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Electoral laws and mechanisms are, in re ipsa, the very heart of political democracies. As electoral laws define the procedural rules of the democratic principle, they primarily and indissolubly connect the principle of people's sovereignty to the legitimacy of political representation: as such, these laws fall within a highly sensitive field, in which the boundaries between the political and the legal are very blurred. This is especially true in the Italian constitutional system, wherestarting from its very beginningthe decision about the best electoral mechanism for Italy was left to the democratic and political process. For many years, legal scholars argued that there were no constitutional limits to the range of possible electoral mechanisms, and the Italian Constitutional Court has been resilient in entering in a highly political sensitive field as the electoral rules. Then, in 2014, Italian constitutional judges stepped in this political field and re-shaped the main features of the Italian electoral system. This paper deals with the most recent rulings of the Italian Constitutional Court on the constitutionality of the electoral laws (decision no.
With a single judgment (sent. 1/2014), the Italian Constitutional Court has almost revolutionized Parliamentary election law, the national political landscape, the types of controversies with which it deals, and the means through which it reviews domestic legislation. In order to do so, the Court drew from globalized concepts and levels of scrutiny such as the so-called “proportionality test,” making explicit references to foreign decisions, while downplaying the Constitutional Framers’ intention. Although this decision has brought Italy closer in line with the trends that characterize contemporary global constitutionalism, its concrete effects on Italian law and the political system are not so promising or clear. This paper investigates the explicit and implicit sources of inspiration for the decision, its hidden implications, and it resonates with globalized trends in constitutional law.
wish to thank the co-panelists and the chair, Vicky Jackson, of the 2014 Icons inaugural conference where this paper was presented. Albeit its unitary conception, Erik Longo drafted Sections 2-4.1, while Andrea Pin drafted Sections 4.2-5.2. The Introduction and the Conclusion were drafted together. They also wish to thank A.J. Bellia for his extremely helpful feedback on an earlier draft, and Felicia Caponigri. Francesca Genova's editing was terrific.
DPCE online, 2019
the constitutionality of electoral laws. Comparative analysis of these two cases should allow the development of a general conceptual framework for studying the possible role of constitutional courts in this peculiar area of the constitutional order. In so doing, it makes some general points on the growing involvement of constitutional courts in this area of the constitutional order and the related challenges.
L’engagement grandissant des institutions judiciaires dans le domaine de l’ élaboration de politiques représente un phénomène généralisé dans les démocraties occidentales. Surtout lorsque les acteurs politiques entrent dans des périodes d’ instabilité et de faibles résultats, les tribunaux interviennent d’une manière précise et de plus en plus souvent dans l’ élaboration de politiques. Cela est le cas en Italie, où le tribunal constitutionnel a souvent agi comme législateur positif au cours des deux dernières décennies. Cet article traite essentiellement de l’activité de ce tribunal entre 2008 et 2018, par le biais d’une étude de 3 536 décisions judiciaires. Les auteurs analysent les décisions du tribunal constitutionnel en tenant compte particulièrement des jugements soi-disant « manipulateurs » qui peuvent pousser à soupçonner un rôle grandissant pour le tribunal en matière de processus législatif national. Des domaines précis — comme le règlement électoral et les relations Étatré...
journal article, 2019
The period from 2013 to 2018 saw Parliament experiment with a number of different electoral systems, with several potential reforms being formally discussed and two of them being fully approved: the so-called Italicum in 2015 and the Rosatellum in 2017. These reforms were triggered by interventions of the Constitutional Court that have no precedent in established democracies. As these interventions resulted in (constrained) responses by the political elites, we argue that Italy has entered a cycle characterised by a new mode of electoral reform involving the interaction of political elites and judges. The article examines the processes that led to the adoption of the Italicum and the Rosatellum, analysing the interaction amongst the actors involved in a rather fluid political context, where the government/opposition divide was fuzzy, shifting and opaque. The article also highlights how the inadequacy both of the reasons given for these reforms, and of their content and the processes by which they were arrived at, prevented them from fully repairing the damage inflicted on electoral integrity by the pre-existing 2005 electoral law (the Porcellum), and concludes that the issue of the electoral system in Italy is far from being settled. However, we remain agnostic on whether the new political elite that emerged after the 2018 election will regain control of the process or whether the interaction between political elites and judges will continue with further judicial interventions.
Academia Medicine, 2024
Bladder injury is one of the recognized entities of the genitourinary organ system trauma. The causes are numerous, including road traffic crashes, falls from heights, gunshot injuries, and iatrogenic causes, among others. In some cases, the diagnosis may be difficult to make or missed, resulting in severe morbidity. Postoperative implant-associated bladder injury is a rare and unfamiliar etiology in our setting. This article discusses the case of a 60-year-old farmer who sustained polytrauma in a road traffic crash, including pelvic fracture and urethral distraction injury, among others. He had a pelvic implant during the initial surgical intervention as part of resuscitation or damage control surgery. However, urine started to leak from his suprapubic wound a few days after operation. This condition was persistent despite continuous bladder drainage with an indwelling urethral catheter. He subsequently had bladder re-exploration, which confirmed an anterior bladder wall perforation secondary to the dislodged pelvic implant. Bladder injury due to pelvic implant is rare, but possible. Bladder exploration is warranted and rewarding in patients with suspicion of persistent vesicocutaneous fistula following pelvic implant surgery.
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