Papers by Maria Kayafa

Long-term sea level changes in the Saronic and Southern Euboean Gulfs 39 ODYSSEAS KAKAVAKIS-IRINI... more Long-term sea level changes in the Saronic and Southern Euboean Gulfs 39 ODYSSEAS KAKAVAKIS-IRINI SKIADARESI Bronze Age depositions at the Phaleron Delta wetland: Approaches to interpretation 49 UPPER PALAEOLITHIC/MESOLITHIC-NEOLITHIC ERA ANTIGONI PAPADEA-FANIS MAVRIDIS-DESPOINA MINOU-MINOPOULOU-DAISUKE YAMAGUCHI-ORESTIS APOSTOLIKAS Searching for the Pleistocene/Holocene transition: The case of the lithic industry from the anonymous Schisto cave at Keratsini 61 ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΣΤΑΪΝΧΑΟΥΕΡ Ο νεολιθικός οικισμός της Παλλήνης 71 ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΑ ΡΑΜΜΟΥ-ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΑ ΖΟΥΒΕΛΟΥ Λουτρός Παλλήνης: προκαταρκτικά συμπεράσματα για τη χρήση του χώρου κατά τη Νεολιθική εποχή 87 ΖΟΕ ΖGOULΕTA Neolithic settlement at Gyalou, Spata 97 STELLA RAFTOPOULOU-IRAKLIS TSONOS A Neolithic site at Kalyvia Thorikou (Mesogeia): Preliminary report on the architectural remains ΠΕΛΛH ΦΩΤΙΑΔΗ-ΜΑΡΙΑ ΣΥΡΙΓΟΥ Νέα ευρήματα από τη νεολιθική Νέα Μάκρη: η λιθοτεχνία του αποκρουσμένου λίθου και ενδεικτική κεραμική από την ακτή ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΣ ΠΑΛΑΙΟΛΟΓΟΣ-ΜΑΡΙΑ ΣΤΕΦΑΝΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ Η προϊστορική τοπογραφία στη βόρεια Αττική: πρόσφατες ανακαλύψεις

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 2018
From the widespread mineral exploitation of the past to the protected territory of the Sounion Na... more From the widespread mineral exploitation of the past to the protected territory of the Sounion National Park in the present, the region of Lavreotiki has diachronically been at the centre of human activities and experiences. Nowadays, the landscape of the region, as defined by hills, valleys and the coastline at the SE of Attica, includes a variety of land uses, such as settlements (with prevailing traditional or contemporary styles), isolated properties (legal or illegal, inland or by the coast), agricultural lands (mainly vineyards and olive groves), uninhabited areas, roads, pathways and other transport routes, industrial units, tourist complexes, geological formations, archaeological and historical sites and landmarks, protected forest and shrub areas. However, the connecting element between them all has always been the large multi-metallic ore deposits found underground - their exploitation has shaped the landscape diachronically in a multitude of ways. This paper aims to explo...
7. Harland 1928. participants were, aside from Harland, his wife, Agnes Westerlund Harland, Dorot... more 7. Harland 1928. participants were, aside from Harland, his wife, Agnes Westerlund Harland, Dorothy cox (American School of classical Studies, architect), Vassilis Yiannikos (vase mender), Dimitris Zoes, mr. petritsis (the official photographer in the National Archaeological museum in Athens), George Kachros, and Nikos Neroutso (cook). Other men from the village were hired as excavators, but unfortunately there is no list with their names.
Opuscula Atheniensia, 1999
ΜΕΛΕΤΗ ΠΡΟΪΣΤΟΡΙΚΩΝ ΤΥΜΒΩΝ ΒΡΑΝΑ ΜΑΡΑΘΩΝΟΣ Τὸ 2017 συνεχίστηκαν γιὰ τέταρτη συνεχῆ χρονιὰ οἱ ἐργα... more ΜΕΛΕΤΗ ΠΡΟΪΣΤΟΡΙΚΩΝ ΤΥΜΒΩΝ ΒΡΑΝΑ ΜΑΡΑΘΩΝΟΣ Τὸ 2017 συνεχίστηκαν γιὰ τέταρτη συνεχῆ χρονιὰ οἱ ἐργασίες τοῦ πενταετοῦς προγράμματος μελέτης καὶ δημοσίευσης τῶν προϊστορικῶν Τύμβων Βρανᾶ Μαραθῶνος, οἱ ὁποῖοι ἀνεσκάφησαν ἀπὸ τὸν Σπ. Μαρι νᾶτο. Ἡ μελέτη διεξήχθη ὑπὸ τὴ διεύθυνση τῆς ὁμότιμης καθηγήτριας τοῦ Πανεπιστημίου Ἀθηνῶν, κυρίας Μαρίας Παντελίδου Γκόφα, καὶ τοὺς μόνιμους ἐπιστημονικοὺς συνεργάτες τοῦ προγράμματος, ἀρχαιολόγους Gilles Touchais 1 , Ἄννα ΦίλιππαTouchais 2 καὶ Νικόλα Παπαδημητρίου 3 .

