Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2009) 441–460
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The Still Bay points of Blombos Cave (South Africa)
Paola Villa a, b, *, Marie Soressi c, d, e, Christopher S. Henshilwood f, g, Vincent Mourre h
University of Colorado Museum, Boulder, CO 80309-0265, USA
Institut de Préhistoire et Géologie du Quaternaire, UMR 5199 PACEA, Université Bordeaux 1, avenue des Facultés, F-33405 Talence, France
INRAP (Institut national de recherches archéologiques preventives), 525 Avenue de la Pomme-de-Pin, F-45075 Saint Cyr-en-Val, France
UMR 7041 Antet, F-92023 Nanterre, France
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Department of Human Evolution, Leipzig, Germany
Institute for Human Evolution, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Institute for Archaeology, History, Culture and Religion, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
TRACES-UMR 5608, Université de Toulouse le Mirail, Maison de la Recherche, 5 Allée Antonio Machado, 31058 Toulouse, France
a r t i c l e i n f o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 14 July 2008
Received in revised form 19 September 2008
Accepted 20 September 2008
We present the results of a technological and morphometric analysis of all the Still Bay points (n ¼ 371)
recovered from the 1993 to 2004 excavations at Blombos Cave. We have been able to reconstruct the
manufacturing sequence of the bifacial points from initial shaping, by direct internal percussion, to finished
morphology, by direct marginal percussion. Identifications of impact fractures and manufacturing breaks
are based on comparisons with experimental and archaeological bifacial points of verified function, i.e.
Paleoindian points from bison kill sites, replicates of Solutrean points mounted as spear-heads or arrowheads and shot into adult cattle, and experimental replication on local raw materials. Our analysis shows
that: (a) only a minority of the points are finished forms, and that a large number of pieces are production
failures, a situation known at bifacial point production sites of later ages; (b) morphometric and impact scar
analyses should take into account this process and distinguish finished points from preforms and unfinished points; (c) there were at least three different kinds of raw material sources and that there is a marked
increase in the frequencies of silcrete with respect to the M2 and M3 phases at Blombos; (d) three kinds of
evidence prove that some of the points were hafted axially and used as spear tips; (e) production of bifacial
points was a primary activity at the site but the hypothesis of intergroup exchange of Still Bay points cannot
be sustained on the basis of present evidence; and (f) the Still Bay phase appears to initiate a trend to
relatively rapid changes in specialized hunting weaponry and that this innovation is congruent with other
innovations such as bone tools, shell beads and engraved ochre of the M1 and M2 phases at Blombos.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Middle Stone Age
South Africa
Blombos Cave
Still Bay points
Technological analysis
1. Introduction
The late Middle Stone Age of South Africa between 77 and 35 ka
contains three technocomplexes known as the Still Bay, the
Howiesons Poort and the post-Howiesons Poort. These lithic phases have a wide distribution, are in stratigraphic succession (two
sites, Diepkloof and Sibudu, include all three phases; Rigaud et al.,
2006; Tribolo et al., 2005; Wadley, 2007; Porraz et al., in press) and
are characterized by quite different hunting weapons and technologies. The Still Bay has foliate bifacial points made on flakes or
blocks (Henshilwood et al., 2001a), the Howiesons Poort (HP) has
a technology characterized by the production of small blades
retouched into segments and other backed pieces (Delagnes et al.,
2006; Singer and Wymer, 1982; Soriano et al., 2007; Wurz,
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 303 492 4513.
E-mail addresses:
[email protected] (P. Villa),
[email protected] (M. Soressi),
[email protected] (C.S. Henshilwood), vincent.mourre@ (V. Mourre).
0305-4403/$ – see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2000, 2002) and the post-Howiesons Poort has mainly unifacial
points on flakes, similar to Mousterian points (Villa et al., 2005;
Villa and Lenoir, 2006). Formal bone tools, including awls and bone
points, that appear in the M1 and M2 phases of Blombos and in the
HP technocomplex at Klasies River Mouth and at Sibudu, accompanied by symbolic novelties like shell beads, engraved ochre and
incised ostrich eggshells (Henshilwood et al., 2001a,b, 2002, 2004;
D’Errico et al., 2005; Parkington et al., 2005; D’Errico and Henshilwood, 2007; Backwell et al., 2008) are clear examples of
a tendency to develop new functional ideas, techniques or devices.
To what extent these MSA assemblage changes and precocious
innovations were influenced by parallel changes in climate, prey
availability, plant food cover, hunting tactics or social practices is, at
present, difficult to say. We do not really understand why some
newly invented tools, like the bone points which occur in small
numbers at a few sites (D’Errico and Henshilwood, 2007; Backwell
et al., 2008) were not widely adopted while lithic novelties like the
high frequencies of backed tools in the HP assemblages and the
associated manufacture of small blades by the marginal percussion
P. Villa et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2009) 441–460
technique were adopted on a large scale and became, for some
millennia, part of the established knowledge for the production of
desired tools (Soriano et al., 2007).
Analyses of lithic technologies are needed because they can
provide insights into MSA variability and document the degree of
continuity and discontinuity in diachronic sequences of stone tools.
We present here a technological analysis of the Still Bay points from
Blombos Cave, focusing on their manufacture and intended use.
Detailed analysis of the Still Bay core and debitage technology is
planned. The M1 phase has yielded very large quantities of lithic
materials, in the order of 15,000–18,000 pieces, in part byproducts
of bifacial point manufacture; debitage analysis will be integrated
with an understanding of the point production sequence.
2. The sample
Our sample consists of 352 points and point fragments from
1993 to 2004 excavation. We have excluded from analysis 30 items:
- 10 bifaces which do not have the typical Still Bay morphology
(i.e. they are not pointed or have a very thick, broad base, see
- 7 unifacial points;
- 13 broken specimens originally identified as unfinished point
fragments; these are in fact irregular debris or broken flakes
which do not fit into the manufacturing phases of Still Bay
points (see Section 5).
Twenty-two other specimens had been set aside for residue
analysis by Marlize Lombard. Of these only 19 have the typical Still
Bay morphology (one is a convergent scraper and the two others
are thick bifaces). Analytical data for these 19 pieces are incomplete
because the specimens may not be handled out of their storage
bags and could not be fully observed. If we include the 19 specimens for residue analysis, the total number of specimens in our
database is 371. However, with the exception of raw material
counts and counts of square and layer provenience, all other
diagrams are based on the sample of 352 pieces.
Two other sites in the Cape region have provided Still Bay
assemblages in stratified context: Diepkloof and Hollow Rock
Shelter (Rigaud et al., 2006; Porraz et al., in press; Evans, 1994;
Minichillo, 2005). Both assemblages are under current investigations by other researchers; technological analysis of the small Still
Bay assemblage from Sibudu (Kwa-Zulu Natal; Wadley, 2007) is in
progress by one of us (PV) in collaboration with S. Soriano. The
Blombos series is at present the richest sample of bifacial points
and their manufacture debris available from a well-stratified and
well-dated context.
The typical Still Bay morphology is characterized by a pointed or
elliptical base with curved sides or a narrow straight end (Fig. 1a, c)
and a V-shaped point with straight or curved sides (Fig. 1b, f). The
point of maximum width is located at some distance from the base,
between one-fifth and one-half of the total length. The maximum
thickness is also in the proximal half of the piece but generally at
some distance from the base. They differ from the bifacial teardropshape points with rounded bases and the triangular ‘‘hollowbased’’ bifacial points of the post-Howiesons Poort layers of Sibudu,
layers MOD to Co dated about 50 to 37 ka (Wadley, 2005; Villa and
Lenoir, 2006). The post-Howiesons Poort bifacial points are less
elongated than the Still Bay points and the hollow-based points
have a much wider and concave base.
Three hundred and fifty points were recovered in the M1 phase;
21 come from the top levels of the M2 phase (Fig. 2a). The points
come from 66.5 quadrates (50 50 cm units) including 8 outside
the drip line (Fig. 2b). We have not followed the subdivision of the
M1 phase into 1a and 1b used by Henshilwood et al. (2001a) for this
analysis but we believe that a future study of the variation among
bifacial points from different layers at the site would be
Based on OSL dates (Jacobs et al., 2006) the temporal range of
Still Bay points at Blombos covers the interval between 77 ka (layer
CFB/CFC of the M2 phase is dated to 76.8 3.1) and ca. 70 ka (date
for the sterile dune overlying the M1 deposits). Burnt lithics of the
M1 phase have yielded a mean age of 74 5 ka, in good agreement
with the OSL dates (Tribolo et al., 2006).
