The Andi Azis incident gave an important meaning to the historical traces of the Indonesian milit... more The Andi Azis incident gave an important meaning to the historical traces of the Indonesian military's struggle in eradicating the rebellion which was actually driven by its officers at that time. The incident that occurred in early April 1950 in Makassar, South Sulawesi was not only interpreted as a form of rebellion due to dissatisfaction with Jakarta's political policies in managing the formation of the state which at that time was still unstable but also as a social resistance of the regional army as the most effective representation of people's power in its time. Historical Research analysis which refers to the historical research methodology process in the form of Heuristics, Source Criticism, Interpretation, and Historiography in this article will try to juxtapose the theories of Insurgency and National Security so that the interesting dimensions of the Andi Azis incident bring new perspectives in the development of defense strategy studies and military philosophy. Andi Azis' rebellion movement can be a separate experience and lesson, especially for the Indonesian Armed Forces (Tni) in promoting a social approach and oneness with the community in addition to repressive measures in tackling similar movements, which are actually still happening in several regions in the archipelago.
South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
The social aspect of Indonesian Armed Forces (Tentara Nasional Indonesia/TNI) cannot be separated... more The social aspect of Indonesian Armed Forces (Tentara Nasional Indonesia/TNI) cannot be separated from the shifting of national defense system paradigm. In term of civil-military relationship, it can be traced by the rise of civil service contribution such as government and non-government elements in anticipating future threats to the region. The perception of threat from global scope to regional scope as well as national has been interpreted as the threat to national security, which is a democratic government ruled by civilian based on good governance principles is supported by military in tackling the threat to national security and society. This paper will describe some developments of social aspects in the context of the change of state defense system. This paper will focus on analyzing the efforts of government for achieving accountable governance through assessing socio-political elements of national security. A conclusion will provide an overview in regard to the development ...
The development of the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping mission models in the multdimensional pea... more The development of the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping mission models in the multdimensional peacekeeping forces is increasing with the demanding of the complexity of forces capability. This condition makes some linear aspects with the mission objectives which are also more diverse. In conflict situations, a general assumption has been that security stability is a major factor that must be achieved. In this paper we analyze the relationship between the UN forces capability and the achievement of peace in the long-term condition. After conducting the qualitative research based on hystorical research and case study that occurred in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the triangulation of various informants, it is found that long-term peace will be achieved if a balance is achieved between security stability and economic recovery. Especially to asses the economic recovery variable, we use the macroeconomic indicators such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Inflation Rate and Unemployment Rate. This condition can be achieved through synergy between the transformation of the UN mission such as peace enforcement and peacekeeping without occurred the dispute mandate and ability to recover all the elements of the poverty recovery such as individuals, families, communities and the creation of economic activities comprehensively. It must be supported by security guarantees from both of the DRC Armed Forces and UN peacekeeping Forces. Although the condition is reached gradually, Congo turned out quite specifically indicate the presence of some interests from certain parties in the name of UN peace operations mission so that conflicts tend to be protracted and prolonged.
Paradigma perang modern di masa depan meliputi perang asimetris yang bergantung pada teknologi in... more Paradigma perang modern di masa depan meliputi perang asimetris yang bergantung pada teknologi informasi dan komunikasi serta unsur militer dan nirmiliter dan berkembangnya teknologi merupakan salah satu tantangan dalam melaksanakan perwatan alutsista. Penelitian ini berfokus pada strategi pemeliharaan dalam menghadapi perkembangan teknologi. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan untuk memahami fenomena atau peristiwa yang kompleks. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dibutuhkan Ekosistem Pemeliharaan Alutsista Nasional untuk Menghadapi perkembangan Teknologi dengan cara mencakup pencapaian kemandirian nasional dalam pertahanan, menguasai teknologi untuk pemeliharaan alutsista, dan menerapkan proses pemeliharaan yang efektif. Sarana dapat mencakup investasi dalam penelitian dan pengembangan teknologi militer, fasilitas produksi dan pemeliharaan, dan tenaga kerja terlatih untuk mengelola peralatan tersebut. Tujuan akhirnya adalah mempertahankan kedaulata...
