Oracles & Medicine Buddha: Heritage Ladakh


Travels in Ladakh- Sacred Geography of Medicine Buddha Jafa Journeys brings facets of inherent life of the people of the cold desert. Healers that draw the energy from the Blue Buddha. The oracles Lhamo are special people who give energies to those who seeks her blessings!

Travels in Ladakh- Sacred Geography of Medicine Buddha Jafa Journeys brings facets of inherent life of the people of the cold desert. Healers that draw the energy from the Blue Buddha. The oracles Lhamo are special people who give energies to those who seeks her blessings! Figure 1- Lhamo - Oracle Tradition Landing by air in Leh the capital of the rain shadow area of Ladakh reminds one of how small is a human being in face of surmountable unconquered ever growing Himalayas. The naked mountainous terrain where the rising earth glisten in the sun, where the crevices have sparking stones that seem to shine and remind one of the smile of the laughing Buddha is magical. The geographical setting enchants and captures the mind, and hopelessly reminds the conscience that this is what Tibet is about. The overwhelming mountains evoke a sense of awe, sublime spirituality and fear of the unknown. Snow leopards, Yeti and many more symbols dominate the minds of the men who drive their flock of cattle across desolate ranges, or the challenges of the terrain that isolate humans as they traverse the vacant spaces, to discover themselves in humble ways. In this entire deserted space resides a distinct curative spiritual force of the medicine Buddha. Bhaishajya Guru/ Yakushi is the healing Buddha. Blue in color, he is distinguished from other Buddhas by the iconographical symbol of holding a dark lapis colored medicine jar. He is attended by twelve Gods each representing 12 vows. His visual representation motivates the worshipper to cure the devotee from ignorance which remains the most fundamental of all the ills the flesh is heir to. He represents the archetype healer of mental and physical disease – He – is the Buddha of Wisdom. Yet the geographies are nothing unless one delves into the index of responses to the geographical contexts which manifests itself in a range of cultural practices of rituals, cuisine, clothes, crafts, practices, songs, music and much else. In this little piece I bring some of the spirits of cultural expressions that make the geography come alive. The compelling aspect of the translated practice of the idea of Medicine Buddha is represented in two living heritage traditions in the Buddhist landscapes that follow Tibetan Buddhism. When the remote villagers in the high mountains are in face of natural dangers, helpless situations of accidents or disease in the inaccessible areas, then only the local Tibetan healers comprising of - Amchis (like local vaids), Onpos (astrologers) and oracles called Lhamu come to their rescue. They are their Gods, they are their saviors, and they are their only resource for committing them to faith. Jafa Journeys brings to the participants special interactions with traditional Lhamos or oracles sitting in a desolate hill in a house with apple trees, a few dogs, the Lhamo is revered by all communities, her words of wisdom become the light for those who seek her help. Personal associations with the Lhamo over decades brings to the audience a very special energy that sustains them with special talismans and blessings!