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2003, Companion of the 18th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications - OOPSLA '03
2 pages
1 file
The Generative Model Transformer (GMT) project is an Open Source initiative to build a Model Driven Architecure TM tool that allows fully customisable Platform Independent Models, Platform Description Models, Texture Mappings, and Refinement Transformations. The project should result in (a) a tool that fulfils the MDA promise for faster/more accurate/better maintainable application development, (b) a tool for industrial use, and (c) MDA related research-which is encouraged and needed. A distinctive feature of GMT is the emphasis of model transformations as "first-class model citizens". The implementation of model transformations is envisaged to be in conformance with the future OMG modeling standard for Queries, Views, and Transformations (QVT).
Model Driven Architecture: …
Model Driven Architecture: …
The model-driven architecture approach (MDA) promotes software development as driven by a thorough modeling phase where application code is automatically generated from a platform specific UML model (PSM). The idea is that the PSM is itself derived from a platform independent UML model (PIM). Such code generation and model derivation are examples of model-to-model transformations. This paper presents the Visual Model Transformation (VMT) approach, which includes a transformation language and a tool to support UML model transformations. The transformation language is a visual declarative language that supports the specification, composition and reuse of model transformation rules. These rules make use of the OCL language and a visual notation to indicate the selection, creation, modification and removal of model elements. An abstract denotational semantics based on graph transformation is sketched for the VMT language. We also present the MEDAL tool, which is a prototype build on top of IBM/Rational XDE development environment, and is a first step towards tool support for the VMT approach.
Query/Views/Transformation (QVT) is the OMG standard language for specifying model transformations in the context of MDA. It is regarded as one of the most important standards since model transformations are proposed as major operations for manipulating models. In the first part of the paper we briefly summarize the typical transformation scenarios that developers encounter in software development and formulate key requirements for each scenario. This allows a comparison between the desirable and the formulated requirements for QVT. Such a comparison helps us to initially evaluate the adequacy of the QVT language.The second part of the paper focuses on the current state of the standard: the language architecture, specification, paradigm, and open issues. The three QVT sublanguages Operational Mappings, Relations, and Core are briefly described. Special attention is given to the currently available and expected tool support.
Proc. of the WiSME 2003 …, 2003
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2015
Transformations are key artifacts in the MDD (Model Driven Development) approach: a software development project can be defined through a transformation chain converting source models into target models until code, enabling development process automation. Transformations can be complex and demand software processes, languages and techniques to improve their development in order to increase reuse, portability, correctness, and so on. In this context we propose a framework to develop model transformations using MDD. This paper presents a Model Transformation Profile (MTP) defined as the domain specific language of the framework.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Model-Driven Enterprise Information Systems, 2006
Model Transformations constitute a key component in the evolution of Model Driven Software Development (MDSD). MDSD tools base their full potential on transformation specifications between models. Several languages and tools are already in production, and OMG's MDA is currently undergoing a standardization process of these specifications. In this paper, we present Atomic Transformation Code (ATC), an imperative low-level model transformation language which decouples user transformation languages from the underlying transformation engine. Therefore work invested on this engine is protected against variations on the high-level transformation languages supported. This approach can ease the adoption of QVT and other language initiatives. Also it provides MDA modeling tools with a valuable benefit by supporting the seamless integration of a variety of transformation languages simultaneously.
Frontiers in computer science, 2024
Model Driven Engineering (MDE) adoption in the industry suffers from many technical and non-technical problems. One of the significant technical problems lies in the difficulty of building complex transformations from the composition of small and reusable transformations. Another problem resides in developing transformations from scratch in case they are missing. In this paper, we present an approach to how to handle these issues. The approach allows composing reusable transformations to build more complex ones by providing a catalog of prebuilt transformations targeting common architectures, frameworks, and design patterns. To give guidance and simplify the task of developing new transformations, we describe a platform description model of an entire system or a part of it in two views: a UML profile and a set of transformations. We also present three transformation types, each of which handles different abstraction design concerns. Generic transformations are small and reusable to build complex transformations, system-independent transformations are reusable and implement high-level design decisions, and system-specific transformations are not reusable and implement all design decisions needed for a given system. The approach is implemented as a plugin for a UML modeling tool and validated by developing a system that simulates the behavior of a gas station through model transformations built from the composition of reusable transformations.
International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM), 2023
The objective of this study is to provide a guide to qualitative research methodology in social sciences. It is the result of the observation that research in Management Sciences in most Universities in Cameroon is still dominated by the quantitative approach supported by economists who handle most research methodology courses. In an environment of oral tradition and the difficulties to have access to data, emphasising purely quantitative research may leave aside many aspects of the environment and several areas of human behaviour that make its specificities. Therefore, there is a need to generalise the use of qualitative research to enable researchers to always have a good insight into phenomena not yet clarified before thinking of any generalisation which is the main objective of quantitative research: this gives room to the contextualisation of research which results can easily be applied in its context, thus, enhancing development.
Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte Bd. 24, 2003
Szamborovszkyné Nagy Ibolya, 2024
Heren van Holland. Het bezit van Hollandse heerlijkheden onder adel en patriciaat (1500-1795), 2016
Journal of Documentation, 2012
Art Monthly, 2021
Dante e la lingua italiana, a cura di M. Tavoni («Letture classensi», 41), Longo editore, 2013
Portuguese Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 2015
). Safety, Danger, and Protection in the Family and Community , 2023
Medicinal Plants [Working Title]
Fronteiras da Ciência: desenvolvimentos recentes, desafios futuros, 2003
Library Management, 2020
International Journal of Frontiers in Life Science Research
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2017
Jurnal Adz-Dzahab: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, 2020
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, 2019
Engineering Proceedings, 2021
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2018