A brief review is given of archaeological evidence for the Lavrion region in Attica. The ore geol... more A brief review is given of archaeological evidence for the Lavrion region in Attica. The ore geology of Lavrion is briefly summarized. Evidence is presented that geologists, mineralogists and mining engineers with expert knowledge of the Lavrion region have described the presence of copper ores and recorded the smelting and production of significant amounts of copper metal from these ores in the 19 th . Century AD. Both chalcopyrite and very easily smelted, by non-slagging processes, rich oxidized ores such as azurite and malachite were present in considerable amounts, especially in Lavrion. We present analyses which show that the oxidized ores often contain arsenic at the per cent level, and are potential sources for the accidental production of arsenical copper. Evidence is presented confirming that Lavrion copper ores were used in the Final Neolithic site of Kephala on Keos and that Lavrion copper ores were smelted in the Early Bronze Age furnaces at the site of Raphina in Attica. Data is given for the existence of some Bronze Age copper ingots, from both land based sites and from the Uluburun and Cape Gelidonya shipwrecks, which were made from Lavrion copper, and which attest to the movement of copper from Lavrion about the Aegean in the Bronze Age.

A brief review is given of archaeological evidence for the Lavrion region in Attica. The ore geol... more A brief review is given of archaeological evidence for the Lavrion region in Attica. The ore geology of Lavrion is briefly summarized. Evidence is presented that geologists, mineralogists and mining engineers with expert knowledge of the Lavrion region have described the presence of copper ores and recorded the smelting and production of significant amounts of copper metal from these ores in the 19 th . Century AD. Both chalcopyrite and very easily smelted, by non-slagging processes, rich oxidized ores such as azurite and malachite were present in considerable amounts, especially in Lavrion. We present analyses which show that the oxidized ores often contain arsenic at the per cent level, and are potential sources for the accidental production of arsenical copper. Evidence is presented confirming that Lavrion copper ores were used in the Final Neolithic site of Kephala on Keos and that Lavrion copper ores were smelted in the Early Bronze Age furnaces at the site of Raphina in Attica. Data is given for the existence of some Bronze Age copper ingots, from both land based sites and from the Uluburun and Cape Gelidonya shipwrecks, which were made from Lavrion copper, and which attest to the movement of copper from Lavrion about the Aegean in the Bronze Age.
Metals make the world go round …, Jan 1, 2000
Ancient Greece: from the Mycenaean palaces to the …, Jan 1, 2006
Thesis Chapters by Maria Kayafa
Conference Presentations by Maria Kayafa

The Acts of the second congress organized by the Society of Greek Archaeologists "Eos", at the Cu... more The Acts of the second congress organized by the Society of Greek Archaeologists "Eos", at the Cultural Centre of Athens Municipality, on 19-20 March 2015. The fifteen papers offer insight and commentary on various facets of the archaeological profession and scientific branch, in Greece, during the actual period of crisis. Papers concern topics as: the relation to Archaeology to Environmental Education; secondary high school Education; the Archaeology of Magna Graecia; the teaching of History, National Consciousness and the Crisis; the functioning of the Archaeological Service; the "Labyrinth" of the archaeological profession; archaeological Research and the prerequisites for the Archaeologist as Public Officer; the Registry of Archaeologists; study and publication of finds from old excavations by young(er) Archaeologists; the destructive aspect of the Excavation Procedure; the principles of "Integrated Conservation" and "Sustainability" of Cultural Wealth; Cultural Heritage Management; Cultural Guiding and Archaeology. The aim of this volume is to stimulate discussion concerning various aspects of the archaeological profession
Papers by Maria Kayafa
Thesis Chapters by Maria Kayafa
Conference Presentations by Maria Kayafa