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Revista dos Tribunais, 2008
O presente estudo objetiva definir os contornos exegéticos do art. 927, parágrafo único, do CC/2002, norma geral definidora da responsabilidade civil objetiva, enquadrando a previsão legal no atual contexto socioeconômico – onde o risco se tornou condição da atividade em geral –, e como produto da atividade humana e dos esforços doutrinários que visam justificar a imputação de responsabilidade independentemente de culpa. Desvelando a tendência à objetivação da legislação civilista, que abandona as bases individualistas da segurança estática, serão apresentados os pressupostos teóricos do tema e as teorias do risco, o que servirá de parâmetro para o enfrentamento da tormentosa interpretação do dispositivo em exame e para a apresentação das especificidades de seu campo de incidência.
bisa menyelesaikan makalah ini, dalam kesempatan kali ini kami akan membahas tentang " Kebijakan Fiskal ". Makalah ini merupakan salah satu Ujian praktek Tengah Semesteryang diberikan oleh Dosen Kapita Selekta Ekonomi.
Sequeira da Cruz ne'ebé kuidadu ho responsabilidade eduka no motiva hau hahu hosi bebe, no enkoraja hau sai hanesan forsa vontadi ida ba hau, hodi alkansa hau-nia estudu, hahu hosi eskola Ensinu Primaria to'o iha Ensinu Superior no konsege finaliza hau kursu iha Universidade idane'e. 2. Ba hau-nia alin Patricio Clemente da Cruz, Celestino Anunciação da Cruz, Jolindo da Cruz, Celeste Lopes da Cruz, Maria de Fátima da Cruz, no alin ikun Adriano Antonio da Cruz, no mós ba Prima no Primu sira hotu Rasiva Soares, Teotonio Amaral Fernandes, Maximiano Ximenes. Familia tomak ne'ebe maka duranti ne'e sempre fó suporta ona hau ho finanseiru no korajem, domin mai hau, hodi hau bele finaliza hau-nia estudu ho susesu. 3. Ba hau-nia uma lisan "Sonaf Ma-Isa", ne'ebé akompaña no hara'ik ona matak malirin no grasa mai hau. 4. Ba familia bo'ot uma lisan "Sonaf Ma-Isa" ne'ebé duranti ne'e suporta ona hau liu hosi orasaun moral no motivasaun mai hau.
Intisari: Sport in our society is a part of common daily activity, and also is an art of competition. Various aspects involved in sport events such as human resources, buildings, investments, equipments, and anyother needs. Internal problems such as efforts to gain the best position in local, national, and international events implicate so many other problems. Beside those problems, sport develops in any scientific studies like Psychology of Sport, Politics of Sport, Law Study of Sport, etc. All of those scientific studies are dimensions in which sport requires an academic conscience in investigating philosophical foundations of sport as science.
Pada makalah ini diuraikan tentang model konseptual serious game untuk pembelajaran andragogy yang fleksibel untuk beragam materi pembelajaran. Model ini dirancang berorientasi pada arsitektur intelligent tutoring system (ITS), dan game the Sims career serta konsep enjoyment menurut teori flow. Model Expert pada ITS diadaptasi menjadi model Learning Center dan Task/Job. Student Model diadaptasi menjadi player model . Pedagogic model dinyatakan sebagai gameplay model. Sedangkan task environmet diadaptasi menjadi aktivitasdan properti dalam game. Ada aktivitas belajar, bekerja, hidup sehari-hari, dan job management. Berbeda dengan di ITS, pada serious game diperlukan tambahan model pleasure and happiness model yang berfungsi mengelola motivasi instrinsik player dalam belajar.
Corruption in Indonesia has been recognized in bweaucratic and banking level that nowadays it has entered the legislative level. Uncovered corruption cases on members of Province Legislative Assembly recently follows the implementation of Decree Number 22 Year 1999 that one of the aims is functioning and rolling the legislative assembly. Thus it requires delail evaluation on the causes of the conuption practice in the Legislative Assembly and finally finds ways to prevent such practice.
Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso , 2024
Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, 2018
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Applied Sciences
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Reformáció Öröksége
مجلة مركــــز جــــــزيرة العـــــــــرب للبحوث التــربــوية والإنسانية المجلد (2)، العدد (18): 30 سبتمبر 2023م ص: 1- 25, 2023
Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation, 2013
Reprodução & Climatério, 2014
GeoHazards, 2024
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 2004
IMAPSource Proceedings
Endocrine-related Cancer, 2018