This study aims to determine the structure of the target fish community, including species compos... more This study aims to determine the structure of the target fish community, including species composition, type of research and to analyze the ecological index in which the diversity index, uniformity index, dominance index, and community similarity index. Data collection was carried out in coral reef ecosystems in the traditional zones of Madolin, Alung Banua, Sachiko, Muka Kampung, and East Bunaken areas, all data collection areas were included in the Bunaken National Park area. Data was taken using the Underwater Visual Census method, also equipped with a documentation search for underwater photography and videography carried out at the Marine Biology laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, UNSRAT. There are 3 families, 21 species and 130 individuals at the Madolin area, 5 families, 24 species, and 72 individuals at the Alung Banua area, 5 families, 23 species, and 77 individuals at the Sachiko area, 2 families, 11 species and 129 individuals at the Sachiko area. Muka ...
This study aims to identify and construct molecular phylogeny of an isolate bacteria from culture... more This study aims to identify and construct molecular phylogeny of an isolate bacteria from culture media of rotifer Brachionus rotudiforis supplied with processed fishery waste feed as nutritional source. The use of fish waste-based food for rotifer showed positive effects on growth and nutrient content of the rotifers. Genomic DNA of the isolate bacteria BRLI- 01 was extracted and the 16S rRNA gene was amplified using primers (8F and 1492F) and further sequenced using Sanger sequence technique. The 16S rRNA gene was analysed using SeqScanner® and MEGA® followed with BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) analyses in the NCBI (National Centre for Biotechnology Information). Amplification result of 16S rRNA gene bacteria s NCBI site as a reference for identification and phylogeny of bacterial species. BRLI-01 was successfully cultured on rotifer rearing media. The results of the 16S rRNA gene amplification of the isolate bacteria showed a DNA band with a length of 1400 bp. The BLAS...
Abstract— A new method of digital off-axis hologram reconstruction based on the Fresnel transfo... more Abstract— A new method of digital off-axis hologram reconstruction based on the Fresnel transform is proposed. A combination of composite filtering, Abbe's limitation, and digital lens formulae has been used with an appropriate handling of Fresnel impulse response propagator. A clear image of microscopic object is efficiently reconstructed from hologram by using a plane reference wave with involvement of electric field vector as well as by applying bi-cubic interpolation in the final reconstruction step. In particular, the proposed method automatically suppresses the zero order term and virtual image. Unlike other similar approaches, the image can be reconstructed with large size accordingly. The proposed method facilitate the transverse high resolution of microscopic image with better applicability than others approaches. Moreover, the advantages of the method are its simplicity and convenience in data processing. In this paper, we propose an algorithm: the efficient Fresnel ...
Kajian ilmiah berbagai aspek yang terkait dengan dugaan adanya pencemaran logam berat di Teluk Bu... more Kajian ilmiah berbagai aspek yang terkait dengan dugaan adanya pencemaran logam berat di Teluk Buyat dan Teluk Totok sedang marak dilakukan, sebagian telah dipaparkan dalam berbagai temu ilmiah. Penelitian ini memberikan informasi seberapa jauh terjadi bioakumulasi dan biomagnifikasi dari logam-logam seperti merkuri, arsen, kromium, cadmium dan timbal dalam ekosistem perairan setempat. Sampel biota laut yang telah diidentifikasi, kemudian dipreparasi dan dianalisa kandungan logam beratnya. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan telah terjadi biomagnifikasi minimal pada kedua logam, yaitu merkuri dan timbal di Teluk Totok, karena sudah terdeteksi pada plankton. Secara umum dapat disimpulkan bahwa akumulasi logam pada biota di Teluk Totok lebih tinggi dari yang terakumulasi pada biota di Teluk Buyat. Logam-logam berat dalam gastropoda lebih tinggi dari pada ikan, kecuali kadar merkuri pada gastropoda di Teluk Buyat yang tidak terdeteksi. Merkuri total (Hg) pada ikan dan gastropoda dari Teluk ...
Abstract. Wullur S, Napitupulu H, Wantania LL, Ginting EL, Warouw V, Tallei TE, Rumengan IFM. 202... more Abstract. Wullur S, Napitupulu H, Wantania LL, Ginting EL, Warouw V, Tallei TE, Rumengan IFM. 2020. Molecular identification of bacteria isolated from culture medium of rotifer fed on fishery waste diet. Biodiversitas 21: 2735-2740. The aim of this study was 16S-rRNA sequences based molecular identification of bacteria isolated from culture medium of rotifer fed with fishery waste diet (FWD). We cultured rotifer Brachionus rotundiformis in sterilized seawater (salinity 25 ppt) using FWD, following the procedure in Patent No. P00201609066. Bacteria from the culture were collected, homogenized, diluted 10 to 1000 fold, spread on agar plates and incubated at 370C for 24 to 48 hours. Representative colonies of the bacteria according to their morphologies were isolated for further characterization. Genomic DNA of the isolates were extracted, and the 16S rRNA gene of the isolates were amplified. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) product of each isolate was sequenced and queried against the ...
