2021, Vol. 2, No. 2, 65 – 75
Research Article
Ading Priyotantoko1, Armaidy Armawi1*, Bayu Dardias Kurniadi2, Darto Wahidin1
Program of National Resilience, The Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada
Department of Politics and Governance, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Article history:
Submission 27 September 2021
Revised 16 October 2021
Accepted 18 October 2021
*Corresponding author:
[email protected]
In the past, defense in warfare was carried out conventionally by using weapons. Now the defense system has shifted to modern types of
warfare, either through culture, diplomacy, technology, and ideology.
Kogabwilhan as a unit directly under the President’s command. The
TNI’s Kogabwilhan is a representation of the concept of TNI's interoperability capability which is currently a priority policy for TNI Commanders. Kogabwilhan was established as an effort of the TNI to carry
out the strengthening of resilience and deterrence against various potential threats, both from outside and within the country. The presence of the Kogabwilhan is a form of TNI's preparedness in handling
the crisis. The development of defense areas is directed at maintaining the natural potential and social conditions that exist in the territory of Indonesia. Kogabwilhan is here to coordinate with various
parties to maintain all aspects, both disaster mitigation, regional development, welfare, and regional defense. The government determined the domicile of MaKogabwilhan II in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan Province. The determination must have taken into account some
aspects of the current command, control, strategy, and infrastructure.
Thus, the formation of the Kogabwilhan has a strategic role in maintaining the sovereignty of the Indonesian state. The formation of the
Kogabwilhan was carried out as one of the steps taken by the TNI to
strengthen Its deterrence against various potential threats from outside and within the country. However, there are three things that
have an impact on the resilience of the defense area as a result of the
formation of Kogabwilhan II in Balikpapan. First, the military managerial role. The improvement of military managerial capabilities must
be based on good planning, organization, implementation arrangements, and supervision, so that they can be controlled optimally. Second, the role of legal policy. Kogabwilhan must be able to enforce the
law, both on land, sea, and air. Third, the role of diplomacy. The establishment of Kogabwilhan could reduce existing conflicts, so diplomacy skills are very important to have. Therefore, the development
How to cite:
Priyotantoko, A., Armawi, A., Kurniadi, B. D., Wahidin, D. (2021). Establishment of Kogabwilhan in Supporting the Defense Area’s Resilience. Indonesian Journal of Social Science Research, 2(2), 65 – 75. doi: 10.11594/ijssr.02.02.02
Priyotantoko et al., 2021/ Establishment of Kogabwilhan in Supporting the Defense Area’s Resilience
of defense and security in strategic areas is currently increasingly
complex and escalating in various parts of the world.
Keywords: Kogabwilhan, Regional Resilience, Defense
The rapid development of technology in the
era of globalization is a big challenge for the Indonesian people. In the past, the defense in war
was carried out conventionally by using weapons. But now the era has changed, the era of
globalization and technology shifts to cyber in
warding off threats from other countries. Currently, the defense system has shifted to the
type of modern warfare, either through culture,
diplomacy, technology, and ideology. It was
used as a weapon to attack and colonize other
The era of globalization provides increasingly severe challenges. The rapid development
of information technology requires the optimization of responsive and responsive institutions or organizations in the community. Thus,
Indonesia does not stutter in facing the challenges of globalization and is even expected to
be able to play an important role as a national
defense system in the future.
Threats, disturbances, obstacles, and challenges (TDOC) faced by the Indonesian people
are not only in the form of military defense and
security. Even now, ideological, political, economic, and socio-cultural colonization is increasingly happening. The shift in defense challenges shifts from territorial ownership towards strategic resources and sources of economic strength.
As stated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2002, that state defense is
intended as an effort to defend the sovereignty
of the state, the territorial integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and the
safety of the entire nation from all forms of
threats and disturbances to the integrity of the
nation and state. Thus, the Indonesian state is
obliged to maintain the integrity of maintaining
the territorial integrity of the country from
threats that come from outside the territory of
the country.
