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FRN2: 00015
Biomechanics of Bone Trauma
DJ Wescott, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, USA
ã 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Biomechanics is the science of mechanical laws applied to
biological tissue. Trauma is an extrinsic agent, force, or mechanism that causes injury or shock to a living tissue, usually due
to violence or accident. Hence, the biomechanics of bone
trauma is the application of mechanical laws to describe and
interpret bone trauma, and involves the examination of both
the intrinsic (size, geometry, and material properties such as
stiffness, elasticity, and density) and extrinsic (magnitude, duration, and direction of force) factors resulting in bone injury.
Understanding the biomechanics of bone trauma allows
forensic scientists to use the pattern of bone fractures to deduce
the type and direction of loading that caused the bone to fail.
This information then often can be used to determine proximate and ultimate cause of the injury.
Injuries to bone usually involve fracture (failure) or dislocation (displacement at a joint). The mechanisms of fractures
are divided into direct, indirect, stress, or pathological. Fractures resulting from direct or indirect trauma are of greatest
interest to forensic scientists. There are many direct and indirect agents that can cause trauma to bone including mechanical, thermal, electrical, and others. Most of the direct trauma of
interest to forensic scientists results in injury at the point of
impact due to blunt, sharp, or projectile forces. The differences
Plastic deformation Permanent strain that is unrecoverable
when the bone is unstressed. Plastic deformation occurs
between the yield point and the failure point.
Remodeling The removal and replacement of bone at a
particular location by the coupled action of osteoclasts
(bone-destructing cells) and osteoblasts (bone-building
Stiffness (rigidity) The ability of a material to resist
deformation or the load required to cause bone to deform a
given amount. It is measured as the slope of the stress–strain
curve and influenced by the relative proportion of collagen
and hydroxyapatite crystals.
Strain The dimensional change in loaded bone.
The principal strains are normal or shear.
Strength The ability of bone to withstand permanent
deformation (the load at the yield point) or fracture
(the load at failure point).
Stress The load per unit area of a bone, measured in
Pascal (Pa). The stress can be normal or shear.
Tension A mode of loading in which the forces act in
opposite directions along the longitudinal axis of the bone.
Tension results in an increase in length and decrease
in width.
Yield point The point where bone begins to deform
Anisotropic A characteristic of a material that has different
mechanical properties when loaded in different directions
due to its directional structure.
Bending (angulation) A mode of loading such that the
bone bends around its axis and experiences tension on the
convex surface and compression on the opposite concave
Brittle Characteristic of a material that readily breaks
without plastic deformation when subjected to stress.
Buttressing Areas of struts or thickening of the bone.
Compliance A measure of the ease with which bone
deforms or the inverse of stiffness.
Compression A mode of loading where the forces are acting
in opposite directions along the longitudinal axis of the
bone. Compression results in a decrease in length and an
increase in width.
Ductility The ability of a material to deform under tensile
Elastic deformation Deformation or strain in bone that is
reversible when the stress is released.
Elastic modulus (Young’s modulus) The ratio of stress to
strain in the elastic region of deformation. Because of the
anisotropic nature of bone, the moduli in compression and
tension differ in bone or the slope of the stress–strain curve.
Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, Second Edition
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Title Name: FRN2
among these agents are primarily determined by the size of the
impact area and the magnitude and duration of the force.
Indirect trauma results in injury at locations other than the
point of impact or applied force. Stress and pathological injuries are associated with repetitive forces or disease processes,
respectively, that weaken bone. This article will primarily focus
on fractures or disruptions in the structural continuity of the
bone due to direct mechanical trauma.
Goals of Trauma Analysis
The goals of trauma analysis in a medicolegal situation are to
determine the proximate (i.e., immediate mechanism) and
ultimate (e.g., manner of death) causes of the trauma. This is
necessary to aid in determining the cause and manner of death
by the medical examiner. In skeletonized or badly decomposed
bodies, traumatic injuries of the bone may provide a major
avenue for determining the cause and manner of death. However, even in fresh bodies, the direct observation of hard tissue
should be conducted in all areas of suspected trauma because
the gross examination of bone can provide valuable information that cannot always be obtained using other tissues or
other visualizing methods (e.g., radiographs).
