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RNA helicases in splicing
Article in RNA biology · December 2012
DOI: 10.4161/rna.22547 · Source: PubMed
2 authors:
Olivier Cordin
Jean D Beggs
Paris Diderot University
The University of Edinburgh
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RNA Biology 10:1, 1–13; January 2013; © 2013 Landes Bioscience
RNA helicases in splicing
Olivier Cordin1,† and Jean D. Beggs1,*
Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology; University of Edinburgh; Edinburgh UK
This manuscript has been published online, prior to printing. Once the issue is complete and page numbers have been assigned, the citation will change accordingly.
Current Ailiation: CNRS UPR9073; Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique; Paris, France
Keywords: DExD/H helicase, DEAD-box, DEAH-box, protein partners, ATPase
Abbreviations: 3'SS, 3' splice site; 5'SS, 5' splice site; aa, amino acid; BS, branch site; CBC, Cap Binding Complex; DUF, Domain
of Unknown Function; NTC, NineTeen Complex; OB-fold, oligosaccharide binding fold; pre-mRNA, precursor messenger RNA;
pre-rRNA, pre-ribosomal RNA; RNP, ribonucleoprotein complex; SF2, superfamily 2; snRNP, small nuclear RNP; snoRNA small
nucleolar RNP; SR, serine-arginine; WH, winged helix
In eukaryotic cells, introns are spliced from pre-mRNAs by
the spliceosome. Both the composition and the structure of
the spliceosome are highly dynamic, and eight DExD/H RNA
helicases play essential roles in controlling conformational
rearrangements. There is evidence that the various helicases
are functionally and physically connected with each other and
with many other factors in the spliceosome. Understanding
the dynamics of those interactions is essential to comprehend
the mechanism and regulation of normal as well as of
pathological splicing. This review focuses on recent advances
in the characterization of the splicing helicases and their
interactions, and highlights the deep integration of splicing
helicases in global mRNP biogenesis pathways.
Pre-mRNA Splicing
Most eukaryotic precursor mRNAs (pre-mRNAs) contain
introns that must be removed by RNA splicing to produce
mature mRNAs. This is achieved in the spliceosome, a large
and extremely dynamic ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex (for
recent reviews, see refs. 1,2). The spliceosome is highly conserved
from yeast to human, with 85% of yeast splicing factors having
an identified human ortholog. However, the human spliceosome
contains about twice as many splicing factors as does the spliceosome of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (approximately 170 and 90 respectively),3-5 likely reflecting the prevalence
of alternative splicing mechanisms in higher eukaryotes. Thus, S.
cerevisiae might be considered to have a minimal spliceosome.3
Nevertheless, splicing in budding yeast is subject to regulation.6
Introns are identified by short sequences at the 5' splice site
(5'SS), the branch site (BS) and the 3' splice site (3'SS). In budding yeast, these adhere quite closely to consensus sequences
but are more varied in metazoans, where additional cis-acting
elements and trans-acting factors affect splice site choice. RNA
splicing must be highly accurate in order to join the coding exons
correctly, and mechanisms exist to check the fidelity of splicing
*Correspondence to: Jean D. Beggs; Email:
[email protected]
Submitted: 08/07/12; Revised: 10/11/12; Accepted: 10/13/12
and to promote the discard and degradation of aberrant intermediates and products of splicing (proofreading see below). Among
the many splicing factors, RNA helicases have been identified as
important regulators of splicing, implicated in promoting conformational rearrangements as well as ensuring that only appropriate substrates proceed through the splicing reactions. These roles
likely involve checking the configuration of the catalytic center of
the spliceosome at each stage.
Spliceosome assembly is an ordered process in which the U1,
U2, U4/U6 and U5 small nuclear RNPs (snRNPs) and nonsnRNP splicing factors interact with the substrate pre-mRNA
and with each other, defining the intron splice sites and the BS
(reviewed in refs. 1,2,7). In the commonly accepted step-wise
model of spliceosome assembly that was defined mainly from in
vitro studies (Fig. 1), the 5'SS is first recognized by the U1 snRNP
and the BS by the SF1/BBP and U2AF proteins (Msl5 and Mud2
in yeast) that form the commitment complex (complex E). The
U2 snRNP then associates with the BS, leading to formation of
the pre-spliceosome, or complex A. Complex A is converted to
complex B by addition of the U4/U6 and U5 snRNPs in the form
of a pre-assembled tri-snRNP particle. Within the tri-snRNP the
U4 and U6 snRNAs are base-paired via two regions of sequence
complementarity, but are unwound in the spliceosome during a
major reorganization that displaces the U1 and U4 snRNPs. At
this point, the multi-protein 19-complex (NTC) joins the spliceosome to form the almost complete, but still inactive, complex
Bact. The ATP dependent activation of the spliceosome (complex
B*) precedes the first catalytic step of splicing. As a consequence
of the first step, complex C is formed. This is reorganized again
to perform the second reaction. Finally the spliceosome is dissociated and the products of splicing, i.e., the spliced mRNA and
the excised intron, are released and either processed further and
exported to the cytoplasm, or degraded.