In this regard, the state mandates all components of the nation to actively participate in
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efforts and processes to create a firm and resilient national defense. In addition, the state can
place the Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) as
the main component with the assistance of reserve components and supporting components. This condition is very urgent considering
the importance of protecting the national defense system from any threat.
One of them is the formation of the
Kogabwilhan. These efforts have a very important role in maintaining the defense area in
Indonesia, where this country has broad territorial power and a multicultural society culture. Kogabwilhan was formed as an effort of
the TNI to carry out the strengthening of resilience and deterrence against various potential
threats, both from outside and within the country. The presence of the Kogabwilhan is a form
of TNI's preparedness in handling the crisis. In
addition, of course, the TNI sees and reviews
the development of an increasingly complex
strategic environment around the world. Moreover, this increasingly dynamic condition can
trigger a threat to the integrity of the Unitary
State of the Republic of Indonesia, both military
and non-military.
Although generally, the defense system is
identical with several identity attributes. However, now the TNI is expected to have crisis
management capabilities, problem-solving
abilities, both under normal and less than optimal conditions, as well as the availability of adequate logistical resources, such as fuel, food
and water, and the like (Farick, 2019). This is
very much needed, especially considering the
importance of establishing Kogabwilhan in facing the challenges of the fragile defense of the
Republic of Indonesia.
Based on Presidential Decree No. 27 of
2019 concerning the Establishment of a Military Resort Command, Kogabwilhan is a unit directly under the President. The command
serves as a forum for handling the readiness of
the TNI in protecting Indonesia's defense areas
from existing threats. So, It needs to be
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Priyotantoko et al., 2021/ Establishment of Kogabwilhan in Supporting the Defense Area’s Resilience
optimized in its implementation, in order to
support the development strategy and supervision of the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.
In addition, the Presidential Decree explained, the establishment of the Joint Regional
Defense Command and the Upgrade of the Status of 23 Military Resort Commands (Korem)
from Type-B to Type-A. The TNI’s Kogabwilhan
is a representation of the concept of TNI interoperability capability which is currently a
priority policy for the TNI Commanders (Bashori, 2021). This condition shows the threats
and challenges that must be faced by Indonesia,
both now and in the future. Therefore, the integration of dimensional forces (land, sea, and
air) is very much needed in responding to these
The establishment of the Kogabwilhan as a
forum for the sovereignty of the defense of the
Republic of Indonesia's defense area, which is
located in Balikpapan, is very vital. Because the
location is the middle point of the territory of
Indonesia. Even the problems related to the
fragile issues of national defense and security
are very susceptible to emergence. The emergence of national divisions is also a focus that
must be overcome. As well as issues of terrorism, illegal logging, human trafficking, economic inequality, and the like have endangered
the nation and state’s integrity. Hence, the establishment of Kogabwilhan II Balikpapan, East
Kalimantan, is expected to be a forum to overcome various threats, both military and nonmilitary. In addition, the organization has also
become urgent in its existence to support the
Republic of Indonesia’s defense area resilience.
In the future, it is expected to be used as a fort
in the face of various possible threats that are
intangible, such as ideology, politics, economy,
and socio-culture.
Specifically, these problems are (1) the process of Kogabwilhan establishment in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, and (2) what is the impact of the establishment of the Kogabwilhan in
supporting the defense area resilience in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan.
This research use desciptive qualitative approach. Sources of research data come from
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primary and secondary data. The research location of Kogabwilhan II in Balikpapan. The
process of collecting data obtained by observation, interviews, and documentation. After collecting data, data analysis is carried out by reducing the data obtained, then the data is presented in narrative form, and drawing conclusions and recommendations to related parties.
Results and Discussion
The Process of Kogabwilhan Establishment
The island of Borneo being chosen as the location for Kogabwilhan has a tremendous
meaning. Historically, in the Kalimantan Region, 3 (three) sovereign countries were
formed, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam. The territory of the Republic of
Indonesia and Malaysia is inseparable from the
role and heritage as former colonies of the
Dutch and British colonial governments.