Preliminary analysis of lithics from layer CC, a main M1 subunit,
from 1998 to 2000 excavations, suggests that a large proportion of
debitage is the byproduct of bifacial point manufacture; retouched
pieces other than points may have been introduced into the site
ready made or as blanks since there are too few cores (1.2%, that is 6
cores on a total of 500 flakes > 2 cm) from which their blanks could
have been obtained, and too few cortical flakes (Soressi, 2005).
Table 1 shows that finished points are 38.6% of all formal tools and
informally retouched flakes.
3. Raw material
Silcrete, a soil duricrust consisting of clasts of variable size
cemented into a hard mass by silica, is the raw material of choice for
points. The fabric of silcrete is variable since it contains a detrital
component and secondary silica. From a stoneknapper’s viewpoint
silcrete can be described as occurring in different varieties ranging
from a fine-grained rock with microcrystalline matrix and almost
no visible grains to a medium and coarse-grained variety. Table 2
shows that quartzite, quartz and, in one case, a cryptocrystalline
siliceous stone were also used.
Fine-grained silcrete is slightly predominant (53.0%) over the
coarse-grained variety (47.0%). The colors range from red, reddish
grey and yellowish red (55.4%, i.e. 144 of 260) to grey, yellow and
brown (44.2%, i.e. 115 of 260). Fine-grained green silcrete is rare;
one point and some flakes in layers CA and CB are made of this
It has been recently suggested that silcrete in its raw form is
difficult to knap and that heat treatment was used on the southern
Cape silcrete to improve its flaking qualities; the Still Bay bifaces
would otherwise be difficult to knap (Brown et al., 2008). Heat
treatment changes the mechanical properties of stone materials
and experiments have demonstrated a well-defined reduction in
fracture toughness in silcrete. Accompanying visual changes would
be to change the color from yellow/brown to red, although color
changes may not occur if iron oxides are not present, and a greasy
luster visible on the part retouched after thermal treatment in
contrast to the non-lustrous appearance of the non-heated surface
(Domanski and Webb, 1992; Domanski et al., 1994; Domanski and
Webb, 2007; Inizan and Tixier, 2001). Variable quantities of iron
commonly occur in South Africa silcretes (Roberts, 2003) so color
changes might be expected. Since a large proportion of the Blombos
finished points made on silcrete is either light grey or yellow,
without any reddish hue, it is possible that heat treatment was not
applied or was not systematically applied. Color changes, however,
are an uncertain indicator; luster is a better recognition criterion
and a systematic search on points and associated debitage is
planned. However, according to Australian geologists (Doelman
et al., 2001; Webb and Domanski, 2008) the fabric and mechanical
properties of silcrete have a strong effect on artifact manufacture;
microcrystalline silcrete and some fine-grained silcrete are suitable
for blade production and fine retouch. Still Bay points have been
replicated in fine silcrete using a soft stone hammer, without heat
treatment (Porraz et al., in press; Texier et al., 2008).
The sources of silcrete are not well known. About 10.2% of the
pieces (38 of 371) have residual cortex. This cortex appears in three
varieties: fresh (i.e. unrolled and unaltered), rolled (from water-
P. Villa et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2009) 441–460
Fig. 1. Drawings of Still Bay points from Blombos; the production sequence, which includes phases 1 to 4, is described in the text. Catalogue numbers preceded by a P or a T are
those assigned by MS; numbers with PV or PVN have been assigned by PV. Three pieces, kept in a showcase at the Iziko Museum, are listed as Museum 1–3. (a) Double-pointed
phase 4 point, fine silcrete (P 71, layer CD); the point was modified after phase 3 by two notches near the tip by hard hammer percussion. (b) Phase 3 broken point of fine silcrete (P
68, layer CD); the manufacturing break is a lateral snap with a lip. (c) Phase 3 point with a narrow straight base of coarse silcrete (PVN 7, layer CD). (d) Lateral-distal fragment of an
almost finished point pf coarse silcrete with a perverse fracture; this knapping accident occurred during phase 3 (P 67, layer CD). (e) Phase 2a point of fine silcrete, with areas of
cortex in the center part (P 70, layer CD). It was abandoned probably because many flake scars are too deep and irregular to be corrected. (f) Phase 3 of fine silcrete (P 42, layer CB),
the break is an oblique lateral snap with a curved profile. Scale bars ¼ 1 cm. Drawings by Marycel Albertyn.
worn pebbles) and a weathered, apparently chemically altered,
cortex (Fig. 3:1–5). Thus it seems that procurement of these raw
materials was from similar sources, one being primary deposits and
a second one being beach or river gravels; weathered and silcretised alluvial or colluvial deposits are mapped as being approximately 30 km north of Blombos in the Riversdale region (Roberts,
2003). Note that during the Still Bay occupation (MIS 5a) the mean
sea level was similar to the present (Butzer, 2004; Ramsay and
Cooper, 2002) and close to the cave; two rivers traversing the
inland silcrete deposits exit into the ocean about 20 km east and
west of Blombos. Despite various searches over the past 10 years,
silcrete cobbles have never been found on the beach or in the
vicinity of the cave or at the mouths of the two rivers mentioned
above. This suggests that silcrete may have been collected from
river valleys and transported 20–30 km to the cave. Quartz and
quartzite cobbles occur near the cave (Henshilwood et al., 2001a).
At other MSA sites, such as Sibudu and Rose Cottage, the raw
materials also seems to have been collected locally or transported
over short distances (20 km; Villa et al., 2005; Soriano et al.,
2007). This evidence and the very high frequencies of
P. Villa et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2009) 441–460
Fig. 2. (a) Stratigraphy of Blombos Cave in square H6 and OSL ages, based on Jacobs et al. (2006); (b) distribution map of Still Bay points and point fragments.
manufacturing breaks on the Still Bay points (see below) run
counter to the idea that the making of Still Bay bifacial points was
a response to the need to conserve lithic raw material and to
patterns of movement away from raw material sources (McCall,
There is a very marked increase in silcrete use compared to the
previous M2 phase: 72% of the Still Bay points are made of silcrete
while silcrete frequencies in the M2 and M3 phases are negligible in
comparison (18.2% and 24.3, respectively, for the retouched pieces;
Henshilwood et al., 2001a).
4. Analytical procedures
Our analysis includes the following: reconstruction of the
manufacture sequence, analysis of breakage, morphometric analysis and analysis of impact fractures. Identification of impact fractures and manufacturing breaks is based on comparisons with
experimental and archaeological bifacial points of verified function.
There is an extensive literature on Paleoindian bifacial points,
including morphometric features, functional technology and
impact fractures. Particularly useful in this respect are studies of
points from bison kill sites where the context provides unambiguous information on point use and damage. One of us (PV) has been
able to study 160 points from bison kill sites such as Casper in
Wyoming, the Frazier and Dent sites in Colorado and from kill and
residential sites such as Jurgens, Claypool, Hell Gap and Horner II
sites also in Colorado and Wyoming (Figgins, 1933; Frison, 1974;
Frison and Todd, 1987; Slessman, 2004; Wheat, 1979; Muniz, 2005;
Table 1
Counts of points and other tools in layer CC.
Finished points (phase 3 and 4, complete and broken)
Points in earlier stages of manufacture
Circular scrapers
Side, transverse and other scrapers
Retouched, utilized flakes
Tool fragments
Frequencies of raw materials for tools other than points are: silcrete 69.8%, quartzite
18.6%, quartz 11.6%. These frequencies are almost identical to those of the point
assemblage (Table 2).
Larson et al., in press). We do not imply that Paleoindian points are
in any way formally homologous to the Blombos points, only that
certain aspects of their manufacturing and impact breaks allow us
to make reasonable inferences about the Blombos points, using
relational analogies as in the case of controlled experiments (Gifford-González, 1991). As we will see, differences can also be
Analysis of impact fractures has also been greatly aided by
access to the experimental material developed by a group of French
technologists, led by Hugues Plisson and Jean-Michel Geneste. The
aim of this research group (Geneste and Plisson, 1990; Castel, 2008)
was the study of the functional technology of Solutrean points
based on replication and use of shouldered and unifacial points,
hafted and mounted as darts on spear shafts weighing 202 g and
1.5 m long or as arrowheads on wooden arrows 80 cm long. The
flint points were shot in three different ways: with spear throwers
similar to the Upper Paleolithic ones, with a calibrated cross-bow
with 25 kg of pull or with a long bow made of yew with about 22 kg
of force. The bow was a replica of the oldest known bows from
Mesolithic and Neolithic European sites. The target of the points
shown here was dead adult cows about 450 kg and the weapons
were shot from fixed distances (9 m for the bow and 18 m for the
cross-bow). The experimental material generated through
a number of years includes hundreds of specimens and we have
been able to study 55 specimens and document different kinds of
impact fractures with microscope photos. Manufacturing breaks
were also accidentally produced by one of us (V.M.) in his experimental replication of Still Bay points and testing of local raw
materials, using hard and soft (wood) hammers. More experimental replications are needed and are planned to assist in the
classification of the whole lithic assemblage.