Although splicing has long been known to involve two transesterification reactions, the precise chemistry and the structural
changes that occur within the spliceosome before, during and
after catalysis are still the subject of intense study. During the
first reaction, the 2'hydroxyl moiety of a conserved adenosine (the
BS adenosine), located toward the 3' end of the intron, attacks
the 5'SS, cleaving the phosphodiester bond. This produces two
RNA Biology
Figure 1. RNA helicases in the spliceosome assembly/disassembly pathway. The order of assembly of U snRNPs and the steps of association and activity of helicases are shown on a transcript containing a single intron. Names of complexes refer to the human nomenclature.
intermediates, the 5' exon and the intron-3' exon, in which the
guanosine at the 5' end of the intron is covalently attached via
a 2'-5' phosphodiester bond to the BS adenosine, forming a
branched or lariat configuration. In the second catalytic step the
3' hydroxyl group of the 5' exon attacks the 3'SS, joining the
exons and excising the intron in lariat form. The spliceosome
has only one active site for both trans-esterification reactions.
Thus reorganization of the catalytic center must occur between
the two reactions, such that the products of the first reaction are
repositioned as substrates for the second reaction.
Most early studies of the mechanism of splicing were performed with a few model substrates in vitro or using a small
number of reporter constructs in vivo,8-10 and the influence of
transcription and other cellular processes on splicing was largely
ignored. However, it is apparent that splicing factors can have
distinct effects with different pre-mRNAs,11 and that other pathways of RNA metabolism can affect splicing.12-14 Therefore we
conclude this review with a summary of links between splicing
helicases and other RNA metabolic processes.
RNA Helicase Families and Mechanisms
Eight RNA helicases are required for pre-mRNA splicing in all
eukaryotes (Fig. 1).15 They all belong to the superfamily 2 (SF2) of
helicases16 that are characterized by the presence of two RecA-like
domains and variable amino and/or carboxy terminal extensions.
SF2 helicases generally function as monomers but some act as
homo-dimers.17,18 They share conserved motifs (Fig. 2) involved
in NTP (usually ATP) binding and hydrolysis, and nucleic acid
interaction. Motif III is involved in communicating between the
motifs for nucleotide and nucleic acid binding. Other motifs are
responsible for differences in activity observed between families.
For example, among the eight spliceosomal RNA helicases, three
(Prp5, Sub2 and Prp28) belong to the DEAD-box family, four
(Prp2, Prp16, Prp22 and Prp43) to the DEAH-box family and
one (Brr2) to the Ski-2 like family (Fig. 2) (reviewed in ref. 15).
DEAD-box helicases. DEAD-box RNA helicases are found
in nearly every organism.19 They are exclusively ATP specific with
ATP hydrolysis usually being stimulated by RNA. Although
commonly referred to as helicases, DEAD-box proteins are
poor unwindases and might appropriately be considered ATPdependent RNA binding proteins. DEAD-box proteins can bind
a single strand of RNA, regardless of whether it is engaged in
a duplex or not. Upon ATP binding, the helicase undergoes a
conformational change, resulting in local physical constraint that
destabilizes the structure of the bound RNA. In some cases the
substrate can be a protein bound to the RNA. Additionally, some
DEAD-box helicases possess bona fide RNA annealing activity.20
These properties suggest that DEAD-box proteins could be efficient ATP-dependent switches. The three DEAD-box helicases
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Volume 10 Issue 1
Figure 2. Splicing helicases belong to three distinct families. Primary sequence alignment of S. cerevisiae helicases from the DEAD-box (A), DEAH-box
(B) and Ski2-like (C) families involved in pre-mRNA splicing. Black and gray blocks represent the conserved regions within each family. The lines in the
amino-termini of DEAH-box helicases indicate the lack of conserved sequences in this region. The positions of the conserved motifs are indicated by
vertical rectangles. For DEAH-box and Ski2-like helicases, a downward triangle indicates the position of the β-hairpin proposed to act as a strand separator. Dashed boxes indicate the conserved domains in the carboxy-termini of DEAH-box proteins and in the two helicase modules of the Ski2-like Brr2
helicase. For clarity of the igure we refer to the old nomenclature for conserved motifs19 although a new nomenclature has been proposed.17
involved in splicing share a high degree of conservation in their
core domains, whereas their amino- and carboxy-termini are
poorly conserved (Fig. 2A). In higher eukaryotes, the amino termini of Prp5 and Prp28 contain serine-arginine (SR) repeats. SR
repeats are commonly found in RNA splicing factors involved in
alternative splicing21-23 where they participate in protein or RNA
DEAH-box helicases. Yeast DEAH-box helicases possess an
extremely well conserved core domain that contains the common
SF2 motifs, except for the Q-motif that confers ATP specificity (Fig. 2B), and conservation extends to the carboxy terminus. All possess a similar organization, that includes a conserved
