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Tulisan ini berisi tentang penggunaan prinsip algoritma Divide and Conquer untuk melakukan optimasi pada proses konversi bilangan dari bilangan desimal (basis-10) ke bilangan biner (basis-2) metode konvensional. Metode konvensional yang dimaksud adalah metode pembagian sisa seperti yang umumnya diajarkan di sekolah-sekolah, yaitu dengan membagi bilangan desimal yang ingin diubah dengan bilangan basis secara berulang. Dengan menerapakan prinsip algoritma Divide and Conquer, maka proses konversi dapat dioptimasi dengan mengurangi jumlah operasi pembagian yang harus dilakukan.
Since the advent of high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) techniques in diffusion MRI great efforts have been taken in order to reconstruct complex whitematter structures, such as crossing, branching and kissing fibers. However, even highly sophisticated fiber tracking schemes, such as probabilistic tracking, suffer from the data’s poor signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio. In this paper we present a novel regularization approach for q-ball fields, exploiting structural information within the data. We also propose a straightforward deterministic tracking algorithm, allowing delineation of even non-dominant pathways through crossing regions. Results from a phantom study with a biological phantom as well as a patient study, in which we reconstruct a part of the pyramidal tract, emphasize the method’s efficiency. KeywordsHARDI-ODF-Regularization-Fiber Tracking
Anesthesiology, 2007
Background: Reversal of rocuronium-induced neuromuscular blockade can be accomplished by chemical encapsulation of rocuronium by sugammadex, a modified ␥-cyclodextrin derivative. This study investigated the efficacy and safety of sugammadex in reversing rocuronium-induced profound neuromuscular blockade at 5 min in American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status I and II patients.
Urban contexts are widely conceived as inherently violent due to their putatively disorderly nature. Such a conception of violence effectively conceives it as singular and fundamentally destructive, neither of which necessarily hold universally true. Drawing on Benjamin's 'Critique of Violence' and the life history of Bismarck, a former gang member turned drug dealer turned property entrepreneur living in a poor neighbourhood in Managua, Nicaragua, this article highlights how different forms of urban violence interrelate with each other over time, and how they shape an individual's urban experience and environment. In doing so, it underscores how urban violence is not a singular phenomenon, how it intertwines with a range of urban social processes, and how it is often socially constitutive rather than destructive. Seen from this perspective, the key question to ask is less to what extent violence is a hallmark of urban contexts but rather how different articulations of violence emerge in cities, and why it is that they can play such contrasting roles in the constitution of urban life.
Epidemiologia E Prevenzione, 2009
The study area includes the Municipalities of Gela, Niscemi and Butera located in the South of Sicily, Italy. In 1990 it was declared Area at High Risk of Environmental Crisis. In 2000 part of it was designated as Gela Reclamation Site of National Interest, RSNI. The site includes a private industrial area, public and marine areas, for a total of 51 km(2). Gela populationin 2008 was 77,145 (54,774 in 1961). Sea level:46 m. Total area: 276 km(2). Grid reference: 37 degrees 4' 0" N, 14 degrees 15' 0" E. Niscemi and Butera are located border to Gela. Populations are respectively 26,541 and 5,063. Sea level respectively: 332 m and 402 m. Close to the city of Gela, the industrial area, operating since 1962, includes chemical production plants, a power station and an oil refinery plant, one of the larger in Europe, refining 5 millions tons of crude per year. From the beginning the workforces decreased from 7,000 to the current 3,000 units. Over the years, these industrial activities have been a major source of environmental pollution. Extremely high levels of toxic, persistent and bio-accumulating chemical pollutants have been documented. Many relevant environmental and health data are available. Prior to the studies described in the present publication, their use in order to identify environmental pressures on health has been limited. Nevertheless, since several years different epidemiological studies have provided evidence of the occurrence of health outcomes significantly higher than in neighbouring areas and compared to regional data. In 2007 a Multidisciplinary Working Group has been established, to analyze the existing data on pollution-exposure-effect and to complete current knowledge on the cycle of pollutants, from migration in the environment to health impact. The present publication is a collection of contribution of this group of experts, supported by the following projects: Evaluation of environmental health impact and estimation of economic costs at of National Interest Remediation Sites coordinated by the Italian National Institute of Health on behalf of the Ministry for the Environment and Technical Assistance of WHO Health and Environment Centre to the Sicilian Region to develop plans for environmental remediation. Results describe the state of contamination of a variety of environmental matrices in the area. Other contributions are addressed to understanding action mechanisms of main pollutants and their environmental pathways, as well as to identifying crucial knowledge to be used for studying the environment-health relations. A specific attention has been paid to pollutants migration in the environment and to the potential exposure of the population. Appropriate markers of exposure and physiological changes are described and referred to the chemical substances identified in the environment in Gela. Details are given about the