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FRN2: 00015
While the goals of trauma analysis are to determine the
mechanism and ultimate cause of the trauma, the first step of
trauma analysis is adequate description of the injury, its location, and pattern. Unfortunately, there can be considerable
variation in the expression of injury due to the same mechanism as well as similarities in injuries caused by different
mechanisms. Proper description of the injury morphology
(i.e., size, shape, location, line of fracture propagation, segment relationships, and pattern) is the basis for determining
the mechanism and aids in interpreting the ultimate cause.
Interpreting the ultimate cause of the injury requires additional
information such as the pattern of trauma in populations, the
context of the human remains, and other sources of evidence.
Bone Structure and Material Properties
To lay the foundation for how fractures occur, it is important to
first have an understanding of the structure of the bone and its
material properties. These principles guide the analysis of bone
trauma and provide a framework for interpreting the proximate cause of trauma.
Bone Structure
The overall strength of the bone is dependent on its material
composition, organization, and overall geometry (amount and
overall distribution of the bone). At the most basic level, bone
is a composite material composed of an organic matrix with
embedded mineral crystals. The organic component consists of
collagen and other noncollagen fibers, while the inorganic
component is primarily hydroxyapatite crystals. The organic
components of bone are primarily responsible for tension
properties (i.e., elasticity and toughness), while the inorganic
components are responsible for compression properties (i.e.,
stiffness). In addition to collagen and hydroxyapatite, living
bone also contains several types of cells (i.e., osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and osteocytes), blood vessels, nerves, and a significant
amount of water. The water in bone increases its resistance
to fracturing by absorbing large amounts of energy. Bone
generally exists in woven or lamellar form. Woven bone is
unorganized and laid down quickly. It is typically found in
fast-growing bones or in the callus produced during fracture
repair. Lamellar bone is highly organized bone laid down in
layers with the orientation of the collagen fibers at different
angles in each layer. There are also two primary types of bone
based on density and porosity that have different biomechanical properties. Trabecular bone (also known as cancellous
or spongy bone), commonly found in the interior of a bone
near the ends of long bones and in cuboidal, irregular, and
flat bones, has high porosity, low density, and is organized as
laminated struts called trabeculae. Cortical bone (also known
as compact bone) is the dense bone that forms the thick outer
wall of long bones and the thin cortex of cuboidal, irregular,
and flat bones. Cortical bone is composed of lamellar bone
interspersed with osteons that allow for the incorporation of
blood vessels and bone maintenance cells. Osteons can either
be primary osteons or secondary (Haversian systems) depending on whether they are formed new or formed by the resorption and replacement of existing bone in a process known as
Material Properties of a Bone
The strength of bone is generally defined as its ability to withstand loads (force or moment) without failing. Loads can be
applied in tension (stretching), compression (compaction),
bending (angulation), torsion (twisting), shear (sliding), or a
combination of these basic components. These loads cause
internal tensile, compressive, and shear stresses on the bone.
The type of stress will vary with the direction of the force and
the orientation of the bone. Bending loads produce tensile
stress on one surface and compressive stress on the other,
while torsion produces tension and compressive stress at an
45 angle to the longitudinal axis and shear force in the
transverse plane.
To understand how a bone behaves under loads, it is important to understand the relationship between stress and
strain. Stress in its simplest definition is the intensity of load
per unit area. Stress is generally measured on a small cube of
bone to remove the effects of geometry. Strain, on the other
hand, is the amount of dimensional change or deformation in
shape that occurs due to an applied stress in one plane
(Figure 1). Bone will fail when the strain becomes too great
regardless of the level of stress. Strain can be either negative or
positive depending on the type of load applied. For example, if
the two ends of a cube of bone are pulled apart during tensile
stress, the bone will undergo an increase in length (longitudinal strain) and a corresponding decrease in breadth (transverse
strain). In this case, there is positive strain in length and
negative strain in breadth. The ratio of transverse strain to the
longitudinal strain is Poisson’s ratio, which is 0.3 for bone. If
the load is applied in a manner that causes the angles of the
bone cube sides to become distorted or slide, the bone is said
to be undergoing shear strain.
remodeling. Cortical bone responds differently to loads
depending on the number and size of osteons. Due to its
structure, cortical bone is stronger along the longitudinal axis
than along the transverse axis. Finally, the macrostructure of a
bone is influenced by its cross-sectional shape, areas of buttressing (thickening), and differential density. During life, the
architecture and material properties of a bone adapt to meet
the functional demands it experiences.
