BRief CoMMuNiCAtioN
RNA Biology 8:3, 372-377; May/June 2011; © 2011 Landes Bioscience
Splicing of an intervening sequence
by protein-free human snRNAs
Yasaman Jaladat, Bing Zhang, Afshin Mohammadi and Saba Valadkhan*
Center for RNA Molecular Biology; Case Western Reserve university; Cleveland, oH uSA
Key words: U6, U2, snRNA, splicing, spliceosome, catalysis, ribozyme, intron
Signiicant structural and mechanistic similarities between the spliceosomal snRNAs and catalytically critical domains of
self-splicing group ii introns have led to the hypothesis that the spliceosomes and group ii introns may be evolutionarily
related. We have previously shown that in vitro-transcribed, protein-free u6 and u2 snRNAs can catalyze a two-step
splicing reaction in trans on two short RNA oligonucleotides that is identical to the splicing reactions performed by
many self-splicing group ii introns. Here we show that the same two snRNAs can perform splicing in cis by removal of
an intervening sequence from a model substrate. these results prove that the protein-free snRNAs are competent to
perform splicing on pre-mRNAs and further strengthen the possibility of an evolutionary relationship to group ii introns.
Almost all eukaryotic genes contain intervening sequences or
introns which must be removed from primary genomic transcripts before they can be used by the cell. The vast majority of
the intervening sequences, also called introns, are removed by the
spliceosome, a gigantic ribonucleoprotein assembly found in all
eukaryotes.1-3 A small subset of introns, the self-splicing group
I and group II introns, do not depend on the spliceosome for
their removal. These introns, which have RNA or RNP-mediated
enzymatic activity, catalyze their own removal from the primary
transcripts in which they reside.4,5 Interestingly, the removal of
introns, also called splicing, is performed by the spliceosome
through a reaction which is identical in many respects to the one
catalyzed by self-splicing group II introns.6-9 Both systems perform splicing through an identical reaction pathway that involves
two consecutive transesterification reactions4,10 and use divalent cations in their catalytic strategy.11-16 Perhaps most intriguingly, the RNA components of the spliceosome, called the small
nuclear RNAs or snRNAs, have striking structural and functional similarities to the catalytically crucial domains of group II
introns.6,8,9,17 Two of the five spliceosomal snRNAs, U2 and U6,
form a functionally required basepaired complex in the spliceosomal catalytic core which closely resembles domain V of group
II introns in both structure and function10 (Fig. 1A). These similarities, in aggregate, have led to the hypothesis that the snRNAs
may be evolutionarily related to the group II introns,18-20 which in
turn raises the possibility that the snRNAs may play a catalytic
role in the spliceosome.
As a first step toward defining the role of snRNAs in the spliceosomal catalytic core, we have analyzed the structure and function of the U6 and U2 snRNAs in isolation in the absence of all
other spliceosomal factors. We have shown that upon incubation
in the presence of divalent cations, the two snRNAs efficiently
form a basepaired complex closely similar to the one found in
the activated spliceosomes.21 More recently, we showed that this
in vitro-assembled, protein-free U6/U2 complex can perform a
two-step trans splicing reaction on two short RNA oligonucleotides which play the role of small fragments of pre-mRNAs at
the 5' and 3' splice sites (Fig. 1B).22,23 The first step of this transsplicing reaction involves a U6/U2 catalyzed hydrolysis on the
substrate carrying the 5' splice site equivalent, Exon1, resulting in
the release of a fragment which has a free 3' OH group (Fig. 1C).
