Visitor studies
2024, VoL. 27, No. 2, 160–183
Designing for Embodied Proximity
Minna O. Nygren#, Rhiannon Thomas Jha# and Sara Price
university College London, London, uK
This paper draws on notions of embodied learning to inform exhibit
design that fosters children’s meaningful embodied engagement to
successfully unveil science ideas. While children’s interaction in the
museum is often hands-on and speaks to the physical emphasis that
embodiment brings, observation of children’s spontaneous engagement at a museum’s Water Zone revealed opportunities and barriers
to engagement with, and access to, science ideas in terms of what
we call ‘embodied proximity’ and ‘embodied dislocation’. Drawing on
design considerations from these findings a set of purpose-built prototype exhibits were developed and deployed to examine how they
supported children’s embodied exploration of science. The findings
highlight key design dimensions that support children’s accessing and
making meaning about science through fostering embodied proximity: considering palette of embodied features; applying direct multisensorial experience; developing temporal-positional contiguity; and
designing opportunities for communicating experiences through the
Received 26 October 2023
Revised 18 March 2024
Accepted 29 August 2024
Children; design;
embodied learning;
museum; science learning
Science for young children is often presented through hands-on interactive experiences
in science museums. However, relatively little is known about how seemingly subtle
embodied experiences, can shape children’s science exploration and understanding.
Recent approaches from embodied learning highlight the nuances of multisensory
experiences in supporting learning (Thomas Jha et al., 2020; Macedonia, 2019) and
point to the need to better understand the role that subtle and routine, sensorimotor
experiences play in shaping the ways in which children perceive, develop, and ‘own’
details about science. Embodied learning theory (e.g., Lindgren & Johnson–Glenberg,
2013; Abrahamson and Lindgren, 2014; Mathayas et al., 2019; Nathan, 2022) foregrounds children’s meaning making as a process which is shaped by their interaction
experiences, sensing bodies, and actions, a process which the LEAF framework extends
to encompass social engagement in embodied interaction (Danish et al., 2020). In
turn, designed environments, such as science exhibits, can provide opportunities for
young children to engage in meaningful exploratory sensory experiences of science.
While children’s interaction in the museum is often hands-on—and therefore speaks
CONTACT sara Price
[email protected]
23-29 emerald street, WC1N 3Qs, London, uK.
Joint first authors – contributed equally to this work.
© 2024 the Author(s). Published with license by taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
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to the physical rather than verbal emphasis that embodiment brings (De Carvalho,
2019) - exhibit design may not effectively exploit meaningful ‘embodied’ engagement
to successfully communicate science ideas. While the visual plays an important role
in interaction, we argue for a closer examination of the “shifting sensory experiences”
of hands-on exploration, and their relationship to making science processes transparent,
to better understand the nuances of physical interactions that foster children’s effective
sense-making around science through the body. A key question is: How can we design
to foster meaningful physical interactions in relation to the science idea? How can we
foreground this embodied experience for children in museum exhibit design?
This paper reports two studies that aim to address this. First, we observed children’s
spontaneous tangible and action experiences at the Water Zone to identify how these
experiences shape meaning making—noting design opportunities and barriers to engaging with science ideas, and the implications of this for embodied engagement. From
this we identified design considerations to foster embodied access to science ideas.
These informed development of prototype exhibits that aimed to promote meaningful,
congruent action and sensory forms of interaction in relation to the science idea. We
then examined how these exhibits supported children’s embodied exploration of science
by attending to how subtle shifts in sensorial accessibility—in terms of embodied
proximity and embodied dislocation to science ideas - shaped children’s attention to,
engagement with and interpretation of science. We conclude with exhibit design recommendations that consider embodied proximity to sensory engagement with science
ideas to foster more meaningful physical interactions.
Embodied learning
The field of embodied learning suggests that the way we engage with the world shapes
the way we think (e.g., Barsalou, 2008; Abrahamson and Bakker, 2016). This has relevance for museums, where action is central to interactive elements of exhibits designed
for young children. Embodied learning moves beyond a high-level notion of hands-on
learning to take account of the wider sensory experience in coming to know, to include
a focus on manipulation, action on objects, sensing (tactile) objects and their properties, haptic interaction (with e.g., resistance of pumps), and how these are linked to
science processes in salient ways (Macedonia, 2019).
According to embodied learning, the activation of multiple sensorimotor systems
creates more stable memory traces and knowledge representations (Johnson-Glenberg
et al., 2011), and children particularly benefit when actions they engage in are semantically linked to a science idea (Lindgren et al., 2016). Recent research reveals how
specific sequences of actions with objects and during social interaction, the action-upon-action exchanges, can foreground meaningful sensorimotor experiences where science is
more directly accessed (e.g., Thomas Jha et al., 2020; Nygren et al., 2023). For example,
the design of an exhibit, together with social interaction around that exhibit, can provide
children with more opportunity to notice, observe and explore the sensorial qualities
that the materiality of the exhibit affords (Danish et al., 2020). An adult may also be
able to highlight those aspects of the exhibit to a child, thus affording moments of
embodied scaffolding to unfold different aspects of science (Price et al., 2020in press;
Nygren, Price & Thomas Jha, 2023). Leder (1990) refers to: “the ‘absent body’, where
bodies and related motor abilities disappear from conscious awareness, residing in the
‘background’ of experience. Ignored and silenced, we seclude our bodies into our ‘academic (rational) minds’”. This paper speaks to this by exploring in detail how children
go about meaning making in science museums, foregrounding this embodied experience,
and identifying which aspects of exhibits might be successful at enabling children’s
direct and multisensory engagement with science ideas.
