ã European Neuroscience Association
European Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 12, pp. 303±310, 2000
Neurophysiological correlates of face gender processing
in humans
Yolande Mouchetant-Rostaing,1 Marie-HeÂleÁne Giard,1 Shlomo Bentin,2 Pierre-Emmanuel Aguera1 and
Jacques Pernier1
INSERM-U280, 151, Cours Albert Thomas, 69424 Lyon Cedex 03, France
Cognitive Electrophysiology Laboratory, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Keywords: cognitive model, electrophysiology, face perception, neuroimaging
Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded while subjects were involved in three gender-processing tasks based on human faces
and on human hands. In one condition all stimuli were only of one gender, preventing any gender discrimination. In a second
condition, faces (or hands) of men and women were intermixed but the gender was irrelevant for the subject's task; hence gender
discrimination was assumed to be incidental. In the third condition, the task required explicit gender discrimination; gender processing
was therefore assumed to be intentional. Gender processing had no effect on the occipito-temporal negative potential at » 170 ms
after stimulation (N170 component of the ERP), suggesting that the neural mechanisms involved in the structural encoding of faces
are different from those involved in the extraction of gender-related facial features. In contrast, incidental and intentional processing
of face (but not hand) gender affected the ERPs between 145 and 185 ms from stimulus onset at more anterior scalp locations. This
effect was interpreted as evidence for the direct visual processing of faces as described in Bruce and Young's model [Bruce, V. &
Young, A. (1986) Br. J. Psychol., 77, 305±327]. Additional gender discrimination effects were observed for both faces and hands at
mid-parietal sites around 45±85 ms latency, in the incidental task only. This difference was tentatively assumed to re¯ect an early
mechanism of coarse visual categorization. Finally, intentional (but not incidental) gender processing affected the ERPs during a later
epoch starting from » 200 ms and ending at » 250 ms for faces, and » 350 ms for hands. This later effect might be related to attentionbased gender categorization or to a more general categorization activity.
Human face recognition is probably one of the best examples for the
capacity of the visual system to rapidly and ef®ciently discriminate
among thousands of examplars of the same category. Perceiving a
face, people are able, without explicit training, to decide accurately
and effortlessly whether the face is familiar or unfamiliar, one of a
male or female, and to correctly appreciate its emotional expression,
age, race, etc.
The complexity and variety of the cognitive processes involved in
face recognition have been well represented in the theoretical model
suggested by Bruce & Young (1986). This model assumes the
existence of separate face processing pathways: one is designed to
identify the person, while others, acting in parallel, are supposed to
process the age, race or gender, or assess the emotion expressed in the
face. The common starting point of these different pathways is the
elaboration of a con®gural representation of faces through the
`structural encoding' module. According to the model, the mechanisms subtending age, race or gender judgements are activated
following the structural encoding of facial features and form the
`directed-visual encoding' module.
Various aspects of this model have been supported, to differing
extents, by empirical and neuropsychological evidence. The ®nding
Correspondence: Dr Yolande Mouchetant-Rostaing, as above
[email protected]
Received 27 April 1999, revised 7 September 1999, accepted 14 September
that prosopagnosic patients never fail to realize that they are looking
at a face, and many of them are capable of matching different
photographs of the same individual without showing any recognition
of familiar faces, supports a distinction between a fairly normally
functioning structural encoding module and a de®cient face
identi®cation system (Benton & Van Allen, 1972; Malone et al.,
1982; De Renzi et al., 1991). Obviously, given that face identi®cation
is dependent on ef®cient structural encoding (Bentin et al., 1999; see
also Eimer & McCarthy, 1999), a neuropsychological double
dissociation between the face identi®cation and structural encoding
mechanisms is impossible. However, the independence of these two
mechanisms has been recently shown in normal subjects using eventrelated potentials (ERP) (Bentin & Deouell, 1999). The distinction
between the face identi®cation system and a system devoted to the
appreciation of facial emotional expression has also been demonstrated by neuropsychological dissociation. The identi®cation of
