 52.38% states, the utilization coefficient was
also below 0.4138, as shown in Figure 10(i). We examined
diagnosis reports and confirmed this energy problem. In
Sofia Public Transport Nav., GPS data are mainly used to
update a map that shows nearby bus stops. However, for
many states, the dialog box showing bus arrival time is at
foreground,10 hiding the map that shows nearby bus stops.
Then because users may keep refreshing the dialog box to
check bus arrival time, GPS data during this period will be
used mainly to update the map hidden by the dialog. This
is a waste of energy. The application developers later
found this problem, and disabled its GPS update for states
where the bus arrival time estimation dialog is at foreground. Interestingly, although developers closed the corresponding bug report [64] soon after creating this patch,
they mistakenly introduced another missing sensor deactivation problem. In later development and communications with users, they realized this new problem and eventually fixed it [65]. This story suggests that: (1) developers
lack easy-to-use and effective tools to help detect energy
problems in their applications, and (2) fixing sensory data
underutilization problems is non-trivial and may instead
introduce new energy problems. For comparison, we also
analyzed the application after developers eventually fixed
all energy problems including this new one. As the result
in Figure 10(j) shows, there are now no application states
GreenDroid models pop-up windows like dialog boxes by this strategy:
(1) If a pop-up window is being displayed, GreenDroid considers all GUI
elements underneath invisible; (2) If a pop-up window is dismissed,
GreenDroid considers the GUI elements underneath visible again.
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
Table 8. Diagnosis overhead and random execution result
Diagnosis information and overhead
Avg. number of handlers executed
during each application execution
Diagnosis time
Memory consumption
Random event handler
scheduling results
(runtime exceptions)
Recycle Locator
Application name
Sofia Public Transport Nav.
Geohash Droid
whose GPS data utilization coefficient is significantly lower than others.
From the above discussions, we can see how automated
sensory data utilization analysis can help diagnose energy
problems for Android applications. When developers find
that sensory data are clearly underutilized at certain states
of their applications, they can consider whether their applications can reach these problematic states frequently
and stay there for long time (e.g., an activity can be left to
background until users explicitly switch back to it). If yes,
developers may have to tune down the concerned sensors’
sensing rates or even disable them, as otherwise energy
cost can be very high, but produced benefits can be marginal instead. Besides, we also find that in large-scale application subjects like Omnidroid and Zmanim, their sensory data usage is very complex, involving hundreds of
method/API calls. In such subjects, manually examining
how sensory data are utilized can be extremely laborintensive and error-prone. This justifies the great need for
an automated diagnosis tool like our GreenDroid to help
locate potential energy problems caused by sensory data
underutilization. To reduce developers’ efforts in reading
diagnosis reports, GreenDroid prioritizes these reports
according to their sensory data utilization coefficients, and
highlights ineffective API calls (e.g., those for updating
invisible GUIs). This can help developers quickly figure
out the causes of some subtle energy wastes.
Analysis overhead
Table 8 presents GreenDroid’s diagnosis overhead. For
each of our 13 subjects, it reports: (1) the number of application states GreenDroid explored, (2) the average number
of event handlers GreenDroid executed during each application execution, including those handlers for system
events,11 (3) diagnosis time, and (4) the amount of memory
GreenDroid consumed. For each subject, we conducted
experiments three times to obtain these results. The numSystem events could result in several consecutive handler calls. For
example, an activity-destroying event may trigger the concerned activity’s onPause , onStop , and onDestroy handlers in turn.
ber of application states explored and event handlers executed in different runs remained the same. The diagnosis
time and memory consumption slightly varied in different
runs and Table 8 reports the averaged results.
We observe that GreenDroid could quickly explore
thousands of application states and perform energy inefficiency diagnosis. For example, for the two largest subjects
Omnidroid (over 12K LOC) and DroidAR (over 18K LOC),
GreenDroid explored over 50K states during its diagnosis
and executed over 60 event handlers in each application
execution (recall that GreenDroid executes each subject
many times). It finished diagnosis within five minutes.
The memory cost was less than 400 MB. Such overhead
can be well supported by modern PCs, and compares favorably with state-of-the-art testing or debugging techniques, which typically take hours to explore up to 100K
states [61]. This suggests that GreenDroid is a practical
tool for diagnosing energy problems in real-world Android applications.
5.3 RQ5: Necessity and Usefulness of AEM Model
To answer research question RQ5 about the usefulness of
our proposed AEM model, we conducted two comparison
experiments. First, we ran GreenDroid to diagnose our
experimental subjects with the AEM model disabled, assuming that event handlers can be randomly scheduled.
We examined whether GreenDroid could still locate energy problems in such a setting. Second, to study whether
the executions of our experimental subjects in GreenDroid
(with AEM model enabled) resemble real executions, we
instrumented all 149 event handlers defined in our largest
subject DroidAR, and conducted the following experiment. We randomly selected 50 execution traces of DroidAR generated by GreenDroid. These executions on average involve 54 event handler calls (not necessarily distinct). We extracted from them corresponding user interaction event sequences. We then ran DroidAR in the Android emulator [4], which is included in the Android
Software Development Kit, and manually provided the
same user interactions (i.e., the same event sequences). We
logged real event handler calling traces, and compared
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
Table 9. Statement coverage with respect to different event sequence length limit settings
Statement coverage (%)
# activity
Limit = 0
Limit = 1
Limit = 2
Limit = 3
Limit = 4
Limit = 5
Limit = 6
Limit = 7
Limit = 8
Recycle Locator
Application names
Sofia Public Transport Nav.