Anthropology/Odontology | Biomechanics of Bone Trauma
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Title Name: FRN2
Normal strain
Shear strain
Figure 1 Schematic illustration of normal (tension) strain and shear
strain. Strain is the fractional change in dimension of loaded material.
Normal strain along the longitudinal axis is the difference between the
deformed length (y) and the original length (y0) divided by the original
length ((y y0)/y0). The normal strain in the transverse axis is the
deformed breadth (x) divided by the original breadth (x0) divided by x0.
Poisson’s ratio is the ratio of the transverse strain (x) to the longitudinal
strain (y).
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Anthropology/Odontology | Biomechanics of Bone Trauma
Figure 3 Idealized schematic illustrating the principles of a
load–deformation curve for different bone conditions and quality.
Brittle bone is stiffer and therefore has a steeper slope but fractures with
little or no deformation in the plastic region and requires less work for
failure than normal bone. Ductile bone undergoes greater deformation
before failing and requires greater work for failure than normal bone.
YP, yield point; FP, fracture point.
deformed before breaking under tension. Brittle bone is more
resistant to compression stress, while ductile bone is more resistant to tensile stress. The energy absorbed by a bone per
volume of area is equivalent to the area under the stress–strain
curve and is sometimes referred to as the modulus of toughness. The area under the elastic region is the amount of energy
absorbed elastically, while the area under the plastic region is
equivalent to the energy absorbed plastically.
The stress–strain curve provides a basic understanding of
the intrinsic nature of how bone responds to mechanical loads,
but it must be kept in mind that bone is a dynamic composite
tissue that exhibits anisotropic and viscoelastic characteristics
and has a unique geometry. During life, the mechanical characteristics of bone must combine to meet the need for
a stiffness and compliance while minimizing skeletal weight.
Stiffness of bone reduces strain so it does not deform significantly under load and allows muscles to function more efficiently. Compliance, on the other hand, allows bone to absorb
energy and deform to avoid failure during direct or indirect
dynamic loading from a fall or blow. The anisotropic nature of
bone causes it to behave differently depending on the direction
of the force. As a result, the strain on bone is not necessarily the
same as the direction of the applied force. That is, the value of
the modulus in the stress–strain curve can be different depending on the orientation of the bone. The viscoelastic nature
suggests that bone can deform like an elastic material. However, like a viscous material, bone will continue to deform or
creep under constant pressure and its stiffness depends on the
rate at which the load is applied. Bone becomes more brittle
under rapid loading. Therefore, the ultimate or fracture strain is
decreased. Also, as a result of its viscoelastic properties, bone is
nearly twice as resistant to failure in compression as in tension.
This is why bone will normally fail under tension before compression in adults.
The actual forces required to break a living bone are frequently different from the intrinsic strength of bone material,
Figure 2 Idealized schematic illustrating the principles of
load–deformation and stress–strain curves. The ultimate force (or stress)
is denoted by the height of the curve, while the ultimate deformation
(or strain) is denoted by the point of failure. The area under the curve
represents the work to failure. The area between the origin and the
vertical line dropping from the yield point equals the amount of energy
absorbed elastically. The area between the two vertical lines (yield and
ultimate strain) represents the amount of energy absorbed plastically.
The slope in the elastic region of the curve represents the modulus of
elasticity or stiffness. The yield point represents the point when bone
stops behaving elastically and begins to behave plastically.
