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Medical Engineering & Physics 30 (2008) 1209–1226
Fracture of bone tissue: The ‘hows’ and the ‘whys’
H.S. Gupta a,1 , P. Zioupos b,∗
Biomaterials Department, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, 14424 Potsdam, Germany
b Biomechanics Laboratories, Cranfield University, Shrivenham SN6 8LA, UK
Received 31 March 2008; received in revised form 1 September 2008; accepted 2 September 2008
The mechanical performance of bone is of paramount importance for the quality of life we experience. The structural integrity of bone,
its hierarchical structure, organisation and its physicochemical constitution, all influence its ability to withstand loads, such as those seen
occasionally in everyday life loading scenarios, which are either above the norm, prolonged, or repetitive. The present review explores three
interconnected areas of research where significant progress has been made lately: (i) The recorded mechanical behaviour of bone and the way
it fails; (ii) the inner architecture, organisational, hierarchical structure of bone tissue; and (iii) the bone properties at the micro/nanostructural
and biophysical level. Exercising a line of thought along a structure/function based argument we advance from ‘how’ bone fractures to ‘why’
it fractures, and we seek to obtain a fresh insight in this field.
© 2008 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Bone; Fracture; Mechanisms; Properties; Structure; Hierarchy; Organisation
1. Introduction
The mechanical performance of bone is of paramount
importance for the quality of life we experience, as fractures
are painful debilitating events. Some fractures are quite obviously due to the fact that bone is subject to loads that exceed
certain threshold levels (in terms of stress or damage), that
may also be prolonged (creep), or repetitive (fatigue). Others are caused by bone being structurally compromised as a
result of disease, ageing, surgical intervention, pharmaceutical treatments, poor diet, lack of exercise, and so forth. In all
cases some sense can be made by invoking either material/
engineering principles to explain the effects of overload, or
structure/function relationships [1] to grapple with the effects
of a materially and structurally compromised tissue.
2. How bone breaks
There is a consensus regarding the various stages leading
to and during fracture of bone, but what is still debated is
Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 1793 785932; fax: +44 1793 763076.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (P. Zioupos).
1 Current address: School of Engineering and Materials Science, Queen
Mary, University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS.
the relative importance of the various phases in determining
the final failure outcome [2]. The stress/strain curve (in tension) for bone as a material shows a (macroscopically) linear
phase followed by a ‘knee’ region where the material yields
and then a region of strain hardening (which can be shorter
or longer depending on the circumstances) followed by sudden catastrophic failure. This applies to tests as seen in the
lab on material testing specimens. In terms of σ/ε behaviour
though the description and analysis of the failure of bone is
partitioned in three domains, as shown in Fig. 1. In phase
I, the material deforms reversibly with little obvious residual damage, while in phase II (the elastic-continuum damage
mechanics domain) the material is still structurally integrated
but absorbs energy by developing diffuse microcracking damage at the expense of stiffness and residual strength. In phase
III, the fracture mechanics (FM) realm, energy is absorbed at
and next to the final fracture surface; the amount of energy
depending crucially on the properties of the final fracture
plane and the overall number of such planes and/or fragments.
The toughness of a material is defined in terms of stress
or energy related requirements to run a crack through the
material. Stress-based criteria, such as the stress intensity
factor (Kc ) postulate that fracture is initiated when the concentration of stress at the crack tip reaches a critical value.
Energy-based approaches, which either measure the critical
1350-4533/$ – see front matter © 2008 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H.S. Gupta, P. Zioupos / Medical Engineering & Physics 30 (2008) 1209–1226
Fig. 1. (a) Consecutive stages of behaviour: the elastic range (E), the continuum damage mechanics range (CDM), and the fracture mechanics (FM)
one [2]. Unfortunately mechanical material tests of bone each concentrate
on one of these domains with little overlap across them and therefore fail
to apply a holistic approach to the problem. The relative length (or time
spent) on any of the three regions can vary widely depending on specimen
geometry, the applied loading protocol and other conditions, hence a wide
variety of stress/strain recordings may result. (b) During fracture, energy is
dissipated/absorbed in a number of ways, either elastically, or as prefailure
damage (microcracks), or in growing a slow moving crack with its collateral
damage, or into advancing a fast moving fracture plane.
strain energy release rate Gc (or J, for nonlinear effects) or
the work to fracture of a specimen Wf , determine critical
levels of energy per unit area necessary for fracture. In this
field it has become quite clear recently that modern composites (and for that matter bone [3] and other biological
hard tissues) show weak interlamellar interfaces [4], which
are able to absorb energy and/or divert a crack and in this
way deter the onset and growth of fracture. Further, it is
now increasingly clear that initiation of cracks in biomineralized tissues is far less important that their propagation, since
biological tissues utilise a number of tricks like crack diversion/deflection, fibre pull-out, crack and/or matrix bridging
[5,6] to increase the required amount of energy to fracture.
Increasingly, nowadays, emphasis is placed in studying the
route of propagation of major cracks [7–9], and the relevant toughening mechanisms that are associated with this
The stress based fracture mechanics (FM) answer for the
increased toughness of some challenging biological materials
like deer antler [10] (which is a low mineralized bone tissue)
was the introduction of the crack growth resistance curves KR .
It consists of quantifying the critical stress intensity factor not
only at the start (KC ) when the macrocrack sets off, but also
as it makes its way through the material (KR ). In brittle materials the KR curve is flat, K is constant and, therefore, there
is little to deter the crack in its growth. In tough solids, KR
increases with the crack length, especially if there is microcracking at the crack tip, and the crack finds considerable
resistance to its advance. Vashishth et al. [10] used compact
tension specimens from the antlers of red deer to monitor
crack propagation via gauges attached onto the specimens and
used scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to count the number of microcracks, with lengths between 100 and 250 m.
A linear increase of KR with crack length was observed and
a 20% increase in the length of the crack nearly doubled the
stress intensity factor. At the same time more microcracks
were present in the fracture propagation (KR ) specimens than
in the fracture initiation (Kc ) ones. Microcracks were seen
both ahead and behind the tip of the propagating macrocrack. The authors explained the increase in toughness of
antler bone by the nucleation, growth and coalescence of the
observed microcracks, which were responsible for the stable
progress of fracture by absorbing energy away from the main
crack itself. Ritchie and co-workers [11–16] have carried this
approach much further, by a combination of fracture mechanics experimentation, modelling and high-resolution scanning
electron microscopy. What they found was that ligament, or
crack bridging, by collagen fibrils spanning the width of a
propagated microcrack, results in a progressively increasing
fracture resistance in bone.
