The global geography of
human subsistence
Michael C. Gavin1,2,†, Patrick H. Kavanagh1,†,
Hannah J. Haynie1, Claire Bowern3, Carol R. Ember4,
Cite this article: Gavin MC et al. 2018 The
global geography of human subsistence. R. Soc.
open sci. 5: 171897.
Russell D. Gray2, Fiona M. Jordan5, Kathryn R. Kirby2,6,
Geoff Kushnick7, Bobbi S. Low8, Bruno Vilela9
and Carlos A. Botero9
Human Dimensions of Natural Resources, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA
Department of Linguistic and Cultural Evolution, Max Planck Institute for the Science of
Human History, Jena, Germany
Department of Linguistics, and 4Human Relations Area Files, Yale University, New Haven,
Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
School of Archaeology and Anthropology, Australian National University, Canberra, Australian
Capital Territory, Australia
School for Environment and Sustainability, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Department of Biology, Washington University, St Louis, MO, USA
Received: 13 November 2017
Accepted: 3 September 2018
Subject Category:
Biology (whole organism)
Subject Areas:
agriculture, animal husbandry, biogeography,
foraging, subsistence
Author for correspondence:
Michael C. Gavin
[email protected]
Joint first authors.
Electronic supplementary material is available
online at
MCG, 0000-0002-2169-4668; GK, 0000-0001-9280-0213
How humans obtain food has dramatically reshaped ecosystems
and altered both the trajectory of human history and the
characteristics of human societies. Our species’ subsistence
varies widely, from predominantly foraging strategies, to plantbased agriculture and animal husbandry. The extent to which
environmental, social and historical factors have driven such
variation is currently unclear. Prior attempts to resolve longstanding debates on this topic have been hampered by an
over-reliance on narrative arguments, small and geographically
narrow samples, and by contradictory findings. Here we
overcome these methodological limitations by applying multimodel inference tools developed in biogeography to a global
dataset (818 societies). Although some have argued that unique
conditions and events determine each society’s particular
subsistence strategy, we find strong support for a general global
pattern in which a limited set of environmental, social and
historical factors predicts an essential characteristic of all human
groups: how we obtain our food.
1. Introduction
Biogeography has advanced our understanding of how
environmental conditions, geographical constraints and
evolutionary history have shaped the abundance and
& 2018 The Authors. Published by the Royal Society under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, provided the original author and source are credited.
phenotypes of species, as well as the diversity of biological communities [1]. However, few of the
theoretical and methodological developments of this field have been applied to the study of humans
[2–4]. One promising area of overlap is the study of diet. The possible connections between diet,
species’ ranges and geographical patterns of diversity have been examined in a wide range of nonhuman taxa [5–7]. In addition, biogeographers have debated the degree to which environmental
productivity and stability, behavioural characteristics (e.g. hunting techniques), and phylogeny may
determine diet [5– 10]. Although similar environmental, social and historical constraints have been
proposed to apply to humans, the degree to which these factors shape human subsistence strategies
remains contested.
Subsistence strategies are associated with many fundamental characteristics of human societies,
including demography, settlement patterns, social and political organization and religious beliefs
[11– 14]. For most of human history, our species exclusively foraged for food via hunting, gathering
and/or fishing [15]. The subsequent spread of food production as a primary mode of subsistence has
been referred to as ‘the most important process in Holocene human history’ [11]. However,
subsistence focused on plant-based agriculture has not been universally adopted. Even recently,
hundreds of societies have maintained foraging as their primary mode of subsistence [16]. Although
most extant human groups use multiple subsistence strategies, the dominant strategy within a group
varies widely across the planet [17] (figure 1, see Material and methods for calculations).
The role that different environmental, social and historical factors have played in shaping subsistence
patterns has been contested for decades in many disciplines (see discussion below, figure 2, table 1).
Long-standing debates also persist regarding whether a limited set of factors can explain the variation in
subsistence strategies across the globe [15,27,46,47]. Some scholars argue that in each case subsistence
strategies reflect particular historical narratives defined by unique local conditions and events [15,27].
Others contend that a limited set of factors shape global patterns of subsistence [15,47]. Here we test these
competing hypotheses by examining the degree to which environmental, social and historical variables
alone or in combination can explain the variation in subsistence strategies in a global dataset.