DNA isolation and gene amplification of algae are significantly influenced by various factors suc... more DNA isolation and gene amplification of algae are significantly influenced by various factors such as characteristics and components of the algae cell wall. Therefore techniques and methods of DNA isolation in certain algae, sometimes only succeed in one particular species and can not be applied to another algae species. Based on that issue, this study was conducted with the aims to determine the succeed of DNA isolation and amplify the rbcL gene as a target gene for identification. Algae DNA was isolated by using innuPrep Plant DNA commercial kit, and the second one with a modified conventional Cetyl Trimetyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB) method, for the amplification process was using rbcL gene (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase / oxygenase large subunit) with two pairs of primers : rbcL 7F-753R and rbcL 577F-rbcSR. The results showed that the DNA of Gracilaria sp was succeed isolated by using CTAB method and it was denoted by the presence of DNA bands in agarose gel. Meanwhile DNA...
Characterization of mitochondrial DNA gene cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) of marine insects G... more Characterization of mitochondrial DNA gene cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) of marine insects Gerridae from the Manado beach, North Sulawesi Indonesia after further extracted DNA was amplified by PCR, electrophoresis and sequenced, then the results of CO1 sequences is entered to BLAST program to get the level of homology with sequences from the NCBI gene bank, the results only turned out to have the highest degree of homology of < 87% with sequences obtained. The results showed that the gene sequences of cytochrome oxidase 1 (CO1) of insects Gerridae sea from the beach Mokupa, North Sulawesi is not the same as other Gerridae marine insects have been recorded and published in the NCBI gene bank. Keywords: Marine Insect, Gerridae, CO1
The abundance of local (Brachionus rotundiformis) in a pool nearby Tumpaan coastal water, North S... more The abundance of local (Brachionus rotundiformis) in a pool nearby Tumpaan coastal water, North Sulawesi,has motivated this study design in order to explore the rotifer ability to produce dorman eggs. Developing production and packaging dorman eggs is triggered by the marine hatchery requirement. The objective of this study is to obtain dormant egg biomass from mass culture with an applied technology without microalga and aeration. Rotifer production has been conducted by cultivating rotifers in a very simple medium without microalgae and aeration, by only introducing fish into a certain volume of ground water with dissolved salts up to 20-25 ppt. Dormant eggs were collected from the mass produced rotifer population, and then were characterized on basis on their form, nuclear performance and morphomtery. Dorman eggs obtained were categorized into four types with different characteristics of eggs and nuclei. Measurement of dormant eggs shows that length and width of eggs were in range of 79.51-118.08 µm and 62.73-84.27 µm, respectively. The length of nuclei varied from 53,61 to 82,39 µm. Sufficient amount of dorman eggs would then allow for packaging in capsules made from different materials. Keywards: rotifer, dorman egg, massal Production Abstrak. Kelimpahan rotifer lokal (Brachionus rotundiformis) di genangan air dekat perairan pantai Tumpaan, Minahasa Selatan, Sulawesi Utara memotivasi disain penelitian untuk mengeksplorasi kemampuan produksi telur dormannya. Pengembangan produksi dan pengemasan telur dorman dipacu oleh kebutuhan pembenihan fauna laut akan pakan alami. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan biomassa telur dorman yang dihasilkan dari kultur massal rotifer dalam medium kultur berbasis teknologi terapan tanpa mikroalga. Produksi rotifer telah dilakukan dengan kultur rotifer dalam media tanpa mikroalga dan tanpa aerasi, hanya menginokulasi bangkai ikan kedalam air asin yang diramu dari air sumur ditambah garam dapur sampai kadar garam 20-25 ppt. Koleksi telur dorman yang diperoleh dari rotifer hasil produksi massal, kemudian dikarakterisasi berdasarkan bentuk, tampakan inti, dan morfometrinya.Telur dorman yang diperoleh kemudian digolongkan dalam 4 tipe dengan karakteristik telur dan inti yang berbeda.
The aim of this study was to construct molecular phylogeny of bacteria suspected to involve in de... more The aim of this study was to construct molecular phylogeny of bacteria suspected to involve in decomposing the fishery waste as diet for rotifer culture. The bacteria were isolated from culture of rotifer and propagated for molecular analysis. Genomic DNA of the bacteria was extracted using DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen). The 16S rRNA gene was amplified using primer pairs i.e. 8F (AGAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG) and 1492R (GGTTACCCT GTTACGACTT) and sequenced. The sequences were analyzed using Sequence Scanner and MEGA 7, and BLASTed on the NCBI website ( Molecular phylogeny of the isolate was constructed using Neighbor Joining Tree method. Isolate bacteria F0-0-3-1 from culture of rotifer fed with fish waste diet was successfully propagated for molecular analysis. 16S rRNA gene of the isolate bacteria was successfully amplified and showed a DNA band at 1400 bp. Nucleotides sequence quality of the 16S rRNA gene i.,e QV+20 and CRL were 995 and 941 nucletides. BLAST r...