Within three countries that inhabit the territory of Kalimantan, it is bordered by legal state
boundaries (Batubara, 2017). The national
boundary line is the embodiment of the complete geopolitical aspect of a country as a unitary aspect of Geographical, Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, and Defense and Security
From the beginning of independence until
today, Indonesia has been connected to global
issues. Historically, military institutions were
also closely related to the military education
system taught by other countries, such as Japan
(PETA) and the Netherlands (KNIL). In addition, there were also upheavals of resistance
from the Kelompok Laskar Rakyat, although, in
its development, the group did not have special
military education. In its development, TNI tensions arose due to the power struggle, both
from within and outside the institution. Therefore, the birth of the TNI is closely related to the
values and norms established by the former
Japanese and Dutch military education (Octavian, 2014). However, now these values have
been reformed by the TNI with different qualities and contexts under the foundation of Pancasila as the ideology of the Unitary State of the
Republic of Indonesia and the wisdom of the Indonesian people.
The borders of a country have an important
role in determining the boundaries of the
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sovereign territory, utilizing natural resources,
empowering the population as much as possible to be utilized for the benefit of national defense both from the military aspect and socioeconomic aspects through the utilization of its
potential (Rahman, 2013). Hence, the development of defense supporting infrastructure
which facilitates the supervision of defense areas.
The discussion of the regional command in
implementing the empowerment of the defense area certainly experiences many disturbances and obstacles. The regional command
has the power to detect, prevent, and deal with
enemy threats (Wanto, 2017). With all the existing TNI forces, Kogabwilhan is expected to be
able to communicate to the community components and related agencies about the importance of the resilience of the defense area in
the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition, Kogabwilhan must be able to establish
cooperation and coordination with various
parties so that they can maintain and analyze
the situation by prioritizing aspects of disaster
mitigation, regional development, welfare, and
regional defense.
The thoughts outlined in the effort to establish the Kogabwilhan prove that Indonesia is
very visionary and capable of making good
breakthroughs in tackling all existing threats.
Even amid a downturn in the economy, and the
emergence of domestic rebellions, the Indonesian people can still act as protectors for their
people (Octavian, 2014). One of them is the establishment of Kogabwilhan to maintain the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia and be able
to become an example for countries in the
world in the future.
Tishler identified the critical success factors in defense development as (Tishler, 2017):
(1) the military environment, a view of the
need for more pressing results indicating the
greater the project's chances of success; (2) the
follow-up team, whose main role is to determine the success of the project, especially important and professional qualifications, as well
as a sense of responsibility; (3) the feasibility of
the technology at the start of the project proved
to be critical to its success; (4) attention to design considerations, such as production capability, quality, reliability, and design to cost, is
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critical to success; and (5) professional qualifications and team spirit, these correlations are
very urgent for development correlation in
achieving defense development success.
This directly shows that reform as a structure that compels every community group, including the military, has also opened up opportunities for the military to be more professional
and responsive to the demands of change (Octavian, 2014). Thus, reform is expected to be
able to generate innovative thinking to place
the military more strategically in the context of
Indonesia's future development construction.
Liliana Filip in NATO Resilience Strategy
Towards Russian Hybrid Warfare revealed that
NATO ambassadors and defense ministers
have organized simulation exercises and scenarios to test their awareness of the situation
and their reaction to hybrid threats. It was a
wake-up call for many. Also, civilian leadership
and civil-private-military interaction must improve how to respond to challenging hybrid
threats (Filip, 2017). This condition is important to increase the awareness of the government to make a defense strategy in the era
of globalization. One of them is the effort to
support the resilience of the defense area
through the establishment of the Kogabwilhan
organization, both military and non-military
In addition, the development of defense areas is directed at maintaining the existing potential, such as geography, demographics, natural resources, and social conditions in Indonesian territory. Likewise, the social communication carried out should be able to improve good
relations with the community, so that a close
relationship can be established in the hope of
being able to inspire, encourage and awaken
and invite related parties and the community to
participate in understanding the importance of
defense area resilience.