Methodological limitations of prior studies have hampered the resolution of these debates (table 2),
partly because the evidence raised has often focused on specific case studies, relied on narrative
arguments, or used qualitative methods for comparisons. These approaches produce detailed
understanding at specific localities but do not provide quantitative evidence to test specific hypotheses
regarding global-scale patterns. Other studies have taken an explicitly comparative and quantitative
approach (table 2), but have often relied on relatively small samples, which can limit statistical power.
Quantitative studies of subsistence patterns must also confront potentially confounding effects, including
multi-collinearity within explanatory variables, as well as spatial and phylogenetic autocorrelation—all
of which can lead to biases and increase the potential for reporting spurious effects (see Material and
methods). Multiple factors probably shape subsistence strategies. Therefore, research must move beyond
single-factor correlative studies and pursue multivariate models that can compare the relative influence
of the wide variety of explanatory variables proposed in the literature (see discussion below and table 1).
These methodological challenges have led to recent calls for more systematic and theory-driven
hypothesis testing [47]. Recent research in the field of biogeography has overcome many of these
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Figure 1. Global variation in dominant subsistence strategy for 818 societies. Yellow points, foraging; blue, plant-based agriculture;
red, animal husbandry. See Material and methods for details on the sample.
outcomes with
increase in predictor
predicted probability
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refs. [13–15,17,19,43–45]
environmental productivity
predicted probability
7 × 105
refs. [14,16,17,19,45,48,49]
environmental stability
predicted probability
contact with
refs. [18,28,29,55]
neighbour effect
predicted probability
refs. [22–24,52,53]
political complexity
subsistence categories:
plant-based agriculture
animal husbandry
Figure 2. Hypothesized and observed effects of predictor variables on subsistence strategies. Down arrows indicate a decreased
likelihood of subsistence strategy, up arrows indicate increased likelihood, bi-directional arrows indicate hypotheses proposed for
both an increased and decreased likelihood. Predicted probabilities of dominant subsistence strategies (based on multi-model
average results) varied with differences in environmental productivity (a), environmental stability (b), the proportion of
neighbouring societies sharing the same strategy (c) and levels of political complexity (d,e). Yellow depicts foraging, blue
plant-based agriculture and red animal husbandry. Political complexity levels: low – no jurisdictional authority beyond local
communities, high – chiefdoms and states. The scale of the Y-axis changes between lower and upper boxes in (a,b) to
account for low predicted probabilities of animal husbandry across all conditions. See Material and methods for details on
sample and statistics.
similarity in subsistence among neighbouring societies
horizontal transmission of subsistence strategies leads to more
societies [39,42]
more likely to have same subsistence strategy as closely related
associated with animal husbandry [38,39]
associated with plant-based agriculture [35 –40]
resource availability [23]
associated with advantage to pastoralists due to variation in
associated with plant-based agriculture [19]
animal husbandry [22]
associated with persistence of foraging instead of adoption of
contact with
related societies
political complexity
varied topography
environmental stability
husbandry [18,22 –26]
associated with decreased likelihood of foraging and animal
[18 –21]
associated with plant-based agriculture and animal husbandry
proposed effect with increased levels of factor
for mutually beneficial trade purposes [30,45]
preference to live near groups using different subsistence strategy
associated with foraging [35,38,39]
associated with limits on pastoralist expansion [30]
associated with increased plant-based agriculture production [33,34]
foraging or plant-based agriculture [19,22,26]
associated with increased likelihood of animal husbandry instead of
in extreme conditions [23]
associated with animal husbandry [19,22 – 24,31,32], but with limits
foraging or plant-based agriculture [29]
associated with increased likelihood of animal husbandry instead of
plant-based agriculture and animal husbandry [19,23,28]
extreme low productivity associated with foraging due to limits on
[18,21– 26]
husbandry and decreased likelihood of plant-based agriculture
associated with increased likelihood of foraging and animal
husbandry [15,18,22,27]
associated with adoption of plant-based agriculture and animal
proposed effect with decreased levels of factor
ethnogenesis [43]
phylogenesis, but from many groups via
cultural features not derived from parent groups via
no consistent association [35 –37,39,41]
no consistent association for plant-based agriculture [33]
no significant relationship [30]
no effect of factor
R. Soc. open sci. 5: 171897
hypothesized factors
Table 1. Hypothesized effects of factors influencing subsistence strategies. References intended as examples and not as a comprehensive review of the literature.