Designing for science learning in the museum
Interactive galleries and exhibits are an essential part of museums aiming to attract
children and families. These exhibits aim to communicate a science idea and may take
many forms, open-ended/task focused, digital/physical/hybrid, small or large scale.
Baker-Ward et al., (1990) found that children’s memory for events was enhanced when
they performed the action themselves and the actions were goal-directed and familiar,
and to some extent when they observed a familiar individual perform an action. Falk
and Dierking (2000) highlight the social in supporting learning, through a framework
which depicts museum learning occurring through an interrelationship between personal social and physical contexts. Exhibit design typically aims to achieve this through
providing opportunities for children and families to engage with ideas through their
own actions. The concept of friction may be experienced through slides with different
surface materials (e.g., Klaar and Öhman, 2012), or the notion of gravity experienced
through a marble run (e.g., Solis et al., 2017). Each experience gives visitors an opportunity to playfully interact with their family and friends within exhibitions (Solis et al.,
2017), often designed to afford multisensorial exploration of science ideas (e.g., Allen,
2004; Levent and Pascual-Leone, 2014; Andre et al., 2017). While Allen (2004) explores
the challenges of effective interactive design there remain barriers to children’s interactions successfully communicating science ideas through an exhibit. This paper
addresses this by taking an embodied learning lens to analyze the shifts in subtle,
routine, sensorimotor experiences and how these shape children’s interaction and
communication around science.
Study 1: Spontaneous experiences at the Water Zone
This study explored young children’s spontaneous action experiences in the Water
Zone in a museum gallery, to identify how these experiences shape meaning making—noting the design opportunities and barriers in embodied engagement with science
ideas. We attended to the perceptual and sensorimotor resources which the exhibit
invited, how these were taken up by the children and their role in supporting children’s
development of science ideas.
The Water Zone
The Water Zone forms part of an interactive early years’ science gallery, designed for
children aged 3-6 years to ‘discover science through play’. The exhibit comprises a set
of interconnected sections that enable different experiences with water including, a
deep trough to elicit and observe air bubbles rising, a flow of water from higher to
lower that can float plastic boats, gates to block/limit water flow, water wheels
and pumps.
Figure 1. showing different sections of the Water Zone.
Research design
Families visiting the museum with a child aged between three and six years were
invited to participate. Ethical approval was obtained from UCL ethics committee REC
957. Families were informed that we were interested in how the Water Zone supported
family interaction around science. Adults were given an information sheet and consent
form, and the researcher used an age-appropriate information sheet to talk through
the process with the children and gain their assent to take part. Families were encouraged to interact ‘as naturally as possible’. When they moved away from the exhibit,
the child (accompanied by their carer) took part in a researcher led semi-structured
interview about their interactions. Interactions and interviews were video recorded,
although a busy museum floor posed challenges around audio recording of close
interactions between child and adult, video recording to minimize inclusion of
non-recruited families, and the mobile nature of children’s interaction. Video data from
the 16 recruited children (families) comprised interactions with the water exhibit
(ranging from 5 to 38 min) followed by a semi-structured interview. Multimodal transcripts (e.g., Jewitt et al., 2016) were produced for each child’s interaction, focusing
on how they used their bodies through action, body positioning, movement, tactile
exploration, and visual observation to explore science ideas with objects available at
the Water Zone. Transcripts for each interview focused on verbal utterances, bodily
movement, and gestural forms of communication, e.g., making shapes with their hands,
or demonstrating changing speed and direction of movement to convey what they had
experienced. Previous work shows how this approach reveals details of children’s
conceptions of their experiences with science (e.g., Thomas et al., 2021). Analysis of
this data highlighted specific sensorimotor experiences that were salient to children
during their interaction, and issues/barriers that arose in the communication of science
ideas (names are pseudonymised for reporting).
Findings: Study 1
Objects in this exhibition afforded several ways of exploring dimensions of water’s
dynamic properties through interaction. Children’s multisensory experiences foregrounded touch and tactile sense experiences, and non-tactile experiences (especially
visual). The data presented here demonstrates how different actions that can be performed with an interactive exhibit afford different multimodal orchestrations of embodied engagement in relation to science ideas, in terms of embodied proximity and
embodied dislocation. The post-interaction interview data suggests that children who
spent time interacting with exhibits affording more embodied proximity to a science
idea used richer more detailed descriptions of their experience (bodily and verbally).
We present three examples from the data to illustrate different forms of embodied
proximity and dislocation, and children’s related communication post-interaction.