Table 2
Frequencies of raw materials for Still Bay points and point fragments.
Raw material
Cryptocrystalline silica
P. Villa et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2009) 441–460
Fig. 3. Different kinds of cortex on silcrete of Still Bay points. (1–2) Rolled cortex. (3) Fresh cortex. (4–5) Weathered, altered cortex on silcrete. Scale bars ¼ 1 cm.
5. Production sequence
The Blombos assemblage contains a large number of points
broken and/or abandoned unfinished in various stages of manufacture, allowing us to reconstruct their reduction sequence.
The shaping of the Still Bay points is a progressive process and it
is not easy to define clearly distinct, regularly succeeding stages.
Some of the characteristics of the finished products are systematically present (bilateral symmetry, regular tip outline and profile),
others appear optional (bifacial symmetry, regular base outline and
Table 3
Phases of manufacture. For each attribute the number of observed specimens is less than the total for the phase because specific attributes could not be observed on broken
specimens. Seven broken specimens could not be diagnosed at all and the phase is undetermined. A few pieces were diagnosed but not recorded in detail. Bifacial symmetry is
in profile view; bilateral symmetry is in outline view. Regular tip or base outline applies to that portion only.
Phase 1
Phase 2 (N ¼ 57 þ 57 þ 56 phase 2 indet. ¼ 170)
Phase 3
Phase 4
Advanced shaping
(N ¼ 57)
Finished product
(N ¼ 107)
modified (N ¼ 17)
(soft hammer)
(soft hammer)
(hard hammer)
Phase 2a
Phase 2b
Initial shaping
(N ¼ 51)
Advanced shaping
(N ¼ 57)
Internal percussion
(hard hammer)
Percussion technique
1. Cortex on edges
2. Portion of unmodified edge
(flake ventral surface or
natural surface)
1 and/or 2 combined
3. Regular outline of tip
4. Regular outline of base
5. Regular tip profile
6. Regular base profile
7. Bifacial symmetry
8. Bilateral symmetry
(soft hammer)
P. Villa et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2009) 441–460
profile; see Table 3 for definitions). They are produced in a mosaic
fashion without respecting a clearly established sequence. Thus
certain preforms may already show bilateral symmetry while the
same may be absent in pieces in an advanced shaping phase. The
manufacturing sequence appears to be less regular, less standardized than the reduction stages defined for Folsom and other bifacial
Paleoindian points (Frison and Bradley, 1980; Bradley, 1982; Bradley
and Frison, 1987). For these reasons we prefer to use the term
‘‘phases’’ which seems less formal than the term ‘‘stages’’.
The knapping techniques used by the Blombos artisans can be
used to support a basic subdivision of the production sequence. Two
kinds of removals can be observed: (1) with concave negative bulbs
and a highly localized point of percussion, two features that indicate
use of a hard stone hammer striking away from the edge of the piece
(internal percussion; for a definition of this term see Soriano et al.,
2007); and (2) with shallow negative bulbs and a diffuse contact
point indicating a marginal striking motion (marginal percussion)
obtained with a soft (organic or soft stone) hammer in a swinging,
tangential motion. Given the absence of cervids and antlers in the
African fauna, a soft organic hammer would be made of wood or
bone. The second hypothesis is supported by the finds of two bovid
long bone shaft fragments with impact scars resulting from knapping. One from a Class III bovid (wildebeest size) in layer CA in the
M1 phase bears a few linear impact scars and it may have been used
as a retoucher (D’Errico and Henshilwood, 2007). There are,
however, very few scars, much fewer than those observed on
retouchers of the Lower and Middle Paleolithic in Europe (Villa and
d’Errico, 2001). A second metacarpal shaft fragment from a Class IV
bovid (eland size) bears many more scars; it comes also from Still
Bay layers (Henshilwood et al., 2001b). Experimental work on the
local raw materials is needed to check if soft organic (wood or bone)
or soft stone hammer was used at Blombos.
Use of pressure flaking for shaping and thinning the points has
been suggested in the past (Henshilwood and Sealy, 1997; Deacon
Fig. 4. Blombos points in various phases of manufacture, all of silcrete except no.2, of quartzite. (1–2) Phase 1, P 29, rolled cortex on the right side; PVN 95, rolled cortex on the left
side. (3–5) Phase 2a, P 45, P 53 and P 70. (6–7) Phase 2b, P 41 and PVN 64. (8–10) Phase 3, PVN 7, P 54 and Museum 3. Scale bars ¼ 1 cm.
P. Villa et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2009) 441–460
Fig. 5. Blombos phase 4 points. 1,2 and 4 are of silcrete, 3 is of quartz. 1–3 have notches at the distal end, (PVN 140, P. 71 and PVN 139); 4 has notches on the right side (PVN 68).
Scale bars ¼ 1 cm.
Phase 4. A small number of points show deeper and less carefully
spaced hard hammer scars truncating the soft hammer removals,
sometimes accompanied by a change in outline form. This
reworking, done with a change of technique, is not systematic and
there is no unique purpose. Several cases occur. One specimen
shows reworking of the distal end and a change in outline suggesting resharpening in the haft (Minichillo, 2005). This is discussed later in the section ‘‘Hafting’’. Deep notches on the distal end
of three points have altered their bifacial and bilateral symmetry
(Fig. 1a; Fig. 5: 1–3). Five more specimens seem to belong to this
category with notches at the tip and also at the base creating
irregular outlines. Two others have notches in the middle section
(Fig. 5: 4). In one case the hard hammer may have been an attempt
to remove high spots in the center section. In three more cases the
purpose is unclear as the piece is broken or no longer pointed.
Fig. 6 shows the frequency distribution of attributes by phase;
phase 4 is not included because it includes only a few cases and it
represents a change in the purpose of creating a specific
morphology. Phases 1 and 3 are at the opposite end of the process;
phases 2a and 2b are close to phase 1 and clearly separated from
phase 3 when the six major attributes of the points (the regular
outline and profile of tip and base, and symmetry of the whole
Phase 3
Phase 1
Phase 2a
Phase 2b
Phase 3
and Deacon, 1999). However, we can exclude the use of pressure on
the Blombos bifacial points: the scars are too wide, they are not
parallel and are delimited by ridges that are too sinuous and
irregular to be compatible with this technique (Inizan et al., 1995).
Pieces that retain evidence of the blank from which they were
made are few (51 of 352). A portion of the ventral surface of a flake
blank is visible in 36 pieces; for 9 other pieces the evidence of a flake
blank is less certain while 6 points were made from thin angular
blocs. This suggests that often, but not exclusively, large flakes were
used as blanks. However, the initial phase of blank manufacture and
selection cannot be described solely on the basis of pieces transformed into points, as it needs to be investigated through analysis of
the whole lithic assemblage and comparisons with experimental
materials. This kind of work is in the planning stages.
We can divide the manufacturing sequence of points in four
phases (Table 3, Figs. 4–6):
Phase 1. Initial shaping. These pieces exhibit deep percussion
scars done by hard stone hammer with irregular profiles and
irregular margins. They may have some cortex or portion of edges
retaining some of the ventral surface of the flake from which they
were made. The preliminary flaking sequence is interrupted by
knapping breaks or high spots and irregular scars with deep hinge
or step termination that cannot be corrected (Fig. 4: 1–2).
Phase 2. Advanced shaping. This phase is characterized by the use
of the marginal percussion (with a soft or soft stone hammer)
which allows the removal of thin, long flakes for thinning the piece
over its entire surface. The use of the hard hammer is reserved to
removals done for correcting hinge or step terminations, remove
protrusions or marginal steep surfaces. We distinguish phase 2a
and phase 2b. Phase 2a (Fig. 4: 3–5 and Fig. 1e) has scars produced
by hard and soft hammer, some residual cortex on the edges or the
base or the center of the piece and mostly irregular outlines and
profiles. Phase 2b (Fig. 4: 6–7) has only soft hammer scars. There
are fewer cases of residual cortex; bases are more often regular;
bilateral and bifacial symmetry are present in about one-fourth of
the cases. Accidental breaks are common and 56 pieces were
assigned to indeterminate Phase 2.