Geohash Droid
1: Statement coverage is not 0 because in our implementation we do not count “la nch the entry activity (when analysis starts ” and “finish all active activities and
services (when analysis ends ” when generating user interaction event sequences.
2: Underlined runs took more than one hour to finish. Memory consumption (maximum heap size set to 4GB) did not increase much when we relaxed the length limits.
them with those from GreenDroid. We discuss these experimental results below.
First experiment. We observe that without AEM model
(i.e., scheduling event handlers randomly), GreenDroid
(actually JPF) already encountered great challenges in executing Android applications, not to mention diagnosing
any of their energy problems. The last column of Table 8
lists these execution results. Among 100 application executions, we observed many runtime exceptions. For example,
79 out of 100 executions of Osmdroid failed because of
runtime exceptions, and these exceptions also crashed JPF.
We manually studied these exceptions, and found that
most of them arose from ignoring data flow dependencies
between event handlers. For instance, it is quite often that
developers initialize a GUI widget instance in an activity’s
onCreate() handler, and later use this instance in other
handlers. In random handler scheduling, if other handlers
are wrongly scheduled before onCreate(), a null pointer
exception may be thrown. Such exceptions cannot be easily addressed, and can cause termination of our energy
diagnosis. For two small-sized subjects Recycle-locator
and GPSLogger, fewer exceptions (4 and 9) were observed
since their data flow dependencies between event handlers are relatively simple. Still, these exceptions seriously
prevented GreenDroid from diagnosing our experimental
subjects. Besides, even for cases where no exception occurred, we found that the diagnosis reports contain many
meaningless handler calling traces that offer little information to help developers pinpoint energy problems. This
suggests that our AEM model is indeed necessary for an
effective diagnosis of energy problems in Android applications. In addition, since our AEM model is essentially an
abstraction of event handler scheduling policies for the
Android platform, it can easily be adapted and used in
other analysis techniques for Android applications.
Second experiment. We observe that in 39 out of 50 executions, GreenDroid generated exactly the same handler
calling traces as real executions. In the remaining 11 cases,
GreenDroid failed to schedule event handlers in the same
way as real executions did due to two major reasons. First,
we did not consider dynamic GUI updates when implementing GreenDroid. This could make GreenDroid generate some user interaction events that are impossible in an
Android emulator (and also in real devices), because they
are invalid due to runtime GUI updates (4 cases). Second,
GreenDroid did not model concurrency adequately in its
current implementation because JPF did not fully model
Java concurrency programming constructs (e.g., java.util.concurrent.Executor was not modeled). This caused
GreenDroid to fail to handle some system events (e.g.,
broadcast events) that were triggered in some worker
threads (7 cases). Although these two problems did not
cause noticeable consequences on the effectiveness of our
diagnosis, we will still consider addressing them in future
releases of our GreenDroid. This requires non-trivial engineering effort.
5.4 RQ6: Impact of Event Sequence Length Limit
Our research question RQ6 studies how the thoroughness
of our energy diagnosis can be affected by the length limits on generated user interaction event sequences. To answer this question, we applied GreenDroid to analyze
each of our application subjects multiple times and studied how the code coverage would change accordingly.
Specifically, GreenDroid analyzed each application nine
times. For these nine runs, we gradually increased the
length limit from zero to eight and measured the percentage of source code lines that were executed (i.e., statement
coverage). We chose statement coverage as the metric for
measuring the thoroughness of our diagnosis for two reasons. First, to the best of our knowledge, we are not aware
of any existing metrics that are designed for assessing the
thoroughness of energy diagnosis. Second, statement coverage has been widely used for measuring code coverage
for general purposes because it strikes a good balance between utility and collection overheads [11], [52]. Table 9
reports our study results and from them we obtain two
major findings as discussed in the following.
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
Coverage saturation. We observe that for all application subjects, the statement coverage increases quickly at
the beginning with the growth in the length of generated
event sequences. The coverage gradually saturates at certain points and stops increasing when the length limit further grows. Take Osmdroid as an example. Its statement
coverage increases from 1.01% to 24.68% when the length
limit grows from zero to four. When the length limit
reaches five, the statement coverage saturates at 30.15%,
with no further increase even if the length limit grows to a
larger value. Other applications are similar. To understand
why, we inspected all these applications. We found that
many of these applications contain only a small number of
activity components (with GUI). As listed in the second
column of Table 9, 8 of our 13 applications contain no
more than six activity components. Although the applications Ushahidi and Omnidroid contain relatively larger
number of activity components, we found that many of
these activity components are actually designed for displaying information. Besides, for user friendliness, developers have made their applications’ GUIs intuitive. This
means that users do not have to perform very long sequences of interactions from an application’s entry GUI to
reach other GUIs for using their designed functionalities.