β-hairpin (5'HP) in their core domain, a winged helix (WH)
domain, a ratchet domain involved in RNA binding and RNA
translocation during duplex unwinding, and a DUF1605 domain
(Domain of Unknown Function) that adopts the Oligosaccharide
Binding fold (OB-fold)24-27 (Fig. 2B). Unlike DEAD-box and
Ski2-like helicases, DEAH-box helicases can bind and hydrolyse any NTP (or dNTP) in vitro,15 although such substrate
promiscuity may not be relevant in vivo. The conserved 5'HP
and the DUF1605 domain participate in the control of the RNA
binding and unwinding activities. The presence of these structures implies that DEAH-box helicases require a single-stranded
region in the substrate on which to load. These domains also
confer polarity and a certain degree of processivity to those helicases. Of six DEAH-box helicases in S. cerevisiae, three, Prp2,
Prp16 and Prp22, participate specifically in pre-mRNA splicing,
while Prp43 is necessary for both pre-mRNA splicing and rRNA
Their extensive sequence conservation suggests a common
mechanism of action and similar mode of regulation. In the spliceosome, the ATPase activity of both Prp2 and Prp43 is activated
by G-patch proteins, Spp2 and Spp382, respectively.5,26,28,29 For its
role in rRNA processing, Prp43 is stimulated by another G-patch
protein, Pfa1.26 The G-patch proteins mediate regulation through
interaction with the OB-fold domain of DEAH-box helicases.25
Although very similar, the primary sequences of OB-fold domains
of splicing helicases show clear differences that might account
for partner-specific binding. In S. cerevisiae, no G-patch protein
has been found associated with Prp16 or Prp22, although human
Prp16 could be a target of GPNOW30 (the ortholog of Spp2, that
also interacts with hPrp2). The N-terminal domains of DEAHbox splicing helicases differ greatly in both primary sequence and
length (from 84 amino acids for Prp43 to 475 amino acids for
Prp22) (Fig. 2B) and little is known about their function. A PWI
domain has been predicted in the N-terminus of human Prp2,
but is absent in the S. cerevisiae ortholog.31 In all splicing DEAHbox helicases a large portion of the N-terminus can be deleted
without altering the function of the protein in vivo.31-37
Ski2-like helicases. Brr2 is the only Ski2-like helicase involved
in pre-mRNA splicing (reviewed in ref. 18). Ski2-like helicases
share structural features with both DEAD- and DEAH-box
RNA Biology
helicases (reviewed in ref. 15). They possess a version of the
Q-motif,15 which is also present in DEAD-box RNA helicases,
and a putative strand separator, the 5'HP located between motifs
V and VI, also found in DEAH-box helicases.
Brr2 is unusual, in that it possesses two Ski2-like helicase
modules, each of which comprises a Ski2-like helicase domain
connected to a Sec63 domain through a structurally versatile
WH domain (Fig. 2C). Only the N-terminal module has ATP
hydrolysis and RNA unwinding activities in vitro,38 and it alone
interacts with RNA in vivo.39 The sequence of the second module is divergent and appears to have a protein interaction function rather than the canonical RNA helicase function.40,,41 The
N-terminal module starts with a domain of unknown function
(aa. 1–474 in budding yeast) that is essential in vivo (Turner,
I.A. and Newman, A., personal communication). Interestingly it
includes a PWI domain (aa. 258–338) that could participate in
RNA binding.31 Determination of the structure of the C-terminal
WH-Sec63 domains42,43 highlighted the presence of three conserved sub-domains40 that strongly resemble the C-terminal
domain of the Ski2-like DNA helicase Hel308.44-46 The Sec63
domain itself includes a ratchet domain found in all Ski2-like
and DEAH-box helicases,15 followed by a short α-helical domain,
which may provide flexibility to the Sec63 domain. Finally a
fibronectin-like domain, rich in β-strands, interacts strongly
with the other two domains. Altogether the Sec63 domain of
Brr2 is likely to function in regulation of substrate binding by the
helicase domain. A crystal structure of nearly full-length human
Brr2 (residues 395–2129) was recently reported.38 The structure
confirmed the modular organization of Brr2 and, notably, the
contribution of the first Sec63 domain to the formation of a tunnel in which RNA can bind and be translocated during unwinding. The second helicase domain and the second Sec63 domain
form a similar tunnel, although negatively charged residues likely
prevent RNA binding. It is proposed that the second helicase
module has retained its capacity to bind ATP but not to hydrolyse it. The crystal structure reveals physical contacts between
the RecA-1 domain of the N-terminal helicase module and the
RecA-2 domain of the C-terminal helicase module, and a mutation within the carboxy terminal ATP-binding motif I reduced
U4/U6 unwinding by the N-terminal helicase domain in vitro.
Furthermore, the N-terminal ATPase activity was found to be
enhanced in the presence of the C-terminal cassette.
Helicases in the Spliceosome
Sub2. Two RNA helicases, Sub2 (yeast)/UAP56 (human) and
Prp5 participate in the recognition of the BS sequence by U2
snRNP during the formation of the pre-spliceosome (Fig. 1).