In the second step of this reaction, similar to the second step of
splicing in spliceosomes and group II introns, the newly released
3'OH of the Exon1 fragment undergoes a transesterification reaction with an internal phosphate in Exon2. This reaction leads to
the formation of a linear RNA in which fragments of both substrates are joined together through a 3'–5' phosphodiester bond
and is chemically identical to the splicing reaction catalyzed by
group II self-splicing introns and the second step of spliceosomal
splicing (Fig. 1C).22,23 Although current data indicate that the
first step of spliceosomal splicing exclusively involves branching,
in many self-splicing group II introns the first step of splicing
occurs through hydrolysis both in vivo and in vitro.24-26 Thus,
catalysis of the first step through hydrolysis is a physiological
alternative to branching.
Although this snRNA-catalyzed trans-splicing reaction
has significant similarities to the splicing reactions observed in
nature both in terms of its chemistry and the required snRNA
sequences,10,22 an important remaining question is whether the
U6/U2 complex can catalyze a canonical splicing reaction in cis.
In other words, if U6/U2 can perform the removal of an intervening sequence and exon ligation on an intact pre-mRNA-like
substrate, which contains the exonic and intronic sequences in a
spatially constrained arrangement on a single, continuous strand
*Correspondence to: Saba Valadkhan; Email:
[email protected]
Submitted: 12/02/10; Revised: 02/18/11; Accepted: 02/22/11
DOI: 10.4161/rna.8.3.15386
RNA Biology
Volume 8 issue 3
BRief CoMMuNiCAtioN
BRief CoMMuNiCAtioN
of RNA. Since the snRNAs may have evolved
from a self-splicing ribozyme, it is important to
determine the extent to which their primordial
catalytic activity has been preserved during
the evolution of the eukaryotic spliceosomes.
To this end, we designed pre-mRNA-like
substrates which contained the sequence of
Exon1 linked to the 5' end of Exon2 by a RNA
linker sequence (Fig. 2A). We performed an
in-silico screening to select a linker sequence
that did not induce the formation of stable
intramolecular structures in order to increase
the likelihood that the sequences in the
designed substrate (E1-int-E2, Fig. 2A) will
be available for forming interactions with the
U6/U2 complex. Next, we incubated the in
vitro-transcribed E1-int-E2 substrate with the
U6/U2 complex under a variety of conditions
and analyzed the reaction mixture for product
If U6/U2 could indeed perform a splicing reaction in cis on the E1-int-E2 substrate,
the product should contain fragments from
the 5' and 3' ends of the substrate ligated to
each other, with the intervening nucleotides
removed as an intron. It was possible that the
Exon1- and Exon2-like sequences present in
each E1-int-E2 molecule could interact with
U6/U2 in the same way that the Exon1 and
Exon2 oligonucleotides did in the trans splicing reaction,22,23 leading to the formation of a
product similar to the one formed in the transsplicing reactions. On the other hand, they
could form alternative interactions, leading to
the formation of multiple products or a product with a different length compared to the
one formed in the trans splicing reaction (Fig.
1C). Since in these reactions, the E1-int-E2
precursor will be larger than the product(s)
formed, the degradation products resulting
from the high pH and magnesium concentraFigure 1. the snRNA-catalyzed trans splicing reaction. (A) the u6/u2 basepaired complex.
tions would prohibit the direct visualization of
the basepaired helices i, ii and iii and the intramolecular stemloop of u6 are shown. the
the product using radiolabeling techniques. To
highlighted sequences are evolutionarily invariant u6 sequences. the boxed nucleotides
circumvent this problem, we took a PCR-based
basepair to a short RNA sequence at the 3' end of exon2 substrate. the numbers close to u6
and u2 nucleotides relect the human numbering system for these snRNAs. (B) the sequence
approach to detect any products which may
of the trans splicing substrates. the boxed nucleotides basepair to a short sequence at the
have formed as a result of incubation of the
5' end of u6 snRNA. the numbers indicate position from the 5' end. the highlighted regions
E1-int-E2 substrate with the U6/U2 complex.
are the exonic sequences and are incorporated into the product. the rest of the substrates
After the incubation period was over, we used
is removed as intronic sequences during the trans-splicing reaction. (C) the trans splicing
gel electrophoresis on a denaturing PAGE to
reaction. the substrates and fragments resulting from each step of the reaction are shown.