Phase 3 (Fig. 1b, c, d and f; Fig. 4: 8–10) consists of the finished
product with only soft hammer removals. Fine retouch is applied to
the edges, especially the tip. The point reaches its final morphology.
There is no cortex on the edges and bilateral symmetry is systematic (97.6% of the cases). Bifacial symmetry is slightly less frequent
(71.4%) probably due to the use of flakes as blanks.
Phase 2b
Phase 2a
Phase 1
Fig. 6. Frequency distribution of manufacturing phase attributes. The attribute
numbers are those of Table 3. 1 þ 2 ¼ presence of cortex or portion of unmodified flake
ventral surface or natural surface on edges; 3 ¼ regular outline of tip; 4 ¼ regular
outline of base; 5 ¼ regular tip profile; 6 ¼ regular base profile; 7 ¼ bifacial symmetry;
b ¼ bilateral symmetry.
P. Villa et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2009) 441–460
Fig. 7. Classification of macrofractures. (A) Schematic representation of impact scars on Hell Gap points from the Casper site; modified after Frison (1974). (B) Classification of
fractures on lithic points, modified after Fischer et al. (1984).
piece in outline and profile view) were achieved by fine percussion
flaking; cortex was then completely removed. Morphometric
differences between phase 2 and 3 and lack of impact scars on
phase 2 points (cf. Sections 8.3 and 8.5 and Table 5) strongly suggest
that they cannot be considered functionally equivalent to phase 3
points but were simply a phase in the manufacturing process.
6. Breakage and fragment types
About 80% of the Still Bay points are broken. Several types of
breakage can be recognized in our sample. Terms used for impact
and other kinds of fractures follow work by North American
archaeologists (Crabtree, 1972; Frison, 1974; Johnson, 1979; Frison
and Bradley, 1980; Bradley, 1982; Bradley and Frison, 1987) and the
fracture classification of the Ho Ho Committee (1979); (cf. also
Odell and Cowan 1986; Fischer et al., 1984; O’Farrell, 1996). The two
main system of classification of macrofractures, by Frison (1974)
and Fischer et al. (1984) are illustrated in Fig. 7. Aside from impact
fractures, which will be discussed in a later section, most of the
fractures in our sample are snap (bending) fractures and a few cone
and perverse fractures. Table 4 shows frequencies of broken pieces
by phase of manufacture.
Cone fractures occur when force is applied to a limited area and
the fractures initiate in the contact area (Fischer et al., 1984). These
are most often intentional breaks. Only three cases occur at
Blombos on point ends that were deliberately removed during
manufacture or for recycling. These are indicated as tip flakes in
Table 4.
Perverse fractures are spiral or twisting fractures initiated at
the point of force along the edge of the piece being flaked (Figs. 1d
and 8: 4–5). Perverse fractures indicate manufacturing breaks
(Crabtree, 1972; Johnson, 1979; Frison and Bradley, 1980). On flint
the percussion point is visible, although it is often indistinct on
quartzite and coarse-grained silcrete. For this reason we have
recognized only few perverse fractures at Blombos.
The most common breaks at Blombos are bending fractures.
They occur when the force is applied over a rather large area and
the break does not initiate at the point of applied force. Lateral
snaps are transverse bending fractures that can have a straight or
curved profile (Fig. 8: 1–3); in cross-section the fracture displays
a straight or S-curve face. They are a very common fracture type and
Table 4
Fragment types by phase of manufacture.
Fragment type
Lateral fragment
Tip flake
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Complete or almost complete point
Missing the tip only (not by impact)
Tips are small apical fragments between 0.5 and <3 cm long; distal fragments are
3 cm; midsections are delimited by two fractures proximally and distally; tip flakes
are deliberately removed tips with a clear ventral face and a bulb of percussion.
Phase 2 includes pieces in Phase 2a, 2b and Phase 2 indeterminate (all broken).
Thirty-six fragments could not be attributed to a breakage type or a phase due to
incompleteness or limited shaping. Of the 17 pieces of Phase 4, five are broken.
P. Villa et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2009) 441–460
Table 5
Tip cross-sectional area in mm2.
Sites and cultural affiliation
Blombos Still Bay, phase 3 points
Blombos Still Bay, phase 2b points
Blombos Still Bay, phase 2a points
Blombos Still Bay, phase 1 points
Sibudu, final MSA (East section, layers Ore to Co), unifacial points.
Sibudu, layers RSP-MOD (North section) unifacial points, late MSA
Sibudu, layers below RSP (North section) unifacial points, post-Howiesons Poort
Murray Springs (Arizona; Clovis)
Folsom type site (New Mexico)
Casper (Wyoming; Hell Gap)
Olsen-Chubbuck (Colorado; Cody)
Jurgens (Colorado; Cody)
Dart tips
Spear tips
Solutrean shouldered points
The TCSA is calculated by the formula: 1/2 maximum width x maximum thickness. SD ¼ standard deviation; CV ¼ coefficient of variation. The means of phases 3 and 2b of
Blombos Still Bay are significantly different: t ¼ 3.67, p < 0.001, df ¼ 37. In all cases the TCSA is calculated on points which are complete or whose break affects only length but
not the original width and thickness. For sources of data sets and discussion of previously published TCSA values, see Supplementary Material.
occur often during manufacture but can occur also through use, i.e.
impact or by trampling.
Can we distinguish between these different causes? If trampling
was the cause of a lateral snap, breakage would be accompanied by
other features, such as microfractures of the edges or abrupt
pseudoretouches or abraded edges. Their absence on all points
suggests that trampling can be excluded in most cases.
Lateral snaps occur also during violent impact. At the Casper site
in Wyoming, a single-event Paleoindian bison kill site, many of the
projectile points (total ¼ 60) show impact scars on the distal end
and transverse breaks on the stem and blade of the tool (Frison,
1974). Frison and Stanford (1982: 80, 106) noted that the base and
tip of the Agate Basin projectile points were particularly vulnerable
to snap breaks as a consequence of impact and this was confirmed
by experiments using thrusting spears. Fig. 8: 1–2 shows three
examples of lateral snaps on Agate Basin projectile points from the
Frazier site (Colorado), another single-event bison kill site. The
fractures are undoubtedly due to impact on the distal end causing
breakage in the haft.
Can we separate snaps due to manufacture from snaps due to
impact at Blombos? Of 91 broken finished points at Blombos only
10 are bases or proximal plus middle fragments. Most of the
broken pieces are tips (Table 4). The Blombos tips could in principle result from impact, rather than manufacture, if we assume
that broken tips were brought back to the site inside the killed
animal carcass.
However, exactly the same kind of bending fractures occur on
finished and unfinished pieces at different phases of manufacture.
Tips broken in different phases of production show a majority of
lateral snaps, followed by tips with a ‘‘languette’’ (¼breaks with
a long feather termination; Inizan et al., 1995) and tips with
a short feather termination. Thus we believe that most of these
tips and base fragments represent production failures and are not
the result of violent impact. Intensive retouch is applied to tips
during phase 3. Since tips are narrower and thinner than bases,
they are more prone to breakage than the thicker and less
retouched bases, hence the high frequency of tips compared to
bases (Table 4); reshaping of the distal end would often continue
after the accident. In a few cases, however, the snap break is
accompanied by impact scars at the apex, proving that the point
broke on impact.
In sum, the majority of the Blombos points were abandoned
because of errors that left them too thick or irregular or because of
breaks; this implies that morphometric and macrofracture analyses
must distinguish finished from unfinished pieces.
7. Production failures
The total number of broken pieces (excluding pieces broken by
impact, see below) is 270 of 343, i.e. 79%. Production rejects include
all the phase 1 and 2 points whether broken or complete (221 of
345 pieces assigned to a phase). Of the phase 3 and phase 4 points
only 23 are complete or have minor damage or breaks (Table 4).
Excluding 9 broken points with distal impact or haft fractures due
to utilization, most fractures appear to be production failures. The
total sum of phase 1, phase 2 and broken specimens of phase 3 and
4 is 308 corresponding to 89.8% of 343 pieces; points broken
distally by impact or in the haft are excluded. A high proportion of
production failures and broken specimens occur at some bifacial
point production sites of later ages (Johnson, 1979; preliminary
counts show that of 177 Archaic bifacial stemmed points only 28
were completed). Failure rates of 37% are reported for the final
phase of manufacturing of Folsom points (Sellet, 2004).
