Brain Research Bulletin 63 (2004) 443–449
Sex differences in face gender recognition in humans
Alessandro Cellerino a,b,∗ , Davide Borghetti c , Ferdinando Sartucci b,c
Institute of Neurophysiology of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) PISA, CNR, Via Giuseppe Moruzzi 1, 56100 Pisa, Italy
b Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy
c Department of Neuroscience, Clinical Neurology, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Received 5 November 2003; received in revised form 11 March 2004; accepted 11 March 2004
Available online 15 June 2004
Human faces are ecologically-salient stimuli. Face sex is particularly relevant for human interactions and face gender recognition is an
extremely efficient cognitive process that is acquired early during childhood. To measure the minimum information required for correct gender
classification, we have used a pixelation filter and reduced frontal pictures (28,672 pixels) of male and female faces to 7168, 1792, 448 and
112 pixels. We then addressed the following questions:
Is gender recognition of male and female faces equally efficient?
Are male and female subjects equally efficient at recognising face gender?
We found a striking difference in categorisation of male and female faces. Categorisation of female faces reduced to 1792 pixels is at chance
level whereas categorisation of male faces is above chance even for 112 pixel images. In addition, the same difference in the efficiency of
categorisation of male and female faces was detected using a Gaussian noise filter.
A clear sex difference in the efficiency of face gender categorisation was detected as well. Female subject were more efficient in recognising
female faces. These results indicate that recognition of male and female faces are different cognitive processes and that in general females are
more efficient in this cognitive task.
© 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Face perception; Gender differences; Spatial filtration; Evolutionary psychology
1. Introduction
The human face presents a clear sexual dimorphism
[7,10,11,18,19]. Face gender recognition is an extremely
efficient and fast cognitive process [6]. Even when images
are cropped to remove all cultural cues to gender such as
hairstyle and make-up, gender classification is correct in
almost 100% of the cases in adult subjects [6], whereas
7-years-old children already reach 80% accuracy in the
same task [21]. These data clearly indicate that biological
cues in facial anatomy are sufficient for a very efficient
gender recognition and this ability is acquired early during
Male and female faces differ both for shape and texture
and both shape and texture cues are used for face gender
recognition. In frontal views, texture is more salient than
Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 050 3153198.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (A. Cellerino).
0361-9230/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
shape for gender classification whereas the salience of shape
becomes greater in lateral view [5,12]. Isolated facial parts
can be used for face gender classification and the eye region
has the highest load in judging gender, followed by the face
outline [3,16,22]. Some global aspects of face configuration,
however, are also important for face gender classification
The present study was undertaken to answer these two
basic questions:
1. Is gender recognition equally efficient for male and female faces?
2. Is there an interaction between gender of the observer
and gender of the target face?
Since ceiling effects are prominent in face gender recognition, to address these questions it is necessary to increase the
difficulty of the gender classification task. Masking by spatial filtration is a widely-used technique in psychophysics.
We have used two different and complementary spatial filtration techniques to mask pictures of male and female faces
A. Cellerino et al. / Brain Research Bulletin 63 (2004) 443–449
and study the effect of spatial filtration on gender recognition. In one case, a pixelation filter was used. This type of
filtration greatly disturbs shape information but spares information concerning average colour distribution in the image.
The second filter we have used is a Gaussian noise filter:
it destroys information concerning average colour composition of the image leaving detection of high-contrast edges
relatively spared. We found that both modalities of spatial
filtration affect recognition of female faces more than recognition of male faces. In addition, male subject were more
efficient in recognising male faces whereas female subjects
were more efficient in recognising female faces regardless
of the spatial filtration method used.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Subjects
One hundred twenty-one healthy observers (56 males,
age span 17–63, 30 ± 5 years and 65 females, age span
19–46, 28 ± 5 years) voluntarily participated at Experiment
1. Fifty-five healthy observers (33 males, age span 17–63,
29 ± 6 years and 22 females, age span 20–46, 29 ± 5 years)
participated in Experiment 2. Fifty-two healthy observers:
(24 males, age span 19–56, 32 ± 5 years and 28 females,
age span 19–45, mean 27 ± 5 years) participated in Experiment 3.
The subjects were previously examined to exclude any
visual problem or were corrected to their best acuity. All
subjects signed an informed consent before participating to
the test.