This explains why the statement coverage measurement
can quickly saturate for our studied applications.
Difficulties in achieving high coverage. We also observe that even if our event sequence generation enumerates all possible combinations of user interaction events,
GreenDroid can still achieve only low statement coverage
for some applications. For example, for DroidAR,
AndTweet and Omnidroid, GreenDroid covers less than
25% statements. We thus inspected these three applications and found three major difficulties in achieving higher code coverage. These findings can benefit related research such as automated Android application testing [11],
[34]. We discuss these findings in the following:
Sophisticated external stimulus. Achieving high code
coverage may require sophisticated external stimulus
for certain Android applications. For example, Omnidroid registers a broadcast receiver with Android OS to
monitor 26 different system broadcast events (e.g.,
missing phone call and phone connected to a physical dock broadcast events). A large proportion of its
code is used for handling such broadcasted system
events, while our GreenDroid currently cannot actively
generate such events. This suggests that in order to
cover such code, systematic simulation of external
stimulus would be necessary.
Complex inputs and non-standard user interactions.
Achieving high code coverage may require complex
inputs and non-standard user interactions for certain
Android applications. Take DroidAR, an augmented
reality application on Android, for example. It presents
its user a live view of real-world objects that are augmented with various sensory inputs, and allows the user to interact with these objects digitally. In many cases,
DroidAR requires video input from phone cameras for
recognizing and rendering augmented objects accordingly. It contains two types of GUI elements: (1) stand-
ard GUI elements defined in Android libraries (e.g.,
buttons), and (2) augmented objects rendered by native
graphics libraries. Both types of GUI elements can be
dynamically updated. Therefore, covering a high proportion of DroidAR code would require its user not only to interact with standard GUI elements (e.g., clicking
buttons), but also to interact with the non-standard GUI
elements (e.g., rotating augmented objects). However,
our GreenDroid currently cannot support video inputs
or user interactions with non-standard GUI elements.
This explains why GreenDroid achieves low code coverage when diagnosing DroidAR.
Special running environment. Achieving high code
coverage may require special running environments for
certain Android applications. For example, AndTweet
is a light-weight Twitter chat client. Covering most of
its code requires: (1) a valid Twitter account, (2) network connectivity, and (3) meaningful data (e.g., tweets
and followers) associated with this account. Failing to
satisfy any of these requirements would make the application run meaninglessly, leading to low code coverage. Our GreenDroid currently does not know how to
satisfy such application-specific requirements and this
deserves further research.
From the above discussions, we can make two observations. First, similar to related studies [1], it is practical to
limit the length of generated event sequences in program
analysis due to the combinatorial explosion problem. In
our case, setting the length limit to six is a cost-effective
choice. This is because a larger length limit does not further improve code coverage, but instead results in much
longer diagnosis time (as in a magnitude of hours), as reported by our experiments. In practice, such settings
should be made on a case by case basis as different applications may have different characteristics. Therefore, tools
like our GreenDroid should allow its users to customize
their required depth of diagnosis and provide a time
budget [45]. Second, we observed that for some application subjects, GreenDroid located their energy problems
even with low statement coverage. This can be explained.
As discussed earlier (Sections 1 and 3), energy problems
typically only occur at certain application states reached
by handling corresponding user interactions. For example,
the energy problem in Zmanim can be exposed by the following four steps: (1) switching on GPS, (2) configuring
Zmanim to use current location, (3) starting Zmanim’s
main activity, and
hitting the Home button when
GPS is acquiring a location. Therefore, generating user
interactions in a certain order is a prerequisite for exposing such problems. GreenDroid essentially enumerates all
possible combinations of different types of user interaction
events (e.g., button click events and checkbox selection
events) and provides appropriate event values when generating these events. This explains why it can systematically explore an application’s state space to locate potential
energy problems. This also suggests that although statement coverage can be used for measuring the code coverage achieved by a certain energy diagnosis approach, it
may not be a good metric candidate for assessing the effectiveness of such energy diagnosis.
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
5.5 RQ7: Comparison with Existing Resource Leak
Detection Work
Our work shares some similarity with existing resource
leak detection work [10], [32], [66], [68] since sensor listeners and wake locks are considered as valuable resources in
Android OS and applications. Our last research question
RQ7 studies how our GreenDroid compares to such work
in terms of detecting real missing sensor or wake lock deactivation problems. To answer this question, we chose
Relda for comparison [32]. Relda is the latest resource leak
detection work dedicated for Android applications [32]. It
is a fully automated static analysis tool for Android applications and supports detecting leak of 65 types of system
resources, which also include sensor listeners and wake
locks as studied in our work. Therefore, it would be interesting to know whether Relda can also effectively help
detect missing sensor or wake lock deactivation problems
in our studied Android application subjects. With the help
of Relda’s authors, we conducted experiments using their
original tool (not our implementation, which can otherwise lead to bias in the comparison). We applied Relda to
analyze all 13 application subjects listed in Table 7. It reported 36 resource leak warnings, out of which 15 are related to sensors and wake locks, while the remaining 21
are related to other seven types of resources (e.g., phone
cameras), which are outside the scope of this article. We
further invited Relda’s authors to manually validate these
raw data and remove duplicate and false warnings as they
did in their publication [32] (we did not do it by ourselves
in order to avoid bias). Finally, they confirmed that Relda
detected two real resource leak problems in DroidAR and
one in Ebookdroid out of our 13 application subjects. By
analyzing the experimental results, we obtained several
findings as discussed below.