Manufacturing breaks and unfinished pieces are common at the
Solutrean site of Maitreaux (Aubry et al., 2008; counts not yet
available). The proportion of production rejects and broken specimens at Blombos is higher but still comparable to those occurring
at much later sites on easier-to-flake materials used by the skilled
Solutrean and Paleoindian stone knappers.
8. Hafting, morphometric and impact scar analyses
Analyses of stone points from prehistoric kill sites have shown
that the attributes necessary for the proper functioning of a device
to kill a large animal are a sharp point to penetrate the hide, and
sharp side edges to open a hole for the remainder of the point and
shaft (Frison, 1991). Tip design is critical for the penetration of a low
velocity weapon (Hughes, 1998). Thus analysis of lithic points, to
test the hypothesis that the points were used as parts of hunting
weapons, must show three things: (1) there must be some evidence
of hafting; (2) the points must have a sharp tip, to penetrate the
hide; and (3) some should have impact scars, indicating their use as
killing weapons.
8.1. Hafting
Evidence of hafting has been found by Lombard (2005, 2006 a,b,
2007) on some of the post-Howiesons Poort unifacial points and
Still Bay bifacial points from Sibudu by microwear and residue
analysis. Minichillo (2005) suggested hafting based on his observation of resharpening of the distal edges of two Still Bay points
P. Villa et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2009) 441–460
Fig. 8. Examples of snap and perverse fractures. (1–2) Agate Basin projectile points from the Frazier site (Colorado). All three specimens have lateral snap fractures, due to impact on
the distal end causing breakage in the haft. (1) Distal-middle portion; (2) two bases. All have grinding of the proximal edges, proof that they are finished and used points. (3) Lateral
snap on P 53, a phase 2a Blombos point of fine silcrete; the hollow in the stone is an imperfection that may have been the cause of break during manufacture. (4) Perverse fracture
on P 67, a phase 3 Blombos point of coarse-grained silcrete. (5a, b) Experimental, unfinished bifacial foliate point broken during manufacture by Jacques Pelegrin (direct percussion
with a soft hammer); the twisting surface of the fracture is evident in Fig. 5b. Scale bars ¼ 1 cm.
from Hangklip and from Hollow Rock Shelter. According to him
resharpening left the base wider than the distal part of the point
and this implied that the point had been resharpened in the haft.
He interpreted the Still Bay points as both butchering knives and
spear tips. Lombard (2006b) also suggested that some of the Sibudu
points were used as weapon tips and others as butchery knives
with lateral hafting.
At Blombos we found three kinds of evidence for axial hafting,
appropriate for points used as spear-heads. The first case rejoins
Minichillo’s observation. PVN 65 is a phase 4 point of fine silcrete,
made on a large flake. On one face the distal part has been
completely reworked with removals by hard hammer, thus the
distal portion has a slightly concave edge (Fig. 9). Either it was
easier to use an internal percussion technique on a point still in its
haft or resharpening was done by a less experienced knapper. The
pattern of resharpening strongly suggests axial hafting.
The second case of axial hafting is indicated by a peculiar patination of another point, PVN 66. On both faces the distal part has
a whitish patina; the proximal part is unpatinated and darker in
color. The contact between the two areas is sharp (Fig. 10). The lack
of patination of the proximal part may be due to hafting: the
organic material which constituted the haft deteriorated through
time while the unhafted area was exposed to direct atmospheric
conditions and developed the white patina. This same pattern of
P. Villa et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2009) 441–460
Fig. 10. Phase 3 point (PVN 66, H6a, CD) with patinated and unpatinated areas on both
faces. This pattern may have resulted from hafting, the darker, unpatinated color
corresponding to the hafted area. Scale bar ¼ 1 cm.
Fig. 9. Phase 4 point (PVN 65, E4, AK) showing resharpening in the haft. The hard
hammer removals on the distal portion of the point are indicated by black dots; they
are later than the soft hammer removals on most of the piece. The original shape of the
point is indicated at the top left. The light grey area (top right) is the flake blank
patinated and non-patinated areas on the same implement has
been observed on a Mousterian scraper from the site of Quneitra
(Israel) dated to 54,000 years ago (Friedman et al., 1994–1995). The
pattern was experimentally replicated by hafting two flakes and
one Mousterian point of black flint and exposing them to
atmospheric conditions for 6 months. The hafted area remained
dark in color; the exposed unhafted part developed a white/gray
patina. The patina pattern of the Blombos point indicates axial
The third kind of evidence is provided by impact scars on the
proximal part of two phase 3 points: a step-terminating bend break
at the base of an almost complete point (Fig. 11a, b) and two burinlike removals originating from a straight snap on the midsection of
a second point (Fig. 11c–e). This kind of break, by pressure or
counter shock in the haft or above the haft, occurs on Paleoindian
bifacial points (Bradley, 1982: 198; Bradley and Frison, 1987: 217;
Huckell, 2007: 200) and has been experimentally reproduced on
replicas of Paleoindian spear points thrusted into an elephant
carcass (Huckell, 1982) or shot on bisons with an atlatl by Bruce
Bradley (personal communication, December 2007) and on replicas
of Solutrean shouldered points (Fig. 12). All these points were
hafted axially.
8.2. Spear tips or butchery knives?
The two most common interpretations of the Still Bay points are
that they were used as spear tips or butchery knives or both
(Minichillo, 2005; Lombard, 2006b, 2007). Lombard suggested that
some of the Still Bay points from Sibudu and Blombos were used as
weapon tips and others as butchery knives.
However, we do not believe that Blombos Still Bay points were
designed as both spear-heads and butchery knives. We should
distinguish between intended function and occasional use.
If a point is designed for the purpose of killing animals, it has to
be properly aligned in the haft to withstand the axial pressure of
thrust on impact which is different from the pressure resulting
from butchering (Frison, 1991: 315). A butchery tool is subject to
stress from the side, i.e. from directions other than that directly
toward the V-shaped end of the point. Paleoindian points hafted
axially into a main shaft through a foreshaft may have been occasionally used for butchery, especially at kill sites, using the equipment at hand. However, this was possible for Paleoindian points
because they were very likely attached to a foreshaft that could
easily be removed from the main shaft after its use for a kill (Frison,
1974). Direct physical evidence of foreshafts in North America
P. Villa et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2009) 441–460
Fig. 11. Impact fractures on the bases of two phase 3 points, both of silcrete. (a, b) Step fracture on PVN 45 (D2b, CF); (c–e) Two burin-like fractures on the right and left side of PVN
97 (E10c, WAB). The scale of (a) and (c) ¼ 1 cm; the scale of (b), (d), (e) ¼ 2 mm.
occurs only by about 300 AD but there are some possible examples
from Paleoindian times (Bradley and Frison, 1996: 67). It is difficult
to imagine that foreshafts (documented in the Magdalenian and in
Holocene times on South African arrows; Pétillon and Cattelain,
2004; Bosc-Zanardo, 2004) were already in use at Blombos, more
than 60,000 years before their physical record. Thus the Still Bay
points, if their intended use was butchery, had to be hafted in a way
different from that used for insertion on the distal end of a main
shaft. In fact, Lombard (2006b) suggested that two asymmetrical
Sibudu points may have been mounted on short hafts.
We are not sure that this applies to the Blombos points, none of
which show the asymmetry observed by Lombard at Sibudu. It is
unclear to us why an artifact to be used as a knife should have
a pointed or a very narrow proximal end which is a shape appropriate for insertion into a socket or split haft. The narrow proximal
margins of a Still Bay point are adapted to the use of binding
materials (sinew or plant fiber) without creating a significant ‘‘hilt’’
effect. If the binding is too bulky it will hinder penetration of the
shaft into the hole formed by the stone point to reach a vital spot
(Frison, 1991; Knecht, 1997).
It does not seem efficient to design a point and a knife in the
same way. The Blombos points with their sequence of
manufacturing phases provide evidence that the intended final
form of the artifact was clear in the mind of the knappers; a specific
mental template was guiding the operation, especially with respect
to the apex of the tool. This is why we do not believe that the
Blombos points were designed with a dual objective of being used
as points and as knives, although points may have had a secondary
use as a knife.
The base of many Still Bay points is not always a narrow, pointed
V shape; it is sometimes broad or wide arched or is elliptical but
with a straight truncation, either a deliberate fracture surface or
a truncation occasionally obtained by retouch or by leaving an area
of cortex (Supplementary Materials, Table 1). That particular shape,
with a narrow but straight end, may be a way of avoiding damage
that a V-shaped base may cause to the shaft socket by penetration
on impact.