2.2. Experimental design and protocol
2.2.1. Experiment 1
Fifty frontal pictures of human male and female faces
in neutral expression (25 M and 25 F; 260 × 377 pixels) were selected from a free database available on the
web (Martinez A.M. & Benavente R., 1998; http://rvl1.∼aleix/aleix face DB.html). Only pictures
of individuals that appeared to be in the 20–30 years age
range were selected. Males faces were all clean shaven and
female faces were not wearing make-up. Each photo was
included in a white oval frame using Adobe Photoshop 6.0®
to remove hairs as well as facial outline. Spatial filtering
was applied, using four different levels of pixelation (4,
8, 16 and 32 pixels; see Fig. 1A and B). Original pictures
were composed of 28,672 pixels, the progressive filtration
reduced the images to 7168, 1792, 448 and 112 pixels,
respectively. The dimension of the filtered images on the
computer screen were the same for all images. The whole
set of images was 250, 50 not filtered and 200 filtered. These
images were shown at 72 dpi on a 14′′ LCD laptop monitor
at a viewing distance of 40 cm using a custom software. The
software presented a randomised sequence of 50 faces that
Fig. 1. Effect of spatial filtering on male and female faces: the two
images on the left represents a male (A) and a female (B) face with a
superimposed oval frame to remove facial outline and other features like
necklaces or earrings. On the right, the same images were elaborated
with a 32-pixelation spatial filter. Please note that the masking effect of
the pixelation filter is dependent upon the size of the image, this can be
easily appreciated by moving away the printed page or zooming out the
pdf file on the computer screen. To perceive the same masking effect that
was presented to the experimental subjects images should be seen at the
full magnification of a 14′′ computer screen.
were extracted from the set of 250 pictures and recorded
for each subject the percentage of correct guesses for the
unfiltered picture and for each of the four filtration levels.
2.2.2. Experiment 2
A further elaboration of images was then performed:
we constructed ambiguous stimuli by alternating stripes of
male and female faces (Fig. 2A). When filtered with the
32-pixelation filter, the stripes become invisible (Fig. 2B).
An oval frame was also included. These images replaced
the original male and female faces filtered with the 32 pixelation filter and an additional cohort of male observers was
subject to the same test described in Experiment 1.
2.2.3. Experiment 3
Original un-modified images, including only an oval
frame, were elaborated with Photoshop 6.0® and a Gaussian noise Filter at different intensity (25, 50, 75 and 100%;
A. Cellerino et al. / Brain Research Bulletin 63 (2004) 443–449
Fig. 2. Ambiguous stimuli. Stripes of male and female faces were alternated to create an ambiguous face (A). When a 32-pixelation filter was
applied (B), the stripes become invisible.
see Fig. 3A and B) was applied. As in Experiment 1, the
same specific software was used to show the images on a
14′′ LCD laptop monitor at a viewing distance of 40 cm.
2.3. Statistical analysis
All the data concerning the number of male or female
faces correctly recognized for each grade of pixelation or
noise were imported in Microsoft Excel® to perform statistical analysis.
For each grade of pixelation (Experiment 1), mean percent
of correct guesses for male faces for both male and female
observers were compared with mean percent correct answers
for female faces using Student’s t-test for paired data. The
same procedure was applied to compare results obtained
only from male or female observers.
Regarding ambiguous stimuli (Experiment 2), the ratio
between male and female categorisation was calculated using the z-test to demonstrate if it was statistically different
from chance level. Data obtained from Experiment 3 were
analyzed in the same fashion of those obtained from Experiment 1.
Data obtained from male and female observers in Experiments 1 and 3 were then plotted separately for male and
females faces.
To perfom canonic variate analysis (CVA) [1], the data
were imported in Statistica 5.0, Statsoft. CVA is a variation of discriminant analysis and is a statistical method
that performs a rotation of the data points into a new set
of coordinates that are a linear combination of the original
coordinates (in our case, the percentage of correct guesses
for each of the filtration level) so to maximise the separation of the two groups along the new set of axis. Then the
Malahanobis distances (a generalised form of distance that
weights the co-variance of data across the different dimensions) between the groups are computed and the probability
that the data assigned to different groups are part of the same
Fig. 3. Effect of Gaussian noise filtering on male and female faces: the
two images on the left represents a male (A) and a female (B) face with a
superimposed oval frame. On the right, the same images were elaborated
with a 100% Gaussian noise filter. Also in this case the masking effect
of the spatial filter is dependent upon the size of the image. To perceive
the same masking effect that was presented to the experimental subjects
images should be seen at the full magnification of a 14′′ computer screen.
group is derived based on the Malahanobis distance of all
members of the groups from the centroids of the two groups.
For each grade of pixelation (Experiment 1), mean percent
of correct guesses for male faces for both male and female
observers were compared with mean percent correct answers
for female faces using Student’s t-test for paired data. The
same procedure was applied to compare results obtained
only from male or female observers.