Example 1. Accessing water through tactile interaction
This example demonstrates how subtle shifts in tactile exploration of water underpin
a detailed gestural description about aspects of water flow and how water and objects
interact from a science perspective (child’s idea). This speaks to embodied proximity
with science in the sense that water dynamics are directly felt through the hand.
Meg explored water flow by placing her palm flat on the base of the water trough,
holding her palm still, gazing at her hand whilst the water flowed around it. Slowly
and with tiny movements of the fingers, she changed the shape of her hand (Figure 2.1).
She then rotated a blue dam - attached to the side of the trough with hinges—to stop
the water flow (Figure 2.2). As the water level began to rise, she placed her palm at
the bottom of the trough again (Figure 2.3). She gazed at her hand, then picked up
a yellow boat from the end of the Water Zone, placed it on the water, and watched
it float down (Figure 2.4).
During the researcher-led interview, Meg reenacted dimensions of her experience
with water and the objects. Using detailed hand gestures, she demonstrated how the
boats stayed on top of the water, how the boats floated down the water stream (here,
gesture depicting the boats’ movement on the water that was flowing down), and how
the water pushed the boats downstream (Figure 3). The details of these reenactments
suggest that the Meg’s sensorial—in this instance, tactile - experience with the water
and the objects foregrounded details of flow of water, objects staying on water, and
water moving objects.
Meg appears to use her tactile sense as a reflective experience to explore changes
in the environment, to see how they change her tactile perception. During her interaction experience she also slowly changed the shape of her hand in the water, enabling
a changing sensation of the water flow; and altered other elements, such as opening
and closing the dam. This direct access to sensory experience is a form of embodied
proximity to science ideas.
Figure 2. Meg’s interaction with the Water Zone.
Example 2. “It makes bubbles”; indirect effect
In contrast, some exhibits, such as the bubble maker at the Water Zone, afforded less
opportunity to experience the science process of bubble formation directly through
the body. The bubble making machine was triggered by a large yellow button on the
outside of a water tank attached to a hollow tube (Figure 4). When the button was
Figure 3. Meg’s gestures (1) how the boats stay above water; (2) the way the boat floated down the
waterway; (3) how the water ‘pushed’ the boat downstream.
Figure 4. interaction between Lucy and her father at the Water Zone.
pushed in, bubbles formed at the bottom of the water tank, then floated up to the
surface. While this is sensorial in the sense that action is required to press a button,
the resulting unfolding of the science process is, in effect, ‘dislocated’, both physically
(the button pressing action is not sensorially related to bubble making or bubble
movement behavior in water) and temporally (the bubbles take time to form enough
to have an observable effect).
Lucy and her father are at the top end of the Water Zone. Lucy’s father points to
the inside of the water tank, bringing Lucy’s attention to the large yellow button on
the outside of the tank (Figure 4.1). When Lucy asks what it is, her father suggests
she presses the button. When Lucy presses the button bubbles rise from the bottom
of the tank and float to the surface (Figure 4.2). She continues to press the button to
make more bubbles and watches them.
In the interview, Lucy showed how she pressed the button, and how the air came
out (Figure 5).
Lucy’s communication conveys the process at a relatively superficial level; it focuses
on button pressing and the direction of air moving up through the water (Figure 5).
While this was an engaging activity, there was less opportunity to build sensorimotor
knowledge about how the bubbles were formed, and their movement in water from
the action used in the experience. The sensory experience was limited to button
pressing, affording little access to sensorial experiencing and knowledge of bubble
behavior. While the cause-and-effect is transparent (in terms of ‘push button, bubbles
appear’), there is less transparency around how they are formed, where they come
from or their relationship to water. We argue that this raises the potential for ‘embodied
dislocation’. It raises questions about physical (and digital) buttons that do not map
directly to experiencing science. Research within (digital) tangible interaction demonstrates the importance of coherent mappings between schematic action and system
response (Price, 2013; Macaranas et al., 2012). Although the bubble exhibit provides
a hands-on experience, the action does not necessarily help understand the science
idea; the science idea is not embodied in the action.
Figure 5. Lucy reenacts pressing the button using both hands (1), then with her right hand moving
up she demonstrates how the bubbles moved upwards (2).
Example 3. Opacity of objects
In this example, interaction with an exhibit is more complex in terms of embodied
engagement; it illustrates both embodied proximity and embodied dislocation. Lucy
rotates a yellow circular plate that acts as a pump situated at the side of the Water
Zone. This is a more sustained action experience (turning a wheel of a pump)
where faster exertion generates more water. While Lucy is engaged in rotating the
plate, her father (standing behind her) points to where the water is coming out
(Figure 6.1).
Lucy moves away to interact with other parts of the exhibit for nearly five minutes.