genotoxic and endocrine disrupting potential, and about the potential association between markers of exposure and diseases observed in excess in the same area. Indications to develop specific biomarkers for Index Substances and human biomonitoring surveys for populations exposed to environmental risk are presented and discussed. A specific multiple-exposure risk assessment procedure is proposed for Index Substances. Epidemiological studies useful to describe the health status of Gela population are summarized. One report deals with the occupational and residential analyses of male petrochemical workers, born in Sicily, employed from 1960 to the end of 1993, followed up for mortality from 1960 to 2002. Major findings were amarked healthy worker effect and an increased lung cancer risk for residence in Gela. The analyses of death certificates from 1995 to 2002 and of hospital discharge records from 2001 to 2007 confirm the potentialities of these current statistics for ecological studies: they depict the poor health conditions of Gela residents compared to other neighbouring municipalities in a 40-km range. Infact, the overall mortality rate for tumor and non-tumor causes in Gela is significantly higher for both sexes, and this is shown also in the Municipality of Niscemi, especially among the male population. Hospital discharge records for tumor causes, but especially for non-tumor ones, exceeded expectations in both genders and must be analysed taking into consideration the attraction exerted on the surrounding areas by the Gela hospital. Data analysis according to 5 ten-year birth cohorts, from 1915 to 1964, shows a decreasing mortality trend, whereas the increase of hospital admissions is confirmed in the younger generations. The issue of birth defects is recurrent in this area: a suitable register is lacking so that updated figures cannot be presented. However, data previously published showed excesses of prevalence rates of several specific birth defects, mainly urinary tract and genital anomalies. The same is worth in the incidence of new cancer cases since the development of a proper register is yet in progress. Tools and methodologies that should be applied in Gela to study environment-health relations are proposed, like Life Cycle Analysis, dispersion patterns and an air-quality monitoring system. A conceptual model considering all pollution sources and different exposure patterns present in Gela, developed by the Multidisciplinary Working Group, is presented. Among the activities carried out by regional authorities, two Reports on the Regional Environment Protection Agency monitoring activity and on the EU Program SEARCH, School Environment And Respiratory Health in Children, are included. A section is devoted to understanding what is necessary to build an epidemiological monitoring system specifically designed for this area, in order to keep under permanent control environment-related health outcomes. This includes a systematic and continuative collection, storage and analysis of environmental-induced diseases, exposure and risk factors, as well as a timely dissemination of those information to the decision-makers. The final article describes the research activities carried out to design and implement a human biomonitoring survey in the area. These activities included relation-building with local communities, information collection, meetings, involvement of stake-holders. This experience will reach its climax when the community-exposure data feedback will be provided, because it will mark the consolidation of present knowledge and its possible processing into public health action plans. The present publication can represent an important tool and a model for all interest-bearers to assess environmental pollution impacts on human health in contaminated areas. A local system to assess the relation between environmental pollution and population health is therefore urgently needed to provide risk managers with ad-hoc tools to improve environmental protection and prevent further risks for local communities.
Engineering Structures, 2013
Reinforced-concrete frames with masonry wall infill, ''framed-masonry'', is a composite structural system proven to be effective and efficient in the case of in plane horizontal excitations. Its behaviour depends on mechanical characteristics of its components but its performance is different than the sum of its components. Modelling and seismic design verifications of ''framed-masonry'' system that embraces all of the important aspects of behaviour, failure mechanism, shear strength and deformation capacity, are required. In this work we have tried to put the ''frame-masonry'' composite as a full-fledged building element whose performance could be determined quantitatively on the basis of data obtained from the performed tests. Frame-masonry composite was analyzed using neural networks trained on the experimental database that contains results of 113 published tests of one-story one-bay masonry infilled frames. In order to reduce the dimensionality of input data and achieve better performance of neural network, dimensionality reduction techniques: Principal Component Analysis, Forward stepwise sensitivity analysis and dimensionless modelling parameter approach were applied. A multilayered back propagation neural network with adaptive weight function was applied and the optimal network topology, for each required output value, was been chosen. The obtained results indicated that neural network, trained on the database, could be used for predicting the seismic behaviour of framed-masonry structural elements, with limitation of inputs according to the statistical range of input data. Sensitivity analysis of the important factors that affect the performance indicated that the most important ones were height/ length ratio (a), material properties of masonry infill and frame (fk, fck), reinforcement ratio of columns (rc) and the amount of vertical loading (N).
