Model-based Risk Assessment to Improve Enterprise Security
Jan Øyvind Aagedal*, Folker den Braber*, Theo Dimitrakos§,
Bjørn Axel Gran#, Dimitris Raptis‡, Ketil Stølen*
SINTEF Telecom and Informatics, P.O.Box 124, Blindern, N-0314 Oslo, Norway
CLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire, OX11 0QX, UK
Institute for Energy Technology, P.O. Box 173, N-1751 Halden, Norway
INTRACOM, 19.5 Km Markopoulou Av., GR-19002, Peania Athens, Greece
{Jan.Aagedal | Folker.den.Braber | Ketil.Stoelen}
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
The main objective of the CORAS project is to provide
methods and tools for precise, unambiguous, and efficient
risk assessment of security critical systems. To this end,
we advocate a model-based approach to risk assessment,
and this paper attempts to define the required models for
Whereas traditional risk assessment is performed
without any formal description of the target of evaluation
or results of the risk assessment, CORAS aims to provide a
well defined set of models well suited to (1) describe the
target of assessment at the right level of abstraction, (2) as
a medium for communication between different groups of
stakeholders involved in a risk assessment, and (3) to
document risk assessment results and the assumptions on
which these results depend.
We propose here models for each step in a risk
assessment process and report results of use.
CORAS addresses security-critical systems in general,
but puts particular emphasis on IT security. IT security
includes all aspects related to defining, achieving, and
maintaining confidentiality, integrity, availability, nonrepudiation, accountability, authenticity, and reliability of
IT systems [3]. An IT system in the sense of CORAS is
not just technology, but also the humans interacting with
the technology and all relevant aspects of the surrounding
organisation and society.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 provides background information on risk
assessment and modelling. Section 3 presents the modelbased risk assessment process and introduces the models
that should be created as part of the model-based risk
assessment process. Section 4 illustrates how the modelbased risk assessment can be used by an e-commerce case.
Finally, section 5 points to related work while section 6
summarises our results and identifies future work.
2. Background
1. Introduction
CORAS [1] is a research and development project
under the European Information Society Technologies
Programme. CORAS started in January 2001 and runs
until July 2003. The consortium consists of three
commercial companies: Intracom (Greece), Solinet
(Germany) and Telenor (Norway); seven research
institutes: CTI and FORTH (Greece), IFE, NCT, NR, and
Sintef (Norway) and RAL (UK); as well as one university:
QMUL (UK). Telenor and Sintef are administrative and
scientific co-ordinators, respectively.
CORAS aims to produce an improved methodology for
precise, unambiguous, and efficient risk analysis of
security critical systems. The focus of the CORAS project
is on the tight integration of viewpoint-oriented modelling
in the risk assessment process. An important aspect of the
CORAS project is the practical use of UML [2] in the
context of security and risk assessment.
In this section, we briefly present relevant background
information on risk assessment and modelling.
2.1. Risk assessment
Risk assessment incorporates risk analysis and risk
management, i.e., it combines systematic processes for
risk identification and determination of their
consequences, and how to deal with these risks. Many
risk assessment methodologies exist, focussing on
different types of risks or different areas of concern. The
CORAS methodology builds on: HAZard and OPerability
study (HazOp); Fault Tree Analysis (FTA); Failure Mode
and Effect Criticality Analysis (FMECA); Markov
analysis (Markov); CCTA Risk Analysis and Management
Methodology (CRAMM).
The methods are to a great extent complementary.
They address all types of risks associated with the target
system. They also cover all phases in the system
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0-7695-1656-4/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF OSLO. Downloaded on January 29, 2009 at 14:46 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
development and maintenance process.
In general,
qualitative methodologies for analysing risk are effective
in identifying threats and failures in trust within the
system, but they lack the ability to account for the
dependencies between events. Tree-based techniques,
however, take into consideration the dependencies
between events.
Risk assessment is generally
accompanied by volumes of documents where attempting
to find relationships and links is difficult.
2.1.1. Process
The Australian/New Zealand standard AS/NZS [4] is a
widely recognised standard within the field of risk
assessment. Figure 1 shows an overview of the risk
assessment process in this standard. In CORAS, we use
this process to position models within risk assessment.
Identify Risks
Monitor and Review
Communicate and Consult
Identify Context
Analyse Risks
Estimate level of risk
Evaluate Risks
Accept Risks
Treat Risks
Figure 1. Risk assessment overview [4]
2.2. Modelling
Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing
(RM-ODP) [5] is a standard reference model for
distributed systems, based on object-orientation. RMODP divides the system documentation into five
viewpoints. It also provides modelling, specification and
structuring terminology, a conformance module
addressing implementation and consistency requirements,
as well as a distribution module defining transparencies
and functions required to realise these transparencies.
UML is the de facto standard for documenting software
architectures. However, UML is a large language and its
use in different phases of system evolution is not
standardised. In this paper we show how UML can be
used to document both the target of risk assessment, and
the results of such an assessment.
3. Model-based risk assessment
In this section we present the CORAS approach to risk
3.1. Motivation
CORAS focuses on the integration of viewpointoriented modelling in the risk assessment process. The
integration of this state-of-the-art modelling technology in
the risk assessment process, in the following referred to as
model-based risk assessment, is motivated by several
factors. Model-based risk assessment employs modelling
technology for three main purposes:
1. Providing descriptions of the target of assessment at
the right level of abstraction.
2. As a medium for communication and interaction
between different groups of stakeholders involved in
a risk analysis.
3. To document results and the assumptions on which
these results depend.
Model-based risk assessment is motivated by several
Risk assessment requires correct descriptions of the
target system, its context and all security features.