UAP56 (Fig. 3A) was originally identified in humans as an interactor of U2AF65.47 In vivo, Mud2 and Msl5 form a heterodimer and physically interact with U1 snRNP proteins, but not
with U2 snRNP proteins, linking the recognition of the 5'SS by
the U1 snRNP with recognition of the branch-site by Msl5.48
The heterodimer Mud2/Msl5 is proposed to recruit ATP-bound
Sub2/UAP56 at, or close to, the BS. Subsequently ATP hydrolysis by Sub2 triggers release of Msl5, leaving Mud2 associated
with Sub2/UAP56, and allowing access for U2 snRNP factors
and U2 snRNA.49 The mechanism by which Sub2/UAP56 exerts
its function is unclear; whether displacement of protein from an
RNA or modulation of the Mud2/Msl5 protein interaction. The
effects of mutations in motifs I and II of Sub2/UAP56 highlighted the need for ATP binding/hydrolysis but not unwinding
for pre-spliceosome formation.49 Although Sub2/UAP56 is essential for yeast viability in normal conditions, it is dispensable when
MUD2 or MSL5 is deleted.50 Therefore biochemical and genetic
results are in good agreement.49
Recombinant Sub2/UAP56 can interact with U4 and U6
snRNAs in vivo and in vitro, and was proposed to play a role
in unwinding the U4/U6 duplex in HeLa cell nuclear extracts.49
However, the significance of this is unclear, as Brr2 was shown to
perform this function (see below, and refs. 40, 51, 52). In addition to a role in pre-mRNA splicing, the Sub2/UAP56 DEADbox RNA helicase is implicated in Pol II transcription regulation,
mRNA transport and localization, and the control of cancer and
virus expression.49,53-58
Prp5. The ATPase activity of Prp5 is necessary to facilitate
and proof-read the interaction of U2 snRNP with the BS. Prp5
interacts genetically with several U2 snRNP factors, including
Hsh155, Cus1 and Cus2 (Fig. 3B)59-61 and several U2 snRNA
mutations are suppressed by mutations in PRP5.62 The U2
snRNP-associated factor Cus2 was proposed to promote or stabilize a conformation in the U2 snRNA that is favorable for association of the SF3a and SF3b proteins prior to interaction of the U2
snRNA with pre-mRNA.62 Interestingly, when Cus2 is deleted,
pre-spliceosome formation can proceed in the absence of ATP in
vitro, although the presence of Prp5 is still required. Conversely,
when recombinant Cus2 is added back to the extract, the ATP
dependence is restored.59 Prp5 could promote the displacement of
Cus2 from the U2 snRNA, while helping to stabilize U2 snRNA
in the stem IIa conformation.59,63
In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, SpPrp5 associates with the U1
snRNP by directly interacting with Rsd1, mediated by the SR-like
domains of each protein.64 The U1 snRNP proteins Snu71 and
U1A, and the SF3b subunits of the U2 snRNP also co-purified
with SpPrp5.64 In contrast, the budding yeast Prp5 does not possess SR repeats and no Rsd1 ortholog is known. Thus, although
the splicing machinery is highly conserved, organism-specific
interactions are also found.
Prp28. Following the selection and recognition of the 5'SS
and the BS, the tri-snRNP joins the pre-spliceosome to form the
transient complex B.1 Unwinding of U4/U6 leads to a major reorganization of the spliceosome, with the displacement of the U1
and U4 snRNPs and addition of spliceosome activation factors
converting it to the Bact complex (Fig. 1). Displacing U4 allows
U6 snRNA to base pair with the 5'SS (following U1 snRNP displacement) and with the U2 snRNA, contributing to the formation of the catalytic center.
Two RNA helicases, Prp28p (Fig. 3C) and Brr2 (Fig. 3D),
play crucial roles in these rearrangements.1 Prp28, the third
consecutive DEAD-box helicase to participate in spliceosome
formation, was identified in a screen for cold-sensitive splicing
mutants. Prp28 was initially proposed to be necessary for U4/
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Volume 10 Issue 1
RNA Biology
Figure 3. Cytoscape ( representation of the interactome of S. cerevisiae splicing helicases. Splicing interactomes of (A) Sub2;
(B) Prp5; (C) Prp28; (D) Brr2; (E) Prp2; (F) Prp16; (G) Prp22; (H) Prp43. The list of interactors was obtained from biogrid ( Only splicing factors are shown, grouped as in ref. 1. Colored shapes indicate sub-complex associations of splicing factors. Connectors are colored according to
the experimental system used: blue lines represent ainity-capture followed by identiication of the prey by mass spectrometry or western blotting,
dashed purple lines represent co-fractionation or co-puriication experiments, dashed green lines represent genetic interactions and sinusoidal red
lines represent yeast two-hybrid interactions.
U6 unwinding,65,66 but was later shown to be required for dissociation of the U1 snRNA/5'SS base-pairing interaction.67 The
requirement for Prp28 can be bypassed by mutations in the U1
snRNP proteins U1C, Prp42 or Snu71, the cap-binding protein Cbp80 or Ynl187 that weakens the U1/5'SS interaction,68,69
suggesting that Prp28 may destabilize the U1 snRNA/5'SS
interaction indirectly, by displacing proteins that stabilize it.68
Although Prp28 interacts genetically with two other U1 snRNP
proteins, Nam8 and Mud1, mutation or deletion of these factors
does not bypass Prp28.69 Therefore, the destabilizing effect of
Prp28 may be limited to a fraction of the U1 snRNP that contacts the 5'SS.69
The replacement of U1 snRNA by U6 snRNA at the 5'SS is
tightly coupled. Mutations that strengthen the U6:5'SS interaction relieve the defect caused by mutations that hyper-stabilize
U1:5'SS,67 indicating an equilibrium between a “pre-spliceosome-5'SS” and a “complex B-5'SS.” Compatible with this, Prp28
interacted in large scale genetic screens with components of the
U6 snRNP as well as with U5 snRNP (Fig. 3C).70-72 Thus Prp28
may proof-read the 5'SS based on the relative stability of its interactions with the U1 and U6 snRNAs.67
The N-terminal extension of the human ortholog of Prp28
has SR repeats that are targets of the SRPK2 kinase,73 and the
phosphorylation status of Prp28 impacts the stable recruitment of
the tri-snRNP and complex B formation, suggesting a potential
regulatory mechanism.73
Brr2. Brr2 is generally accepted to be responsible for U4/U6
unwinding,40 although this activity of Brr2 appears to be functionally linked to Prp28 and Sub2/UAP5649 in vivo (see above).