The role of conditions in the field is very urgent. Theoretically, the role is defined as the
characterization performed by an actor on a
drama stage, whereas in practice or social context, the role is defined as a function that is performed by a person when occupying a position
in the social structure. The role of an actor is a
boundary designed by other actors, who happen to be both in one performance or role
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performance (Suhardono, 2008). Therefore,
the formation of the Kogabwilhan certainly has
an important role in maintaining the sovereignty of the Indonesian state, which consists of
thousands of islands. In addition, the role can
also be interpreted as a dynamic process of position. If the actor performs the rights and obli-
gations according to his position, then the person carries out a role (Soekanto, 2009). The
role is intended as a dynamic aspect in the position of something. Thus, when an individual
performs his rights and obligations according
to his position, then that person has carried out
a role.
Figure 1. Three TNI’s Kogabwilhan Establishment Ceremony
(Source:, 2019)
Likewise, the position on the existence of
the MaKogabwilhan, of course, has previously
considered aspects of the current command
and control, strategy, and infrastructure. Then
the government determined the domicile of
MaKogabwilhan I was in Tanjung Pinang, Riau
Islands; MaKogabwilhan II in Balikpapan, East
Kalimantan; and MaKogabwilhan III was in
Biak, Papua.
As reported by (27/09/2019),
the position of MaKogabwilhan II in Balikpapan,
PangKogabwilhan II Marsda TNI Fadjar Prasetyo, SE, MPP, with land areas (East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, North Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Central Java, East Java, Bali, NTB, and
NTT); marine areas (waters around East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, North Kalimantan,
Sulawesi, Central Java, East Java, Bali, NTB,
NTT, and ALKI-2 and ALKI-3a and their surrounding waters); airspace (areas above East
Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, North Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Central Java, East Java, Bali, NTB,
NTT, and ALKI-2 and ALKI-3a and the surrounding airspace) (Bashori, 2021).
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Kogabwilhan in empowering the defense
area is necessary to increase the strength that
is ready to be seconded to defend its territory.
When in a safe condition from military threats,
the existing strength is used to overcome nonmilitary threats, namely in assisting local governments, including in dealing with conflicts,
natural disasters, and various regional security
and defense problems in the community.
Hence, Kogabwilhan is present to support the
defense area resilience of the Republic of Indonesia.
Impact of Defense Area Resilience
The state and citizens must have a close and
balanced relationship in the context of the life
of the nation and state. They understand each
other and are aware of their rights and obligations. As in Article 30 of the UUD 1945, citizens
have the right and obligation to carry out state
defense activities. This responsibility is important considering that Kogabwilhan aims to
increase the sense of nationalism and patriotism and must be followed by every citizen. The
spirit of nationalism and patriotism is a form of
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love for the homeland. Like the Indonesian independence fighters in the struggle for Indonesia as a sovereign country. However, on the
contrary, defending the state is an obligation
for citizens, as a return for state services to its
citizens (Siswanto, 2013). In the future, the
challenges and threats faced by the state will be
more severe and varied. Therefore,
Kogabwilhan is a milestone to provide understanding to citizens, especially the nation’s next
generation, aware of efforts to protect the defense area of the Republic of Indonesia.
In terms of defense and security, with clear
boundaries, security conditions will increase.
This is indicated by a decrease in crime, smuggling of goods, and natural resources theft
(Susilo, 2019). Thus, the clear boundaries also
prevent border areas conflicts.
Larosa explained that the things that must
be considered include the strategic dynamics of
environmental security in the Asia Pacific Region, modernization of military forces, border
issues between countries, interstate conflicts,
trends in contemporary conflicts, issues of
weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, espionage, transnational crime, knowledge and technology, climate change, natural disasters, food,
water, and energy security, epidemics, and national strategic environmental development
(Larosa, 2017). Thus, Kogabwilhan is here to be
able to prepare the country when there are
threats, disturbances, and obstacles that exist.