emotional expressions is preserved in the great majority of
prosopagnosics, while it may be impaired in patients who do not
have problems in recognizing familiar faces (Kurukz & Feldmar,
1979). Relative to face identi®cation and appreciation of emotional
expression, the function of the direct encoding module has been less
investigated. With a few exceptions (Newcombe & Russel, 1969; De
Renzi et al., 1989; Carlesimo & Caltagirone, 1995), prosopagnosic
patients can discriminate a person's gender and race and can estimate
his/her age by looking at his/her face. This ®nding supports Bruce and
Young's (1986) suggested dissociation between these processes and
those required for face recognition. However, the ®nding that the
304 Y. Mouchetant-Rostaing et al.
TABLE 1. Experimental paradigm
Gender discrimination task
Non-target stimuli (n)
Target stimuli (n)
Face session
Condition 1
Condition 2
Condition 3
Condition 4
Condition 5
Male without glasses (80)
Female without glasses (80)
Male and female without glasses (160)
Male faces (80)
Female faces (80)
Male with glasses (20)
Female with glasses (20)
Male and female with glasses (40)
Female faces (20)
Male faces (20)
Control session
Condition 1
Condition 2
Condition 3
Condition 4
Condition 5
Male hands (80)
Female hands (80)
Male and female hands (160)
Male hands (80)
Female hands (80)
Male torsos (20)
Female torsos (20)
Male and female torsos (40)
Female hands (20)
Male hands (20)
The experiment was divided into two sessions, one including face stimuli (Face session) and the other including hand stimuli (Control session). Each session
included ®ve experimental conditions using three gender discrimination tasks. In all conditions, the subject's task was to mentally count the number of targets
delivered randomly among non-targets.
performance attributed to the direct visual encoding is intact even if
the formation of the structural representation is de®cient (Bentin
et al., 1999) suggests that the perception of gender and age may not
be based on the outpout of the structural encoder. Indeed, to our
knowledge, studies of the relationship between structural encoding
and direct visual perception of physiognomic information (age, race
and gender) have not been reported. The goal of the present study was
to bridge this gap.
A face-speci®c scalp ERP component peaking on the posterior
temporal areas at » 170 ms from stimulus onset (N170) has been
recently associated with the mechanisms of structural analysis of
facial features (Bentin et al., 1996; George et al., 1996). The N170
was not in¯uenced by face familiarity, suggesting that it is not
associated with face identi®cation and probably not in¯uenced by
top-down information (Bentin & Deouell, 1999). In the present study,
we have compared the N170 elicited while subjects were instructed to
process the gender of the face with that generated while the gender
was irrelevant. In particular, we asked the following questions: (i)
Are the face structural analysis mechanisms, assumed to be
associated with the N170 component, sensitive to gender judgements? If direct visual perception, as required for gender processing,
involves the same neural mechanisms as those mobilized for
structural encoding, we may ®nd an effect of task on the N170. (ii)
Is it possible to dissociate, on the basis of separate neural activities,
different functional modules for structural encoding of a face and
gender processing? If gender processing is performed by neural
mechanisms other than those involved in structural encoding,
comparing the ERPs in the two task conditions might unveil such
activity elicited earlier or later than the N170. Note that if
components earlier than the N170 were modulated by gender
processing, it would be conceivable that direct visual processing of
the face is not based on the output of the structural encoding module.
Finally, anticipating that such activity would be found, we examined
the possibility that the gender processing is not a face-speci®c
activity. This hypothesis was examined by comparing the ERPs
associated with gender judgements based on faces with those
associated with gender judgements based on human hands.
Materials and methods
Sixteen right-handed subjects (eight males and eight females, 18±32
years old) with normal vision or corrected-to-normal vision
participated as paid volunteers. All were fully informed of the
recording technique, which was noninvasive.
Twelve hundred grey-scale photographs were digitally scanned. They
included four stimulus types: human faces with no eyeglasses, human
faces with eyeglasses, human hands and human torsos. The faces and
torsos were presented in a roughly front view, whereas the backs of
the hands, half of them being left and the other half right, were
viewed from above. Half of the faces, half of the hands and half of the
torsos were of men and the other half of women. Across categories,
the stimuli were matched for luminance and were of equal size
(100 3 120 mm). The stimuli were presented foveally, subtending a
visual angle of 6.9°, for 300 ms at a rate of one every 1.4 s. A ®xation
point was present at the centre of the screen between each
presentation. No stimulus was repeated.