A combination of KC and KR data can explain quite a few
naturally occurring variations in bone properties. Zioupos and
Currey [17] showed that the initiation fracture toughness (KC )
of human femoral cortical bone, measured by single edge
notch bending tests, reduced considerably between the ages
of 35 and 92 in healthy male subject (Fig. 2a). Ritchie, Nalla
et al. [11–16] and co-workers took this a step further showing that both the initiation toughness (KC ) and the growth
toughness (KR ) of ageing human bone deteriorate in a similar fashion over the same range of age values (Fig. 2b). They
made an effort to apportion relative importance in the various mechanisms that operate at the crack tip (microcracking,
fibre pullout, crack bridging, etc.) to have the desirable toughening effect. They also made a further distinction between
two classes of toughening mechanisms. Intrinsic, which are
microstructural damage mechanisms that operate ahead of the
crack tip and extrinsic mechanisms, which act to ‘shield’ the
crack from the applied driving force and operate principally
in the wake of the crack.
H.S. Gupta, P. Zioupos / Medical Engineering & Physics 30 (2008) 1209–1226
Fig. 2. (a) Fracture toughness (initiation) values in human cortical bone
in SENB samples with age with the crack in the transverse to the grain
direction [17] (bone sector as symbols: A, anterior; P, posterior; L, lateral).
(b) Initiation and growth fracture toughness values with age and crack length
redrawn from Nalla et al. [14,15].
By means of controlled crack extension experiments at the
lamellar level in osteonal bone, Peterlik et al. [4] looked at
the strain energy release rate as a function of crack orientation relative to the collagen fibril axis. Using the same sample
for repeated loading/unloading measurements enabled directional effects on the toughness of bone to be measured. The
fracture process is dependent on the direction of travel of the
crack, being either brittle (in the longitudinal direction) or
deflected (in the tangential direction) or toughened by microcracking (in the radial direction) (Fig. 3). The microstructural
origins of these phenomena lie in the progressively varying
fibril angles as proposed by the twisted and rotated plywood
models of lamellar bone (see subsequent sections). These
results provide evidence of an energy-based understanding
of a self-toughening (crack growth resistant) fracture pro-
Fig. 3. Crack propagation. (a) The energy required to propagate a crack in
the radial (m, microcracking damage), tangential (d, deflected crack) and
circumferential (b, brittle fracture) directions in bovine bone with the crack
length. Bone is much tougher in the fracture mode accompanied by microcracking damage (m) ahead of it [2,4]. (b) The energy required to drive a
crack across the grain (fibre direction) is an order of magnitude higher than
along it [4].
cess (during propagation) similar to the one described for
antler bone [18]. The energy based FM approach of Peterlik
et al. [4] has certain conceptual and practical advantages over
the previous FM stress related one. In composites science,
engineering toughness is increasingly nowadays defined in
terms of energy absorbing capacity, the methods to determine this being reliable simple and consistent. At the same
time the unpredictable events at the crack tip, which give
rise to the stress field and determine the stress intensity
factor, can be hardly described in terms of equations that
pertain to idealised elastic conditions that simply do not
H.S. Gupta, P. Zioupos / Medical Engineering & Physics 30 (2008) 1209–1226
FM approaches have proved quite popular, but suffer from
another quite unexpected effect. They are restricted to the
quasistatic testing range. Many physiological fractures happen as a result of prolonged loading (creep), repetitive loading
(fatigue), or occur at high strain rates (impact). Work of fracture measurements (Wf ) are carried out by measuring the
energy absorbed to fracture a certain cross sectional area in
tests where the ligament of tissue designed to rupture is in the
shape of a chevron notch. Because the notch width increase as
the fracture front advances the test specimen geometry itself
usually allows the process to stay in the stable mode as long
as possible. In this sense one finds it is much easier to control
the tests even at high strain rates.
Currey et al. [19] looked at two different effects by using
Wf and Charpy impact tests. They measured the Wf values of
human femoral samples and demonstrated a 50% reduction
of toughness with age between 25 and 80 years old. Measurements for the energy absorption capacity of similar specimens
at high speeds were obtained by use of a Hounsfield plastics
Charpy impact tester. The two data sets showed a very good
correlation (Fig. 4a) over a wide range of ages. The young
bone in particular, which is less mineralized was especially
tough in impact. Although the energy consumed in impact
is overall much higher than the specific energy in Wf tests
the two values increased hand in hand. This result is reassuring, because it shows that an appreciation of toughening
effects at high strain rates can result from simple studies by
use of much slower test methods. However, more importantly
the fact the specimens used in the two tests were different,
but originating from the same individual, showed that the
origins of the toughness quantified by either method lie in
the intrinsic properties of the mineralized matrix itself and
is related to age and other deteriorating bone matrix material
physicochemical events.
In the second Wf application the same workers examined deformation rate effects in a group of different animal
bone materials [18]. Specimens were obtained from a bovine
femur (of typical plexiform architecture), from the femur of a
tiger (of typical osteonal architecture) and from the naturally
tough material of the antlers of red deer (Cervus elaphus)
which in life experiences loading in impact. The tests were
performed at cross-head speeds varying between 0.05 and
200 mm min−1 in a materials testing machine and the data
was supplemented by tests in impact. Two aspects of the materials’ toughness are evident in Fig. 4b. The naturally tough
antler bone showed a tendency to dissipate more energy to
fracture per unit area as the strain rate increased (an order of
magnitude more energy in impact than in quasi-static loading). On the other hand, the three quasi-brittle ‘ordinary’
bones (human, bovine and tiger) produced similar values for
Wf at all deformation rates, including impact for those tests
that could be completed successfully. One way of looking
at this data is that the Wf produces a material property constant for the ‘ordinary’ bones, but it showed a rate depended
property for the naturally tough bone. A second aspect of
toughness was shown by the percentages of successfully com-
Fig. 4. (a) Work of fracture (slow and controllable mode tests) vs. impact
energy absorption in specimens of human cortical bone of various ages ranging from 4 to 82 years old (age as symbol; R2 =0.69). There is a correlation
between the two measures, which shows that the underlying cause is the
ageing process itself, not the way in which the fracture is quantified [19]. (b)
Wf as a function of the stroke rate during the test in four bone types: human
(unpublished data provided by PZ), tiger, and bovine femurs; and deer antler
material [2]. With the exception of antler, the three ‘normal’ bones experience a ductile-to-brittle transition for stroke rates above 5 mm/min (strain
rate: 1.5 × 10−3 s−1 ). The percentage numbers show what fraction of the
specimens achieved a ductile fracture.
pleted tests, that is tests that failed as they meant to do in a
ductile mode. While antler bone showed no ductile to brittle transition and was able to fail non-catastrophically even
in impact, the ordinary bones started showing catastrophic
failures at rates above 5 mm min−1 (bovine and human) and
above 50 mm min−1 (tiger femur).