8.3. Point shape
Morphometric analysis based on comparisons with securely
identified spear-heads or arrowheads can show if the artifacts
have a potential to be interpreted as killing weapons. The tip
cross-sectional area (TCSA; approximated by the formula: 1/2
maximum width maximum thickness) is one of the variables
that influence penetration of a low velocity weapon, hence its
killing power: the smaller the TCSA the better the penetration.
Shea (2006) provides descriptive statistics for ethnographic and
recent archeological (North American) hafted stone points (spear
points, dart tips and arrowheads) based on data provided by
Thomas (1978), Shott (1997) and Hughes (1998) and has used
them to discriminate between hand-delivered spears (throwing or
thrusting spears), dart tips thrown with a spearthrower and
arrow-heads. The TCSA value puts the Blombos phase 3 points in
the class of hand-delivered spears, together with the unifacial
points from Sibudu and the Clovis and Hell Gap points (Table 6; cf.
also Shea, 2006).
It has been recently suggested that the coefficient of variation
can be a useful measure of standardization (Eerkens and Bettinger,
2001). The TCSA of the Still Bay points is much higher than the
coefficient of variation of Paleoindian points. This suggests that
differently from the specialized Paleoindian projectile points the
MSA points are not fully standardized. The width and thickness of
Upper Paleolithic points are often published in condensed statistical form, thus we cannot calculate the TCSA standard deviation
and coefficient of variation of the Solutrean points. However, the
coefficient of variation of the mean width and thickness is quite
low, comparable to values of Paleoindian points but different from
the high values of MSA points (Supplementary Materials, Table 2).
P. Villa et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2009) 441–460
Fig. 12. Step and burin-like fractures at the base or in the middle portion of Paleoindian points and on an experimental Solutrean shouldered point. (a) Step fracture on a bifacial
point from the Frazier site (petrified wood). (b) Burin-like fracture on a point from the Claypool site (chert). (c, d) Step fracture at the base of a refitted point from the Casper site
(chert). (e) Step fracture at the base of a Casper point (jasper). (f, g) Step fracture on an experimental shouldered point (flint). (h) Burin-like fracture at the base of a Casper point
(quartzite). Scale bar ¼ 1 cm; the size of scars is indicated in millimeter.
8.4. Impact scars and their analytical classification
Based on experimental work and refitting of impact flakes on
the Casper points Frison described five kinds of tip damage
(Fig. 7A): (1) scars on the face of the point, originating from the
apex (called flute scars) and with a feather termination; (2) flute
scars with step termination; (3) burin-like scars on the edge of the
point; (4) crushing of the tip; the most distinctive and diagnostic is
a cluster of small overlapping step scars parallel to the long axis of
the point; and (5) small cone fractures (with a negative bulb)
starting from a snap. The latter scars have been called spin-offs by
Fischer et al. (1984) (Fig. 7B).
Fischer et al. (1984) considered diagnostic only step-terminating
fractures and spin-offs. To be diagnostic spin-offs should have
a length of 6 mm or greater if they occurred unifacially on large
points (like the Brommian points used in their shooting experiments, generally 4 to 6 cm long) or irrespective of length, if they
occur bifacially. In the case of small points (like the transverse
arrowheads shot with a bow and a length of 1–3 cm) he said that
the fractures should be at least 1 mm long. He set no size limits to
step-terminating fractures nor does O’Farrell (2004). Step-
terminating fractures have not been obtained in trampling experiments (O’Farrell, 1996) hence are considered diagnostic regardless
of size. Burin-like scars were recognized as distinctive by Frison
(1974), Bergmann and Newcomer (1983) and Odell and Cowan
In sum, the general consensus is that step-terminating fractures,
burin-like fractures (originating from the tip or from a bend break)
Table 6
Maximum thickness of finished Folsom and Blombos Still Bay points.
Thickness in mm
Folsom type site
Other Folsom Sites
Measured points are those with complete maximum thickness. At the type site of
Folsom 32 bisons were killed and all the points are finished specimens. On the
Folsom points the maximum thickness is taken at the thickest point of the blade or
base and is not the thickness within flute scars which is always smaller. Data on
Folsom from Meltzer (2006): Table 8.4 (casts excluded) and Table 8.9.
P. Villa et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2009) 441–460
and spin-off fractures on the distal end of a point are diagnostic of
use as weapon tips. Impact damage occurring on the base or
proximal part of a point has been discussed in the section on
8.5. Impact scars at Blombos
At Blombos there are 11 pieces with impact damage on a total of
82 finished phase 3 points that are either complete or observable
Fig. 13. Impact scars on Blombos Still Bay points, all silcrete and all phase 3. (1) Burin-like impact scar 4 mm long on the distal edge, Museum 3. (2) Step scar 5.2 mm long; the
proximal fracture is an oblique snap with lipped profile, perhaps caused by impact, P 78. (3), burin-like scar 4.9 mm long on the distal edge, P 50. (4) Multiple step fracture, 8.9 mm
long; the break in the lower part of the tool is a snap with a curved profile, perhaps caused by impact, PVN 61. Scale bars ¼ 1 cm.
P. Villa et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2009) 441–460
for distal or proximal impact damage. This corresponds to
a frequency of 13.4%. Two of these 11 points have proximal damage
and have been previously described in the section on ‘‘Hafting’’. The
rest of the points have distal impact damage (Figs. 13 and 14: 1–2).
We excluded 6 pieces that have doubtful, very small or irregular
damage. One phase 4 point has a step scar 3.5 mm long but later
retouch makes the identification doubtful.
There are no impact scars on phase 2b points. One wide stepterminating scar occurs on the distal end of a phase 2b point, also
broken in two by a lateral snap in the middle section; this is an
example of a manufacturing break that could be potentially
confused with an impact scar (Fig. 14: 3–4). It is important to note
that step-terminating removals occur during manufacture so one
must be careful not to confuse shaping removals with impact scars.
In many cases the position is important because the shaping of the
point generally involves retouch on the two sides, not on the apex.
Experimental replication and observation of the Blombos points
show that quartzite and medium to coarse-grained silcrete tend to
have step-terminating shaping removals.
8.6. Frequency of impact scars
The frequency of impact scars at Blombos (13.4%) is comparable
with frequencies from other MSA assemblages that have been
completely analyzed. This includes layer RSP from Sibudu with 8.9%
of impact scars on unifacial points (9/101) and the post-Howiesons
Poort layers with unifacial points at Rose Cottage with 8.3% (4/48)
(Villa and Lenoir, in press).
Published frequencies of impact scars from several postHowiesons Poort layers at Sibudu are much higher (42%; Lombard,
2005) but they are based on a sample of 50 points selected from 11
different layers. Since experiments provide high frequencies of
impact scars on artifacts used for shooting animals (about 40%;
Fischer et al., 1984; Lombard, 2005, 2007) it has been argued that
low proportions of diagnostic impact fractures could mean that the
points were not used as weapons or were made for that purpose
but were never used.
While experiments are very useful for understanding the
morphology of impact scars, it does not seem logical to expect them
to provide diagnostic frequencies for archaeological samples of
putative hunting weapons. In most experiments points were shot
into animals several times or until damage rendered the point
useless (e.g. 10 times in the case of thrusting and throwing experiments by Lombard et al. (2004); until breakage in Odell and Cowan
(1986) and O’Farrell (1996)). It makes more sense to compare the
Blombos case with archaeological sites where the point function is
well known.
Table 3 in the Supplementary Material (online) shows
frequencies of impact scars on tanged and transverse arrowheads at
Late Paleolithic to Bronze Age sites in Northern Europe and on Hell
Gap bifacial points from the site of Casper. Proportions of impact
scars are very variable, from high to quite low. They are very high
only at kill sites such as Stellmoor and Casper (42.2 and 43.0%)
where the main activity was the killing and butchering of animals.
At all other sites there is a clear evidence of a variety of activities
which included manufacturing of many domestic (non-weapon)
tools, in addition to points and the frequencies of impact scars are
much lower. In sum, there is no reason to expect a high percentage
of impact scars on points found at a residential or a manufacturing
site and this is the case for the Blombos points.
