Experimental and Applied Medical Science, 2, 3: 203 - 209, 2021. DOI 10.46871/eams.2021.25
Review Article
The Miraculous Nutrient: Human Breast Milk
Aliye Bulut1*, Elif Bayrakçı1
Islam Science and Technology University, Faculty of Health Sciences,
Department of Midwifery, Gaziantep, Turkey.
Breastfeeding gives every child the best possible start in life. It is very beneficial for both
children and mothers in terms of health, nutrition and emotionality. Moreover, it forms part
of a sustainable nutrition system. Human breast milk is the miraculous nutrition source that
contains all the nutrients needed for the normal growth, development and protection of
newborns from diseases. In addition to the benefits of human breast milk for the baby, it is
known that it has many benefits in terms of attachment, mental health, behavioural effects and
the mother in the long and short term.
Key Words: Breastfeeding, Human breast milk, Infant nutrition.
1. Introduction
Human breast milk is the most beneficial
source of nutrients in terms of nutritional,
hygienic and economic aspects compared
to other foods, and it has a very special
biological and emotional effect (1). It
contains all the nutrients needed for the
protection of newborns from diseases (2).
In the Convention on the Rights of the
Child adopted by the United Nations
General Assembly (UNGA) in 1989, it was
emphasized that "all segments of the
society should be informed about
breastfeeding, supported and provided with
educational opportunities in this field" and
"breastfeeding is the human right" (3). This
review was made to address the content of
human breast milk and to examine the
benefits of human breast milk in many
other aspects for the mother, child and the
society. Especially by drawing attention to
the importance of human breast milk in the
first six months, it will enable mothers to
be much more conscious in the postpartum
period. Therefore, the mother, baby and the
society will benefit from the benefits of
human breast milk at the highest level, thus
contributing to the realization of qualified
2. Material and Methods
The data in this review were searched
through the Cochrane Library, EMBASE
(OVID), Pub Med, Web of Science,
Google Scholar and WHO Global
databases. The keywords "Human Breast
Milk", "Breastfeeding", "Breast Milk" and
"Lactation" were used during the
3. Human Breast Milk in the History
When the historical development of the
practices related to infant nutrition was
*Corresponding author: Aliye Bulut, Tel: +90 505 817 3113, E-mail:
[email protected], ORCID ID:
A. Bulut and E. Bayrakçı
Human Breast Milk
in working life with the industrial
revolution in Europe in the 20th century
led to a decrease in the interest in
breastfeeding and the spread of untrue
practices such as social change movements
and the transformation of bottle-feeding
into the symbol of modern motherhood (5).
After the 1970s, the focus of research on
human breast milk and the increasing
number of studies until today have
emphasized that human breast milk is a
unique nutrient, and it is very important for
infant nutrition. While the rate of
breastfeeding was 24.9% in the 1970s,
today this rate has increased by 3-4 times.
This increase is undoubtedly due to the fact
that experts in various fields of science
have internalized the importance of the
benefits of breastfeeding (4). While the use
of human breast milk is increasing rapidly
in the world, the same is true for our
country. According to the Turkey
Demographic Health Survey (TDHS-2018)
conducted in our country, the breastfeeding
rate and duration were given in Figure 1
examined, it has been seen that the most
important nutrient in infant nutrition until
today has been human breast milk. It was
emphasized that in the Ebers Papyrus
(Ancient Egypt 1550 BC), one of the
historical works, the only nutrient to be
used in infant feeding is human breast milk
and that the baby should receive human
breast milk until the age of three (4,5).
Babylonians (Mesopotamia), who attached
great importance to breastfeeding, depicted
their chief god Ishtar, when she was
breastfeeding her baby. In Yakut Turks,
who believed in the sanctity of human
breast milk, we can come across the beliefs
that Ayzıt, the mother goddess, revived her
baby by giving human breast milk. Similar
beliefs have increased with the emergence
of the religion of Islam, and according to
Islam, there is a connection between the
mother's nutrition and the infant's
breastfeeding (4).
In the books written in Europe during the
Renaissance, it was stated that human
breast milk was the most ideal nutrient for
babies. However, the inclusion of women
Figure 1. The breastfeeding practices and the percentage distributions of children under 2 years old (TDHS2018).
according to the age and condition of the
baby. For example, mothers who gave
birth prematurely secrete milk suitable for
the weight of their babies, gestational week
4. Human Breast Milk in terms of
Nutritional Value
The most important feature of human
breast milk content is that it varies
A. Bulut and E. Bayrakçı
Human Breast Milk
addition, changing diet potentially
stimulates sensory development, and it
allows for better acceptance of new
nutrients and flavours (8-10).
4.1. The Content of Human Breast Milk
Human Breast milk can be examined in
two parts as nutritional content and
bioactive content (11).