Metopograpsus sp is one of species of crabs usually found in indo-pacifik and lived at mangrove&#... more Metopograpsus sp is one of species of crabs usually found in indo-pacifik and lived at mangrove's trunk. The characteristic of this type of crab has type color on the carapace organ that indicate the presence of carotenoid. carotenoid pigments are natural dyes in plants and crustacea. The purpose of this study is to determined type of carotenoid pigments of metopograpsus sp by using TLC Method. The result of this study were identified three type of pigments of metopograpsus sp that are β-Karoten, Astaxanthin, dan Astacene.Key word : Metopograpsus sp, TLC, Carotenoid pigments.AbstrakMetopograpsus sp adalah kepiting mangrove yang biasanya ditemukan di Indo-Pasifik dan hidup dibatang pohon mangrove. Ciri khas dari kepiting ini memiliki corak berwarna pada karapasnya sehingga diasumsikan kepiting tersebut mengandung pigmen karotenoid. pigmen karatenoid adalah pewarna alami yang terdapat pada tanaman dan hewan krustasea. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis pigmen ...
Southeast Asia harbours the highest marine diversity of our planet. At the same time, the countri... more Southeast Asia harbours the highest marine diversity of our planet. At the same time, the countries in the so-called Coral Triangle (CT; Fig. 1) have the highest potential/risk of plastic pollution to the marine environment. Biodiversity research is still struggling with the sheer inventory of biota, as many marine organisms already are under risk of becoming extinct by human influence.
The research aimed to isolate probiotic bacteria from catfish intestine and assign the concentrat... more The research aimed to isolate probiotic bacteria from catfish intestine and assign the concentration of probiotic bacteria which effectively increase the activity of phagocytosis and total leukocytes of carp fingerlings. The fish was taken from Balai Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Pembudidayaan Ikan (BP3I) Tateli. Fish (average initial weight of 2.27 g) were acclimated for one week in 15 aquaria with a density of 25 fish/aquarium. One week after acclimatization, fish were fed with food added with probiotics with different concentrations, namely 1x10 6 , 1x10 7 , 1x10 8 , 1x10 9 cfu/mL for four weeks. The dose of feed was 5% /body weight/day and feeding time was at 08.00 and 17.00. Data collected were phagocytosis and total leukocyte count. The results showed that supplementation of probiotic significantly increased phagocytic activity and total leukocytes (p<0.01). The best phagocytic activity and total leukocytes were achived in fish fed diet added with probiotics 1x10 8 cfu/mL. It can be concluded that supplementation of probiotic onto feed can increase phagocytic activity and total leukocytes of carp.
Parrot fish (Scarus sp) is a commodity which commonly consumed in North Sulawesi. High consumpti... more Parrot fish (Scarus sp) is a commodity which commonly consumed in North Sulawesi. High consumption of this fish has caused the high amount of fish scales as wastes. As parrot fish scales contain protein that could be transformed into commercial products such as collagen. Collagen could be applied in the industrial fields including cosmetics and pharmaceutics. The purpose of this study was to determine molecular structure of collagen derived from the wet and dry parrot fish (Scarus sp) scales, based on molecular absorption of electromagnetic in the infrared region of the fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.Preparation of collagen of fish scales both in wet and dry forms, was initially performed with pre-treatment of raw materials by maceration in sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution for 48 hours. Then hydrolysis process was conducted in hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution again for 48 hours to remove mineral contents of the scales. Collagen yield of fish scales in wet and dry forms w...
Field survey on ascidian community was conducted along the coastal area of Malalayang Dua in orde... more Field survey on ascidian community was conducted along the coastal area of Malalayang Dua in order to find out species of ascidia, species abundance, and ascidian substrates. A survey method and quadrant transects were applied. Pictures were taken, while species and their substrates were sampled. Species identification was based on morphological characteristics, while substrate type identification was based on ascidian species attachment. The results shows that 21 ascidian species were found in the the coastal of Malalayang Dua. Didemnum molle was the highest abundant species in the area, followed by Polycarpa aurata, Polycarpa sp.4. and Polycarpa sp.2.. Dead coral algaes (DCA) were found to be the most preferred substrates by ascidians in the area. Keywords : ascidia, species, substrate, distribution, and abundance Survei lapangan terhadap komunitas ascidia dilakukan di pesisir Malalayang Dua untuk mendapatkan data jenis, kelimpahan, dan substrat ascidia. Metode yang digunaka...
Ascidians are sesile marine invertebrates that have bioactive compounds such as antibacterial and... more Ascidians are sesile marine invertebrates that have bioactive compounds such as antibacterial and anti-UV. The purpose of this study is to determine the antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria and to test the anti-UV activity of the ascidian water fraction. Antibacterial activity test was carried out using the diffusion method (disc diffusion Kirby & Bauer) and the water fraction of ascidian that showing antibacterial activity tested in a UV spectrophotometer to see the anti-UV activity. Results of the study were obtained 4 types of ascidians extracted from partitioned into water fraction, n-hexane fraction, methanol fraction. All three fractions were tested for antibacterial activity and the result showed that there were antibacterial activities of ascidian extract Clavelina sp. against both test bacteria with inhibition of S. aureus and E. coli with strong categories. Ascidian Phlebobranch sp. showed the presence of antibacterial activity...