The experiment consisted of two consecutive sessions, each
including ®ve experimental conditions. The stimuli in each
condition were presented in blocks of 50. Face stimuli were
presented during the ®rst session (Face session), whereas during
the second, we presented hand and torso stimuli (Control session).
In all the conditions, subjects performed an oddball detection task
reporting verbally, at the end of each block, the number of target
items detected; target items (20% of total) were delivered
randomly among non-target items (see Table 1 for details). In
conditions 1 and 2, referred to as No-gender discrimination task,
target as well as non-target stimuli were of only one gender. In
the Face session, the targets were either male (condition 1) or
female (condition 2) faces with glasses delivered among faces
without glasses, while in the Control session the targets were
male (condition 1) or female (condition 2) torsos delivered among
hands. The order of presentation of conditions 1 and 2 was
counterbalanced across subjects. Condition 3 (Incidental-gender
discrimination task) was similar to conditions 1 and 2, except that
the stimuli included male and female equally mixed. The subjects
were assumed here to analyse the stimuli at the same level as in
the two previous conditions, but they could also incidentally
process the gender of the stimulus. Conditions 4 and 5
(Intentional-gender discrimination task) followed condition 3 with
a counterbalanced order between subjects. In these two conditions,
subjects had to process explicitly the stimuli according to their
Ó 2000 European Neuroscience Association, European Journal of Neuroscience, 12, 303±310
ERP study of face gender processing in humans
gender: the targets were either male (condition 4) or female
(condition 5) faces among female or male faces, respectively, in
the Face session, and male or female hands among female or
male hands, respectively, in the Control session.
EEG recording
EEG was continuously recorded at a sampling rate of 1 kHz
(0.03±320 Hz analogue bandwidth) from 32 Ag-AgCl scalp
electrodes referred to the nose, of which 20 were placed
according to the international 10±20 system (Fz, Cz, Pz, Iz,
Fp1, F7, F3, C3, P3, T3, T5, O1 and their counterparts on the
right hemiscalp), and two at the left and right mastoids (M1 and
M2). The remaining positions were midway between two positions
of the 10±20 system: CP5 (between T3 and P3), CP1 (between
C3 and Pz), PO3 (between O1 and P3), POz (between Pz and
Oz), and IM1 (between Iz and M1), and their counterparts on the
right hemiscalp. The EOG was monitored from the outer canthus
of the right eye (YH) and the channels Fp1 and Fp2. Electrode
impedances were < 3 kW. The ERPs were averaged off-line over a
1000-ms period including a 100-ms prestimulus baseline, and
digitally ®ltered (0.03±20 Hz). Trials in which the potential
exceeded 150 mV at any electrode were automatically rejected.
Data analysis
Only the responses to non-target stimuli were analysed. The ERPs
elicited by male and female faces or male and female hands
(conditions 1 and 2, and conditions 4 and 5) were collapsed yielding
three levels of gender processing (No-gender, Incidental-gender and
Intentional-gender discrimination), with an equal number of stimuli
presented at each level. Analysis of ERP involved two steps.
(i) The effects of gender processing on the latency and amplitude
of the N170 component (negativity at » 170 ms) were tested using
three-way within-subjects analyses of variance (ANOVAs) with
factors: Type of task (No-, Incidental-, Intentional-gender discrimination), Stimulus type (Faces, Hands), and Hemisphere (left, right).
Latency of N170 was measured at T5/T6 sites where the potential
value was maximum in the grand average over all subjects. The N170
amplitude was quanti®ed for each subject as the mean potential value
in time over a 625 ms-window around the peak latency of the grand
average. Re¯ecting the slightly more anterior scalp distribution of the
N170 elicited by hands relative to faces, different subsets of
electrodes were included in spatial averaging. For faces, the sites
included were IM1, M1, T5 and their homologous sites on the right
hemiscalp, and for hands, T5, P3 and CP5 and their homologous
locations on the right hemiscalp. Signi®cance levels for the F-values
were adjusted with Greenhouse±Geisser correction whenever necessary.