Numbers relect position from the 5' end. See the text for details.
fractionate the RNAs in the reaction mixture
based on size. Next, we used short PCR primers targeting the nucleotides at the beginning
and end of the E1-int-E2 (Fig. 2A) to probe the size-fractionated which contained Exon1 and Exon2 substrates as positive controls
RNAs for the presence of any RNA species that may correspond and size markers.
to a spliced product. We set up control reactions which lacked
RT-PCR reactions indicated that all except one of the fracthe U6/U2 complex, along with parallel trans-splicing reactions tions did not contain any product-like RNA species. In fractions
RNA Biology
corresponding to RNA sizes close to or identical to that of the
precursor E1-int-E2, we obtained PCR products which resulted
from its amplification, as expected (data not shown). The only
fraction which contained a product-like, RT-PCR-amplified species was the one which contained RNAs ranging from 25 to 35
nucleotides in size. RT-PCR reactions on this fraction indicated
the presence of a single RNA species which was identical in size
to the 32-nucleotide-long product formed in the trans-splicing
reactions (Fig. 2B). The formation of this product was dependent on the presence of U6 and U2 snRNAs in the reaction and
formed with the same efficiency as the trans-splicing reaction, as
shown by sensitive radiolabeled PCR assays (Fig. 2B and data not
shown). This product was not observed in any other fractions or
in reactions in which the fractionated RNAs or the PCR reagents
were omitted (Fig. 2C). Further, replacing one of the PCR primers with a primer containing its complementary sequence did
not result in product formation (Fig. 2C). The formation of
such a product requires the removal of 35 nucleotides from the
sequences located in the middle of E1-int-E2 and ligation of the
sequences at its 5' and 3' ends together into a linear RNA species
which can be amplified by RT-PCR. The fact that only one such
RNA was formed in these reactions and that it is identical in size
to the product formed in trans-splicing reactions suggests that
this product likely forms through a reaction pathway similar to
the one observed in trans-splicing, except that it occurs in cis.
To ensure that the reaction indeed occurred in cis, it was
important to ascertain that the E1-int-E2 substrate was not
cleaved into two Exon1 and Exon2-like fragments through a
random cleavage event as a prerequisite prior to the formation
of this product. In order to investigate this possibility, and also
to gain further insight into the requirements for this reaction,
we designed a substrate that had a linker sequence shortened by
seven nucleotides (E1-int-E2-7, Fig. 2A). We reasoned that if
the reaction occurs in cis, a shorter linker region should result
in spatial constraints for positioning of the reaction sites in the
U6/U2 complex and thus, should affect product formation. On
the other hand, if a random cleavage reaction was a prerequisite
for product formation, shortening of the linker sequence by 7
nucleotides should not have a major effect. Interestingly, the use
of E1-int-E2-7 substrate in catalytic assays completely blocked
product formation (Fig. 2D). While these results strongly suggested that product formation does not result from trans splicing of randomly degraded products of the E1-int-E2 substrate,
it was important to ensure that the pattern of random cleavage
of the E1-int-E2 and E1-int-E2-7 substrates were similar under
the reaction conditions. If a significantly higher percentage of the
E1-int-E2 substrate were randomly cleaved during the reaction
compared to E1-int-E2-7, the product formed from the longer
substrate could still be the result of a reaction in trans. We analyzed the pattern of degradation of the two substrates under the
reaction conditions, which indicated a very similar pattern and
extent of random cleavage events (Fig. 2E).
Finally, the lack of reactivity of the substrate with the shorter
linker could be due to stable intramolecular interactions which
prohibited its binding to the U6/U2 complex or blocked one
of the catalytic steps of the reaction. While our in silico studies
and analysis of the magnesium dependent degradation patterns
described above suggested that the shorter substrate did not significantly differ from E1-int-E2 in terms of forming intramolecular structures, they don’t completely rule out this possibility.