As a government institution, the dynamics of the Indonesian Armed Forces (T entara Nasional Indon... more As a government institution, the dynamics of the Indonesian Armed Forces (T entara Nasional Indonesia/T NI) organization are in line with the dynamics of other Indonesian government institutions. One of the national dynamics that also influenced the organization of the T NI was the national reform movement as a result of the fall of the New Or der regime in 1998. T his dynamic has led the T NI to carry out the same reform program in order to position itself properly and optimize its role in the order of national life. Bureaucratic reforms carried out within the T NI include aspects of doctrine, structure and culture that are in line with national bureaucratic reform policies in order to realize clean and authoritative governance. Doctrinal aspects include improving software and working mechanisms as the embodiment of various laws and regulations, both doctrines, manuals and fixed procedures that are used as guidelines in carrying out tasks. Priority policy of structural aspects include various improvements in the field of organizational structure, adjusted to developments occurring nationally, in order t o create effective and efficient management. Meanwhile, the cultural aspect is directed at changing the mindset of soldiers and compliance with the law and human rights and discipline of soldiers in carrying out their main tasks.
In the historical record, Japan was among the most prominent country in military aspect. Japanese... more In the historical record, Japan was among the most prominent country in military aspect. Japanese military force at that time was evidenced by the strength of their personnel and equipment. This article aims to explore and analyze the development of Japanese military capabilities and ascertaining its implication on ASEAN and the defense of Indonesia. This study uses data analysis technique and narrative qualitative methods, each data that has been collected and validated will be analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion/verification. From this study, it can be concluded that the improvement of Japanese military capabilities is strongly related to the interest and conflict between several countries such as China, Japan and North Korea. Therefore, Indonesia needs to have preventive measure in anticipating the rise or improvement of Japanese military capabilities even if it has a harmonious cooperation with Japan in many aspects. After all, Indonesia was one of the direct victims of Japanese imperialism and militarism.
The development of the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping mission models in the multdimensional pea... more The development of the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping mission models in the multdimensional peacekeeping forces is increasing with the demanding of the complexity of forces capability. This condition makes some linear aspects with the mission objectives which are also more diverse. In conflict situations, a general assumption has been that security stability is a major factor that must be achieved. In this paper we analyze the relationship between the UN forces capability and the achievement of peace in the long-term condition. After conducting the qualitative research based on historical research and case study that occurred in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the triangulation of various informants, it is found that long-term peace will be achieved if a balance is achieved between security stability and economic recovery. Especially to asses the economic recovery variable, we use the macroeconomic indicators such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Inflation Rate and Unemployment Rate. This condition can be achieved through synergy between the transformation of the UN mission such as peace enforcement and peacekeeping without occurred the dispute mandate and ability to recover all the elements of the poverty recovery such as individuals, families, communities and the creation of economic activities comprehensively. It must be supported by security guarantees from both of the DRC Armed Forces and UN peacekeeping Forces. Although the condition is reached gradually, Congo turned out quite specifically indicate the presence of some interests from certain parties in the name of UN peace operations mission so that conflicts tend to be protracted and prolonged.
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah, 2021
The Mongol Empire, which prevailed in the 13th to 14th centuries, was one of the largest empires ... more The Mongol Empire, which prevailed in the 13th to 14th centuries, was one of the largest empires known in the history of world conquest. The stretch of the empire formed by Genghis Khan almost covers all of Eurasia, whose success story cannot be separated from the exploits of intelligence and psychological warfare that have been applied just like modern wars centuries after. Historical Research analysis in this article will try to juxtapose intelligence theories and psychological warfare so that the story of the Mongolian empire can be a valuable lesson for the study of strategy and philosophy of war as a reference for modern military strategy. The historical analysis process is expected to achieve the research objectives, namely to reveal the extent to which the role of intelligence and psychological warfare has an important position in supporting the successful expansion and success of the empiric Genghis Khan. The success of the Mongols in expanding their colonies was due to several factors, including the strength of leadership and Genghis Khan's ingenuity in mobilizing intelligence processes and psychological warfare based on elements of terrain and climate, infrastructure, the confidentiality of information and regulations. On the other hand, three factors caused the Mongol empire to collapse: internal conflicts, a change in vision from psychological warfare due to cultural acculturation, and the emergence of new nations that were more resilient in utilizing military alliances, geographical advantages, and more modern war strategies.