The modelling technology improves the precision of
such descriptions. Improved precision is expected to
improve the quality of risk assessment results.
The graphical style of UML furthers communication
and interaction between stakeholders involved in a
risk assessment. This is expected to improve the
quality of results, and also speed up the risk analysis
process since the danger of wasting time and
resources on misconceptions is reduced.
The modelling technology facilitates a more precise
documentation of risk assessment results and the
assumptions on which their validity depend. This is
expected to reduce maintenance costs by increasing
the possibilities for reuse.
The modelling technology provides a solid basis for
the integration of assessment methods that should
improve the effectiveness of the assessment process.
The modelling technology is supported by a rich set
of tools from which the risk analysis may benefit.
This may improve quality (as in the case of the two
first bullets) and reduce costs (as in the case of the
second bullet). It also furthers productivity and
The modelling technology provides a basis for tighter
integration of risk management in the system
development process. This may considerably reduce
development costs and ensure that the specified
security level is achieved.
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0-7695-1656-4/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE
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Model-based risk assessment methodology
Opportunities Threats)
Org. context
The main CORAS deliverable will be the CORAS
framework. As indicated by Figure 2, the CORAS
framework focuses on model-based risk assessment. The
framework has four main pillars, a system documentation
framework based on RM-ODP, a risk management
process based on AS/NZS 4360, a system development
process based on Unified Process [6], and a platform for
tool-integration based on XML. The first two pillars are
presented in this paper as they currently stand.
3.2. CORAS framework
Computational Viewpoint
Organisational Context
Computational Model
Organisational Context Concern
Figure 3. Viewpoints and concerns
Integrated risk
and system
AS/NZS 4360
Platform for
tool inclusion
based on dataintegration
Figure 2. The CORAS framework
The third pillar, Unified Process, focuses mainly on
system development rather than supporting the analysis of
existing systems. The combination of the Unified Process
and the risk management process of AS/NZS 4360 is an
ongoing activity and will not be discussed here. The
fourth pillar, the CORAS platform for tool integration, is
currently being built around an internal data representation
formalised in XML/XMI (characterised by XML schema).
Cheap XML tools will provide the basic functionality.
3.3. Overview
The CORAS system documentation framework is a
specialisation of RM-ODP.
As such, the CORAS
documentation framework can be understood as a
reference framework for model-based risk assessment.
RM-ODP contains many features that are not directly
relevant for risk assessment. All RM-ODP features are,
however, relevant for distributed systems. Since most
systems of today are distributed or at least components of
distributed systems, it seems reasonable to require that
what is already in RM-ODP should also be an element of
the CORAS system documentation framework. On the
other hand, the CORAS system documentation framework
should refine only those parts of RM-ODP that are
directly relevant for risk assessment of security critical
systems. The CORAS system documentation framework
refines RM-ODP by introducing an additional structuring
to the viewpoints.
As illustrated by Figure 3, the RM-ODP viewpoint
structure is divided into concerns targeting security in
general and model-based risk assessment in particular.
These concerns may be understood as more specialised
cross-viewpoint perspectives linking together related
information within the five viewpoints. The concerns are
further decomposed into models. A model provides the
content of a concern with respect to a particular viewpoint.
For each model there are guidelines for its development,
including concrete recommendations with respect to
which modelling languages to use. Figure 4 relates the 22
identified concerns to the five sequential sub-processes of
the CORAS risk assessment process.
Identify context
Identify risks
•Risk evaluation
Analyse risks
•Threat scenarios
•Incident frequencies
•Threat frequencies
Evaluate risks
Treat risks
•Risk estimates
•Risk priorities
•Risk theme
•Risk theme
•Risk themes
•Security policy
Figure 4. Concerns in process
3.4. Integration of risk assessment methods
In CORAS, we use a carefully selected integration of
risk assessment methods in order to assess confidentiality,
integrity, availability and accountability throughout the
system development and maintenance process. Figure 5
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0-7695-1656-4/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF OSLO. Downloaded on January 29, 2009 at 14:46 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
provides an indicative organisation of the integrated risk
assessment methods with respect to the different tasks of
the CORAS risk management process, emphasising their
complementary aspects.
Providing details of the
integration templates for these methods goes beyond the
scope of this paper (see [7] for results in this direction).
Identify In case of
context brief system
Identify Address all Top-down Bottom-up
security starting from for critical
Analyse As input for Address top Address
events, basic failure modes system
FMECA/ events, and and conse- states, and
of assets
Focus on
As input Compare with Compare
with criteria with criteria
priorities barriers and maintenance counteroptions
Figure 5: Relevance of risk assessment methods
3.5. Concerns in the risk assessment process
In this section we identify the concerns and their
models that we propose to be created in the CORAS
model-based risk assessment process, and we propose
notations for each of the models.
3.5.1. Identify context
This activity consists of identification of area of
concern, identification and evaluation of assets, and
identification of security requirements.
Identify area of concern
The objective of this activity is to construct scenarios
outlining concerns regarding the threats to important
assets. These areas of concern are likely to lack sufficient
detail with respect to the components of threat, and they
must be further examined in the following activities.
The first concern to consider is the SWOT concern.
This concern relates the organisation and its environment,
identifying the organisation’s strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats (SWOT). The context includes
the financial, operational, competitive, political, social,
client, cultural and legal aspects of the organisation’s
functions. We propose to use a class diagram where
different characteristics of the organisation are classified
into the SWOT categories.
The next concern is the organisational context concern.
Before a risk assessment is commenced, it is necessary to
understand the organisation and its capabilities, as well as
its goals and objectives and the strategies that are in place
to achieve them. This may potentially become a complex
model and different notations may be used to document
different aspects of the context of the target of evaluation.