Ductile-to-brittle transition in material behaviour of
human femoral cortical bone with strain rate was also
observed lately in standard tensile and compressive tests to
failure by Hansen et al. [18]. These tests on standard material testing un-notched specimens produce σ/ε curves and
H.S. Gupta, P. Zioupos / Medical Engineering & Physics 30 (2008) 1209–1226
Fig. 6. The growth of cracks is strongly influenced by the structure [39] as
shown when the separate and added effects of (i) microstructural heterogeneity and (ii) physical characteristics were examined in the fatigue strength of
cortical bone in three modes: tension, compression and shear. The photo
shows a large surface crack which emanated laterally from the fracture surface (on the right of the photo) and grew towards the left advancing naturally
between the various bone compartments along boundaries on either side of
which the composition and architecture changed sharply.
Fig. 5. Ductile-to-brittle transition observed in human femoral bone in tension (single pulls to failure, the critical strain rate, for a 10 mm gauge length,
is 0.01–0.1 s-1 ). Above the strain rate threshold the post-yield region, the
capacity for energy absorption, and the microcracking damage reduce significantly [18,140].
are suitable for demonstrating the pre-failure microcracking
damage absorbing characteristics of bone (phase I–II, Fig. 1).
Bone mechanical properties are typically evaluated at relatively low strain rates. However, the strain rate related to
traumatic failure is likely to be orders of magnitude higher
and this higher strain rate is likely to affect the mechanical
properties. Hansen et al. [18] tested femoral cortical bone at
strain rates ranging between 0.14–29.1 s−1 in compression
and 0.08–17 s−1 in tension (Fig. 5) and compared the results
with a broad review of all the related literature. Across this
strain range, Young’s modulus generally increased for both
tension and compression. Strength and strain at maximum
load increased slightly in compression and decreased (for
strain rates beyond 1 s−1 ) in tension. Stress and strain at yield
decreased (for strain rates beyond 1 s−1 ) for both tension and
compression. There seemed to be in general a relatively simple linear relationship between yield properties and strain
rate, but the relationships between post-yield properties and
strain rate were more complicated and indicated that strain
rate has a stronger effect on post-yield deformation than on
initiation of yielding. The behaviour seen in compression is
broadly in agreement with past literature, while the behaviour
observed in tension showed a clear ductile to brittle transition
at moderate to high strain rates.
A combination of methods was employed recently to
explore the relative importance of phases I–II to phase III
(Fig. 1) in bones over a wide range of varying mineral con-
tent [20,21]. Using a simple technique, like adding a notch,
which serves to concentrate the stress and check the notch
sensitivity of various bone analogues, the authors showed
that the post yield behaviour of bone is linked to the mineral
content. They argued that antler is practically notch insensitive and possesses probably the lowest mineralization level
in nature, below which no further evolutionary advantage
is to be gained or needed (by reducing the mineral content
any further) because any further reduction in mineral content would reduce the stiffness without much increasing the
toughness. The literature on antler bone mechanics is very
useful because it helps to pose all these awkward questions
that have no answer in conventional thinking. It also shows
that the pre-failure damage tolerance of bone, although more
difficult to quantify, is the most determinant factor in defining
the toughness of the material in health, disease and in various
exotic bone analogues [22–26].
3. Hierarchical structure and composite mechanics
In order to understand the origins of the high toughness
and stiffness of bone, and the reasons for its alterations with
age and disease, we have to consider the full complexity of
the hierarchical architecture [1,27] from the macro- to the
micro-scale and the mechanical properties of the various constituents at each level. The heterogeneity of bone at the mesoand microscale has a direct influence on growth of cracks
within bone and on the failure process (Fig. 6).
3.1. Macrostructure: cortical and cancellous bone
At the macrostructural level, bone is divided into the cortical (or compact) and cancellous (or trabecular) types. The
H.S. Gupta, P. Zioupos / Medical Engineering & Physics 30 (2008) 1209–1226
two types are most easily distinguished by their degree of
porosity or density [28,29], true differentiation comes from
histological evaluation of the tissue’s microstructure. In an
intermediate form, compact coarse-cancellous bone [30,31]
differentiation between the two types of bone is difficult.
This tissue consists of cortical bone wrapped around older
cancellous bone and has irregular, sinuous convolutions of
It is still a matter for debate whether (i) cortical and cancellous bone matrices consist of the same material [28,32–34]
(only differentiated by variable porosity or apparent density), or (ii) have intrinsically different mechanical properties
[35–38]. Nanoindentation studies have shown that on average
the modulus and hardness of the two tissues types are similar [40]. However, since cancellous bone material is much
more active metabolically, is remodelled more often than
cortical bone, and is therefore “younger” on average than cortical bone [41], mechanical measurements at the macroscale
deliver slightly lower values of moduli for cancellous bone
tissue compared to cortical bone. Cancellous bone, can be
described in terms of structural and material properties [38].
The first are defined as the extrinsic properties of both trabeculae and pores, whereas material properties are the properties
of the trabecular struts and plates.
As different bone types and regions in the same bone
organ have differing mineralization level, porosity and collagen matrix structure, it is difficult to predict micro-properties
in vivo [42,43] by measuring mechanical properties at the
macrostructural level. Mechanical properties of cortical and
cancellous bone at the macrostructural level vary from one
bone to another as well as within different regions of the
same bone [44,45]. Cancellous bone shows a wide range of
apparent density values (apparent density is defined as mass
of sample/(total volume of sample including both voids and
tissue). However, 70–80% of the variability in its mechanical
properties (in the stiffest direction) can be explained in terms
of true density variations alone. The variability reduces further when directional effects and anisotropy are accounted for
[46,47]. In all cases technical problems like friction between
sample and test grips, and accurate load transfer in the testing
setup complicate these measurements [48–50].
However, although cancellous bone has a larger scatter in mechanical properties compared to cortical bone, the
intrinsic structure at the lamellar level and at comparable
degrees of mineralization are similar. This underlying common microstructure is examined in the next section.
3.2. Microstructure: osteons and lamellar structure
3.2.1. Haversian systems
At the level of the entire osteon (Haversian system), our
knowledge of the mechanical properties comes mainly from
the pioneering work of Ascenzi et al., who examined the
mechanical properties in tension [51], compression [52],
bending [53] and torsion [54]. Differences were observed
in tension for the osteons classified as “longitudinal” (fibrils
oriented parallel to the osteon axis) and “transverse” (fibrils
oriented perpendicular to the osteon axis). moduli varied from
12 (longitudinal) to 5.5 (transverse) GPa and strengths from
120 to 102 MPa [51]. Rather surprisingly, isolated osteons in
compression [52] were half as stiff (6–7 GPa) but nearly as
strong as osteons in tension (110–130 MPa). Bending tests
gave even lower values [53] for stiffness of approximately
2–3 GPa and bending strength of 350–390 MPa, while torsional tests [54] gave moduli of 16–20 and strengths of
160–200 MPa. While this dependence of mechanical properties depending on the testing mode may be because different
deformation processes in the anisotropic bone tissue are activated, based on the direction of deformation, the bending
results especially should be interpreted with caution. The
dimensions of the samples used for the bending tests by
Ascenzi and co-workers are very short and deep, and in such
cases shear deformations across the sample, which was not
considered by these workers, must be included for accurate
In terms of failure mechanisms, analysis of fracture surfaces by the Ascenzi group shows that in compression,
cross-hatched fissures at 30–40◦ appeared and these were
not affected by the kind or combination of lamellar architecture, similar to results obtained on compact bone by Mercer
et al. [55]. As expected, in tension the transverse lamellae
failed first and the osteons were kept together only by the
longitudinally oriented ones, since clearly fibres are stronger
along their main axis than perpendicular to them. Marotti
[56] claims that fibres in general follow two patterns which
constitute thin and thick lamellae; the thin ones are more oriented and compact, the thick ones are more diverse and sparse
(somewhat microporous) in their elements, a classification
which differs from that of the Ascenzi group. We believe that
the differentiation of osteons based on fibre orientation (the
Ascenzi classification) is the correct one, although it has also
been recently shown that mineral density can vary within a
single lamellae, as described in the next section.
3.2.2. Lamellae
Bone lamellae are ∼5–8 m thick [57], and consist of regular arrays of collagen fibrils. Inside a single lamella (as seen
in optical and scanning electron microscopy) Giraud-Guille
et al. [58] and Weiner et al. [57,59,60] have observed a helicoidal, twisted plywood structure, where successive sheets
of sublamellae (with varying thicknesses) have different orientation angles of the fibrils. Giraud-Guille pointed out that
these structures are characteristic of the cholesteric liquid
crystal mesophases [58,61]. Weiner, Traub and Wagner have
extended this model [57,59,60] to a “rotated plywood” structure. In this picture, the mineralized fibril-platelet composite
in adjacent sublamellae not only turn in pitch (angle of collagen fibril axis to osteon long axis) but also in “roll”, or
rotate around the long axis of the fibril itself. Such a model
would be useful in diverting extremely small cracks at their
incipient growth stage. The osteonal lamellae are wrapped
around a central canal, and sequential concentric lamellae
H.S. Gupta, P. Zioupos / Medical Engineering & Physics 30 (2008) 1209–1226
have fibre orientations alternating to each other, spiralling
around the central canal. Lamellae with alternate orientations are seen as alternately bright, dark, or intermediate in
cross-section under a polarized light microscope (PLM) with
the intensity of the transmitted light depending on the collagen content, on its degree of alignment, on the presence
of a mineral fraction, and on the orientation of the section
[51,62]. The orientations envisaged in this kind of modelling
are transverse, longitudinal, or oblique.
Structural information at this level has been obtained
using optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and electron
microscopy. Mechanical properties of individual lamellae
in several orientations are needed to comprehend bone
mechanical anisotropy. Some studies which used selective
demineralization and acoustic methods have come up with
most intriguing theories about the complementary role of the
collagen and the mineral [63–65] These workers have suggested that isolated collagen fibrils are more or less isotropic
and by the impregnation of mineral reaches the anisotropic
ratios that are known for whole bone (1.7–2.1) in two normal
directions. However, their experimental techniques (acoustic microscopy) had a spatial resolution of 60 m, which is
much too low to observe regions of uniaxially oriented tissue. Therefore, conflation of data from tissue regions with
differently oriented fibrils could be seriously affecting their
results. Experimental methods that can measure absolute
and relative (anisotropy) values for the elastic modulus of
microscopic bone tissue in different directions would be
invaluable. However, mechanical data at the sub-micron level
were unavailable, until recently, when nanoindentation tests
were used to measure the hardness and the elastic modulus
of single lamellae [66] and small filler particles in resin composites and other dental restoratives [67]. This technique is
able to measure mechanical properties with a resolution of
better than 1 m and does not require visual resolution of
the indentation. Taking into account the microstructural features of bone, the nanoindentation technique offers a means
by which the intrinsic mechanical properties of the individual
microstructural components of bone may be measured in a
manner which avoids the influences of the inherent defects
and heterogeneities in the microstructure and also allows the
mechanical properties to be measured in several different
directions at the microstructural level.
Using a novel combination of X-ray crystallographic texture measurements with microbeam synchrotron radiation
(1 m beam diameter), Wagermaier et al. [68,69] were able
to quantify the fibrillar orientation by tracking changes in
mineral c-axis crystallographic texture in “alternate” osteons
[as defined by Ascenzi] with sub-lamellar resolution. They
found that the fibril orientation was periodic, with a period
equal precisely to that of the lamellae, and amplitude of oscillation equal to about 30–60◦ (Fig. 7b). What was surprising
was that the mean fibril orientation in a single lamella always
had the same chirality, indicating that a fine (intralamellar)
periodic variation in fibril orientation was superposed on top
of an average right-handed fibril spiralling. Such a helical
and modulated fibre orientation would make crack propagation across the osteon, from the interstitial to the inner
Haversian canal, much more difficult and tortuous than the
case where all fibres were all parallel to the osteon axis. The
osteon may thus serve as a fracture resistant barrier, protecting the integrity of the Haversian canal and its enclosed blood
vessels and cells.
However, the lamellae in bone exhibit not only structural
anisotropy (from fibre orientation) but also compositional
variation [41]. By combining scanning nanoindentation maps
of osteons (1 m resolution) with quantitative backscattered
electron imaging to determine local calcium content, Gupta
et al. [41] showed that a clear lamellar level modulation of
(nanoindentation) elastic modulus and hardness across the
osteon (Fig. 7a). Within a single lamella, the variable fibre
orientation gives the optical impression of “thick” and “thin”
sublamellae, with the “thick” sublamellae having fibre orientation mainly parallel to the osteon axis, and the “thin”
sublamellae having fibres at a large angle to the osteon axis.
Using position resolved nanoindentation, Rho et al. [70] have
shown that when only the “thick” sublamellae inside a single
lamella were considered, there is a statistically significant
decrease in modulus going from the innermost to the outermost lamella. However (using a similar loading protocol
and sample geometry to Rho et al. [70]), Gupta et al. [41]
found only a statistically insignificant decrease as a function
of distance, when moduli was measured in both the “thin” and
“thick” sublamellae, in the form of a 2D map with 1 m effective spatial resolution across the osteon. As the difference
between the stiffness of the thin and thick lamellae within a
single lamella (15 GPa for the thin lamella versus 20–25 GPa
for the thick lamella) is much larger than the ∼2–3 GPa variation observed in the thick lamellae across the osteon by
Rho et al 1999, it is possible that any statistically significant decrease of “thick” sublamellar moduli in the Gupta et
al. [117] data was buried in the much larger lamellar level
mechanical modulation. The difference between the “thin”
and “thick” sublamellae was also measured by Xu et al. [71].
