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Lucas Graduate Journal, 2023
This paper presents a peculiar approach of escaping the dual gender-identity conceptualization, using bodybuilding—which is both a sports and corporeal practice—as a tool to shatter gender stereotypes. The bodies that are transformed as a result of this practice will be analysed and interpreted as a way to develop a relevant distinction between those bodies that are objectified on stage, due to the sport’s regulations, and those bodies that are located within an artistic and activist frame as “critical flesh.” This analysis looks at the bodies of three artists involved in the practice of bodybuilding to develop their artworks in order to discuss whether or not this corporeal identity built through muscle development creates a split in the gender discourse and in the expectations that this discourse generates. This approach is developed through the visual and conceptual support from the following artists: Cassils [they/them] (Canada-USA), Francesca Steele [they/them] (UK), and the author of this paper [she/her].
Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2022
The concept of Society 5.0 and Industry 5.0 is not a simple chronological continuation or alternative to Industry 4.0 paradigm. Society 5.0 aims to place human beings at the midpoint of innovation, exploiting the impact of technology and Industry 4.0 results with the technological integration to improve quality of life, social responsibility and sustainability. This ground-breaking perspective has common points with the objectives of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. It also has major implication for universities transformations. Universities are called upon producing knowledge for new technologies and social innovation. In our paper, we argue that digitalisation opens new perspectives for universities and can become one of the main drivers of their change. Incorporating the assumptions of Society 5.0 and Industry 5.0 into the universities practices and policies will allow both universities and societies to fully benefit from digital transformation. Making the human-...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Mining industry forms the backbone of a nation's economy. It contributes significantly towards growth of a nation. With continuous increase in demand for mineral resources, the mining industry is expected to witness a decent growth in the coming years. This growth will bring many more challenges for the industry. In an industry where safety, efficiency and productivity are crucial to profitability, even small incremental changes in key parameters (KPIs) using new system / process & framework can make a big impact. Lean is one of the most important process improvement initiatives taken up by many mining organizations. Many of the initiatives have failed because of multiple reason. One of the principle causes of failure for many process improvement initiative is the inability of the organizations to assess, evaluate and present significant metrics or Key Performance Indicator (KPIs). KPI-based frameworks play very important role in monitoring & tracking of businesses and process improvement initiatives. This paper evaluates the importance of KPI-based measurement framework for lean implementation in mining.
Lìngvìstičnì doslìdžennâ, 2022
ЛЕКСИКОГРАФІЧНА РЕПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ УКРАЇНСЬКОГО НАРОДНОГО ВБРАННЯ (на матеріалі текстів соціально-побутової казки) На пошанування наукового доробку проф. Л. А. Лисиченко У статті проаналізовано одну з найдавніших груп лексики-найменування одягу. Ці назви завжди супроводжують людину протягом усього періоду її існування. Традиційно їх зараховують до предметів матеріальної культури. Назви одягу становлять інтерес для науковців різних напрямів, зокрема етнографів, мовознавців, фольклористів. Найменування народного вбрання розглянуті автором на матеріалі соцiально-побутових казок українського народу. Для опису вищезазначених назв використано лексикографічний метод дослідження мовних систем. У статті також виділено основні групи лексики, що використовуються в текстах вищезазначених казок. Ключові слова: мова фольклору, лексикографічна репрезентація, сoцiaльнo-пoбутoвa казка, українське народне вбрання, лексика. Serdeha R. Lexicographic Representation of Ukrainian Folk Clothes (Based on the Material of the Texts of the Social and Household Fairy Tales). The article analyses one of the oldest groups of vocabulary. The names of clothes always accompany a people throughout the entire period of their existence. Traditionally, they are classified as objects of material culture. The names of clothes are of interest for scientists of different fields, in particular ethnographers, linguists, folklorists. The names of folk costumes are considered by the author on the material of social and household tales of the Ukrainian people. Typification plays an important role in social and household fairy tales. Each character is a representative of a certain social stratum in it. Consequently, such works should contain certain information about life, including folk clothes, so we decided to analyse the texts of Ukrainian folk social tales. We used the lexicographic method of studying language systems to describe the above titles. The purpose of this scientific research is to present a lexicographic description of the names of Ukrainian folk clothes available in the texts of folklore. The article also identifies the main groups of vocabulary used in Ukrainian folk social fairy tales. Thus, the systematic inventory of various names available in the texts of folklore, including the names of clothing, carried out by means of lexicographic description, is a promising area of linguistic analysis. The final result of any lexicography, as you know, is a dictionary. The dictionary of oral folklore, in our opinion, will be useful in the study of various spheres of a language, since it will obviously serve first of all as a factual source for the selection of various linguistic units that will be Сердега Р. Л. Лексикографічна репрезентація українського народного вбрання…
Università degli Studi "Gabriele d'Annunzio" Chieti-Pescara 2 19:30 Somebody to love Orchestra "I giovani archi" 22:00 Voices of unity: songs of hope and harmony Coro di Ateneo Ud' A InCanto 23:00 Care & Vibes: DJ Night DJ Set Non accettare cookies dagli sconosciuti, ma prima seguici! Ospiti d' eccezione: HeiMI
Sesi Arisan6301 kali ini dengan tema 'Pariwisata Nusantara: Literasi dan Numerasi' yang disampaikan ibu Myra P. Gunawan di ITB pada hari Selasa, 23 Mei 2023. Merupakan kerjasama dengan Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan, dan Pengembangan Kebijakan, ITB.
Elsevier SSRN , 2024
The paper discusses geons in a quantum gravity unified field perspective, as a Dense state of high frequency energy fluctuations with quantum entangled entropies and decay processes that can give rise to radiation and photonic bursts, having bosonic and fermionic interphases. Geon geometries can have multi entangled algebraic structures, with topological connectivities of the microdomain and macrodomain hydronic and particles with Ultrahigh energy stellar domains and blackhole formations. These can conform to models of mind as a substratum of universal consciousness, and correspond to quantum gravity vacuum Hypermedium with entanglement entropies due to correlated and coherent energy fluctuations of ultra-high orders . Geon geometries can hence correspond to quantum gravity vacuum Hypermedium conforming to mind substratum of consciousness in an absolute sense ,with matter interphases that derive spacetime structures and baryonic fields.
International Journal of Education (IJE) is a Quarterly peer-reviewed and refereed open access journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Educatioan. The journal is devoted to the publication of high quality papers on theoretical and practical aspects of Educational research. The goal of this journal is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on Educational advancements, and establishing new collaborations in these areas. Original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews are invited for publication in all areas of Education.
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Veterinary World, 2023
CLIO: Revista de Pesquisa Histórica, 2017
Journal of Human, Earth, and Future, 2023
Revista de Arqueologia, 2023
NOAA-NOS-2021-0080, 2023
Nordic Yearbook for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 2017
INTED proceedings, 2023
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2013
European Journal of Energy Research
African Journal of Biotechnology, 2015
Journal of extracellular vesicles, 2014
Seed Science Research, 2013
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal, 2018
Research Journal of Medicinal Plants, 2018
Canadian Modern Language Review-revue Canadienne Des Langues Vivantes, 2014