Table 2. Addressing challenges in prior methodological approaches to examining the geography of subsistence.
alternative approach in the current study
small sample sizes limit statistical power (e.g. [30,48,49])
n ¼ 818 societies spread across the globe
not accounting for spatial autocorrelation (e.g. [48 – 50])
included a neighbour effect (i.e. the proportion of 10
nearest neighbouring societies that share a society’s
subsistence strategy) as a predictor, and tested for
unaccounted sources of spatial autocorrelation in model
residuals (based on [4,51])
include random effect for the language family (based on
testing a limited set of hypothesized factors and lack of
multi-model inference approach tests the strengths of
model comparison, including studies with explanatory
variables that are only environmental (e.g. [30,50]) or
social (e.g. [48])
qualitative assessment of selected case studies (e.g. [22])
individual hypotheses and all hypothesis combinations
(based on [53])
multi-model inference approach with large global
dataset allows for quantitative testing of multiple
hypotheses [53]
methodological challenges through the use of model comparison techniques [53]. Multi-model inference
approaches allow researchers to simultaneously compare multiple working hypotheses in a
parsimonious process of model selection that seeks to balance model fit with model complexity [53,54].
Here we use this multi-model inference approach to evaluate the strength of evidence in support of a
global model of dominant human subsistence strategies and to test competing hypotheses about
the relative explanatory power of various drivers of subsistence strategy (see Material and methods
for details).
2. Material and methods
We acquired all data from D-PLACE (Database of Places, Language, Culture and Environment
[17,51,55,56]). We only used data collected in a relatively narrow time span (1860–1960) to avoid the
effects of changing environmental and social conditions, including long-term transitions in subsistence
strategies, as well as the possibility that over the course of human history multiple groups may have
occupied a given location. We used variables describing subsistence economy (EA001—EA005) to
determine the dominant subsistence strategy, which we defined as the strategy relied on for more than
56% of total subsistence. These variables are all categorical (ordinal), ranging from category 0 (0–5%
dependence) to category 9 (86–100% dependence). We used the 56% figure to define the dominant
subsistence strategy as category 6 ranges from 56 to 65% dependence, meaning that the majority of
subsistence was obtained from this strategy, whereas category 5 (46–55% dependence) includes
instances in which less than a majority (less than 50%) of dependence was from the given subsistence
strategy. We summed the hunting (EA002), gathering (EA001) and fishing (EA003) categories to
represent dependence on the foraging subsistence strategy. We omitted from our analyses societies for
which multiple strategies (foraging, animal husbandry, or plant-based agriculture) contributed equally,
with no one strategy contributing more than 56%. This protocol resulted in the following distribution of
dominant subsistence strategies: foraging (i.e. hunting þ gathering þ fishing): 270 societies, plant-based
agriculture: 504 societies, animal husbandry: 44 societies (figure 1). We also concluded that our results
were qualitatively similar when we altered the definition of animal husbandry to be inclusive of societies
that depended in part on animal husbandry. We recorded data on political complexity (EA033) at two
levels (1 ¼ no jurisdictional authority beyond local communities, 2 ¼ chiefdoms and states). We
emphasize that our analysis focuses on identifying factors shaping dominant subsistence strategy, which
is distinct from subsistence diversity. For example, some societies that are primarily (greater than 56%)
plant-based agriculturalists may still obtain a substantial amount of food from foraging activities,
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not accounting for phylogenetic autocorrelation
(i.e. Galton’s problem) (e.g. [48 –50])
limitation of prior methodological approach
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whereas other societies may rely almost exclusively on plant-based agriculture. Variation also exists within
the three subsistence categories. For example, the ecological, social and historical factors that shape the
degree to which a society hunts may be different to those that influence the degree to which the group
relies on fishing or gathering of food resources. We suggest that future studies can explore factors that
influence diversity within and among subsistence categories, and how these factors may differ from
those we identify here as shaping dominant subsistence strategy.
Climate data were from the baseline historical (1900– 1949) CCSM ecoClimate model [57]. This time
focus matches the studied time frame of the majority of the societies in our dataset [51]. We also note that
substantial climate change did not occur between 1860 and 1900, the time frame during which data on
the remaining societies were collected [58]. We derived topographic data (slope and elevation) from the
Global Multi-resolution Terrain Elevation Data 2010 [59]. We extracted all climatic and topographic
variables for the localities of the societies in our sample based on global maps at a 0.5 0.58 resolution.