Prior and Roth revealed that the state must
be able to manage and prevent disasters or
threats that will occur. Disaster risk needs
management processes to adapt. In addition,
increasingly dynamic threats are worrying the
existing environment. Thus, countries need to
strive to increase the flexibility of disaster response and recovery longitudinally. The state
must be able to develop independent innovations and strengthen the network of institutions involved in improving disaster management, both from the administrative territory
and regional defense aspects (Tim Prior dan
Therefore, the
Kogabwilhan formed is also expected to be able
to play a role in disaster management (accident). The countermeasures carried out must
be through a risk management approach and
the development of a complementary defense
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system, such as through an infrastructure system so that the resilience of defense areas is not
The establishment of this new organizational unit was carried out to strengthen the
role of the TNI in carrying out its duties. As
stated by Joko Widodo, President of the Republic of Indonesia, appreciation for the role of the
TNI in helping people who are facing natural
disasters is extraordinary. The world moves
very fast and dynamically. The transformation
of the TNI's organization must always be carried out (Saputri, 2021). Thus, Kogabwilhan
must know the dynamics of the strategic environment by the dynamics of threats and following the development of military technology.
According to Hilhorst, resilience humanitarianism seeks continuity by making affected
populations primarily responsible for their
own survival (Hilhorst, 2018). This condition is
the same as Kogabwilhan's efforts to support
regional resilience. In addition, considering Indonesia's large population, not only military
defense but also various fields need to be considered so that in the future, the Kogabwilhan
organization will be to support the defense
area resilience maximally.
The presence of the Kogabwilhan is an important military defense asset owned by the nation, especially in its task of guarding the existing defense area. This requires optimization
through increased performance in carrying out
roles and tasks, for example how to use defense
equipment and improve science and technological.
Meanwhile, Lantto explained the differences in the cyber resilience of a closed national network and the open network. Consequently, all other elements are standardized, if
and when possible and relevant (Lantto, 2019).
Kogabwilhan is also expected to present a strategy for dealing with non-military defense
threats. On the other hand, the state also needs
to pay attention to the willingness to develop
through military technology networks, so that
this effort is also expected to support the resilience of the defense area through the formation
of the Kogabwilhan organization.
Defense policy also requires rational
budget support, but the regional unit budget
for the allocation of defense area
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empowerment is currently still very limited because the existing budget support is only limited to socialization for two agencies. Therefore, the activities of empowering the defense
area are expected to be understood from various components. This effort is to have a sense
of nationalism, love for the homeland, and a
high sense of state defense.
Regional resilience cannot be separated
from national resilience. Regional resilience is
part of national resilience. So that regional resilience is a dynamic condition of an area that
covers all aspects of an integrated area's life,
containing tenacity and resilience that contains
the ability to develop regional strength in facing and overcoming all threats, disturbances,
obstacles, and challenges (TDOC), both coming
from outside and inside (Sunardi, 1997). This is
to ensure the identity, integrity, survival of the
nation and state, and the struggle to achieve national goals.
Regional resilience as a sub-system of national resilience. Thus, regional resilience is an
inseparable part of the national security
needed by every nation. Therefore, the concept
of national resilience cannot be separated from
regional resilience, because regional resilience
is the pillar of national resilience.
Sunardi explained that national resilience is
supported by regional resilience. Regional resilience must be supported by community resilience. Community resilience must also begin
with family resilience, while family resilience
must be supported by individual resilience. Regional resilience must be supported by clear regional or state boundaries as an effort to realize
regional resilience which leads to national resilience (Sunardi, 1997). Regional resilience is
the realization of dynamic conditions in the region that contain the ability to empower all potentials in certain regions. This effort is to anticipate any potential threats that directly or indirectly threaten the stability and resilience of
the region.