First, the two problems Relda detected in DroidAR
happened because developers forgot to unregister a sensor
listener and to disable a phone vibrator after usage, respectively. The other problem Relda detected in
Ebookdroid happened because developers forgot to recycle a velocity tracker (it tracks the velocity of touch events
for detecting gestures like flinging) back to the Android
OS after using it. From these results, we can see that Relda
can indeed detect more types of resource leaks than
GreenDroid since it has a much wider focus. However,
two of the three detected real problems are not related to
sensors or wake locks. Within the scope of this article,
Relda actually detected only one real problem of our interest (i.e., the missing sensor deactivation problem in DroidAR). As a comparison, our GreenDroid detected eight
missing sensor or wake lock deactivation problems in
these 13 application subjects as we discussed earlier. All
these eight problems (including the one detected by Relda)
are real problems as confirmed by developers.
Second, we carefully studied Relda to understand why
it cannot effectively detect the other seven real missing
sensor or wake lock deactivation problems that can be
detected by GreenDroid in our studied Android applications. Based on our study results and our communications
with Relda’s authors, we identified four major reasons: (1)
Relda does not conduct intra-procedural flow analysis. To
avoid false positives, which can be a major concern for
static analysis, Relda does not report any resource leak
problem as long as a concerned resource can possibly be
released at any program path. Due to this conservative
nature, Relda did not effectively detect missing wake lock
deactivation problems in BabbleSink and AndTweet. For
example, the wake lock acquired by AndTweet might be
released in certain program paths, but such paths could
only be executed in exceptional cases that are not feasible
during normal running (see Section 3.3 for more details).
“s such, “ndTweet can constantly drain a phone’s batter
energy during its normal usage, but this problem cannot
be reported by Relda. (2) Relda does not conduct point-to
analysis. Thus it cannot figure out what object(s) a reference is pointing to, and this is a common limitation of static analysis techniques without point-to analysis. Due to
this reason, Relda did not effectively detect the missing
sensor deactivation problem in Ushahidi, where its developers mistakenly passed a newly created GPS sensor listener to the unregistration API (Line 11 in Figure 9), instead of passing the listener that has been registered earlier (Line 6 in Figure 9). (3) Relda does not properly model
or consider event handler scheduling as we studied in this
work. Thus it cannot handle message passing and receiving well. Due to this reason, it did not detect the missing
wake lock deactivation problem in CWAC-Wakeful. The
reason is that CWAC-Wakeful acquires a wake lock from
the Android OS only when it receives a message that asks
it to perform some long running task at background. (4)
Relda did not detect missing sensor or wake lock deactivation problems in Recycle Locator, Sofia Public Transport
Nav. and Ebookdroid due to its incomplete resource operation table. These applications use sensors or wake locks
by calling compound APIs that wrap basic sensor listener
registration/unregistration APIs or basic wake lock acquisition/releasing APIs. For example, Sofia Public Transport
Nav. calls Google Maps “PIs to use a phone’s GPS sensor,
but Google Maps APIs have wrapped GPS sensor listener
registration/unregistration APIs such that the latter cannot
be examined by Relda. Our GreenDroid does not have
these discussed issues. It systematically executes an Android application. Its dynamic analysis is naturally flowsensitive and does not need point-to analysis. Besides, it
relies on our AEM model to ensure reasonable scheduling
of event handlers so that it can handle messaging passing
and receiving properly. Moreover, GreenDroid only focuses two types of resources, i.e., sensor listeners and
wake locks, so that we could prepare a more complete
operation table for them with affordable effort. This explains why Relda missed some missing sensor or wake
lock deactivation problems but GreenDroid could still
detect them.
Third, although Relda can detect energy problems
caused by missing sensor or wake lock deactivation as a
form of resource leak, it cannot help diagnose energy
problems caused by sensory data underutilization. These
problems are more complicated as discussed throughout
this article. Our GreenDroid supports automated analysis
of sensory data utilization and can help developers diagnose energy problems caused by cost-ineffective use of
sensory data.
From the above discussions, we can observe that both
Relda and GreenDroid have their own scopes and
strengths. Relda can detect a wider range of resource leak
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
problems and some of them may lead to serious energy
waste. On the other hand, GreenDroid’s scope is more
focused (sensor and wake lock related energy problems)
and its energy problem detection capability is satisfactory.
In terms of detecting energy problems caused by missing
sensor or wake lock deactivation, GreenDroid performs
better than Relda. We did not compare GreenDroid to other resource leak detection work due to various reasons
including tool availability and applicability (some work
are for conventional Java programs, e.g., Torlak et al.’s
work [66]). The above comparisons and discussions confirm that GreenDroid is useful and effective for diagnosing
energy problems in Android applications, and its idea
may also complement and contribute to existing resource
leak detection work on the Android platform.