Because the mineralized collagen fibrils is anisotropic, with
an indentation modulus of about 9–11 GPa transverse to the
fibril axis and 20–25 GPa parallel to it [72,73], one could
think that this mechanical modulation arose solely due to the
fibril orientation—i.e., similarly mineralized, but differently
oriented fibrils in a single lamella. However, by correlating mechanical properties and mineral content at the same
point, Gupta et al. [41] showed that regions with lower stiffness also had a lower mineral content. Such a periodically
mechanically modulated structure may be useful in acting
as a set of crack stoppers, preventing microcrack propagation from the more highly mineralized interstitial bone
to the inner Haversian system. Microcracks indeed show a
tendency to circumvent the osteons along the weak, noncollagenous “cement line” at the border of the osteon and
to run between lamellae [74]. A qualitative indication of the
modulation of stiffness was observed previously in the ultrasonic measurements of Katz and Meunier [75], where the
H.S. Gupta, P. Zioupos / Medical Engineering & Physics 30 (2008) 1209–1226
Fig. 7. Lamellar level modulation of mechanics and fibre orientation in bone osteons (Haversian systems) (a) Indentation modulus (stiffness), mapped with
1 m steps along the radius of an osteon from the femur of a woman shows periodic variations from 24 to 27 GPa [41]. Scanning electron microscopy image of
a typical osteon is shown on the right, with the dashed rectangle indicating the usual width of radial sector used to generate a modulus map. (b) Fibril orientation
relative to long axis shows a plywood like [58] radial periodic variation (dashed rectangle), as quantified by scanning microtexture experiments [68,69]. On
average, fibrils are here observed to spiral in a right-handed manner around the central blood vessel. On the right, a polarized light microscope image of a
typical osteon shows (dashed rectangle) the usual size of the radial sector in which the scans were done. Best fit solid lines (sinusoidal in (a) and exponentially
damped sinusoidal in (b)) are meant as guides to the eye.
quantity (E/ρ)1/2 was shown to be correlated to the lamellar
structure. There is an added difficulty, of course, in interpreting these results in that in acoustic microscopy one needs
to avoid the conflation of surface topography with differences in density. This requires careful polishing and surface
3.2.3. Trabecular bone
Trabecular bone properties are much easier to study in
isolation. However, in spite of several attempts [35,36,38,76]
there remains some controversy regarding the value of the
elastic modulus of single trabeculae (Table 1). Trabecular
bone material properties are important for characterizing various bone pathologies, and the remodelled bone adjacent to
various joint implants, because they are affected by disease
sooner than cortical bone. In the past it was assumed that
individual trabeculae, single osteons, and a thin cortical shell
possessed the same mechanical properties as those of large
cortical bone specimens regardless of their type or size [75].
However, many investigators produced values for the elastic
modulus of individual trabeculae, single osteons, and a thin
cortical shell that were considerably less than that for whole
bone [35,38,76].
The elastic modulus of cortical bone obtained
from micro-bending specimens [35,36,38,76] (dimensions.100 m × 100 m × 1500 m)
smaller (5.4 GPa) than that of large tensile specimens tested
by others [77] (17.1 GPa). The reason for this discrepancy
is not clear, but it could arise from difficulties encountered
in making accurate mechanical property measurements by
bending small specimens. The possible causes include: (i) the
influence of microstructural defects such as cement lines and
voids (Haversian and Volkmann canals, lacuna, osteocytes,
canaliculi) on the measured displacements; (ii) uncertainties
in specimen geometry, which are often exacerbated at small
scales; and (iii) problems in properly seating and aligning
small bending specimens in small test fixtures. A literature
survey of measured and estimated values of the modulus
of trabecular bone material [35,38,66,76,78–85] shows that
moduli values range from 1 to 20 GPa (Table 1). It has been
shown [35,36,38,76] that the relationship derived from this
data (between elastic moduli and density in cancellous bone
H.S. Gupta, P. Zioupos / Medical Engineering & Physics 30 (2008) 1209–1226
Table 1
List of methods for determining the elastic modulus of trabecular bone material and the resulting estimate values.
Test method
Estimate of elastic modulus (GPa)
Wolff [78]
Runkle and Pugh [79]
Townsend et al. [80]
Williams and Lewis [81]
Ashman and Rho [38]
Ryan and Williams [85]
Hodgskinson et al. [82]
Kuhn et al. [83]
Mente and Lewis [84]
Choi et al. [35]
Inelastic buckling
Back-calculation from FEA
Ultrasound test method
Tensile testing
Three-point bending
Cantilever bending with FEA
Four-point bending
Tensile testing
Ultrasound test method
Microtensile tests
17–20 (assumption)
8.69 ± 3.17 (dry)
11.38 (wet)
12.7 ± 2.0 (wet)
0.76 ± 0.39
15 (estimation)
3.81 (wet)
7.8 ± 5.4 (dry)
5.35 ± 1.36 (wet)
10.4 ± 3.5 (dry)
14.8 ± 1.4 (wet)
19.6 ± 3.5 (along); 15.0 ± 3.0 (across)
Rho et al. [76]
Rho et al. [66]
Bini et al. [138]
Coats et al. [139]
Modified from the original in Rho et al. [1].
material) could not be extrapolated from similar data from
tests on cortical bone material and its density and thus has
been concluded that the materials of the two types of bone
tissue were intrinsically different. The later studies by use
of nanoindentation and by finite element analysis (FEA)
simulation suggest that in fact the elastic properties of
single trabeculae are very similar to the properties of nearby
cortical tissue, though probably slightly lower.
4. Why bone breaks: the biophysical events
4.1. Bone nanostructure: collagen fibres, fibril arrays,
The most prominent nanostructures are the collagen fibres,
surrounded and infiltrated by mineral. The attachment sites
of macromolecules onto the collagen framework are not distinctly known, although several immunohistological studies
have shown preferential labelling of some macromolecules
in a periodic fashion along the collagen molecules and fibres
The three main building materials are crystals, collagen,
and non-collagenous organic proteins. Mature crystals are
most likely not needle-shaped, but plate-shaped [60]. Platelike apatite crystals of bone occur within the discrete spaces
within the collagen fibrils, thereby limiting the possible primary growth of the mineral crystals, and forcing the crystals
to be discrete and discontinuous. The mineral crystals grow
with a specific crystalline orientation-the c-axis of the crystals are roughly parallel to the long axis of the collagen
fibrils [87]. The average lengths and widths of the plates
are 50 nm×25 nm. Crystal thickness is 2–3 nm thick [88,89].