(ii) Other possible effects of gender processing were assessed in the
following way. Firstly, they were quanti®ed in the difference waves
obtained by subtracting the responses to the no-gender task from the
responses to incidental (Incidental±No) and intentional (Intentional±
No) gender tasks, respectively. Student's t-tests comparing the
amplitude of the difference waves with zero were computed for
each sample at each electrode. Student's t-maps could then be
obtained at each latency. Spatio-temporal patterns having a stable
topography with a signi®cant amplitude (P < 0.01) at at least two
adjacent electrodes for 20 consecutive 20-ms samples were
considered as signi®cant gender task effects (Rugg et al., 1995; see
also Thorpe et al., 1996).
Scalp potential maps were generated using a two-dimensional
spherical spline interpolation (Perrin et al., 1989) with colour scale
normalized to the peak voltage value at the considered latencies.
For all stimulus types and gender tasks, the ERPs were
characterized by a series of positive and negative de¯ections
peaking successively around 100 ms at O1-O2 (a positive peak
P100), around 165 ms at T5-T6 (a negative peak N170), and
around 220 ms at PO3-PO4 (a positive peak) (Fig. 1). This latter
peak was followed by a sustained positivity, lasting up to » 350±
400 ms, the morphology of which could differ according to the
gender task and the stimulus type.
Effects of gender processing on the N170 component
Figure 2a shows the scalp potential distribution, at 165 ms latency,
of the N170 component elicited by face and hand stimuli in the
no-gender task. Both stimulus types activated occipito-temporal
regions with, however, a distribution slightly more anterior for
hands than for faces. In¯uence of the gender discrimination tasks
on the mean amplitude and peak latency of N170 was tested
through three-way ANOVAs with the Type of task, Stimulus type
and Hemisphere as factors (see Materials and Methods). No main
effect of theType of task, nor interaction between this factor and
any other factors, were found on the mean amplitude or peak
latency of N170. The only signi®cant effect was a shorter peak
latency for faces (157 ms) than for hands (170 ms; F1,15 = 60.39,
P < 0.0001).
Other ERP effects of gender discrimination tasks
Both for face and for hand stimuli, the effects of incidental- and
intentional-gender discrimination tasks were quanti®ed in the
difference between the ERPs elicited in each of these tasks and the
ERPs elicited in the no-gender task (Incidental±No waves and
Intentional±No waves, respectively). Student's t-maps computed on
these difference waves revealed three spatiotemporal patterns of
signi®cant task effects (see Materials and Methods), that could vary
with the nature of the gender discrimination task (incidental or
intentional) and the stimulus type (face or hand). The earliest
component of the difference pattern spread over the mid-parietal
areas from » 40 to 90 ms, the second was observed over the central
areas from » 140 to 190 ms, and the latest extended over the occipitoparietal regions from » 200 ms to 350 ms. Figures 3 and 4 detail the
statistical signi®cance of the difference waves over the electrodes and
periods characterizing these spatiotemporal patterns of interest.
Figure 2B and C displays the topography of the difference waves
and the corresponding t-map at an illustrative latency for each
pattern. Table 2 gives the mean amplitude and signi®cance of the
difference waves over the whole patterns. These different patterns are
analysed in detail below.
Event-related potential at 40±90 ms
Between 40 and 90 ms (Fig. 2B and C, line a), signi®cant effects of
the incidental-gender task (compared with the no-gender task) were
found for both face and hand stimuli: the ERP amplitudes of the
Incidental±No difference waves reached statistical signi®cance
(P < 0.01) from » 45 to 70 ms latency at the left mid-parietal
electrodes for faces (Fig. 3A left part; mean amplitude over 40±
90 ms, ±0.74 mV), and over 40±90 ms at the centro-parietal sites for
hands (Fig. 3A right part; mean amplitude ±0.79 mV; see Table 2).
Figure 2B, line a, illustrates the topography of these effects at 65 ms
latency. No corresponding patterns were observed for the intentionalgender task, for either faces or hands (Fig. 2C, line a; Fig. 4A;
Table 2).