8.7. Size of impact scars
Figs. 15 and 16 are examples of impact scars on Paleoindian
points and experimental Solutrean points. It can be seen that the
size of impact scars can vary widely and can be very small, from just
2 mm or less for crushing damage to very long burin-like scars, like
on the Hell Gap point of Fig. 15: 7. Many scars occur in complex
varieties, with more than one kind of damage in different parts of
the pieces; some are catastrophic breaks, which break the point to
an unusable fragment. The impact scars on the Blombos points have
the same morphology but their size tends to be smaller and their
morphology less well developed. Two factors have to be considered. First, the Paleoindian points were probably thrown with an
atlatl. According to experiments by Frison and Bradley (1999) atlatlpropelled darts consistently register an impact more intense than
that of hand-thrown spears. The replica Solutrean points were shot
either with a calibrated cross-bow with about 25 kg of pull or with
Fig. 14. Impact scars (1–2) and accidental breaks (3–4) on Blombos Still Bay points. (1, 2) P 42 (F5c CB), a phase 3 point with a small step scar 3.3 mm long; (3) and (4) Phase 2b point
with a wide (8.4 mm) step scar at the tip, very likely an accidental break during manufacture, that could be confused with an impact scar, PVN 6 (the two refitting pieces are from
adjacent squares). Scale bar of 1 and 3 ¼ 1 cm; scale bar of 2 ¼ 1 mm.
P. Villa et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2009) 441–460
Fig. 15. Impact fractures on Paleoindian bifacial projectile points from bison kill sites: Jurgens, Horner II, Frazier, Casper and Hell Gap. All points are made of cryptocrystalline
varieties of silica (jasper, chert, porcellanite, chalcedony) except for the Casper point which is fine-grained quartzite. (1) Midsection fragment of a point with a catastrophic breakage,
from Jurgens area 3, a bone bed with the remains of at least 35 bisons. The piece has a distal step fracture (7.1 mm long) and a proximal burin-like fracture >1 cm long with stepped
termination (detail shown to the right of the piece). (2, 4) Crushing damage, 2–4 mm long on points from Horner II and Frazier. (3) Step scar, partly removed by secondary retouch
on a Jurgens point. (5) Step fracture on a Casper point (25.4 mm long). (6) Step fracture on a Jurgens point (8.6 mm long). (7) Burin-like scar 38.1 mm long on a Hell Gap point from
the Hell Gap site. Scale bars of 1, 3,5–7 ¼ 1 cm; scale bar of 2 and 4 ¼ 5 mm.
a bow of similar pull. The smaller size and lesser complexity of the
Blombos impact scars may well be due to the fact that the points
were likely hafted as hand-thrown or thrusting spears.
The second factor is probably the nature of the raw material. All
Solutrean replicas and all Paleoindian points were made of cryptocrystalline silica. Many of the Blombos points are of crystalline
varieties of silica, i.e. quartz, coarse-grained quartzite and silcrete.
These materials are tough and resistant to shock. Replicative
functional experiments are needed to document raw material
influence on impact scar size.
9. Symbolic function of the Still Bay points
According to Marean (2005: 362) ‘‘both the Aterian and the
Still Bay include bifaces that are too thin and fragile for the
purpose of hunting. though the vast majority are clearly usable
as spear/dart tips or knives’’. Thus he suggested that the more
fragile points might have had not a utilitarian function but a social
or religious role. A comparison with the Folsom points shows that
this statement does not apply to the Still Bay points from Blombos.
The Folsom points are among the thinnest of all Paleoindian
points, yet their use for killing bison is well demonstrated. Table 6
shows that points from the Folsom type site (a bison kill site with
an MNI of 32 bisons) and other Folsom sites are much thinner than
the Blombos points. The thinnest Blombos point is 4.3 mm thick,
only five tenth of a millimeter thinner than the thickest Folsom
point which is 4.8 mm. The width/thickness ratio of Folsom points
is also very high (5.5 versus 2.8 at Blombos; Supplementary
Table 4). According to Bradley et al. (1995) the Streletskayan,
Solutrean, Clovis and Hell Gap points from Casper also have mean
width/thickness ratios of 5 or higher, again significantly thinner
than Blombos. We do not imply that no symbolic value was ever
attached to the Still Bay points, only that thinness is not significant
in this respect.
10. Point length
The range of variation of length for the finished Blombos points,
from 34.0 to 74.5 mm (mean ¼ 55.0, s.d. ¼ 12.6, n ¼ 11) could be
seen as suggesting that points of different sizes were used for prey
P. Villa et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2009) 441–460
of different sizes. The sample (n ¼ 11) is actually too small to reveal
separate modalities. Nevertheless the assumption of equating point
size with prey size should be treated with caution. A wide, if not
wider, range of variation in length occurs at Paleoindian bison kill
sites where the points are associated with only one kind of prey and
were not reworked after the hunt. At the bison kill site of Casper
(bisons killed ¼ 74) the range of variation is 49.9 to 137.0 mm
(n ¼ 27). At the Frazier site (bisons killed ¼ 43) the range is 47.2 to
88.2 (n ¼ 5); at the type site of Folsom (32 bisons killed) the range is
from 32.3 to greater than 56.4 mm.
11. Is Blombos a workshop?
The high incidence of Still Bay points at Blombos and their fine
flaking have been considered as possible evidence of craft
specialization and, by extension, trading (Deacon and Deacon,
Fig. 16. Experimental impact fractures on replicated Solutrean shouldered and unifacial points mounted as darts on spear shafts or as arrow-heads. Catalogue numbers in the
database of Jean-Pierre Chadelle. (1) No. 452, shouldered point, shot with a bow from a distance of 18 m. It hit a rib and penetrated for 3 cm. The step fracture is 3 mm long and
3.7 mm wide. (2) No. 393, unifacial point with a step fracture and crushing of the tip on the dorsal face (scar length ¼ 4.4 mm), shot with a cross-bow from a distance of 10 m. (3) No.
409, a shouldered point, shot with a cross-bow, broken in two just below the juncture with the shoulder. The distal fracture is irregular; the proximal fracture is a snap with spinoffs about 2.9 mm long. (4) No. 463, a shouldered point shot with a bow, broken distally and proximally just below the shoulder. The distal step fracture is 8.9 mm long; the
proximal is an irregular transverse fracture with several spin-offs. (5) No. 405, a shouldered point shot with a cross-bow. The tip has two fractures: a step on the dorsal face (5a)
3.5 mm long, and a burin-like fracture (5b) starting from the ventral face and along the edge, 10.2 mm long. Scale bars of tools ¼ 1 cm; scale bars of microphotos in millimeter.
P. Villa et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2009) 441–460
1999: 100). The implication is that during the M1 phase Blombos
was a specialized workshop where points were made to be brought
to other sites outside the group range for reciprocal trading.
The term ‘‘workshop’’ has been used in Pleistocene and Holocene prehistory to indicate a site with a high density of lithic
remains and few faunal remains. It is applied to sites close to an
outcrop of raw material, characterized by an assemblage rich in
primary reduction products and blanks (such as cores, tool rejects
and debitage) and few formal shaped tools, in other words nonresidential sites (e.g. Petraglia et al., 1999; Sampson, 2006).
In fact Blombos was a site where a variety of activities took place
and more than just points were made or used at the site, as indicated by formal tools other than points (Table 1). Hundreds of
pieces of ochre, including two slabs of engraved ochre, 15 bone
tools and 39 beads manufactured from Nassarius kraussianus
gastropod shells also come from the M1 phase (D’Errico et al., 2005;
D’Errico and Henshilwood, 2007). The M1 deposits show numerous
small basin-shaped hearths; they have yielded abundant faunal
remains including small and large bovids (Henshilwood et al.,
2001a). Three deciduous human premolars (two upper dm1 and
one dm2) have been found in the M1 unit; the dm1 could be from
a young child (Grine and Henshilwood, 2002). Thus both children
and adults lived at the site.
The very large proportion of production rejects (89.8%) shows
that point making was a primary activity at the site. It is likely that
some of the finished points were taken out of the site and used for
hunting elsewhere, as at Paleoindian sites (Sellet, 2004), Solutrean
sites (Aubry et al., 2008) and even in earlier times, at some Maastricht-Belvédère localities where Mousterian points and other wellmade tools were made in situ and then transported away (De
Loecker, 2004; Villa, 2006). This may be an example of long-term
planning and of producing hunting weaponry in anticipation of
future needs.
In sum, Blombos was a workshop in the sense that the making of
points was a primary – though not exclusive – activity at the site.
The idea that the Blombos points were ‘‘traded’’, i.e. exchanged
with other groups is unsustainable, as we do not yet have the
means to either accept it or reject it.
