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There are students who worked hard but whose names do not appear in this list. I give them warm encouragement. Keep up the good work! Congratulations! From a total of 162 students, the best performers are: Name Average Group
Perkumpulan Qbar, 2007
Runtuhnya rezim orde baru membuka angin segar bagi desentralisasi sistem pemerintahan, semangat ini kemudian di tuangkan dalam TAP MPR Nomor XV/MPR/1998 tentang penyelenggaraan otonomi daerah; pengaturan, pembagian, dan pemanfaatan Sumber daya nasional yang berkeadilan ; serta perimbangan keuangan pusat dan daerah dalam kerangka negara kesatuan republik indonesia. TAP ini ditindaklanjuti oleh DPR RI dengan menetapkan UU No. 22 tahun 1999 tentang Pemerintah Daerah
Μελέτες για την ελληνική γλώσσα, 2025
Inflectional information is crucial in a Modern Greek dictionary, where rich morphology and extensive diachronic variation produce significant, context-specific morphophonological diversity, e.g., παράθυρου ‘window-GEN.SG’ and παραθύρου ‘window-GEN.SG’, πόλης ‘town-GEN.SG’ and πόλεως ‘town-GEN.SG’ (see Anastassiadis-Symeonidis & Fliatouras 2019). The proposed nominal inflection systems are largely abstract and concern a limited number of inflectional classes (see Anastassiadis-Symeonidis 2012), in contrast to the nominal inflection system of approximately 68 (sub)categories in the Modern Greek Dictionary/MGD (1998), which is highly sensitive to stress and morphological learned varieties. This paper explores, based on contemporary corpora (Google, Hellenic National Corpus of Greek Language, Corpus of Greek Texts, etc.), to what extent the inflectional classes with learned variety proposed by the MDG are evident in actual usage, focusing specifically on stress patterns in the genitive singular and inflectional suffixes in the nominative plural and genitive singular. Finally, based on this data, it proposes a possible lexicographical practice that is both more economical and dynamic in capturing for the user the fluid and highly useful learned variety of nominal inflection.
This is an excerpt from an online class that discusses the treatment of stress/emotional and digestive disorders. The course can be found at .
Electric Power Systems Research
Electricity losses have been a focus of attention for Distribution System Operators (DSOs) and regulatory bodies. To define non-technical loss reduction policies is necessary to determine their amount. The strategy adopted is to calculate the technical losses to obtain the non-technical losses through the total losses difference. This paper presents an approach to estimate electric technical losses in distribution systems, showing that the load model in the frequency domain calculation is robust. Our analyses examine a model for calculating the loss coefficient in distribution systems due to dynamic energy consumption characteristics. We decomposed the load profile by Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and applied it to a model adapted to compute the losses spectral analysis, using the Parseval Identity. This paper examines how to estimate the coefficient up to the Nyquist Limit, considering the losses contributions to high frequencies. We evaluate this impact using a practical calculation in the load frequency domain. In this context, it would be interesting to reduce the computational cost and increase the accuracy estimate. Load flow simulations show that the model in the frequency domain presents an error of 0.1514% when compared with the model in the time domain. We obtained an error of 1.8718% using a correlation model between the loss simulations with the low-frequency components and the resolution limit. The model in the frequency domain has greater predictability, considering the load harmonic components' exponential decay characteristic. The intended purpose of this paper is defining regulatory losses in distribution systems.
Project Management Handbook, version 1.1 2
Türk Sineması'nda kent ve taşra mekânının sinema filmlerinde temsil ediliş biçimi 2000'li yılların öncesine kadar benzer formlarda yeniden üretilmiştir. Ancak 2000'li yıllardan sonra sinemadaki mekân algısı ve mekânın yeniden üretim biçimi değişmeye başlamıştır. Bu değişimin ve gerçekçilik ekseninde üretilen filmsel mekânların öncü yönetmenlerinden bazıları Nuri Bilge Ceylan ve Zeki Demirkubuz'dur. Bu tez çalışmasında her iki yönetmenin filmsel mekânı filmlerinde nasıl inşa ettikleri
Developmental Psychology, 2014
In the present study, we investigated developmental trajectories of alerting, orienting, and executive attention networks and their interactions over childhood. Two cross-sectional experiments were conducted with different samples of 6-to 12-year-old children using modified versions of the attention network task (ANT). In Experiment 1 (N ϭ 106), alerting and orienting cues were independently manipulated, thus allowing examination of interactions between these 2 networks, as well as between them and the executive attention network. In Experiment 2 (N ϭ 159), additional changes were made to the task in order to foster exogenous orienting cues. Results from both studies consistently revealed separate developmental trajectories for each attention network. Children younger than 7 years exhibited stronger benefits from having an alerting auditory signal prior to the target presentation. Developmental changes in orienting were mostly observed on response accuracy between middle and late childhood, whereas executive attention showed increases in efficiency between 7 years and older ages, and further improvements in late childhood. Of importance, across both experiments, significant interactions between alerting and orienting, as well as between each of these and the executive attention network, were observed. Alerting cues led to speeding shifts of attention and enhancing orienting processes. Also, both alerting and orienting cues modulated the magnitude of the flanker interference effect. These findings inform current theoretical models of human attention and its development, characterizing for the first time, the age-related course of attention networks interactions that, present in adults, stem from further refinements over childhood.
Many people are recognizing that there are apparent contradictions in the official narrative about COVID-19 and vaccinations. If the vaccine is supposed to prevent infection, then: Why are so many vaccinated people getting sick with COVID (breakthrough infections)? Why are the unvaccinated a risk to the vaccinated? Why is immunity short-lived and boosters needed? Why vaccinate those who already have had COVID and have natural immunity? Why do these vaccines leave the vaccinated so vulnerable to infection? The answer is that these vaccines are not preventative vaccines; they are therapeutic vaccines. Everything we have been told about these vaccines makes sense once you realize that they are for treatment, not prevention.
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Anais do XI Seminário Nacional do Centro de Memória Unicamp, 2024
Journal of Coated Fabrics, 1992
יידישלאנד (Yidishland), 2024
Revista Labor, 2017
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2018
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2019
Appetite, 2019
Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2015
Environmental Pollution, 2009