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41 pages
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1 Dynamics overview: What we can do with Maya Dynamics ? Architecture and Features. What will we learn in this topic ? 2 Getting started with Particle Tool: Started creating Particle with Particle Tool. Understanding Particle objects: creating, display attributes, setting render, render view, ...
pg, 1998
In the next section, we describe the minimal set of requirements we defined for ourselves. We then describe the Maya renderer architecture in Section 3. Section 4 describes our implementation in detail with a view on how we achieved the goals we defined for ourselves. Section 5 ...
Electronic Workshops in Computing, 2012
Pervasive animation in games, animation, films, numerous websites and stand-alone information interfaces, means that software increasingly influences how we imagine fictions, display information and interact with a digitally mediated world. Given its centrality in creating image, how can a 3D software package be made visible beyond the images seen in cinema, in games, commercials and visualizations? Is there such as thing as an interface language? This paper explores Autodesk ® Maya ® through a methodology based in visual studies, production culture studies, and science technology studies. The primary materials are moving images (games, films, animations, web sites), production culture materials, training manual and on-line tutorials, and interviews with software users. This diverse and extensive range of materials is approached through a focus on space. As the project remains a work-in-progress, a tentative conclusion is reached. The language of an interface is not something that can be straightforwardly read off the images of games, or fx sequence in movies, or animations. It emerges through software processes that make data legible and open to manipulability. It can be indirectly encountered as both a colonization of data by software users, and as a colonization of human users by data.
This paper presents a new animation system initially designed for visualization of dynamics simulations in science and engineering applications. A hybrid language is used to describe the scene objects to be animated and the scripts and actions that modify the state of the objects over time. The system is made up of components responsible to compile and execute an animation, and render and exhibit the resulting frames. Currently, the animation system is being extended to support dynamic simulations of rigid and elastic bodies in interactive, real-time applications, including games. For rigid body simulations, AGEIA PhysX engine is used as a component. The paper presents the functionality of the main components of the original system architecture, introduces the main features of the animation language and describes how an animation is specified and then executed by the system.
This paper describes a first principles approach to understanding how 3D digital animation of human motion can be processed and produced from raw data, without the use of proprietary software. The paper describes how students collected motion data using a custom marker set, how this was used to create a point cloud, how errors were corrected, and finally how the skeleton was rigged, skinned and modelled in Maya.
11th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia (ISAIA), 2016
This research uses Wellington's wind climate as the pivot of inquiry in all of its complexity, and explores design narratives that best respond to those circumstances in order to generate building forms with the capacity to emanate communicative energy of the city. The process of using an environmental conditions with the strongest effect (in this case, wind) as catalyst, takes the vagaries of concepts and plants them into responsive forms that excel in exploring the possibilities of a hyper-localized architecture based on its immediate environment. Autodesk Maya TM simulation and dynamic modeling capabilities allow for the exploration of a new typology that opens up discussion towards the acknowledgment of local climatic situations. The stimulation of this discussion generates awareness of environmental conditions and leads towards recognition for resilience, subject to specific locations. Our emergent system described in this paper, is established through generative computational methodologies. The geneses of complex geometries are subject to the rules that are defined by the wind dynamics apparent in Wellington.
Modelling the natural phenomena such as clouds is one of the most challenging problems in computer graphics. The complexity of cloud formation, dynamics and light interaction makes real time cloud modelling a difficult task. The visual portrayal of the sky and cloud is a common requirement when rendering the outdoor scenes in computer graphics. The traditional way to create the sense of cloudy is by using the captured sky images as background. This main output of this project is a cloud modelling editor for designing cloud shapes namely RekAwan. The editor provides integrated environment for modelling volumetric clouds with particle system and surfaced based cloud using texture. This invention uses the newly developed randomized algorithm to fill the cloud volume with particle systems.
First first year studio Handbook application on the restructuring research in Alexandria University
Trade before Civilization. Long-Distance Exchange and the Rise of Social Complexity , 2022
How did pre-modern/pre-state societies organize themselves to engage in long-distance exchange? How did such societies communicate? How did such societies foster conditions and/or social institutions that facilitated long-distance exchange? Can the rise of social complexity be connected to long-distance exchange? Exactly how far did traders, raiders and visitors travel in prehistory and how were there distant exchanges 1 Comp. by: Prabhu Stage: Proof Chapter No.: 1 Date:11/3/22 Time:09:13:37 Page Number: 2 Title Name: Lingetal 2 JOHAN LING, RICHARD J. CHACON, AND KRISTIAN KRISTIANSEN organized? All of these questions can be boiled down to two basic questions: when and under what circumstances did trade become institutionalized in prestate societies, and what forms did such institutionalization take? In this book, we illustrate early forms of trade in tribal Neolithic and Bronze Age non-state societies in western Eurasia and outside. We also present ethnographic case studies, which may help us to understand prehistoric cases and thus form another way of illuminating a deep past without access to written sources.
Architecture Engineering and Science , 2024
Introdução à siderurgia, 2007
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2009
Cadernos de saude publica, 2018
Myanmar: Politics, Economy and Society (2nd Edition), 2023
Health & Place, 2013
A propos de « l'histoire officielle » du Génocide contre les Tutsi, 2021
AminoSineTriComplex for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: A Double- Blind, Placebo-Controlled Randomized Clinical Trial, 2025
Romanian journal of morphology and embryology = Revue roumaine de morphologie et embryologie, 2013
Congresso Brasileiro de Mecânica dos Solos e Engenharia Geotécnica, 2020
La naturaleza como sujeto , 2024
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 2015
Academia Biology, 2024
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 2013