She then runs back to the plate-pump and rotates the plate again, this time with great
Figure 6. interaction between father and Lucy at the Water Zone.
speed and force, shouting “This is magic!” (Figure 6.2). Her energetic interaction with
the pump, accompanied by the excited exclamation suggests that Lucy was enjoying
her experience, yet at the same time, her experience has a dimension of mystery—the
underlying mechanism of the pump is hidden - not seen or accessed through her
action, i.e., how turning the yellow wheel moves the water so that it exits from the
tube. This illustrates both embodied proximity and embodied dislocation. Embodied
proximity is present through the tactile and action engagement, where the force one
puts into rotating the wheel is proportional to the water running out through the
pipe. Embodied dislocation is present given the inability to experience the process of
water entering the pump from rotating the wheel and pouring out in another location.
The father’s part in this interaction, highlights the role of adult-child interactions in
(partially) unveiling the science processes.
Interview. In the interview following Lucy’s interaction, the researcher asked about her
exploration with the pump. Lucy responded by reenacting an action of rotating the
handle of the pump (Figure 7).
However, she does not elaborate further, verbally or through gesture, about
how the water came out or the relationship between her action and the water
flow. This may be attributed both to the ‘inner workings’ of the exhibit being
obscured (the yellow wheel-plate that is rotated and the metallic part that is
attached to the pump do not show how the rotation is connected to the water
being picked up) and the physical distance between location of action and location of water exit.
Figure 7. Lucy reenacts the rotating motion of how she engaged with the plate-pump through
Design considerations for embodied proximity
The above findings raise questions around embodied proximity and embodied dislocation - or the specific sensory experiences in relation to science ideas and point to
design considerations for science exhibits for young children from an embodiment
perspective. Experiences where embodied proximity was evident led to children’s
communication that involved greater level of detail in relation to the science idea.
This raises a question around how exhibit designs that incorporate a notion of embodied proximity might shape children’s later communication around related science ideas.
Based on these findings, we devised three high-level design considerations for science
exhibits to foster embodied proximity through increasing cause-and-effect transparency:
1) identifying sensorimotor interactive features of an exhibit linked to science ideas;
2) fostering direct sensory interaction that exposes aspects of science ideas; 3) developing temporal-positional contiguity related to action with an exhibit, i.e., how closely
positioning and time are linked to a science idea.
In a science exhibit that involves action-input from the visitor, making the action’s
effect immediately available can help the child experience the process that their action
has started. This can be done through incorporating transparency into design of
opaque objects to support access to underlying mechanisms. This may be visual, but
we propose the value in also providing other sensorial access including feeling or
dynamic touch that relates to the science process. For example, rather than pressing
a button to create air bubbles, some form of ‘blowing’ (e.g., bellows) could create the
bubbles, and together with the opportunity to feel how the air goes through the water,
could support the visitor’s awareness and understanding. In so doing, the design
encourages ‘embodied proximity’ that affords direct sensory experience of science
ideas, and where action and effect are co-located or clearly linked.
Study 2: Exhibit designs from an embodied proximity perspective
Study design
Three water exhibit prototypes were developed utilizing the design considerations outlined
above to explore ways in which embodied proximity might encourage exploration and
communication of science ideas (Table 1, 2 and 3). Through focusing on specific attributes
of the objects, design choices were made to address gaps in designing for embodied proximity through attention to; sensorimotor features, direct and sensorial experience, developing
temporal-positional contiguity. The tables below detail how these elements aimed to foster
embodied sensorimotor experiences to effectively support access to science ideas.
Materials: designed objects
Archimedes Screw was an off-the-shelf recycle screw pump from Connex Amazing Toys
Ltd (Figure 8). Turning a small handle clockwise at the base of the object causes water
from the blue basin to move upwards through the transparent plastic tube to the top,
Table 1. design considerations for ‘Archimedes screw’ for supporting children’s embodied proximity
to science ideas.
Archimedes’ screw
sensorimotor interactive features
direct sensory experience
temporal-positional contiguity
turning handle at the base of the
direct link between action and
Action has immediate and proximal effect
tube enables manual instigation
water moving up/ down the
on water movement that can be
of water movement (tactile/
tube. Mapping action to effect:
continually perceived through vision.
turning the handle in one
direct connection between rotating the
transparent tube through which
direction causes water to move
handle, and water ‘traveling’ up the
water flows (vision).
up the tube. turning the
tube until it reaches the top and falls
Food dye draws attention to
handle in the other direction
into the tray.
position of water in tube (vision).
causes water to go down the
tube (or nothing to happen if
tube is empty)
Table 2. design considerations for water wheels for supporting children’s embodied proximity to
science ideas.
Water wheels
sensorimotor interactive features
direct sensory experience
temporal-positional contiguity
Holding a cup with a hole at its base in
Action-effect foregrounds
Pouring water onto the blades makes
the air (action) enables control of
visual (and possibly aural)
the wheels spin directly.
water flow rate, observation of water
experience of water
Action has immediate and proximal
falling out in a stream and moving the
spinning the wheel. tactile
effect on water wheel movement, or
wheel’s blades in a continuous fashion
interaction plays an
not – if the water flow does not hit
until water is finished (vision/aural).
important role in
the blades correctly.
emptying a cup of water onto the wheel
‘launching’ the cause-effect Continuous pouring afforded by the cup
(action) enables motor sensation and
with a hole enables perceiving of
observation of water hitting the
water flowing onto the blades at a
wheel’s blades making it spin (vision).
consistent rate over time.
observing the different speeds of the two
wheels which have differently sized
blades (vision).