The role of geography in the military strategy decision-making process has a significant position... more The role of geography in the military strategy decision-making process has a significant position. This is inseparable from the development of technology that supports geography, such as the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones, geospatial information-based weaponry and efforts to develop military bases based on the strategic location of a place. The purpose of this study is to analyze (1) The projection of the government's plan to develop Selaru Island as an integrated military base based on military geography (2) The social and economic impacts of the community that need to be anticipated when an integrated military facility is established related to economic growth, inflation and unemployment rates. The data in this study were analyzed using qualitative methods obtained as a result of in-depth interviews, observations, library research and focused group discussions. This study indicates that analysis of military geography and geospatial information is very much ne...
This study aims to determine the management of national security in the threat of Indonesian sove... more This study aims to determine the management of national security in the threat of Indonesian sovereignty. Analysis with qualitative methods is presented in the research process through several data collection methods, including in-depth interviews, literature study, observation, and focus group discussions and continued with data triangulation. Threat analysis and threat assessment approaches are carried out by applying them to several case studies both at the country level and regional security stability. There are two structural efforts that need to be made in calculating national security management, namely Threat Assessment which considers the spectrum that has a high threat risk such as natural disasters, crime, terrorists and accidents, and shifts in Threat Perception such as changes in type. from military threats to non-military threats.
National resources for national defense in principle include human resources, natural resources, ... more National resources for national defense in principle include human resources, natural resources, artificial resources and national infrastructure for national defense. The existence of resources and infrastructure will be a systematic implementation of development programs if proactive citizens support and participate in defense efforts of the state as well as in supporting the construction of national logistics reserves. SWOT analysis is used in addition to seeing the red thread between the two problems, also determining both internal and external factors for effective extraction strategies. Through a combination of comprehensive study literature and library research, it is hoped that analysis will lead to discrete efforts involving government programs in embody one of these 2021 state defense policies. The interplay of resources, the use of methods to determine the correct strategy goals is believed to direct the strategy to the right programs. The results of this study, internal ...
Global environmental hazards that threatened human and nature were becoming increasingly apparent... more Global environmental hazards that threatened human and nature were becoming increasingly apparent. One of these hazards may included climate change which affected the sea level rise, ocean warming, increased temperature, increased rainfall and tropical storms. Indonesia was one of the countries containing abundant natural resources with high level of environmental damage. Indonesia as a tropical country was also one of the countries most vulnerable to negative impacts of climate change. Through descriptive-analysis method, this research aimed to analyzed the Indonesia position and strategy in the Climate Change. The result showed that Indonesia in preparing the action plan and funding used the multi-agency coordination that was implemented through the document of National Action Plan in Facing Climate Change and National Development Planning Response to Climate Change. The active role of the business community, academics, civil society organizations, development partners, and all elements of society was needed so that efforted to deal with climate change could be achieved effectively in realizing national resilience.
Jurnal Pertahanan: Media Informasi ttg Kajian & Strategi Pertahanan yang Mengedepankan Identity, Nasionalism & Integrity, 2021
Defense Doctrine and Strategy are designed to be able to synergize the performance of military an... more Defense Doctrine and Strategy are designed to be able to synergize the performance of military and non-military components to protect and maintain Indonesia's national interests. The current doctrine of the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) Military Campaign is still dominant in dealing with military threats, even though based on the 2018 Indonesian Defense White Paper, the TNI must also be able to deal with hybrid threats. With its adaptive nature to changing threats, problems will arise if the military campaign doctrine has not accommodated the TNI's strategy and way of acting in dealing with hybrid threats. The defense doctrine must be able to accommodate the integration of military and non-military components is facing various types of warfare and threats such as military threats, non-military threats, and hybrid threats. Especially for the kind of hybrid threats namely cyber threats, terrorism, and other unconventional threats. Through an analytical descriptive analysis bas...