5.6 Discussions
Patching GPSLogger. As mentioned earlier, we were
invited by GPSLogger developers to make a patch to improve GPSLogger’s energy efficiency. To be realistic, we
built this patch by following an accepted patch for fixing
Geohash Droid’s energy problem [25]. Our patch slightly
modifies GPSLogger’s GPS sensing part, aiming not to
affect its functionalities. Specifically, the patched GPSLogger would slow down its GPS sensing rate to every 30 seconds when it finds that its collected GPS data remain at
low quality (e.g., after five consecutive imprecise readings),
and set the sensing rate immediately back to the original
value when it finds that its GPS data have become precise
again (e.g., after two consecutive precise readings). We
submitted this patch to GPSLogger developers and it was
recently accepted. We also helped release it online for trial
downloads for interested users. 12 So far, this patch has
received more than 400 downloads. This indicates that
developers indeed acknowledge and accept our efforts in
helping defend their Android applications from energy
Tool implementation. Our energy diagnosis approach
is independent of its underlying program analysis framework. Currently, we implemented it on top of JPF because
JPF is a highly extensible Java program verification
framework with internal support for dynamic tainting.
However, analyzing Android applications using JPF is still
challenging as discussed throughout this article. We have
to carefully address the problems of event sequence generation and event handler scheduling, as well as Android
library modeling. In particular, modeling Android libraries is known to be a tedious and error-prone task [45]. This
is why our current implementation only modeled a partial,
but critical, set of library classes and concerned APIs. Extending our tool to support more Android APIs is possible,
but would require more engineering effort, and our
GreenDroid is evolving along this direction. Besides, in
GreenDroid’s current implementation, all temporal rules
in our AEM model have been translated into code for ease
of use. We are considering building a more general execution engine that can take these rules as inputs to schedule
Android event handlers reasonably. This would make our
GreenDroid more extensible to new rules. To realize this,
we need: (1) a new domain language to specify these rules,
and (2) a mechanism that automatically interprets and
enforces these rules at runtime. Moreover, we are also
considering integrating our diagnosis approach into Android framework by modifying the Dalvik virtual machine
much the same as Enck et al. did [22]. This can bring two
benefits. First, it enables real-time energy inefficiency diagnosis. Second, modeling Android libraries is no longer
necessary, such that the imprecision caused by inadequate
library modeling can also be alleviated or avoided. Lastly,
GreenDroid can be designed to be interactive, providing
its users visualizations of sensory data usage details. This
would help developers quickly figure out the root causes
for a wide range of domain-specific energy problems.
Tainting quality. Our sensory data utilization analysis
relies on dynamic tainting for tracking propagation of sensory data. It is well known that designing precise dynamic
tainting is challenging [62]. Researchers have found that
ignoring control dependencies in taint propagation can
cause undertainting (i.e., failing to taint some data derived
from taint sources), but considering control dependencies
can also cause overtainting (i.e., tainting some data that are
not derived from taint sources) [37]. It is therefore suggested that the tainting policy should be designed according to its application scenarios [62]. In our case, we need to
track propagation of sensory data and identify program
data that are derived from such sensory data. For this
purpose, we adapted TaintDroid’s tainting policy [22] and
added a special rule for handling control dependencies
(ignoring control dependencies is one of TaintDroid’s limitations). While this rule may potentially result in overtainting in theory, we did not observe any evident impact
on our sensory data utilization analysis results. We made
some analysis of our studied application subjects. We
found that unlike user privacy data (e.g., phone number)
handled by TaintDroid, sensory data in our studied applications are typically updated frequently. These data can be
quickly replaced with new data. Their consumption is
thus short-term, implying that they are unlikely to affect a
large volume of program data in Android applications.
This explains why our control dependency handling does
not introduce evident overtainting problems.
Limitations. Our current GreenDroid implementation
has some limitations. First, GreenDroid cannot generate
complex inputs (e.g., video inputs or user gestures). Thus,
there can be application states not reachable by
GreenDroid. If any energy problem is associated with
these states, GreenDroid would not be able to detect them.
Second, GreenDroid’s event sequence generation belongs
to the category of model-based approaches [34], [45], [69].
One common problem with these approaches is that they
rely on a statically extracted model and lack runtime information. For example, GreenDroid relies on a GUI model extracted by statically analyzing an application’s layout
configurations. It cannot cope with dynamic GUI updates
(e.g., news reading applications can dynamically load a
new list of items). Therefore, we found in our evaluation
that GreenDroid sometimes generated infeasible user interaction event sequences (e.g., a sequence containing a
click event on a GUI element that has been removed). For
our largest subject DroidAR, GreenDroid generated
around 8% infeasible event sequences due to its inability
to handle dynamic GUI updates. Third, GreenDroid can-
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
not systematically simulate different sensory data as this
requires a comprehensive characteristic study of realworld sensory data. Currently, we randomly picked up
mock sensory data from a pre-prepared data pool controlled by different precision levels. It could be possible
that the selection of sensory data has an impact on a program’s control flow (e.g., an execution path that requires
specific data values cannot be explored). Although we did
not observe the above three issues affecting GreenDroid’s
effectiveness in diagnosing our application subjects, we
are investigating them and plan to come up with more
complete solutions in future. For example, the second limitation may be addressed by integrating GreenDroid’s energy inefficiency diagnosis into the Android framework.