For instance, activity diagrams may document work
processes that involve the target of evaluation and
business concepts may be documented in class diagrams.
The final concern to consider in this activity is the
target concern. This concern describes goals, objectives,
strategies, scope and parameters of the activity, or part of
the organisation to which the risk assessment process is
being applied. Again, this may potentially become a
complex model that involves different notations. For
instance, use case diagrams with accompanying use case
descriptions specify requirements, sequence diagrams
illustrate potential scenarios in the target of evaluation,
deployment diagrams show system configuration, etc. For
a software system, the target concern is typically similar
to an architecture specification, but limited to those parts
relevant for security concerns.
Identify and evaluate assets
After identifying the scenarios to be examined, the next
step is to identify and evaluate important system assets of
relevance to these scenarios.
During this activity, the asset concern is considered.
This concern focuses on the identified assets, their
dependencies as well as the results from the valuation.
The assets and their valuation can be listed in a table, but
we recommend using class diagrams in order to show
dependencies between assets.
Identify security requirements
The objective of this activity is to identify security
requirements for preserving the identified assets. These
security requirements can be classified as confidentiality,
integrity, availability and accountability requirements.
To this end, we consider the security requirements
concern. This concern contains requirements with respect
to the four classes of security requirements. With respect
to notation, we enhance the requirement specification in
the target concern by classifying behaviour according to
the different classes of security requirements (e.g.,
marking information objects as "confidential"), and we
extend the requirements model by introducing security
requirements. Conventionally, these are expressed in a
structured textual form following for example the IEEE
Standards [8, 9]. We also recommend using misuse case
models [10]. A misuse case is a special kind of use case,
Proceedings of the Sixth International ENTERPRISE DISTRIBUTED OBJECT COMPUTING Conference (EDOC’02)
0-7695-1656-4/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF OSLO. Downloaded on January 29, 2009 at 14:46 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
describing behaviour that the system owner does not want
to occur. In addition, two kinds of relation between
use/misuse cases are introduced in [10], the "prevent" and
the "detect" relations.
These are used to specify
behavioural constraints between use/misuse cases; for
instance that blocking repeated registrations may prevent
flooding the system. By using misuse cases, security
requirements are specified as unwanted behaviour (e.g.,
violations of policies). In addition to misuse case
diagrams, we recommend to use templates such as the one
proposed by Sindre and Opdahl in [11] to document
misuse cases.
In addition to the security requirements model, we
consider the risk evaluation criteria concern that describes
the criteria against which risk is to be evaluated. In this
concern, we specify the conditions that must be met for
the system to behave within the required risk level. For
instance, it may be required that the confidentiality level is
at least "high", where the meaning of the term "high" is
defined elsewhere. A simple OCL statement can be used
to state this: "confidentiality >= high". This requires that
"confidentiality" is well defined and that an ordering exist
in which "high" is an element.
3.5.2. Identify risks
This activity consists of identification of threats to
assets and identification of vulnerabilities of the assets.
Identify threats to assets
This activity targets to identify the potential threats
towards each asset identified. This identification requires
a more detailed understanding of the target of evaluation.
To this end, we focus on the threat scenario concern that
contains potential threat scenarios. We document this
using sequence or misuse case diagrams.
We also focus on the unwanted incident concern that
contains potential deviations in the target of evaluation.
Similarly with the threat scenario concern, we use
sequence and misuse case diagrams to document this. The
difference between the threat scenario concern and the
unwanted incident concern is that the former documents
threats that may lead to misbehaviour whereas the latter
documents situations where some threat have led to
Identify vulnerabilities of assets
Here we try to identify the weaknesses of the assets
that might be exploited by the threats previously
identified. To this end we focus on the vulnerability
concern that contains potential weaknesses of the assets.
Again we document this concern using sequence and
misuse case diagrams. However, this concern focus on
weaknesses of the assets that may be exploited and only
the scenarios that have no identified prevention
mechanisms are depicted, i.e., "successful" misuse cases.
3.5.3. Analyse risks
To analyse risks, we perform a consequence/impact
evaluation and evaluate likelihood of occurrence of the
Consequence/impact evaluation
In a previous activity, the consequences of threats were
identified in the form of concrete unwanted incidents. In
this activity the objective is to determine the level of
importance of these consequences, i.e., their impact. To
describe this, we focus on the consequence concern that
contains consequence estimates for the identified
unwanted outcomes and a description of their
consequences. We use a table of unwanted incidents and
their consequences to specify this. Alternatively, we may
relate unwanted incidents to their consequences in a class
Evaluate likelihood of occurrence
In this activity the objective is to determine the
likelihood of unwanted incident occurrence.
likelihood depends on factors such as the value of the asset
under attack, the asset vulnerabilities and the ease of their
In this activity we concentrate on the unwanted incident
frequency concern. To document this, we produce a
frequency model that specifies frequency estimates for the
unwanted incidents. This is specified as frequency
estimates in an additional column in the consequence
table. Included in this concern is the description of the
potential causes of the unwanted incident, which often is
described by the frequency model. We also focus on the
threat frequency concern to produce a threat frequency
model in which we specify frequency estimates for the
identified threats. This is also specified in a table, this
time of threats and their corresponding frequency
3.5.4. Risk evaluation
Risk evaluation means to determine level of risk,
prioritise the risks, categorise the risks, determine the
interrelationships between risk themes, and prioritising the
resulting risks themes.
Determine level of risk
In this activity, the impact of a threat and the likelihood
of occurrence are combined in order to estimate the level
of risk. We call this the risk estimates concern and we
produce a risk estimates model that specifies risk
estimates for the identified unwanted incidents. For each
identified unwanted incident, the risk can be derived based
on the likelihood of occurrence. The risk can be specified
by expanding the table of unwanted incidents with a
column for their risk, classified according to predefined
risk levels.