To understand the relationship between stress and strain,
imagine a cube of bone loaded in tension until it breaks. The
load can be measured as a function of deformation to form a
load–deformation curve (Figure 2). As bone is loaded, it will
begin to deform. For a while, the deformation of bone is
linearly proportional to the load placed on it. If the deformation is less than 3%, the bone will return to its original shape
once unloaded. However, as the load continues to the yield
point, the curve begins to flatten. As can be seen in Figure 2,
less loading is required to cause increasing deformation. If the
load continues to increase, the bone will eventually reach a
point of failure and will fracture. The load–deformation curve
can be mathematically converted to a strain–stress curve to
eliminate the effects of geometry. In the linear portion, the
stress and strain are proportional to each other. The relationship of tensile stress to tensile strain is known as the modulus
of elasticity or Young’s modulus, while the ratio of shear stress
to shear strain is known as the shear modulus. The greater the
resistance of bone to stress (steepness of stress–strain curve
slopes), the greater is its stiffness. If the bone is unloaded in
the elastic region, the stress falls to zero when the strain returns
to zero and the bone returns to its original shape. If the load is
continued and deformation reaches the yield point, slippage
occurs between layers of atoms and molecules at the cement
lines, and the stress will return to zero but the strain will not. In
this case, the bone is behaving plastically and will remain
deformed without healing. If the load continues to increase,
the bone will eventually reach its ultimate deformation or
fracture point. Brittle bone will fracture under tension before
or slightly after reaching the yield point and normally does not
show any significant plastic deformation (Figure 3). Tough
or ductile bone, on the other hand, will become plastically
le bo
Area under curve =
work force to failure
io n
Yield point
ic r
Ultimate deformation
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FRN2: 00015
Anthropology/Odontology | Biomechanics of Bone Trauma
Effects of Age and Disease on Bone Material Properties
The age of the individual and some diseases may affect the
quality and geometry of the bone, and therefore can significantly influence the fracture risk. Bone’s resistance to fracturing
can be influenced by any process that changes its material
composition and geometry. The ratio of inorganic and organic
components of bone (bone mineral density, BMD) affects
stiffness (Figure 3). Highly mineralized bone is stiff but also
brittle. As a result, less energy is required to break brittle bone
than more compliant, less mineralized bone (Figure 3). Immature bone has a lower BMD than adult bone. As a result,
immature bones have greater elasticity but less stiffness than
adult bones and can absorb more energy and deformation
before fracturing. This is why children are less likely to experience bone fractures from trauma than adults. Incomplete fractures are more common in the immature skeleton because the
bone undergoes large deformation due to the ductile properties of the bone (Figure 3). In older adults, on the other hand,
the bones become more mineralized, making them stiffer and
more brittle. As a result, the bones of older individuals are
stronger under compression loads, but less energy is required
to cause them to break under tension. In addition, the strength
of bone in older individuals may be reduced because of the
greater number of secondary osteons, reduction of water content, and the loss of bone, especially trabeculae. Secondary
osteons reduce bone density and increase cement lines, while
the loss of water decreases the amount of energy that can be
absorbed from trauma.
Similar to age, pathological changes in bone can affect its
quality and geometry. Individuals with diseases such as osteoporosis, osteogenesis imperfecta, osteomyelitis, diabetes,
Paget’s disease, Cushing’s disease, rickets, scurvy, tumors, rheumatoid arthritis, and others may be at increased risk of bone
fracture. Osteogenesis imperfecta, for example, reduces bone
quality and causes long bone cortices to thin. Any apparent
disease affecting bone should be noted and its role in the
observed fractures should be discussed.
Fracture Propagation
When more energy is transferred to a bone than it can absorb,
the bone will fracture because the strain will surpass the ultimate strain. Energy absorbed by a traumatic load builds up in
the bone and is released by forming cracks. The greater the
energy absorbed by the bone, the greater is the number of
cracks that will form. As a result, high-energy trauma will
cause bone to fragment, while low-energy loads will usually
cause fracture without fragmentation. Bone is weakest in shear
followed by tension and strongest in compression. Therefore,
fractures will normally propagate in the bone along tension
and shear planes. The shear planes run at 45 angles from
compressive and tensile stresses. Fractures also follow the path
of least resistance. In the skull, for example, there are regions of
buttressing (greater thickness) that impede horizontal bending
of the skull bones. Therefore, fractures are more likely to occur
between the areas of buttressing because the bone can be more
easily bent. Fracture lines or cracks will often be diverted
toward less buttressed areas. Likewise, fractures may be terminated at suture lines or preexisting cracks since the energy is
more efficiently dissipated through these structures.
Fracture Types
Fracture Propagation and Fracture Types
and numerous other factors can affect the force required to
fracture a living bone. In a living person, bone is protected
from fracturing through energy-absorbing mechanisms including muscle contractions and deformation of soft tissues.
