Papers by Rudolf Gregurek
Socijalna psihijatrija =, Jun 7, 2017
Postoji širok raspon normalne anksioznosti koja se smatra zdravom pod normalnim okolnostima. Pato... more Postoji širok raspon normalne anksioznosti koja se smatra zdravom pod normalnim okolnostima. Patološku anksioznost karakterizira ekcesivnost, pervazivnost i nemogućnost kontrole te interferira sa čovjekovom sposobnosti funkcioniranja. Etiologija anksioznosti se može razmotriti s psihodinamskog, biološkog i neuroznanstvenog aspekta. Epigenetskim procesom naše iskustvo određuje koji će geni biti uključeni, a koji isključeni. Locirani su određeni geni čija varijabilnost u ekspresiji neurona "visceralnog mozga" modulira sjećanje straha i somatskih reakcija na anksioznost. Mozak je organ adaptacije koji se izgrađuje iskustvom tijekom razvoja te se ponovno izgrađuje tijekom psihoterapije. Psihoterapija djeluje na način da upotrebljava plastičnost mozga kako bi uzrokovala formiranje novih sinaptičkih veza koje će biti snažnije od onih prijašnjih i koje će se vremenom više koristiti. Što više razumijemo kako mozak funkcionira, to bolje možemo realizirati kohezivni plan liječenja s ciljem podržavanja ravnoteže i razvoja mozga. / There is a wide range of normal anxiety which is considered healthy under normal circumstances. Pathological anxiety is characterized by excessiveness, pervasiveness and inability to control it as well as interference with the ability to function. The aetiology of anxiety may be considered from the psychodynamic, biological and neuroscience perspective. In the epigenetic process, our experience determines which genes will be involved and which excluded. Certain genes have been located, the variability of which in the expression of "visceral brain" neurons modulates remembrance of fear and somatic reactions to anxiety. The brain is an organ of adaptation which is built by experience during development and rebuilt during psychotherapy. Psychotherapy works in such a way that it uses the brains plasticity to cause forming of new synaptic connections which will be stronger than the earlier ones and which will be used more over time. The more we understand how the brain functions, the better a cohesive treatment plan we can realize, with the aim of supporting balance and development of the brain.
Socijalna Psihijatrija
O radu jedne Klinike može se mnogo napisati. Svakako je važno navesti informacije koje se odnose ... more O radu jedne Klinike može se mnogo napisati. Svakako je važno navesti informacije koje se odnose na stručna i znanstvena postignuća ostvarena na Klinici. Psihoterapijski odjel Neuropsihijatrijske klinike na Rebru je povijesni temelj Centra za mentalno zdravlje, a kasnije Klinike za psihološku medicinu koja je sada integralni dio Klinike za psihijatriju i psihološku medicinu. Aktivnosti Klinike za psihološku medicinu se od integracije provode u okviru Zavoda za psihoterapiju. Centar za mentalno zdravlje, a kasnije Klinika za psihološku medicinu je godinama bila centar edukacije i provođenja psihoanalitičke psihoterapije za sve dobne skupine. Klinika je razvijala edukacijske programe kako u okviru dodiplomske nastave tako i u okviru poslijediplomske nastave INTRODUCTION A lot can be said about the work of a clinic. It is certainly important to provide information related to professional and scientific accomplishments of the Clinic. The Department of Psychotherapy at the Neuropsychiatric Clinic of the University Hospital Centre Zagreb was the historical foundation of the Centre for Mental Health, and subsequently the Department of Psychological Medicine, which is currently an integral part of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine. Since the integration, the activities of the Department of Psychological Medicine have been carried out within the Psychotherapy Division. For many years, the Centre for Mental Health, which later on became the Department of Psychological Medicine, had played a central role in organizing education and implementing psychoanalytic psychotherapy for all age groups. The Psihodinamička psihoterapija je u svojim raznim terapijskim modalitetima tijekom cijelog postojanja Department has been developing both undergraduate and postgraduate training programmes as well as continuous education programmes for medical doctors. This text will remind us of a number of important employees whose work has contributed to building reputation and recognition of the Department. The thematic issue of Social Psychiatry on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Department of Psychiatry of the University Hospital Centre Zagreb (the Department of Psychiatry was officially founded in 1971) is an opportunity to reflect on past times and achievements. The Department of Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine nowadays unites what used to be two separate departments.