Title (Bahasa Indonesia): Variasi ukuran rotifer Brachionus rotundiformisyang diberi pakan berbed... more Title (Bahasa Indonesia): Variasi ukuran rotifer Brachionus rotundiformisyang diberi pakan berbeda pada salinitas 40 ppt RotiferBrachionus rotundiformisis a group of zooplankton which is used by fish larvae for feeding to initiate their growth. This zooplankton is widely favored by marine fauna larvae because of its small size can fits well with various larval mouth; thus, it is easily preyed by larvae. This study aimed to determine the variation of rotifer B. rotundiformismorphometry if cultured with different feed at 40 ppt. The use of 40 ppt salinity is expected to provide a variable morphometric size because B. rotundiformishas a polymorphism property. Microalgae used as feed for rotifer B. rotundiformiswere Prochloronsp. and Nanochloropsis oculata. Microalgae were cultured with Hirata medium. In the early stages, B. rotundiformiswas cultured at optimum temperature (28 ºC) and salinity 20 ppt, then it was cultured at salinity 40 ppt. Salinity adaptation was done by raising the s...
Marine bacteria have a lot of potential in exploring the enzyme that can be developed, such as a ... more Marine bacteria have a lot of potential in exploring the enzyme that can be developed, such as a producer of proteorhodopsin, act as hydrocarbon chlorlastic and can degrade oil. This study aims to obtain isolates and can characterize the bacterial morphology. Malalayang Waters is one of the marine bacterial habitats that has potential area to be studied. This study aims to isolate marine bacteria from Malalayang Waters. These marine bacteria first were diluted into sea water before they were grown on Nutrient Agar (NA). Based on the results of this study it was found that marine bacterial isolated were separated based on their morphological characteristics. The dominant morphological characteristics were yellow whites which dominant shape were irregular.Keywords: bacterial, dilution, isolation. Bakteri laut memiliki banyak potensi yang dapat dikembangkan. Seperti penghasil proteorhodopsin, berperan sebagai hidrokarbonoklastik dan dapat mendegradasi minyak. Perairan Malalayang merup...
Sponge organisms produce bioactive compounds that are toxic as a means of self-defense. The compo... more Sponge organisms produce bioactive compounds that are toxic as a means of self-defense. The compound is known to have the potential as an antibacterial and anti-UV which can absorb sunlight with the potential to be used as a material for making sunscreen. The purpose of this study was to obtain antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria and anti-UV activity from crude extracts and sponges fractions. The antibacterial test done by agar diffusion method (Kirby and Bauer diffusion disc) and the crude extract and the active fraction of antibacterial compounds were tested in a UV spectrophotometer to see its anti-UV activity. As a result, 4 species of sponges were extracted and partitioned into water fractions, methanol fractions, and n-hexane fractions. All samples were tested for antibacterial activity and the results showed antibacterial activity against S. aureus by Plakortis sp. in crude extract (9 mm) and water fraction (8.6 mm), Agelas sp. i...
Bacteria are found to be highly associated with various marine organisms, such as sponges. Sponge... more Bacteria are found to be highly associated with various marine organisms, such as sponges. Sponges are known as the product of bioactive compounds. However, some of the compounds produced by sponges are obtained by the simbion-bacteria. Therefore this situation enables sponges simbion bacteria to play a major role in producing bioactive compounds that have been isolated from the sponge. The purpose of this study is to isolate and determine the characteristics of morphology of spongy simbion bacteria resembling Cribochalina sp, which was taken from Malalayang waters, North Sulawesi. Sponge simbion bacteria grow on NB media. Initially, a free-breeding colony was being done before bacteria were accrued in the NA media by 2% sponge broth (patent SID201906301) by means of Strike Plate methods. Based on to this study we had isolate five spongy simbion bacteria that resembling the Cribochalina sp. All five of these isolations have different characteristics of morphology in terms of color, ...
Sponges have a potential to produce bioactive compounds. Their ability to do it since there is a ... more Sponges have a potential to produce bioactive compounds. Their ability to do it since there is a symbiotic relationship with microorganisms in these bacteria. Because of this critical role, the bacteria symbiotic with sponge allegedly have great potential in terms of producing bioactive compounds that have been isolated from sponges (Lee, et al, 2001). In this study, using bacterial culture preparations isolated from the sponge, Acanthostrongylophora sp., the bacterial isolates were tested for their antibacterial activities using a well diffusion test. Based on the antibacterial activity test, the bacterial isolates known as BPO (shaped wavy white dots) and BPB (white threadlike have a certain type of thread) had antibacterial activity. ODS had a broad spectrum as potent against all three types of tested bacteria (Vibrio cholerae, Staphyloccocus aureus, Bacillus subtillis).
