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1 TRADUCTION FRANÇAISE DES INSTITUTES DE L'EMPEREUR JUSTINIEN ~ Livre premier ~ ( J.-L.-E. Ortolan, Explication historique des Instituts..., II, 6e éd., Paris, 1857, pp. 13-228 ). TIT. 1 DE LA JUSTICE ET DU DROIT.
Destiné au congrès international des études byzantines, Belgrade, août 2016 : les commentaires sont les bienvenus
A consideration of the historian and the city in which he was raised.
Extrait de livre : du casus belli de 1078 à ma première croisade, 2024
Première croisade vision des chroniqueurs arabes face à la première croisade
published in Byzantine Culture, Papers from the Conference "Byzantine days of Istanbul", Dean Sakel éd., Ankara 2014, 50-69
Annali di storia dell'esegesi, 2015
In this paper we study a probable reference to Justin (an ancient Greek apologist) in Montesquieu’s "Lettres Persanes". In letter 33, the Persian Usbek discusses the possibility of salvation for Christians: in our opinion, this passage (and especially the expression “semence de nos dogmes”) turns against Christians Justin’s conception of Λόγος σπερματικός. After a short presentation of ancient Christian apologetics and of Justin’s thought, we will point out that Montesquieu had a good knowledge of patristic literature and a copy of Justin’s works in his library. Then we will see that Justin played a key-role in the seventeenth century debate on the possibility for pagans to be saved (“querelle de la vertu des païens”) – a problem that Montesquieu discussed in a lost work, and that is the real object of letter 33. Finally, we will study the letter 33 itself. We will show that the allusion to Justin strengthens the irony and the ambiguity of the text: precisely because of Usbek’s use of Christian expressions, this letter challenges not only Christian, but also Muslim religious primacy.
La découverte d’une constitution de Justinien, complète et intégrée à son contexte documentaire d’origine, est une chance rare. Aux Novelles de cet empereur transmises par la tradition médiévale, papyrus et inscriptions ont déjà apporté des compléments, mais souvent fragmentaires, sans date, ou d’auteur incertain. Le nouveau rescrit présente pour l’historien du droit d’autant plus d’intérêt qu’il se place, en 533, entre l’achèvement du Code (dont la seconde édition date de 534) et les Novellesde Justinien , presque toutes postérieures à cette date.
Julian's Misopogon was posted in Antioch, according to Malalas' Chronography, "outside of the palace, at the Tetrapyle of the Elephants, near the Regia". A few years earlier, the sophist Libanios described the palace and its surroundings in his speech In praise of Antioch. The aim of this article is to bring to light the contribution of the literary sources to the knowledge of the palace district during the third quarter of the 4 th century. The first part is devoted to the study of the name "New (city)" which is, in the Late Antiquity, the name of the island where the palace is located. In the second part, the sources relating to the palace and its surroundings, and to the other buildings in the island are systematically analysed: the Tetrapyle of the Elephants, the Regia, the palace itself, the Romanesia Gate, the Campus, and the circus. The circus was excavated, and is still partially visible. However, the archaeological excavation could not date the building. The textual evidence shows that a hippodrome did exist on the island during the reign of Theodosius I, but gives no indication on the date of its construction. The specific contribution of the written sources is to allow the study of the meanings that are attached to the components of the urban space and the way they are embedded in the collective memory and used in the construction of a civic identity. These aspects are explored in the third part of the article. The proximity of the Campus to the palace shows the importance of the military function of the emperor, particulary when in residence in Antioch. The Tetrapyle might have been devoted to the posting of imperial pronoucements, and on the opposite side of the palace, the Romanesia Gate, through which the emperor goes to the Campus, might have been a favoured place for petitioners. The toponyms "
Recensione a M. Montanari, En attendant Marx. Il marxismo in Italia dal 1945 al 1989, in Dialettica&Filosofia, 18, 2024, pp. 206-208., 2024
Revista Brasileira de Educação, 2001
Anales del IAA, 2024
The Washington Times, 2024
Revista Tiempo Histórico, 2024
Krysztof Brzechzcyn (ed.), Towards a Revival of Analytical Philosophy of History. Around Paul A. Roth's Vision of Historical Science (Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, vol. 110),Brill, Leiden/Boston 2017, 73-94., 2017
Video Review -David Kilcullens Out of the Mountains-A Disappointing Book, 2024
Concinnitas - Revista do Instituto de Artes da UERJ, 2013
Journal of Media Research, 2017
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Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2021
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Current Psychology, 2023
Journal of Guilan University of Medical Sciences, 2016
Acta Médica Portuguesa, 2020
Applied Sciences
Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies, 2018