Table 3. design considerations for water tub for supporting children’s embodied proximity to science
Water tub
sensorimotor interactive features
direct sensory experience
temporal/positional contiguity
Fill tub with water (action), observe direct link in pressing and removing Action has immediate and proximal
beads floating and water flowing
one’s finger from holes on the side
effect on water trajectory and
from holes (vision).
of the tub to make, and
water flow, this can be explored
observe beads stopping water flow
experience, through one’s own
on an ongoing basis.
when they arrive at a hole on the
action, changes to water flow.
Notice volume of water and flow rate
side of the tub, blocking the flow Feel water flowing out of holes
changes as it drains; Volume
(tactile) and feel/observe differing
empties slowly giving opportunity
stop water flow by pressing on a
trajectories of water depending on
to notice changes over time.
hole on the side of the tub with
position of the hole (top, middle,
one’s fingertip (vision/tactile).
lower), amount of water above the
hole, how many holes are open
Figure 8. recycle screw pump (Connex Amazing toys Ltd).
from where it falls back into the basin. The water was colored using food dye to make
the water’s movement more visible.
Water wheels. Two water wheels (Figure 9) each comprised stainless-steel flat bases (that
could rest steadily at the bottom of the water table), with two vertical 20 cm beams
holding a rotating wheel at the top, made up of several transparent spoons. The water
wheels were identical apart from the size of the blades; one made with teaspoons, the
other with tablespoons. Transparent cups were used to pour and create a flow of water;
one cup had a hole at the base (filling it with water and holding it up resulted in a
slow steady flow of water), another cup had no hole (filling it with water and pouring
from the top released more volume of water more quickly). The rotation speed of the
wheel changed depending on how much water was poured and the rate at which it was
Water tub: was made from a plastic storage jar with four holes vertically spaced up
one side of the jar (Figure 10). When the jar was filled with water, water flow trajectories differed from each of the holes. As the water level dropped the flow ceased first
from the highest hole, and so on. Colored plastic beads floated on the surface of the
water indicating the water level.
While the Archimedes screw was stand alone, the water wheels and water tub were
designed to be used within a large translucent rectangular water tub (112 cm x 62 cm)
filled with fifty liters of water.
Figure 9. Water wheels, with teaspoons, tablespoons, and in the water table.
Figure 10. Water tub, and water flowing from holes in the tub.
Nineteen families, with at least one child between 3 and 6 years old, were recruited on
a voluntary basis to interact with the purposely designed objects in a water table. To
overcome challenges around ethics and video recording experienced in study 1, this
study took place in a room adjoining the Water Zone, creating a similar environment
to the museum floor. Families were informed that the study aimed to explore how these
objects supported family and child interaction to inform future exhibit design. They
were encouraged to interact together as naturally as possible, while the researchers provided practical support where necessary. In twelve families the adult was the primary
interactant with the child. In the remaining seven, children were left to explore on their
own (which is not atypical of the in-gallery interaction space) and the researcher took
a more active approach in supporting children’s exploration, where necessary. In these
instances, interactions were always child-led. The researcher supported children to interact
with the exhibit, and to talk about what they were doing and seeing. Researchers did
not offer up any explanations and did not pass judgment about any suggestions that
children made. Interactions with the objects ranged from (10-23 min, average of 16),
and interviews from (3-15 min, average of 7.6). Interview questions prompted children
to talk about their experience of interacting with each object, to describe what they did
and how water moved in relation to that object. All interactions and interviews were
video recorded, the camera being placed to the side to be as unobtrusive as possible,
but to record children’s whole body in the frame. Ethical process was the same as for
study 1, and all names are pseudonymised for reporting.
The analysis began with two researchers watching each video once, making general
notes about young children interacting with science-themed objects. On the second
viewing, they looked at how children used action to explore science ideas with the
objects. On the third viewing they marked down instances where children drew on
their experiences at the water table in the post-interaction interviews through verbal
description and re-enaction through their bodies. In so doing, the analysis revealed
how the design of the objects shaped children’s descriptions of their experiences with
science ideas, and what these details could tell us about the relationship between the
design of the objects and the child’s access and experience with science from a sensorimotor interaction perspective.
All participating children interacted with the three objects, accessing science ideas
through their actions. During the post-interaction interview, children reflected on their
experience communicating with the researcher. While there were differences in the
modality (verbal and/or gestural) and quality of expression (detailed verbal descriptions
vs monosyllabic responses, detailed gestural representations vs nondescript gestures),
perhaps due to shyness or age, the analysis nevertheless revealed details of how children’s experience with science-themed objects supported their science thinking. Here,
we present two examples with each of the objects that speak to the design perspectives
adopted in the object prototypes. Illustrative examples are taken from post-interaction
interviews, since these demonstrate the details of how children experienced and perceived the dimensions of science they had accessed during their interaction. The
findings speak to the notion of embodied proximity and dislocation, in terms of what
kinds of interaction and engagement the objects afforded, and the level of detail and
depth children could interact, and later communicate, about their science idea.
