Papers by Prof. Dr. Czine Agnes
Magyar nyelvőr (Nyomtatott), 2022
Ágnes Czine university Professor at Károli gáspár university of the reformed Church, hungary, dep... more Ágnes Czine university Professor at Károli gáspár university of the reformed Church, hungary, deputy head of the Institute of criminal Sciences, constitutional Judge, constitutional court of hungary constitutional aspects of clarity of legal provisions abstract one of the types of social language variants is the technical language, the characteristic of which is that it uses a specific vocabulary and conceptual system. legal language is also a special form of technical language, so it has a specific technical vocabulary. Compared to other professional languages, however, an important difference is that not only lawyers but everyone must understand it. laws and regulations must be applied and followed by not only the authorities and the courts, but it should be understood by everyone to whom it applies. therefore, a special requirement for legal regulations is that the content of legal norms be clear, precise and unambiguous. the question of normative clarity is a constitutional expectation, and the constitutional court is on guard to ensure it. The first part of the article shows, through concrete examples and Constitutional court decisions, which are the most common cases of violation of normative clarity (for example, unclear wording, imprecise framework provisions, overly general wording). In the second part, the author presents the impact of international legal principles on the hungarian legal language, with particular regard to the adoption of concepts developed by the european court of human rights or the uS Supreme court into the hungarian legal language (for example: the right to a fair trial, engel criteria, clear and present danger, chilling effect). Based on all this, the reader can get a glimpse into the approach of legal language, the dilemmas of codification formulations and the work of the Constitutional Court to ensure clarity of norms.
Hungarian yearbook of international law and European law, Dec 1, 2019
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2019
Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law, 2021
Magyar nyelvőr (Nyomtatott), 2023
Czine ágnes az áldozat fogalmának változása és jelentéstartalmának sokszínűsége Kivonat az áldoza... more Czine ágnes az áldozat fogalmának változása és jelentéstartalmának sokszínűsége Kivonat az áldozatfogalom a társadalom változásával a vallási áldozat fogalmából kiindulva óriási változásokon ment keresztül. A történelmi körülmények, a jogágak fejlődése és a társadalmi, gazdasági haladás folyamatosan formálták és jelenleg is formálják az áldozat szónak a különböző tudományágakban kialakuló jelentéstartalmát. A vallási áldozatfogalomból eredő jelentéstartalom azonban mindvégig megmaradt, és annak ma ismert esszenciája, valamint egyes elemei fellelhetők voltak már az újkori áldozatfogalomban is.
Von der königlichen Staatsanwaltschaft zur ungarischen Staatsanwaltschaft in der Perspektive von 150 Jahren oder Veränderungen im Verfassungsstatus der Staatsanwaltschaft (MJ, 2021/6., S. 355-361)., 2021
Zusammenfassung: Die ungarische Staatsanwaltschaft hat in den letzten einhundertfünfzig Jahren gr... more Zusammenfassung: Die ungarische Staatsanwaltschaft hat in den letzten einhundertfünfzig Jahren große Veränderungen erfahren. Die moderne Organisation der Staatsanwaltschaft entstand Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts, als die einheitliche Staatsanwaltschaft geschaffen wurde und die einzelnen Funktionen der Staatsanwaltschaft klar von den Tätigkeiten der Justiz getrennt wurden. Die Weltkriege und die sozialistische Rechtsauffassung beeinträchtigten die Unabhängigkeit der Organisation der Staatsanwaltschaft in vielerlei Hinsicht, und erst nach dem Regimewechsel wurde sie den Anforderungen des Rechtsstaates gerecht. Die vorliegende Studie beschreibt diesen historischen Weg, indem sie die Grundzüge der ungarischen Staatsorganisation und des Verfassungssystems skizziert und analysiert.
La procura ungherese ha subito grandi cambiamenti negli ultimi centocinquant'anni. L'organizzazio... more La procura ungherese ha subito grandi cambiamenti negli ultimi centocinquant'anni. L'organizzazione moderna della procura è stata stabilita alla fine del XIX secolo, quando è stata creata la procura unificata e le singole funzioni della procura erano chiaramente separate all'interno delle attività della magistratura. Le guerre mondiali e la concezione socialista del diritto hanno influenzato l'indipendenza dell'organizzazione della procura sotto molti aspetti, e solo dopo il cambio di regime essa risponde ai requisiti dello Stato di diritto. Questo studio descrive questo percorso storico delineando e analizzando le caratteristiche principali dell'organizzazione statale e del sistema costituzionale ungherese. Parole chiave: Procuratore generale, pubblico ministero, Stato di diritto, legalità, ufficio del pubblico ministero, indipendenza dell'azione penale Introduzione L'adozione di una delle fonti più importanti della nostra costituzione storica [1], la Legge IV del 1869 sull'esercizio del potere giudiziario [2], ha rappresentato una pietra miliare nella creazione del moderno sistema giudiziario ungherese. L'importanza decisiva di questa legge risiede principalmente nel fatto che essa dichiarava esplicitamente la separazione dei poteri. "Il potere giudiziario è separato dall'amministrazione. Né le autorità amministrative né quelle giudiziarie possono interferire con i rispettivi poteri"[3] In questo modo, la legge ha aperto la strada alla creazione di un sistema di giustizia civile e di un moderno sistema giudiziario. [4] Anche la creazione della legge XXXIII del 1871 sull'istituzione dell'ufficio del pubblico ministero faceva parte del processo di costruzione di un sistema giudiziario moderno. Questa legge ha gettato le basi della moderna procura esprimendo che la procura, che rappresenta lo Stato, è responsabile dell'azione contro i comportamenti che violano l'ordine sociale. 1. Cambiamenti storici nello status costituzionale del pubblico ministero fino all'entrata in vigore della Legge fondamentale
Ágnes Czine, 2019
There are two forms of life imprisonment in Hungary. In one of them, the sentenced person may be ... more There are two forms of life imprisonment in Hungary. In one of them, the sentenced person may be released on parole after a certain period of time, while in the case of the socalled actual whole life imprisonment there is no such benefit. Following the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights, the Hungarian legal system uses the legal institution of clemency to enforce the principle that the convicted person should not be deprived of the hope of release. In Hungary, the so-called compulsory pardon procedure allows for the release from a whole life sentence. However, this has several legal shortcomings compared to parole. The study analyses this problem on the basis of Hungarian legislation and the practice of the ECtHR.