Then its event sequence generation no longer needs preextracted GUI models for Android applications under diagnosis. Instead, one can analyze an application’s GUI
layout at runtime and adapt automated testing tools like
Robotium [61] for generating user interaction events. This
limitation may also be addressed by adding event sequence feasibility validation to GreenDroid (e.g., using
Jensen et al.’s work [34]). Then GreenDroid can first validate the feasibility of its generated event sequences before
presenting them to developers for reproducing its detected energy problems. We leave these potential improvements to our future work.
Alternative analysis approach. Our current sensory data utilization analysis is only one possible approach. It
analyzes how many times and to what extent sensory data
are utilized by an application at certain states. We believe
that there can also be other good designs for effective
analysis of sensory data utilization. We discuss one possible alternative here. For example, instead of accumulating
sensory data consumptions (i.e., analyzing how many
times sensory data are utilized; see Equation (2)) in the
analysis, we can also consider that as long as sensory data
are effectively utilized once, the battery energy for collecting the data is well spent. Besides, when designing the
data usage metric, we can also choose not to distinguish
different APIs that utilize sensory data. Specifically, we
can choose not to scale the usage metric value by the
number of bytecode instructions executed during the invocation of an API that utilizes sensory data (i.e., not analyzing to what extent the sensory data are utilized). Such a
design may also help locate energy problems. For instance,
although we cannot distinguish how many times sensory
data are utilized in different application states, we can still
identify application states that totally do not utilize sensory data. In our experiments, we found that such complete
energy waste cases indeed exist i.e., GPSLogger’s energy
problem). However, for most of our studied energy problems, the concerned applications do not totally discard
collected sensory data. For example, Geohash Droid always uses location data to update a phone’s notification
bar (see Figure 4(a)), but still its developers consider that if
other remote listeners are not actively monitoring location
updates, then only updating phone notification bar is a
waste of valuable battery energy. In such cases, the alternative design might not be able to locate such energy
problems. As a comparison, our approach can not only
help locate application states that totally do not utilize
sensory data, but also help locate those that do not utilize
sensory data in a fully effective manner. Therefore, it can
generally provide finer-grained information for energy
diagnosis and optimization. Of course, our design allows
GreenDroid to report more energy problems than the alternative design. This is why we also propose a prioritization strategy to help developers focus on the potentially
most serious energy problems, i.e., those have the lowest
data utilization coefficients.
Our GreenDroid work relates to several research topics,
which include energy efficiency analysis, energy consumption estimation, resource leak detection, and information flow tracking. Some of them particularly focus on
smartphone applications. In this section, we discuss representative pieces of work in recent years.
6.1 Energy Efficiency Analysis
Smartphone applications’ energy efficiency is vital. In past
several years, researchers have worked on this topic mostly from two perspectives. First, various design strategies
have been proposed to reduce energy consumption for
smartphone applications. For example, MAUI [18] helped
offload energy-consuming tasks to resource-rich infrastructures such as remote servers. EnTracked [38] and
RAPS [57] adopted different heuristics to guide an application to use GPS sensors in a smart way. Little Rock [58]
suggested a dedicated low power processor for energyconsuming sensing operations. SALSA [59] helped select
optimal data links for saving energy in large data transmissions. Second, different techniques have been proposed to diagnose energy problems in smartphone applications. Kim et al. proposed to use power signatures based
on system hardware states to detect energy-greedy malware [36]. Pathak et al. conducted the first study of energy
bugs in smartphone applications, and proposed to use
reaching-definition dataflow analysis algorithms to detect
no-sleep energy bugs, which can arise from mishandling
of power control APIs in Android applications (e.g., wake
lock acquisition/releasing APIs) [54], [56]. Zhang et al.
proposed a taint-tracking technique for the Android platform to detect energy wastes caused by unnecessary network communications [70]. To help end users troubleshoot energy problems on their smartphones, Ma et al.
built a tool to monitor smartphones’ resource usage behavior as well as system or user events (e.g., configuration
changes in certain applications) [43]. Their tool can help
identify triggering events that cause abnormally high energy consumption, and suggest corresponding repair solutions (e.g., reverting configuration changes) to users.
Our work shares a similar goal with these pieces of
work, in particular, recent work in the second category
discussed above [43], [56], [70]. Nevertheless, our work
differs from them on several aspects. Regarding Pathak et
al’s work [56], our work has two distinct differences. First,
we found that detecting no-sleep bugs like missing wake
lock deactivation is not difficult. One can always adapt
existing resource leak detection (as we did in this article)
or classic reaching-definition data flow analysis (as they
did in their work) techniques for this purpose. However,
our empirical study revealed more subtle energy problems
caused by sensory data underutilization. As discussed
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
earlier, effectively detecting sensory data underutilization
problems is non-trivial. It requires a systematic exploration of an application’s state space and a precise analysis
of sensory data utilization. Second, to conduct data flow
analysis, Pathak et al. assumed that control flows between
event handlers were already available from application
developers. This is not a practical assumption for Android
applications. Asking developers to manually derive program control flow information is unrealistic, especially
when applications contain hundreds of event handlers
(e.g., our experimental subjects DroidAR and Omnidroid).