Archimedes screw
Through interaction with the Archimedes screw children were able to make connections between their action and the mechanism of the Archimedes screw. Here we
illustrate this with Anna and Elsa, and Ezra and Jude.
Anna and Elsa. In her post interaction interview Anna talked about her interaction
with the Archimedes screw and demonstrated her experience through gesture. In
response to the researcher’s question “How did it [the water] come out?”, she verbally
explained whilst also gesturing using an upward spiral motion with her hand and finger
to demonstrate both her own action with the object and the result this had on the
motion of the water (Figures 11(1) and 11(2)).
Figure 11. (1) Anna: Well, it came out from this (gesturing a spinning motion); (2) because of the
power of how i spin it (makes a large round circular spinning motion in the air with her index
Figure 12. (1) Jude: it, uhm (gestures a spinning motion in air); (2) when you turn that bit around…
(makes a very small spinning motion in air); (3) pipe (spinning motion). it wiggles (gestures a spinning motion as above.).
Through gesture, Anna elaborates her verbal expression about her experience with
the Screw, to demonstrate how the water moved through the ‘screw’, by referring to
her own rotating action as the initiator of the process. She made a link between her
action and its effect on the Screw. We argue that the embodied features, direct multisensorial experience, and temporal-positional contiguity, related to action supported
such linking.
Ezra and Jude also described how the water moved up the pipe, then flowed back
into the same system, and using a series of gestures, they depicted this (Figures 12
and 13):
Ezra used gesture to add more detail about the motion of the water inside the tube
(Figure 14):
Through his description Ezra demonstrated an understanding of the mechanisms
of the screw. His gestures demonstrate the making of links between his own actions,
the shape of the spiraling tube and the direction of the water moving. He gave a
detailed and systematic description of how, with each rotating hand motion, more
Figure 13. [r1 Why did the water go up?] (1) Jude: Because it went forwards (moves pointing finger
toward his left in small increments); (2) this way… (pointing gesture toward his left); (3) not that
way (pointing gesture toward his right).
Figure 14. (1) ezra: “part of it uhm, was going up; (2) then when it went up to the top; (3) and then
back down again; (4) and then back up. Like it’s ever lasting”.
water entered the tube and moved existing water higher up. While his verbal reflection
on his interaction experience was broad, his gestures illustrated the degree of detail
he had observed.
These examples suggest that the design supported a direct linking between action
and effect. This link was enabled both through the transparency of the object itself
(the water moving through the screw is visible) and through the repetition of a specific
action (rotating) that linked directly to the movement of water, observable close-up
over time. We suggest this is a form of embodied proximity, which enabled the children to make explicit links between their own actions and how they effected the
system and in so doing supported developing understanding of the mechanism of the
Archimedes screw.
Water tub
With the water tub children identified differences in water flow in terms of speed,
direction, and relative trajectories. They also made connections between the position
of the hole relative to the level of the water and the water flow. In the post interaction
interview around the water tub, Anna used gesture to depict how the water flowed
Figure 15. (1) one was going far away down (draws a point with her finger, in the air, far away
from her body); (2) one was just going down (brings two index fingers down close to her own
body); (3) one was straight (moves both palms outwards at fast speed away from her body at chest
from the holes in the tub with different trajectories. She described these as “far away
down”, “a bit down” and “straight” (Figure 15):
Anna’s gestural expression simulates the speed, direction, and trajectory of different
water flows from the holes in the tub. The simple comparative design enabled Anna
to explore the different water trajectories, both through feeling (tactile sense) as well
as seeing the water flow. In this way, the object fostered a form of embodied proximity.
Similarly, Ezra used gesture to depict the differences in trajectories of water, but
also suggested that the height of the hole and “gravity” influence the trajectory of flow
(Figure 16).
During interaction, Ezra and Jude also discovered that the small plastic beads could
block the holes when being held in position by the water pressure inside the tub. They
continued exploring this phenomenon by carefully positioning the beads alongside the
holes, both inside and outside the tub. In the interview they talked about the holes
“sucking things in”, or if placed on the outside they “just fell off ”. Ezra’s gesture communicated how the bead was “sucked” onto the inside of the tub, but pushed off the outside:
Ezra represents the wall of the tub with his left hand and his right hand represents
the water flow. Here he positions his right hand on the other side of the tub to show
that as the water flows through the holes of the tub there is no longer a surface for
the balls to be trapped against, so they “push off ” (Figure 17). Through his explanation
Ezra demonstrated his developing understanding of how water pressure and flow was
needed to hold the ball in place. His gestural expression was linked to his interaction
experience, supporting and extending his communication.