We tested for an effect of environment on dominant subsistence strategy by characterizing the mean,
variance and predictability of temperature and precipitation within years, as well as the average local net
primary productivity at the localities of our cultural samples. To avoid multi-collinearity in our
explanatory models, we reduced these often highly correlated environmental predictors to orthogonal
components via principal components analysis. First, we transformed variables to meet assumptions of
normality (when needed), centred and scaled. The Kaiser rule and parallel analysis [60] informed the
number of factors retained for analysis. The PCA produced three main composite variables: (i)
‘environmental stability’ describes a gradient of increasing mean temperature, temperature predictability,
mean precipitation, lower precipitation variance and decreasing temperature variance; (ii) ‘topographic
complexity’ describes a gradient of increasing slope and elevation and (iii) ‘environmental productivity’
describes a gradient of increasing mean precipitation, lower precipitation variance, precipitation
predictability and net primary productivity (results in the electronic supplementary material, table S1).
To capture the potential effects of horizontal transmission, we included as a predictor the proportion of
the 10 nearest neighbouring societies that share a society’s subsistence strategy (neighbour effect). When
we varied the number of neighbours used in the analysis (e.g. 5, 10, 15 or 20 nearest neighbours) results
remained consistent. Horizontal transmission requires societies to exist concurrently, which we assumed
to be true given that the data analysed represent a relatively short time span.
Cross-cultural comparative analyses must also grapple with the non-independence of societies that
share a common cultural background, also referred to as phylogenetic autocorrelation or Galton’s
problem [61,62]. One approach to the problem involved the development of the standard crosscultural sample (SCCS), which includes one representative from each set of theoretically independent
clusters [63]. Critics of this approach note that societies in the sample will be related at some point in
history, and that the degree of relatedness, and thus non-independence, will vary across the sample
[64]. Recent analyses have demonstrated that the SCCS does not remove the effects of phylogenetic
autocorrelation for many variables, including those covering subsistence activities [61]. Others argue
for the use of phylogenetic approaches to identify independent instances of cultural change [42].
However, the current lack of a robust global cultural phylogeny prohibits such an approach. On a
global scale, language families represent the most reliable data on the historical relationships among
societies [65]. Based on methods used in previous studies in evolution [52] and in cross-cultural
analyses [4], we included language family as a random effect in our models to account for historical
relatedness of societies and to test for the potential role of vertical transmission of subsistence strategies.
In order to assess the relative influence of all predictor variables and test previous hypotheses, we
implemented a multi-model inference approach [53,54]. This multi-model inference approach allowed
us to estimate the relative importance and most likely effect sizes of different putative predictors while
simultaneously accounting for model uncertainty. We ran the multinomial mixed models using the
Glimmix procedure in SAS University Edition. We only included societies in the analyses for which
we could obtain complete subsistence, environmental, topographical, geographical and political
complexity data (see electronic supplementary material). We ran all possible models based on the
alternative combinations of predictors in our candidate set and calculated the Akaike information
criterion corrected for small samples (AICc) for each model, and subsequently the change in AIC
(DAICc) relative to the best-supported model (i.e. the model with the lowest AICc), and the Akaike
weight (AICw), which is interpreted as the conditional probability of the model [53]. As no model
parametrization was clearly the best (i.e. AICw 0.9, table 3), we computed model average
parameters by averaging across all models (see [53]). This average model offers unbiased estimates of
the magnitude and direction of the effect of each predictor. We used model weights to estimate the
relative importance of each predictor, which is defined as the weight of the evidence in favour of
productivity þ stability þ politics þ neighbour effect
productivity þ stability þ topography þ politics þ neighbour effect
productivity þ politics þ neighbour effect
productivity þ topography þ politics þ neighbour effect
productivity þ stability þ neighbour effect
Table 4. Multi-model average for models of dominant subsistence strategy. N ¼ 818 societies. Political complexity coded as
2 levels (low ¼ no jurisdictional authority beyond local communities, high ¼ chiefdoms and states). RVI is calculated as the
sum of AIC weights for all models containing the explanatory variable. Foraging serves as the reference category.
animal husbandry
plant-based agriculture
animal husbandry
plant-based agriculture
animal husbandry
plant-based agriculture
animal husbandry
plant-based agriculture
animal husbandry
plant-based agriculture
neighbour effect
animal husbandry
plant-based agriculture
including a particular predictor in our statistical model [53]. We report the results of both the average
model (table 4) and the best-supported model (electronic supplementary material, table S2).