This study aims to determine the structure of the target fish community, including species compos... more This study aims to determine the structure of the target fish community, including species composition, type of research and to analyze the ecological index in which the diversity index, uniformity index, dominance index, and community similarity index. Data collection was carried out in coral reef ecosystems in the traditional zones of Madolin, Alung Banua, Sachiko, Muka Kampung, and East Bunaken areas, all data collection areas were included in the Bunaken National Park area. Data was taken using the Underwater Visual Census method, also equipped with a documentation search for underwater photography and videography carried out at the Marine Biology laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, UNSRAT. There are 3 families, 21 species and 130 individuals at the Madolin area, 5 families, 24 species, and 72 individuals at the Alung Banua area, 5 families, 23 species, and 77 individuals at the Sachiko area, 2 families, 11 species and 129 individuals at the Sachiko area. Muka ...
This study aims to identify and construct molecular phylogeny of an isolate bacteria from culture... more This study aims to identify and construct molecular phylogeny of an isolate bacteria from culture media of rotifer Brachionus rotudiforis supplied with processed fishery waste feed as nutritional source. The use of fish waste-based food for rotifer showed positive effects on growth and nutrient content of the rotifers. Genomic DNA of the isolate bacteria BRLI- 01 was extracted and the 16S rRNA gene was amplified using primers (8F and 1492F) and further sequenced using Sanger sequence technique. The 16S rRNA gene was analysed using SeqScanner® and MEGA® followed with BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) analyses in the NCBI (National Centre for Biotechnology Information). Amplification result of 16S rRNA gene bacteria s NCBI site as a reference for identification and phylogeny of bacterial species. BRLI-01 was successfully cultured on rotifer rearing media. The results of the 16S rRNA gene amplification of the isolate bacteria showed a DNA band with a length of 1400 bp. The BLAS...
Abstract— A new method of digital off-axis hologram reconstruction based on the Fresnel transfo... more Abstract— A new method of digital off-axis hologram reconstruction based on the Fresnel transform is proposed. A combination of composite filtering, Abbe's limitation, and digital lens formulae has been used with an appropriate handling of Fresnel impulse response propagator. A clear image of microscopic object is efficiently reconstructed from hologram by using a plane reference wave with involvement of electric field vector as well as by applying bi-cubic interpolation in the final reconstruction step. In particular, the proposed method automatically suppresses the zero order term and virtual image. Unlike other similar approaches, the image can be reconstructed with large size accordingly. The proposed method facilitate the transverse high resolution of microscopic image with better applicability than others approaches. Moreover, the advantages of the method are its simplicity and convenience in data processing. In this paper, we propose an algorithm: the efficient Fresnel ...
Kajian ilmiah berbagai aspek yang terkait dengan dugaan adanya pencemaran logam berat di Teluk Bu... more Kajian ilmiah berbagai aspek yang terkait dengan dugaan adanya pencemaran logam berat di Teluk Buyat dan Teluk Totok sedang marak dilakukan, sebagian telah dipaparkan dalam berbagai temu ilmiah. Penelitian ini memberikan informasi seberapa jauh terjadi bioakumulasi dan biomagnifikasi dari logam-logam seperti merkuri, arsen, kromium, cadmium dan timbal dalam ekosistem perairan setempat. Sampel biota laut yang telah diidentifikasi, kemudian dipreparasi dan dianalisa kandungan logam beratnya. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan telah terjadi biomagnifikasi minimal pada kedua logam, yaitu merkuri dan timbal di Teluk Totok, karena sudah terdeteksi pada plankton. Secara umum dapat disimpulkan bahwa akumulasi logam pada biota di Teluk Totok lebih tinggi dari yang terakumulasi pada biota di Teluk Buyat. Logam-logam berat dalam gastropoda lebih tinggi dari pada ikan, kecuali kadar merkuri pada gastropoda di Teluk Buyat yang tidak terdeteksi. Merkuri total (Hg) pada ikan dan gastropoda dari Teluk ...
Abstract. Wullur S, Napitupulu H, Wantania LL, Ginting EL, Warouw V, Tallei TE, Rumengan IFM. 202... more Abstract. Wullur S, Napitupulu H, Wantania LL, Ginting EL, Warouw V, Tallei TE, Rumengan IFM. 2020. Molecular identification of bacteria isolated from culture medium of rotifer fed on fishery waste diet. Biodiversitas 21: 2735-2740. The aim of this study was 16S-rRNA sequences based molecular identification of bacteria isolated from culture medium of rotifer fed with fishery waste diet (FWD). We cultured rotifer Brachionus rotundiformis in sterilized seawater (salinity 25 ppt) using FWD, following the procedure in Patent No. P00201609066. Bacteria from the culture were collected, homogenized, diluted 10 to 1000 fold, spread on agar plates and incubated at 370C for 24 to 48 hours. Representative colonies of the bacteria according to their morphologies were isolated for further characterization. Genomic DNA of the isolates were extracted, and the 16S rRNA gene of the isolates were amplified. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) product of each isolate was sequenced and queried against the ...