Ágnes Czine, 2021
The Hungarian prosecution service has undergone great changes in the last one hundred and fifty y... more The Hungarian prosecution service has undergone great changes in the last one hundred and fifty years. The modern organisation of the prosecution service was established at the end of the nineteenth century, when the unified prosecution service was created and the individual functions of the prosecution service were clearly separated within the activities of the judiciary. The world wars and the socialist conception of law influenced the independence of the prosecution organisation in many respects, and only after the change of regime does it meet the requirements of the rule of law. This study describes this historical path by outlining and analysing the main features of the Hungarian state organisation and constitutional system.
Prof. Dr. Czine Ágnes, 2015
The use of the language understood by the accused or the use of the mother tongue is a fundamenta... more The use of the language understood by the accused or the use of the mother tongue is a fundamental principle of guarantee in criminal proceedings. The language of Hungarian criminal proceedings is Hungarian, but everyone can use his or her mother tongue. This study examines whether the guarantees provided by the Hungarian Criminal Procedure Act with regard to the use of the language meet the requirements of international conventions and rules. It concludes that the right to use one's mother tongue in Hungarian criminal proceedings is far from easy, and in fact gives defendants far more rights than the EU standard.
Prof. Dr. Czine Ágnes
The institutional and personal independence of the judiciary is a constitutional guarantee of the... more The institutional and personal independence of the judiciary is a constitutional guarantee of the independence of judicial activity and fair judicial proceedings. It guarantees that the judge, acting in individual disputes, may decide solely on the basis of the law and in accordance with his or her internal convictions, free from any undue influence, whether from outside or from within the judiciary. The independence of the judiciary and the requirement of impartiality [Article XXVIII(1) of the Fundamental Law] are closely linked, because only an independent court can act impartially in individual cases. Compared with the requirement of independence, impartiality requires the judge hearing the case to be free from prejudice in the case to be judged and to be neither biased in favour of nor against any party to the case. In its assessment of impartiality, the Constitutional Court applies a system of objective and subjective tests.
The impact of the Reformation on legal thought, with special reference to Calvin's work on criminal law, 2018
The spiritual movement of the Reformation emerged in Western Europe in the first half of the 16th... more The spiritual movement of the Reformation emerged in Western Europe in the first half of the 16th century with the aim of bringing about a theological, moral and organisational renewal of the Christian Church. However, this renewal did not remain confined to religion, but extended to other areas of social science. This paper analyses the role of Luther and Calvin in establishing the principles of due process and certain human rights. Calvin, drawing on the religious doctrines of the Reformation, also had a major influence on the understanding of criminal law of the time. The views expressed by the Reformers defined, centuries in advance, not only religion but also certain principles and legal institutions of morality and law, including criminal law.
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
The rule of law is one of the most complex concepts in constitutional law, some principles of whi... more The rule of law is one of the most complex concepts in constitutional law, some principles of which permeate the entire functioning of the state, the relationship between the individual and the state. It is no coincidence that there have been many attempts to define the concept of the rule of law in the literature, legislation and international law as well, but we cannot speak of a uniform, universally accepted concept. The rule of law is strongly linked to the historical development of a given country. This article presents the problems encountered by the Constitutional Court of Hungary in its judgment and how it defined certain principles of the rule of law in practice. These decisions of the Constitutional Court affect the functioning of the state and legislation and are historically linked to the development after the change of regime in Hungary. There are different opinions in the literature that the Court used the concept of the rule of law formally, or as a subsidiary, or as ...
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
Having entered into force of the Hungarian Fundamental Law, a new type of constitutional complain... more Having entered into force of the Hungarian Fundamental Law, a new type of constitutional complaint was created, which allows the Hungarian Constitutional Court to examine constitutional aspects in a specific court proceeding. In practice, however, applicants and their legal representatives try to use this legal institution to review the results of lawsuits that are unfavourable for them from their point of view. The most common ground for this review is Article XXVIII (1) of the Hungarian Fundamental Law that stipulates the principle of fair trial. This study provides an overview about the main features of the new type of constitutional complaint and the partial rights of the right to a fair trial. The author concludes that, if applicants deal with this remedy rightly, it can indeed be an effective and important tool to ensure the constitutionality of court proceedings.
Papers by Prof. Dr. Czine Agnes