These findings suggest that children observed and explored the different water
trajectories at different hole heights and water flow dynamics through tactility and
vision. Children engaged in direct multisensory experiencing with science ideas through
blocking and releasing holes with their fingers, observing how their actions caused
Figure 16. “some of them were steep” (gesturing “steep” upwards); (2) “and some of them were like
that” (gestures horizontally) “and then going down” (gesturing downwards motion).
Figure 17. (1) if you did it like that (uses his left hand to represent the wall of the tub and his right
hand to represent the water “pushing” on that surface) it would stay there … because they’re [the
beads] small (3) but if you did it like this because the leaks are there, it might push off.
the water flow to begin or stop. The design afforded comparison between differences
in water flow which was accessible to children as they spent time exploring these
differences. In this way, the object afforded embodied proximity, enabling access to
science ideas through sensorimotor interaction.
Water wheel
Children were able to make connections between the position and rate of the water
onto the wheel, the continuity of flow and the speed of spinning of the wheels. The
particular actions of children’s hands over the wheel helped to draw attention to the
position and volume of water flow and the spinning motion of the wheels (Figure 18):
Here Ezra makes a link between the kind of water flow—short, large volume versus
continuous targeted water flow onto the wheel—and the spin speed of the wheel.
Similarly, Sam demonstrated how the water wheel moved when they allowed water to
flow from the cup onto the wheel (Figure 19).
Some children made links between the size of the blades and the speed of rotation.
However, whilst children considered that this variable was important, it was not always
evident to them that the wheel with the larger spoons span faster. Some children
thought the wheel with the smaller spoons span faster because they were “lighter”,
Figure 18. (1) “when i filled it up and then poured it on, it went like that” (pouring action); (2)
(reenacts a slow spin of the wheel); (3) “but when i just did it with the hole” (forms one hand as if
grasping cup and gestures to where the hole in the cup would be); (4) “it went like that” (reenacts
a fast spin of the wheel).
Figure 19. (1) it (the water) moved like quick, gesturing with finger in a circular movement; (2)
cause when we got the water in the cup, reenacts filling the cup and holding it up high; (3) the
water came out and it hit the spoons and it went round and round like quick, gesturing with finger
in a very fast circular movement.
others thought the wheel with the bigger spoons span slower because it was “heavier”.
The spin speed was relatively similar and fast at its peak, which made differences hard
to observe, and may have been further complicated by the amount and rate of poured
water, and typically observing the wheels sequentially, thus having to make comparisons
across time. For this object, effects of action were primarily visual, rather than direct
multisensorial access; the children could not feel the wheel spinning through the tactile
sense as the interaction unfolded. This object was perhaps less successful in supporting
children’s embodied proximity to science.
While hands-on exhibits for children are mainstream in museums, our research points
to the importance of attending to a sensory ‘closeness’ with a science phenomenon
in terms of ‘embodied proximity’ or ‘embodied dislocation’. This notion frames a
design process that places value on supporting sensorial bodily engagement, in line
with theories of embodied learning. The notions of what senses and actions can be
interacted with (sensorimotor features), and how one can directly access some idea
through action (direct multisensorial experience), as well as the more nuanced details
of proximity in terms of body positioning and time (temporal-positional contiguity)
are all dimensions related to supporting embodied proximity. Study 2 findings point
to four key design dimensions for supporting children’s access to and making meaning
about science through the body: considering a palette of embodied features; applying
direct multisensorial experience; developing temporal-positional contiguity; and designing
for opportunities to communicate details of experience through the body (Figure 20).
Here, each dimension is discussed within this notion of embodied proximity.
Considering the ‘palette of embodied features’ at the early stages of exhibit design
aims to identify how a child may use their bodily senses to access a science idea.
Identifying which bodily modalities can engage with a phenomenon and in which ways
can support designers in adopting an embodiment perspective. This relates to the way
in which a child’s action and the effect of this action is made perceivable and salient
to them. This may be through how the exhibit affords certain kinds of action, and
foregrounds the connection between kinesthetic, tactile, aural, and visual senses, and
the science idea.
Adopting direct multisensory experience as a design dimension offers designers a
perspective that emphasizes what actions, and thus, experiences, are directly aligned
with a science idea. With the Water Tub, for example, children had access to explore
changes in water flow directly through tactile interaction with the holes on the side
of the tub. The interview revealed that children had experienced the water moving
into several different positions (Anna) in detailed ways (Ezra). This contrasts with
Lucy in Study 1, where she reflected on her rotating of a pump, but did not notice
the effect on the water—her actions created an effect but this was not noticed since
the visual feedback was somewhat far away, and there was no direct way, such as
through the tactile sense, to explore those changes.
Figure 20. diagram illustrating key design dimensions for embodied proximity.
The dimension of temporal-positional contiguity was shown to help understand how,
for example, repetitive actions with objects such as Archimedes’ screw afforded an
experience that unfolds in time. Or, for example, holding a receptacle that enables
water to fall in a continuous manner, affording temporal exploration of the wheels’
spinning. These objects also afforded different kinds of body positional contiguity (or
closeness) in interaction; the Screw supported close-up observation of water, while the
Water Tub afforded positional contiguity through direct active engagement with water
and different holes through several iterations. The wheel afforded more static positional
contiguity, enabling a child to stand next to the wheel holding up a cup of water still
and observe.
