Professionals’ View on Nowadays Creativity in Online Advertising

2017, Journal of Media Research

Digital marketing has been developing a huge dynamic potential for the past few years, considering the steady relationship as its target. Therefore, professionals look for new ways to rebrand themselves as creative people according to social changes that may cause even brand repositioning because the market always relies on consumer behaviour. Nowadays, technology is a continuous challenge, as it can alter consumers' lives in communities, as well as advertising perception itself. This paper aims to present the perception of online creativity through the eyes of young professionals working in digital advertising, thus enhancing their online skills to become more effective. Romania exhibits hybridized age groups in terms of media channel use. For example, people over 50 use television as a primary source of information and, by contrast, the mid-career 40-50 categories consider the Internet a viable alternative to other media channels. When it comes to young people over 14, online is the main or the only source of information. The main hypothesis of my research is that advertising mirrors not only a changing society, but also the relationship between advertisers, clients' demands and consumers' expectations. My mixed methods, consisting of interviews and content analysis to investigate the collected data, focus on the advantages and disadvantages of online advertising, as well as on creativity development in the digital world.

Professionals’ View on Nowadays Creativity in Online Advertising Assoc. Prof. Mădălina MORARU, PhD Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies, University of Bucharest E-mail: [email protected] Abstract: Digital marketing has been developing a huge dynamic potential for the past few years, considering the steady relationship as its target. Therefore, professionals look for new ways to rebrand themselves as creative people according to social changes that may cause even brand repositioning because the market always relies on consumer behaviour. Nowadays, technology is a continuous challenge, as it can alter consumers’ lives in communities, as well as advertising perception itself. This paper aims to present the perception of online creativity through the eyes of young professionals working in digital advertising, thus enhancing their online skills to become more effective. Romania exhibits hybridized age groups in terms of media channel use. For example, people over 50 use television as a primary source of information and, by contrast, the mid-career 40-50 categories consider the Internet a viable alternative to other media channels. When it comes to young people over 14, online is the main or the only source of information. The main hypothesis of my research is that advertising mirrors not only a changing society, but also the relationship between advertisers, clients’ demands and consumers’ expectations. My mixed methods, consisting of interviews and content analysis to investigate the collected data, focus on the advantages and disadvantages of online advertising, as well as on creativity development in the digital world. Keywords: online; marketing; creativity; advertising; future. Journal of Media Research, Vol. 10 Issue 2(28) / 2017, pp. 37-51 37 DOI:10.24193/jmr.28.3 Published First Online: 2017/07/3 References 1. Aaker, D. (2005). Managementul capitalului de brand. Cum să valorificăm numele unui brand. (Managing Brand Equity. Capitalizing on the Value of the Brand Name). Bucure฀ti: Brandbuilders. 2. Belch, G.E. and Belch, M. A. (2001). Advertising and Promotion, an Integrated Marketing Communications Perspectives, International Edition, 5e, Irwin: McGraw-Hill. 3. Belch, M.A. and Belch, G.E. The future of creativity in advertising. Journal of Promotion Management, 19: 4, 395-399, DOI: 10.1080/10496491.2013.817219. 4. Dahlen, M., Rosengren, S., and Torn, F. (2008). Advertising creativity matters. Journal of Advertising Research, September, 392-403. 5. El-Murad, J., and West, D.C. (2003). Risk and Creativity in Advertising. Journal of Marketing Management, 19, 657-673. 6. Fill, C., Hughes, G., and De Francesco, S. (2013). Advertising Strategy, Creativity and Media. Harlow: Pearson. 7. Guilford, J.P. (1973). Creativity-Retrospect and Prospect. Journal of Creative Behaviour. 7 (4), 247-252. 8. Kaplan, A.M. and Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media. Business Horizons, 53 (1), 59-68. 9. Lehnert, K., Till, B. D, and Ospina, J.M. (2014). Advertising creativity: the role of divergence versus meaningfulness. Journal of Advertising, 43 (3), 274-285. 50 10. Lin, C. (2001). Syncretizing east-west education patterns, cultivating “T” talents. Journal of Beijing Normal University, 163, 5-11. 11. Logan, K., Bright, F.B. and Gangadharbatla, H. (2012). Facebook vs. television: advertising value perceptions among females. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, vol. 6, No. 3, 164-179. 12. Mangold, W. G. and Faulds, J.(2009). Social media: the new hybrid element of the promotion mix. Business Horizons, 52(4), 357-365. 13. Moriarty, S. E. (1991). Creative Advertising: Theory and Practice. 2nd edition, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 14. Moraru (Buga), M. (2014). Engaging consumers in mobile phone campaigns through online communication, in Ten Years of Facebook eds. Gisela Horváth, Rozália Klára Bankó and Éva Biró-Kaszás, Debrecen: Debrecen University Press, 159-182. 15. Runco, M.A., and Jaeger, G.J. (2012). The standard definition of creativity. Creativity Research Journal, 24, 92-96. 16. Santry, E. and Scott, V. (1988). Creative versus Planners. Campaign, November 4, 71-72. 17. Smith, R.E., MacKenzie, S.B., Yang, X., Buchholz, L.M., and Darley, W.K. (2007). Modelling the Determinants and Effects of Creativity in Advertising. Marketing Science, 26 (6), 819. 18. Wu, J., Wen N, Dou, W. and Chen, J. (2015). Exploring the effectiveness of consumer creativity in online marketing communications. European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 49,(1/2), 262 – 276,; 19., accessed on 26th February 2017. 20., accessed on 5th March 2017. 21., accessed on 7th March 2017. 22., accessed on 7th March 2017. 51