As a government institution, the dynamics of the Indonesian Armed Forces (T entara Nasional Indon... more As a government institution, the dynamics of the Indonesian Armed Forces (T entara Nasional Indonesia/T NI) organization are in line with the dynamics of other Indonesian government institutions. One of the national dynamics that also influenced the organization of the T NI was the national reform movement as a result of the fall of the New Or der regime in 1998. T his dynamic has led the T NI to carry out the same reform program in order to position itself properly and optimize its role in the order of national life. Bureaucratic reforms carried out within the T NI include aspects of doctrine, structure and culture that are in line with national bureaucratic reform policies in order to realize clean and authoritative governance. Doctrinal aspects include improving software and working mechanisms as the embodiment of various laws and regulations, both doctrines, manuals and fixed procedures that are used as guidelines in carrying out tasks. Priority policy of structural aspects include various improvements in the field of organizational structure, adjusted to developments occurring nationally, in order t o create effective and efficient management. Meanwhile, the cultural aspect is directed at changing the mindset of soldiers and compliance with the law and human rights and discipline of soldiers in carrying out their main tasks.
Konsep pengelolaan pulau terdepan sebagai forward operating base pada prinsipnya membutuhkan harm... more Konsep pengelolaan pulau terdepan sebagai forward operating base pada prinsipnya membutuhkan harmonisasi program antara pemerintah sebagai pengelola pada tataran kebijakan dengan berbagai institusi lain pada tingkat yang lebih teknis. Kompleksitas masalah tersebut tidak hanya terpaku bagaimana menggelar unsur-unsur kekuatan militer di berbagai pulau terdepan. Perlu pendalaman melalui kajian ilmiah secara komprehensif guna mengulas aspek lingkungan strategis yang relevan. Analisis secara deskriptif kualitatif berbasis scenario planning difokuskan pada aspek-aspek keamanan nasional termasuk, tren ancaman serta dampak sosio ekonomi saat menentukan wilayah pulau terdepan sebagai basis pertahanan. Pengelolaan yang proporsional diharapkan tidak hanya mewujudkan keamanan nasional secara utuh namun juga berhasil meningkatkan taraf kesejahteraan daerah-daerah tersebut.Kata Kunci: Forward Operating Base, Pulau Terdepan, Scenario Planning, Sosio Ekonomi, Tren Ancaman, dan Keamanan Nasional
Based on the estimation methodology on the potential of the war against terrorism on the transfor... more Based on the estimation methodology on the potential of the war against terrorism on the transformation of doctrine, the conclusions based on the predictive analysis are: (1) The potential for the war against terrorism has a very strong relevance to the prediction of changes in military campaign doctrine in the long term by producing new war strategies both in terms of ends-means-ways as a result of High Impact Low Probability, (2) Through predictive analysis with extrapolation model, it is found that threats, strategic environment and tradition or history are variables that are expected to remain unchanged, especially in the short term in influencing the preparation of Military Campaign Doctrine, (3) The Projection Model determines if Threat is the variable that changes the most so that it will affect changes in the Military Campaign Doctrine in the short to medium term, (4) Looking for the best solution in realizing the best Military Campaign Doctrine. This can be followed by desi...
As a government institution, the dynamics of the Indonesian Armed Forces (T entara Nasional Indon... more As a government institution, the dynamics of the Indonesian Armed Forces (T entara Nasional Indonesia/T NI) organization are in line with the dynamics of other Indonesian government institutions. One of the national dynamics that also influenced the organization of the T NI was the national reform movement as a result of the fall of the New Or der regime in 1998. T his dynamic has led the T NI to carry out the same reform program in order to position itself properly and optimize its role in the order of national life. Bureaucratic reforms carried out within the T NI include aspects of doctrine, structure and culture that are in line with national bureaucratic reform policies in order to realize clean and authoritative governance. Doctrinal aspects include improving software and working mechanisms as the embodiment of various laws and regulations, both doctrines, manuals and fixed procedures that are used as guidelines in carrying out tasks. Priority policy of structural aspects include various improvements in the field of organizational structure, adjusted to developments occurring nationally, in order t o create effective and efficient management. Meanwhile, the cultural aspect is directed at changing the mindset of soldiers and compliance with the law and human rights and discipline of soldiers in carrying out their main tasks.