We calculated R2GLMM values for all possible models (following [66]) and subsequently the weighted
average model. Owing to the differences in calculating R 2 for mixed models and linear models, we only
calculated the multi-model average R2GLMM from the subset of mixed models including the random effect
of the language family. Multi-model average coefficients from the mixed models (n ¼ 32) and across all
models (n ¼ 64) are identical (table 4; electronic supplementary material, table S3). The Moran’s I
correlogram (electronic supplementary material, figure S1) indicates that there is no evidence of any
unaccounted sources of spatial autocorrelation in our best-supported model.
3. Results and discussion
Three hypotheses propose that environmental productivity and stability place constraints on subsistence
strategies (table 1, figure 2). First, some researchers argue that greater environmental productivity and
stability are critical prerequisites for the development of plant-based agriculture and animal
husbandry [18 –20]. This hypothesis therefore predicts that food production focused on plant-based
agriculture or animal husbandry should be more likely in more environmentally productive and
stable locations. A second hypothesis claims that low levels of environmental productivity and
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Table 3. Support for alternative models of dominant subsistence strategy. Only the five best-supported models are shown. All
models include intercept and a random effect for language family. AICc refers to small-sample Akaike Information Criterion,
DAICc is the change in AICc relative to the best-supported model (i.e. model with lowest AICc), and AICw is Akaike weight or
the conditional probability of a model.
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stability may favour the adoption of plant-based agriculture or animal husbandry [15,18,22,27]. A third
set of researchers argue that plant-based agriculture has displaced other forms of subsistence in all but
the most marginal environments, where extreme and variable temperatures and precipitation, or short
growing seasons, require more mobile subsistence in the forms of foraging and animal husbandry
[18,22 –24,30]. This hypothesis predicts that foraging and animal husbandry should be less likely to
occur in environmentally productive and stable locations.
In our analyses, both environmental productivity and stability have important effects on dominant
subsistence strategies (tables 3 and 4). We find support for the hypothesis that animal husbandry is
more likely to be a dominant subsistence strategy in environmentally less productive regions
(figure 2a, and a negative b-coefficient (22.55), indicating animal husbandry is associated with less
productive environments than foraging, which serves as the reference category in the analysis).
However, we did not find a significant effect of environmental productivity on the likelihood of plantbased agriculture versus foraging (table 2, s.e. of the b-coefficient for plant-based agriculture bounds
zero). These results are similar to those from a previous global-sample study that found net primary
productivity did not vary significantly across lands inhabited by foraging versus plant-based
agricultural societies [30]. We also note that different species of domesticated plants and animals have
different environmental requirements, and these differences are not captured in our current analysis,
which may account for some of the remaining unexplained variations in dominant subsistence strategies.
In addition, although some have argued that pastoralism is well suited to environmental instability
[19,22,24], our analyses show no significant effect of environmental stability on the probability of animal
husbandry being a dominant subsistence strategy (table 4, electronic supplementary material, table S2).
In the most stable environments, the predicted probability of plant-based agriculture as a dominant
subsistence strategy increases to greater than 80% (figure 2b). Plant-based agriculture is a less mobile
subsistence strategy than foraging or animal husbandry, and therefore plant-based agricultural
communities may be more susceptible to the risks associated with unpredictable environmental conditions.
Researchers also debate the potential effects topography has on subsistence strategies. However,
previous research is inconclusive, with some case studies finding no influence of topography and
others concluding that topographic complexity has a substantial negative effect on important
subsistence variables [67,68]. Our global-scale analysis finds that topography is neither a robust nor a
significant predictor of dominant subsistence strategies. Specifically, the term is absent in the bestsupported model (DAICc , 2), and the relative variable importance of topography (RVI ¼ 0.25) is
substantially less than that of any other predictor (all other RVI ¼ 1; table 4).
Previous studies have also debated the relationship between political complexity and the distribution
of different subsistence strategies (table 1, figure 2). One dominant view in anthropological discourse
depicts foraging societies as non-stratified, politically simple, autonomous bands and associates plantbased agriculture with increasing political complexity [35,36,40]. Some argue that plant-based
agriculture allows for the production of surplus food, which supports social stratification and political
complexity [11]. Others note that more complex political systems can improve agricultural efficiency
through a variety of mechanisms including property rights and water distribution systems [36].