4.1.1. Nutritional Content Macronutrients
Approximate amounts of protein, fat,
lactose and energy content of mature term
human breast milk were given in Table 1
and kidney solute loads (7). The difference
between the breast milk of premature and
term mothers disappears after the first
month. In the period from birth to the first
month, the content of human breast milk
(in terms of nutritional elements) varies in
accordance with the baby's digestive
system (7,8). The content of human breast
milk is complex, it contains multiple
supplements, and they vary widely. The
density of some nutrients can also differ
between women, during breastfeeding and
throughout the day (7). Changing the
content of human breast milk allows it to
adapt to meet the baby's ongoing need. In
Table 1: Content of Mature Term Breast Milk by Essential Nutrients.
0.9-1.2 g/dl
3.2-3.6 g/dl
6.7-7.8 g/dl
Energy (kcal)
65-70 kcal/dl
The Carbohydrates of Human Breast Milk
Lactose, which is the main carbohydrate
source of human breast milk, facilitates
calcium absorption, provides the necessary
energy for brain development and prevents
the growth of harmful microorganisms in
the intestine (9).
Major changes occur in the content of
human breast milk in the first month after
birth. While there may be differences
between mothers, it also varies between the
baby's gestational week, postnatal age and
the beginning of breastfeeding (9-11).
Term Milk/Premature Human Breast Milk
In the first weeks, human breast milk,
which is provided by a mother who gave a
premature birth, has a higher level of
protein, fat and sodium than term human
breast milk. The difference disappears in
the following weeks (12).
It is the milk that is secreted in the first
The Composition of Human Breast Milk
The high ratio of whey: casein (60:40),
whey proteins both facilitates digestion and
the substances that prevent infection in the
whey section that protects the baby against
the diseases. Although human breast milk
carries a lower level of protein than cow's
milk, it creates the ideal protein structure
by providing adequate tryptophan level and
appropriate amino acid storage in the
infants due to its richness of protein
content in whey protein and alphalactalbumin (12).
The Oils of Human Breast Milk
The baby's main energy source is
comprised of oils. Both the high ratio of
unsaturated fatty acids and milk lipase
make digestion easy and fast. Large
amounts of long-chain fatty acids in human
breast milk are beneficial for both brain
and eye development (10).
A. Bulut and E. Bayrakçı
Human Breast Milk
gains a fully mature milk feature in
postnatal 4th-6th weeks.
High carbohydrate milk is secreted at the
beginning of breastfeeding, and high-fat
milk is secreted at the end. It is difficult to
predict when this change occurs in the
breastfeeding process; however, what is
important is that the baby should discharge
the breast and leave the breast
spontaneously in order to provide all the
needs of the infant and to regulate the milk
secretion cycle. In this case, the infants can
take the oil-rich hindmilk (11,12). Micronutrients
The micronutrient content of breast milk
varies according to the mother's diet and
storage (such as vitamins A, B1, B2, B6,
B12, D and iodine). Since the mother's
nutrition is not always very good, multivitamin supplements are recommended to
the mother during breastfeeding. Since the
amount of vitamin K in milk is very low
regardless of maternal nutrition, 1 mg of
vitamin K should be given IM to each
newborn. However, vitamin D is also low
in breast milk, so it is recommended to
take early supplements. The iron content of
breast milk is low, and iron deficiency
anemia is rarely seen in the first 6-8
months in babies who are fed with breast
milk alone and whose umbilical cord is
clamped late, since its absorption is very
high (9). Water Content and Taste The water
content of human breast milk is high, and
there is no need to give additional water as
long as the baby is breastfed whenever he
wants, even in the hottest weather. The
taste of human breast milk differs
according to what the mother eats. These
changes in taste make it easier for the baby
to adapt to the taste of the food eaten in the
five days after birth and whose amount,
appearance and content are different. It is
yellowish in color and secreted in small
amounts. Colostrum facilitates the outflow
of meconium with its laxative and protein
degrading effect and prevents meconium
ileus. It is also described as the baby's first
vaccine (13).
• It has the antibodies and white
blood cells that protect from diseases
and allergies, Secretory IgA, lactoferrin,
macrophages. It is rich in factors that
prevent infection such as T and B
• It contains epidermal growth
factors that provide maturation of the
intestine and prevent the development
of allergies and intolerances.
• Vitamins A, D and B12, sodium
and zinc content are higher than mature
human breast milk.
• It protects against jaundice by
allowing bilirubin to be expelled from
the intestine.
• The low lactose content indicates
that its main function is immunological
and trophic, not nutritional.
• Colostrum reflects the general
structure and properties of maternal
blood. This physiological similarity is
an advantage for the newborn who is
Gradually, there are differences in the
content of milk and it reaches the grade
of mature milk within 15 days (11).