The Andi Azis incident gave an important meaning to the historical traces of the Indonesian milit... more The Andi Azis incident gave an important meaning to the historical traces of the Indonesian military's struggle in eradicating the rebellion which was actually driven by its officers at that time. The incident that occurred in early April 1950 in Makassar, South Sulawesi was not only interpreted as a form of rebellion due to dissatisfaction with Jakarta's political policies in managing the formation of the state which at that time was still unstable but also as a social resistance of the regional army as the most effective representation of people's power in its time. Historical Research analysis which refers to the historical research methodology process in the form of Heuristics, Source Criticism, Interpretation, and Historiography in this article will try to juxtapose the theories of Insurgency and National Security so that the interesting dimensions of the Andi Azis incident bring new perspectives in the development of defense strategy studies and military philosophy. Andi Azis' rebellion movement can be a separate experience and lesson, especially for the Indonesian Armed Forces (Tni) in promoting a social approach and oneness with the community in addition to repressive measures in tackling similar movements, which are actually still happening in several regions in the archipelago.
South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
The social aspect of Indonesian Armed Forces (Tentara Nasional Indonesia/TNI) cannot be separated... more The social aspect of Indonesian Armed Forces (Tentara Nasional Indonesia/TNI) cannot be separated from the shifting of national defense system paradigm. In term of civil-military relationship, it can be traced by the rise of civil service contribution such as government and non-government elements in anticipating future threats to the region. The perception of threat from global scope to regional scope as well as national has been interpreted as the threat to national security, which is a democratic government ruled by civilian based on good governance principles is supported by military in tackling the threat to national security and society. This paper will describe some developments of social aspects in the context of the change of state defense system. This paper will focus on analyzing the efforts of government for achieving accountable governance through assessing socio-political elements of national security. A conclusion will provide an overview in regard to the development ...
The development of the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping mission models in the multdimensional pea... more The development of the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping mission models in the multdimensional peacekeeping forces is increasing with the demanding of the complexity of forces capability. This condition makes some linear aspects with the mission objectives which are also more diverse. In conflict situations, a general assumption has been that security stability is a major factor that must be achieved. In this paper we analyze the relationship between the UN forces capability and the achievement of peace in the long-term condition. After conducting the qualitative research based on hystorical research and case study that occurred in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the triangulation of various informants, it is found that long-term peace will be achieved if a balance is achieved between security stability and economic recovery. Especially to asses the economic recovery variable, we use the macroeconomic indicators such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Inflation Rate and Unemployment Rate. This condition can be achieved through synergy between the transformation of the UN mission such as peace enforcement and peacekeeping without occurred the dispute mandate and ability to recover all the elements of the poverty recovery such as individuals, families, communities and the creation of economic activities comprehensively. It must be supported by security guarantees from both of the DRC Armed Forces and UN peacekeeping Forces. Although the condition is reached gradually, Congo turned out quite specifically indicate the presence of some interests from certain parties in the name of UN peace operations mission so that conflicts tend to be protracted and prolonged.
Paradigma perang modern di masa depan meliputi perang asimetris yang bergantung pada teknologi in... more Paradigma perang modern di masa depan meliputi perang asimetris yang bergantung pada teknologi informasi dan komunikasi serta unsur militer dan nirmiliter dan berkembangnya teknologi merupakan salah satu tantangan dalam melaksanakan perwatan alutsista. Penelitian ini berfokus pada strategi pemeliharaan dalam menghadapi perkembangan teknologi. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan untuk memahami fenomena atau peristiwa yang kompleks. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dibutuhkan Ekosistem Pemeliharaan Alutsista Nasional untuk Menghadapi perkembangan Teknologi dengan cara mencakup pencapaian kemandirian nasional dalam pertahanan, menguasai teknologi untuk pemeliharaan alutsista, dan menerapkan proses pemeliharaan yang efektif. Sarana dapat mencakup investasi dalam penelitian dan pengembangan teknologi militer, fasilitas produksi dan pemeliharaan, dan tenaga kerja terlatih untuk mengelola peralatan tersebut. Tujuan akhirnya adalah mempertahankan kedaulata...