However, other researchers point to multiple archaeological case studies to argue that political
complexity and subsistence strategies may not be so tightly linked. For example, multiple foraging
societies developed chiefdoms in the absence of plant-based agriculture [35,37]; some societies with
only local levels of the political organization have developed intensive forms of plant-based
agriculture and produced agricultural surplus [36,41] and state control can often reduce the efficiency
of agricultural production [36,69]. Although exceptional cases clearly exist, our comparative analysis
finds evidence for a global pattern in which political complexity is linked to dominant subsistence
strategy (tables 3 and 4, figure 2d,e). For example, societies with higher levels of political complexity,
in the form of chiefdoms and states, are greater than 50% more likely to use a plant-based agriculture
as their dominant subsistence strategy.
Scholars also debate the degree to which vertical and horizontal transmission of information affect
different cultural traits, including subsistence strategies [42]. The vertical transmission of subsistence
strategies from one generation to another would lead to similarities in subsistence across closely
related contemporary societies. To approximate this potential effect, we included language family in
our analysis (see Material and methods) and found that this predictor is indeed significantly
associated with a society’s dominant subsistence strategy (table 3, electronic supplementary material,
table S3). Similarly, we used neighbouring groups in order to estimate the potential effects of
horizontal transmission. Neighbouring societies may exhibit similar subsistence strategies due to the
horizontal transmission of ideas and technologies, and due to experiencing similar environments.
5061/dryad.884r935 [71].
Authors’ contributions. M.C.G. secured funding. All authors contributed to the design of model. P.H.K., H.J.H., C.A.B., B.V.
and M.C.G. implemented the design and conducted the analyses. M.C.G., P.H.K. and H.J.H. wrote the initial draft of
the manuscript. M.C.G. and P.H.K. contributed equally to this work. All authors revised the manuscript and gave final
approval for publication.
Competing interests. We declare we have no competing interests.
Funding. This project is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant no. 1519987.
Acknowledgements. The colours used in the figures are optimized for colour-blind readers based on: https://personal.
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Data accessibility. The full dataset used in our analyses is available via Dryad Digital Repository:
Alternatively, neighbours may be less similar than expected by chance if living near groups with
different subsistence strategies maximizes opportunities for mutually beneficial trade, a frequent
explanation for why societies practising animal husbandry and foraging often neighbour plant-based
agricultural groups [30,45]. To test these hypotheses, we included the proportion of neighbouring
societies sharing the same subsistence strategies into our analysis. The dominant subsistence strategies
of neighbouring societies vary: plant-based agricultural groups tend to cluster spatially with other
plant-based agricultural groups, foraging societies maintain a moderate level of spatial clustering and
societies practising animal husbandry cluster the least (table 4, figures 1 and 2c). Such variation in
spatial clustering may be due to either different degrees of horizontal transmission across regions, or
due to different histories. For example, where closely related plant-based agricultural groups occupy
continuous geographical areas, horizontal transmission of agriculture could result in spatial signatures
in our data similar to those produced by vertical transmission of agricultural practices. Despite these
limitations on untwining transmission histories, we find informative differences in the spatial patterns
exhibited by the three dominant subsistence strategies.
Before 11 000 years ago, all human societies foraged for food, but more recently plant-based
agriculture or animal husbandry became the dominant subsistence strategy for most human groups.
By applying a multi-model inference approach that is now widely used in biogeography, we have
been able to provide quantitative estimates of the degree to which different environmental, social and
historical conditions have shaped the dominant subsistence strategies used in recent times. We
conclude that some hypotheses are supported whereas others are not (figure 2), and that none of the
putative environmental, social and historical predictors suggested to date is individually capable of
predicting the entire range of global variation we observe in dominant subsistence strategies across
the globe (DAICc . 205 for models with only individual factors). Instead, the best-supported model
(DAICc , 2; table 3) includes multiple environmental, social and historical factors. This limited suite
of variables jointly describes the vast majority of the variation in dominant subsistence strategy across
the world ðR2GLMM ¼ 0:86Þ. Ultimately, subsistence strategies are driven by human agency and
individual human decisions [70]; and our results imply a role for various environmental, social and
historical factors in shaping these subsistence decisions. Although some researchers have argued that
unique local conditions and events shape subsistence strategies [15,27,46,47], our results support
assertions [47] that global patterns exist in which environmental conditions, political complexity and
the strategies used by nearby and closely related groups are all linked to dominant subsistence strategies.
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