Regarding ambiguous stimuli (Experiment 2), the ratio
between male and female categorisation was calculated using the z-test to demonstrate if it was statistically different
from chance level.
Data obtained from Experiment 3 were analyzed in the
same fashion of those obtained from Experiment 1.
Data obtained from male and female observers in Experiments 1 and 3 were then plotted separately for male and
females faces.
A. Cellerino et al. / Brain Research Bulletin 63 (2004) 443–449
Fig. 4. Experiment 1: results. The percentage of male and female faces correctly recognized for each grade of pixelation were plotted separately for both
male and female observers, for males only and for females only.
3. Results
3.1. Experiment 1: effects of pixelation
Face gender recognition of full-resolution pictures is extremely efficient [6]. In order to increase the difficulty of the
recognition task we used a pixelation spatial filter to progressively reduce the amount of information available for
gender classification (see Section 2). An example of the result of the 32 pixelation filter is shown in Fig. 1. When
filtered by the 32 pixelation filter, faces are represented by
only 112 pixels. Male (N = 56) and female (N = 65) subjects were presented with 50 random pictures of male and
female faces that were included in a oval frame to remove
hairs and face outline. Pictures were either un-manipulated
digital images or filtered with 4, 8, 16 or 32 pixelation filter.
Percent of correct answers was plotted separately for male
and females faces (Fig. 4). When un-manipulated faces were
presented, both male and female faces were categorised correctly in about 95% of the cases, despite the elimination
of face outline that is a strong cue to face gender [3,22].
However, the pixelation filter disturbed categorisation of female faces more effectively than it did for male faces. When
the correct categorisation of faces filtered with 4 pixel filter
were compared, categorisation of male faces was correct in
89% of the case whereas categorisation of female faces was
correct in 82% of the cases (P = 0.006, paired t-test). Categorisation of female faces filtered with the 8-pixelation filter
was at chance level, whereas categorisation of male faces
was above chance even when the 32-pixelation filter was
applied (P = 0.01, paired t-test; effect of sex of the face on
the recognition efficiency tested by ANOVA, P < 0.0001).
When the scores of male and female subjects are plotted separately, sex differences are apparent. Categorisation
of faces filtered with 4-pixel filter did not differ for female subjects, (correct male faces = 88%, correct female
faces = 87%, ns) whereas male subjects recognised male
faces more efficiently than female faces (correct male faces
= 90%, correct female faces = 77%; P = 0.002, paired t-test).
The difference between male and female subjects in recognising female faces was statistically significant (unpaired
t-test, P = 0.009). A difference in the efficiency of male
and female subjects in recognising female faces was further supported by canonic variate analysis (see Section 2).
Wilk’s λ-test detected a difference between the group of females viewing female faces and males viewing female faces
with a significance of 0.03 (see Table 1). A trend of a difTable 1
Results of canonic variate analysis
D2 distances
Results of a canonic variate analysis of face gender recognition. Coding
of the groups is as follows. FvsF: female subjects viewing female faces;
MsvF: male subjects viewing female faces; FvsM: female subjects viewing
male faces; MsvM: male subjects viewing male faces. P-values are the
result of an F-test based on the distribution of D2 distances withinhand
between the groups. D2 is the distance of Malahanobis. The distance
between a vector Xi and the mean vector Xm is defined as D2 = (Xi −
Xm )Cx−1 (Xi − Xm ) where Cx−1 is the co-variance matrix of X.
A. Cellerino et al. / Brain Research Bulletin 63 (2004) 443–449
Fig. 5. Experiment 3 results. The percentage of male and female faces correctly recognized for each percentage of Gaussian noise filter were plotted
separately for both male and female observers, for males only and for females only.
ferences in the categorisation of male faces was present as
well. Categorisation of male faces filtered with the 32-pixel
filter was only 60% correct and not statistically different
from the chance level for female observers (P = 0.2, paired
t-test), whereas male subject reached 72% accuracy level (P
= 0.005, paired t-test). However, this difference was not significant neither in a unpaired t-test nor with canonic variate
analysis (see Table 1).
3.2. Experiment 2: ambiguous stimuli
Results obtained from Experiment 1 can be explained
either by a higher efficiency of male faces categorisation or
by a cognitive bias in categorising a face as male when the
stimulus is ambiguous. To discriminate between these two
possibility, we constructed ambiguous stimuli by alternating stripes of male and female faces (Fig. 2). When filtered
with the 32-pixelation filter, the stripes become invisible
(See Section 2). We then tested 35 additional male subjects
using the same protocol but with all 32-pixelated faces
substituted by ambiguous stimuli. The ratio between male
and female categorisation for these ambiguous stimuli was
nearly 0.5 and not statistically different from chance level
(z-score = 0.84).