As a government institution, the dynamics of the Indonesian Armed Forces (T entara Nasional Indon... more As a government institution, the dynamics of the Indonesian Armed Forces (T entara Nasional Indonesia/T NI) organization are in line with the dynamics of other Indonesian government institutions. One of the national dynamics that also influenced the organization of the T NI was the national reform movement as a result of the fall of the New Or der regime in 1998. T his dynamic has led the T NI to carry out the same reform program in order to position itself properly and optimize its role in the order of national life. Bureaucratic reforms carried out within the T NI include aspects of doctrine, structure and culture that are in line with national bureaucratic reform policies in order to realize clean and authoritative governance. Doctrinal aspects include improving software and working mechanisms as the embodiment of various laws and regulations, both doctrines, manuals and fixed procedures that are used as guidelines in carrying out tasks. Priority policy of structural aspects include various improvements in the field of organizational structure, adjusted to developments occurring nationally, in order t o create effective and efficient management. Meanwhile, the cultural aspect is directed at changing the mindset of soldiers and compliance with the law and human rights and discipline of soldiers in carrying out their main tasks.
In the historical record, Japan was among the most prominent country in military aspect. Japanese... more In the historical record, Japan was among the most prominent country in military aspect. Japanese military force at that time was evidenced by the strength of their personnel and equipment. This article aims to explore and analyze the development of Japanese military capabilities and ascertaining its implication on ASEAN and the defense of Indonesia. This study uses data analysis technique and narrative qualitative methods, each data that has been collected and validated will be analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion/verification. From this study, it can be concluded that the improvement of Japanese military capabilities is strongly related to the interest and conflict between several countries such as China, Japan and North Korea. Therefore, Indonesia needs to have preventive measure in anticipating the rise or improvement of Japanese military capabilities even if it has a harmonious cooperation with Japan in many aspects. After all, Indonesia was one of the direct victims of Japanese imperialism and militarism.
The development of the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping mission models in the multdimensional pea... more The development of the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping mission models in the multdimensional peacekeeping forces is increasing with the demanding of the complexity of forces capability. This condition makes some linear aspects with the mission objectives which are also more diverse. In conflict situations, a general assumption has been that security stability is a major factor that must be achieved. In this paper we analyze the relationship between the UN forces capability and the achievement of peace in the long-term condition. After conducting the qualitative research based on historical research and case study that occurred in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the triangulation of various informants, it is found that long-term peace will be achieved if a balance is achieved between security stability and economic recovery. Especially to asses the economic recovery variable, we use the macroeconomic indicators such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Inflation Rate and Unemployment Rate. This condition can be achieved through synergy between the transformation of the UN mission such as peace enforcement and peacekeeping without occurred the dispute mandate and ability to recover all the elements of the poverty recovery such as individuals, families, communities and the creation of economic activities comprehensively. It must be supported by security guarantees from both of the DRC Armed Forces and UN peacekeeping Forces. Although the condition is reached gradually, Congo turned out quite specifically indicate the presence of some interests from certain parties in the name of UN peace operations mission so that conflicts tend to be protracted and prolonged.
Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejarah, 2021
The Mongol Empire, which prevailed in the 13th to 14th centuries, was one of the largest empires ... more The Mongol Empire, which prevailed in the 13th to 14th centuries, was one of the largest empires known in the history of world conquest. The stretch of the empire formed by Genghis Khan almost covers all of Eurasia, whose success story cannot be separated from the exploits of intelligence and psychological warfare that have been applied just like modern wars centuries after. Historical Research analysis in this article will try to juxtapose intelligence theories and psychological warfare so that the story of the Mongolian empire can be a valuable lesson for the study of strategy and philosophy of war as a reference for modern military strategy. The historical analysis process is expected to achieve the research objectives, namely to reveal the extent to which the role of intelligence and psychological warfare has an important position in supporting the successful expansion and success of the empiric Genghis Khan. The success of the Mongols in expanding their colonies was due to several factors, including the strength of leadership and Genghis Khan's ingenuity in mobilizing intelligence processes and psychological warfare based on elements of terrain and climate, infrastructure, the confidentiality of information and regulations. On the other hand, three factors caused the Mongol empire to collapse: internal conflicts, a change in vision from psychological warfare due to cultural acculturation, and the emergence of new nations that were more resilient in utilizing military alliances, geographical advantages, and more modern war strategies.