12. Conclusions
Our technological analysis has allowed us: (a) to reconstruct the
production sequence of the Blombos Still Bay points; (b) to show
that only a minority of the points are finished forms, and that
a large proportion of the point assemblage are production rejects;
(c) to show that morphometric and impact scar analyses must take
into account this process and should distinguish between finished
and unfinished forms; (d) to prove that the points were produced
by direct percussion by hard hammer, followed by thinning and
retouch by soft hammer; (e) to suggest that there were three
different kinds of raw material sources and that there is a marked
increase in the frequencies of silcrete with respect to the M2 and
M3 phases; (f) to find evidence that some of the points were hafted
axially and used as weapon tips; (g) to support the view that the
making of points was a primary activity at the site but also to stress
that the reciprocal trade hypothesis cannot be sustained on the
basis of present evidence; (h) to use a preliminary analysis of the
lithic assemblage composition and other site data to support a view
of the cave as a location of a variety of activities, perhaps a residential location for groups of people that included children; and (i)
to suggest that the Still Bay phase initiates a trend to specialized
hunting weaponry and that this innovation is congruent with other
innovations such as bone tools, shell beads and engraved ochre of
the M1 and M2 phases.
By comparisons with Paleoindian and Upper Paleolithic weapon
tips, their manufacture stages and their morphology, the design of
the Still Bay hunting weapons appears less standardized and less
functionally specialized; nevertheless it is an example of
a successful innovation that spread to other parts of South Africa
and was adopted by many MSA groups in South Africa.
Research of Paola Villa and Vincent Mourre was made possible
by grants from the National Science Foundation (BCS-0613319) and
the Frison Institute to P.V. Research by Marie Soressi was funded by
the Fyssen and Wenner-Gren Foundations. Excavations of Blombos
Cave have been funded with grants to Christopher Henshilwood by
the National Research Foundation (South Africa) the Leakey Foundation, the Wenner-Gren Foundation, the National Geographic
Society and the National Science Foundation.
The Iziko Museum in Cape Town kindly provided space and
working facilities. We thank Sarah Wurz, Curator of Precolonial
Archaeology in the Iziko Museum and Petro Keene, Willemiena
Seconna, Mark de Benedictus and Kerwin Van Willingh, staff
members of the Iziko Museum, for their assistance. Roger Smith,
Curator of Karoo Paleontology at the Iziko Museum, and D.L. Roberts of the Council for Geosciences in South Africa provided advice
on locating sources of silcrete. Simon van Noort and Aisha Mayekiso
of the Entomology Department at Iziko kindly let P.V. use their Leica
A16 APO with a JVC digital camera and connected laptop to make
photos of impact scars of the Blombos points; other photos were
made at the University of the Witwatersrand using Lucinda Backwell’s stereomicroscope (an Olympus SZX 9 with a Nikon Coolpix
990). M.S. thanks Tom Minichillo and Royden Yates for their help
during her stay at Iziko. For access to Paleoindian artifacts in Colorado and Wyoming we thank Deborah Confer of the University of
Colorado Museum in Boulder, George Frison and Marcel Kornfeld of
the Frison Institute in Laramie and Steven Holen and Isabel Tovar of
the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Marcel Kornfeld let P.V.
use the Frison Institute Wild microscope equipped with a Nikon
4500 digital camera and was very generous of time and information. Special thanks are due to Jean-Michel Geneste for providing
access to experimental material of Solutrean shouldered and unifacial points with impact fractures and to Jean-Pierre Chadelle,
Megan O’Farrell and Serge Maury for showing P.V. the materials
stored in Périgueux (France). Microscope photos of the experimental Solutrean replicas were done in the Institut de Préhistoire et
Géologie du Quaternaire at the University of Bordeaux 1.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
the online version, at doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2008.09.028.
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Supplementary Material
Supplementary Table 1. Base types in phase 3 (finished) Still Bay points. Classification
modified after Minichillo, 2005. The elliptical and wide-arched bases intergrade.
Base shape
Narrow V-shaped
Truncated elliptical
Elliptical or wide arched
Supplementary Table 2. Mean width and thickness of Solutrean shouldered points,
standard deviation and coeffcient of variation. Data from Geneste and Plisson, 1990.
Supplementary Table 3. Frequency of impact scars on points of known function in
Northern Europe (arrowheads) and North America (Paleoindian spear tips from Casper,
Site, age and
kinds of points
Type of site
No. of points
suitable for
No. of
% of
about 2800 bc,
transverse arrowheads
about 3200 bc,
transverse arrowheads
Vejlebro, level 8
about 3500 bc,
transverse arrowheads
Vejlebro, level 9
about 3500 bc,
transverse arrowheads
Stellmoor, upper level,
end of the last glacial,
tanged points
Bromme, end of the last
glacial, tanged points
end of the last glacial,
tanged points
Casper, 10 060 ±170 BP
with Hell Gap bifacial
Reindeer kill site
(MNI = 302)
Bison kill site
MNI = 74
Bromme and Ommelshoved belong to the Brommian culture dated to the Alleröd
(about 13,000 B.P.); Stellmoor, upper level, belongs to the Ahrensburgian and is dated to
the Younger Dryas (about 12,000 B.P.). Stellmoor has yielded 105 whole and
fragmented arrows made of pinewood with a 20 cm long foreshaft. Some foreshafts had
simple pointed wooden tips, others were armed with Ahrensburg points (small tanged and
obliquely truncated tips) and impact scars are very common (42.2%). Thirty identified
bones, plus two antlers, have lesions with embedded pieces of flint. Data from Fischer et
al., 1984, Frison, 1974 and Bratlund, 1996.
Supplementary Table 4. Width/thickness ratios of Folsom and Still Bay points. This
ratio is a way of controlling for size variation.
Width/thickness ratio
Folsom type site Blombos
Supplementary Discussions
TCSA data sets for Table 4 of text
Data on Sibudu from Villa and Lenoir, 2006, Villa and Lenoir, in press; on Paleoindian
points from Frison, 1974; Wheat 1972, 1979; Meltzer, 2007; Huckell, 2007. Data for
ethnographic and recent archaeological hafted stone points (dart tips and arrowheads) are
from Shea (2006) and are based on ethnographic and North American archeological
materials (Thomas, 1978; Shott, 1997; Hughes, 1998). Data for spear tips are based on
Shea’s experiments; he notes that his data should be used with caution but that the TCSA
mean of spears is significantly larger than arrowheads and dart tips. The TCSA of
Solutrean shouldered points from four sites in Southwestern France is calculated from
mean width and thickness provided by Geneste and Plisson, 1990. Note that their value
falls within the range of arrowheads. The CV of arrowheads is very high by comparison
with the archaeological samples; this is not surprising since it consists of 118 specimens
from 24 tribes throughout North America. The CV of darts is smaller as the sample
comes from 10 sites mostly in the American Southwest.
Previously published TCSA values. Shea (2006: table 3) has published two different
TCSA values of Blombos Still Bay points based on two samples: the first sample has a
TCSA mean of 143 (SD = 109, min = 4, max = 842, n = 239), the second has a mean of
100 (SD =53, min = 4, max = 199, n = 190). The second TCSA value is essentially the
same as our based only on phase 3 points (TCSA = 99; SD = 48.5, min = 28.8, max =
190.4, n = 23). Since Shea’s second TCSA value is based on a sample that contains
finished and unfinished points, it has been suggested that unfinished points should be
considered as functionally equivalent to finished (phase 3) points. Table 5 in the text
shows that the TCSA of phases 2 and 3 points are statistically different but the nature of
Shea’s sample also needs some explanation.
Shea’s analysis was based on Marie Soressi’ initial data base which contained
only 203 points instead of the 352 analyzed by us. Using all those pieces resulted in an
excessive high value of TCSA and so he excised all the values between 200 and 842
(Shea, 2006: 828) getting a more “normal” result. The limit chosen for excising the high
values was of course arbitrary since Shea did not know the number of preforms,
incomplete and broken specimens present in his sample. More importantly, M.S. data
base did not provide a way of distinguishing incomplete width and thickness
measurements (due to the fact that the point is broken) from the complete ones. Having
excised the high values, which, based on his large experience, were clearly unacceptable,
he then reached a very anomalous minimal value of 4 mm2 and a mean value which is as
low as expected (for spear tips) but is based on a very large number of incomplete
measurements, smaller than the original piece. MS data base in fact included only 26
complete or almost complete specimens but this number includes a majority of unfinished
preforms (our phase 1 and 2). Our current data base, instead, includes coding indicating
whether the width and thickness measurements are complete and can be used to calculate
a TCSA value or not. In sum, Shea’s second TCSA values came close to being right but
are based on a priori decision and erroneous data.
Supplementary References
Bratlund, B., 1996. Hunting strategies in the Late Glacial of Northern Europe: a survey
of the faunal evidence. Journal of World Prehistory 10, 1-48.
Wheat, J. B., 1972. The Olsen-Chubbuck site. A Paleoindian bison kill. Memoirs of the
Society for American Archaeology, no. 26.