3.2.1. Experiment 3: Gaussian noise filter
The presence of facial hair in fact makes the average
colour of male lower faces darker even if the subjects are
shaven. This low-resolution difference in colour would still
be detectable after pixelation, as it is reproduced by the average pixel luminance, and could account for the higher performance of both sexes in the recognition of male faces. To
discount this possibility, we filtered the same set of faces using Gaussian noise. In this second experiment, the power of
the filter was calibrated so to be less perceptually destructive
in order to pinpoint more clearly at differences in the recognition of female faces. Fifthy-four subjects, 24 males and 28
females, were presented with 50 random pictures of male
and female faces as described in Experiment 1. Gaussian
noise interfered more severely with the detection of female
faces (Fig. 5, effect of sex of the face on the recognition efficiency tested by ANOVA: P < 0.001). In addition, when the
performance of male and female observers were plotted separately, an interaction between sex of the observer and sex
of the target face emerged: at maximum filter strength, the
recognition of female faces was more affected by Gaussain
noise in men observers than in female observers (unpaired
t-test, P = 0.02; canonic variate analysis on the groups P
= 0.03).
4. Discussion
Face gender recognition is an extremely efficient cognitive
process, nearing 100% correct guesses for frontal unkown
pictures [6]. To test the existence of sex differences in face
gender processing, we have increased the difficulty of face
gender categorisation by using two different modes of spatial
filtration: pixelation and Gaussian noise. Our study comes
to two main conclusions:
1. Male faces are categorised more efficiently than female
2. Subjects are more efficient in categorising same-sex
Previous studies have emphasised the high efficiency of
face gender categorisation in adults and children [6,21], but
a still open question is the minimal information needed to
A. Cellerino et al. / Brain Research Bulletin 63 (2004) 443–449
recognize face gender. An approach that has been undertaken is the categorisation using only facial parts as cues
[4,22]. We have taken an opposite approach by employing
spatial filtration: this procedure evenly degrades the quality
of all facial parts without altering the general facial configuration. Using spatial filtration, we could increase the
difficulty of face gender classification to find the conditions
where recognition efficiency reaches chance level. We report that male observers can still correctly guess the gender
of a male face in about half of the cases even when the face
has been reduced to an image of only 112 pixels, i.e. an oval
of 17 × 11 pixels, demonstrating that very little information
indeed is required for correct male gender recognition.
In addition, our experiments have demonstrated a striking difference in the recognition of male and female faces.
Pixelation affects categorisation of female faces much more
heavily than it does affect categorisation of male faces. Previous studies have reported a higher efficiency in the categorisation of male faces [21], but have interpreted this as
the result of a cognitive bias. However, by using ambiguous stimuli, we have demonstrated that such a cognitive bias
does not exist, at least in adult observers, and the differences we report reflects a true difference in the processing
of male and female faces. In other words, less information is
needed to correctly recognize a male face than it is needed
to correctly recognise a female face. Since this difference
is best revealed using pixelation filters, it can be concluded
that very low spatial frequency information is sufficient to
recognise male faces whereas the recognition of female faces
requires higher spatial frequencies. It is interesting to note
that a difference in categorisation for male and female faces
is already observed in 7-years-old children [21].
Finally, we have found a sex difference in face gender
recognition. In particular, female subjects are more efficient
in recognising female faces. A trend was found for male
subjects to be more efficient in recognising male faces than
female subjects: this trend however was not statistically
significant. This difference was observed regardless of the
type of spatial filtration and has been already reported, in
a more limited sample of Japanese subjects, using categorisation of facial parts [22]. It is not possible at present to
provide a detailed explanation for this difference, but two
alternative explanations could be indicated. This difference
could be a mere consequence of differential socialisation.
Since boys and girls tend to spend more time with individuals of the same-sex, they are also exposed for longer time
to same-sex faces, hence the higher efficiency for recognition of same-sex faces. The alternative possibility is that
the development and function of male and female brains is
influenced by steroid hormones [14,15], and this influence
extends also to face gender categorisation. In fact, sex differences in brain activation during face processing tasks have
been reported [8,9,13,20]. More specifically, preliminary
data from our laboratories have revealed sex differences in
EEG response to the presentation of male and female faces
[2] and ongoing experiment will test whether there is a neu-
rophysiological correlate of sex differences in face gender
This work was supported by Scuola Normale Superiore
grant SNS-03 and MIUR grant 2003062953.
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