Iz naseg sveukupnog dosadasnjeg iskustva, a i prema podacima iz literature, obiteljska podrska zn... more Iz naseg sveukupnog dosadasnjeg iskustva, a i prema podacima iz literature, obiteljska podrska znacajan je dio socijalnog suporta koji prevenira javljanje težih oblika patoloskog posttraumatskog odgovora, a izuzetno je važan faktor posttraumatskog procesa lijecenja i oporavka. Vrlo cesto obiteljski suport posebice podrska partnera, ostaje i jedina potpora na koju i pacijent i terapeuti mogu racunati i stoga podnosi i veliki teret bolesti. Nažalost, upravo ta karika terapijskog programa cesto je nedovoljno zahvacena, tesko se prihvaca, a sekundarna traumatizacija partnera biva terapijski zanemarena. Svrha je radionice da se u obliku razmjene i prezentacije iskustava naglasi važnost, smjernice i mogucnosti obiteljskog i partnerskog rada ali i da se prodiskutiraju i teskoce u organiziranju.
European Psychiatry, 2013
Aim The primary objective will focus the first of all on Group Analysis (GA) as the psychotherapy... more Aim The primary objective will focus the first of all on Group Analysis (GA) as the psychotherapy method and theory of group analysis applied particularly in post-war environments. It outlines in particular a Zagreb Institute for GA Training Programme that took place in Tuzla University Clinical Centre, Department of Psychiatry, in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BH) in response to 1992–1995 war, in helping to train mental health workers in GA to enable them to treat psychological trauma symptoms of war survivors. Method In the GA education in the period of 16 years mental health professionals employed in mental health services were involved as well as other care employees as General Practitioners, Family physicians, pediatricians, gynecologists and neurosurgeons, psychologists and special educators. Results Trainees in education were from greater part of BH, and from several towns from neighborhoods countries. In this way a new room for mutual exchanges of experiences and establishing of cooperation was created. Idea of group analytic treatment of persons with mental health problems spread out on the whole region of BH through this model of education. The future of GA application as a psychotherapy model in BH confirmed through established models of education which are employed inowadays in Tuzla, Sarajevo and Mostar. The future of GA is provided in activities focused on foundations of the Institute for Analysis in Tuzla. Conclusion Training of Bosnia-Herzegovina mental health workers to effectively use GA with enthusiastic help of GA trainers from Institute for GA Zagreb will develop dialogue culture in postwar BH.
Psychotherapy 1285 - TRAINING OF BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS IN GROUP ANALYSIS... more Psychotherapy 1285 - TRAINING OF BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS IN GROUP ANALYSIS AS THE FACTOR OF DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURE OF DIALOGUE IN THE AFTERMATH OF THE 1992-1995 WAR Hasanovic M.1,2, Izet P.3, Avdibegovic E.1,2, Kravic N.1,2, Moro L.4, Franciskovic T.5,6, Gregurek R.4,7, Tocilj G.4 1Department of Psychiatry, University Clinical Center Tuzla, 2School of Medicine, University of Tuzla, 3Psychiatry Department, University Clinical Centre Tuzla, School of Medicine University of Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 4Institute for Group Analysis of Department for Psychology Medicine, University Hospital Center Zagreb, Zagreb, 5Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital Center Rijeka, 6School of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, 7School of Medicine, University Hospital Center Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia Aim: The primary objective will focus the first of all on Group Analysis (GA) as the psychotherapy method and theory of group analysis applied particularly in post-war...