Kogabwilhan is a TNI Kotamaops led by a
TNI high-ranking officer who is directly under
the TNI Commander, serving as an initial follow-up and remediation in the event of a conflict in the area for both War Military Operations (OMP) and Military Operations Other
Than War (OMSP) and as a deterrent in the
event of a threat (Hakim, 2021). The disturbed
state security condition requires recovery because it is caused by security disturbances in
the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition, social issues also need to be considered
to inspire the development of understanding of
national values and defend the country. Social
phenomena in national defense and security
are very important to be followed up immediately to cause the fragility of the resilience of
the national defense area and the Unitary State
of the Republic of Indonesia.
Table 1. East Kalimantan’s Cases of Illegal Logging, Mining, Fishing and Illegal Trafficking Per Month
in 2015
Type of Illegal Cases
Kutai Barat
Kutai Kartanegara
Kutai Timur
Penajam Paser Utara
Mahakam Ulu
IJSSR | Indonesian Journal of Social Science Research
Volume 2 | Number 2 | December | 2021
Priyotantoko et al., 2021/ Establishment of Kogabwilhan in Supporting the Defense Area’s Resilience
Type of Illegal Cases
Total 2015
(Sumber:, 2017)
The establishment of the Kogabwilhan was
carried out as one of the steps taken by the TNI
to strengthen its deterrence against various potential threats from outside and within the
country. The development of the strategic environment is currently increasingly complex and
escalating in various parts of the world. This
poses a threat to national interests, both military and non-military threats (Humas, Provinsi
Kalimantan Timur, 2021). So, in principle, the
establishment of the Kogabwilhan is as TNI preparedness for handling crises.
The ability to carry out assistance tasks in
the field of territorial management needs to be
possessed by the Kogabwilhan command unit.
Territorial management capabilities must be
continuously improved and maintained. This is
so that security can be implemented optimally
to realize national stability. In addition, the improvement of territorial management capabilities requires good planning, organization, implementation arrangements, and supervision.
Thus, it can be controlled optimally.
Kogabwilhan must also have good and professional territorial control skills. Ability to
deal with all threats that arise at any time. From
these conditions, the role of Kogabwilhan is expected to be able to accurately record data to
be used as a basis for consideration in the defense of the defense area. With the increasing
ability to master the territory, hoped that it will
be able to follow the developments that arise
and all the dynamics that will occur.
Based on this discussion, the impact of the
resilience of the defense area arising from the
formation of Kogabwilhan II in Balikpapan is 3
(three) things. First, the military managerial
role. The use of force is to be carried out in the
context of upholding state sovereignty and deterrence through the preparation of war forces,
warding off any military threats by sea, maintaining the stability of the maritime area, protecting and guarding maritime borders with
neighboring countries. The establishment of
the Kogabwilhan is one of the efforts to build
the strength of the TNI as a deterrent and resistance to various potential threats.
Kogabwilhan must have the ability to carry
out tasks in the field of territorial management.
Territorial management capabilities must be
continuously improved so that security assistance can be carried out optimally to achieve
national stability. The improvement of military
managerial capabilities must be based on good
planning, organization, implementation arrangements, and supervision, so that they can
be controlled optimally.
Second, the role of legal policy.
Kogabwilhan must be able to enforce the law,
both on land, sea, and air. This effort is to protect national resources and wealth, maintain
order, and support the development of the nation in contributing to national stability and development.
A wise rule of law is expected to raise
awareness to increase the sense of nationality,
love for the homeland, and a high sense of state
defense in all components of the nation. Until
now, the understanding of the defense system
is still poorly understood by the public in general, because it has not been fully understood
by all citizens due to a lack of socialization in
the community. As referring to Law Number 3
of 2002 concerning National Defense, the defense system adopted by the Indonesian people
is universal. Therefore, the presence of
Kogabwilhan has certainly been aligned with
the government's development program. The
government has declared 35 Strategic Development Areas, building from the periphery and
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Priyotantoko et al., 2021/ Establishment of Kogabwilhan in Supporting the Defense Area’s Resilience
presenting the state to protect all citizens
throughout the territory of the Unitary State of
the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
Third, the role of diplomacy. The formation
of Kogabwilhan could reduce existing conflicts,
so diplomacy skills are very important to have.