During a fall, for example, muscles contract and reduce the
bending of bones by lessening the tensile forces, and soft
tissue will absorb much of the energy. However, if the energyabsorbing mechanisms that protect the bone are impaired by
surprise, restriction, or incapacity, bones are more likely to
fracture under less force. The size and geometry of bones also
affect its ability to resist fracture. The geometry of bones allows
them to effectively withstand normal loads while remaining
light. Intuitively, large bones distribute forces over a larger area
and are therefore more resistant to fracture than smaller bones
of similar shape. Bones with a larger cross-sectional second
moment of inertia and polar moment of inertia are also more
resistant to bending and torsional fracture, respectively. Bones
that are further from the neutral axis are more efficient at
resisting strain. If two bones have the same cortical thickness,
the bone with the larger diameter will have greater resistance to
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Title Name: FRN2
The type of fracture produced in bone depends on the amount
and location of force applied and the area of impact. Proper
description of bone injuries can provide information regarding
the type and direction of forces and aid in the mechanism and
ultimate cause of trauma. Unfortunately there is very little
standardization in the procedures or terminology for documenting bone injuries. Furthermore, most bone trauma classifications are derived from the medical literature that are not
necessarily appropriate for forensic scientists. Bone fractures
are commonly classified based on general fracture types that
occur in all bones, fractures that occur in specific bones, and
fractures that cause soft tissue damage. Detailed descriptions of
fracture types for each major bones of the body can be found in
many references (see section ‘Further Reading’). The intent
here is not to develop a standard system or provide an exhaustive list, but to give a biomechanical description of some of the
fracture types commonly found in the forensic literature and
typical forensic cases.
In all cases, bone injuries should be documented mentioning the bone or bones involved, specific location of injury
on each bone, type of injury (fracture, dislocation, etc.), appearance of the injury, patterning of fracture lines, apparent
direction of the force, length of the fractures, presence of
deformation, evidence of the timing (antemortem, perimortem, postmortem) of the injury, and any evidence of complications. In addition, when possible, whether the fracture is
open or closed, the percentage and direction of apposition
(amount of contact between fragments in fresh or healed injuries), direction of rotation (internal or external rotation of the
distal end), and degree and direction of angulation should be
The first major distinction in fracture type is whether
the break involves complete or incomplete discontinuity.
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FRN2: 00015
Anthropology/Odontology | Biomechanics of Bone Trauma
Transverse fractures result from forces applied perpendicular to
the longitudinal axis of the bone, often as the result of bending
forces on brittle bones and bones that are not under compression due to weight-bearing functions. When bent, the tensile
stress is applied to the convex surface opposite the direction of
force and compression stress on the concave surface forming a
neutral axis (point at which the tensile and compressive stresses cancel each other out) near the center of the bone shaft.
Since bone is more resistant to compression than tensile stress,
the bone will fail on the tensile side. As the fracture propagates
across the shaft toward the compression side, the crosssectional area of the bone is reduced and the neutral axis shifts
toward the compressive side until the fracture is complete.
If the bone is under compressive forces as well, a transverse
fracture will begin on the tensile side, but as the fracture crack
moves toward the compression side, shear forces become
greater and the fracture will begin to travel along the shear
plane at approximately a 45 angle in one or both directions
because bone is weaker in shear than in compression. If the
fracture is propagated in both directions, it will result in a
butterfly fracture characterized by a wedge-shaped fragment
of bone on the side opposite of the force. Whether a butterfly
fragment is produced probably depends on the duration and
magnitude of the bending and compression loads. Bending
forces may result in an incomplete transverse fracture (beginning on the tensile side), called a greensick fracture, that may
or may not deviate at right angles. In greenstick fractures, the
unfractured portion of the bone often remains permanently
bent. Greenstick fractures are more common in immature
bones that have greater compliance, but may also occur in
adult bones such as the ribs. Under high loads, crushing or
comminution of the bone may also occur. Avulsion fractures,
which are usually of less forensic significance because they are
self-inflicted, also result in a transverse fracture line. However,
an avulsion fracture results when a muscle tendon, ligament, or
joint capsule is pulled creating significant tensile stress that
caused the bone to fracture.
Oblique fractures result from a combination of moderate
bending and compressive forces or bending and torsion that
cause the bone to break diagonally (often at a 45 angle) to the
General fracture types
long axis. The angle of an oblique fracture depends on whether
the compressive or bending force is greatest. If the compression
forces are greater, the fracture will be more oblique. If the
bending forces are greater, the fracture will be more transverse.
Long oblique fractures, which are often difficult to differentiate
from spiral fractures, occur when the predominant force is
torsion. Oblique fractures often begin as transverse fractures
but quickly follow the shear plane, resulting in a break with a
short transverse section and a longer oblique section.
Spiral fractures occur due to torsion or twisting force that
produces a fracture that circles or spirals around the shaft.