The nanocrystalline bone apatite has small but significant
amounts of impurities such as HPO4 , Na, Mg, citrate, carbonate, K, and others whose positions and configurations are
not completely known [87]. While the X-ray diffraction pattern is that of hydroxyapatite, the near-absence or absence of
the hydroxyl group has been proven repeatedly by chemical
methods and FTIR and NMR spectroscopy [87]. The primary organic component of the matrix is Type I collagen.
Collagen molecules secreted by osteoblasts self-assemble
into fibrils with a specific tertiary structure having a 67 nm
periodicity and 40 nm gaps or holes between the ends of
the molecules. Non-collagenous organic proteins, including
phosphoproteins, such as osteopontin [90,91], sialoprotein,
osteonectin, and osteocalcin, as well as proteoglycans like
decorin [92,93] may function to regulate the size, orientation,
and crystal habit of the mineral deposits. Through chelation
of calcium or through enzymatic release of phosphorous from
these proteins, they may serve as a reservoir for calcium or
phosphate ions for mineral formation. However, additional
studies are needed to conclusively define their actions and
As regards the relation between the mineral and organic
phase, the degree of extra- versus intrafibrillar mineral is still
a matter of debate [57,65,94–100]. Estimates have ranged
from the majority of mineral being intrafibrillar [100] to the
majority being extrafibrillar [65,94], and this is a significant
issue when modelling the mechanical and fracture properties
of the collagen nanocomposite [65,94]. Some recent work
considers the entire composite to be an effective “foam” of
mineral inside a collagen matrix [65,94], which blurs the
distinction between extra- and intrafibrillar mineral. The mineral particles were shown to be platelike and associated with
the low density “gap” zones in collagen fibrils in mineralized turkey leg tendon [57,59,101,102]. More recent bright
field transmission electron microscopy of the nanostructure
of mineralized collagen fibrils from trabecular bone [99] have
both refined and extended this picture. These studies showed
that the particles were plate like, consistent with previous
work [99]. However, in contrast to the case where mineral
platelets are aligned parallel to each other both within as well
as between fibrils [60,102], the TEM results on human bone
showed that the mineral platelet orientation in adjacent fibrils
is not aligned, and that adjacent fibrils are rotated around their
H.S. Gupta, P. Zioupos / Medical Engineering & Physics 30 (2008) 1209–1226
Fig. 8. (a) Schematic view of in situ tensile testing of bone in the synchrotron [104–106]. High intensity X-ray radiation is used to generate small-angle (SAXS)
and wide-angle (WAXD) images of bone nanostructure, concurrently with mechanical deformation. (b) Integrated intensity plots I(q) can quantify fibrillar and
mineral structure. On the right, a typical variation of collagen fibril periodicity (D) and width of the meridional reflection (SD) with applied tissue strain is
long axis with respect to each other. Therefore, it is expected
that, on average, the platelet orientation in groups of adjacent
fibrils in sublamellae would show fibre symmetry around the
collagen fibril axis.
4.2. Deformation mechanisms
At the time of the previous review in this journal [1], relatively little was known about the deformation mechanisms
of the mineralized collagen matrix itself, although localized
elastic moduli and hardness values had been reported for
trabecular and compact bone using nanoindentation [103].
Since then, advances in experimentation, particularly in the
use of synchrotron X-ray diffraction and scattering combined
with micromechanical testing [104–107], as well as single
molecule force spectroscopic methods [108,109] and nanoindentation with high spatial resolution [112] have begun to
shed light on this question. Synchrotron X-ray diffraction
enables the simultaneous tracking of deformation in the fibril as well as in the embedded mineral particles, concurrently
with the application of macroscopic stress and strain. The
principle of the methods is to use the changes in axial periodicity in the collagen fibrils (D-periodicity of ∼65–67 nm)
as a marker of fibrillar strain εF . By acquiring small angle
X-ray scattering data in real time combined with microtensile measurements, strain can be followed at the macroscopic
and nanoscale levels simultaneously, as shown schematically
in Fig. 8. Synchrotron radiation is essential due to its high
brilliance, enabling an X-ray spectrum to be obtained in a
matter of seconds compared to hours in a lab source. Single
H.S. Gupta, P. Zioupos / Medical Engineering & Physics 30 (2008) 1209–1226
molecule force spectroscopy uses a cantilever with an sharp
tip (of the order of nanometers) to pull on the long, sometimes amorphous, organic molecules that form a significant
part of biomineralized tissues, enabling thereby an estimate
of their mechanical properties, Nanoindentation, especially
combined with finite element modelling, now can provide
models of the deformation processes induced by a sharp,
localized force in the biomineralized tissue.
The concept of “sacrificial bonds”, which are non-specific,
weak but reformable bonds within the organic component of
biomineralized tissues (both bone as well as other materials
like abalone nacre), is central to the thinking of Hansma et al.
(University of California, Santa Barbara) as to how calcified
tissues resist fracture. Using a scanning probe spectroscopy
setup with the ability to measure the force-elongation curve of
single long chain molecules on the freshly fractured surface
of biomineralized tissues [108–110], these researchers found
that, when pulled, the organic molecules (which could be
collagen [108] or other non-collageneous proteins [109,110]
show an initial relatively sharp increase of force with pulling
length, followed by a long stretch with a characteristic series
of drops and subsequent rises in force, as if a series of bonds
internal to the molecule had yielded or broken. This typical
force-elongation curve had thus a relatively large area under
the curve, corresponding to high-energy dissipation in the
process of pulling the molecule, with minimal increase in
force. It was further found that the amount of energy dissipation increased with the presence of calcium ions in the sample
chamber where the pulling experiments were carried out.
They also carried out high resolution electron microscopy
measurements showing an amorphous, apparently organic,
coating of material on and between freshly fractured fibril
bundles and lamellae, Based on these observations, they proposed a model with non-collagenous proteins forming an
amorphous “glue” layer between the mineralized collagen
fibrils. The protein backbone of these molecules was proposed to be highly coiled and folded back on itself, with
connections between different parts of the backbone formed
by non-specific, weak “sacrificial” bonds. The molecular
level processes of irreversible deformation after bone yield
were believed to be mainly in these glue molecules. Under
stress, some “sacrificial” bonds inside these molecules would
break and the folded up molecule would elongate, but the protein backbone itself would remain essentially unstretched.
This mechanism enables a large increase in length (both of
the molecule and of the tissue) with minimal increase in force,
which means a highly energy absorbing or tough material.