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0-7695-1656-4/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF OSLO. Downloaded on January 29, 2009 at 14:46 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Prioritise risks
The objective of this activity is to evaluate the
unwanted incidents and rank them by their estimated level
of risk. To this end, we concentrate on the risk priorities
concern that includes risk priorities based on the estimated
risks. The risks can be prioritised according to their risk
estimate and other factors such as whether prevention is
believed to be achievable, identified by the risk evaluation
criteria. Again, a prioritisation can be specified as a
column in a risk table, either by grouping the risks into
priority levels or by prioritising the risks into a totally
ordered list.
Categorise the risks
In this activity, the risks are classified into themes,
based on common characteristics. It is more effective and
efficient to address risk themes than it is to address each
risk individually. The risk theme concern targets this by
grouping the risks into risk themes. Risks may be grouped
according to the means that may be used to prevent them
from occurring. For instance, encryption prevents many
unwanted incidents such as eavesdropping, tampering, etc.
This grouping can be illustrated in class diagrams by
classifying similar risks into a risk theme.
Determine interrelationships between themes
The cause-and-effect relationships among the identified
risks are identified in this activity. This activity helps to
increase the understanding of a set of risks and to
determine interrelationships and dependencies to consider
when developing protection strategies later. We identify
the relationships between risk themes in the risk-theme
relationships concern. For instance, a risk theme may be
in conflict with another risk theme. If encryption is used,
this may be in conflict with availability unless appropriate
measures are taken (e.g., distribution of suitable
decryption schemes). Other relationships between risk
themes than "conflicts_with" can be "prevents", "supports"
etc. These relationships are illustrated in class diagrams.
Prioritise the resulting themes and risks
Finally, we rank the risk themes. The risk-theme
priority concern focuses on risk-theme priorities based on
the estimated risks. This ranking is done in tables with
priorities similar to what is used to specify priorities for
individual risks.
3.5.5. Risk treatment
The final activity of the risk assessment process is risk
treatment. This activity consists of identification of
treatment options and assessment of alternative
Identify treatment options
This activity includes the development of candidate
approaches for mitigating the high-priority risks and
themes. A number of candidate approaches exist, and we
document them as follows.
A candidate treatment is to specify a security policy,
and for this we focus on the security policy concern. This
concern addresses changes to policies to handle identified
security problems. In CORAS, we investigate the use of
Ponder [12], a policy specification language, to document
security policies framework accompanied by a suitable
separate policy deployment scheme. Another possible
treatment is a strengthening of the security requirements.
We address this in the security requirements concern that
focuses on strengthened security requirements to handle
identified security problems.
The next possible treatment is a change to the security
architecture. We focus on this in the security architecture
concern that incorporates changes to the security
architecture to handle identified security problems. This
may typically involve changes to the target model.
A possible action that may lead to treatment is to
improve testing. To identify this, we have a testing
concern that focuses on requirements to testing to further
investigate potential security problems. For this we use
sequence diagrams, TTCN (Tree and Tabular Combined
Notation) and we investigate the notations resulting from
OMG’s standardisation of a testing profile for UML.
Similarly, we can use monitoring to identify candidate
treatment and we specify this in a monitoring concern that
describes requirement to monitoring to help handling
potential security problems.
Monitoring is system
function in its own right and it can be specified similar to
system behaviour specification as specified in the target
Assess alternative approaches
Finally, after candidate mitigation approaches have
been agreed upon, we search for potential solutions in a
treatment priority concern and we document these in a list
of solutions with priorities, typically in a tabular format.
3.6. ODP viewpoints
The five ODP viewpoints are orthogonal to the
concerns we have identified for the risk assessment
process. We use viewpoints because it may be relevant to
view each concern from different viewpoints. For
instance, for unwanted incidents, the viewpoint approach
may reveal different kinds of unwanted incident.
Unwanted incidents are related to the reduction of the
value of some system asset, and assets may be visible only
from some viewpoints, hence unwanted incidents are
visible from only some viewpoints.
As an example, reduction of customer trust is an
unwanted incident for an e-commerce platform ("customer
trust" is the asset). This unwanted incident depends on a
Proceedings of the Sixth International ENTERPRISE DISTRIBUTED OBJECT COMPUTING Conference (EDOC’02)
0-7695-1656-4/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF OSLO. Downloaded on January 29, 2009 at 14:46 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
number of other unwanted incidents that are visible only
from some viewpoints. This comes from the fact that the
asset "customer trust" depends on assets that are only
visible from other viewpoints. Disclosure of confidential
information (information viewpoint), erroneous charging
(computational viewpoint), disclosure of encryption key
(engineering viewpoint), and theft of main server
(technology viewpoint) are all unwanted incidents that
reduce customer trust.
Furthermore, each unwanted incident may have
different causes pertinent to the five viewpoints. For
instance, reduction of customer trust in an e-commerce
platform may be caused by internal fraud (enterprise
viewpoint), inconsistent information (information
viewpoint), erroneous charging calculation (computational
viewpoint), eavesdropping due to unsatisfactory
encryption (engineering viewpoint) or by unavailability
due to hardware failures (technology viewpoint).
4. Case study
The CORAS framework and process are being
validated in extensive user trials in the areas of ecommerce and telemedicine. In this section we present
the modelling approach followed in the first of the user
trials (concerning the authentication mechanism of an ecommerce platform) and provide some examples of the
risk analyses employed in this context.
In the e-commerce platform, users need be
authenticated in order to access the personalised interface
or preferences, like shopping lists. Technically, this is not
a trivial issue as various alternative approaches have
different trade-offs and several implementation pitfalls
[13]. In the first trial, the user authentication mechanism
used by the e-commerce platform was analysed.