Transitional Human Breast Milk
It is the milk secreted between five days
and two weeks after the birth. Its amount is
higher than colostrum. While the protein
content decreases, the lactose, fat, and
calorie contents increase.
Mature Milk It is the milk secreted two
weeks after the birth. Human breast milk
A. Bulut and E. Bayrakçı
Human Breast Milk
gastrointestinal infection, middle ear
infection, urinary tract infection in babies
who are not breastfed, and that the
incidence and severity of late-stage
infections in preterm babies are higher (1719). In addition, according to a study, it
was reported that the prevalence of
premature retinopathy was higher in
premature babies who were fed with infant
formula instead of human breast milk (18).
Furthermore, several studies have shown
increased rates of sudden infant death
syndrome in the first year of life, as well as
diabetes mellitus in older children and
adults who were formula-fed compared to
those who were breastfed; childhood
cancers such as leukaemia, Hodgkin's
disease and lymphoma; an increase in the
incidence of obesity, asthma and high
cholesterol levels (20, 21). There is some
evidence to suggest that the breastfed
babies are not only healthy, but also tend to
be smarter. Various studies on intelligence
development in the infants have shown that
infant formula feeding is associated with
lower intelligence performance (22).
baby's family and to switch to additional
nutrients after the sixth month (14).
5. The Importance of Human Breast
Milk in terms of Infant Health
The purpose of infant nutrition is to meet
basic nutritional needs and to support
growth and development. Human breast
milk is the main food for the baby from
birth to one year old, and its importance
lasts until the age of two (15). The
organizations such as the World Health
Organization (WHO), the American
Academy of Paediatrics (AAP), and the
United Nations International Children's
Fund (UNICEF) recommend starting
breastfeeding within the first half hour
after birth and providing only breast milk
for the first six months. They also state that
it would be good to continue breastfeeding
from the first six months along with
nutritional supplements until the age of
two and above (16). According to the
American Dietetic Society, breastfeeding
during the first six months of life is the
most suitable nutrition for babies, and it is
very important for the protection of health.
In addition, breastfeeding has important
contributions to public health such as
improving and maintaining newborn
health, reducing morbidity, mortality and
health care expenditures (15, 16).
The perfection of mother's milk, which is a
unique natural food suitable for the
offspring of every living creature, is due to
the fact that it provides the growing
organism with the nutrients that are needed
with the changing content. While breast
milk contributes to the healthy growth and
development of babies, it also plays an
important role in establishing and
strengthening the bond between mother
and baby (17). The studies have shown that
bacterial meningitis, sepsis, diarrhoea,
6. The Advantages of Breastfeeding for
the Maternal Health
Feeding babies only with breast milk in the
first six months of life, continuing
breastfeeding with additional nutrients
after the sixth month and continuing
breastfeeding until the age of two provide
numerous benefits for both the baby and
the mother (23).
When skin-to-skin contact between mother
and baby is facilitated by breastfeeding, the
risk of late postpartum haemorrhage in the
mother is considerably reduced. Oxytocin
is a natural method of preventing
delivery (24). Women who have not
A. Bulut and E. Bayrakçı
Human Breast Milk
menstruated six months after birth, who do
not regularly supplement with infant
formula, who do not exceed four hours
during the daytime breastfeeding period
and six hours during the night
breastfeeding period, have a less than 2%
chance of conception (25). In addition,
mothers who breastfeed often return to
their pre-pregnancy weight faster than
mothers who do not breastfeed.
Breastfeeding has another long-term
positive effect on women's health. Women
who do not breastfeed have an increased
risk of developing both breast and ovarian
cancer later in life. From a psychological
point of view, breastfeeding also promotes
the feeling of motherhood; it is a natural
sedative for the mother and strengthens the
bond between mother and baby.
Breastfeeding mothers are more selfconfident, which also positively affects the
milk yield (21).
8. Conflict of Interest
There is no conflict of interest between the
9. Acknowledgement
No financial support was received from
any institution for the research.
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7. Conclusion
Various policies are developed in the
world and in our country regarding human
breast milk, which is so valuable.
Promoting human breast milk with the
project initiated by the Ministry of Health
and UNICEF as "Baby-Friendly Hospital"
has provided a social motivation. In
addition to all these benefits, the fact that a
nutrient equivalent to human breast milk
has not been produced until today reveals
that human breast milk is indispensable
and an excellent nutrition for the newborn.
It is recommended that pregnant women
attend the antenatal education sessions. It
is also suggested to draw attention to
human breast milk and breastfeeding in
these trainings, inform mothers about the
content and benefits of human breast milk,
and encourage them to breastfeed their
A. Bulut and E. Bayrakçı
Human Breast Milk
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