DNA isolation and gene amplification of algae are significantly influenced by various factors suc... more DNA isolation and gene amplification of algae are significantly influenced by various factors such as characteristics and components of the algae cell wall. Therefore techniques and methods of DNA isolation in certain algae, sometimes only succeed in one particular species and can not be applied to another algae species. Based on that issue, this study was conducted with the aims to determine the succeed of DNA isolation and amplify the rbcL gene as a target gene for identification. Algae DNA was isolated by using innuPrep Plant DNA commercial kit, and the second one with a modified conventional Cetyl Trimetyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB) method, for the amplification process was using rbcL gene (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase / oxygenase large subunit) with two pairs of primers : rbcL 7F-753R and rbcL 577F-rbcSR. The results showed that the DNA of Gracilaria sp was succeed isolated by using CTAB method and it was denoted by the presence of DNA bands in agarose gel. Meanwhile DNA...
Characterization of mitochondrial DNA gene cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) of marine insects G... more Characterization of mitochondrial DNA gene cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) of marine insects Gerridae from the Manado beach, North Sulawesi Indonesia after further extracted DNA was amplified by PCR, electrophoresis and sequenced, then the results of CO1 sequences is entered to BLAST program to get the level of homology with sequences from the NCBI gene bank, the results only turned out to have the highest degree of homology of < 87% with sequences obtained. The results showed that the gene sequences of cytochrome oxidase 1 (CO1) of insects Gerridae sea from the beach Mokupa, North Sulawesi is not the same as other Gerridae marine insects have been recorded and published in the NCBI gene bank. Keywords: Marine Insect, Gerridae, CO1
The abundance of local (Brachionus rotundiformis) in a pool nearby Tumpaan coastal water, North S... more The abundance of local (Brachionus rotundiformis) in a pool nearby Tumpaan coastal water, North Sulawesi,has motivated this study design in order to explore the rotifer ability to produce dorman eggs. Developing production and packaging dorman eggs is triggered by the marine hatchery requirement. The objective of this study is to obtain dormant egg biomass from mass culture with an applied technology without microalga and aeration. Rotifer production has been conducted by cultivating rotifers in a very simple medium without microalgae and aeration, by only introducing fish into a certain volume of ground water with dissolved salts up to 20-25 ppt. Dormant eggs were collected from the mass produced rotifer population, and then were characterized on basis on their form, nuclear performance and morphomtery. Dorman eggs obtained were categorized into four types with different characteristics of eggs and nuclei. Measurement of dormant eggs shows that length and width of eggs were in range of 79.51-118.08 µm and 62.73-84.27 µm, respectively. The length of nuclei varied from 53,61 to 82,39 µm. Sufficient amount of dorman eggs would then allow for packaging in capsules made from different materials. Keywards: rotifer, dorman egg, massal Production Abstrak. Kelimpahan rotifer lokal (Brachionus rotundiformis) di genangan air dekat perairan pantai Tumpaan, Minahasa Selatan, Sulawesi Utara memotivasi disain penelitian untuk mengeksplorasi kemampuan produksi telur dormannya. Pengembangan produksi dan pengemasan telur dorman dipacu oleh kebutuhan pembenihan fauna laut akan pakan alami. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan biomassa telur dorman yang dihasilkan dari kultur massal rotifer dalam medium kultur berbasis teknologi terapan tanpa mikroalga. Produksi rotifer telah dilakukan dengan kultur rotifer dalam media tanpa mikroalga dan tanpa aerasi, hanya menginokulasi bangkai ikan kedalam air asin yang diramu dari air sumur ditambah garam dapur sampai kadar garam 20-25 ppt. Koleksi telur dorman yang diperoleh dari rotifer hasil produksi massal, kemudian dikarakterisasi berdasarkan bentuk, tampakan inti, dan morfometrinya.Telur dorman yang diperoleh kemudian digolongkan dalam 4 tipe dengan karakteristik telur dan inti yang berbeda.
The aim of this study was to construct molecular phylogeny of bacteria suspected to involve in de... more The aim of this study was to construct molecular phylogeny of bacteria suspected to involve in decomposing the fishery waste as diet for rotifer culture. The bacteria were isolated from culture of rotifer and propagated for molecular analysis. Genomic DNA of the bacteria was extracted using DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen). The 16S rRNA gene was amplified using primer pairs i.e. 8F (AGAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG) and 1492R (GGTTACCCT GTTACGACTT) and sequenced. The sequences were analyzed using Sequence Scanner and MEGA 7, and BLASTed on the NCBI website ( Molecular phylogeny of the isolate was constructed using Neighbor Joining Tree method. Isolate bacteria F0-0-3-1 from culture of rotifer fed with fish waste diet was successfully propagated for molecular analysis. 16S rRNA gene of the isolate bacteria was successfully amplified and showed a DNA band at 1400 bp. Nucleotides sequence quality of the 16S rRNA gene i.,e QV+20 and CRL were 995 and 941 nucletides. BLAST r...