This is very urgent, considering that the TNI
does not only use weapons in solving problems
or conflicts. Diplomacy is a means of supporting the government's foreign policy and is designed to influence the leadership of a country
or several countries in peaceful or hostile situations.
Communication skills are needed by
Kogabwilhan to support the resilience of the
defense area in Indonesia. Communication
skills can be applied to all aspects of competence, both community, traditional leaders, religious leaders, youth leaders, and with government officials in the regions, in the hope that reciprocal relationships can arise and create a
sense of nationality, a sense of defending the
country and growing a high sense of unity. In
addition, diplomacy is very much needed in reducing conflicts that occur from or between
outside parties when it raises concerns about
the defense system of the Republic of Indonesia. In enhancing the empowerment of defense
areas, the diplomatic role of Kogabwilhan is
also needed to optimize social communication
capabilities and troop strength, so that the role
of territorial command in the region can be
more optimal in carrying out tasks. Therefore,
the establishment of Kogabwilhan II in Balikpapan is very important in supporting the resilience of the defense area in Indonesia.
The establishment of Kogabwilhan II in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan is a strategic step,
especially considering the condition of Indonesia, which consists of thousands of islands from
Sabang to Merauke. Kogabwilhan is part of Indonesia’s centrical circle. The Kogabwilhan,
which is supported by the central institution, is
the organization of the joint command of the
defense area. Thus, in the future, it is still necessary to supervise some remote areas as well
as disaster mitigation by involving the community in regional defense. Despite the fact that
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basic infrastructure facilities, such as transportation, electricity, clean water, and telecommunications are still in short supply. Still, the limitations in various aspects must be resolved immediately.
Indonesia's tangible manifestation from a
visionary perspective is the establishment of
the Kogabwilhan. This is an innovation that
must and must be carried out, because all
threats will always appear, so they need to be
overcome. In the context of globalization, the
national defense faces serious challenges, one
of which is liberalism, individualism, capitalism, and consumerism. Thus, the role of the
state is very important to raise awareness of
national defense and security, one of which is
by taking visionary actions to answer the demands of the times through the establishment
of Kogabwilhan.
Even amid the fragility of national defense,
the decline in the economy, and the emergence
of domestic rebellions. The Indonesian people
remain loyal to fight for the unity and integrity
of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. So, it needs to be framed in a broad regional
defense transformation process. Not only to
raise awareness of nationalism and patriotism,
but also to encourage the construction of national defense and security that is relevant to
the demands of the times. The keywords of this
system are knowledge, awareness, and action,
so the presence of Kogabwilhan needs to be internalized so that discursive awareness
emerges and can be reflected at the level of activity in institutions and society at large.
Optimizing the implementation of the
Kogabwilhan also has an impact on the resilience of the defense territory of the Republic of
Indonesia. The implementation of the
Kogabwilhan needs to maximize the performance of defense institutions, both military,
and non-military. Protection of public safety
from crime and illegal activities, and environmental conservation are also important. In addition, political stability and economic stability
also need to be harmonized. On the other hand,
fostering nationalism, patriotism, and awareness of defending the country is a key strategy.
The development strategy is expected to be
able to make a positive contribution to the re73
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Priyotantoko et al., 2021/ Establishment of Kogabwilhan in Supporting the Defense Area’s Resilience
silience of the defense area. For example, increasing nationalism, economic growth, maintaining political stability, and harmony in sociocultural life.
I would like to deliver my greates gratitude
to the Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Dean
of the Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah
Mada, Study Program of National Resilience,
the Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah
Mada, who had supported this study directly,
the Kogabwilhan Balikpapan who had given me
ooportunity to conduct this study, and the committee of International Conference of Social Research with Multidisiplinary Approach
(ICSRMA) 2021 who had given me the opportunity to participate in this conference.
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Link / URL:
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IJSSR | Indonesian Journal of Social Science Research
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Jokowi Singgung Pembentukan Kogabwilhan
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Volume 2 | Number 2 | December | 2021