4.1. Identify context
The specification of a system’s behaviour can be
expressed using UML diagrams like state (or activity) and
sequence diagrams (focussing on the target concern from
section 3.5.1). In particular, the overall behaviour of a
web application like the e-commerce platform can be
described as a UML state machine where each state
corresponds to a specific HTML page. Events correspond
to users clicking on links to other HTML pages in the
application. The submission of HTML forms corresponds
to events that carry parameters (the form fields). Using
the same conventions for events (activation of HTML
links), specific interactions of users with the application
are expressed as UML sequence diagrams.
Using the modelling approach presented above, the
state machine in Figure 6 provides a high level description
of the e-commerce platform behaviour with respect to the
user authentication and identification.
login( sn. un, pw )[ Valid Account ]
logout(sn) ^remove(sn)
Figure 6. User Authentication behaviour
All HTML pages of the e-commerce platform (like
most web applications) are created using a specific HTML
template. The only pages were the template is not applied
are the “Login” and “Logout” pages that appear before
and after the login and logout. This template contains
links to major functions of the application. The superstate
“Main” includes the states that can be reached directly
from the template. These states will normally include
more states corresponding to pages reached from internal
The actual behaviour of the e-commerce platform has
many more states but, for the sake of brevity, only those
pertinent to login and registration are shown here.
When a user accesses the Login page, the server creates
a unique session ID to identify the specific client. The
session ID is used to associate each user’s client with the
user’s data stored on the server. This session ID is sent to
the user’s client in all subsequent HTML pages; all HTML
links contain the session ID as a parameter. In the state
diagram above the session ID is denoted as the parameter
“(sn)”. The login carries the username and password as
parameters. Users can also access the platform as visitors
without authentication but they are not able to use
functionality like shopping lists.
In addition to system behaviour and configuration,
identification of assets is crucial in order to be able to
perform risk assessment. Figure 7 shows business
reputation (of the e-commerce platform provider) as an
important asset. Business reputation is built up from the
financial figures of the business, the trust that its clients
have in the business and the reputation of the client. We
look at a client as a client of the business having its own
customers and therefore its own reputation.
Proceedings of the Sixth International ENTERPRISE DISTRIBUTED OBJECT COMPUTING Conference (EDOC’02)
0-7695-1656-4/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF OSLO. Downloaded on January 29, 2009 at 14:46 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Business reputation
Client reputation
Business financial figures
Client trust
Figure 7. Some assets
Finally, we specify security requirements related to the
system specification. An example is: "The User’s data
shall not become available to other Users by means of the
system." The term "User’s data" refers to elements in an
information model of the platform.
4.2. Identify risks
In order to identify risks, risk analysis is performed.
The risk analysis of the user authentication mechanism
deployed by the e-commerce platform was based on
models of its behaviour like those presented above.
Initially CRAMM was applied in order to provide an
identification of assets, which in turn provide a basis and
justification for the security requirements the mechanism
need to meet. Then HazOp, FMEA and FTA were
performed, and some examples of this are presented
The objective of HazOp is to identify possible
unwanted incidents, as well as their causes and
consequences. Starting with the system’s behaviour as
expressed by the state diagram in Figure 6, all events were
independently analysed. As an example, an excerpt of
HazOp applied on a user’s request to access the Login
page (“^create(sn)” event) is presented in Figure 8.
In the HazOp table in Figure 8, the first column, Entity,
correspond to events of the system behaviour followed by
a brief informal description. Security attributes correspond
to possible breach of security requirements of
confidentiality, integrity availability and accountability.
The Deviations column presents deviations from normal
or expected behaviour, like undesirable (accidental or
malicious) interactions with the system.
The next
columns present possible causes of the deviations, and
their consequences. The Actions column presents steps
that can be taken to avoid or mitigate the risk of the
deviation to occur. Remarks are presented in the last
Descriptio Security Deviation
^create A user
requests to Disclosure
1.1 (sn)
access the
User request
Server response
creates a
A browser or
proxy responds
with a cached
Denial /
User request is
blocked by
proxy server
Server response
is too slow
Openess of Not exploitable
Openness SN revealed to
of Internet capturer
No confidential
encryption session
hijacking is
Browser or User gets a page
with invalid SN
User gets a SN
used by another
Server is not
configurati accessed
Artificially large Deliberate
number of
requests are
Use large
for SN
The Login page
will returned in
the following
client request
The server is
not accessed
(1) Creation of
too many SNs (2)
based on
client’s IP
Sensitive issue
for SN-based
Figure 8. HazOp table for Login page
FMEA was used to identify possible failure modes of
individual components. For software systems, like the ecommerce platform, these failures can be wrong results
and exceptions or error values returned by function calls to
software components. Due the large size of modern
software systems, the FMEA table soon becomes very
large and time consuming to produce. The CORAS trials
therefore focused only on parts of the Web, Application
and Database servers of the e-commerce platform.
The objective of Fault Tree Analysis is to document in
a structured way the possible routes that can lead to the
violations of security requirements identified by HazOp or
failures identified by FMEA. As an example, an excerpt
of a Fault Tree demonstrating some possible routes that
lead to breach of confidentiality by accessing a user’s
personal data in the e-commerce platform is presented in
Figure 9.
The nodes of a fault tree are called event blocks, and
the root node called top-event. The OR-gates join
alternative means that can lead to their parent nodes. The
round circles indicate that the parent events are basic
events that are not analysed further. In this example, the
tree is a branch of larger tree that covers a range of
violations of security requirements. There are also more
situations resulting in state S0, like circumventing the web
server or internal fraud, but these are not presented here.