In opdracht van de gemeente Beuningen heeft RAAP tussen 10 en 21 oktober 2016 een archeologische opgraving uitgevoerd in verband met de aanleg van een nieuwe weg, Hekkeslag, in de nieuwbouwwijk Keizershoeve in Ewijk in de gemeente Beuningen. Tijdens dit onderzoek zijn delen van een nederzetting uit de late prehistorie in kaart gebracht. Het gaat om de resten van twee zogenaamde woonstalhuizen en twee spiekers uit de midden bronstijd. De gebouwen bevonden zich op een hogere oeverwal langs de laagte van een ten tijde van de bewoning (grotendeels) verlande restgeul. Vermoedelijk resteerde hiervan alleen nog een natte depressie die gebruikt werd voor het putten van water (afgaande op de vele waterkuilen die op een dieper niveau in de geul zijn aangetroffen). Beide huisplattegronden kunnen op basis van 14C-dateringen in dezelfde periode worden gedateerd, maar zullen hoogstwaarschijnlijk niet tegelijkertijd hebben bestaan. Het is echter wel heel goed mogelijk dat beide huizen opeenvolgend zijn gebouwd. De huizen zijn qua bouw goed vergelijkbaar met huizen van andere vindplaatsen in het rivierengebied die uit dezelfde periode stammen. Binnen en rondom de huisplattegronden zijn - naast de reeds genoemde waterkuilen - verscheidene kuilen gevonden die op basis van hun vorm als silokuilen kunnen worden geïnterpreteerd. Deze worden veelal gezien als voorraadkuilen. In dergelijke ondergrondse opslagplaatsen heerste vermoedelijk een vrij constante temperatuur en luchtvochtigheid, wat het mogelijk maakte om voedsel, veevoer of bijvoorbeeld zaaigoed enige tijd goed te houden. Het gevonden aardewerkspectrum en het vuursteenassemblage is typerend voor dergelijke vindplaatsen uit de midden bronstijd. Opvallend veel scherven zijn flink verweerd en hebben afgeronde breukvlakken en oppervlaktes. Dit suggereert dat een groot deel van het materiaal eerst sterk blootgesteld is geweest aan weer en wind, alvorens het in een kuil werd gedumpt. Analyse van het matig geconserveerde dierlijk botmateriaal levert niet meer op dan een bescheiden kijk op de voedseleconomie van de bewoners van de nederzetting. De veestapel bestond uit runderen, schapen/geiten, varkens en paarden. Daarnaast liepen er honden rond op het erf en werd er door de bewoners (sporadisch) gejaagd, in ieder geval op edelhert. Bijzonder is een zogenaamde bronzen Rollenkopfnadel uit een waterkuil. Dergelijke naalden kunnen hebben gediend als kledingversiering of mogelijk hebben gefunctioneerd als naainaald. Of deze naald bewust in de kuil is gedeponeerd, is niet te achterhalen. Tussen de resten uit de midden bronstijd zijn in een beperkt aantal sporen vondsten gedaan die erop duiden dat direct buiten het opgegraven areaal al in het midden neolithicum bewoning heeft plaatsgevonden. Sporen van deze bewoning bestaan binnen het plangbied uit niet meer dan enkele kuilen; van gebouwplattegronden zijn geen resten gevonden. Wel zijn tientallen vondsten gedaan, bestaande uit vuurstenen werktuigen en aardewerk die er op dat duiden dat de bewoning kan worden toegeschreven aan de zogenaamde Vlaardingencultuur. Het in kleine aantallen gevonden botmateriaal lijkt uit te wijzen dat de bewoners van deze nederzetting zich meer hebben toegelegd op het boerenbestaan dan op de jacht. Tenslotte zijn in het oostelijke deel van het onderzoeksgebied verschillende sporen gevonden die op basis van het vondstmateriaal en het stratigrafisch ingravingsniveau in de middeleeuwen of nieuwe tijd worden gedateerd. Het gaat om drie greppels en een aantal losse paalkuilen. De greppels zijn in het midden van en parallel aan de geul gegraven en zullen zijn bedoeld om het natte land te ontwateren om het geschikt te maken voor akker- en landbouw. Op basis van de datering van het vondstmateriaal zullen de greppels in de loop van de late middeleeuwen B zijn aangelegd en tot in de nieuwe tijd in gebruik zijn gebleven
Abstract–Since the initial discovery of anomalous increases in the thermal conductivity of particle-fluid suspensions (nanofluids), they have become the topic of much research. Other potentially useful properties of nanofluids have also been studied extensively, yet our fundamental understanding of the mechanisms which create these exciting and promising properties is limited. This lack of understanding places limits on the applicability of nanofluids and our ability to accurately model them. As a consequence, further experimental and numerical research is needed that will help to develop better understanding of nanofluid flows and their heat transfer properties. One of the first theoretical investigations regarding the effective thermal conductivity of particle-fluid suspensions was conducted by Maxwell as early as 1873 [1] : Unfortunately, the resulting empirical expression (equation 1) has been found
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Revista Tríade, 2021
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Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2021
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Current Psychology, 2024
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