Etruscan-Slavic relations?

Lexical parallels between Etruscan and Slavic languages

Etruscan-Slavic relations? Iurii Mosenkis The possible relations between the names of the Etruscans (Turs-, ras-) and Rus’ A. D. Chertkov, N. Ia. Marr, N. S. Derzhavin (: frequent Urartian king name Rusa, the northern Etruscan town Rusella) might be based on the several lexical comparisons: Etr. > Lat. capys ‘falcon’ The old name of Capua was Volturna Немировский с. 119 or Volturnum Немировский А. И. Загадки этрусских надписей, Вопросы эпиграфики, М., 2008, вып. ІІ, с. 263; cf. Alb. gab- ‘eagle’ Orel p. 107–108; Etr. capus = Latin vultur so the year might begin from the Aquila constellation. : Proto-Slavic *kobьcь; Proto-Germanic *habuka- ‘heafoc’ (< ‘Hamitic’ article ha-) might be not related, Etr. hiuls ‘owl’ : Rus. filin < hilin ‘owl’ (of unknown origin), Etr. > Lat. Consus ‘god of horses’ : Proto-Slavic *konь (of unknown origin). According to N. Ya. Marr, the Etruscans might migrate from Asia Minor to Italy not only via Mediterranean Sea but also via the northern coast of the Black Sea Марр Н. Я. Избранные работы, Л., 1933, т. І, с. 110. Τραυσοί = Agathursoi Грушевський М. С. Історія України-Руси (Київ 1991), с. 129; Щербаківський В. М. Формація української нації: Нарис Праісторії України (Прага 1941), с. 62–63 might be not only the Thracians but also the ‘Thraco-Tyrrenians’. Venetic (Gr. Paphlagon. Ἐνετοί, Latin. Veneti) is closely related to Italic and may be an Italic component of Slavic See V. V. Martynov’s works about Italic component in Slavic . The oldest name of the Slavs, Venedi, may reflect the name of Veneti while the name Slovene (if it might be linked not only with slov- ‘word’ but also with cognate slav- ‘glory’) may bear the same meaning, cf. Gr. ainos ‘glory’. Aeneus migth be also related with Aenetoi. The Romans accepted the Aeneus myth from the Etruscans Мифологический словарь (М. 1991), с. 635 . Ethnonym Ruthen- in the post-Impresso territories of France and Egyptian Retenu ‘Canaan and Syria’ might be also taken into consideration.