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Event-related potential at 140±190 ms
In this latency range (Fig. 2B and C, line b), both the Incidental±No
(Fig. 2B, line b) and the Intentional±No (Fig. 2C, line b) difference
waves showed signi®cant positive amplitudes over a wide central
region (eight electrodes) for face but not for hand stimuli (Figs 3B
and 4B). For faces, the amplitude of the Incidental±No wave reached
statistical signi®cance (P < 0.01) at F3-C3 from 145 ms latency, and
at all the selected electrodes (P < 0.01 or P < 0.001) from 155 to
185 ms (Fig. 3B left part; mean amplitude over 140±190 ms,
±1.06 mV). In the Intentional±No difference wave, the amplitude
reached statistical signi®cance (P < 0.01) at most electrodes from
145 ms, and at all the selected electrodes (P < 0.01 or P < 0.001) from
150 to 185 ms (Fig. 4B left part; mean amplitude ±1.26 mV). No or
only marginally signi®cant effects were found for hands during this
epoch (see Figs 3B and 4B right side, and Table 2).
FIG. 1. Grand average ERPs at posterior and central electrodes for non-target faces and hands in the three gender discrimination tasks (No-, Incidental-, and
Intentional-gender). The shaded rectangles indicate the time periods when the responses differ according to the gender tasks. The N170 component (and P100) are
indicated at the electrodes where they are maximum.
FIG. 2. (A) Scalp potential distributions of the N170 component (A) around its peak latency (165 ms) elicited by non-target faces and hands during the no-gender discrimination task. (B and C) Scalp potential distribution of the incidental- (Incidental±No) and the intentional- (Intentional±No) gender discrimination effects at the peak latencies where the differences were maximum (lines a±d), for face and hand stimuli. The range of the coloured calibration scale is different
for each component and is given (in mV) below each map. Right column: Student's t-maps estimated from potential values: the grey colour indicates the scalp
areas where Incidental±No or Intentional±No amplitude differs signi®cantly (P < 0.01) from zero. The potential maps of the difference patterns between the responses to the incidental- and intentional-gender tasks and the responses to the no-gender task showed: (a) a pattern of activation at 65 ms, over the mid-parietal sites for faces and the central sites for hands, in the incidental-gender task but not in the intentional-gender task; (b) a pattern of activation at 165 ms, over
the central areas in the incidental- and the intentional-gender discrimination tasks for face but not for hand stimuli, suggesting a gender processing effect speci®c for human faces; (c) a pattern of activation at 225 ms, over the occipito-parietal regions for face and hand stimuli, in the intentional-gender task but not
in the incidental-gender task; and (d) a sustained positive pattern of activation to » 350 ms over the posterior regions for hands but not for faces, suggesting
that the neural activity related to the intentional-gender task was prolonged up to » 350 ms for hand but not for face stimuli.
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ERP study of face gender processing in humans
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308 Y. Mouchetant-Rostaing et al.
FIG. 3. Statistical signi®cance of the incidentalgender task (compared with the no-gender
task) at selective electrodes in three latency
ranges (40±90 ms, 140±190 ms, 200±350 ms)
for face and hand stimuli. Student's t-tests was
used to compare the amplitude of the
difference waves (Incidental±No) with zero.
The distribution of the signi®cant effects
indicates an early effect from » 40±90 ms for
the two stimulus types, and a second effect
from » 140 to » 190 ms for faces, but not for
Event-related potential at 200±250 ms
Signi®cant intentional gender task effects were found between 200 and
250 ms latency (Fig. 2B and C, line c) at occipito-parietal electrodes
for both face and hand stimuli. The ERP amplitude of the Intentional±
No difference waves reached statistical signi®cance (P < 0.01) from
» 200±250 ms for faces (Fig. 4C left part; mean amplitude over 200±
250 ms, 1.28 mV; see Table 2), and for hands (Fig. 4C right part; mean
amplitude, 2.15 mV; see Table 2). This difference lasted longer
(> 250 ms) for hands than for faces (see below). No or only marginally
signi®cant effects of the incidental-gender task were found over this
period for face or hand stimuli (Fig. 3C).
As this intentional gender task effect was maximal at posterior sites
(Fig. 2C, line c), its topography was compared with that of the N170
component (recorded in the no-gender condition) in order to explore
whether the two activities were generated within the same brain
structures. Two-way ANOVA on normalized data (mean amplitude
over 6 25 ms around the peak latency for N170, and over 200±250 ms
latency for the intentional-gender effect) with the factors Condition
(No-gender, Intentional±No) and Electrode (IM1, IM2, M1, M2, O1,
O2, T5, T6) showed a signi®cant interaction between the two factors
[F4,55 = 4.44, P < 0.004, GG = 0.52], indicating different topographies
for the two waves.