The role of geography in the military strategy decision-making process has a significant position... more The role of geography in the military strategy decision-making process has a significant position. This is inseparable from the development of technology that supports geography, such as the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones, geospatial information-based weaponry and efforts to develop military bases based on the strategic location of a place. The purpose of this study is to analyze (1) The projection of the government's plan to develop Selaru Island as an integrated military base based on military geography (2) The social and economic impacts of the community that need to be anticipated when an integrated military facility is established related to economic growth, inflation and unemployment rates. The data in this study were analyzed using qualitative methods obtained as a result of in-depth interviews, observations, library research and focused group discussions. This study indicates that analysis of military geography and geospatial information is very much ne...
This study aims to determine the management of national security in the threat of Indonesian sove... more This study aims to determine the management of national security in the threat of Indonesian sovereignty. Analysis with qualitative methods is presented in the research process through several data collection methods, including in-depth interviews, literature study, observation, and focus group discussions and continued with data triangulation. Threat analysis and threat assessment approaches are carried out by applying them to several case studies both at the country level and regional security stability. There are two structural efforts that need to be made in calculating national security management, namely Threat Assessment which considers the spectrum that has a high threat risk such as natural disasters, crime, terrorists and accidents, and shifts in Threat Perception such as changes in type. from military threats to non-military threats.
National resources for national defense in principle include human resources, natural resources, ... more National resources for national defense in principle include human resources, natural resources, artificial resources and national infrastructure for national defense. The existence of resources and infrastructure will be a systematic implementation of development programs if proactive citizens support and participate in defense efforts of the state as well as in supporting the construction of national logistics reserves. SWOT analysis is used in addition to seeing the red thread between the two problems, also determining both internal and external factors for effective extraction strategies. Through a combination of comprehensive study literature and library research, it is hoped that analysis will lead to discrete efforts involving government programs in embody one of these 2021 state defense policies. The interplay of resources, the use of methods to determine the correct strategy goals is believed to direct the strategy to the right programs. The results of this study, internal ...
Global environmental hazards that threatened human and nature were becoming increasingly apparent... more Global environmental hazards that threatened human and nature were becoming increasingly apparent. One of these hazards may included climate change which affected the sea level rise, ocean warming, increased temperature, increased rainfall and tropical storms. Indonesia was one of the countries containing abundant natural resources with high level of environmental damage. Indonesia as a tropical country was also one of the countries most vulnerable to negative impacts of climate change. Through descriptive-analysis method, this research aimed to analyzed the Indonesia position and strategy in the Climate Change. The result showed that Indonesia in preparing the action plan and funding used the multi-agency coordination that was implemented through the document of National Action Plan in Facing Climate Change and National Development Planning Response to Climate Change. The active role of the business community, academics, civil society organizations, development partners, and all elements of society was needed so that efforted to deal with climate change could be achieved effectively in realizing national resilience.
Jurnal Pertahanan: Media Informasi ttg Kajian & Strategi Pertahanan yang Mengedepankan Identity, Nasionalism & Integrity, 2021
Defense Doctrine and Strategy are designed to be able to synergize the performance of military an... more Defense Doctrine and Strategy are designed to be able to synergize the performance of military and non-military components to protect and maintain Indonesia's national interests. The current doctrine of the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) Military Campaign is still dominant in dealing with military threats, even though based on the 2018 Indonesian Defense White Paper, the TNI must also be able to deal with hybrid threats. With its adaptive nature to changing threats, problems will arise if the military campaign doctrine has not accommodated the TNI's strategy and way of acting in dealing with hybrid threats. The defense doctrine must be able to accommodate the integration of military and non-military components is facing various types of warfare and threats such as military threats, non-military threats, and hybrid threats. Especially for the kind of hybrid threats namely cyber threats, terrorism, and other unconventional threats. Through an analytical descriptive analysis bas...
