selfie culture

expanding phenomena in 2010s and how it affects generation Y

Selfie in Generation Y To understand Selfie culture in Generation Y, first we need to understand what Generation Y is. Generation Y contains people who were born between 1980 to 1999. This generation wants to more dependent, free and looking for different life sytles and job lifes other than the previous generations. Because of that Y Generation people changes a lot jobs than X Generation. Generation Y is noncompliant and this generation is 35% of our population which makes 27 million young adults. This generation, this different generation has come up with something. It's called Selfie. Selfie is taking picture of yourself generally with our smart phones front camera or regular digital camera and people are sharing and uploading those Selfies to the social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr ect. The word of Selfie had a place in Oxford Dictionary in 2013 and according to Oxford Dictionary a girl who lives in Australia took a picture of herself in 2002 and upload it on Internet and wrote "Selfie". After that, especially on 2004, Emo's have began to taking their pictures with a digital camera. By time taking picture of yourself become something popular with digital cameras and in 2006-2007 almost all teenagers (youngsters who are 15-16 years old) began to take their pictures, and mirror selfies was one of the popular type of selfie. (Emo's Selfies on 2000s) On 2002 something happened in phone industry; Sanyo SCP-5300 has introduced as a first camera phone. Of course the pictures weren't high quality but still it's world's first camera phone. After that, in 2005, Nokia announced their new phone with front camera. he 6680 was Nokia's first device with a front camera, and was specifically marketed for video calling. Internet was growing also durin 2005 and 2006 and the most popular website was My Space; people were writing about theirselves and adding quotes and pictures and then videos, music videos. If you had a great and popular My Space back then you were "the king of the Internet". My Space and Nokia's 6680 phone united especially in late 2006 and we began to see lots of Selfie's (but we haven't say Selfie yet) and videos. Everybody was taking their pictures from the mirror or just taking themselves and uploading on My Space and the other people were following them on My Space and commenting that how cool those pictures are. Internet was also became a crazy thing. On 2009 Facebook popped up, My Space is not a popular anymore, but the thing is people are keep uploading their pictures to Internet, especially on Facebook. Next year iPhone released their first phone with front camera and in 2010 literally everybody who start to take Selfies. It was growing so fast that in America the even Talk Show hosts began to take Selfies on live. ( Kim Kardashian is taking a selfie with Ellen) On 2011 Instagram released #hashtags - like Twitter did- and more filters. When you use a hashtag millions of people can see your picture throught it. By time, lots of people uploaded their selfies on Instagram and used #selfie. Even celebreties, politicians started to upload their Selfies especially via Instagram and Twitter. Finally on 2013, Viners began to use this one music for their vine videos and the lyric was "But first let me take a selfie". In the music video there are two girls and looking at the mirror and one of them is talking while they're doing their make-up, she is generally talking about "girlie stuff" such as how the other girls look like and their clothes or how some guys are creepy and liking girl selfies on Instagram and suddenly they show thousands of people Selfies, even celebrities'. Here is the link of that music video: After March 2014, we see that using #selfie hashtag on Instagram highly increase and in my opinion it's because of the "Oscar Selfie" (Jared Leto, Jennifer Lawrence, Merly Streep, Ellen DeGeneres, Bradley Cooper, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, Angelica Jolie, Lupita Nynog'o are on Oscar Selfie - 2014) The Oscar Selfie has taken over 3 million RTs and social media talked about that selfie about a month. Selfie hashtag has used over 125 million times on Instagram. Why do people take selfies? What is the reason? When we look at the youth in early 2000s they were doing it because it was "cool" and popular. If you were taking your picture from mirror with your stylish hair and clothes, probably you were belong to Emos; you were belong to some group, somewhere. Belonging in some group means acceptance, as we all know, for adolescents being accepted and identity seek is the most important thing in their life time. By the time, as the selfie thing become more popular, we recognize something else; it's different than belonging somewhere or being someone of a subculture, it's something about psychology. According to some psychologic research, so many selfie uploadings causes less "likes" on social media and less "likes" on real life. It means that if someone uploads so many selfies on social media, people get to like them less because they think uploading so many picture of yourself is showing that person has low self-esteem and to attract attention. But some studies say it's not about age-ism, cool-ism or obsession of selfie. A study which made by Petya Eckler, says "Spending lots of time on Facebook looking at pictures of friends could make women insecure about their body image, research suggests." The more women are exposed to "selfies" and other photos on social media, the more they compare themselves negatively, according to a study. We all know how social media influences According to Telegraph Newpaper, Dr.Terri Apter, psychology lecturer at Cambridge University, says taking selfies is all about people trying to figure out who they are and project this to other people. “It’s a kind of self-definition,” says Dr.Apter. “We all like the idea of being sort of in control of our image and getting attention, being noticed, being part of the culture.” Also Dr.Apter says that it's something normal, because we are -human beings- are social beings, this is a need, we want to engage with others. We are satisfying ourself by looking at the "likes" on social media, Apter says it's a "feedback" for the youth. People are getting involve into social media and social medis is getting involve into people's life. This is 21st century and it's inevitable. References: Brian Koerber / BRYAN KOERBER - THIS IS LONDON CALLING: WE ARE THE SELFIE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD