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Em Julho de 2014 procedeu-se ao Levantamento Arqueológico da Freguesia da Bemposta. Consequentemente, após conhecimento da intenção da União de Juntas das Freguesias de Pedrogão de S. Pedro e Bemposta em valorizar o espaço envolvente ao “Castelo de Bemposta”, nomeadamente o calcetamento da área de terra batida que circunda o monumento, foi estabelecido um projecto de execução de sondagens arqueológicas com o objectivo de determinar a existência de antigos vestígios de ocupação no local. Segundo a tradição, esta fortaleza medieval terá sido erguida durante a reconquista neo-goda e serviu como defesa nas lutas entre portugueses e castelhanos. Este artigo pretende divulgar os dados obtidos na campanha de intervenção concretizada em Dezembro de 2014, resultante dos trabalhos realizados em três sondagens abertas em torno da estrutura militar, que viriam a revelar claros indícios de assentamento populacional, nomeadamente estruturas e artefactos, de época medieval, particularmente durante o período da ocupação árabe do território. (...) In July 2014 we preceded whit an Archaeological Survey at Bemposta territory. Consequently, after knowing the intention of the Union of Parishes of Pedrogão de São Pedro e Bemposta to valorize “Bemposta Castle” by pave the monument surrounding area, a project was established implementing archaeological excavation in order to determine the existence of ancient remains in place.According to tradition, this medieval fortress have been erected during the Christian reconquest and served as a defence in the war between Portuguese and Castilians. This article aims to disclose the data obtained in the intervention completed in December 2014, resulting from investigation carried out in three trenches open around the military structure, which revealed clear signs of population settlement, including structures and artefacts from medieval times, particularly during the period of Arab occupation of the territory.
Internet | Registo de imprensa | 108998 ISSN | 0871-066X (edição impressa) ISSN | 2182-7265 (edição digital) Publicidade | Elisabete Gonçalves Periodicidade | Semestral Distribuição | Resumos | Jorge Raposo (português), Luisa Pinho (inglês) e Maria Isabel dos Santos (francês) Modelo gráfico | Jorge Raposo Tratamento de imagem, ilustração e paginação electrónica | Jorge Raposo Zona costeira da serra da Arrábida, vendo-se em fundo a península de Tróia e o estuário do rio Sado. Fotografia © Carlos Marques da Silva, com tratamento digital.
This article presents a summary of the results from the archaeological campaigns which took place in 2020 and 2021, in the Castro of Madalena, at Vila Nova de Gaia. The excavations in this small Atlantic Iron Age settlement, allowed us to collect the first data related to the dwelling structures and adjacent areas. We highlight the preferential use of building materials such as clay, cob, grit, and plant elements, which differ from more traditionally used stone elements. These ones emerge as a finishing element, suggesting the existence of mixed building materials. Also, is of particular interest the evidence of walkways, built with similar materials, surrounding the houses. We believe that further research will provide an important contribute to increase the knowledge of the internal organization of regional Iron Age settlements, prior to the Roman domain.
Estradas de Portugal S.A. , 2011
Resumo dos trabalhos de sondagens arqueológicas realizados no decorrer da Reabilitação e Reforço Estrutural da Ponte do Prado sobre o Rio Cávado (Monumento Nacional, Dec. 16-06-1910 e DG 136 de 23 de Junho de 1910)
Al-madan online, vol. 23, tomo 2, 2020
Presentation of the results of emergency archaeological survey carried out in 1997 at the Paço do Patim, located in the historic centre of Torres Vedras. This intervention made it possible to register the stratigraphy of the place and showed a considerable rise of the ground throughout the times, namely from the 16th century, partially due to the cyclic floods of the Sizandro River. Structures belonging to buildings from the second quarter of the 16th to the 20th centuries were also identified.
Al-madan, 2021
Resultado das sondagens arqueológicas realizadas na zona da antiga Cadeia de Alhos Vedros.
Oppidum, 7, 2014
Arising from the restoration and rehabilitation project of the Parish Church of São Tiago Maior of Lustosa (Lousada) there were carried out some archaeological evaluation studies in order to ensure the preservation of any archaeological and osteological traces that could be affected by the works of rehabilitation of the monument. The intervention confirmed the intense use of de graveyard space over more than three centuries, particularly during the nineteenth century. Still, even though the universe of excavated graves remit much of the exhumed remains to the eighteenth and nineteenth century, detection of graves dug directly in the soil, with anthropomorphic form, as well as the registration of several post holes, sealed by burials dated from the first quarter of the eighteenth century, indicate the presence of traces associated with the foundational moment of the temple.
portuguesO monte do Senhor dos A itos (Alvarenga, Arouca) e um sitio de altura, com grande dominio visual para o territorio envolvente, dotado de uma estrutura de delimitacao petrea de tipo ciclopico, com ocupacao atribuida aos finais da Idade do Bronze. Outras evidencias de ocupacao anterior sao tambem visiveis, nomeadamente um pequeno menir falico e uma sepultura megalitica. Apresenta-se este sitio arqueologico com referencia a sondagem arqueologica ali realizada em 2007, cujos resultados se encontram ineditos, e em natural relacao com outros sitios coevos da regiao. EnglishSenhor dos Aflitos (Alvarenga, Arouca) is a hilltop settlement, with a great visual domain for the surrounding territory, walled by a cyclopean type’s structure made of simply ammonished and aligned large stones. Main archaeological evidence suggests the site may be dated in the end of the Bronze Age (c.1000-800 BC). Some features of a previous occupation are also visible in the place, namely a small phallic me...
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