Brr2 is a component of the U5 snRNP, within which it contacts
Prp8 and the GTPase Snu114, as visualized by cryo-electronmicroscopy.74 Brr2 associates with the U5 snRNP in a late maturation event of this particle75 that is coupled with the release of
the chaperone-like protein, Aar2.75 Two recent studies showed
that Brr2 loads onto the single stranded region of U4 located
upstream of U4/U6 helix I and it was proposed to translocate 3' to
5' along the single stranded RNA to reach its duplexed target.39,76
Interestingly the RNase H domain of Prp8 binds the same region
of U4 and prevents Brr2 loading there.76 Unwinding of the U4/
U6 duplex by Brr2 in vitro is stimulated by a C-terminal region
of Prp8 that contains the conserved RNase H and the ubiquitinbinding Jab1/MPN domains.42,43,77 The ubiquitination status of
Prp8 and the GDP/GTP bound state of Snu114 can also regulate
the unwinding of U4/U6 by Brr2 in vivo.71,78-80 Mutations that
alter the interaction between Brr2 and Prp8 also reduce U4/U6
unwinding in vivo and in vitro.71 Interestingly, in humans some
of these mutations cause retinal degeneration and blindness.81,82
It is unclear how essential and ubiquitous splicing factors can be
responsible for a tissue-specific disorder.
A large body of results recently shed light on Brr2 structure
and function. In addition to its association with U5 snRNP, Brr2
interacts genetically and physically with most spliceosomal subcomplexes (Fig. 3D), including components of U4/U6 snRNP,
U1 snRNP and U2 snRNP.71,83-88 Brr2 was also proposed to be
responsible for U2:U6 dissociation during spliceosome disassembly.79 In two-hybrid experiments the C-terminal domains
of Brr2 interact with Prp2 and Prp16, and Brr2 was proposed
to act as a receptor for these helicases at the catalytic center of
the spliceosome.41 Being present at the heart of the spliceosome,
Brr2 could exert the dual functions of a helicase and a proteinprotein interaction platform, thereby participating in the control
of the progression of the splicing reaction through the sequential interaction of its partners with its C-terminal domain.41-43,77
Furthermore, the use of a brr2 mutant, brr2-G858R, in combination with UV cross-linking and sequencing has recently revealed
a new function for Brr2, driving conformational rearrangements
at the catalytic center of the spliceosome that lead to competence
for the second step of splicing.39
Prp2. Prp2 (Fig. 3E) joins the Bact complex along with Spp2
and is required for activation of the spliceosome prior to the first
transesterification reaction. Spp2 is a member of the G-patch
protein family that contains a glycine-rich domain. Spp2 is necessary for the recruitment and the function of Prp2,28,29 although
it is not known how Spp2 affects Prp2 activity. The exact role of
Prp2 is also unclear and its direct target is unknown, although
an ATP-dependant conformational rearrangement promoted by
Prp2 leads to destabilization of SF3a and SF3b proteins from the
BS.5,89 Prp2 activity may therefore contribute to positioning the
branch-site adenosine for nucleophilic attack on the 5'SS.
Cwc22, which is loosely associated with the NTC, contributes
to destabilization of the SF3a/b proteins.90 In absence of Cwc22,
Prp2 binds the spliceosome, hydrolyzes ATP and dissociates from
the spliceosome, but fails to trigger SF3a/b release. It was suggested that Cwc22 could assist in positioning Prp2 close to the
SF3-bound BS, thereby making use of the ATPase dependant 5'
to 3' translocation of Prp2 to dissociate (directly or not) SF3a/b
proteins from the BS. Indeed Prp2 cross-links beside the BS.91
Another target of Prp2 activity could be the connection between
Cwc24 and the NTC.92,93
Using a dual-color fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy
approach to measure the affinity of several splicing factors in
the activated spliceosome, Ohrt et al.92 showed that Prp2 initiates a cascade of rearrangements, including displacement of the
NTC-associated proteins Cwc24, Cwc27 and the RES complex
protein Bud13 and reduced association of the SF3a/b proteins.
Additionally, the two essential 1st step factors, Yju2 and Cwc25,
become more strongly bound to the spliceosome. It was suggested that Cwc25 shifts the equilibrium from an inactive, step
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Volume 10 Issue 1
1 incompetent catalytic center to an active, step 1 competent
catalytic center.5 In this way, Prp2 may not only expose the BS
adenosine but also promote the correct alignment of the 5'SS and
the BS prior to the first trans-esterification reaction.
A large-scale two-hybrid screen of human splicing factors
highlighted the profound integration of the various sub-complexes that form the spliceosome.94 This screen illustrated the
dynamics of interactions and confirmed the conservation in
human of the interaction between Prp2 and Spp2 (GPNOW in
human). Moreover, the authors suggested that two molecules of
Prp2 could interact with Spp2 prior to the first step, with only
one copy remaining after the first step. More strikingly the postfirst step Prp2-Spp2 dimer might recruit Prp16 to the catalytic
center of the spliceosome. It is still unclear whether these Prp2
interactions are direct or whether the interactions between Prp2,
Spp2 and Prp16 impact the enzymatic activity of the helicases.
