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Scientific Reports, 2019
Biological ageing and its mechanistic underpinnings are of immense biomedical and ecological significance. Ageing involves the decline of diverse biological functions and places a limit on a species’ maximum lifespan. Ageing is associated with epigenetic changes involving DNA methylation. Furthermore, an analysis of mammals showed that the density of CpG sites in gene promoters, which are targets for DNA methylation, is correlated with lifespan. Using 252 whole genomes and databases of animal age and promotor sequences, we show a pattern across vertebrates. We also derive a predictive lifespan clock based on CpG density in a selected set of promoters. The lifespan clock accurately predicts maximum lifespan in vertebrates (R2 = 0.76) from the density of CpG sites within only 42 selected promoters. Our lifespan clock provides a wholly new method for accurately estimating lifespan using genome sequences alone and enables estimation of this challenging parameter for both poorly understo...
Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry Aabc, 2009
Identification of genes involved in the aging process is critical for understanding the mechanisms of age-dependent diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Measuring the mutant gene lifespan, each missing one gene, is traditionally employed to identify longevity genes. While such screening is impractical for the whole genome due to the time-consuming nature of lifespan assays, it can be achieved by in silico genetic manipulations with systems biology approaches. In this review, we will introduce pilot explorations applying two approaches of systems biology in aging studies. One approach is to predict the role of a specific gene in the aging process by comparing its expression profile and protein–protein interaction pattern with those of known longevity genes (top-down systems biology). The other approach is to construct mathematical models from previous kinetics data and predict how a specific protein contributes to aging and antiaging processes (bottom-up systems biology). These approaches allow researchers to simulate the effect of each gene’s product in aging by in silico genetic manipulations such as deletion or over-expression. Since simulation-based approaches are not as widely used as the other approaches, we will focus our review on this effort in more detail. A combination of hypothesis from data-mining, in silico experimentation from simulations, and wet laboratory validation will make the systematic identification of all longevity genes possible.
Aging Cell, 2012
Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting fall and spring cold-hardiness were identified in a three-generation outbred pedigree of coastal Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga meniziesii (Mirb.) Franco var. menziesii]. Eleven QTLs controlling fall cold-hardiness were detected on four linkage groups, and 15 QTLs controlling spring cold-hardiness were detected on four linkage groups. Only one linkage group contained QTLs for both spring and fall cold-hardiness, and these QTLs tended to map in close proximity to one another. Several QTLs were associated with hardiness in all three shoot tissues assayed in the spring, supporting previous reports that there is synchronization of plant tissues during de-acclimatization. For fall cold-hardiness, co-location of QTLs was not observed for the different tissues assayed, which is consistent with previous reports of less synchronization of hardening in the fall. In several cases, QTLs for spring or fall cold-hardiness mapped to the same location as QTLs controlling spring bud flush. QTL estimations, relative magnitudes of heritabilities, and genetic correlations based on clonal data in this single full-sib family, supports conclusions about the ge-netic control and relationships among cold-hardiness traits observed in population samples of Douglas-fir in previous studies.
Genetics and Epigenetics of Aging and Longevity, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics / IEEE, ACM
Ageing is a highly complex biological process that is still poorly understood. With the growing amount of ageing-related data available on the web, in particular concerning the genetics of ageing, it is timely to apply data mining methods to that data, in order to try to discover novel patterns that may assist ageing research. In this work, we introduce new hierarchical feature selection methods for the classification task of data mining and apply them to ageing-related data from four model organisms: Caenorhabditis elegans (worm), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast), Drosophila melanogaster (fly), and Mus musculus (mouse). The main novel aspect of the proposed feature selection methods is that they exploit hierarchical relationships in the set of features (Gene Ontology terms) in order to improve the predictive accuracy of the Naïve Bayes and 1-Nearest Neighbour (1-NN) classifiers, which are used to classify model organisms' genes into pro-longevity or anti-longevity genes. The re...
npj Aging
Biological age (BA) is important for clinical monitoring and preventing aging-related disorders and disabilities. Clinical and/or cellular biomarkers are measured and integrated in years using mathematical models to display an individual’s BA. To date, there is not yet a single or set of biomarker(s) and technique(s) that is validated as providing the BA that reflects the best real aging status of individuals. Herein, a comprehensive overview of aging biomarkers is provided and the potential of genetic variations as proxy indicators of the aging state is highlighted. A comprehensive overview of BA estimation methods is also provided as well as a discussion of their performances, advantages, limitations, and potential approaches to overcome these limitations.
Actes des 43es rencontres internationales d’archéologie et d’histoire, 2024
La division du travail constitue une dimension majeure des sociétés humaines, intimement liée aux progrès de leur technique et de leur productivité. Les voies et les mécanismes de son émergence restent cependant l'objet de nombreuses interrogations. Après être revenu sur quelques questions essentielles de définitions, on reviendra sur l'état des connaissances en ce qui concerne sa plus ancienne forme, celle qui s'opère selon le sexe, qui a récemment suscité un intérêt renouvelé. Après avoir rapidement évoqué les interrogations qui subsistent sur la nature des premières activités à avoir été concernées, on questionnera enfin la théorie standard, qui, depuis le xviii e siècle, voit dans la présence d'un « surplus » la condition nécessaire et suffisante de l'existence d'un artisanat spécialisé. On suggèrera un raisonnement alternatif, qui situe la variable-clé non dans la productivité alimentaire, mais dans la taille des unités sociales.
Echo des Etudes Romanes, 2008
Kaşkay Bilmeceleri (Giriş-Metin-İnceleme-Dizin), 2024
Qashqai Riddles (Introduction-Text-Analysis-Index)
Canadian Dimension, 2020
This article is by Professor Radhika Desai, my co-director at the Geopolitical Economy Research Group. I do not claim authorship (though I share many of the ideas and helped, albeit minimally, at the edit stage). However I think readers of this page would find it useful; given the extremities of the twin monetary and epidemiological crisis that is sweeping the world, I feel justified in breaking the normal rules of authorship to post it here. It should be cited as 'Desai, R. 2020.The Unexpected Reckoning: Coronavirus and Capitalism. Canadian Dimension, March 17th 2020'
Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2022
in L. Kauffman & D. Trom (dir.), Qu’est-ce qu’un collectif politique ?, Raisons pratiques, 20, Paris, Editions de l’EHESS, 2010
University of Copenhagen Round Table, 2014
International journal of research and review, 2024
Journal of Ship Production and Design, 2016
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 2014
Frontiers in Immunology
BMJ Open, 2013
Applied neuropsychology. Adult, 2017
Physical Review Letters, 1979