To partially address this shortcoming, we tested the ability of
the two substrates for interacting with the U6/U2 complex in a
previously characterized functional assay.23 We added an excess
amount of E1-int-E2 or E1-int-E2-7 to trans-splicing reactions to
determine if these substrates could compete with the Exon1 and
Exon2 for binding to U6/U2. We reasoned that if they compete
for binding to the same binding site, the addition of the cis-splicing substrates should block the trans-splicing reaction, which was
indeed the case for both E1-int-E2 and E1-int-E2-7 (Fig. 2F).
These results indicate that both the E1-int-E2 and E1-int-E2-7
compete with at least one of the two trans-splicing substrates for
binding to U6/U2 and thus, a complete inability to interact with
the U6/U2 complex is not the basis for lack of reactivity of the
E1-int-E2-7 substrate. Taken together, the above results strongly
suggest that the removal of the intervening sequences from the
E1-int-E2 substrate during product formation is performed in cis.
Thus, the lack of reactivity of the E1-int-E2-7 in product formation likely reflects an incorrect positioning on the U6/U2 complex
caused by the spatial constraints resulting from the short linker
sequence. Importantly, these experiments also rule out the possibility of a reaction in trans involving E1-int-E2 or E1-int-E2-7,
since in such a scenario the radiolabeled Exon1 should have been
able to form a product with the cis substrates across the range of
concentrations tested, which was not observed.
Existing data indicate that both group II introns and the
spliceosome can efficiently perform trans-splicing reactions on
split introns in vitro.4,27,28 However, in vivo the vast majority,
if not all, of splicing reactions catalyzed by the major spliceosome are performed in cis on substrates in which the 5' and
3' splice sites are on the same RNA strand. While the cis and
trans splicing reactions follow an identical catalytic pathway,
there are important differences between them in both the spliceosome and group II self-splicing introns, including the presence of a rate-limiting conformational change before the second
catalytic step in cis splicing in both systems.13,16 Since a branch
site sequence is not present in our minimal cis splicing substrates, the first step of the cis splicing reaction described above
by necessity occurs through hydrolysis, as previously described
in self-splicing group II introns.24 Thus, our data indicate that
similar to the spliceosomes and group II introns, the proteinfree snRNAs can perform splicing both in cis and in trans,
further strengthening the possible evolutionary link between
the two systems. Since the snRNAs are likely descendants of
primordial RNA enzymes, these data indicate that despite their
highly minimal nature, the vestigial catalytic activity retained
in the snRNAs is sufficient to enable them to perform splicing
reactions similar to those catalyzed by the extant splicing systems. The extent to which the observed inherent catalytic activity of the snRNAs contributes to spliceosomal catalysis remains
an intriguing question. Based on mutational studies and characterization of the catalytic function of protein-free snRNAs
performed in this study and previous reports, spliceosomal
RNA Biology
Volume 8 issue 3
Figure 2. the protein-free snRNAs can catalyze the removal of intervening sequences in cis. (A) the cis splicing substrates. the exonic sequences are
highlighted in gray. Numbers indicate position from the 5' end. the sequences derived from the exon1 and exon2 trans-splicing substrates are in bold
face font. the arrows on e1-int-e2 mark the sequences that bind the Rt-PCR primers. (B) the u6/u2 complex can catalyze the removal of intervening
sequences in a cis splicing reaction. Arrowhead points to the DNA species resulting from Rt-PCR on the 25–35 nucleotide long fraction of the reactions containing e1-int-e2, as detailed in the text. Lanes marked exon1 + 2 contain the result of Rt-PCR on trans-splicing reactions used as controls.