There is a close relation between the deviations
identified by HazOp analysis, the possible failures
identified by FMEA and the fault tree constructed in that
these deviations appear as nodes (“event blocks”) in the
fault tree. For example, item 1.1.2 of HazOp table in
Figure 8 identified that a capture of a server response
Proceedings of the Sixth International ENTERPRISE DISTRIBUTED OBJECT COMPUTING Conference (EDOC’02)
0-7695-1656-4/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF OSLO. Downloaded on January 29, 2009 at 14:46 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
leads to the disclosure of Session ID. This is reflected in
FTA tree in Figure 9 where state S4 can be achieved by
means of reaching state S7. A tighter integration between
the complementary risk analysis methods used is the next
step in the development of the CORAS framework.
A user’s personal data were acquired
by another user
The access achieved
acquiring the user’s
authentication account
The user’s account
username acquired by
social engineering
The user’s account
password acquired by
to them. Similarly, the risk evaluation activity produces
levels of risk and risk priorities that further annotate
existing specifications. For the categorisation of risks,
risk themes may be specified in class diagrams. Figure 11
shows how risks are grouped by the means for which they
can be avoided.
Threat aviodable with encryption
The access achieved by web
traffic eavesdropping
Captured the client’s
request or server’s
response that
contained the data
Captured a
user’s valid
session ID
Captured the
user’s login
The data were accessed
crafting the specific URL
for the page that provides
user’s personal data while
the session ID was valid
Figure 9. Fault tree example of capturing
confidential data
As an alternative approach to document threats and
vulnerabilities of systems, we also use misuse case
diagrams. Figure 10 shows a misuse case diagram of the
situation where a malicious user (Crook) floods the system
(the dark oval is a misuse case and the dark actor is a misactor, i.e., someone who initiates misuse cases). The
misuse case includes the regular use case of registering
customer, but the crook misuses this by repeating it a
number of times beyond the level the system can handle.
E-commerce platform
Register customer
Flood system
Block repeated registrations
Figure 10. Misuse case diagram
4.3. Analyse risks, risk evaluation and risk
When the risks are identified, analysis of impact and
likelihood are performed. The results of this analysis
typically annotate existing models or one creates tables
listing the risks and assigning likelihood and consequences
Figure 11. Risk theme
Finally, risk treatment improves system behaviour in
order to reduce the chosen risks. Actually, the misuse
case diagram in Figure 10 includes specification of a
treatment by the "prevents" stereotyped association
between the use case "Block repeated registrations" and
the misuse case "Flood system". This is one way of
specifying treatments.
4.4. Summary
The first CORAS trial session in the e-commerce
domain served focused on assessing the CORAS approach
in relation to the “risk identification” sub-process, and in
order to gain familiarity with use of CRAMM, HazOp,
FTA and FMECA for this purpose. The results from the
first e-commerce trial are experiences with the use of the
specific risk analysis methods, experiences from the
overall process, and input to revisions of the way the trials
are performed. In relation to the use of integrated risk
assessment methods, we identified the following results:
aspects of CRAMM were useful for the purpose of
identifying important system assets.
HazOp worked well with guideword-attributes [14]
that reflected the security issues addressed.
FTA was useful for structured/systematic risk
analysis, but was time-consuming and unless
contained within clearly defined assessment modules,
it might present scalability problems.
FMECA worked well, but required significant effort
to organise and prepare its application.
Furthermore, the different methods provided different
results, and the application of more than one method to
support risk identification was considered beneficial.
The trial session also demonstrated, through the
interactions between the models on the drawing board and
the risk analysis methods, that model-based approach to
risk assessment has the following main advantages against
more traditional ways of conducting risk assessment:
Proceedings of the Sixth International ENTERPRISE DISTRIBUTED OBJECT COMPUTING Conference (EDOC’02)
0-7695-1656-4/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF OSLO. Downloaded on January 29, 2009 at 14:46 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
It supports describing the target of analysis at the
right level of abstraction, contributing to the
effectiveness and efficiency of the risk assessment
It provides a superior medium for communication and
interaction between different groups of stakeholders
involved in a risk assessment, contributing to the
effectiveness of the risk assessment and to imparting
risk assessment feedback into system design.
The combination of concerns and viewpoints provides
a structured way of assessing all relevant aspects of a
system from early on in the design process. More
traditional approaches to risk assessment could have
biased towards a particular view of the system (e.g.,
data, computation or communication) therefore
increasing the possibility that risks originating in
complementary views are not identified early enough
or they are completely missed.
Models of the target of evaluation are useful means to
systematically address all interactions with the system
and each component of the system, with reduced
danger of omitting functionality of system
components that may posses security risks.
Five more trial sessions are to be conducted (two of
which on the same e-commerce platform) focusing on
different parts of model based risk assessment and
addressing different concerns in relation to different
models of the target systems. A summary of the results of
all trials of model-based risk assessment will be included
in a CORAS deliverable to be released in the summer of
5. Related work
There exist a number of specialised risk assessment
methodologies tailored towards specific domains. For
healthcare information systems, the following are some
influential methodologies: SEISMED – guidelines on IT
security risk analysis for health care IT and security
personnel; ISHTAR – implementing secure healthcare
telematics applications in Europe; ODESSA - a generic
methodology for health care data security; RAMME - a
risk analysis model for a medical environment; CPRI
Toolkit – health information risk assessment and
management; TRA template – threat and risk assessment
for health care organisations; Cognitive Fuzzy Modelling
for Enhanced Risk Assessment in a Health Care
Institution. In the following we review some general risk
assessment methodologies that are similar to the CORAS
Since 1990, work has been going on to align and
develop existing national and international schemes in
one, mutually accepted framework for testing IT security
functionality. The Common Criteria [15] (CC) represents
the outcome of this work. The Common Criteria project
harmonises the European “Information Technology
Security Evaluation Criteria (ITSEC)” [16], the Canadian
“Canadian Trusted Computer Product Evaluation Criteria
(CTCPEC)” and the American “Trusted Computer System
Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC) and the Federal Criteria
(FC)”. Increasingly it is replacing national and regional
criteria with a world-wide set accepted by the
International Standards Organisation (ISO15408) [17].