When a long bone shaft is twisted, the compressive and tensile
stresses are at approximately a 45 angle to the shaft. Tensile
stresses produce a fracture that winds around the surface and
breaks completely when a longitudinal fissure occurs or the
beginning and ending edges of the crack connect. The fracture
originates where the tension stress is greatest and follows the
angle of rotation until the fracture ends are approximately
parallel or above one another. The direction of the twisting
can be determined by the direction of the spiral.
Comminuted fractures are those that result in more than
two fragments, and often result from large direct or indirect
forces with high energy absorption. Indirect forces frequently
result in a ‘T’ or ‘Y’ pattern fracture. Comminuted fractures may
also result in direct blunt force trauma or penetration from a
high-velocity projectile.
Crush fractures occur due to direct force to the bone which
results in depression (forces originating on one side) or compression (forces originating on two sides) fractures. Depression
fractures can result in incomplete penetration of projectiles or
blunt trauma produced by an object striking the bone. The
degree of fracturing is affected by the size of the impact area
and the velocity of the force. If the area of impact is small and
the velocity is great, the resulting fracture may be a penetrating
Torus, buckling, or impact fractures are due to compression
force and occur when the ends of a long bone are driven
toward each other. The resulting fracture is an outward displacement of the cortical bone around the circumference of the
bone, usually near the end of the long bone shaft. Examples of
how this type of fracture occurs include fracturing of the proximal humerus when falling onto outstretched upper limbs or
fracturing of the metacarpals when punching or striking an
object with the fist. Because the diaphysis is composed of
thicker, denser cortical bone and the metaphysis is primarily
trabecular bone surrounded by a thin layer of cortical bone,
compression forces are more likely to result in buckling of the
metaphysis than of the diaphysis. Buckling is also more likely
to occur in immature bones than in adult bones.
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Title Name: FRN2
These two classes of fractures are then subdivided based on the
type of force, pattern of cracking, degree of fracturing, and
bone type. Incomplete fracture types are commonly described
as bow injuries (the force is dissipated between the yield and
failure points), torus, greenstick, toddler, vertical, and depression fractures. Complete fractures are classified based on their
shape and location and include transverse, oblique, spiral,
comminuted, butterfly, segmental, and epiphyseal fractures.
Cranial fractures include linear (simple linear, diastatic, and
stellate), crush (depressed), and penetrating. While discussions
of the type of fracture are useful for understanding the mechanism of force, the different types of fractures are not mutually
exclusive. Linear fractures, for example, may arise from a depression fracture associated with blunt trauma or from a penetrating fracture associated with gunshot projectile trauma. In
general, the type of fracture that occurs is often associated with
the velocity and mass of the striking object and the area of the
impact forces.
Cranial fractures
Fractures of the skull can occur from direct or indirect trauma.
Linear, crush, and penetrating fractures are common with direct trauma. As with more general fracture types, these fractures
are not mutually exclusive. Under direct trauma, the skull
behaves similar to a semielastic ball. The curve of the cranial
vault at the impact site will flatten or bend internally while the
surrounding bone will bend outward. Fracturing will occur on
the tensile side in areas of bending. Whether the fracture will
begin at the impact site and radiate away or begin away from
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FRN2: 00015
Odontology: Post Mortem Interval (00006); Anthropology/
Odontology: Bone Pathology and Ante Mortem Trauma (00014);
Anthropology/Odontology: Bone Trauma (00016).
Further Reading
Berryman HE and Symes SA (1998) Recognizing gunshot and blunt cranial trauma
through fracture interpretation. In: Reichs KJ (ed.) Forensic Osteology: Advances in
the Identification of Human Remains, 2nd edn., pp. 333–352. Springfield, IL:
Charles C Thomas.
Bilo RAC, Robben SGF, and Rijn RR (2010) Forensic Aspects of Pediatric Fractures:
Differentiating Accidental Trauma from Child Abuse. New York: Springer.
Currey JD and Butler G (1975) The mechanical properties of bone tissue in children.
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 57A: 810–814.
Elstrom JA, Virkus WW, and Pankovich A (2006) Handbook of Fractures, 3rd edn.
New York: McGraw-Hill.
Galloway A (ed.) (1999) Broken Bones: Anthropological Analysis of Blunt Force
Trauma. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas.
Gurdjian S, Webster JE, and Lissner HR (1950) The mechanism of skull fracture.
Journal of Neurosurgery 7: 106–114.