As such, we chose to formulate handler scheduling policies extracted from Android specifications as an AEM
model so that it can be reusable across different applications for correctly scheduling event handlers during program analysis. Our experimental results have confirmed
that this model is necessary and useful for effectively diagnosing energy problems in Android applications.
Zhang et al.’s work also makes a similar observation to
ours, i.e., using network data to update invisible GUIs can
be an energy waste [70]. However, our work differs from
theirs in three ways. First, we focus on energy problems
caused by cost-ineffective uses of sensory data instead of
network data, as our empirical study reveals that ineffective use of sensory data has often caused massive energy
waste. Second, besides analyzing how sensory data are
utilized by Android applications, we also studied ways of
systematically generating event sequences to exercise an
application, while their work may require extra testing
effort for effective analysis (they did not study how to automate an application’s execution for analysis . Third, we
proposed a state-based analysis of sensory data utilization.
It effectively distinguishes different usage scenarios of
sensory data, while Zhang et al.’s work only supports distinguishing two types of scenarios, i.e., network data used
to update visible or invisible GUIs, respectively. As a result, our work can provide richer information to help diagnose energy problems with a wider scope.
Our work also has a different objective from Ma et al.’s
work [43]. Their work does not analyze an application’s
program code. Instead, it monitors a device’s energy consumption as well as system or user events to help identify
those events that have likely caused abnormally high energy consumption. By reverting the effect of these events
(e.g., uninstalling a suspicious application), users can potentially suffer less battery drain. On the other hand, our
work directly diagnoses causes of energy problems in an
application’s program code and helps fix them by providing concrete problem-triggering conditions.
Our preliminary version of this work (i.e., our earlier
conference paper [42]) has shown that sensory data utilization analysis can help locate energy problems caused by
cost-ineffective use of sensory data. In this article, we enhanced our sensory data utilization analysis algorithm by
addressing two issues in our earlier analysis discussed in
the conference paper. First, our earlier analysis considers
intermediate computational instructions as legitimate utilization of sensory data, but these instructions’ execution
may not produce perceptible benefits for users. For example, consider the following two scenarios, which could
occur in reality (although we did not see such examples in
our experiments). In the first scenario, an application re-
ceives raw GPS data. It conducts non-trivial intermediate
computation to process these data, but the processed data
are not used afterwards. In the second scenario, GPS data
are slightly processed before they are utilized to render
visible GUI elements for user interaction. From this example, we can see that the battery power is clearly wasted in
the first scenario. However, our earlier analysis would
consider that sensory data have been more effectively utilized in the first scenario than the second due to the nontrivial intermediate computation involved. Another issue
is that our earlier analysis requires assigning a weighting
function for each instruction that uses sensory data. The
determination of such weighting functions may not be
obvious for Android developers and can vary across different applications. Therefore, to address these two issues,
we enhanced our analysis algorithm in this article by considering only those instructions that consume sensory data
and produce observable benefits to users as legitimate
utilization of sensory data. The new analysis algorithm
can successfully identify the first scenario in the above
example as a problematic scenario. Besides, since the algorithm makes a binary decision when judging whether sensory data are effectively used by an application, our analysis no longer depends on weighting functions whose
weighting factors may require manual customization effort.
6.2 Energy Consumption Estimation
One major reason why so many smartphone applications
are not energy efficient is that developers lack viable tools
to estimate energy consumption for their applications.
Extensive research has been conducted to address this
topic. PowerTutor [71] uses system-level powerconsumption models to estimate the energy consumed by
major system components (e.g., display) during the execution of Android applications. Such models are a function
of selected system features (e.g., CPU utilization) and obtained by direct measurements during the controlling of
the device’s power state. Sesame [21] shares the same goal
as PowerTutor, but can perform energy estimation for
much smaller time intervals (e.g., as small as 10ms). eProf
[55] is another estimation tool. Instead of estimating energy consumption at a system level like PowerTutor and
Sesame, eProf estimates energy consumption at an application level by tracing system calls made by applications
when they run on smartphones. WattsOn [46] further extends eProf’s idea by enabling developers to estimate their
applications’ energy consumption on their workstations,
rather than real smartphones. The most recent work is
eLens [33]. It combines program analysis and perinstruction energy modeling to enable much finer-grained
energy consumption estimation. However, eLens assumes
that smartphone manufacturers should provide platformdependent energy models for each instruction. This is not
a common practice as both the hardware and software of a
smartphone platform can evolve quickly. Requiring manufacturers to provide a new set of instruction-level energy
models for each platform update is impractical. Regarding
this, eLens provides a hardware-based technical solution
to help obtain such energy models. Still, power measurement hardware may not generally be accessible for realworld developers.
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
Typical scenarios for the techniques discussed above
are to identify hotspots (software components that consume the most energy) in smartphone applications, such
that developers can perform energy consumption optimization. However, simply knowing the energy cost of a
certain software component is not adequate for an effective optimization task. The missing key information is
whether this energy consumption is necessary or not.