To fully incorporate the idea of sacrificial bonds into what
is currently known about bone mechanics, however, some
apparently contradictory points must be reconciled. The main
point is that the idea of a glue between fibrils which breaks
and reforms bonds under external load would mean that even
after stretching bone past the yield point and subsequently
unloading, the stiffness of the bone would be the same (as the
fibrils remain undamaged while there are presumably plenty
of sacrificial bonds left unbroken in the glue layer). How-
Fig. 9. (a) Fibril (squares) and mineral (circles) strain response to applied
tissue strain using in-situ tensile testing with synchrotron diffraction. N = 21,
error bars are standard deviations. Initial response of fibril and mineral strain
is linear, but nonlinearity and plateau behaviour is observed beyond the yield
point. Line of equal strains given by dash-dotted line. Data from Gupta et
al. [105].
ever, this is not what is observed in bone, where after loading
beyond the yield point and subsequent unloading, there is
a clear reduction in stiffness observed (after correcting for
viscoelastic effects), attributed to “microdamage” or “microcracks” formed during the post yield deformation. Secondly,
as described below, it must be seen whether the fibrils themselves are indeed undamaged beyond yielding (as required by
the model) or not. Finally, on a related note, while this is not a
problem for the model as currently proposed, if the critical or
load-limiting step in bone fracture is not the yielding within
the non-collagenous glue layer but debonding between the
mineral and collagen [111,112], then non-collagenous proteins could indeed exist and have all the properties described
in the model, but their deformation would not be the critical
rate-limiting step in bone yielding and irreversible deformation.
Looking directly at the strain in the fibrils of bone as it
is stretched, synchrotron small angle X-ray scattering combined with microtensile testing, on bovine fibrolamellar bone
showed that the strain in the fibrils was always less than that
and typically about 0.5 of the tissue strain as measured with
video extensometry (Fig. 9, open squares) [104,106]. Beyond
the yield point, where the applied external stress results in
minimal additional stress (low hardening) taken up, the fibril strain εF was observed to reach a constant value. Based
on these two observations, Gupta et al. [104,106] proposed
a model of interfibrillar shearing, where the stiffer mineralized fibrils are loaded mainly in tension and the intervening
extrafibrillar matrix is in shear. Such a model is effectively
an ‘equal stress’ or Reuss model [113], where the large
interfacial contact area between the fibril and the extrafib-
H.S. Gupta, P. Zioupos / Medical Engineering & Physics 30 (2008) 1209–1226
rillar matrix results in an effective load transfer despite the
(presumably) weak and ductile nature of the extrafibrillar
matrix. These results were correlated to the previous independent findings of an organic, “glue” like material between
bone fibrils [104,106], revealed using high resolution scanning electron microscopy. Such an organic glue, containing
weak “sacrificial bonds” which may be opened under external
force, was proposed to play a crucial role in the mechanics of bone [108,109]. Interestingly, the fraction of strain
taken up by the fibrils increased as the (bulk) elastic modulus
increased [106], which could be explained by partial mineralization of the interfibrillar matrix, consistent with both
structural observations [104,106] and theoretical calculations
[104,106]. The constancy of the fibril strain beyond the yield
point was attributed to a stick-slip mechanism where the fibrils decouple from the intrafibrillar matrix beyond a critical
(yield) stress, at a strain of about 0.5% in the fibril [104,106].
The mineral crystallites are believed to have their c-axis
parallel to the fibril. By doing both diffraction (on the mineral
crystallographic lattice peaks) and small angle scattering (on
the collagen axial periodicity) during micromechanical testing on bovine fibrolamellar bone (Fig. 9, open squares and
closed circles), a hierarchical pattern of strain was seen in tension. 12 units of tissue strain translated to 5 units of strain on
the fibril εF , which in turn transmitted only 2 units of strain to
the mineral particles εM [104,106]. While such a hierarchical
staggered model [104,106], shown schematically in Fig. 10, is
a relatively simple and obvious design for a multi-scale composite, this construction enables the mismatch between the
mechanical properties of the mineral (110 GPa [27,104,106])
and collagen (1–2 GPa [104,106,114]) to work out for the
benefit of the whole material. The mineral is loaded in tension via shearing stresses transmitted through the much softer
collagen matrix. Bone mineral was also observed to be much
stronger than bulk apatite [104,106,115], reaching strains of
up to 0.3%, which is quite large for a ceramic. This size
effect is most probably because mineral platelets below a
critical size (of the order of 30 nm [116]) can reach their theoretical strength (E/10 ∼ 11 GPa for hydroxyapatite [113]),
Fig. 10. Tensile strain in bone is transferred in successively lower fractions
from the tissue to the nanoscale level on applied external load [105]. Shearing
in the intervening soft phase accommodates the remaining strain at each
level: in the interfibrillar matrix at the fibril level and in the collagen matrix
at the mineral platelet level.
unaffected by flaws. While the maximum stress observed by
Gupta et al. [105] = 0.3 × 110 GPa = 3.3 GPa was lower than
this value, it was also higher than the <1 GPa values expected
from bulk apatite [104,106]. On raising strain rates to physiological levels of ∼0.2 s−1 (as compared to the 10−4 s−1 values
used by Gupta et al. [104–106]) it is likely that the proportion
of tissue strain taken up by the fibrils will increase, since the
interfibrillar matrix is most likely highly viscous and would
increase its effective stiffness with increasing strain rate.
Applying the same technique to the less mineralized but
highly tough deer antler, as well as to demineralized fibrolamellar bone has revealed a more complex picture. Fibrils
in antler initially stretch in linear proportion to the external tissue strain, with the same factor of 0.5 as in bone
[117]. But following mechanical yielding fibrils do not stop
at a constant strain level of 0.5%, but there is increasing
Fig. 11. Two possible schemes for the post yield behaviour at the nanoscale level, which may be different across tissue types and degrees of mineralization. (1)
Fibrils continue to stretch, possibly heterogeneously, and decouple from the (extrafibrillar) mineral. (2) Mineralized fibrils decouple and slide past each other,
and maintain a constant level of fibril strain.
H.S. Gupta, P. Zioupos / Medical Engineering & Physics 30 (2008) 1209–1226
inter-fibrillar heterogeneity. Similar results are observed in
EDTA-demineralized bone where the onset of fibrillar heterogeneity occurs around fibril strains of 0.5–1.0%, although
inter-sample variation does exist [118]. Similar to antler, the
mean fibril strain continues to increase linearly. In contrast to
bone and antler, demineralized bone matrix also shows some
degree of fibrillar reorientation [118]—as expected for a more
ductile material. In the collagen of demineralized bone, there
is no transition from elastic to yielding behaviour, and two
regimes of low stiffness (low strain “heel” part of the stress
train curve) and a high modulus region (high strain linear
part of the stress strain curve) are observed, as seen in to
other collageneous tissues [119].