Event-related potential at 250±350 ms
The intentional gender task effect observed between 200 and 250 ms
(Fig. 2B and C, line d) lasted longer for hands than for faces (Fig. 2C,
lines c and d). Highly signi®cant amplitude differences (P < 0.001)
with a stable topography were observed up to » 350±400 ms (Fig. 4C
right part; mean amplitude over 250±350 ms, 4.56 mV; see Table 2).
There was no corresponding pattern within the same period for faces
(Fig. 4C left part; mean amplitude, 0.31 mV).
The results can be summarised in the following way: (i) There was no
effect of gender processing on either the amplitude or latency of the
N170 component. (ii) Incidental-gender processing elicited electrical
activities that were signi®cantly different from those elicited when all
stimuli were of one gender. These differences were observed around
45±85 ms from stimulus onset over mid-parietal sites for both face
and hand stimuli, and around 145±185 ms over central sites for faces
only. (iii) Intentional-gender processing elicited electrical activity
that was signi®cantly different from that elicited when stimuli of only
one gender were presented. Similar to the activity generated by
incidental-gender processing, this difference was signi®cant only for
faces over central sites between 145 and 185 ms from stimulus onset.
In contrast to the activity speci®c to incidental processing, however,
intentional processing did not show the early effect. Instead, there
were longer-latency effects, between 200 and 250 ms, for both face
and hand stimuli over posterior sites, and this effect lasted longer for
hands than for faces (up to » 350 ms).
Separate processes for structural encoding and gender
processing of faces
The occipito-temporal N170 component responding to face stimuli
has been associated with the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying structural encoding of facial features (Bentin et al., 1996;
George et al., 1996; see also Allison et al., 1994 for intracranial ERP
Ó 2000 European Neuroscience Association, European Journal of Neuroscience, 12, 303±310
ERP study of face gender processing in humans
FIG. 4. Statistical signi®cance of the
intentional-gender task (compared with the nogender task) at selective electrodes in the same
three latency ranges as in Fig. 3 for face and
hand stimuli. The distribution of the signi®cant
effects suggests an effect for faces but not for
hands between 140 and 190 ms, and a later
effect from » 200 to » 250 ms for the two
stimulus types, this last effect lasting longer
(up to » 350±400 ms) for hands than for faces.
TABLE 2. Differences between the responses in the Incidental- and Intentional-gender tasks and the responses in the No-gender tasks
Face session: ERP time periods analysed
Electrode sites
Hand session: ERP time periods analysed
40±90 ms
140±190 ms
200±250 ms
250±350 ms
40±90 ms
140±190 ms
200±250 ms
250±350 ms
T5-PO3-O1IM1-Iz-IM2O2- PO4-T6
T5-PO3-O1IM1-Iz-IM2O2- PO4-T6
Difference in response (mV)
Incidental±No gender
±0.74 6 0.24** ±1.06 6 0.25** 0.44 6 0.25
±0.11 6 0.29
Intentional±No gender
±0.20 6 0.31
±1.26 6 0.28** 1.28 6 0.39** 0.31 6 0.38
±0.79 6 0.20** ±0.63 6 0.27* 0.33 6 0.35
0.52 6 0.37
0.20 6 0.25
0.32 6 0.35 2.15 6 0.43** 4.56 6 0.46**
Mean amplitude 6 SEM of the differences between responses in the Incidental- and Intentional-gender tasks and the responses in the No-gender tasks,
averaged in time and in space as indicated. **P < 0.01 and *P < 0.05, Student's t-test.
recordings). An important result of the present study is that gender
processing in¯uenced neither the latency nor the amplitude of N170.
Although exclusive effects of face gender discrimination were
observed during similar time ranges, the sites at which these effects
were observed were different from those of the N170 component.