Prp16. Prp16 (Fig. 3F) was originally identified in a screen for
suppressors of the C259 branch site mutation of an ACT1-HIS4
gene fusion.95 For a long time, Prp16 was believed to associate
with the spliceosome only transiently, for the duration of the second catalytic step.96 However, Prp16 was subsequently shown to
be recruited to a suboptimal pre-mRNA after Cwc25 but before
the first step of splicing.97,98 At this stage, Prp16 could stabilize
the interaction of Cwc25 with the BS sequence in an ATP independent fashion. Thus, during the first step of splicing, Prp16
may play a facilitator role (see below). During splicing of optimum pre-mRNAs, the ATPase activity of Prp16 is required for
the transition between the first and second step of splicing, and
is proposed to trigger the release of Yju2 and Cwc25.97 Mutations
in ISY1, PRP8 or the U6 snRNA were shown to suppress prp16
mutations, suggesting that those factors are also possible targets
for Prp16.99-101 The activity of Prp16 could “terminate” the first
step of splicing and “initiate” the formation of a step 2 competent spliceosome. In the step 2 spliceosome, the 3'exon becomes
resistant to RNase H cleavage, suggesting that it may be bound
within the active site of the spliceosome.102 Several factors (Cwc23,
Slu7, Prp18, Prp22, Prp43, Ntr1 and Ntr2)3 join the complex C
spliceosome before the second catalytic step. However, besides
Prp16, only Slu7, Prp18 and Prp22 are necessary for second step
catalysis in vitro.5,103
Prp22. The precise mechanisms that govern disassembly of
the spliceosome are not well understood. Prp22 is the first helicase
to participate in spliceosome disassembly, triggering release of the
spliced mRNA. The ATPase activity of Prp22 is dispensable for
the second step itself, but is necessary for release of U5 snRNP
proteins and the spliced mRNA after the second step.104-107
Based on yeast two-hybrid interactions and co-precipitation
assays, Prp16 was proposed to serve as a receptor for Prp22 (Fig.
3G) in the spliceosome.41 Moreover, both these proteins were
observed to interact with the substrate near the 3'SS; Prp16 was
found to crosslink from -4 to +13 relative to the 3'SS prior the
second step, whereas Prp22 bound in a Prp16 dependent manner at positions -8 to -4 upstream of the 3'SS at this stage.108,109
Prp22 also binds downstream of the splice junction in the spliced
mRNA when the 3' exon is longer than 13 nucleotides.110 Prp8
has a footprint of at least 13 nucleotides in the 3' exon,111,112 and
is thought to stabilize the duplex formed between the U5 snRNA
and the first bases of the 3' exon during the second step. In vitro,
Prp22 can unwind RNA duplex with a 3' to 5' polarity.32 It is
therefore tempting to speculate that Prp22 could bind the 3' exon
just behind Prp8 and track along in a 3' to 5' direction, stripping
away Prp8 and U5 snRNA loop I from the spliced RNA.110
Prp43. Release of the excised intron lariat and disassembly
of the associated post-splicing complex necessitate ATP hydrolysis by Prp43.37,113-116 Prp43 co-precipitates U2, U5 and U6
snRNAs,117-119 although in a CRAC (UV crosslinking and cloning) analysis Prp43 was only crosslinked to the U6 snRNA (positions 18–43 and 76–83). In vivo, Prp43 (Fig. 3H) associates
with Spp382120-122 (also called Ntr1) and Ntr2.113,121 Spp382 is a
G-patch protein that functions as a receptor for Prp43 and also
stimulates the otherwise weak RNA unwinding activity of Prp43
in vitro.113 Prp43 was implicated not only in the disassembly of
spliceosomes following the splicing of optimal pre-mRNA but
also in the dissociation of spliceosomes that become stalled with
sub-optimal substrates.98 Curiously, Prp43 also participates in
ribosome biogenesis (see below). Thus, Prp43 could be a general
disassembly factor.
Proofreading in splicing. An increasing body of evidence
links several helicases with proofreading and discard of defective
substrates (reviewed in refs. 124–126). Prp5 is proposed to proofread the BS during pre-spliceosome formation,127,128 Prp16 proofreads the 5'SS and the BS for the first step of splicing98,129,130 and
Prp22131 appears to proofread the 3'SS and the BS for the second
step. As previously mentioned, Prp28 was suggested to proofread
the U1 snRNA:5'SS and/or U6 snRNA:5'SS interaction.67
The mechanism of proofreading is incompletely understood.
Burgess and Guthrie129 proposed a version of kinetic proofreading in which the rate of ATP hydrolysis by helicases determines
the fate of pre-mRNAs and splicing reactions. The kinetic proofreading model is based on the equilibrium between rejection
and acceptance of a substrate for the next step of splicing. In the
case of a suboptimal pre-mRNA, the rate of rejection is normally
higher than the rate of acceptance and the defective pre-mRNA
is discarded. In a possible mechanism (“timer model”124), the
activation of a helicase ATPase activity would restrict the time
allotted for a given splicing event to occur. For example, in the
case of a pre-mRNA with a normal BS, the recognition and the
association of U2 snRNP would happen quickly. Activation of
Prp5 ATPase activity would “validate” the U2:BS interaction
and promote pre-spliceosome formation. In the case of a mutated
or suboptimal BS, the establishment of the U2:BS interaction
would be slow and Prp5 activation would “reject” the defective
spliceosome and promote its dissociation. Thus the helicase could
play a dual function of stabilizer of correct interactions and destabilizer of impaired interactions. Studies performed on Prp5,
Prp16 and Prp22 showed that mutations that reduce the level of
ATPase activity (not necessarily the rate of the ATP hydrolysis)
allow the splicing of reporter constructs in which the 5'SS, BS or
3'SS is not optimal.127-131
Prp43 also plays a crucial role in the quality control of splicing.