The CC is generic and does not provide a methodology
for risk analysis. CORAS, on the other hand, is devoted to
methodology for risk analysis. Both the CC and CORAS
emphasises semiformal and formal specification. However, contrary to the CC, CORAS addresses and develops
concrete specification technology addressing risk analysis.
The CC and CORAS are orthogonal approaches. The CC
provides a common set of requirements for the security
functions of IT products and systems, and provides
common requirements for assurance measures applied to
IT functions of IT products and systems during a security
evaluation. CORAS provides specific methodology for
one particular kind of assurance measure, namely risk
Surety Analysis (SA), developed in Sandia National
Laboratories [18], is a methodology based on the creation
of an explicit model that covers several aspects of the
system's behaviour. The modelling framework in SA is
proprietary whereas CORAS uses the standardised RMODP as a common basis. SA supports modelling by
means of basic techniques such as interaction, state and
data-flow diagrams. CORAS aims to use the descriptive
power of UML/OCL (Object Constraint Language) and to
investigate its enhancement with aspects of other
modelling paradigms specific to security modelling. In
SA, risk and reliability analysis are based on methods such
as Fault and Event Trees. CORAS intends to provide
support for a wider variety of risk analysis methods and
will offer guidelines regarding the hand-to-hand use of
modelling and risk analysis throughout the system’s life
cycle. SA is a generic framework that could be applied in
different areas. CORAS uses generic modelling and risk
analysis techniques, which are equally applicable across
all areas of dependability. OPRA, the tool that has been
implemented to support SA, has a “tight” integration of
existing commercial software packages with tools
developed in Sandia Labs especially for this project. The
CORAS platform will facilitate a “loose” integration
platform based on widely deployed interchange standards
allows different users to adapt the CORAS platform to
their needs.
RSDS is a tool-supported methodology developed by
King’s College London [19] and B-Core UK, ltd. The
methodology has been applied in the specification and risk
Proceedings of the Sixth International ENTERPRISE DISTRIBUTED OBJECT COMPUTING Conference (EDOC’02)
0-7695-1656-4/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF OSLO. Downloaded on January 29, 2009 at 14:46 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
analysis of reactive systems in automated manufacturing
and chemical process control. Both RSDS and CORAS
aim to integrate object-oriented modelling and risk
analysis. However, CORAS focuses on security risk
analysis whereas current work on RSDS focuses on safety
and reliability analysis. RSDS focuses on a “tight”, highly
automated, keyword-driven integration of a small number
of risk analysis and reasoning techniques into a single tool,
whereas CORAS aims for a “loose” integration
framework and development process to be used
throughout the development life-cycle. RSDS focuses on
critical software/hardware components of a system
whereas CORAS aims to cover also “softer” aspects of
enterprises such as information processing and policy
specifications. RSDS uses a subset of UML, which is then
translated to the Abstract Machine Notation of B and
SMV modules, and further development requires
interaction with these formal methods tools. CORAS are
committed to use the RM-ODP standard, which may
require a larger part of UML to be considered, and the
constraints imposed by high automation in risk analysis
and interaction in formal verification could be avoided.
CORAS is more appropriate than RSDS for enterprisewide use in complex security critical systems by teams of
risk analysts and designers with little or no exposure to
formal methods. RSDS is more appropriate for analysis
and formal verification of critical components by
developers with a strong background in formal methods
and little exposure to risk analysis.
The Control Objectives for Information and related
Technology (COBIT) [20] addresses the management of
IT. The main objective of the COBIT project is the
development of clear policies and good practices for
security and control in IT for world-wide endorsement by
commercial, governmental and professional organisations.
Similar to CC, COBIT and CORAS are orthogonal
approaches. COBIT focuses on control objectives defined
in a process-oriented manner following the principle of
business re-engineering. The IT process of assessing risks
satisfies the business requirement of supporting
management decisions through achieving IT objectives
and responding to threats by reducing complexity,
increasing objectivity and identifying important decision
factors. It is enabled by the organisation engaging itself in
IT risk-identification and impact analysis.
provides a tight integration of viewpoint-oriented
modelling in the whole risk management process,
including the sub-processes of risk identification and risk
CCTA Risk Analysis and Management Methodology
(CRAMM) was developed by the British Government’s
Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency
(CCTA) [21] with the aim of providing a structured and
consistent approach to computer security management for
all systems. The UK National Health Service considers
CRAMM to be the standard for the risk analysis of
information systems within healthcare establishments.
CRAMM is an important source of inspiration for
CORAS, and aspects of CRAMM have been incorporated
in CORAS. Contrary to CRAMM, CORAS provides a
risk analysis process in which modelling is tightly
integrated. CORAS employs modelling not only to
document the target system, but also to describe its
context and possible threats. Moreover, CORAS employs
modelling to document the results from risk analysis and
the assumptions on which these results depend. CORAS
also employs graphical UML-based modelling as a
medium for communication and interaction between
different groups of stakeholders involved in a risk
analysis. Contrary to CRAMM, CORAS complies with
management, documentation, modelling and development
of systems. CORAS provides a platform for toolintegration based on XML technology supporting
openness as well as interoperability. CRAMM is also
supported by software, but this software is proprietary.