As a government institution, the dynamics of the Indonesian Armed Forces (T entara Nasional Indon... more As a government institution, the dynamics of the Indonesian Armed Forces (T entara Nasional Indonesia/T NI) organization are in line with the dynamics of other Indonesian government institutions. One of the national dynamics that also influenced the organization of the T NI was the national reform movement as a result of the fall of the New Or der regime in 1998. T his dynamic has led the T NI to carry out the same reform program in order to position itself properly and optimize its role in the order of national life. Bureaucratic reforms carried out within the T NI include aspects of doctrine, structure and culture that are in line with national bureaucratic reform policies in order to realize clean and authoritative governance. Doctrinal aspects include improving software and working mechanisms as the embodiment of various laws and regulations, both doctrines, manuals and fixed procedures that are used as guidelines in carrying out tasks. Priority policy of structural aspects include various improvements in the field of organizational structure, adjusted to developments occurring nationally, in order t o create effective and efficient management. Meanwhile, the cultural aspect is directed at changing the mindset of soldiers and compliance with the law and human rights and discipline of soldiers in carrying out their main tasks.
Konsep pengelolaan pulau terdepan sebagai forward operating base pada prinsipnya membutuhkan harm... more Konsep pengelolaan pulau terdepan sebagai forward operating base pada prinsipnya membutuhkan harmonisasi program antara pemerintah sebagai pengelola pada tataran kebijakan dengan berbagai institusi lain pada tingkat yang lebih teknis. Kompleksitas masalah tersebut tidak hanya terpaku bagaimana menggelar unsur-unsur kekuatan militer di berbagai pulau terdepan. Perlu pendalaman melalui kajian ilmiah secara komprehensif guna mengulas aspek lingkungan strategis yang relevan. Analisis secara deskriptif kualitatif berbasis scenario planning difokuskan pada aspek-aspek keamanan nasional termasuk, tren ancaman serta dampak sosio ekonomi saat menentukan wilayah pulau terdepan sebagai basis pertahanan. Pengelolaan yang proporsional diharapkan tidak hanya mewujudkan keamanan nasional secara utuh namun juga berhasil meningkatkan taraf kesejahteraan daerah-daerah tersebut.Kata Kunci: Forward Operating Base, Pulau Terdepan, Scenario Planning, Sosio Ekonomi, Tren Ancaman, dan Keamanan Nasional
Based on the estimation methodology on the potential of the war against terrorism on the transfor... more Based on the estimation methodology on the potential of the war against terrorism on the transformation of doctrine, the conclusions based on the predictive analysis are: (1) The potential for the war against terrorism has a very strong relevance to the prediction of changes in military campaign doctrine in the long term by producing new war strategies both in terms of ends-means-ways as a result of High Impact Low Probability, (2) Through predictive analysis with extrapolation model, it is found that threats, strategic environment and tradition or history are variables that are expected to remain unchanged, especially in the short term in influencing the preparation of Military Campaign Doctrine, (3) The Projection Model determines if Threat is the variable that changes the most so that it will affect changes in the Military Campaign Doctrine in the short to medium term, (4) Looking for the best solution in realizing the best Military Campaign Doctrine. This can be followed by desi...
As a government institution, the dynamics of the Indonesian Armed Forces (T entara Nasional Indon... more As a government institution, the dynamics of the Indonesian Armed Forces (T entara Nasional Indonesia/T NI) organization are in line with the dynamics of other Indonesian government institutions. One of the national dynamics that also influenced the organization of the T NI was the national reform movement as a result of the fall of the New Or der regime in 1998. T his dynamic has led the T NI to carry out the same reform program in order to position itself properly and optimize its role in the order of national life. Bureaucratic reforms carried out within the T NI include aspects of doctrine, structure and culture that are in line with national bureaucratic reform policies in order to realize clean and authoritative governance. Doctrinal aspects include improving software and working mechanisms as the embodiment of various laws and regulations, both doctrines, manuals and fixed procedures that are used as guidelines in carrying out tasks. Priority policy of structural aspects include various improvements in the field of organizational structure, adjusted to developments occurring nationally, in order t o create effective and efficient management. Meanwhile, the cultural aspect is directed at changing the mindset of soldiers and compliance with the law and human rights and discipline of soldiers in carrying out their main tasks.
Papers by Novky Asmoro