Prp43 is responsible for entry into the non-reversible discard pathway (reviewed in refs. 2, 124, 125, 132). Whereas pre-mRNAs
RNA Biology
interaction with chromatin and chromatin remodelling complexes (Fig. 4)
such as the Swi2/Snf2 complex (Prp5,
Prp16, Prp22, Prp43), the Swr1 complex (Prp22, Prp28) or with the RNA
polymerase machinery. The Swi/
Snf complex is an ATP-dependent
chromatin remodelling complex
that can displace/remodel/modify
nucleosomes.142,143 The Swr1 complex
catalyzes the replacement of histone
H2A by histone H2Az at or around
transcription start sites, thereby shifting the position of the reprogrammed
nucleosome. This action can regulate
transcription positively or negatively
depending on the new position of
the modified nucleosome. Somewhat
confusingly, in addition to its role in
splicing, U1 snRNA has been impliFigure 4. Splicing helicases are connected with other pathways of RNP metabolism. Based on large
scale physical and genetic screens (see text), most splicing helicases are connected with several RNP
cated in a splicing independent role
biogenesis events. Only in few cases (see text) has the biological relevance of the proteome data been
in transcriptional activation.144
Among splicing helicases, Brr2
shows the least connections with
rejected by Prp16 or Prp22 can re-enter the splicing cycle, activa- proteins involved in chromatin remodelling or transcription
(only Spt2 and Yta741). This may underline a splicing-only role
tion of Prp43 seals the fate of discarded RNAs.2,98,126,129,130,133
for Brr2 and suggest that trans-acting helicases are more likely
candidates for co-regulating splicing and transcription.
Possible Links Between Splicing Helicases and
Links to 5' and 3' end processing. Links between pre-mRNA
Other RNA Maturation Processes
splicing and 5' end capping or 3' end cleavage/polyadenylation of
The biogenesis of mRNPs involves a complex and highly inte- transcripts have long been known.12,145,146 For example, in higher
grated series of events that begins with initiation of transcription, eukaryotes the 3' end processing machinery plays an important
quickly followed by addition of a monomethyl guanosine cap at role in the definition of the last exon and, conversely, splicing
the 5' end of the nascent transcript, co-transcriptional spliceo- influences the choice of cleavage/polyadenylation site (reviewed
some assembly (if an intron exists), 3' end formation (cleavage in ref. 12). In particular, U1 snRNPs inhibit premature cleavage
and polyadenylation), association with nuclear pores and export and polyadenylation.147
In yeast, where the spliceosome appears to recognize introns
to the cytoplasm,134 and these processing events can influence
each other. There is evidence that Sub2/UAP56 participates in rather than exons, a direct effect of the 3' end processing machinseveral mRNA processing pathways in the nucleus.53,134 The roles ery on splicing is not clear. Nevertheless, most splicing helicases
of other helicases have not been addressed so far. However, below interact genetically and/or physically with factors involved in
we review physical and genetic interactions of splicing helicases 3'end-processing such as Pab1 (Brr2, Prp43),83,148 or Nab2 (Prp5,
that may suggest their participation in the regulation and/or inte- Prp28).149
Capping at the 5' end of transcripts occurs shortly (20 to 30
gration of various processing events.
Links to transcription. There is considerable evidence for nucleotides) after initiation, as the nascent transcript emerges
the coupling of transcription and pre-mRNA splicing.135-140 from the Pol II complex.150 The cap binding proteins Cbp80
Intriguingly, Chanarat et al.141 showed that the yeast Prp19 and Cbp20 (Sto1 and Cbc2/Mud13 in yeast) promote splicing
complex is necessary for the recruitment of THO /TREX (tran- of cap-proximal introns by stabilizing the 5'SS:U1 snRNA interscription and export) complex during transcription of both action151-155 and deletion of the Cap Binding Complex (CBC)
intron-containing and intronless genes. They also showed that abolishes the co-transcriptional recruitment of the U1 snRNP
a mutant of SYF1 (syf1–37), that encodes an NTC factor, slows to intron-containing transcripts.156 In Arabidopsis thaliana, mutatranscription by Pol II while pre-mRNA splicing is unaffected. tions in AtCbp80 or AtCbp20 affect alternative splicing and
However, although Sub2, Prp16 and Prp22 associate with the 5'SS selection preferentially in the first intron.14 The cap bindTHO (transcription elongation) complex in large scale proteomic ing protein Cbp20 co-purifies only with Brr2, Prp2, Prp16 and
and genetic screens,70,89 to date there is no information regarding Prp2289,157 while the regulatory subunit Cbp80 co-purifies with
the direct participation of splicing RNA helicases in the coupling every splicing helicase69,83,89,158 except Prp43. The biological sigprocess. Most splicing helicases show functional and/or physical nificance of this difference is not clear. However, it may suggest
RNA Biology
Volume 10 Issue 1
that Cbp80 participates in the control of the early splicing helicases and formation of the commitment complex while the fully
assembled cap binding complex would associate with the spliceosome from complex B onwards. The absence of interaction
between the CBC and Prp43 could imply that the dissociation of
the CBC from the spliceosome precedes Prp43 recruitment and
Prp43-dependent spliceosome disassembly.