Bone and antler considered together show that, at the
nanoscale, events associated with a transition to inelasticity manifest themselves as a form of interfibrillar sliding and
decoupling. Depending on the degree of extra- and intrafibrillar mineralization, this could involve either (a) frictional
sliding between extrafibrillar mineral platelets and elongation in the less mineralized collagen fibrils, or (b) sliding of
mineralized collagen fibrils past each other (Fig. 11). Going
beyond the general description of post yield deformation
as due to some form of “damage” at the micron or submicron level [55,120–123], it is clear that at the molecular
level, such damage must correspond to the breakage of bonds
and restructuring of material under load. Understanding the
energetics of this bond breaking process was the focus of
two recent works [124,125], where the technique of thermal
activation analysis was used to characterize the energy and
volume characteristic of a basic unit irreversible deformation
at the molecular level. The method treats the bond breakage
as an Arrhenius-type rate process, in which the strain rate is
Fig. 13. (a) Two-dimensional view of the variation of yield stress σ Y with
temperature and applied strain rate, showing decrease of σ Y with increasing
temperature and decreasing strain rate. N = 63 samples are shown here. (b)
One-dimensional view of the same set of data, averaged over each (temperature, strain rate) pair. Data from Fig. 3 in Gupta et al. [124].
Fig. 12. Strain-rate sensitivity of the post yield behaviour of bone. Reducing
the stretching velocity from 10 to 0.5 m s−1 results in a ∼10 MPa drop in
stress [124]; inset shows that the linear hardening slopes at the different
strain rates (shown schematically by the dashed lines) are approximately the
proportional to exp(−H/kB T). Application of external stress
dramatically increases this rate, due to the work done by the
applied stress over the deformation volume. Such a process
can be thus characterized by two parameters. H, an activation
enthalpy and v, an activation volume. In this picture, the post
yield stress level in bone can be reduced by reducing the strain
rate, as seen in Fig. 12. By varying the testing conditions (temperature and strain rate) at which creep or tensile stretch to
failure experiments [124] are done, the two parameters can be
calculated to be H ∼ 1.1 eV and v ∼ 0.65 nm3 (Fig. 13), suggesting that the weakest link in irreversible bone deformation
is due to breakage of ionic bonds. This approach, while generally model free, does assume that strain rates as measured
macroscopically are homogeneous over the micron level in
the inelastic regime. Digital image correlation measurements
H.S. Gupta, P. Zioupos / Medical Engineering & Physics 30 (2008) 1209–1226
posed a molecular level model of creep in organic materials,
by considering the thermally assisted bond breaking of parallel arranged bonds. While the model is very general and
not specific to bone or any other material, what is intriguing to us is that by applying the model to the published data
of creep in (unmineralized) Wallaby tail tendons carried out
by Wang and Ker [130–132], Jäger obtained an activation
energy of 1.125 eV/atom, which is remarkably close to the
1.1 eV obtained by Gupta et al. [124] for (fully mineralized)
bone. This could mean that the irreversible deformation and
elongation is indeed occurring inside the collagen fibril, and
not between fibrils, as originally proposed [104,106].
5. Conclusions
Fig. 14. Schematic of ionic bond breaking in interfibrillar matrix of bone,
between negatively charged polyelectrolyte molecules like osteopontin and
divalent ions like calcium [124].
of spatial distribution of tissue strains at the micron level
[126] have shown that in bone, strong strain heterogeneities
do occur in inelastic loading of bone. However, the experimental parameters are expected not to change significantly,
due to their logarithmic dependence on strain rates [124].
Enhancement of strain rates by a factor of 3 in regions of
highly strained tissue would change the activation volume by
a factor of ln(3) = 1.1 only.
Combining the synchrotron and the thermal activation
analysis data, we suggest that beyond the yield point, mineralized collagen fibrils undergo some form of decohesion,
either between fibrils or even inside a single fibril, during
which ionic bonds are being broken (Fig. 14). Localized clusters of such breakage can grow and link up, as in conventional
fibre composite materials [113], forming clusters which can
be micron sized or larger and appear as ‘damage’ in confocal and light microscopy. Two candidates can be proposed
for where this irreversible bond breakage occurs: the bonds
between non-collagenous proteins and extrafibrillar mineral
between fibrils (interfibrillar breakage) [104,106,124], or the
bond between collagen and mineral within a fibril (mineralcollagen decohesion) [55].
Nonetheless, the fact that the fibril strain starts showing
increased heterogeneity at fibril strain levels of 0.5–1.0%
even in demineralized bone is intriguing, and suggests
that some structural property in the collagen matrix itself
[127,128] changes beyond the yield point in bone-although,
again, we note that the macroscopic stress-strain curve of
demineralized bone does not exhibit any discontinuity at this
strain level. In this context, we note that Jäger [129] pro-
To develop a clear picture of the structure/function relationships in bone, research follows two paths: (i) conventional
material characterization of its performance and (ii) structural
analysis of the mechanisms underlying bone fracture. For the
latter, we can identify two main current challenges, one at the
bone material level and one at the microstructural level. At
the material level, one critical limitation now appears to be
the difficulty in developing an accurate quantitative picture
of the chemical nature of the bone mineral (amorphous or
crystalline) and its distribution inside and around fibrils
(clarifying the nanostructure). With such a structural picture,
it would be possible to provide a clear model and interpretation of strain in different subphases of bone, and the onset
of post yield deformation, which are now directly amenable
to investigation using in situ X-ray methods [104–106].
As of now, the models developed for bone deformation at
the nanoscale must use (admittedly plausible) schemes of
interfibrillar and intrafibrillar mineral packing in the collagen
matrix obtained from complementary techniques like atomic
force microscopy and electron microscopy [109,133,134].
The second challenge is, assuming a full understanding of
bone ‘matrix’ properties, to develop computational schemes
for predicting failure in both trabecular and compact bone
at the microstructural and macrostructural level. The issue
here is a more general materials engineering problem of the
failure of partly regular cellular solids [135], and could be
addressed with analytical, finite element and experimental
methods. Experimentally, techniques like synchrotron
microCT [136] and high-speed photography can be very
useful [137], in showing the onset of microcracking, damage,
etc. [140]. Such applications make it obvious that because of
the spatial variations of bone properties, the mineral content
and architecture in the microscale, future analysis will be
increasingly using modern microanalytical techniques to
provide us with the answers we need.
P. Zioupos is grateful to various colleagues: R. Cook, K.
Winwood, V. Wise, J.D. Currey, U. Hansen, A.J. Sedman, and
H.S. Gupta, P. Zioupos / Medical Engineering & Physics 30 (2008) 1209–1226
also to J.-Y. Rho whose untimely death was a great loss. H.S.
Gupta would like to thank the Max Planck Society and the
German-Israeli Foundation (Project no. I-800-180.10\2003)
for support, and numerous coworkers, in particular: P. Fratzl,
W. Wagermaier, S. Krauß, J. Seto, K. Kanawka, M. Kerschnitzki, G. Benecke, U. Stachewicz, and P. Roschger.
Conflict of interest statement
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