CCTA has extended CRAMM into an overall system
development process by developing an interface between
CRAMM and SSADM (Structured Systems Analysis and
Design Method). This corresponds to the CORAS
integrated risk management and system development
process based on AS/NZS 4360 and UP. However,
SSADM is based on structured analysis that was the
modelling technology of the 80'ies, while UP has been
developed for state-of-the-art object-oriented modelling
methodology in the OMG standard UML.
6. Conclusions and future work
In this paper we have presented an integration of
modelling and risk analysis. This is beneficial for risk
management for several reasons: It improves the risk
analysis itself since the understanding of the target of
evaluation is enhanced by precise specifications of how it
is structured and how it behaves. Traditionally, risk
analysis is performed on the basis of informal descriptions
of the target of evaluation and such an approach is more
open for misunderstandings.
We argue that UML
diagrams such as the state diagram in Figure 6 gives a
superior specification of system behaviour compared to
free text or some other informal formats. Secondly, a
model-based risk assessment facilitates communication,
both internally between the actors involved during risk
analysis and externally to the stakeholders. We claim that
for instance a misuse case diagram is easier to understand
than a HazOp table for some stakeholders such as the
management. Thirdly, the precision level is improved by
Proceedings of the Sixth International ENTERPRISE DISTRIBUTED OBJECT COMPUTING Conference (EDOC’02)
0-7695-1656-4/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF OSLO. Downloaded on January 29, 2009 at 14:46 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
introducing semi-formal notations such as UML. This is
not only true for specification of the target of evaluation,
but also for the risk analysis results and on the
assumptions on which their validity depend. Fourthly, by
referring to a common model, different risk assessment
methodologies such as HazOp and Fault trees are better
integrated. For instance, the asset model can be referred
to in both approaches so that they uncover different
aspects of the same asset.
CORAS aims to achieve a tight integration between
risk analysis techniques and modelling notation. In a first
trial using the user-authentication mechanism of a Web eCommerce platform, the system’s behaviour was
expressed as a UML state machine. Then HazOp was
applied on each event of this state machine addressing
security threats involved in each interaction with the
system. The system’s structure was expressed as a UML
component diagram. Then FMEA was applied on each
component of the system in order to identify potential
failures of these components. This systematic way of
assessing a system provides an assurance that all
interactions with and all components of the system will be
addressed. As a consequence, despite the relative
simplicity of the mechanism analysed in the trial,
considerable risks were identified that have to be
addressed further.
CORAS is an ongoing project and we plan to improve
support for model-based risk assessment by implementing
the CORAS platform. This will provide risk assessors
with an integration platform to use when performing the
model-based risk assessment. We also plan to perform
more trials to get feedback on the CORAS framework and
identify areas of improvement.
The results reported in this paper follow from work
carried out by the partners in the CORAS project.
CORAS, “CORAS: A platform for risk analysis of
security critical systems”, 2000.
OMG, “OMG Unified Modeling Language
Specification, v1.4,” Object Management Group,
formal/01-09-67, September, 2001.
ISO/IEC, “Guidelines for the management of IT
Security - Part 1: Concepts and models for IT
Security,” ISO/IEC, TR 13335-1, 2001.
Management,” Standards Australia, Standard, AS/NZS
4360, 1999.
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC21, “Basic reference model of open
distributed processing, part 1: Overview”, ITU-T
X.901 - ISO/IEC 10746-1, August, 1995.
P. Kruchten, Rational Unified Process: AddisonWesley, 1998.
R. Fredriksen, M. Kristiansen, B. A. Gran, K. Stølen,
T. A. Opperud, and T. Dimitrakos, “The CORAS
Framework for a model-based risk management
process,” presented at 21st International Conference on
IEEE, “IEEE Recommended Practice for Software
Requirements Specifications,” Std 830-1998.
IEEE, “IEEE Guide for Developing System
Requirements Specifications,” Std 1233-1998.
G. Sindre and A. L. Opdahl, “Eliciting Security
Requirements by Misuse Cases,” presented at 37th
International Conference on Technology of ObjectOriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS-PACIFIC
2000), Sydney, Australia, 2000.
G. Sindre and A. L. Opdahl, “Templates for Misuse
Description,” presented at Seventh International
Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundation
for Software Quality, Interlaken, Switzerland, 2001.
N. Damianou, N. Dulay, E. Lupu, and M. Sloman,
“Ponder: A Language for Specifying Security and
Management Policies for Distributed Systems Version 2.3,” Department of Computing, Imperial
College, London, UK, Imperial College Research
Report DoC 2000/1, October 20, 2000.
K. Fu, E. Sit, K. Smith, and N. Feamster, “Dos and
Don'ts of Client Authentication on the Web,” MIT
Laboratory for Computer Science, Tech Report, 818,
May, 2001.
R. Winther, O.-A. Johnsen, and B. A. Gran, “Security
Assessments of Safety Critical Systems Using
HAZOPs,” presented at 20th International Conference
on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security,
SAFECOMP 2001, Budapest, Hungary, 2001.
Common Criteria Organisation, “Common Criteria for
Information Technology Security Evaluation”,, accessed: 2002.
ISO/IEC, “Information Technology -- Security
techniques -- Evaluation Criteria for IT Security,”
ISO/IEC, 15408-1, 1999.
Sandia National Laboratories, “Surety Analysis”,, accessed: 2002.
Reactive System Design Support, “RSDA”,
Control Objectives for Information and related
B. Barber and J. Davey, “The Use of the CCTA Risk
Analysis and Management Methodology CRAMM in
Health Information Systems,” MEDINFO 92.
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0-7695-1656-4/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF OSLO. Downloaded on January 29, 2009 at 14:46 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.