Lanes marked no u6u2 contain the result of Rt-PCR on control reactions which lack u6/u2. A 5' labeled double stranded DNA containing the sequence
of the trans-splicing product is used as size marker (lane labeled size marker, 32 nt). two additional size markers, missing one or two basepairs (lanes
marked 30 nt and 31 nt) are shown. (C) the requirements for the formation of the Rt-PCR-generated species corresponding to the cis-splicing product.
the lane marked control contains the result of Rt-PCR reactions on the puriied fraction containing RNAs 25–35 nucleotides in size. Lane marked size
control contains the fraction with RNAs 35–50 nucleotides in length. the PCR mixture is omitted in the reaction loaded into the -PCR lane. in the lane
marked -template the Rt-PCR reaction is performed without the addition of the fractionated RNAs from the cis-splicing reactions. the lane marked
“α sense primer” contains a PCR reaction in which one of the originally used primers was replaced by one containing its complementary sequence.
(D) Shortening of the linker sequence blocks the cis splicing reaction. the lanes marked precursor contain the result of Rt-PCR reactions performed on
unreacted e1-int-e2 or e1-int-e2-7 substrates. the other two lanes contain the 25–35 nucleotide long fraction of the cis-splicing reactions on substrates
indicated above each lane. Arrowhead points to the cis-splicing product. (e) the cis splicing substrates have a similar extent and pattern of random
cleavage events under the reaction conditions. the duration of incubation under the reaction conditions is shown above each lane. the identity of
each substrate is shown. Numbers to the left indicate the length of each fragment. (f) the cis-splicing substrate can compete with trans-splicing
substrates for binding to the u6/u2 complex. the identity and amount of the cis-splicing substrate added is shown on top. No competing cis-splicing
substrates has been added to the lane marked Ctrl. Arrow points to the trans-splicing product. the location of the unreacted 5' exon1 is shown.
RNA Biology
catalysis and snRNA-catalyzed splicing occur through closely
similar reaction pathways and in addition require almost identical snRNA sequences.6,10,17,22,23 While these observations
strengthen the possibility of RNA catalysis in the spliceosome,
unequivocally defining the share of snRNAs in spliceosomal
catalysis and dissecting the role of spliceosomal proteins in this
process awaits further detailed studies.
Materials and Methods
The E1-int-E2 and E1-int-E2-7 substrates were designed based
on the previously-described trans-splicing substrates.22,23 Several
substrates were designed which differed in the sequence of the
linker region and were screened for lack of stable secondary
structures using the RNA structure algorithm.29 The candidates
with the least stable intramolecular structures were selected and
PCR-generated templates containing their sequence were transcribed into RNA by in vitro transcription using T7 RNA polymerase as previously described in references 21, 30 and 31. The
in vitro-transcribed RNAs were gel purified and a small fraction
was end-labeled and run on a 16% denaturing PAGE for quality control. RNase T1 reactions were performed as described in
references 21 and 30 to ensure the accuracy of the sequence of
the transcribed RNAs. In the E1-int-E2 construct, the first and
last exons are 15 and 17 nucleotides long, respectively, with a 35
nucleotide long intervening sequence in between. The snRNAmediated splicing reactions were performed as described in
references 22 and 23, except that instead of the trans-splicing
substrates, E1-int-E2 or E1-int-E2-7 were used at concentrations
ranging from 2–10 μM. The reactions were incubated at 35°C
for 10–15 hours followed by loading onto denaturing PAGE.
Gel fragments containing RNAs approximately 15–25, 25–35,
35–50 and 50–80 were cut from the PAGE and the RNAs in
each gel piece were eluted and subjected to RT-PCR reactions
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Israelowitz for technical assistance. A.M. designed the substrates
and performed the initial optimization assays. Y.J. and B.Z. performed the experiments. S.V. designed the experiments, analyzed
the data and prepared the manuscript. This work was supported
by a Searle Scholar award from Kinship Foundation, an institutional research grant (IRG-91-022) from the American Cancer
Society and NIH grant no. GM078572 to S.V.
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