Metopograpsus sp is one of species of crabs usually found in indo-pacifik and lived at mangrove&#... more Metopograpsus sp is one of species of crabs usually found in indo-pacifik and lived at mangrove's trunk. The characteristic of this type of crab has type color on the carapace organ that indicate the presence of carotenoid. carotenoid pigments are natural dyes in plants and crustacea. The purpose of this study is to determined type of carotenoid pigments of metopograpsus sp by using TLC Method. The result of this study were identified three type of pigments of metopograpsus sp that are β-Karoten, Astaxanthin, dan Astacene.Key word : Metopograpsus sp, TLC, Carotenoid pigments.AbstrakMetopograpsus sp adalah kepiting mangrove yang biasanya ditemukan di Indo-Pasifik dan hidup dibatang pohon mangrove. Ciri khas dari kepiting ini memiliki corak berwarna pada karapasnya sehingga diasumsikan kepiting tersebut mengandung pigmen karotenoid. pigmen karatenoid adalah pewarna alami yang terdapat pada tanaman dan hewan krustasea. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis pigmen ...
Southeast Asia harbours the highest marine diversity of our planet. At the same time, the countri... more Southeast Asia harbours the highest marine diversity of our planet. At the same time, the countries in the so-called Coral Triangle (CT; Fig. 1) have the highest potential/risk of plastic pollution to the marine environment. Biodiversity research is still struggling with the sheer inventory of biota, as many marine organisms already are under risk of becoming extinct by human influence.
The research aimed to isolate probiotic bacteria from catfish intestine and assign the concentrat... more The research aimed to isolate probiotic bacteria from catfish intestine and assign the concentration of probiotic bacteria which effectively increase the activity of phagocytosis and total leukocytes of carp fingerlings. The fish was taken from Balai Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Pembudidayaan Ikan (BP3I) Tateli. Fish (average initial weight of 2.27 g) were acclimated for one week in 15 aquaria with a density of 25 fish/aquarium. One week after acclimatization, fish were fed with food added with probiotics with different concentrations, namely 1x10 6 , 1x10 7 , 1x10 8 , 1x10 9 cfu/mL for four weeks. The dose of feed was 5% /body weight/day and feeding time was at 08.00 and 17.00. Data collected were phagocytosis and total leukocyte count. The results showed that supplementation of probiotic significantly increased phagocytic activity and total leukocytes (p<0.01). The best phagocytic activity and total leukocytes were achived in fish fed diet added with probiotics 1x10 8 cfu/mL. It can be concluded that supplementation of probiotic onto feed can increase phagocytic activity and total leukocytes of carp.
Parrot fish (Scarus sp) is a commodity which commonly consumed in North Sulawesi. High consumpti... more Parrot fish (Scarus sp) is a commodity which commonly consumed in North Sulawesi. High consumption of this fish has caused the high amount of fish scales as wastes. As parrot fish scales contain protein that could be transformed into commercial products such as collagen. Collagen could be applied in the industrial fields including cosmetics and pharmaceutics. The purpose of this study was to determine molecular structure of collagen derived from the wet and dry parrot fish (Scarus sp) scales, based on molecular absorption of electromagnetic in the infrared region of the fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.Preparation of collagen of fish scales both in wet and dry forms, was initially performed with pre-treatment of raw materials by maceration in sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution for 48 hours. Then hydrolysis process was conducted in hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution again for 48 hours to remove mineral contents of the scales. Collagen yield of fish scales in wet and dry forms w...
Field survey on ascidian community was conducted along the coastal area of Malalayang Dua in orde... more Field survey on ascidian community was conducted along the coastal area of Malalayang Dua in order to find out species of ascidia, species abundance, and ascidian substrates. A survey method and quadrant transects were applied. Pictures were taken, while species and their substrates were sampled. Species identification was based on morphological characteristics, while substrate type identification was based on ascidian species attachment. The results shows that 21 ascidian species were found in the the coastal of Malalayang Dua. Didemnum molle was the highest abundant species in the area, followed by Polycarpa aurata, Polycarpa sp.4. and Polycarpa sp.2.. Dead coral algaes (DCA) were found to be the most preferred substrates by ascidians in the area. Keywords : ascidia, species, substrate, distribution, and abundance Survei lapangan terhadap komunitas ascidia dilakukan di pesisir Malalayang Dua untuk mendapatkan data jenis, kelimpahan, dan substrat ascidia. Metode yang digunaka...
Ascidians are sesile marine invertebrates that have bioactive compounds such as antibacterial and... more Ascidians are sesile marine invertebrates that have bioactive compounds such as antibacterial and anti-UV. The purpose of this study is to determine the antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria and to test the anti-UV activity of the ascidian water fraction. Antibacterial activity test was carried out using the diffusion method (disc diffusion Kirby & Bauer) and the water fraction of ascidian that showing antibacterial activity tested in a UV spectrophotometer to see the anti-UV activity. Results of the study were obtained 4 types of ascidians extracted from partitioned into water fraction, n-hexane fraction, methanol fraction. All three fractions were tested for antibacterial activity and the result showed that there were antibacterial activities of ascidian extract Clavelina sp. against both test bacteria with inhibition of S. aureus and E. coli with strong categories. Ascidian Phlebobranch sp. showed the presence of antibacterial activity...