Psihijatrija između fenomenologije i neuroznanosti, knjiga sažetaka, 2012
Prvi Hrvatski psihoterapijski kongres: Izazovi psihoterapije u stoljeću uma., 2008
Treći hrvatski psihijatrijski dani ; Zbornik sažetaka, 2006
The issue of the importance of the role of psychological factors in the etiopathogenesis of physi... more The issue of the importance of the role of psychological factors in the etiopathogenesis of physical ill-nesses is currently one of the most
Napredak u funkcionalnom oslikavanju ljudskog mozga otvara mogucnost preciznog uvida u regije moz... more Napredak u funkcionalnom oslikavanju ljudskog mozga otvara mogucnost preciznog uvida u regije mozga koje su ukljucene u odgovarajucu simptomatologiju. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati mogucnost objektiviziranja psihickih tegoba i uspjesnosti psihoterapijskog lijecenja osoba oboljelih od PTSP-a pomocu funkcionalnog oslikavanja mozga. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo sest muskaraca u dobi od 42 p ; 2 godine (aritmeticka sredina p ; standardna devijacija). Ispitanici su sudionici Domovinskog rata oboljeli od kronicificiranog PTSP-a, sa simptomima povecane iritabilnosti i impulzivne agresivnosti. Svi ispitanici su desnjaci i nisu ovisni o alkoholu ili opijatima. Opsežnim pregledom ispitanika iskljuceno je postojanje drugih psihickih i tjelesenih oboljenja. Lijeceni su grupnom psihoterapijom tijekom dvije godine. Grupu je sacinjavalo 10 osoba oboljelih od PTSP-a, 6 muskaraca i 4 žene. To je posebno osmisljena vrsta grupne terapije za osobe oboljele od PTSP-a i provodi se samo na nasoj Klinici...
Lijec̆nic̆ki vjesnik
The present study was carried out in the Popovaca Psychiatric Hospital and the examinees were nur... more The present study was carried out in the Popovaca Psychiatric Hospital and the examinees were nurses (N = 44) allocated to educative work in Balint groups. Authors discuss if any change may occur in the attitude towards some relevant notions during the one-year educative work in Balint groups. A graphic form of semantic differential was used as the measuring instrument. The findings of this study suggest that during the educational process the attitude towards notions "education", "doctor" and "myself" becomes more negative. The attitude towards the notion "patient" remains unchanged.
Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 2007
This study was concerned with examining relation between anxiety, depression and locus of control... more This study was concerned with examining relation between anxiety, depression and locus of control (LC) in Croatian multiple sclerosis (MS) patients in order to determine an indication for psychotherapeutic intervention. The participants were 457 MS patients attending central state medical rehabilitation program at Varaždinske Toplice, asked to fill in the locus of control inventory and Crown-Crisp Experiential Index (CCEI) questioner of personality in the clinical setting. In order to determine whether locus of control changes along natural course of MS, patients were grouped according to the duration of the disease: less than five years, five to 10 years and more than 10 years. The results demonstrated that 405 (88.6%) MS patients exhibited external locus of control while 52 (11.4%) had internal locus of control. Moreover, as the disease progressed, locus of control shifted more to externality. Analysis of gathered data confirms connectivity of external locus of control with anxiet...
The Journal of Pain, 2007
Group Analysis, 2007
This article proposes that supervision is an essential element of psychotherapy education and exp... more This article proposes that supervision is an essential element of psychotherapy education and explains the relationship between internal and external boundaries of supervision. It is important that the boundary between the supervisory and the therapeutic relationship is clear. Each supervisor-supervisee negotiates the intimacy and content of the supervision according to their style and needs; there are clear differences between the tasks of the two relationships. It is important to understand any controversy as to the degree to which the supervision should serve as an exploration of the supervisee's countertransference (internal boundaries) versus conflict inherent in the roles of supervisor in institutes where the supervisor is also the superior or older colleague of the supervisee (external boundaries).
electronic form only:: NE
... teorija psihe duboko je ukorijenjena u bioloki pogled na čovjeka kao derivat znanstvenogapri... more ... teorija psihe duboko je ukorijenjena u bioloki pogled na čovjeka kao derivat znanstvenogapristupa s kraja prologa stoljeća. Već su početkom XIX. st. Coleridge i Heinroth koristili pojam psihosomatski, ali tek u radovima analitičara kao to su Franz Alexander i Helen ...
Acta Medica Academica, 2012
Sveučilište u Zagrebu Medicinski fakultet, May 1, 2021
Podaci o autorima (abecednim redom navedeni): • Aurer Zdenka,, Klinika za psihijat... more Podaci o autorima (abecednim redom navedeni): • Aurer Zdenka,, Klinika za psihijatriju i psihološku medicinu KBC Zagreb.
Papers by Rudolf Gregurek