Consider an application component that continually uses
collected GPS data to render a map for navigation. This
component can consume a lot of energy and thus be identified as a hotspot. However, although the energy cost can
be high, this component is evitable in that it produces
great benefits for its users by smart navigation. As such,
developers may not have to optimize it. Based on this observation, our GreenDroid work helps diagnose whether
certain energy consumed by sensing operations can produce corresponding benefits (i.e., high sensory data utilization). This can help developers make wise decisions
when they face the choice of whether or not to optimize
energy consumption for certain application components.
For example, if they find that at some states, sensing operations are performed frequently, but thus collected sensory data are not effectively utilized, then they can consider
optimizing such sensing mechanisms to save energy as
Geohash Droid developers did [25].
6.3 Resource Leak Detection
System resources are finite and usually valuable. Developers are required to release acquired resources in a timely
fashion for their applications when these resources are no
longer needed. However, tasks for realizing this requirement are often error-prone due to a variety of human mistakes. Empirical evidence shows that resource leaks commonly occur in practice [68]. To prevent resource leaks,
researchers proposed language-level mechanisms and
automated management techniques [20]. Various tools
were also developed to detect resource leaks [10], [66]. For
example, QVM [10] is a specialized runtime environment
for detecting defects in Java programs. It monitors application executions and checks for violations of resource safety
policies. TRACKER [66] is an industrial-strength tool for
finding resource leaks in Java programs. It conducts interprocedural static analysis to ensure no resource safety policy is violated on any execution path. Besides, Guo et al.
recently collected a nearly complete table of system resources in the Android framework that require explicit
release operations after usage [32]. Similar to our work,
they also adapted the general idea of resource safety policy checking discussed in QVM [10] and TRACKER [66] for
problem detection. The major differences between our
work and these pieces of work are two-fold. First, we proposed to systematically explore an Android application’s
state space for energy problem detection. This requires
addressing technical challenges in generating user interaction event sequences and scheduling event handlers. Second, we also focused on studying more complex energy
problems, i.e., sensory data underutilization. As discussed
throughout this article, detecting these energy problems
requires precise tracking of sensory data propagation and
careful analysis of sensory data usage. Regarding this, we
have proposed analysis algorithms and automated problem detection in this work, and they have not been covered by these pieces of existing work.
6.4 Information Flow Tracking
Dynamic information flow tracking (DFT for short) observes interesting data as they propagate in a program
execution [35]. DFT has many useful applications. For example, TaintCheck [48] uses DFT to protect commodity
software from memory corruption attacks such as buffer
overflows. It taints input data from untrustworthy sources
and ensures that they are never used in a dangerous way.
TaintDroid [22] prevents Android applications from leaking users' private data. It tracks such data from privacysensitive sources, and warns users when these data leave
the system. LEAKPOINT [13] leverages DFT to pinpoint
memory leaks in C and C++ programs. It taints dynamically allocated memory blocks and monitors them in case
their release might be forgotten. Our GreenDroid work
demonstrates another application of DFT. We showed that
DFT can help track propagation of sensory data, such that
their utilization analysis against energy consumption can
be conducted to detect potential energy problems in
smartphone applications.
In this article, we presented an empirical study of real energy problems in 402 Android applications, and identified
two types of coding phenomena that commonly cause
energy waste: missing sensor or wake lock deactivation,
and sensory data underutilization. Based on these findings, we proposed an approach for automated energy
problem diagnosis in Android applications. Our approach
systematically explores an application’s state space, automatically analyzes its sensory data utilization, and monitors the usage of sensors and wake locks. It helps developers locate energy problems in their applications and generates actionable reports, which can greatly ease the task
of reproducing energy problems as well as fixing them for
energy optimization. We implemented our approach into
a tool GreenDroid on top of JPF, and evaluated it using 13
real-world popular Android applications. Our experimental results confirmed the effectiveness and practical
usefulness of GreenDroid.
In future, we plan to study more Android applications
and identify other common causes of energy problems.
For example, we found from our study that a nonnegligible proportion (about 16%) of energy problems was
caused by network issues (e.g., energy-inefficient data
transmission). We are going to study these issues to further extend our approach. By doing so, we expect that our
research will help advance energy efficiency practices for a
wider range of smartphone applications, and thus potentially benefit millions of smartphone users.
This research was partially funded by Research Grants
Council (General Research Fund 611813) of Hong Kong,
National High-Tech Research & Development Program
(863 program 2012AA011205), and National Natural Sci-
0098-5589 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation
information: DOI 10.1109/TSE.2014.2323982, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
ence Foundation (61100038, 91318301, 61361120097) of
China. Chang Xu was also partially supported by Program
for New Century Excellent Talents in University, China
(NCET-10-0486). Preliminary ideas of this work have been
discussed in a conference paper (PerCom 2013) [42]. We
greatly thank anonymous reviewers for their valuable
comments for improving the conference version and this
extended version. Besides, we would also like to sincerely
thank Relda’s authors [32] for their generous help during
our experiments.
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