We argue that designing for bodily communication can also foster embodied proximity. This dimension emphasizes the potential for actions in interactive events affording fruitful ground for reflecting and communicating through detailed gestural and
bodily language. Our study showed how experiences that foregrounded embodied
proximity during an interaction supported children expressing science ideas. Their
embodied experience was observed to underpin their communication of ideas through
speech, gesture, and reenactment, substantiating previous work (Thomas et al., 2021).
It may be beneficial for museums to consider how embodied forms of communication
can be supported and encouraged on the museum floor. This dimension, thus, extends
existing social embodied learning design frameworks that foreground social interaction
(e.g., Danish et al., 2020) by highlighting the importance of also considering embodied
dialogue as part of design. Considering that gestural communication forms an important
part of children’s communication, especially for younger children whose verbal skills
are less sophisticated, spaces that invite children and family members to reflect on
their experience, through gestural and bodily communication would enhance embodied
proximity to science experience.
Exploiting young children’s bodily interaction in designing science exhibits is important
for fostering young children’s museum-based learning and engagement. Focusing on
young children’s interaction with water table exhibits, this qualitative research makes
a contribution to exhibit design by providing insight into the nuances of children’s
bodily and multisensory interaction with science ideas. Taking an embodied learning
approach, the first study revealed barriers to children’s interactions successfully unveiling
science ideas. Analysis pointed to the importance of designs that foster embodied
proximity, rather than embodied dislocation. The second study examined children’s
interaction with, and science reflection around, purpose-built objects based on three
design dimensions that foster embodied proximity by attending to: sensorimotor
opportunities, direct sensorial experience and temporal-positional contiguity. Findings
revealed details of how children’s embodied experience with science-themed objects
supported their science thinking pointing to how the notion of embodied proximity
revealed the kinds of interaction and engagement the objects afforded, and the level
of detail and depth children later communicated about their science idea. The four
dimensions (Figure 20) which emerged - considering palette of embodied features;
applying direct multisensorial experience; developing temporal-positional contiguity; and
designing for opportunities to communicate details of experience through the body - provide guidelines for designing museum exhibits that support children’s access to and
making meaning about science through the body.
A limitation of this work arises through interaction with the objects in study 2
being separately examined rather than as an integral part of a larger exhibit, as explored
in Study 1. Future work could address this by integrating similar objects into a larger
water exhibit on the museum floor.
We thank Andrew Manches and Karen Davies for their valuable and critical comments on the
paper, and the wider Move2Learn team for fruitful discussions. We thank the London Science
Museum for collaborating on this research and the families who participated in the research. For
open access, the author has applied a CC BY public copyright licence to any Author Accepted
Manuscript version arising from this submission.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
Ethical approval
Ethical approval was obtained through University College London ethics committee (approval number
REC 957) prior to undertaking the research. Informed consent of all participants was obtained.
This work was supported by NSF [grant number 1646940]; Wellcome Trust/ESRC [grant number
206205/Z/17/Z]. For open access, the author has applied a CC BY public copyright license to any
Author Accepted Manuscript version arising from this submission.
Sara Price
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About the authors
Minna O. Nygren is a postdoctoral Research Fellow based at UCL Interaction Center (UCLIC).
Her research explores how we engage with each other and our environment from an embodiment
perspective, and how this can support design of experiences in learning, healthcare, and sustainability. Previously, Minna was a Research Fellow on Move2Learn and Move2Learn4Teachers-projects
(UCL Knowledge Lab). Currently Minna works on From Sensing to Collaboration-project which
investigates the role of touch in care. Minna’s PhD (Human Development, UCL) was funded by
the Wellcome Trust, and conducted in conjunction with Move2Learn-project.
Rhiannon Thomas Jha is a Design Researcher at the BBC. She enjoys the challenge of exploring
the impact of design and thinking about ways of shaping digital experiences to improve people’s
lives. Rhiannon received her PhD in Developmental Psychology from Birkbeck, University of
London, where she studied under an ESRC studentship. Following on from this she worked as a
postdoctoral researcher across several innovative projects, including the recent interdisciplinary
project Move2Learn. Across her research career Rhiannon has explored how individuals can best
engage with, and learn from, interactions with their environment.
Sara Price is Professor of Digital Learning at UCL Knowledge Lab. Her research focuses on the
design, development and evaluation of emerging digital technologies for communication and
learning with attention to embodiment; how sensory and bodily interaction can be mediated
through digital technology and its role in supporting new ways of thinking and meaning making.
She has led/co-led several interdisciplinary projects including the recent Move2Learn project
(Wellcome Trust, ESRC, NSF), InTouch and WeDraw (EU H2020). She is coeditor of Digital
Bodies: Creativity and Technology in the Arts and Humanities (2017), and The SAGE Handbook
of Digital Technology Research (2013), and joint author of the forthcoming Digital Touch book,
Polity Press.