Links to mRNA transport. Splicing and mRNA transport are tightly coupled in eukaryotes,159 with spliced mRNAs
being more efficiently exported to the cytoplasm than intronless
RNAs.160 Several splicing helicases (Sub2, Prp16, Prp22, Prp43)
display both genetic and physical links to the THO/TREX
complex that connects transcription and mRNA transport.161-163
However, Sub2/UAP56 is the only splicing RNA helicase whose
function in RNA transport is clearly established.53,164 In yeast, a
sub2 mutation leads to nuclear accumulation of polyadenylated,
spliced mRNA.56 In higher eukaryotes, UAP56 is part of the Exon
Junction Complex that is deposited on spliced mRNA 24 to 26
bases upstream of exon-exon junctions and plays a role in mRNP
transport.165-168 UAP56 also appears to bind intronless mRNAs
prior to export.167,169 The signals for binding to intronless RNAs
are not currently known, but they may depend on the presence of
non-splicing factors such as the CBC.170 Sub2/UAP56 was shown
to recruit the mRNA export factor Aly co-transcriptionally to
both spliced and intronless mRNAs,160,171 and was proposed to act
as an ATP-dependent chaperone of the Aly-RNA interaction.169 In
yeast, ATP binding to Sub2 is necessary for mRNA transport172
and in higher eukaryotes the association of UAP56, Aly and
CIP29 with the TREX complex is also dependent on the presence
of ATP.173 CIP29 stimulates the helicase activity of UAP56,174
while Aly stimulates ATP hydrolysis by UAP56.169 UAP56/Sub2
is released prior to the export of mRNA to the cytoplasm.175
Links to ribosome biogenesis. During ribosome biogenesis
two G-patch proteins, Gno1 and Pfa1, associate with Prp43.26,117,176
Pfa1 stimulates Prp43 activity in vitro, and in vivo their interaction seems to be required for maturation of the 20S pre-rRNA
(pre-rRNA).117,177 Several Prp43 binding sites that were identified
in 18S and 25S rRNA precursors mapped close to cleavage sites
in the pre-rRNA, or close to snoRNA-rRNA base-pairing sites.178
Those data support the likely involvement of Prp43 in remodelling snoRNAs and/or in displacing snoRNAs from pre-rRNA
complexes. Thus, it appears that Prp43 functions as a disassembly factor during ribosome biogenesis and during pre-mRNA
splicing, subject to control by different G-patch proteins.
Links to RNA degradation. Several RNA helicases co-purify
or interact genetically with proteins involved in RNA degradation
(Fig. 4) but the functional significance is currently not known.
The mutant sub2–20155 is synthetic sick when combined with
depletion of the nuclear degradation factor Rrp6, but not with
loss of the cytoplasmic degradation factor Xrn1.179 Additionally,
overexpression of SUB2 leads to a synthetic growth defect when
combined with mutations affecting the nuclear 5' to 3' exonuclease Rat1 or the TRAMP complex factor Mtr4.180 Furthermore,
Egecioglu et al.125 found that the nuclear exosome and Rat1 participate in a quality control pathway that allows discard of aberrantly spliced mRNAs or incompletely spliced transcripts. For
example the level of pre-mRNAs in a prp2–1 mutant increased
when components of the nuclear exosome or Rat1 were depleted
or mutated.181 The interaction of Prp43 with Xrn1 is likely linked
to its role during pre-rRNA processing rather than its role in
The fact that splicing helicases function within large and highly
dynamic RNP complexes has greatly complicated the identification of their targets and characterization of their modes of action
and regulation. Genetic studies, mainly in budding yeast, have
been a rich source of information about interacting partners and
potential targets. However, genetics may not distinguish functional interactions (which may be indirect) from direct physical interactions. In vitro analyses of splicing helicase activities
using purified components have yielded limited information,
and because pre-mRNA splicing is intricately intertwined with
transcription and other RNA maturation events, in vitro studies of splicing factors will lack their influences unless coupled in
vitro systems are developed. As discussed above, splicing RNA
helicases are not only necessary for the progression of the spliceosome through the splicing cycle, they also function as proofreaders of the splicing process. Proofreading by helicases is only one
level of quality control, which also involves the degradation of
aberrant RNA molecules in the nucleus or in the cytoplasm.124-126
Therefore, a full understanding of the contribution of helicases to
this process will require detailed kinetic studies in vivo.
As RNA helicases make highly transient interactions with
their targets, small molecule inhibitors, including substrate or
cofactor analogs, may prove useful to capture transient complexes
for structural studies. Similarly, mutant helicases in combination
with cross-linking approaches may permit global “snapshots” to
be obtained of normally transient protein-protein and proteinRNA interactions,15 as mentioned above for Brr2. At the other
end of the scale, combining chemical biology methodologies with
single molecule fluorescence techniques now allows kinetic studies of spliceosome assembly and the splicing reactions to be performed on single transcripts in real time (reviewed in ref. 132).
Clearly, much remains to be unravelled about the precise
role(s) played by splicing helicases, and how their activities are
modulated and timed by their multiple partners, whether proteins, nucleic acids or small molecules. Deciphering the splicing helicase code remains an exciting challenge with profound
repercussions in the understanding of normal and pathogenic
pre-mRNA splicing.
Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest
No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed.
We are grateful to Keerthi Chathoth and Daniela Hahn for helpful suggestions. This work was supported by Wellcome Trust
grant 087551. The Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology is
supported by Wellcome Trust core funding [092076]. JDB is the
Royal Society Darwin Trust Research Professor.
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