This pattern indicates that face gender processing is performed (at
least partly) in parallel with its structural encoding by different brain
mechanisms; i.e. the gender processing stage can begin before the
structural encoding stage is completed. This conclusion is also
consistent with PET ®ndings that have shown that face gender
processing activates neuroanatomical regions different from those
involved in the perceptual analysis of the facial features (Sergent
et al., 1992; Kapur et al., 1995; Andreasen et al., 1996). Therefore,
our results bring additional (electrophysiological) support to Bruce
and Young's (1986) model of face processing, according to which
perceptual analysis and gender extraction are subserved by two
functionally distinct modules, the structural and the directed-visual
encoding modules, respectively. In contrast to what was suggested in
this model, however, the time-course of the face-speci®c gender
processing effect (145±185 ms) suggests that direct perception is not
subsequent to structural encoding.
Early (45±85 ms) incidental discrimination effects
An unpredicted result of our study was the very early epoch (45±
85 ms) of the differences observed between the ERPs elicited by both
faces and hands during the incidental-gender discrimination task as
compared with the no-gender task. Apparently, this result indicates
that the visual information available at this time is already used for
automatic distinction between genders. Although early signs of face
processing have been reported in monkeys (Tovee et al., 1993: 20±
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310 Y. Mouchetant-Rostaing et al.
50 ms) and in humans (Seeck et al., 1997: 50±90 ms), it is dif®cult,
however, to assume that the effects observed at this latency (45±85 ms)
over parietal regions are speci®cally related to the processing of gender
information. Indeed, such latencies correspond to the ®rst cortical
potentials elicited by visual stimulation in the striate cortex (Clark
et al., 1995). An alternative explanation of the early difference
between the incidental- and no-gender processing conditions may
refer to the fact that the incidental-gender task was the only one among
the ®ve experimental conditions in which the two gender categories
were intermixed in the non-targets. It is therefore possible that this
effect re¯ects an early, automatic process of rapid but coarse
categorization between two stimulus classes on the basis of visual
characteristics. To this end, it would be interesting to know whether
this early categorization process may occur only for biological stimuli
with strong psychosocial signi®cance for humans, or whether it
indicates a more general ability of the visual system to cursorily
categorize wide classes of stimuli at an early stage of sensory
Speci®city of face gender processing
The pattern of gender processing effects for faces and for hands
showed both similarities and differences. As discussed above, the
very early effect of incidental-gender processing was similar for both
types of stimuli. This similarity suggests that the perceptual
mechanisms associated with this activity, whatever their nature, are
not face-speci®c. Between 145 and 185 ms from stimulus onset,
however, gender processing (intentional- as well as incidental-)
affected the ERPs elicited by faces but not those elicited by hands.
These results have two implications. Firstly, the similarity of the
incidental- and intentional-gender discrimination ERP effects imply
that gender information is extracted from faces automatically and
that, at this stage, this process is not in¯uenced by top-down strategic
factors. Secondly, because these ERP effects were not found for
hands, they might index the speci®city of the physiological operations
underlying face gender processing: gender judgements from other
body parts such as hands would be mediated through other (later)
brain mechanisms.
Additional gender discrimination effects
Regardless of whether the stimuli were faces or hands, the ERPs
elicited from » 200 ms poststimulation in the intentional-gender
discrimination task were signi®cantly different from those elicited
when explicit discrimination between the genders was not required.
The effect was signi®cant up to » 250 ms for faces, and up to » 350 ms
for hands. This pattern, partly common for faces and hands, is not
compatible with the activity of the directed-visual processing pathway
stipulated by Bruce and Young (1986). Rather, it suggests that the type
of gender processing re¯ected at this level is associated with the
explicit process of discrimination between the two gender categories.
The fact that this effect lasted longer for hands than for faces may
be explained by the higher dif®culty of discriminating gender from
hands than from faces. This could be because faces carry more
gender-speci®c information than hands, because humans may be
better trained to distinguish gender on the basis of the face than on the
basis of the hands, because the gender of the face has already been
determined by direct visual perception mechanisms, or all of these
reasons. In the absence of a nongender discrimination task for similar
stimuli however, we cannot unequivocally determine whether the
activity observed during the latter time epochs for intentional- but not
incidental-gender discrimination is associated speci®cally with
gender processing or with a more general categorical discrimination
activity. In any case, these discrimination effects could express the
expertise that humans have developed in processing faces compared
with other body parts such as hands.
ERP, event-related potential; N170, negative potential at » 170 ms after
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Ó 2000 European Neuroscience Association, European Journal of Neuroscience, 12, 303±310