Johnson KD and Tencer AF (1994) Biomechanics in Orthopaedic Trauma: Bone
Fracture and Fixation. London: Informa Healthcare.
Kimmerle EH and Baraybar JP (2008) Skeletal Trauma: Identification of Injuries
Resulting from Human Rights Abuse and Armed Conflict. Boca Raton, FL:
CRC Press.
Lovell NC (1997) Trauma analysis in paleopathology. Yearbook of Physical
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Wieberg DAM and Wescott DJ (2008) Estimating the timing of long bone fractures:
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the impact site and radiate in both directions probably depends on the elasticity of the skull, the size of the impact
area, the size and shape of the object impacting the skull, the
architecture of the skull at the impact area, the magnitude
of the force, and other factors. Linear fractures often occur
when the skull is struck or impacts an object of high mass.
Low-velocity direct forces often result in linear or depressed
(crush) fractures of the cranial vault. High-energy loads with a
small impact area or pointed objects striking the skull will
result in depression or penetrating injuries. Stellate or starshaped fractures are formed by multiple linear fractures radiating from the point of impact. If the damage is more extensive,
comminuted fractures may occur. Concentric fractures are
produced when a blunt or penetrating object causes inward
bending of the bone between radiating fractures. They generally circumscribe the impact area and are roughly perpendicular to the radiating fractures. As the plates of bone between
radiating fractures bend inward, tensile stress occurs on the
external surface of the outer table and progresses like transverse
fractures from the outer to the inner table.
Bullet wounds are usually characterized by internally beveling entrance and externally beveling exit fractures. The shape of
the wound depends on the angle at which the bullet strikes the
bone. Because of the high energy and velocity associated with
projectile force, the bone is unable to absorb the energy and
fractures will commonly radiate from the initial perforating
fracture. Concentric fracturing may also occur. However, unlike
radiating and concentric fractures caused by blunt trauma, these
fractures will initiate due to tension on the inner table of the
vault due to intracranial pressure. In addition, trauma resulting
from a gunshot will not display the inward deformation of the
bone often seen in fractures occurring from blunt trauma.
Anthropology/Odontology | Biomechanics of Bone Trauma
See also: Anthropology/Odontology: Animal Effects on Bone
(00001); Anthropology/Odontology: History of Forensic
Anthropology (00002); Anthropology/Odontology: Recovery and
Retrieval: Forensic Archaeology (00005); Anthropology/
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FRN2: 00015
Non-Print Items
The biomechanics of bone trauma is the application of mechanical laws to describe and interpret damage that occurs to bone. It involves the
examination of both the intrinsic and extrinsic factors resulting in bone injury. Knowledge of the biomechanics of bone trauma allows forensic
scientists to use bone fractures to deduce the type and direction of loading that caused the bone to fail. The strength of the bone is its ability to
withstand loads without failing, and is dependent on its material composition, organization, and overall geometry. Loads can be applied in tension,
compression, bending, torsion, shear, or a combination of these basic components. These loads cause internal tensile, compressive, and shear
stresses on the bone. However, bone is a dynamic composite tissue that exhibits anisotropic and viscoelastic characteristics and will react differently
to loads depending on its orientation and the rate at which the force is applied. When more energy is transferred to a bone than it can absorb, the
bone will fracture. The type of fracture produced in the bone depends on the magnitude, direction, rate, and area of force applied and the structural
and material properties of the bone at and near the location of the force.
Keywords: Biomechanics; Bone; Bone injury; Brittle; Ductility; Elasticity; Forensic anthropology; Fracture; Plasticity; Stiffness; Strain;
Stress; Trauma
Author and Co-author Contact Information:
Daniel J. Wescott
Department of Anthropology
Texas State University
601 University Drive
San Marcos
TX 78666
Tel.: +1-573-424-9663
[email protected]
Biographical Sketch
Daniel J. Wescott is the director of the Forensic Anthropology Center at Texas State University in San
Marcos, Texas. He received his BA and MA in anthropology at Wichita State University in 1994 and 1996,
respectively. In 2001, he earned his Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Tennessee. He has an
active research program focusing on testing hypotheses and answering questions related to forensic anthropological methods and skeletal biology, especially bone biomechanics. Wescott’s research has been disseminated in leading professional journals. He has served on the editorial board of the Journal of Forensic
Sciences, and as a member of the Scientific Working Group for Forensic Anthropology.
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