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AI-generated Abstract
This edited volume seeks to understand the rapidly disseminating phenomenon of populist discourse in Western Europe and the United States, examining its central claims, rhetorical strategies, and appeal. It is structured into three parts: analyzing the content and form of populist discourse, critiquing its implications for legal and political theory, and exploring counter-discourse strategies. The volume addresses key questions concerning the characteristics, ideological underpinnings, and rhetorical devices employed in populist narratives, with a focus on case studies from various countries.
This edited volume aims at understanding populist discourse as it manifests itself in various countries in Western Europe and the United States. What are its central claims and how are they presented, by means of which rhetorical means? How to account for its appeal? What are the normative concerns of those who oppose populist discourse? Why and in which respects does it constitute a challenge to current notions of liberal democracy? And how can populist discourse be countered? What could be successful rhetorical counter-strategies? The volume will consists of three parts which address the three main questions concerning the I. the content and form populist discourse, II. The critique it endangers within legal, political and social theory; and III. the construction of a successful counter-discourse. A paper proposal (approx. 450 words) can be sent to the editors before the 1 st of September. Please send a proposal for the first part to Ingeborg van der Geest: [email protected]; for the second part to Bart van Klink: [email protected]; and for the third part to Henrike Jansen: [email protected].
Procedure Firstly, the editors will make a selection of papers on the basis of the following criteria: (i) academic quality, (ii) suitability for the main theme and subthemes of the volume and (iii) originality both in content and approach. Secondly, a final book proposal including the papers selected will be sent to the publisher. Thirdly, the publisher will assess the book proposal. Finally, if the book proposal has been approved, the authors will be invited to write a paper. Each paper will be assessed by two peer reviewers (double-blind). The editors will decide, on the basis of the reviews, which papers will be included in the edited volume. A paper proposal (approx. 450 words) can be sent to the editors before the 1 st of September. Please send a proposal for the first part to Ingeborg van der Geest: [email protected]; for the second part to Bart van Klink: [email protected]; and for the third part to Henrike Jansen: [email protected].
The essay critically engages a political newsletter which problematically invokes rhetoric in a populist project by making the argument that emotions are a legitimate and sufficient guide to settling political questions, and by implication that facts often are unnecessary in political decision making. Arguing at the meta level--less about political issues and more about the way to reach and justify political positions--the text is a rhetorically adept defense of a populist approach to politics. The analyzed text is an illustration of populist-inflected rhetoric and, in virtue of its “theoretical” nature, also a blueprint for a particular kind of political culture informed by a populist epistemology which on central points is at odds with ideals of deliberative democracy. Analysis of the text reveals that it sets up its argument in a way that perpetuates the reason/emotion dichotomy that has marred the Western tradition and rhetorical studies for centuries; only it does so in an inve...
Political Studies, 2022
Multiple voices warn about an analytical deadlock in the field of populism studies mainly due to an excess of description and a lack of contextualisation. Reflecting on the current responses to this impasse, this study presents a framework for contextualising populism and seeks to enrich and expand the potential of populism research. The main argument of this paper is that a more dynamic and interactive analytical framework is necessary to show the contingent and fragile nature of populist discourses and complement existing research. To illustrate this approach, the case of Podemos is analysed to show how the populist discourse varies over time for the same populist actor and to what extent this variation responds to contextual pressures. The study concludes that the contingent nature of populism can be related to two main conditions: the variable power over discourse of populist mobilisation and the normative pressures within the political sphere.
Praktyka Teoretyczna , 2021
This article makes a comparative study of American and Polish rightist populisms and their ways of operating using structural analysis of their discourses as a main tool of exa-mination. It aims to prove that those are indeed structural similarities that are responsible for the success of populisms in diverse environments. While examining examples of po-pulist rhetorics and noticing the surprising efficacy of similar discourse in different political and social conditions, I expose internal structure of populism(s). I state that populism(s) is constructed mostly by and on empty signifiers. Those signi-fiers can then be matched in broader structures, of which the most fundamental one is the opposition: “We”—“Them”. Such mythological structures are flexible enough so that any subject or object can be inscribed into them. They are also flexible enough to transgress the borders of one domain and to transgress state borders: to “wander” around the global world.
As deeply related to Critical Theory, CDA has been established to deconstruct the hegemonic objective reasoning of elites and to construct an influential subjective rationality that contributes to generating a free human sense. Though CDA impartially centers on revealing power relations, its agenda is still politically detained. Discourse- historical approach, for example, has been employed by Wodak (2015) in the analysis of right-wing populist ideology in Europe; it proves to be deconstructive, revealing only those radical discursive strategies existing in the right-wing populist discourses. Thus, it is essential to initiate a new paradigm in CDA which constructs a comprehensive framework that critically studies the different forms of populist discourses through analyzing their innate ideologies, emancipatory tactics, anti-elitist values, and sentimental attitudes toward people. This newly suggested paradigm, namely critical populist discourse analysis (CPDA) is expected to cause ...
Journal of Political Ideologies, 2015
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