Title (Bahasa Indonesia): Variasi ukuran rotifer Brachionus rotundiformisyang diberi pakan berbed... more Title (Bahasa Indonesia): Variasi ukuran rotifer Brachionus rotundiformisyang diberi pakan berbeda pada salinitas 40 ppt RotiferBrachionus rotundiformisis a group of zooplankton which is used by fish larvae for feeding to initiate their growth. This zooplankton is widely favored by marine fauna larvae because of its small size can fits well with various larval mouth; thus, it is easily preyed by larvae. This study aimed to determine the variation of rotifer B. rotundiformismorphometry if cultured with different feed at 40 ppt. The use of 40 ppt salinity is expected to provide a variable morphometric size because B. rotundiformishas a polymorphism property. Microalgae used as feed for rotifer B. rotundiformiswere Prochloronsp. and Nanochloropsis oculata. Microalgae were cultured with Hirata medium. In the early stages, B. rotundiformiswas cultured at optimum temperature (28 ºC) and salinity 20 ppt, then it was cultured at salinity 40 ppt. Salinity adaptation was done by raising the s...
Marine bacteria have a lot of potential in exploring the enzyme that can be developed, such as a ... more Marine bacteria have a lot of potential in exploring the enzyme that can be developed, such as a producer of proteorhodopsin, act as hydrocarbon chlorlastic and can degrade oil. This study aims to obtain isolates and can characterize the bacterial morphology. Malalayang Waters is one of the marine bacterial habitats that has potential area to be studied. This study aims to isolate marine bacteria from Malalayang Waters. These marine bacteria first were diluted into sea water before they were grown on Nutrient Agar (NA). Based on the results of this study it was found that marine bacterial isolated were separated based on their morphological characteristics. The dominant morphological characteristics were yellow whites which dominant shape were irregular.Keywords: bacterial, dilution, isolation. Bakteri laut memiliki banyak potensi yang dapat dikembangkan. Seperti penghasil proteorhodopsin, berperan sebagai hidrokarbonoklastik dan dapat mendegradasi minyak. Perairan Malalayang merup...
Sponge organisms produce bioactive compounds that are toxic as a means of self-defense. The compo... more Sponge organisms produce bioactive compounds that are toxic as a means of self-defense. The compound is known to have the potential as an antibacterial and anti-UV which can absorb sunlight with the potential to be used as a material for making sunscreen. The purpose of this study was to obtain antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria and anti-UV activity from crude extracts and sponges fractions. The antibacterial test done by agar diffusion method (Kirby and Bauer diffusion disc) and the crude extract and the active fraction of antibacterial compounds were tested in a UV spectrophotometer to see its anti-UV activity. As a result, 4 species of sponges were extracted and partitioned into water fractions, methanol fractions, and n-hexane fractions. All samples were tested for antibacterial activity and the results showed antibacterial activity against S. aureus by Plakortis sp. in crude extract (9 mm) and water fraction (8.6 mm), Agelas sp. i...
Bacteria are found to be highly associated with various marine organisms, such as sponges. Sponge... more Bacteria are found to be highly associated with various marine organisms, such as sponges. Sponges are known as the product of bioactive compounds. However, some of the compounds produced by sponges are obtained by the simbion-bacteria. Therefore this situation enables sponges simbion bacteria to play a major role in producing bioactive compounds that have been isolated from the sponge. The purpose of this study is to isolate and determine the characteristics of morphology of spongy simbion bacteria resembling Cribochalina sp, which was taken from Malalayang waters, North Sulawesi. Sponge simbion bacteria grow on NB media. Initially, a free-breeding colony was being done before bacteria were accrued in the NA media by 2% sponge broth (patent SID201906301) by means of Strike Plate methods. Based on to this study we had isolate five spongy simbion bacteria that resembling the Cribochalina sp. All five of these isolations have different characteristics of morphology in terms of color, ...
Sponges have a potential to produce bioactive compounds. Their ability to do it since there is a ... more Sponges have a potential to produce bioactive compounds. Their ability to do it since there is a symbiotic relationship with microorganisms in these bacteria. Because of this critical role, the bacteria symbiotic with sponge allegedly have great potential in terms of producing bioactive compounds that have been isolated from sponges (Lee, et al, 2001). In this study, using bacterial culture preparations isolated from the sponge, Acanthostrongylophora sp., the bacterial isolates were tested for their antibacterial activities using a well diffusion test. Based on the antibacterial activity test, the bacterial isolates known as BPO (shaped wavy white dots) and BPB (white threadlike have a certain type of thread) had antibacterial activity. ODS had a broad spectrum as potent against all three types of tested bacteria (Vibrio cholerae, Staphyloccocus aureus, Bacillus subtillis).
Papers by veibe warouw